Fill up that emotional cup

Published Mar 24, 2025, 3:00 PM

We have a visualisation for when your "emotional cup" is empty. If our cup level keeps falling, without the chance for a refill… well, we all know how that feels! So, what can we do right now to help ourselves? 


Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88  
Writer: Amy Molloy @amymolloy  
Executive Producer: Elise Cooper  
Editor: Adrian Walton  

Welcome back to another episode of the Space, a mindfulness podcast for everyone. We have a visualization for when your emotional cup is empty. The idea behind an emotional cup is often used for children, but it's also very true for adults. What feels up your cup? Play friendship, one on one time, love and affection, connection, succeeding doing what you love to do.

What trains your cup stress and strain, Rejection by peers is loneliness and isolation, yelling and punishment, failing, fatigue, feeling forced into something. If our levels keep falling without the chance for a refill, well we all know how that feels. So what can we do this minute to help ourselves? Wherever you are, take a moment to pause, whether you're sitting or standing. If you can close your eyes, place one hand on your belly and one hand on your heart. Check in with your emotional cup. If there was a water marker in your body, where would it be. If it's around your waist, you're almost half full. If it's at your ankles, you're almost a desert. Wherever you are, we're going to do our best to refeel your emotional cup right now, think of one thing that's gone right this week. Think of one moment when you felt a glow of pride or accomplishment. Dwell on that feeling for a moment. Think about a moment when you felt pure comfort. Think of real connection you had this week. Think of a moment you got to do what you love, even if it was fleeting. As you think about these thoughts, notice if the water levels rise in your body, make space for it to expand. Sometimes we're draining our own emotional cup and we don't even realize it. Make a promise to yourself to pay a closer attention. I will refill my cup any time that I can. I will fill it up with affection, connection, love, and attention. When you're ready, open your eyes. We hope you're weak. Is filled with four cups of emotion and four cups of coffee.

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