We're here to talk about "menstrual generosity. AKA the link between your menstrual cycle and how generous you feel!
Read ‘What Generosity Does to Your Brain and Life Expectancy’ from US News Health
Read ‘Women more generous at certain times of the month, study says’ from Yahoo
Follow @novapodcastsofficial on Instagram
Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88
Writer: Amy Molloy @amymolloy
Executive Producer: Anna Henvest
Editor: Adrian Walton
Good Moaning Space Cadets. Welcome back to the Space, a mindfulness podcast for everyone. I'm Casey Donovan with the words of Amy molloy. We're here to talk about menstrual generosity. No, it's not a strange period ritual. We're talking about the link between your menstrual cycle and how generous you feel. We all know being generous comes with mental health benefits. It's a feel good act. It's been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. It helps us build stronger connections. It can even increase your life expectancy. Have you ever noticed easier to be generous at certain times than others? If you have a monthly cycle, you can blame it. A new study has found women may be generous during the second half of their cycle. The research found they're more likely to buy their friends' drinks and splash out on presents. Okay, who's in the luteal phase of their cycle. There's a pair of shoes we really have our eye on. It's all about creating stronger connections. The theory is women have evolved to be more pro social at this time. We tend and be friend to strengthen the social network that might look after us during a pregnancy. It's all subconscious, of course, but it could explain why you're lining up shots at one point of the month. Two weeks later you're squabbling over who had the starter. We love anything that helps us to understand our body mind connection. Pay attention over the course of the month. When do you feel generous? How did it make you feel afterwards? When do you feel less giving? How does that make you feel? Notice how generosity has a wider impact on your life. Notice when you're stuck in a scarcity mind in set. As for the rage you feel in your period, that's a topic for another episode. Space Out