Laura's household is expecting a visit from The Dummy Fairy tonight! Britt & Laura set the record straight on rumours they've heard about themselves and poor Matt has been objectified by the Daily Mail.
Are you ready?
Good pickup with Britt Hockley and Laura burn.
Crady Your what our windows done?
My world risen the dust? Only good babzug all day. I don't much, but yeah I'm not our big get and what I want it don't matter where This is the pickup.
Haafia Sappie.
What anniversary Halloween?
I was gonna say Monday afternoon, but you know, it's been a long day.
Evidently longer.
It's Prettykley and Laura ben and here.
We are, welcome to Monday. Someone had a big weekend.
I spent my weekend on the Gold Coast. Actually, I spent my weekend at Movie World with the kids.
I did see that I had a little bit of fomo.
You had fomo about me going to Movie World.
Yeah, there's part of me that loves those roller coasters, and you don't do it enough. I think as an adult, if you don't have kids, you go once every like eight years.
This is true. I've not been since I was a child.
But although while we were there, we realized the last time my husband had been to Movie World. So his name's Matt Free when he doesn't know he was on the Bachelor, A really long time ago.
It's how we met. The last time he was at Movie World.
He was there on a single date with another girl who was also from the Bachelor, at Tara Pavlovuch, and.
You would have heard all about it third hand. Back at the batchman, she.
Was like, I came here eight years ago on a lovely single date. Then he pulled up a photo and showed me. It was just a photo of him and Tarret making out. It was so weird. The whole thing was weird.
I got the shittest dates on The Bachelor. You guys all got good ones. Our whole salary, I think went to like the Honey Badger, here's a batch.
I played foot golf. That's true.
You kick a soccer ball around a golf course if you don't know what it is. That was my single date. I was like, cool, when does the chopper arrive?
I feel like forot golf isn't even a thing. They just made it up.
It's not They were like, oh, the golf course is actually booked out.
I didn't have one very very cute thing that happened though, when we were at Movie World, Like Marley's five and she is at an age now where She's like found her little brave person inside her, and she's like so excited to go and do things that maybe a year ago she would have been too scared to do. And there is like quite big roller coaster there that's in the kids section, and we've done a few kids activities with Lola, my youngest, and Molly looked at this roller coaster and she was like, Dad, I reckon, we should go on that. And then her and her father went on this roller coaster four times, like over and over and over, and she was so excited.
Not a single drop of fear in that kid. She was just pumped to be there.
Yeah, I miss that.
I don't know. I was like I would throw up on that. I've lost.
You didn't do it, did you know? You were like, oh, I better stay with a small child.
Here. I was on a train going around and round on this tiny little train that went about three kulmeters an hour, and Lola was like, this is my favorite. We did that three times.
Hey, speaking of Lola, you have a pretty special visitor coming to your house tonight. I hear I do, I do.
Tonight is the big night in the Johnson household. A fairy is visiting us.
Oh, that's some ambiguous. It's ambiguous.
I'll tell you all about it next.
Now, something very big, very exciting is happening in the Johnson household tonight.
Oh please do tell me.
No, you know, you know, and it just shows I don't get out much.
You're gonna have intimacy. No wrong night, No, that's wrong. That's friend Thursday.
Yes, that's a Monday. Who's doing it on a Monday?
Not you?
No? No, No.
What is happening though, is I've spoken about it before. My youngest daughter, her name's Lola. She's four years old. Controversially, Lola still has her dummy at nighttime. Now, I know that there's going to be parents in the car across the country who gasp at the audacity that a four year old still has a dummy.
I know, I know, she is actually pretty wild.
I've tried so hard to take it off her, and I don't want people to think that this is just like a lame excuse. We did six weeks of no Dummy last year, and it was literally the worst six weeks of my entire life.
That I caved and I gave it back to us.
Everyone says they move on and they get past it and they forget about it. She did not. She did.
She's like an elephant. She never forgets.
She had such a personality switch that she went from being this like happy, loving, kind little kid chucky doll, literally like the devil spawn. She would just scream all the time. And the thing is, and what I've realized is it has always been her one and only thing to soothe her. And for other parents that have you know, little kids, they might have a pinky or a flannel or a toy that they've had since they were born. That's like their thing that they carry around. And I see so many four year olds who still have their like favorite toy that they go to bed with at nighttime. Lola's never gotten attached to a toy. It's her dummy. She's at the point where she's like a dummy connoisseur. She'll see other kids in the park and she'd be like, hey, mom, that's a nice dummy.
She'll point them.
Out, admiring the dummies from a distance. That's weird. If you're old enough to be like checking out of the dummies, you're too old to have the dummy.
Yeah, she only has it at nighttime when she's going to bed, and then we take it off her in her sleep, so it's literally just to get her asleep. But we are at the point now where because she's four years old, the dentist is like, you're out an age. It's got to go or it's gonna change her.
H It's pretty intense. So what are you doing about this? Because who's the visitor coming tonight?
The dummy Fairy. We're at dummy Fairy stage.
And this has been a long process because unlike Christmas or Easter, the other visitors have like very defined dates when they arrive, the dummy Fairy is kind of like the tooth Fairy.
It's a little bit more ambiguous. Actually, no, the tooth Fairy is pretty defined you she knows where she's coming.
So the Dummy Fairy, for us, we haven't really known when to set the day. And we led it up to Lula a little bit and then on the weekend she was like, Mum, I think the dummy Fairy should come. She's like, I'm ready, and so she was like in four sleeps, so we've done the.
Four sleep to count down.
Didn't sleep come from she just randomly made it up So anyway, we got to the forll sleep mark. Last night was her last night with the dummy. I laid down next to her own bed and I gave it to her and I said, oh, give it a big cuddle, because this is going to be the last night. And then we were talking about the dummy Fairy and I explained to her that the dummy Fairy is the sister of the tooth Fairy and oh they're related.
They're related.
Yeah, I didn't know that.
No surprising bunny family. What is it makes sizardry? So the problem with the dummy Fairy, though, is that she seems to provide different services at different families, because for some families, what I've heard is that they plant the dummy in the backyard and then lollipops grow in the garden.
Seems excessive.
Other families, I've heard the dummy Fairy comes, takes the dummies, and then she takes it to her magical castle in dummy fairy Land. So I kind of thought that maybe our dummy Fairy would do a hybrid of the two.
And so I laid down next to Lola.
And I said, oh, you know, we're gonna put the dummies outside tonight and then the dummy Fairy is gonna come and she's gonna take the dummies and plant them in the garden around the castle, and they're going to turn into flowers.
I feel like the dummy Fairy needs to wind it back and stopping such an overchiever with the dummy Fairy, just needs to do a quick exchange.
No planting, no growth. Yeah, went done really badly. Lola burst out crying and she was like, you.
Don't plant my dummies.
She was so worried that the dummies were going to end up in the dirt. So then I had to backtrack. We had to try and refigure that one out.
You're like, Sack, she's not really gonna play just.
I just don't know how it's gonna go, because at the end of the day she says she's ready for it. But I think that we have some pretty horrible nights ahead of us.
I think you just need to set in stone now that it's a dummy fairy rule, not your rule, that once you've asked them to come, there's no retracting that offer. Like once it's so even if she's having a hard time after it, it's like sorry, like you signed the dummy contract. That's life. You've signed your life away.
Long should I make a contract and get her to sign.
I would because it gives us something to understand that there was an exchange here.
It's a hard lesson in life.
Yeah, get it to sign over a superannuation and stuff now to.
She will wake up in the morning with a present. So the dummy fairy leaves a present. So that's meant to be the exchange for the dummies.
Just make it nothing that can be put in your mouth.
I'm just gonna go with the teddy.
Oh well, let us know. I'm going to be thought some prayers. I'm gonna be thinking about you. Guys. Set up a little camera, try and catch to the dummy fairy if you can. That's what I'd like.
I'll get some audios that will work better on radio.
Hey, h well, it's been a very big week for our very own Australian Sea like super singer songwriter Sea. Wow, that was a lot of alliteration. I didn't even mean.
To do chandelier.
Yeah, I guess that was a different lead of it. I'm the same sound.
I wasn't trying to make it a literation. I was actually just trying to you know. Yeah, anyway, I'll sing it for you everyone.
Well, firstly, she this is not funny. She has filed foot divorce from her husband, David. She's been married for two years, but it just came out this week that she's divorced. Secondly, the name of her child has been announced. I don't know if you've heard this, Laura, do you know what Sea has named her tribe.
I did see this, and now I've forgotten. What was it?
Something terrible Somersault, wonder No, no Somersault like gymnastic move Somersault. You can't wonder one like wonder woman.
It's funny because like I remember when Gwyneth Paltrow named her Apple old as Apple and everyone thought that was real wacky, and now Apple's just super standard.
And then there's like you were Somersault.
You'd be frothing if your name was Apple. Anyway, That's not what I wanted to talk to you about. What I wanted to talk to you about is like the crazy rumors that celebrities have to face. Sea finally has this week put one of her wildest rumors to bed. Have listen, what is the craziest rumor you've heard about yourself that I was living in Beyonce's basement.
So this bit of rumor that guy was like gollum, he's doing the interview, very American, very energetic interviewer.
But it's been going around since twenty fifteen that Sea lived in Beyonce's basement. And I wouldn't have put this roomor to bed either. I would love for people to think, for eight years I've been living in with Beyonce.
If anyone's going to have a nice basement, that's Beyonce, like she's that's that's not a regular person's basement.
But it could be a full apartment.
Could you imagine it would be bigger than my house? The rumors like, that's a good rumor. I was thinking about Avril Levine, you know, the rumor that she's dead, that she's been replaced by a fake woman that just looks like her.
Joanne mcdally did a whole podcast around the rumors. If you don't she's a very funny Irish comedian, She did a whole podcast series around the rumors that Avril Levine is not really a living anymore.
What my name is?
Is it?
Levine or she's yeah, she's I don't think she's definite. I don't and she's alive. It's the guy from Room five or whatever it is, Adam Levine.
Is that wow?
I'm wow you had here first the name is Levine, and I'm starting that rumor because I don't know any celebrities names.
The only rumor, sorry, just the way that you were trying to really just about you know what I was getting mixed up with Adam Levine. Also not shut up.
The only rumor that.
I mean, I'm not a big enough celebrity for people to make rumors about me.
I don't think anyone cares.
You've got loads of rumors. What do I have? There's a whole thread called Laura Burn's rumors.
No, it's not meant that there was a rumor that I was pregnant when I wasn't pregnant. That was a really nice article to face. The other one was when Matt and I first met. So I met my husband on the Bachelor, and when we verys met, there was a rumor that came out that we already knew each other and that the whole thing was a setup, and that that like it was orchestrated for me to win the show, and that we were always going to be together, like we had.
A secret act. That's what came out, and that wasn't true.
That comes out on every single Bachelor season. You guys did make eyes in a sauna. You had seen each other beforehand, and we are.
Still in contract, so like, that's why we're still together and have two children.
You have the ten year contract. The room that I think about, which I use it to my advantage sometimes and sometimes it was detrimental. But there was a rumor, and it was on It.
Was on Google. Wasn't a rumor?
Yes it was. It's not true. On Google, if you typed in my name, the first article that would come up with Britney Hockley's net worth and it said that it was I was worth two hundred and seventy five million dollars.
I don't know where this came from. I've known Britney very well and have known her for a long time. I would just like to say that I know that that is absolutely untrue.
Nothing, not even close. But when I started dating my filmce Ben, I know the first thing that you do, because I also do it, is google each other like, when you start dating someone, you don't have to be famous to do that.
You know you do due.
Diligence, criminal records. I want to know everything. I want to know what's been going on in.
Your life one hundred percent. So I did my Google on Ben his he lived overseas, and he did his Google on me, and I knew. I was like, oh, no, he thinks I'm loaded because we just like hooked up for a weekend. I was like, he thinks I'm worth so much money, And I wonder.
He wanted to keep dating you after you guys had one hangs and bangs.
That's what I said. But we didn't have this conversation for a couple of weeks and then I said to him, Hey, I need to talk to you because he lives overseas And He's like what, And I said, I think I've realized why you're so interested in me, because I was like in my head, I was like, this guy barely knows me, he doesn't live in the country. Why is he chasing me so hard? And I was like, he thinks he's hit the jackpot. And I had to have a conversation with him about like, I know you would have googled me and you would have seen my net worth and he's like, yeah, I absolutely did. And I said, well, I like, I think that you're dating me for that reason and I need to know that that's not true. I don't earn that money. And he goes Brittany, I thought that for about twenty four hours until I saw your apartment. He's like, he's like, I'm not with you for your money. I hate to break to you. And I was like, great, then we can continue on. It was real love.
Well, I'm very happy for you.
Yeah, what not for the twhunred and seventy five minutes.
No, I'm actually devastated with you.
Now, Laura, you went away with your husband Matty day on the weekend, which we saw on your Instagram. You had a great photo shoot in a pool that I did for photo shoot.
In the pool.
Well, the Daily Mail says otherwise. Now, this was an article that was put into our group chat just for a bit of a laugh.
When we say it was put into our group chat, you put this into our group chat.
For a laugh. As I said, it was put into the group chat by someone, by someone I don't even wish to name myself. When I saw this, I did have to have a good chuckle. I want to read the headline. Bachelor star Manny J. Johnson leaves little to the imagination in a racy poolside snap with wife Laura Burn. Do you want to explain to the people of Australia what your racy poolside photo shoot was?
Can I just say so?
Marley, who's my oldest She took a photo of Matt and I.
We were just a racy photo.
That's even more inappropriate.
Like someone's got to do it, gotta make some money somewhere. No, she took this photo.
I was actually so surprised by her photography skills for a five year old.
I hate to break it to you. It's not that it's not going to win a prize a photography for good.
It's the composition is great.
I've given a camera like I've given my phone over to a stranger on the street and they've taken ten times worse photos than that.
That was just a one click.
I was increasingly impressed.
Okay, continue, okay, So I saw the photo in the camera roll she took it.
It was just Matt and I by the.
Pool, embracing having a great time, not overly embracing. He's just got one arm in the air. I've got one on his lovely abs. I saw it in the camera roll and I thought that's a great photo, and I uploaded it anyway. I showed it to Max. I was like, oh my god, look at this lovely photo of us. And also, when you go away as a family of four with two little kids, you get so many photos of your children, but there's no one to take photos of the two of you, so it's always just selfies. And he looked at it and he was like, why did you post that? I was like, what are we talking about? He's like what, he goes, Look, I'm just in my budget smugglers. He's like, it's a very package heavy photo, is what we might describe it.
I would not describe it as package heavy personally that might be offended by that, but also packaged medium. I don't know, this is awkward. It don't make me kind on it. That's not what I wanted to comment on.
He's just wearing Budge Smugglers, and so like, when you're wearing budget Smugglers, there's not a lot left to the imagination.
Look. I read the headline and I thought, I've got to see this. What if Laura and Matt uploaded? And I scrolled through the article and that's where I started laughing, because it's it's absolutely ludicrous. In the first sentence, like the first two sentences, so it says Maddy Jay leaves little to the imagination. In Racy Poolside's snap, he stripped down to a pair of tiny budgy smugglers. The former bachelor style was all smiles as he soaked up the sun in tiny bathers. We've got it the fourth time in two sentences that they were tiny. Flashing his toned abs, he threw his hands up in celebration of his holiday. This is my favorite part, all of this description about Matt, how sexy he is and what he's packaged as his love. Laura Byrne stood in a two piece that was.
It Actually it says as like thirty eight, I don't know why they needed to put our ages in there, embraced him while wearing her own black two piece bathing suit. Normally on this show, we would we would rage for equality, we would rage for parody. And here I am being like, why am I not being objectified? And you're only objectifying my beautiful husband. I feel left it out a little bit, I do.
Part of me thinks, yeah, great, this is the first time I've actually seen this in a long time. I don't often read, no, but you don't often read an article where there's a man and a woman. Actually, I can't tell you if I've ever read it where they're both in bikinis and the woman hasn't been commented on and the whole article is about the man.
I don't know whether I'm supposed to be offended or no. This is the problem, Like, it's exactly the version that I've always wanted, and now that it's here, I'm like, hold on, what does that mean about me?
Why don't I have my glistening abs out?
What about my I don't know, long legs, all tiny, otter whatever you want to talk about.
Yeah, I don't care about me anymore.
And we are laughing because it's so out of the ordinary, and it's so unusual to see an article written like this, when there is a man and a woman both in bikini, for them to be left.
Not in a bikini. I just really want.
Everyone he's in a man keys, not in a bikini. But I think this is what we want, right, Like, at the end of the day, we would want an article to be written that has nothing to do with anyone. No, the man's not commented on his body. The woman's not commented on her body. But very briefly, I did have to take some satisfaction in like, oh, the narrative has finally switched.
Look, I mean if I can objectify my husband, so can you.
Guys, I'm okay with that.
Definitely not Why wouldn't you look at that.
Lovely space upload?
Some real racy photos really get people talking.
Well, that's when the career starts going south and I need to start only fans.
Okay, I'll watch this space all right, guys.
Well, that is it from us today