Millie Bobby Brown has revealed she has 62 pets! MAFS Homestays have provided us with SO much entertainment! and Laura has been fooled by a fake grandma but she has some good ideas about how to get revenge on cheaters.
A good Pickup with Britt Hockley and Laura Burn.
Baby your what our windows down?
That's my world reason the dust only good zabas all day.
I don't much, but yeah I'm not.
I'll beget and what I want.
It don't matter where done. This is the Pickup.
Happy harmday afternoon. Everyone, It's the pick Up with Britt Hockley and Laura Burn.
Welcome to Wednesday, Laura, it's been Wednesday all day. People.
People have been welcomed.
I haven't seen you.
We should be say welcome to exiting Wednesday since it's the end of the day.
He was also the start of the show, so welcome to the start of the pickup. Thanks for establishing that. Hey, I had the scariest thing happened to me yesterday. If you don't know how obsessed I am with my dog Delilah.
I'm going to never listened to the show before.
You don't know anything about me. My dog Delilah is my entire life. She's an Australian shepherd. She's four years old and it's just her and I are navigating this crazy life because my fiance lives on other world. Anyway, I got home from work yesterday and the dog walkers was like, hey, she's been a bit off today, just.
Letting you know.
And then within half an hour she stopped moving, like, she stopped walking. I so full, it was so scary. She could not walk. She was happy, she was smiling and her tail was wagging, but she couldn't walk. And then when she took a few steps, she was like going sideways. I thought, oh my god, she's got a paralysis tick or something, which you know is a disaster. I got her to this, and.
She's also been she's had all of axes for stuff, so she's had everything vaxes, so usually they're pretty effective.
Yeah, so I got her into this emergency bet, which, like, you know, God bless them. They're amazing people doing amazing things. Definitely cost me an arm and a leg, but I would I would pay any amount for.
Her annual leg for her.
Yeah, I would pay anything for her. But they don't know what's wrong with her. They basically just said, hey, like, we'll keep her for observation. It's not a tick. And then this morning she woke up and she seemed to be walking again. Okay, so I don't know what is going on. I don't know if it's like she's got a bulging disc or some other disease that's going on, but I think it's going to be like a investigation.
Well didn't you say that They thought it was like a slip disc, So that was kind of the feedback.
They definitely didn't say that. I just sort of took that. They just said it could be a range of things, but they didn't think it was anything dire. They gave hers some like pain meds, anti inflams. They tested her. They kept her in for the afternoon and they said, look see how she goes over the next couple of days. But it was so scary. Porterlilah, I know, but she's she's doing better today. But it was like that horror of when you're like, wow, I.
Mean, you only have one pet to take care of, but now we're going to be talking about Millie Bobby Brown and she's sixty.
Two two pets to take care of.
Millie Bobby Brown is living my absolute dream. If you don't know who Milly is, she's from Stranger Things and she married John bon Jovi's son. I know that that's irrelevant to the story, but I'm just trying to set their relationship.
His name is Jake bon Jovi. Imagine currently ever being referred to as John bon Jovi's son.
Well, I don't think he does anything. I think that's his thing. Is John bon Jovi's son, isn't he? I don't think so.
It's got his hands full. He's busy, Well.
He is busy. Billie Bobby Brown is making headlines because she's come out saying she had sixty two pets. Have a listen to this. Well, I have twenty five farm animals, and then I have twenty three foster dogs, and then I have ten dogs in my house that are my personal dogs and four cats. This is amazing, my personal dogs.
It's amazing.
It's also like slightly insane, right, like, how do you take care of that many animals?
How do you take to take care of that many dogs?
Well, they actually live like they have a really cool life. They did buy a huge farm and a huge property and they lived this duel life where she can be one of the biggest people in movies and film and then she just goes away to sixty two animals on the farm and.
Just it's kind of like she's a tradwife. Hybrid but she's not a tradwife. She's not taking success, she's not taking care of her husband or anything. She's just taking care of the animals. I was one of those kids who would always bring home, like any stray, any rescue, any animal that was in need, or like found on the side of the road. I would like, if we went on long drives or car trips and there was like roadkill, like a kangaroo or a wombat, you took the.
Road kill home. It seems extreme.
No, I would have a tantrum in the car until my mum pulled over so we could check and see if there was a joey because I'd once watched the documentary that said you should check.
So my mum would get out and she's like that one's been gone for works. It was horrible raising me as a kid.
I used to I didn't bring a lot of animals home, but we had a lot of weird pets as kids. I remember my favorite pets were hermit crabs. Like I had a hermit crab farm, an entire farm, same same and I used to get home from school and I would lay on the ground. I'd get all my hermit crabs out and I'd only wear a sports bar crop top because my favorite thing to do was to put them on your belly, and that's how I bonded with them and the.
Arab a king.
No. If the crabs crawl around and they tickle your belly, and also that was the only way I could be close to them and not hurt them. I would let them crawl over my belly and stuff and to get them to come out of their shell. Not cool. I don't think it's nice, but I would lick them. Yeah, you put them in your mouth?
Why yeah?
This let me show you. So if this was a hermit crab, I've got a yeah.
If this wasn't listen, I'm saying I'm not saying it's right. But I was a kid. This is how you make them come out of your shelter.
You used to put them in your mouth like this and blow hot air on used to go and the crabs would go eh, and then they'd come out, and then you'd put them on your belly.
Because they're trying to escape your breath.
I said, I'm not saying it's right. In hindsight, as an adult, I know that that was the wrong thing to do. But I loved my hermit grab.
I grew up in a household when I turned about sixteen, and my mum knew because I moved out of home when I was I think like twenty twelve.
You know, I was early twenty. It's super early twenties.
But my mom when I was like sixteen seventeen put a rule in place that I wasn't allowed to bring home any more pets.
Because it is now when I.
Look back on it, it is comical. My grandfather used to call it the menagerie. We'd go to a school fate and I'd bring something home, or like any time that we would go past the RSPC, I wouldn't be with my mom and I'd come home with a cat, like I brought home dogs, cats, pigeons, chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice, sea monkeys, fish.
Sea monkeys.
I am invisible.
No, they no sea monkeys, you like grow them. We had I look like a tamagotchi.
Sea monkeys are real. They're like the US. They're like a real nineties pet. Yeah, they're kind of what are they called, like sea good type of plankton. Yeah, anyway, you.
Just grown you had plankton. Let's just you think my hermit crab thing is weird. You had not landon was a pet, you had a fungus.
No, they're not. They're they're little fish. They're like tiny little they're grisy shrimp, Brian shrimp. That's it.
Thanks, well, that's so much better.
I also had hermit crabs as well.
But the problem is is so we had cats, and it was the nineties, like back then people were not desexing the cats like they are today. And also like my mum had a lot on She was single mum of three kids and so many animals, and our cats just kept multiplying.
I know that that's terrible.
And obviously I have a cat now she is de SX, and like, we understand the rules, but as a seven year old.
I wasn't really abiding by them. I was like, ooh, another litter, another litter.
Look at all these babies.
It was actually in sanity.
So I remember there being one time where we had about sixteen seventeen cats, We had ten chickens, we had a rooster on hing, we had guinea pig litter, and then we had mice. And then what happened was the back of the mice cage. It was like a board got a bit wet and the mice had gnawed through the cage and all thirty or whatever mice we had had gotten out into the house and we ended up with all of my pet mice living in the house.
And that's where my mum was like, I am done with these stories.
Are the form of contraception. If I a birth to you, I'd be beside myself.
I was so she still is.
So on maths at the moment. The show that keeps on giving, it's The Home Stays Week, and it started some really interesting and enlightening conversations. Up until now Jackie and Ryan or everyone, right, they're living in the hotel, you're dating, you're falling in love, but you don't really know much about the other person. But now they're taking each other home to see how they live, what they how they bought a house, are they with their parents? Whatever their situation is at home and has left me in absolute hysterics and made me remember something that I have actually done. Have I listened to this? So that Stein is from Germany. It was eye opening to see his home.
There's an Eiffel Tower's sword from the Tower of London.
I just think he's been alone here for seven years, she cry. And maybe he isn't even aware of how lonely he is. It really reminds me of the elderly. This is a seventeen year old kimonent.
It was so sweet of him to be so confident, and I'm so happy to bring me in.
It's not quite hoarding. It's just like memories.
Okay, so if you miss this.
Jackie went into Ryan's house and it is full of knick knacks, like it's.
Full of they're not even nicknacks, I don't know.
What you call them, like samurai.
Swords, skulls. He's got skulls.
He's got bottles of alcohol, he's got ties, he's got teddy bears, like anything you could imagine in like the worst horror show of a gift shop.
He's got it displayed somewhere.
It definitely looks like we're looking at some of the pictures here now. It definitely looks like she gone back into like a teenager's room.
In fact, he bought the house and he's thirty six years old.
This reminds me so deeply of my eighteen year old boyfriend's bedroom when he was eighteen, not when he was in his mid thirties. But I can relate to this. I understand what it is like to be in a relationship, to meet someone, to date them, to think that they are fantastic, and then at some point go back to the house and be like, oh, Okay, maybe you're living arrangements aren't exactly on par with the person.
That I thought you were.
So I was dating this guy for a long time and then he moved away, and we'd been doing long distance and I hadn't been to his new place. I'd only ever been to his place that he had when he was here, and I went up to go and see him, and it was like ten hour drive away, and I remember opening the door to his bedroom and he just had a mattress on the floor with no sheets and just to do not They had a Doner cover on it. But it turns out the raw dog to the mattress for six months he had been raw dogging. It turns out that all the furniture that was in his old place wasn't his, and the rental had come with the furniture.
So he just now, ew, that's even worse.
He just never bought any He just lived anywhere.
I'm moving, But what has happened? You bought that furniture secondhand. You bought that mattress secondhand. What has happened to it? You're not even gonna put a sheet on it? No?
No, no, no.
All the furniture in his old place, which was like surprisingly well put together, that was all rental furniture. So then he moved into this new place, had been living there for six months and never bought anything except yes, a secondhand mattress.
That he slept straight directly on row top sheet.
I did have a mattress on the floor once, but that was like a feng shwe thing I've read something about it was really good for you to sleep low to the ground.
The thing that's even more embarrassing is that I ended up moving in with him, and we were together for six years.
So yeah, that was good. Did you ever put a sheet on? No?
I bought the sheets and I bought furniture.
Look, I don't want to yuck anyone's yum here. For Ryan, you do you it's very particular taste. But if that's right for you, that is fine. If it's not right for Jackie. I can play understand and I understand why she's I don't understand why she's crying, but I understand why it's not for her. But I remember the same thing. I remember dating this guy and we were in another town. He was originally from a city like five six hours away. He was a doctor. So I was like, great, you're well put together, you got an income, wonderful, and he's mid to late twenties.
You thought you'd hit the jackpot, is what you're saying.
Not jackpot, but when you were medically or university educated and you're in your late twenties and you live away, you think that someone is put together. Anyway, I went back to where he actually lives, and it was still at his parents' house. Fine, in a tiny room with a single bed, and everything was still in there, like his teddies from growing up. I say this as in like I'm remembering how uncomfortable I was, No Laura, We was sleeping in a single bed. He was nearly thirty and a doctor.
But he just still lived in his childhood bedroom. Had he ever moved out and then moved back in.
Because that was Yeah, that's how I met him. But he just he was like a homing pigeon. You keep going home for me. I can't help it. And I know it was judgment. It gave me the ick. I was like, I need to be with someone there has a double bed.
You got the ick.
And I dated the guy who had a mattress on the floor and moved in with him.
It says a lot about our standards are very different, is what that says.
But yeah, look, I can understand why someone's home. I think you have to see it early because I think it's a real telling sign about more about that person, about all the things that they like, or whether they're a hoarder, or what they know their mental state.
Yeah, yeah, pray for Ryan.
So I sent in the other day a piece of content. We've got a group chat between us, and I sent it in thinking that this would be a very funny thing.
To talk about on radio and hear me out.
The reason why I want to talk about a TikTok that I came across is because cheating is very relatable. So many of us have been cheated on the past. Some of you, I'm sure, have been the cheaters. Some of us in this room might have been the cheaters at one point in time. It's not a nice thing anyone who's ever experienced it. It's truly a horrible, horrible feeling to go through, and sometimes you think to yourself, like, how will you ever get yet, even with the person who's broken your heart in such a catastrophic way. Now, this TikTok that I came across, it's a real from person called.
The real dot Tara Zune.
However, I fell for it, and I thought she was a little old lady, like a little old Polish lady. But unfortunately it's just a young lady who was wearing an age filter. I really didn't do my deep research on this, But the reason why it was so funny is because she has some very harmless yet effective ways. If you were ever gonna plot revenge on your cheating ex, she has some choice ideas for you.
Have listened to this.
If he cheats, change his toothpaste to mayo. If he cheats on you, espirate his whole car with some oilfish spsteps, let him drive around in the aroma of his bad decisions. If he cheats, fill his pockets with glitter. Betrayal is forever, and so is gLite.
Definitely funny when she was ninety not finding out as Ai and she's like twenty two.
Oh, I got so sucked into this.
I was like, I genuinely thought that this was wise advice from a.
Little old lady.
It's not.
She's yeah, she's much younger than that, but also still think that the advice is good. Is there ever a time where it's okay to enact like a petty, relatively harmless, but potentially extremely annoying revenge plot on someone who's broken your heart.
You're asking the wrong person because personally, I'm not a revenger. I could care less. My best revenge sounds so cliche, sickening, you'll probably get the egg. My best revenge is to literally forget the person, move on and be successful. I'm one of those people that do not waste. I had an ex that was marrying someone else simultaneously, pretty bad. I didn't even do anything. I was like, cool, see ya, just move on with my life.
I'm way pettier than you.
Don't get me wrong, Like, I've never enacted out the revenge, but I've definitely thought about that way.
True. Look, that's not true.
You've broake him to your ex's house and goes passport forge your signature and changed his flight so we couldn't go overseas with you. That's revenge.
There's a backstory to that, and there's also some explanations as to why I did that, but we don't have enough time to get into it.
Everyone, look, give us a call.
If you've ever plotted a revenge, you didn't have to like enact it out. I just want to know, Like, what are the silliest things that you thought you might do.
Here's one for you, raw chicken in their air conditioner.
I got a better one.
I've never done it, but if I did, this is what I do.
Fritz, like, I would never enact to revenge. How I am thinking about that?
Mine would be like a stench. So you cut a little hole in their mattress, tuna, fish, anything. They don't know what's in there, and they will never know where it's coming from. Sheet goes back over the top. You don't know where it's coming from. You're like, is under the bed? Is it coming from the aircor That is smart.
You would do it from underneath the mattress, like in the site underneath.
Shove it just a whole John West Kenny.
If you want to sew it back up so they don't even see this list.
So smart, producer, Grace, you were saying, I mean, this wasn't a cheating one, but your sister, Your sister did something pretty.
Bad to you.
When I was in high school, my sister and I had this like prank, going back and forth war with each other. It was incredibly immature, but she decided to put a jar of glitter on the top of my ceiling fan and then not tell anyone about it. So one day I was kind of hot in here, I'll turn the fan on and just all the glitter went everywhere and my parents had to recarp.
But the whole four you know what.
You just remind me of, And I actually think that this is the best revenge you could have had. When we were younger, my sister was drinking a chocolate thick shake milkshake and for some reason she pulled the straw out and went and pushed and blew the milkshake out of the straw all over my face. And I remember I was so calm, and I said, you'll not know when, You'll not know where that I am going to get you back, and I never did. I never got it back. But she was petrified four years mate noting that revenge. No, it's better because you're expecting it every single day, so you're on edge.
So your revenge is just like putting a deep fear, seating a deep fear into someone. Yeah, well look we've got killie on the line, killy, what was your revenge? Did you actually undertake this or was it just a fantasy revenge plan?
We actually did this. So my friend called in. This is about ten years ago. We just seen she was dating this guy, and like she knew it was kind of probably coming to an end anyway, so she wasn't like super devo. She found out he cheated on her, and she goes, can you meet me at Josh's place. I've got to pick up some of my stuff. And I'm like, yeah, yeah, sure, Colse. I get there and she goes, I'm low key like annoyed about this situation, but I just want to be really petty, and I was like, I'm there for it. So what we did was he was a massive gym bro. So his whole was full of like red kidney beans and chickpeas and cans.
Of lentils, the proteins.
Yeah, yeah, everything meal prepping to the delight. We took every label off, every can, just completely naked.
But that's not very revengeful, is it?
Like fifty cents a can that you also know it's it's actually printed on the top like it's got like or at least it is now for that.
Reason, not ten years ago. Wasn't we checked?
Mate? You guys, you know.
This is it worse because she didn't care. She's like, I was gonna break up it anyway.
Yeah, look, she cared enough to be like, you could have at least just broken out with me rather than cheating on me. Yeah, but he was a U. He couldn't replace all the food without like you know, he was financially pop at the time, so he just had to keep opening random cans.
Until he found his lentils, his red beans.
All right, let's get out of here.
Let's get out of here, guys,