MINI: Unpacking The Baldwins + Their VERY Odd Relationship

Published Mar 25, 2025, 6:03 AM

Hilaria Baldwin and Alec Baldwin made headlines earlier this week for a very uncomfortable moment on a red carpet. They've since acknowledged it on their socials but they MAY have made it worse? Britt & Laura unpack the moment + their new reality TV show. 

On the weekend. I was scrolling TikTok and I came across an interview between a reporter and Ilaria Baldwin and Alec Baldwin. Now, I'm sure so many of you are familiar Hilaria. She's the one who originally kind of came into the spotlight and was quite controversial because she was saying that she didn't know the name for the word cucumber because she was Spanish and she couldn't remember the word. And then she was called out very publicly because actually she's born in Boston and isn't Spanish at all. Anyway, her and Alec have seven children together, and they have brought out this documentary following their life surrounding the court case where he was embroiled in the What was it.

That he was embroiled? He shot someone on set accidentally, Yeah, but he killed them.

It was because the prop gun had actual bullets in it. Like it's a crazy story. It's crazy. So this reality TV that's based around their lives. They're being interviewed about it on the Red Carpet and the way Ilaria speaks to Alec, I was left with my mouth on floor. Have listened to this do you want more of this season two.



Now, I think we're gonna.

See you know, it's we're going to see how it feels to have it'd be out there.

You're a winner.

Oh my god, when I'm talking, you're not talking. No, when I'm talking, you're not talking.

This is why.

Yes, we'll have to like just pat him out of the shop.


It makes me I want to throw a chop stick at her.

Although every time I do listen to it, I'm like, he did interrupt her twice.

Yes, but he was interrupting her like trying to be a positive. But he's like, you're the best, honey, Yeah you've got this, Yeah you can do season two. He's been like a really like supportive husband. Yes, he interrupted her, but it's his show too, it's not just her show. I don't know.

I saw it, and you should see his face afterwards, Like he looks absolutely downtrodden. I hate the narrative that like at the moment that's going around that she's kind of, you know, like the evil wife that's contrived this whole situation. There is like a real hate campaign around it, but she is not doing herself any favors. With this type of just like the way that she speaks to him. Now, they came out and they did what was like an explanation video around why it happened, and Alec in the original video. We'll put it on Instagram so you guys can see it's the pickup. But Alec has also joined her in this explanation video. I have listened to this piece of audeo.

And that is called what's the word of the day, interrupting? Interrupting, which could be.

Correct our dysfunction.

Yeah, I think that's.

One of our children. Time to get into the room. The whole point is that we interrupt each other all the time.

Man interrupting and correctile dysfunction.

I actually love the term correct ale dysfunction. I think that's very funny. I'll give her a point for that. I don't know if she came up with that'ur trademark.

Correct our dysfunction. B. When a man is correcting a woman and it's not their place to or the doing, they shouldn't be doing it because it's not the correct thing to do anyway.

Like, yes, I think the video was supposed to be a bit of a parody. I think it was supposed to be like a let's laugh this situation off, let's have a united front they kids at the end. It's all very awkward and uncomfortable to watch, But it didn't. I don't think it lands. I think it makes a situation even worse for both of them. But I think that the reason you said there's a lot of hate surrounding it at the moment, Laura, and we've spoken about it before with Megan Markle. I think it comes down to this confirmation bias, where we've already decided we don't like something or someone from something they've done in the past, and then we look for any reason to be able to double down on that hate.

And I think that's why it goes viral, right, like a pace of content like that probably could have gone under, could have gone without people really paying any attention to it. But because people already want to dislike her, that reinforces the reasons why we don't. But I do have to say I feel like they are not doing themselves any favors. I understand that, like this must be a really heightened emotional time going through this court case and everything, but I don't understand why they need to make a reality TV show out of it, Like surely they just puts more pressure on them as a family, But it.

Just makes me think, like where are we are in society and a generation if you have taken a life. Obviously this wasn't intentional, but then your response to that as you go to trial is like, hey, what are we going to do with this? How are we going to combat this? I know, let's make a reality TV show, Like coming up with a reality TV show off the back of that whole situation. To me, I mean, it's another conversation.

I just think that I think it's fascinating.

I don't think it's fascinating. I think they're idiots. I do, I do, I do.

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