FULL SHOW: Mistaken Identities & Moths in Ears

Published Mar 21, 2025, 5:09 AM

Laura's mind is blown at how different school is now from when we were all students, Britt had a mistaken identity mishap and we celebrate your Little Wins!

Are you ready?

Good pickup with britt Hockley and Laura Burn Radio work our windows. That's my world. Reason the dust, only good zabs all day. I don't much, but yeah, our big get and what I want.

It don't matter where.

This is the pickup. It's the start of the weekend everyone, and it's the pick up with Britteckley and Laura Burn.

I tell you what, Laura, I have always sort of been known for my lazy Gil dinners. There was an era there where I just had a lot of Dino nuggets.

It's because you live on your own. And when you live on your own and you're also I was gonna say you're single, you're not single. I sort of am, though, sometimes live a single life because you have fiance's oversea.

Hang on in case Ben hears that that's what it doesn't mean dating. Yeah, I don't know about the living a single life, but I live alone, yes.

And it means when you do that often you can't be bothered to like cater a big meal for yourself, so you just kind of find yourself eating crackers and cheese most nuts.

Yes, well it's really escalated. I didn't think I could get lazier than Dina nuggets. But I found myself in a new sweet spot. I'm just getting like non nutritional value one rap. I put veggiemite on it, and then I put to make it fancy, a bit of feta, and then I put it in the oven like it's a pizza.

But it's literally a veggiemite fetter pizza.

It's not even a pizza. Pizza's making it sound fancy.

It's a piece of lavish bread with veggiemite and fetter on it and lavoche. No, it's not lavoche, lavosh bread, lavish bread.

Whatever, the bread is lavish and it turns into a delicious pizza.

No, is it not lavish bread? Producer Grace.

I thought it was lavoche, but I think it's lavoche. It doesn't matter. It's so I am shocked bread. It's could be a one weekend for you, brit But it's not spelt lavoche. It's spelt lavish. Maybe it's a brand.

I hang on. This is escalated because now it's not even about my lazy or dinner. It's about the pronounce.

I'm so lazy, I can't even bother to call it lavache.

I have spent my whole life calling that lavish bread. I'm sugar, You're welcome. Okay, I could be wrong. I don't care enough about it. No, it's it's definitely lavoche. I'm so sorry.

Oh yeah, I've got a bone pick with my mom.

Then get her on the phone. That's just what she called it. Just make it sound like it was fancy when you were a kid, super lavish, screaming pizzas out of lavash bread. So Marley May, she's my oldest, she's almost six years old. She started school this year, and I feel like, as a mom, I'm still getting used to having a kid that's at school.

I'm glad you finished that sentence. Why I'm still I thought it was going to end it. I'm still gonna use.

To having a kid sometimes, I am. I don't know if you ever get used to completely being a parent, or if every day is like you're learning something new from these wonderful little miracles. No, but look, school's changed so much since we were at school, Brett. So, if you want to order something from the canteen for your kids for lunch, and this might not be the same every school across the country, but definitely for the one Maley goes to. Everything is done via an app. Do you remember back in the day how your mum would just send you to school with like five bucks and that was enough to get your chicken yummy drummies, a souper duper a four hundred like chocolate buds.

Five bucks. No, I was like two dollars.

You were getting a meat pie and some chicken chippies and you put that in a brown paper bag that was collected in a shopping basket by two people that were very specially chosen.

It was like the two school leaders, like your class leaders, got to take the shopping basket down the white shopping basket with your brown paper bag and you would write on the front of the brown paper bag what your order was.

So funny.

So that's changed now, okay, now you have to be organized and I am not an organized mum. I am a last minute mum and I just kind of get by, which usually saves me fine. But when it comes to like needing to have your kids lunch order in prior to eight am by the app, I'm not very good at it. Okay, So I put in this order and like they've got fancy things at school now, like Marley's got pork and chived dumplings and they're everything's like hell Star raided in school, which is much better than when we were kids. Dumplings, dumplings. So Marley's order was Asai bowls.

Anyway, that's also asking for trouble for a five year old to eat an Assaii bowl.

So Mallie wanted an ASII bowl for recess, and she wanted porkin chive dumplings for lunch. And I was like, no problems. I put the order in, I got her, you know, some grapes and a few other things. Receipt came through. I checked the amount. Sixteen dollars. Okay, when bam off you go.

Sixteen dollars for a kid's lunch.

Order, Yes, recess and lunch.

Pull them out home school. It's too much, that's a lotochrius.

I go to pick up Malley from school and she is in tears, like she is not a happy camper. I always pack her a couple of extra snacks because you never know if they're going to like what they get from the canteen, So just to make sure she's got something else in there, just in case she's in tears, and I'm like, baby, what's wrong, What's happened? And she was like, Mum, you didn't put the canteen order in today I didn't have any lunch.

Oh my god.

And then I went back on the app and I checked, and I think I must have just checked the total amount and didn't actually process the order because it was no actual receipt there. So it wasn't the school fault, like it was definitely my fault. It was an app glip and I made a mistake.

She wanted was a damn sighing and pork dumpling.

And like all she wanted was a pork and shive dumplings. I mean, she got an IOU from the canteen and she got her like some oranges and some bits and pieces. I mean, it's not a sign bowl, it's not a soa bowl. But my thing is, I actually can't get my head around how much everything now with school is online. And this is everything from ordering from the canteen to buying school uniforms you do it online, to like booking them into after schoolcare you do. Everything is done through different apps, and there's so many apps, there's so many whatsep groups. Even to book in your parent teach to night, you have to do it through a calendar app so that you know when you're going to see the teacher. Like everything is online, which on one hand is very convenient, but on the other hand, if you miss the deadlines, you can't just send them to school with a brown paper bag.

But to be fair, I know you said you're not an organized person, but a lunch order app is far easier than it is to have gone and gotten cash out and to have a brown paper bag and to write on it, to put it in and put into the bag.

They've actually handed that to you on a play Yeah.

But then what if when technology fails.

You it didn't fail you failed, It was a user problem technology.

No, I understand. I know, obviously she's fine. My child's not neglected. She gets a great lunch every day.

But well, you know what shocks me is like when I think back to being in school, you had chalk on a chalkboard and you had like a projector so if you were going to do this big group class, someone would be chosen to write the information. Well, the teacher would write the information down on like one of those aful pieces and.

Then the sea through sheet yep, and you'd have.

To put on the projector and it was someone's job to make sure like the sheets were constantly moving on the projector and they weren't back to front and upside down. And now I don't even think there are chalkboards. Isn't it all like on iPads? And isn't it really extreme for kids?

Now? No, I think that they're still chalkboards. I went into a parent teacher recently, so we had like a class presentation where the teacher had to present to all of us, is like an orientation for kindergarten, and all the parents walked in and we sat at the kid's desk. The only thing is that because they're in kindergarten, they're not normal sized chairs and they're not normal sized table. So there was like thirty parents just all squeezed into these little chairs on the floor while the teacher was up the front talking to us. It was very humbling.

Question do they still get like your pen license? You know how you had to upgrade from a pencil to a pen and then a red pen.

They're still to a red pen.

Well, you got red pen, blue pen and then pencil. In my day.

Wow, Now we didn't have that. We just had from pencil to pen. I never got my pen livery basic your school. Yeah, I never got it. I never got it. When you entered year six, everyone who hadn't had it just automatically got it. And I was the only kid in year five who wasn't allowed to have a pen. License just never treated as a weapon. Why are we on trustworthy with a pen? No? I think my year five teacher really didn't like me. I still have I still have hangofs. Just depro shoes you.

Well, in true Britney style. I had quite an embarrassing moment on the weekend. And I don't usually get embarrassed.

You say this at least once a week. I embarrassed myself. But I'm not someone who normally embarrasses easily.

Well, I don't embarrass easily, and it's probably weird thing that embarrass me. It's probably not things that I don't get embarrassed by, things.

That should embarrass me.

So one might say not easily, but frequently.

No, I don't know what the right term is, but we can talk about that off air.

So on the weekend we went to the F one and.

Yeah, it was amazing. Yeah, it had lots of fun.

It was incredible. But I had to go to chemist's warehouse.

I had to go and get some stuff from the pharmacy with my friend that I was with a bunch of well, actually she needed to go. I actually needed nothing. But it's like a Bunning's warehouse. You know when you walk in and you walk out with a hundred things that you don't need.

Yes, you go into a chemist's warehouse for one very specific thing and you leave with a loofer and a head scout brush and you know, face washed, the peel and some some sort of multivitamins. Yes, everything.

She was getting a script filled and I said, hey, I'm just gonna go for a wonder.

I think there's some stuff I need.

I needed to get, like a new electric toothbrush head.

So very specific. Of course, he did very specific.

So I was going down the aisles and I couldn't find it, and I was like, okay, I just need to ask because it was a huge chemistry house. So I saw one of the workers down in the aisle. I walked down to him and he was in the protein area rearranging like all the protein powders and the bars and all that kind of stuff.

Do you ever find like, do you have a question whether or not you should interrupt someone when they're clearly doing a job. No, it's their job. Yeah, but like when they're in the middle of like packing a shell.

Rearranging the protein powder.

Okay, well he wasn't doing life saving surgery.

I would not interrupt somebody that was doing lifesaving surgery.

Anyway, he was rearranging the protein and I did think, cool, I'll just ask him where it is.

So I went up to him.

I said, Hi, excuse me, do you know where the electric toothbrush aisle is? And he turned around sideways, didn't really stop what he was doing. He said no and turned back to the protein powder and he was busy doing a job. And I was like, wow, that's unusual because the stuff they are usually incredible. And I was like, okay, bro, So I said, cool, do you mind asking someone.

Where it is? Then?

And he turned around He's like, I don't work here. I was like, oh my god, I'm so sorry. I thought you were rearranging the protein powders. My mistake. He's like, I am, I'm looking for my flavor. And I was like, I'm very very sorry.

Was a chemist warehouse shirt, like what was he wearing?

But he from behind I didn't look that much because he was doing his actions, screamed working, and he had like a like a polo one that was quite tight. He was a gym bro irrelevant to the story, and it just from behind us.

I was walking down.

I had cheer trousers on. Yeah, he probably did come from another job. I was easily confused, but I was like, okay, buddy, like you don't have to be rude about it.

And he's literally just a patron trying to brise protein.

I've done something like this, not as bad, I don't think, necessarily, but also probably equally as dumb. You know when you meet someone and then you see them again out of context, and you just can't remember where you know them from, like you know you know them, but because the context is different, your brain's like, oh, I can't place you. Okay. So I was walking down like the main street close to where I live, but it's very busy street, and I saw this woman who I was like, oh, that's she's one of my customers at my jewelry store, which is for anyone who doesn't know why I own a jwery store. Plug it so Tony may swipe up, swipe f up. So I was like, oh, she's one of my customers. I was like, oh she I must have met her. I must have met her at the store. She must be a good customer. I'll say hi. Because she was looking at me and I was looking at her, and we made eye contact, and obviously I was smiling at her, Hence why she looked at me. And I was like, oh, hey, babe, how are you going? Nice to see you? And she looked really confused and was like, well, thanks, Nels. And then I kept on trying to make a conversation with her as we were walking towards each other. And then as I got closer, I was like, oh my god, I don't know her. That's Natalie andmbrulya.

Hey babe, miss you, I'm so tall? Are you on your way.

Up to the shop? Get yourselves some necklaces. Have a great day, sweetie? What is wrong with me? So funny?

I imagine famous people get it all the.

Time, though, Yeah, but they probably don't realize that it's a mistaken identity. They probably just think people are being nice to them. Because they are known and people do know who they are. She's like, no, I don't want to come back to the store with you, creep. You're a weirdo. It is time for our little Wins of the week thanks to Chemists Warehouse. Now all you have to do is call up with the little thing that went right for you this week, not your big win. We don't want graduations and wedding proposals and all the amazing stuff that everyone celebrates.

I mean, congratulations if that has happened.

I mean, we're very happy for you, but that's not going to win you a five hundred dollars Chemist Warehouse voucher. It is the little wins of the week because we like to celebrate all achievements here and we've got Michelle on the line. Michelle, what is your little win of the week.

So I suffer to be a car park anxiety, reverse parking being that, and I plucked up the courage and I pulled off a reverse park without a camera in my park and I had to send a photo to my husband and he thought I was cheating. He thought another man pucked my car for me.

Is this an actual like as a diagnose?

Is it a condition.

Yeah, car parking self diagnosed. I've actually just pulled up to another car and I got the hot sweats. I was driving around and around until I can find something that I can safely pull off.

Michelle, how long has this been going on.

For I'm thirty nine years old and I've been driving and avoiding it since then. Wow, eighteen years.

So is this a problem where like when you go to a car park you have to drive around until you find two empty parks next to each other yep.

Or I get out of the car and get my husband's park it for me.

Wow? I mean, well done? That is that feels like a big win. But I'm very proud of you.

I'm really happy for you.

I'm sorry your husband didn't believe you, because it's so deflating when you're like, I actually did do this, and then no.

One's getting divorce now because he's like, you cheating?

No one trust? All Right, we got well on the phone, Will. What is your little winner of.

The week, My little winter of the week is I don't have in my ear anymore?

You don't have an alive moth in your ear?

Back it up, Hang on, what you had a moth in your ear.

Yeah, correct, So Sunday earlier hour Sunday morning, I was waken up to a irrit page in my ear and it was a moth. So I went absolutely psycho, obviously, and I got everything, water, peroxide, everything to get this moth out. It survives. And then I eventually went to the doctor's Monday, and yeah, we blushed it out.

Wait, you waited how many days with it in there?

I was so probably too, yeah too.

I thought it was in a cave, it was living in its little home.

I guess it wasn't doing too.

Well when it came out.

Hey, that makes me feel sick.

No, No, definitely was dead when it come out. Yeah, but every now and then you would get that it would flutter.

Oh well, that's very exciting for you. Not really a little win for the moth, though, is it. That's a bit sad?

All right?

We got Casey on the phone. Casey, what's your little win of the week?

My little win is my three year old hasn't pooped on the floor yet. Ever do they usually poop on the floor. She's going through a regression and for the past couple of weeks she's.

Been pooping on the floor nearly every day.

Wow, So what kids do?


I just I'm really opened up different things every week. Do kids just walk around and take a dump on the floor?

Pretty much? She will just pull her pants down, squat down, and just do it where she's standing.

Basically, it's disgusting.

It depends kids are while they you know, you go through every stage. Nothing shocks you though after you've had two of them.

No, it doesn't. I've got two kids and it actually doesn't shock He's like, what is going on?

Though? I know, what are you doing? It is horrified, Like she's actually horrified. And to me, I'm like, I can't even tell you the amount of times I've had pool on the floor. Just pick the log up, just pick it up. Yeah, I go get a dog bag, I pick it up. Then I get some dead or wipe so wipe it up on the carpet or like a bed. No, they don't. I don't know about your kids, Casey, but my kids have never pooped on the carpet or on a bed. They just do it on the hardwood floors.

But what if your whole house is carpeted. It's not though mine, So I don't know, But like, what about you and do you have carpet or hardwood?

We've got tiles. But last week my daughter we were visiting my sister in law and she did do a poo on one of her carpets.

Oh, because it just gets a white carpet, Casey, it was wid.

I wished in there.

It was gross.

I just like nice things like I like nice things, and I just don't know where the child fits into that.

Pretty Brittany, just live somewhere that's got floorboards. You'll be fine. You can hear a great mom all right? Who I'm not pregnant to every Rogers, Who do we think is the most deserving of our five hundred dollars chemist bare house boucher?

For me personally, if I have a kid that's not taking a dump on.

The floor, that's a.

Win for me.

Casey, you've worn yourself.

A five hundred dollars. If voucher you get some dip.

My goodness, thank.

You so much.

You're so welcome. You can get a whole lot of dead or wipes, I'm sure from there to clean it all up.

Well, I will be getting them.

Oh congratulations, love Well, that was a wild little wins, wasn't it.

We went all over the place.

We really did. We kind of went from the highest of the lows to the number two's, the whole spectrum

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