MINI: Schools now are INSANELY different from when we were students

Published Mar 21, 2025, 5:09 AM

Laura's daughter Marlie Mae has just started Big School and our minds are BLOWN at how different school is now. 

So Marley May, she's my oldest, she's almost six years old. She started school this year, and I feel like, as a mum, I'm still getting used to having a kid that's at school.

I'm glad you finished that sentence. Why I'm still I thought it was going to end it. I'm still gonna use.

To having a kid sometimes, I am.

I don't know if you ever get used to completely being a parent, or if every day is like you're learning something new from these wonderful little miracles. No, but look, school's changed so much since we were at school, Brett. So if you want to order something from the canteen for your kids for lunch, and this might not be the same every school across the country, but definitely for the one Maley goes to, everything is done via an app. Do you remember back in the day how your mum would just send you to school with like five bars and that was enough to get you chicken yummy drummies, a souper duper a four hundred, like.

Chocolate buds five bucks.

No, I was like two dollars.

You were getting a meat pie and some chicken chippies and you put that in a brown paper bag. That was collected in a shopping basket by two people that were very specially chosen.

Ye, it was like the two school leaders, Like your class leaders got to take the shopping basket down the white shopping basket with your brown paper bag and you would right on the front of the brown paper bag.

What your order was so funny?

So that's changed now, Okay, Now you have to be organized and I am not an organized mum. I am a last minute mum and I just kind of get by, which usually serves me fine. But when it comes to like needing to have your kids lunch order in prior to eight am by the app, I'm not very.

Good at it.

Okay, So I put in this order and like they've got fancy things at school now, like Marley's got pork and chived dumplings, and they've got everything's like hell Star raided in school, which is much better than where we were kids.

Dumplings, dumplings. So Marley's order was Assaii bowls.

Anyway, that's also asking for trouble for a five year old to eat an Assii bol.

So Marley wanted an Assi bowl for recess, and she wanted pork and chive dumplings for lunch, and I was like, no problems.

I put the order in.

I got a you know, some grapes and a few other things. Receipt came through. I checked the amount. Sixteen dollars. Okay, where them off?

You go?

Sixteen dollars for a kid's lunch.

Order, yes, recess and lunch.

Pull them out home school, it's too much, that's a loto Chris.

I go to pick up Molly from school and she is in tears, like she is not a happy camper. I always pack her a couple of extra snacks because you never know if they're gonna like what they get from the canteen, so just to make sure she's got something else in there, just in case.

She's in tears. And I'm like, baby, what's wrong, what's happened?

And she was like, Mum, you didn't put the canteen order in today I didn't have any lunch.

Oh my god.

And then I went back on the app and I checked, and I think I must have just checked the total amount and didn't actually process the order because it was no actual receipt there. So it wasn't the school fault, like it was definitely my fault. It was an app glip and I made a mistake.

She wanted was a damn asaii in pork dumpling.

And like all she wanted was at pork and shive dumplings.

I mean she got an IOU from the canteen and she got her like some oranges and some bits and pieces.

I mean, it's not a signing bowl.

It's not a sign bowl.

But my thing is, I actually can't get my head around how much everything now.

With school is online.

And this is everything from ordering from the canteen to buying school uniforms you do it online, to like booking them into after schoolcare you do Everything is done through different apps, and there's so many apps. There's so many WHATSEP groups. Even to book in your parent teacher night you have to do it through a calendar app so that you know when you're going to see the teacher. Like everything is online, which on one hand is very convenient, but on the other hand, if you miss the deadlines, you can't just send them to school with a brown paper bag.

But to be fair, I know you said you're not an organized person, but a lunch order app is far easier than it is to have gone and gotten cash out and to have a brown paper bag and to write on it, to put it in and put into the bag.

They've actually handed that to you on a platter.

Yeah, but then what if when technology fails you, it.

Didn't fail you failed, it was a user problem technology.

No, I understand. I know, obviously she's fine. My child's not neglected. She gets a great lunch every day.

But well, you know what shocks me is like when I think back to being in school, you had chalk on a chalkboard.

And you had like a projector.

So if you were going to do this big group class, someone would be chosen to write the information. Well, the teacher would write the information down on like one of those aful pieces.

And then the sea through sheet yep, And you'd have.

To put on the projector.

And it was someone's job to make sure like the sheets were constantly moving on the projector and they weren't back to front and upside down. And now I don't even think there are chalkboards. Isn't it all like on iPads? And isn't it really extreme for kids now?

No, I think that they're still chalkboards. I went into a parent teacher recently. So we had like a class presentation where the teacher had to present to all of us, is like an orientation for kindergarten, and all the parents walked in and we sat at the kid's desk. The only thing is that because they're in kindergarten, they're not normal sized chairs and they're not normal sized table. So there there was like thirty parents just all squeezed into these little chairs on the floor while the teacher was up the front talking to us. It was very humbling.


Do they still get like your pen license? You know how you had to upgrade from a pencil to a pen and then a red pen.

They're still to a red pen.

Well you got red pen, blue pen and an pencil in my day, Wow, now we didn't have that.

We just had from pencil to pen. I never got my pen lify basic your.

School, Yeah, I never got it. I never got it. When you entered year six, everyone who hadn't had it just automatically got it. And I was the only kid in year five who wasn't allowed to have a pen license. Well treated as a weapon. Why are we on trustworthy with a band?

No? I think my year five teacher really didn't like me.

I still have I still have hang ups' depro shoesy

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