FULL SHOW: Correctile Dysfunction & AirBnB Ghosts
Laura is 100% pro-Shepard avocado for some reason. Hilaria and Alec Baldwin have the world's weirdest relationship. Britt accidentally outed a stranger in a lie, and some AirBnB users wanted a refund because of an allegedly friendly ghost.
MINI: Unpacking The Baldwins + Their VERY Odd Relationship
Hilaria Baldwin and Alec Baldwin made headlines earlier this week for a very uncomfortable moment on a red carpet. They've since acknowledged it on their socials but they MAY have made it worse? Britt & Laura unpack the moment + their new reality TV show.
FULL SHOW: The Dummy Fairy & Matty J has been Objectified
Laura's household is expecting a visit from The Dummy Fairy tonight! Britt & Laura set the record straight on rumours they've heard about themselves and poor Matt has been objectified by the Daily Mail.
MINI: Britt & Laura set RUMOURS about themselves straight
Sia has weighed in on a longstanding rumour that she once lived in Beyonce's basement, so Britt & Laura decided to set the record straight about a few rumours they'd heard about themselves.
FULL SHOW: Mistaken Identities & Moths in Ears
Laura's mind is blown at how different school is now from when we were all students, Britt had a mistaken identity mishap and we celebrate your Little Wins!
MINI: Schools now are INSANELY different from when we were students
Laura's daughter Marlie Mae has just started Big School and our minds are BLOWN at how different school is now.
FULL SHOW: Waving at Babies & Cringe Proposals
Our Ask Uncut this week was a dog-lover who is struggling with a partner that wants the dog OUT of the bed. A Love Island star is being slammed for his 'cringe' girlfriend proposal and Britt & Laura unpack whether it's okay to wave at a baby.
ASK UNCUT: "My partner and I can't agree on whether our dog should sleep in the bed with us"
Every week, Britt & Laura take on your deepest, darkest dilemmas and unpack them (and HOPEFULLY come up with an answer for you). This week, Alicia and her partner can't agree on whether their dog should sleep in the bed or not. ENTER YOUR ASK UNCUT HERE: https://www.kiis1065.com.au/competition/…
FULL SHOW: How many pets is TOO MANY pets?
Millie Bobby Brown has revealed she has 62 pets! MAFS Homestays have provided us with SO much entertainment! and Laura has been fooled by a fake grandma but she has some good ideas about how to get revenge on cheaters.
MAFS: Jacqui got the ICK from Ryan's Homestay?
It's Homestays week on MAFS and we were all dying watching Jacqui tour through the mancave that Ryan lives in. Britt & Laura unpack why you can get an ick from a potential partner's house