ASK UNCUT: "My partner and I can't agree on whether our dog should sleep in the bed with us"

Published Mar 20, 2025, 6:39 AM

Every week, Britt & Laura take on your deepest, darkest dilemmas and unpack them (and HOPEFULLY come up with an answer for you). 

This week, Alicia and her partner can't agree on whether their dog should sleep in the bed or not. 


It is time for what we do every Thursday, and that is ask Guncut, where you guys give us a call and you tell us you're deep as dark as problems, and even though we have absolutely no qualifications or skills, necessarily we do our best to answer them and give the life advice to save you a bit of money.

We actually have qualifications.

You say that every week, Well, we do this on our podcast, Life Uncut podcast and that's been going pretty good for us specific since. So we thought we bring across and we got Alisha on the phone. Hi Alisha, Hi guys.

Alisha, what is going on in your house?

My partner doesn't really like having my dog in our bed.

How long have you been with your partner for? And is this a new problem or is it the problem that's always existed.

Well, we're reaching like a three year mark. It's been two and a half years. This is actually a new thing. We only moved in maybe like a year ago. So, but it's just happened, and I'm kind of freaking out about it because it's like, well, where did this come from?

It's not like I've cheated. Hang on, where does this come from? So a few questions? Hang on we need to set the scene. Are we talking Chihuahua or Great Dane?

No, it's the brutles. So he's a little big.

Oh, goodles are big, okay, And I don't even know what a goodle is. It's a goodle.

They're big.

They have very big Golden Retriever podles.

Sorry, sorry, I just did a quick google. There's three sizes, miniature, medium and standard. Miniature is fifteen kilos, twenty two kilos.

Or thirty kilos.

Fifteen kilo has been the smallest.

That's still big. It is a standard okay, right, so twenty two kilos.

So important question? Was the groodle a part of your life before you met your partner or did you bring it in to your life together as a couple.

Well, he's my dog. So I've had him for five years and he's just kind of getting on a bed, I mean the girdle.

The groddle has slept in your bed for five years, and now your partner's decided that it's just too much and the dog needs to go and sleep in a dog bed. I understand that. To be here, do you know, I had a very similar situation, So I have my dog is much bigger than this. He's forty kilos and he used to sleep in bed with me every single night, and then I met my husband, and then also my husband would start sleeping in bed with us. And at one point we've been together for about eight months, Matt woke up in the middle of the night and he said, I've had enough. He's like, I can't do this anymore. And this is the first time we'd ever had a conversation about it. He was like, it's me or the dog. The dog has to sleep in a dog bed. I can't sleep with a dog in the bed anymore. And unfortunately for Buster, the ultimatum did stick and Matt got to stay in the bed even though I threatened to put him in the dog bed. And Buster is now in a dog bed next to Can you not get a dogbed next to the bed? I feel like that's a good solution, so that the grudle is still in the room, but it's not in your you know, your room, your grudle.

Yeah, I guess so, I guess it just feels funny because he moved into like my house. Yeah, but.

Unless the bed is like one of those extra king beds, that's really, really big. I understand because sleep is very important if you're getting broken sleep because you have a giant grudle licking you, moving around making noise. Grudles don't molt. But if there was another dog that, like molten hair was all through it, like for me, that's pretty gross. I think you need to move the groodle to the ground. It can still be close to you. You can keep your eye on it, but you can maintain your relationships.

Where does the grudle go when you guys are being intimate with each other, just looks at them.

He can go where he likes, you know, wherever he.

Okay, look, grudled needs to go on a dog bed.

I don't think.

Yeah, I don't think it's worth it, the divorce or the split. I think moves it to the bed.

I get it. I get why this is hard, but I reckon for the sake of your relationship, it's time to pop. You know, the pooch in the dog bed right next to the bed, he's very close. He's not going to feel too like he's being shafted. I think that that's your best solution. Okay, thanks for galling if you want to, If you want some advice like that and also feel defeated. Give us a call at the pickup. That was a great call.

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