MAFS: Jacqui got the ICK from Ryan's Homestay?

Published Mar 19, 2025, 7:03 AM

It's Homestays week on MAFS and we were all dying watching Jacqui tour through the mancave that Ryan lives in. Britt & Laura unpack why you can get an ick from a potential partner's house

So on maths.

At the moment, the show that keeps on giving, it's The Home Stays Week, and it started some really interesting and enlightening conversations up until now. Jackie and Ryan or everyone right, they're living in the hotel, you're dating, you've fallen in love, but you don't really know much about the other person. But now they're taking each other home to see how they live, They how they bought a house, are they with their parents, whatever their situation is at home. And Jackie has left me in absolute hysterics and made me remember something that I have actually done.

Have I listened to this? So that Stein is from Germany. It was eye opening to see his home as.

An Eiffel tower.

That's sword from the Tower of London.

I just think he's been alone here for seven years, she cry. And maybe he isn't even aware of how lonely he is.

It really reminds me of the elderly.

This is a seventeen year old kimonent.

It was so sweet of him to be so confident, and I'm so happy to bring me in.

It's not quite hoarding, it's just like memories. Okay, so if you miss this.

Jackie went into Ryan's house and it is full of knickknacks, like it's.

Full of they're not even nicknacks, I don't know.

What you call them, Like samurai swords, skulls.

He's got skulls.

He's got bottles of alcohol, he's got ties, he's got teddy bears, like anything you could imagine in like the worst horror show of a gift shop. He's got it displayed somewhere.

It definitely looks like we're looking at some of the pictures here now.

It definitely looks like she's gone back into like a teenager's room.


In fact, he bought the house in his thirty six years old.

This reminds me so deeply of my eighteen year old boyfriend's bedroom when he was eighteen, not when he was in his mid thirties. But I can relate to this. I understand what it is like to be in a relationship, to meet someone, to date them, to think that they are fantastic, and then at some point go back to the house and be like, oh, Okay, maybe your living arrangements aren't exactly on par with.

The person that I thought you were.

So I was dating the guy for a long time and then he moved away, and we'd been doing long distance and I hadn't been to his new place. I'd only ever been to his place that he had when he was here. And I went up to go and see him, and it was like ten hour drive away, and I remember opening the door to his bedroom and he just had a mattress on the floor with no sheets and just.

A doner They had a doner cover on it.

But it turns out the raw dog to the mattress for six months, he had been raw dogging. It turns out that all the furniture that was in his old place wasn't his, and the rental had come with the furniture.

So he just k now ew, that's even worse.

He just never bought any He just lived anywhere. I'm moving, But what has happened?

You bought that furniture secondhand, You bought that mattress secondhand.

What has happened to it? You're not even gonna put a sheet on it?

No, no, no, no.

All the furniture in his old place, which was like surprisingly well put together, that was all rental furniture. And so then he moved into this new place, had been living there for six months and never bought anything except yeah, a secondhand mattress.

That he slept straight directly on row top sheet.



I did have a mattress on the floor once, but that was like a fengshwe thing I've read something about it was really good for you to sleep low to the ground.

The thing that's even more embarrassing is that I ended up moving in with him and we were together for six years, So yeah, that was good.

Did you ever put a sheet on?


I bought the sheets and I bought furniture.

Look, I don't want to yuck anyone's yum here. For Ryan, you do you. It's very particular taste. But if that's right for you, that is fine.

If it's not right for Jackie, I completely understand, and I understand why she's I don't understand why she's crying, but I understand why it's.

Not for her. But I remember the same thing.

I remember dating this guy and we were in another town. He was originally from a city like five six hours away. He was a doctor, So I was like, great, you're well put together, you got an income, wonderful, and he's mid.

To late twenties.

You thought you'd hit the jackpot is what you're saying.

Not jackpot, but when you were medically or university educated and you're in your late twenties and you live away, you think that someone is put together. Anyway, I went back to where he actually lived, and it was still at his parents' house.

Fine, in a tiny room.

With a single bed, and everything was still in there, like his teddies from growing up. I say this as in, like I'm remembering how uncomfortable I was, No Laura.

We was sleeping in a single bed. He was nearly dirty and a doctor, but he.

Just still lived in his childhood bedroom. Had he ever moved out and then moved back in?

Because that was Yeah, that's how I met him. But he just it was like a homing pigeon, keep going home for me. I can't help it, and I know it was judgmental.

It gave me the ick. I was like, I need to be with someone there has a double bed.

You you got the ick.

And I dated the guy who had a mattress on the floor and moved in with him. It says a lot about house standards are very different, is what that says. But yeah, look I can understand why someone's home. I think you have to see it early because I think it's a real telling sign about more about that person, about all the things that they like, or whether they're a hoarder, or what their.

You know, their mental state.

Yeah, yeah, Pray for Ryan.

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