Fill up that emotional cup
We have a visualisation for when your "emotional cup" is empty. If our cup level keeps falling, without the chance for a refill… well, we all know how that feels! So, what can we do right now to help ourselves? LINKS Read ‘The Emotional Cup Theory’ Follow @novapodcastsofficial on Instagram …
A productivity hack
If you're someone who complains you never have enough time, then Micro Bursts of Activity could change your life. LINKS Read ‘Ultimate guide to purposeful productivity’ from Fast Company Follow @novapodcastsofficial on Instagram CREDITS Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88 Writer: Am…
Top Tip: The art of decision making
It's not in your head — it DOES feel better to make choices for another person. This is according to a study on the art of decision making. When making choices for others, people seem to be in a more positive and open mood. This results in less Decision Fatigue. So how can this help us? LINKS …
A positive for when you have your period
We're here to talk about "menstrual generosity. AKA the link between your menstrual cycle and how generous you feel! LINKS Read ‘What Generosity Does to Your Brain and Life Expectancy’ from US News Health Read ‘Women more generous at certain times of the month, study says’ from Yahoo Fo…
Permission to chill for a few mins
We've got a meditation for sweet, sweet surrender. We'll give you a few moments to get comfortable. LINKS Follow @novapodcastsofficial on Instagram CREDITS Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88 Writer: Amy Molloy @amymolloy Executive Producer: Anna Henvest Editor: Adrian Walton
Letting others make decisions for you
It's not in your head — It DOES feel better to make choices for another person. This is according to a study on the art of decision making. When making choices for others, people seem to be in a more positive and open mood. This results in less Decision Fatigue. So how can this help us? LINKS …
You sound stressed...
There's new research that says stress impacts how we talk to each other. It can actually work to our favour - you can kinda play detective if you know this trick! We're going to take you through some stress-tone-of-voice insight can help you to connect with the people in your life. LINKS Follow…
A meditation to start your week right
How are you feeling this Monday? Excited? Deflated? Grateful? Already exhausted? We feel so much pressure to start the week running. How would it feel to do the opposite? We've got a meditation to help you land softly at the start of the week. LINKS Follow @novapodcastsofficial on Instagram …
Top tip: It's time to de-load
In weight-training workouts, a De-load Day is when you drop the intensity of your weights. You still train, you still make progress, but it doesn’t feel like grunt work. The idea is this: our bodies NEED rest. In fact, pushing through often leads to injury. So what if you applied the same to your m…
Do you like trying new things?
Today we're talking about "sensation seekers". Not to be confused with thrill-seekers or attention-seekers! Sensation-seeking can occur through joining a new fitness class or conquering a new challenge. But you could get a lil adrenaline boost from simply changing your lunch order! LINKS Rea…