We've got a meditation for sweet, sweet surrender. We'll give you a few moments to get comfortable.
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Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88
Writer: Amy Molloy @amymolloy
Executive Producer: Anna Henvest
Editor: Adrian Walton
Welcome back to another episode of The Space, a mindfulness Podcast for Everyone. I'm Casey Donovan with the words of mindfulness expert Amya malloy. We've got a meditation for sweet, sweet surrender. We'll give you a few moments now to get comfortable for this one. If you can lay down, let your.
Legs relax and your feet fall to the side. Let go of all the tension you're holding on to in your arms, in your shoulders, in your whole body. Focus on the areas of your body which are touching the floor or the bed. Notice the pressure of the floor on your back. Notice the pressure of the bed on your bum You are held, You are supported, You are safe here. Just as you notice the feelings of the ground, can you notice the feelings of the air around you? How does the air feel on your legs? How does the air feel on your arms when it wraps around your shoulders, where it raps.
Under your knees. See if you can feel the air like a blanket. You are supported by space. You are totally safe and totally held. Surrender. When you think you've surrendered, surrender some more. I give up the urge to control other people. I give up the urge to forecast the future. I give up the need for everyone to adore me. Just be, take a few long, deep breaths, and when you're ready, start to wiggle your fingers and your toes. When you're ready, open your eyes. Ah sweet surrender