In weight-training workouts, a De-load Day is when you drop the intensity of your weights. You still train, you still make progress, but it doesn’t feel like grunt work. The idea is this: our bodies NEED rest. In fact, pushing through often leads to injury. So what if you applied the same to your mental workload?
Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88
Writer: Amy Molloy @amymolloy
Executive Producer: Anna Henvest
Editor: Adrian Walton
This is the space. I'm your host, Casey Donovan. It's time to reflect on the week and take it easy for your Sunday with one of my favorite tips from the last seven days. So relax, get comfy, and let's do this. Have you heard the concept dload day in weight training workouts? A dload day is when you drop the intensity of your weights. You still train, you still make progress, but it doesn't feel like a grunt workout. The idea is this, our bodies need rest. It's not weak to say it, and it's definitely not weak to do it. In fact, pushing through often leads to more injury. So what if you applied the same to your mental workload. Imagine if every week you schedule one d load day. You still work, you still create, you still run your business, but you do it with a little less intensity. It could be something like this. You only do admin and no high pressure projects. You don't schedule any meetings, you don't take the kids on a big excursion. You just play in the park or the garden. You still live life, but it's lighter. You still achieve stuff, but it's smoother. But it's not about rest. It's about agility and recovery life, but with less load. Doesn't that sound lovely? The secret to actually doing it is this. Don't let it happen by chance. Make your dload day a purposeful strategy. That way you won't feel guilty or down and out. You choose this on your terms for your sanity. We are here for this one dload day every week of the month. If you're a boss or manager, team, get your whole team on board. Deloading can feel like a day off for your senses. Less pressure, less weight, less expectation, and more freedom. Take off five kilos from every task on your to do list. If it takes mental gymnastics, it can wait until tomorrow. I'm Casey Donovan and this is the space. Thanks for taking the time to learn about this mindfulness stuff. It's cool to have you here. See you tomorrow. Space out.