Laura is 100% pro-Shepard avocado for some reason. Hilaria and Alec Baldwin have the world's weirdest relationship. Britt accidentally outed a stranger in a lie, and some AirBnB users wanted a refund because of an allegedly friendly ghost.
Are you ready?
Good pick up with Britt Hockley and Laura.
Burn Radio work Our windows done, my world reason the dust only good zabsas all.
I don't much, but yeah I'm.
Not our big get and what I want it don't matter where does This is the pickup?
Hi, guys, it's the pickout with Britt Hockley and Laura Burn. Britt, I have a big, hard hitting question.
For you, kid me hard.
I are you when it comes to avocados, right or I love an avo?
Like I said, big heart hitting questions.
Do you prefer a hass avocado or a Shepherd avocado?
The Shepherd's the rock hard one.
Hey, it doesn't have to be.
One of them is ninety nine point nine nine percent of the time, okay, rock solid.
So the difference is the Hass avocado is the dark one that's kind of more round and has that real like dimply skin hard on flora green and the other one is bright green all the time.
It has a really thin skin.
That's a shit one's wrong.
Disagree you ever?
Ribe you can never eat them. It's like rock hard for weeks and then you get about a twenty minute life span.
It's like, oh you missed it. I'm gone.
I feel so deeply different about this, and I know that I'm in the minority. I know most people like a hass avocado, but I was reading about it today that the debate has come back, and I would say that a hass is misleading because you think it's ripe and you cut it open, it's full of brown spots.
That never happens with a Shepherd avocar. That shepherd avocar, No, that shepherd avocado.
So that means you're not testing them properly.
You know what the test is.
You got to push the little stalk down and if it pushes in easily with a little tiny bit of resistance, you.
Just need a bitter resistance. Don't push the stalk in.
You're the monster ruining all the avocados and the supermarket, you all the monster making them brown.
I am one hundred percent team Shepherd, and if anyone wants to join me, we can wave that flag together.
So why there's always so many Shepherd avocados free and available because no one wants them.
I'll take them all.
On the weekend, I was scrolling TikTok and I came across an into between a reporter and Ilaria Baldwin and Alec Baldwin. Now, I'm sure so many of you are familiar Hilaria.
She's the one.
Who originally kind of came into the spotlight and was quite controversial because she was saying that she didn't know the name for the word cucumber because she was Spanish and she couldn't remember the word. And then she was called out very publicly because actually she's born in Boston and isn't.
Spanish at all.
Anyway, her and Alec have seven children together, and they have brought out this documentary following their life surrounding the court case where he was embroiled.
In what was it that he was embroiled?
He shot someone on set accidentally, Yeah, but he killed them.
It was because the prop gun had actual bullets in it. Like it's a crazy story. It's crazy. So this reality TV that's based around their lives. They're being interviewed about it on the Red carpet and the way Ilaria speaks to Alec, I was left with my mouth on the floor.
Have listened to this? Do you want more of this season two.
Now I think we're gonna see you know, it's we're going to see how it feels to have it'd be out there.
You're a winner. Oh my god, when I'm talking, you're not talking. No, when I'm talking, you're not talking.
This is why.
Yes, we'll have to like just pat him out of the shop.
It makes me I want to throw a chopstick at her.
Although every time I do listen to it, I'm like, he did interrupt her twice.
Yes, but he was interrupting her like trying to be a positive. But he's like, you're the best, honey, Yeah you've got this, Yeah you can do season two. He's been like a really like supportive husband. Yes, he interrupted her, but it's his show too, it's not just her show.
I don't know.
I saw it, and you should see his face afterwards, Like he looks absolutely downtrodden. I hate the narrative that like at the moment that's going around that she's kind of, you know, like the evil wife that's contrived this whole situation. There is like a real hate campaign around it. But she is not doing herself any favors with this type of just like the way that she speaks to him. Now, they came out and they did what was like an explanation video around why it happened, and Alec in the original video. We'll put it on Instagram so you guys can see. It's the pickup. But Alec has also joined her in this explanation video. Have listened to this piece of audeo.
And that is called what's the word of the day, interrupting, interrupting, which could be.
Correct our dysfunction.
I think that's one of our children trying to get into the room. The whole point is that we interrupt each other all the time.
Man interrupting and correct our dysfunction.
I actually love the term correct our dysfunction. I think that's very funny. I'll give her a point for that. I don't know if she came up with that a trademark.
Correct our dysfunction. B.
When a man is correcting a woman and it's not their place too, or they're doing they shouldn't be doing it because it's not the correct thing to do anyway.
Like, yes, I think the video was supposed to be a bit of a parody.
I think it was supposed to be like a let's laugh this situation off, let's have a united front. They kiss at the end, it's all very awkward and uncomfortable to watch. I don't think it lands. I think it makes a situation even worse for both of them. But I think that the reason you said there's a lot of hate surrounding it at the moment, Laura. We've spoken about it before with Megan Markle. I think it comes down to this confirmation bias where we've already decided we don't like something or someone from something they've done in the past, and then we look for any reason to be able to double down on that hate.
And that's why it.
Goes viral, right, Like a pace of content like that probably could have gone under, could have gone without people really paying any attention to it.
But because people already want.
To dislike her, that reinforces the reasons why we don't. But I do have to say I feel like they are not doing themselves any favors. I understand that, like this must be a really heightened emotional time going through this court case and everything, but I don't understand why they need to make a reality TV show out of it, Like surely they just puts.
More pressure on them as a family.
But it just makes me think, like, where are we at in society and a generation if you have taken a life. Obviously this wasn't intentional, but then your response to that as you go to trial is like, hey, what are we going to do with this? How are we going to combat this? I know, let's make a reality TV show? Like coming up with a reality TV show off the back of that whole situation.
To me, I mean, it's another conversation.
I just think I think fascinating.
I don't think it's fascinating. I think they're idiots. I do, I do, I do.
On the weekend, Laura, I went down to visit your brand new jewelry store, Tony May, because you have opened up a store that's quite close to me, and I was like, ah, I'm going to go support my friend.
We did.
I wasn't even there for the opening, and then you posted photos from it and I was away on the weekend and we did like a soft opening. I didn't know it was soft, and Britt Hard launched it to all of her followers.
Well, I thought, kip it.
No, I'm sorry, I told you. I told you I was going to get down the weekend.
No one told me it was supposed to be not a launch yet. So I was like, I'm going to go hard and support my friend and put on socials.
I'm not complaining. Please go down and check it out.
Go there is someone that I didn't support.
So I accidentally broke the girl code and I outed one of your customers.
To who in what way?
Let me try and explain this.
So I took Delilah, like my beautiful Aussie shepherd dog.
She comes everywhere with me. So I took her down to the store.
Thank god, we have polished concrete floors in that Shopey well, I.
Mean sorry, if it was velvet carpet, I probably wouldn't have taken her in. It was polish concrete. So I tied her up on the front door and she just sat there looking beautiful, and she's so esthetically pleasing.
I think I actually brought some customers into the store.
To be fair, everyone want to stop and pat her, people taking photos of her, people taking photos with her, like customers, you know, they were coming in, and then they just they thought she was the store dog. They were like, what a great idea to have a store dog. And I was like, she's actually.
Not, Like I'm taking her home with me anytime you want to just bring her in and leave her at the front. We'll tie her up and put a little sign to her. Yeah, twenty percent of jewels come on.
In, so anyway, everyone's taking photos whatever.
I did a bit of shopping in there for about twenty minutes, and I kept walking around the stores having a little peruse. And about ten fifteen minutes later, I was walking up the street and on the street of this cafe there was the guy that looked like maybe he owned the restaurant. He looks like he was running it, at least a manager, and it was very busy, and he saw me coming and he ran out the front.
He goes, wait, He's like, were you just down the road in.
General Pants Co? And I said no, sorry, I wasn't. He's like, are you sure and I said no, I'm pretty sure. He's like, oh, I swear to god you were at General Pants. And I was like, no, probably wouldn't matter if you were at General Pants or not.
Said I definitely wasn't. He's like so weird.
He's like, look at this photo my wife just sent me and this had just happened, and he pulls out his phone. This is just a stranger and It's a photo of Delilah tied to the door. And I was like, oh, that's Tony May. And he goes what And I was like, that's Tony May. He's like, what's Tony Mane? I said, that's a jewelry store. It's like, hang on what And I was like, Oh my god, something's happened. He's like, Oh, my wife just told me she was going down to get me some shirts from General Pants Co. She was supposed to be on a really short break. Obviously she works there as well or something. And he's like, so, you're saying she was, in fact at a jewey store. And I was like, absolutely not, That's absolutely not what I'm saying. Anyway, I realized in that moment I had completely outed his partner.
She really lied. She told a little phibby.
She wanted to go shopping and what are the odds that she would see a dog? She liked, take a photo send it to a partner. Her partner'd be like, that's cute. Then I walk past with the dog. He sees me, comes out, asks me where I've been, shows me the photo, and then I correct him. What are the universal odds that I would out her?
At that level, we thought that he's so angry about the fact that she stopped at an extra shock.
He wasn't angry. He was just like interesting.
Obviously she was on like a really small break or something, and she had said that she wanted to go buy him a present from General Pants.
Then she said she had no time.
But then she said she had no time. It was herself. She was shopping for jewelry herself.
Oh, I actually don't. I'm not I'm not against that. I think it's a great idea.
I was like, I want it. I'm fine with this.
It's a funny one because obviously white lies generally don't get you into too much trouble.
And I feel like that.
Is a pretty she's not in trouble. It's a pretty harmless white lie. The only thing I can think of in terms of like white lies. I don't think I've gotten myself mixed up or gotten myself called out. Not to say that I've never lied, I'm sure I have, but I've never ever been caught out fundamentally in a lie. But I will never forget the time when my boyfriend was supposed to come over for dinner. We were supposed to spend the night together. And this is a guy who I've spoken about many times in the past.
He was not a very good boyfriend.
He cheated on me, and he'd said he couldn't come over because he was feeling really sick, and he'd gotten like the colder broncatis or something. He called me at like nine o'clock and was like, sorry, maam so sick, so sick, and I went to bed. Didn't think anything of it, like send him a little cute mess you're saying, hope you feel better. And then at three o'clock in the morning, my phone was ringing. I was asleep. I rolled over and answered it, and he was at a nightclub and he'd accidentally butt dialed me, and then I just left the phone. I didn't hang up because I wanted to hear what was happening, and I reckon. I sat on the phone just listening to him in a nightclub for a good forty minutes. Anyway, Producer, Grace, you were saying that you've been caught in a lie.
Once when I was young, I invited a boy over when my parents were away, and then the next day my mum was like, did you have fun last night with that boy that you invited over, And I was like.
What, how did you know?
And for years I could not figure out how she'd caught me out in this lie. And turns out he rung the doorbell and it was one of those ring ones that records what.
She let him in, and he just never mentioned it. No, she was awake, No, she was away.
He rang the doorbell and it came up with a notification with a video of who was at the door and my mom knocking in.
But she but she just let him come over. Obviously she didn't call you on the spot and be like, no, he was nice enough, they'd met each other.
My mum was okay with boyfriends sleeping over, but she made them sleep in the loungry and I was too scared about getting caught.
We lived in a really small house.
I wasn't like no, I wasn't in an avoid over. No way, there is no way my parents were letting anyone sleep over. Now, Laura, I know you are not a complainer, and I know I'm not a complainer. And what I mean by that is like, if you go to a restaurant and there's something in your food, do you send it back, Are you going to write a Google review?
No, there would have to be something pretty significantly wrong with my food to even send her back, like if they baked a cockroach, And I think I might be like, oh, okay, probably.
I barely complain about anything, but I want to know.
I'll complain to you, but I won't tell them.
Yeah, well, I want to know if you would complain about what I'm about to tell you. The CEO of Airbnb, Brian Cheskey, has just come out saying some of the craziest complaints he has ever received.
But have to listen to this.
This is his.
Number one complaint he has received.
One day, a customer calls us and says they want a full refund. We say, why do you want a full refund? They said, because the house is haunted and there's a ghost in the house. And we're like, okay, well, we have to judicate this. So we call the host and all the host has to do is deny it because there's no photo evidence that ghosts. Well, unfortunately, the host confirms the ghost, says that it's a friendly ghost named Stanley, and that the ghost Stanley is in the listing description. So we go back to the guests, and the guest says, yes, we knew about Stanley, that's why we booked it. But Stanley has been harassing.
Us all night.
So they've got the complaints not about the ghosts. They were like, oh, cool, there's a ghost that lives in this house. That could be fun.
That's why people would go and stay.
They're not just going to that house because it's haunted, because it's not haunted as such. He's really friendly, but I guess people that might want a friendly ghost experience are going there. So the complaint wasn't that there's a ghost. The complaint was that it was not accurate, and it said that Stanley was friendly and in fact, he harassed them all night. Would you ever go and stay in an Airbnb or a house if you knew there was a ghost in there. I don't really believe in ghosts, Like, I'm not someone that has a ghost story. I know you do, Britt, and we've spoken about it so many times that you have got some hellish stories.
I wouldn't be going and seeking it out.
Put it that way, even though I don't believe in like being haunted by other ghosts or them coming and like ooo. But I'm not going to go onto an Airbnb listing that clearly says the ghost in the house and then book that one.
But that's interesting because if you don't believe in ghosts, why would it stop you from going if they don't exist.
It's kind of the same as religion to me.
And I say this because, like, I don't really believe in religion, any religion, Like I'm very agnostic, I'm very neutral. But every so often I think, oh, God, I'm going to be screwed if the big guy's up. If it is really one day when I die and then I find out God's real, I'm going to be in a bit of bother. So I still think that even if I don't, you know, actually play into any of it.
I mean, I do believe in ghosts.
I have seen them, and I know people listening right now are going to be like, I'm crazy, But when you've seen something or experienced something, you just can't deny it anymore. But I still wouldn't, knowing that I've seen them, I still wouldn't go and stay. Actually, that's why I wouldn't go and stay an Airbnb if they had said, hey, there actually is one hundred percent of ghost that lives here doesn't matter. If it was the most perfect house in the most perfect place and it was so cheap, I could not do it.
The thing is, though, is I genuinely think that these airbnb listings people are going because they want the experience. They want to feel like they've seen something or experience something that's like extraterrestrial or like un you know, you can't put into words. I think it's actually like a desired holiday experience for some people.
Evenly if it's like cats, but a friendly ghost.
What constitutes a friendly ghost?
When I lived in Scotland, we lived across from this church stra and I and Sheridan and I. It was a two bedroom flat, quite big, but sherry and I slept directly opposite each other.
We both had.
Boyfriends at the time, and we used to hear footsteps getting out and walking around the house and going to the fridge and doing all of this stuff, and we used to always assume that each other's boyfriend at the time was at the house staying. We'd go to work, one of us who go to work, there'd only be one person in the home and we'd be like, oh, the boyfriend must still be here. No one was there, but we could hear them walking around the house moving stuff.
Was the house as apartment? Sure wasn't someone just upstairs?
No, this is two meters away from us.
Then in the huge, beautiful living room, it never ever, no matter what, could heat up, it was always ice cold, and the furniture would move around in there. This sounds crazy. The chairs would move around, everything would move around. You could put heating on in the house, it would refuse to heat up in there. And I know the ghost used to live in there because that's where the furniture would move around. And we ended up asking people in the building and they had said, now, this could be like the little myth and legend. But they had said, oh, yeah, somebody was like killed like one hundred hundred years ago and buried under the church across the road. And that legend has it that he's just gone across into our apartment and he just lives in the apartment.
I see, I don't believe that. A couple of footsteps. And then when you live in a house and furnitures moved because someone else has moved it unless it's moving in front of you.
Not a sharehouse, it's just me and my sister. It's not a sharehouse. It's not like we're in a dorm.
You still share a house.
Yeah, but when one of us was gone to work, there's no one in the house.
It's just you.
How long did you live there?
About twelve months?
Did you leave because you were scared?
Because he never harmed us. But he also used to his trick. What do you used to He used to play pranks on us.
He used to push the ice machine in the fridge and make ice come out and stuff.
That's not that happens in my house. Bridge.
That's what I hate to break it to you. You've got to go.
No, it is not it's just your fridge is broken.
No, it's not.
Oh god, I don't know if I believe any of this.
One hundred percent. I'm sorry.
I'm pro ghost Maybe we need to get people's ghost stories.
Maybe that's the next thing.
Yeah, I aren't going to be heaped, all right. Well, look
That's it from us, guys.