A productivity hack

Published Mar 23, 2025, 3:00 PM

If you're someone who complains you never have enough time, then Micro Bursts of Activity could change your life. 


Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88  
Writer: Amy Molloy @amymolloy  
Executive Producer: Anna Henvest 
Editor: Adrian Walton  

Welcome back to another episode of The Space, a mindfulness podcast for Everyone. I'm Casey Donovan with the words of Amy molloy. We're here to talk about microbursts of activity. There's a lot of truth in the old saying quality or quantity. If you're someone who complains you never have enough time, then microbursts of activity could change your life. Don't take our word for it, it's praised by a lot of productivity experts. Carson Tate, the author of the book Works, simply recommends everyone make a fifteen minute list. As the name suggests, it's a list of tasks you can complete within fifteen minute or less. Think about quick, actionable jobs you can do to get your juices flowing. There are two ways to use the list. Put aside an hour and bash out a bunch of jobs together, or pick something from the list where you have fifteen minutes to spare. You get the validation of a tick on your to do list, and all those small tasks add up quickly. Before you know it, you'll have achieved great things, all because of microbursts of activity. We all know what you're thinking. All my jobs are enormous. Well, it's time to break them down. Experts agree breaking down big projects can make us less likely to procrastinate. Focus on one micro task without any distractions. When you've done it, give yourself a little reward. Move onto the next task with the warm glow of accomplishment. Take this idea into your work week the power of microbursts of activity. You've just done it perfectly. Three minutes of mindfulness. Imagine where you can go from here, space out,

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