FULL SHOW: Waving at Babies & Cringe Proposals

Published Mar 20, 2025, 6:39 AM

Our Ask Uncut this week was a dog-lover who is struggling with a partner that wants the dog OUT of the bed. A Love Island star is being slammed for his 'cringe' girlfriend proposal and Britt & Laura unpack whether it's okay to wave at a baby. 

A good pickup with Britt Hockley and Laura Burn, baby Worth our windows d that's my world, risen the dust, only good babs all down.

I don't march, but yeah.

I'm not our big get and what I want it don't matter where.

This is the pickup, Hi, guys, it's.

The pickout with Britt Hackley and Laura Burn.

How are you feeling? What are you giggling out over there?

Okay, I need to get your opinion on this. I just read what I think is the funniest article.


So there's an only Fan star who has taken out a mobile billboard in a very affluent suburb of Sydney. It's a suburb called Mossman where you know all the wealthy rich people live on the other side of the bridge, very wealthy area. Yeah, okay, So an only Fans star is taken out of mobile billboard and it says this, it's a hot photo of us selfie and it says are you rich, old and lonely? Question Mark, I'm looking for a sugar daddy, And then it has her phone number plastered across it. Now, residents of this lovely, peaceful, quiet, affluent suburb are outraged, and she says, if you're angry about it, you're probably just not as hot as me.

Can you show me hang on aim a visual? It's probably pretty brilliant because they're the people that are gonna have money. Okay, she's hot, she's hot. I wonder can we get her on? I wonder she got calls?

Actually, it's a great idea producer, Grace, can we try and get her on?

I had be curious.

She said, it's two thousand dollars away. I want a sugar daddy. I don't want to find one for myself. I'm overworking. So I spent two thousand dollars of my own money to send a billboard around the richest suburb of Australia so I can find myself for sugar daddy. So if you're reach, you're old, and you're lonely, give me a call. People are saying it's distasteful, it's inappropriate.

Eye, it's advertising, it's a business.

I think she's an entrepreneur.

She is brilliant. There's also we could probably tell some other suburbs that might work in.

I mean, like, look, I understand why some people might be up.

In arms about it.

I feel like it seems like it's distasteful.

I can understand why.

There's probably some more conservative types that don't like it, but I can't.

They're probably worried because they worried their partner's gonna call.

I think it's I think it's so funny.

Also, the photo, she's fully clothed, it's not new or inappropriate. It's just a nice photo.


Yeah, she's just wearing a T shirt and she's got a midri found she's wearing shorts you would wear less to the beach.

Yeah. Amen, let's get her on track it down, Grace.

It is time for what we do every Thursday, and that is ask Guncut.

Where you guys give us a call.

And you tell us you're deep as dark as problems, and even though we have absolutely no qualifications or skills, necessarily, we do our best to answer them and give the life advice to save you a bit of money.

We actually have qualifications.

You say that every week, Well, we do this on our podcast, Life Uncut podcast, and that's been going pretty good for us specific s. So we thought we bring across and we got Alisha on the phone.

Hi, Alisha, Hi, guys, Alisha, what is going on in your house.

My partner doesn't really like having my dog in our bed.

How long have you been with your partner for? And is this a new problem or is it the problem that's always existed.

Well, we're reaching like a three year mark. It's been two and a half years. This is actually a new thing. We only moved in maybe like a year ago. So, but it's just happened, and I'm kind of freaking out about it because like, whoa where did this come from?

So like I've cheated? Hang on, where does this come from? So a few questions? Hang on, we need to set the scene. Are we talking Chihaua or Great Dane?

No, it's the brutles. So he's a little big.

Oh, goodles are big, okay?

And I don't even know what a goodle is. It's a goodle.

They're big.

They're very big Golden retriever poodles. Sorry, sorry, I just did a quick google. There's three sizes, Miniature, medium and standard. Miniature is fifteen kilos, twenty two kilos or thirty kilos.

Fifteen kilo has been the smallest.

That's still big.

It is a standard, okay, right, so twenty two kilos so important question. Was the groodle a part of your life before you met your partner or did you bring it in to your life together as a couple.

Well, he's my dog, so I've had him for five years and he's just kind of getting on a bit.

I mean, the the grudle has slept in your bed for five years, and now your partner's decided that it's just too much and the dog needs to go and sleep in a dog bed.

I understand that, to be sure.

Do you know I had a very similar situation, So I have My dog is much bigger than this. He's forty kilos and he used to sleep in bed with me every single night. And then I met my husband, and then also my husband would start sleeping in bed with us. And at one point we've been together for about eight months, Matt woke up in the middle of the night and he said, I've had enough. He's like, I can't do this anymore. And this is the first time we'd ever had a conversation about it.

He was like, it's me or the dog. The dog has to sleep in a dog bed.

I can't sleep with a dog in the bed anymore. And unfortunately for Buster, the ultimatum did stick and Matt got to stay in the bed, even though I threatened to put him in the dog bed, and Busters now in a dog bed next to Can you not get a dogbed next to the bed? I feel like that's a good solution, so that the grudle is still in the room.

But it's not in your you know, your room in your grudle.

Yeah, yes, so I guess it just feels funny because he moved into like my house. Yeah, but.

Unless the bed is like one of those extra king beds, that's really really big. I understand because sleep is very important if you're getting broken sleep because you have a giant grudle licking you, moving around making noise. Griddles don't molt. But if there was another dog that like molten hair was all through it, like for me, that's pretty gross. I think you need to move the groodle to the ground. It can still be close to you. You can keep your eye on it, but you can maintain your relationships.

Where does the girdle go when you guys are being intimate with each other, just looks at them.

He can go where he likes, God, you know, wherever he sits. He sits.

Okay, look, the grudle needs to go on a dog bed.

I don't think. Yeah, I don't think it's worth it, the divorce or the split. I think moves to the bed.

I get it.

I get why this is hard, but I reckon for the sake of your relationship, it's time to pop. You know, the pooch in the dog bed right next to the bed. He's very close. He's not going to feel too like he's being shafted. I think that that's your best solution.

Okay, thanks for galling.

If you want.

If you want some advice like that, and also feel defeated, give us a call at the pickup.

That was a great call, Laura. Do you think when you're dating someone these days you have to officially ask someone, Hey, will you be my boyfriend? Will you be my girlfriend?

I don't know if I'm the right person to ask. True, I guess that that did happen to me. If anyone who doesn't know competed for my now husband on a TV show called The Bachelor, and the word compete, well I did. I was in competition. I was Yeah, it was me and twenty four other girls. And then at the very end of that, he stood on a magic carpet in Thailand and said Aladdin, he said, I love you, and I guess implied would.

You be my girlfriend?


Okay, definitely ask the wrong person the wrong question.

Yeah, but I look, if I'm going to be honest, I think sometimes it has to be asked because like the situationship has gone on for too long, But sometimes it's just implied.

Well, also, Matt did have to ask you. There were twenty four other women. So there's a reality TV star from the UK from Love Island going viral at the moment for asking his now girlfriend to be his girlfriend. So she was also on Love Island. Her name is Grace Jackson. And the reason it's going viral. I wish I had more audio, but I've only got a grab. But there's all these videos that have gone up of him asking her to take it from like friends with benefits or something casual to a relationship. Now I want to show you the photos. Firstly, it's this humongous, elaborate setup on a beautiful beach. It's very private. There's like beautiful flowers, like thousands of dollars worth of flowers. There's candles, the seats the setups, there's a neon sign in the middle that's hung between them.

It just looks like it's a proposal.

It's a proposal. It's more than a proposal, and the neon sign in the middle says, will you be my girlfriend? Now? In case they wanted to know what she said, hang on, I've got the audio.

What did you say? The question said, yes.

A lot of people, a lot of people are really ringing out at how over the top this proposal for a girlfriend was. But the reason is a little bit deeper than that. So whilst it is like so extreme, he's been slammed because he did the same thing for his last girlfriend two years ago.

Okay, my question is were they on the show together? Like do they know each other from so they were already dating and he's obviously an influencer, like he's got a big following, yes, and so does she. Yeah, well then he's just doing it for the content. He's not doing it to ask at let's.

Not say that he might really, I'm sure wanted to do.

I've got no.

Doubt that he wants her to be his girlfriend. But the over the topness and the filming it and they're like creating like esthetic content is for all the people on Instagram, it's not for her.

Well, it's definitely happened because it's gone viral, Like what if that's what he wanted, that's what he got because we're in Australia on a radio show now absolutely talking about it.

Do you want to go viral for the right reasons or the wrong reasons?


Not the wrong For me. I love love. I don't want a shit on it because I'm like, cute, you guys are twenty five years old. Well, actually she's twenty seven. She's a bit older. He's twenty five. You're young, you're in love. I love that for you. But for me, I'm like cringing in my skin a little bit. How over the top it is. And it makes me think that sometimes I think the more over the top something is the less meaningful it is in a way, I don't know. Is that a weird connection.

I've just looked this up because so what you said before that he had done a similar thing for his ex girlfriend. He'd put together like this very big extravagant red roses, red balloons and done the same thing. I reckon he just knows it gets good clicks and that's all it is.

It gets a little bit worse again. God well, because he's been on Love Island twice. Right, this was like an All Stars the first proposal for the girlfriend. She was also from the show. It was also a Love Island proposal.

Do anything that is just for the person that's in your life, Like, why is everything so extravagant and so much for content? I think sometimes these moments, like asking someone to be your girlfriend or asking someone to be a boyfriend, it's a pretty preliminary step in the relationship, right, Like it's literally.

The first step.

I understand why people do like grandiose proposals. I understand why people have beautiful, big weddings, but this to me feels a bit premature.

I'm trying to think about my conversation with my field and say, there definitely wasn't the word girlfriend boyfriend, But I'm pretty sure we went about it by saying are we exclusive or do you want to be exclusive? But to me, that feels like more of an adult way of asking somebody if they will be your boyfriend and girlfriend. For me, this feels very like sixteen ish.

Yeah, I would agree.

Also, what do you do because if you're in this situation and someone's created no, yeah, that's I mean, the more extravagant the proposal is, and I say this more about like a wedding, but like an engagement proposal or will you be my boyfriend proposal, whatever it is, the more extravagant it is, the harder it is to say.

No in the moment.

I think most people say yes because they feel pressured too, because they're being filmed. And then afterwards, you know, in a month or two times they go, I've been thinking about that time that you put me on the freaking spot with your proposal.

It would have gone better for him. Trust me, as someone that was dumped on The Bachelor, it would have gone better for him if she said no, like all of a sudden. People wouldn't have thought it was cringy. People would have been like, oh my god, like I will date you, this is You're a catch, this is amazing, you know what I mean. It's because they're happy and in love and successful and young and hot.

I don't know.

I also like, I'm very much of the opinion that people who flaunt, like really overly flaunt their relationships are not necessarily the people who are having the best relationships.

I go pretty hard when I'm with my fiancee band like, but it's like really big, that was.

An appointed thing.

Dagger's in the eyes.

I can't wait to see your wedding. It's gonna be super low key.

Right, you'ren't invite it anymore.

I have a very big question for you.

Is it okay to wave speak to say hello to somebody else's kid if that kid is like making eye contact with you and trying to wave like a.

Baby, like a baby toddler.

You know, you see like a kid in a pram and they'll be trying to like, you know, wave, or they're interacting with others as they go past.

Is it okay to interact with the child that you don't know?

I just feel like this is the dumbest question you've ever asked me. Absolutely well, it has to.

Have some limitations on it.

It can't just be like, yes, you could interact with any child you want anytime.

No, but if a baby waves that you, yeah, you can wave back. If a baby's like google and gagaing at you, like on a plane across the seats, like it's rude not to.

Engage, Okay, well, look, there is a thread that is currently going viral from Breddit and it's the you know, am I the asshole? It's very very popular, but there is this one question that to me stood out. So a twenty seven year old posted that she was walking past a car and there was a little toddler sitting in the boot of the car while the parents were unloading some other groceries and stuff. She wrote, I could see the kid was clearly staring at me like kids do, so when I was close enough, I smiled and waved. I also stopped for a second and said hi, but then kept on walking. The next thing I know, the mom and dad are flagging me down to say, hey, don't ever do that again.

The woman tried to.

Rationalize with them, you know, she's like, I said something like, hey, I didn't mean anything by it. I kept on walking, but I heard some very choice words come out of the mother's mouth. And then she's asking the question because she's like, well, it got me really nervous. Maybe I crossed the line. You know, I can fully understand parents being protected by their kids, but it's not as though I sprinted across the road to engage with this toddler. I just kind of stopped at the boot and said hi, and then kept going.

This makes me think that either A this is made up, or B that that family has had something happen with their child, because that is not normal for that reaction for someone, just like waving at a toddler and saying hi is not a normal reaction to the situation. So it makes me wonder if maybe they've I don't know, they've had something that scared them in the past or I'm not sure, but absolutely in my eyes, if you're walking down the street and there's a little baby in someone's arms and it's looking at you over it's mum's shoulder and you can wave at it.

I agree, I do think you can wave like that's not I don't need that issue with waving and saying hello. But I absolutely think that sometimes strangers cross the line with what isn't isn't appropriate engagement with kids?

Well, if she picked it up, well.

That's totally well.

Like I mean, I have one example that's of my own, only happened recently. We were away only a couple weeks ago, and we were waiting in line somewhere and the man who was waiting in line kept on patting Maley on the head, and she was just behind me. I was standing in front, and like, I'm sure he was fine. I'm sure he was seemingly lovely. I'm sure he was just being like sweet and engaging, but he had been like making faces at her, and so then she was obviously entertained by him as well, and I was like, nah, I don't like that, Like that's you don't have a right just to touch my kids just because you've been making faces with them. So like for me, I kind of like moved her out of the way in a polite way.

You didn't say that.

I didn't say anything to him.

But I do think that sometimes some people take things and take a little bit too many liberties because they think that like, oh, they.

Just you know, it's done harmlessly.

I know that, but it's not always harmless, and so as parents, you've got to be careful.

I do think there are some rules, and I think you're normal and okay to have been put off by a strange man adding Maley on the head, like I'm sure it was innocent, but I think that is okay. But I think chasing someone down the street like chasing this girl down the street because she waved at your toddler is extreme. Yeah, yeah, like that reaction doesn't fit the situation.

Which is exactly what you said, Britt. It makes me think that potentially something else has happened to that family, or there's been a situation that's made them feel uncomfortable and they're now on high alert.

I have like full on sit down sessions with kids on planes. If there's a kid in front of me and it's turning around, BRIT's like.

What's your askun cut for the week, kiddo?

Yeah, I'm like talking to me, what are your problems? Do what they want to take you, dummy? I understand. But like if a kid puts its head through you know, when they put it through the seats in front of him.

Yeah, but that's different.

But is it? Why is that different? It is exactly the same thing. You're talking to them, you're engaging with them. You don't know them, they're strange. In fact, you're probably more close for a longer period of time.

It's true, It's true. I don't know.

I also think, like different people, you have to be more wary of than others. Like I think I would be more okay with a twenty seven year old female saying hi to Marley and patting her on the head then what I would be with an older man. And that's not me saying that every single older man whoever's going to say hello is someone that I need to be careful of.

But it's just we've been conditioned.

To know that you have to be careful, and so like, that's exactly what I'll do to take care of my kids. I'd rather offend a stranger and to take care of my children than to plicate to a stranger and you know, potentially put my kids in a situation that's not entirely safe.

I don't know.

I found this an interesting one because I do think that maybe this is very overbearing, but it does bring into question like where's the line when engaging with kids that you just don't know?

And I think it's different for everyone, which is a problem.

Yeah, it definitely is. Well, guys, that's it from us today.

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