2025-03-11 - KSR PRE-SHOW

Published Mar 11, 2025, 2:47 PM

Shannon The Dude and Billy Rutledge talk SEC Tournament, Kentucky Football Pro Day, and fraudulent things in life.

Welcome everyone to another edition of the KSR pre Show. Today is Tuesday, March eleventh. I am Billy Rutledge along with Shannon the Dude. You can give us a call on the Clark's Pumping Shop phone line. It's eight five nine two eight oh two two eight seven. Text us at five oh two two six five six six five six, And it is always the case. Our pre show is brought to you by a tal X here in Lexington at the City Center, open for lunch, in dinner, and uh, Shannon the Dude is with me in Louisville. Shannon, just one day away before you hit the road, Buddy, you ready for a road trip? You got the bags packed ready to go?

Nope, I am a packing procrastinator on one of these people that wait till the very last minute, right when I'm about to go out the door. Then I go, oh yeah, let's throw all the stuff in that we need for the next four five days, hopefully more than one day, and uh, we'll see how it goes. But you know, if uh it goes like it has the last couple of years, we won't be there long.


I'm the same way night before or morning of. I'm packing a back pack and never fails that thirty minutes into the trip, I have forgotten something phone charger at home.

Yeah, sunglasses, But I take the approach of, Okay, well, if you leave that, you can always buy that. You know, you don't you think Nashville doesn't have phone chargers or sunglasses if you need them.

Okay, okay, I just don't forget your passport or your real ID traveling.

Don't forget your Fedora and your you know, microphone. That's the main thing. You know, those are things that I mean, I guess they would have fedoras down there too, but I mean, those things get expensive. We saw how much it was for Matt and Drew to buy their cowboy hat in Vail, Colorado. Nashville is about we're talking about, Like, you know, Veil, Colorado, you go there, it's very, very pricey. It's like seventy five dollars to park your car for two hours. Nashville's kind of right up there with them. Like, yeah, like when you go to a city that charges you fifty dollars a night to park your car in the parking lot of the hotel that you're staying in, is that right? Yes, it's like, come on, man, like, calm down. Francis like, what are we doing here? Fifty dollars to park in the parking lot of the place I'm staying. So you're gonna charge me three hundred dollars a night and then fifty dollars to park my car every night.

We'll start calling Nashville little New York it is with how bad draff it has to come there and how crowded it is. Maybe you'll get on a pedal bus with a bachelorette party at some point. Maybe you'll buy a cowboy hat, Shannon, would you have if you forgot the Fedora? Would you put one on?

I have one, but it was like one of those promotional beer company cowboy hats they gave away a long time.

This serious hundreds of dollars, and our buddy's got in Colorado.

No now, But you know what, to that point, I think that Nashville would be a great place for Matt and Drew to bring their cowboy hat. If you're gonna spend that kind of money on a cowboy hat, you need to wear it every opportunity you get. And what better place than Nashville, Tennessee.

No doubt, no doubt. I think Drew said that he'd be wearing it all the time, but I guess his headphones don't fit over the cowboy hat. So that's his going excuse for why he doesn't wear it habitually. But you know what, this is the time you do it.

No, no, no, you put hold on it, you put the headset on, then you put the cowboy hat on top of the.

Head oh hat on top of it.

Trying to put the headset over top of a cow Yeah.

I think he's put the headset on top of the cowboy hat and he's like, well, this is just not possed.

I mean, have you never seen good OJR Jim Ross and wrestling for thirty years, he always wore the cowboy hat, but he had the headset on first, then the cowboy hat up on top of that. We were just talking about teach you guys yesterday and teach everybody how to wear their cowboy hat.

Well, pack your toilet trees, make sure you pair an extra pair of socks, and everyone will be walking around with wet socks. Shannon Yah. We'll talk about the SEC tournament today and in plenty of college hoops says it is such a wonderful time of the year. I mentioned the real ID. Maybe I should listen to our commercials more as Matt just kind of highlighted a spot that had been running for a while, is that you're not able to travel in an airplane unless you have a real ID. Here in a couple months. Have you gotten it.

Yet, Shannon, No, I've got the passport. And my argument is, if you can have a passport instead of having to get the real ID, then what's the point of me getting a pass a real idea? If I have a.

Passport, well, I think that expires eventually, so this will be something you'll have to do eventually.

My other question is, if that's a real ID, does that mean the one I have now is a fake idea? I mean, what what are we doing? Come on, man, you're telling my driver's license is not good. It's good enough for me to drive a car, but not get on a plane. I'm not driving the plane, by the way, I'm just a passenger. So why do we need a real ID. Oh yeah, it's a way for the government to make more money.

It's thank you, thank you, guys. Why it's not holographic to where I can tell if this is real you're a citizen or not? No, it's I'm probably I don't know the answer, but I'm with you. This is probably just the.

Real ID first, and then a couple of years later they'll come out with a realer ID, and then a couple of years after that it'll be the realist ID. Real world is good. We need the realist I d this time. Let's make more money.

Uh well, speaking of keeping it real, Matt tried to call Quentin richardson Q tip on his ESPN show The Day. I thought that was funny, but it also reminded me how fraudulent Q tips are. Shannon, do you ever use Q tips? Because I don't think most people. Maybe most people know this is that Q tips are not supposed to go in your ear.

Where are they supposed to go? Which I even asked that question.

Well, you can use your imagination or Q tips can be used to clean things or work with things that are on a smaller scale. But people shove Q tips in their ears like they're digging for gold, and nine times out of ten, you're not only pushing wax back into your ear, Shannon, but there's also a real chance of damaging your ear drum. Q tips are one of the fraudulent things that we have in society that we can that can people continue to buy and use.

Well, I have like the whole like cleaning system for your ears.

You know you have a whole system.

Yeah, it's like I'm pumping hot water with saline into my ears and then you let it drain out and then then after you do all that, it's okay to take the Q tip in and kind of clean the outer part.

But yeah, you can do the outer part with the Q tip. But you you know, you see people shoving Q tips in their ear and you know, Shannon, that's actually not good for you. So I have a list of things that are fraudulent in our society that but but yet we can continue to use and buy.

Okay, ready for some of these lay it on me.

Okay. People say flushable wipes are a thing, Shannon, But if you know anybody that's had to clean a septic tank, they'll tell you that these are fraudulent and they do not decompose. Wait a minute to flushable wipes are not good and do not solve the issue of I guess you know, the debris and what's left.

Over I'm an offender. I am an offender. Oh you have you have some flushable love the flushable wipes? You know, I get dude wipes. Of course, I don't know. I should have trademarked that dude wipes and that could have maybe you should have been over that exactly. Yeah, but uh yeah, I use those regularly. So you're telling me I'm clogging up the suit.

You are you're you're clogging it up, and uh you are a menace to society. Uh see, I'm just not going to step I'm on the bidet game. So I mean, I won't stop the day.

I don't know. That's to me, that's stranger than wet wipes.

No, you just gotta get used to it.

Like they sitting on old faithful guys are blouse cave up on Yellowstone.

All right.

Here's one I know this from personal experience. Robot vacuums. You ever buy a zoomba or something, I've got it. It's gardulent guardulin. Three hundred dollars piece of garbage, is what that is. Because you know, I turn on the robo vacuum I have I don't know why I have confidence this thing will ever pick up any speck of dirt on my floor. But I sit there and I watch it, and I supervise it, and I stand there with both hands on my hip hips and I look down at this thing and it's not It's going right over the dirt and doesn't even pick it up.

And I'm going, why am I doing this? I could just go get a regular Shark vacuum cleaner and it will do it myself, and it will be a lot better. So you're I'm with you if that is. Don't buy those things.

They're jumping into corners. Look, one day robots will be able to vacuum our house. But for the technology we have right now, no, it's not good enough.


All right, here's a couple more. How about lufas, Shannon, Do you use a loofah in a shower?


Well, I'm going to tell you that most people don't clean their loofas, Shannon. Let me tell you what you mean.

You don't clean them. You're in the shower, You're putting soap on them.

You don't think bacteria still sticks to the lufa?

Yeah, but it's so does soap.

I'm telling you that people use loofahs for extended period of times those things need to be changed out, just like changing out your towel. I guarantee there's somebody listen out there that's used the same loufa or washcloth to clean their body for multiple months. And Shannon, that's disturbing. There needs to be a trend that you need to change out your loofa a little bit more of.

So what's the protocol on lufa turnover? Like how often should I be throwing? Like every week I should be getting a new lufa.

Or like, you know, I'm not sure that the science behind this, Yeah, but like i'd probably say like maybe every month or a couple months, you should probably change it. You know, some people use real sponges to clean their body. That's a very popular thing that tourists by down in Florida and like uh in in areas on the coast, and those things need to be cleaned with baking soda and they need to sit for it at times because they absorb all of the dirt. Your loofa every now.

Lufa wants a muff towel every day, underwear every.

Two days, right, See, I use a towel maybe two or three times, and you know, and then it starts.

To get a little bad.

Yeah, underwear, you better be changing everyo. You better be changing over to day crystals, Shannon. You know people that use crystals, they wear it on their body.

I mean, have you not Chakras heard this pre show for the last four years?

I know Moonwater was next time I list.

Yeah, she loves crystals. I mean I went and bought her a eighty five dollars piece of rock and gave it to her for Christmas because she loves these crystals. I don't know what it is with these Oh it is is a rock. I could go out and dig in my backyard and pull up some crystals and sell them for one hundred dollars.

Well, you can buy crystals for good luck or it's calming crystals, ridiculous or blasphemy. Is there anything to these things? Or do we feel like it's just fraudulent and to make money in Captain fraudulent.

She's even got one crystal that's supposed to help the Wi Fi in your house. What yeah, Now you explain that one to me. It helps the WiFi? What do you mean so the WiFi is not good enough? So you're telling me there's three different tiers of Wi Fi like good, great, greater. I can just get the good and then put the crystal next to it and I'll have the best Wi Fi around.

No, that's great boosting the Wi Fi signal. We may need to carry some in r KSRQUI.

I mean, come on, I mean maybe I should try that and see if we have any technical difficulties. You think I'm kidding. I mean, like down by the Wi Fi there are these little tall like uh, I don't know, like tall looking pyramids that are crystals that she claims will boost the Wi Fi.

Now, I may I may make some people mad with this one, because my fiance is someone that swears by this. Do you believe and I'm not like definitive here and like this is something that's fraudulent, But do you believe in horoscope? Shannon? And this is something that's been in newsp papers for years. Do you think they're vague just enough so where it could apply to everybody? Or do you feel like when you were born and like the moon and what's going on, do you think that all matters?

No? No, I think it's vague, and I think if I close my eyes and I didn't know which you know, I'm Sagittarius, but I could go to a virgo and read theirs and go, oh, yeah, that applies to me. So it's vague enough to where you could apply anything that it says to you.

So, but you don't believe like some signs don't match. So like if you know, if you're a Virgo and I'm something else, I shouldn't date.

I think personalities a lot of times don't match. But I don't think it's because of what month you were born, And I think it's just do you have a different personality? Okay, yeah, like you think that I'm compatible with every Sagittarius on the planet. No, it's stupid.

No, But there is a huge industry that has been going on for way much longer than we were alive, Shannon, So you got to think, why is that a thing?

I mean, or people have been selling cool but people have been selling snake oil for years. You're right, that's to me, we should continue to fall for it.

Well, if you use Q tips, if you swear by crystals, maybe you have a robot vacuum. We'd love to hear from you this morning eight five nine two eight h two two eight seven or other fraudulent things. Shannon, I want to play some audio about the SEC tournament that's coming up this week. Mark Stoops is coming on KSR a little later today. I want to make sure you're not gonna, you know, ask any tough questions like you did Mitch Barnhart the.

Other I don't get that one question. What do you mean, I don't get to ask a question.

You don't get to ask one question.

No, that's Ryan. That's Ryan's gimmick. He gets one question. I'll just sit here and listen. Well, everybody else, we.

Still all still remember your checkerboard question to Mitch, and we do appreciate you doing that back then. But maybe maybe we'll get your question and another nonsense on the way. It is the show before the show, the caserpre show will be right back. Welcome back. It is the case. Our appreciow Billy and the Dude give us a call this morning eight five nine two two eight seven. You can always text us and join the fun five O two two sixty five six six five six, where one person says Shannon's old lady will be levitating above the bed or she'll have him doing it before too long. But you know what one of these days, shann, we'll get on in the crystals in the moon water or.

Or what we're going to turn into the extorsist. Is that what that was saying.

That's kind of the picture I had because of crystals. Yeah, I think crystals are demonic. You know, who knows what they're doing, Shannon.

They're not doing anything. They're just the rocks. They're just sitting there. It's a rock, but people put belief in it.


People are asking us, multiple people have asked us this question, Sana, do we believe in the Farmer's Almanac? They have been predicting weather since eighteen eighteen and they rose to fame because in uh well, actually, I'm sorry. The Old Farmer's Almanac was founded in seventeen ninety two. It was nearly identical and predicted the weather for that year and rose to fame because it predicted I guess, snow, sleet, and rain in the month of July. You believe that farmers almost?

Okay, Now, how did the farmers figure this out? Because we have this big, fancy Doppler radar now that they didn't have hundreds of years ago, and that thing can only predict it about half the time right, two or three days ahead of time.

That's what today's meteorologists are saying, at least according to the article that I'm reading right now right, is that it's hard enough to predict a five day forecast.

Yeah. So, like when I was a kid, my grandfather had this calendar, I think it was the Farmer's Almanac calendar, and it would say on there which days are good fishing days. So we would look at the calendar and I go, Pap, Paul, let's go fishing on Monday. He go, let me look at the count, and no, it's not a good fishing day. We gotta go another. Okay, it looks like Wednesday is going to be a good fishing day. We'll go Wednesday. And I have us thinking, even as a kid, like they can't be real, Like how would they know what the fish are biting on a Wednesday instead of Monday? What do they know? I mean, it's it's no, it's ridiculous. I don't believe it.

Oh so you don't believe it either.

You think it's just so.

In this article, there's some experts that are saying the old Farmer's almonds is to meteorology. What astrology is to an astronomer.

There you go.

You can be just vague enough and forecast regions that are just large enough that the predictions appear accurate and when applied to any situation. So I think there's probably some truth in that. But like, let's say it's like eighteen twenty, you're living on the Farmer's Almanac, right, like you use don't have anything else right exactly, So like you get you got to use this to know when to plant, you know when to harvest.

I mean, there's definitely a right time to plant and harvest and all that. I'm not saying that that part of it's wrong. I'm just saying, does it really know what the weather is going to be a year in advance, or which day fish or biding. I don't believe that part of it. I mean I do believe the Okay, yeah, this is a good time to plant, I get that, But I mean it's the same time every year.

Yeah, no, I did. I did not know that farmers own acs also predicted when good fishing days were shit, And I absolutely love that. But I'm with you, I don't know how that's possible to predict. It's not so you know what would just say, we'll just keep up stay.

It also is not predictable, and that is college basketball because it's hard to bet. It is hard to bet, at least for me, on college basketball. But you can do it on DraftKings promo code KSR. If you're a new customer, bet five dollars, get one hundred and fifty instantly in bonus bets. When you bet just five bucks. With DraftKings, you can do same game parlays, player props, and so much more. It's all there for you at Draft Kings Sportsbook. We're going to be down there at the Draft Kings Sports Book in Nashville, I'm sure hanging out watching some of the games when Kentucky's not playing, and you can bet down down there as well if you want. It's only on Draft Kings. The crown is yours. If you have a gambling problem called one eight hundred gambler eighteen plus Kentucky only eligible restrictions apply new customers only. Bonus bets expire one hundred and sixty eight hours after issuance. Traditional terms and responsible gaming resources see DKNG, dot co, slash audio.

Congratulations to Troy who beat Arkansas State ninety four to eighty one, and there was one other one, Shannon. Wafford beat Furman ninety two to eighty five in the Southern Conference. So Wafford and Troy are your two new additions to the Big Dance.

I did not know that former Cat Dwight Perry was the Wafford head coach. Did you know that?

No, not until the article came out on KSR. Speaking of KSR, the Lexington Golf Scramble goes on sale today, Shannon, at ten am. So if you would like to be a part of the Lexington Golf Scramble at the University Club this year, we're going to be playing both on Big Blue and Wildcat, go to WLAP dot com and at ten am. The link will should allow you to buy your spot in the tournament. And Shannon, it's I don't know if you've been to the University Club before. Pretty nice place. Probably you haven't since you live in Louisville. But Big Blue and Wildcat are probably two of the most plagued courses in the city, and rightly so, because Big Blue at least is very beautiful. So looking forward to that going on sale little later today.

That's right. The exciting game of golf. Don't let anybody tell you that golf is boring. It's so exciting. Likes to take his naps to golf, So I guess if you're not going to be playing, you'll be out there on a tee falling asleep, taking a nap.

Yeah, I've been. You know, Matt and Drew get their their whole teams, you know, and I'm I'm like, you know, when can I get that? And they're they're, you know, you're too low on the totem pole.

Didn't your guys like bell out on you because it was late in the day or something. The last time I was.

Going to be on the iHeart team and everybody had something happen, so it was just going to be me out there by myself and.

Everybody had something hmm. Everybody had something happen. So I was like, maybe they just didn't want Billy on their team that you're a good golfer, though I don't know why they wouldn't, Like, I want you on my team because the only thing I'm gonna be able to do is putty.

I'm a pretty good golfer. I thought I was going to make the Netflix documentary with my shot during the golf scramble. I had to sign off for it, but they didn't never played it. I would like to see you swing a golf club, Shan. And remember I took a video of you at the golf simulator. Hit it backwards. You went backwards. Well, I thought that's the way you were supposed to hit. You talking all this trash. My man hit it backwards the one time I've.

Seen a hold on him in And I don't have ever talk trash about golf. I've always said I'm a terrible golfer.

No sports boring.

It is boring. I don't like the game of gold. He wants to golf with Billy. Well, all those things are factually true, they're not. Nobody wants to golf with Billy. I'm a bad golfer. Yeah, so what what's your point? All right, but we'll be there. We'll be there for the scramble, and it is fine like that. Part of it's fun. It's more fun for me to sit there and just watch people shoot shots into the lake than it is for me to play the game of golf.

In the case are golf scramble, you're feeling yourself by the end of it, like little sponsors on every whole free samples of things that you can imagine. Yep, you will be feeling it. Let's take our first call today, Dude, who's up, Doug?

What's up?


Hey, Doug, Lornie, gentlemen, how are you all today?

We're great? Good?

How are you doing well? Thanks? I'm a little worried that Shannon may have to take some of his crystals to his gig this Thursday. Shan, and I've heard you say that you guys are playing four hours without a break.


That is the uh tin roof role, like across all ten roofs in America. They call it Broadway style, which is appropriate because we're playing on Broadway. But you got to play for four straight hours and you don't get a break, like that's breaking a labor.

I was seventeen and never had a gig where you didn't get.

A break and you never played ten roof.

Well, that is true, that is true. So so how many songs are in your set list for that night?


We could play probably play anywhere around sixty to seventy songs. Wow, I don't think I'm gonna be my voice probably won't make it that far and you have all that memorized, you know. Yeah, it's not karaoke. I don't have a teleprompter in front of me. You know, it's called it's called practice. You gotta get your raps in song.


You either know the song or you don't. And when you're playing fifty songs every now and then, you need a mulligan because you might screw on up and you got to your songs, you know. So it's where it goes.

Doug, Well, I've been I was just been worried about you because you said it several times, and I wish you the best of luck and real excited about the next couple of weeks and hope you have a great gig.

Yep, thanks Doug. We appreciate it.

Thank you.

Yeah, we played that. We played Tin roof Nashville last year, so it was the same thing. But you know, when you get up there and you start ripping through the songs and you're having fun. Next thing, you know, four hours goes back quicker than what you would imagine.

I didn't realize it was that many songs. I mean, I guess it makes sense if you've got four hours to do but yeah, we'll probably get you know, you remember fifty to sixty songs and you've got to perform. You know, it's not just go up there and mumble.

No, no, it's it's not mumble rap. You gotta go up.

There and do it different genre.

Yea, yeah, So we're you know, hey, it's fun. We're looking forward to it. We hope that there's going to be a great crowd out there. We're playing upstairs, by the way, so get there early if you can, and hang out with us as long as you can. I know some people are not even going to be going to the game, so tin roof would be a good place to just watch the game. You can hang out, listen to the band, and then as soon as Kentucky gets ready to tip it off, we'll shut up and you can watch the game.

We just got a few seconds before we need to break. But did you ever have somebody reach out about being a possible guitar player? Still looking a couple, Yes, but we need more than a couple. We need as many as possible, but only serious inquiries only. So again, if you can play guitar, and I don't mean just play, if you can shred on guitar, and you can sing harmonies, and you're a cool person.

Being cool. That's probably the most important thing out of all those at Shannon the dude on social media, send me your videos and maybe we'll bring you in and at you to the band.

All right, we'll take a break and be back here on the show before the show. All right, now you're speaking my language, Shannon.

We'll play this one in Nashville.

Good good. This is on the Workout playlist along with Helios.

Ah, thank you, thank you so much.

Of course, I really appreciate that I got some more fraudulent things for you. These come from the text line tell me if you agree or disagree the iHeart coomrax as a fraudulent I mean it works for the most part.

It's just I mean, we just need some more crystals around it and maybe it'll work.

That's right, that's right, like you, like you said, we maybe we just need to get some for the uh our equipment box that we take everywhere. Pucks a tawny phil Now that is a fraudulent thing. Didn't we learn a couple of years ago that the decision is made before that gopher even comes out and looks at its shadow, Shane.

Yeah, but don't don't put this on the groundhog. The groundhog doesn't want any part of this. You think the groundhog wants to be picked up and held like he's part of the chara like the lion king. No, he loves it.

He lives like a king for at three hundred and sixty four days of the year and then he comes out and acts like he knows what he's doing out there.

So no, I put this on the people agreement, parks a tawny. It's their fault, not the groundhog's fault. He's just being a groundhog.

I'm surprised Peta hasn't come after them. They go after everybody else.

They're not killing the groundhog and wearing them as a coat or they're just they're just picking them up and showing his shadow to him.

Don't pick him up. Yeah, stop looking at his shadow.


Boneless wings as chicken nuggets, Shannon, or they are chicken nuggets. Boneless wings are not wings. They are chicken nuggets according to this ye person. Yeah, you either if wings have bones in them. That other stuff is just meet thrown together in a ball. Correct what we call it boneless wings? But they're really chicken nuggets, that's right. And the final person, this the final one, this person says is John Caliperi, and I think that's a little harsh. And the guy did win a national championship, right, Yeah?

Were you gonna play an audio clip of him?

I got audio?

You want audio?

Is that if Calier he had a good quote, I don't care about the conference tournament.

Okay, I could stop it right there. Okay, I thought you were gonna say another quote, literally the first thing he said.

But I don't care about the conference tournament, which is why we want it so many times, because that could care less. The tournament that matters is the NCAA tournament. Now, you play that tournament to get the best seed you can get, and if you're gonna get to the finals, win or don't go to the finals and lose because you're exhausted and you got to play on Tuesday or Wednesday. So I'm like, let's play well and try to improve our seat.

So we've heard that a few times in the past, right, And I think we can all agree that fans just don't want to be told that. Right, they're paying money to go to Nashville. I mean, I feel like it's disrespectful to the fans that are making an effort to just come out and say things like that. But we know, we know John Calla Perry's going to John Cali Perry. I just want to play it side by side to what Pope said about the SEC Tournament just a couple of days ago.

And so, this SEC Tournament matters. It's the best league maybe that's ever been in any you know, in any year of college basketball. And this SEC matters. And so we're heading to Nashville with all of our successes and confidence and warts and holes that we got to plug, and we're going there to with one goal, which is to go win. And I assume every team is going there that way. That's why athletics is beautiful, is because you know, it gets that pure. At the end of the day, you're either going to go win or you're not, and it matters.

Well, I wouldn't say every team might be going there to do that.

But Channing, we'd fifteen out of sixteen.

Fifteen out of sixteen is a good number. Yeah, where are you on this debate? How much does the SEC Tournament matter?

The SEC Tournament absolutely matters, and If you don't think that, then go to Nashville and look at all the Kentucky fans that came down there. Do you think they drove all the way down to Nashville to see their team lose. That is a slap in the face. And when Caliperi was here, I even said that it's a slap in the face to all the fans who go to Nashville who we just we just highlighted earlier. It is not a cheap trip. You're spending hundreds thousands of dollars, you know, to go to Nashville on this trip. You want to see your team win. You don't want to go all the way down there to watch your team play for a coach who says it doesn't matter, I don't care about the conference tournament, so absolutely it matters. And Mark Pope gets that well.

When you say things don't matter, you put more pressure on the thing that do right, And I thought that was one of the biggest flaws late in Calipari's years, that was like, nothing matters, but March, you know, the SEC tournament doesn't matter, and when it does matter, the guys are tight, right, I mean they're playing with a lot of the loop marks by the way too correct. Yeah, you'd think that that could have you know, made the cut. But you know, I think that kind of attitude also seeps down right. If you don't care about something, are you gonna care about the little things in practice?

You know? Blah blah blah. He contradicted himself too, because he was like, well, let's just go play well and try to improve our NCAA tournament seed. Well, cal, when you lose in the first round of your conference tournament, you're not improving your seed.

So Arkansas could use the help too. I mean, they're just barely getting in as of now.

Yeah, if I were Arkansas and CALIPERI I think I would change my tune real quick because I think they need, you know, at least one more win, maybe two more wins.


I know that, you know, they're kind of on the cusp, but I wouldn't feel confident if I were Arkansas that you're going to be in.

Well, the first game of the SEC tournament is Arkansas versus South Carolina. Would be a huge upset if Arkansas were to lose that game. So, I mean, anything's possible, especially when the coach that doesn't care about the game that they're playing.

I thought you were going to play a different quote because he actually Cali Perry did have a good quote. I don't know if you saw this. He said everyone, he said, everyone put us in a coffin after we went zero to five. They just forgot the nills. So that that is kind of a cool quote. Yeah.

No, he was able to say that because of a point blank misshot at the buzzer in their last game, that's going to allow them to get into the NCAA tournament. But you know what, have your fun, cal you you were gonna make the tournament.

I wouldn't be celebrating too soon if I were Arkansas.

Oh you don't think you think there's a chance they could not make it if they lost.

I mean, I'm not Joe Lenardi, but I mean if other teams, if there's other upsets, you know, in conference tournaments that are going on this week, I mean, that's gonna kick out some of the teams that are on the fringe. Yeah, so, I mean, I don't know I would. I wouldn't get too chesty if I were Arkansas at this point.

A five two two eight seven. Let's go to the phone. Shannon.

Who we got up? Now, let's get a free bird. What's up?

Free bird?

Hey guys, I want to tell y'all I almost had a wreck yesterday because of that one collar on k Sar when you all were just laughing your butts off. I forgot his name, but Jake, you all had a lot Jake, Oh my gosh, if you if you could play that audio again, well, I'm not in traffic, could use a good laugh.

That was.

That was? That was awesome, man, that was that was awesome.

Yeah, he's uh. We always enjoyed Jake's calls.

I think it was just the infectious laugh right like he was. He just kind of got a little hysterical and it got Ryan going right, and once you get Ryan laughing like that, he doesn't stop.


Well, I'll tell you man. You know, some stuff are funny, but like you just hit it. When you hear somebody else's laugh, that just makes everything even funnier because it's I've never seen things stick in somebody's head and it's just it's infectious, which would sound like it was yesterday. But if y'all could be nice and play that audio again, I would really appreciate it.

Well, have to get GM Billy to dig that audio up maybe later on for us. I don't have it in front of me. Thanks for the call, free Bird. Good to hear from you.

Yeah, thank you, free Bird. Yeah, Chop Chop. I'll get to cutting here, Shannon. Yeah, and pretty soon Mark Stoops is going to be walking into studio, so that's looking forward to that. Do you what would you ask Mark Stoops? I know you're not going to get a question, but what do you want to hear from Stoops in this? Is there anything that he can say that can make you more optimistic and confident for the season.

You know, I'm not sure because I heard him talk yesterday. He said, you know, don't ask me anything specifically about players. He's just kind of talking in general. I mean, you know, we want to hear that he's going to have a commitment to winning and winning games at home more specifically. But I don't think you can come on here and just guarantee you're gonna win games. We talked about how tough the schedule is going to be next year, So I don't know. I don't know if there's anything I'm gonna hear that's gonna make me feel better until they go out there and play the games.

What if there's like an energy or a feistiness to them that is palpable Shannon. I think that's what I'm looking for. Is so not about what he says, but how he says it. I think a sense of urgency to be underlying what he's saying. You know what I mean. It really isn't about what he says, because I think there's a part of me that says I got to see it before I believe again. But if there is that sense of urgency, if there is a feistiness, I think that would make me a little more optimistic. But you know, the schedule is just so damn tough, Shannon. But he's never gonna get What.

Are you gonna do about it? You can either cry about it or you can get better and start beating some teams.

But what are you gonna do? Cry about it? I mean this Christmas story, that's what it is.


I did want to comment on the controversy you guys talked about on KSR the other day about Michigan Michigan State, where Michigan State was having their senior night. They lose. I don't know who won the game. I think Michigan State made won the game Michigan State one, but the Michigan players were standing at half court while the players would come up and kiss the logo yep, And I thought it was extremely childished by the Michigan players. They are the only two guys out on the court. Everybody else is on the sideline besides those two guys before a Michigan State player came over and pushed them, Shannon, I would have pushed them five minutes ago. I'm serious, like, that is not the time and place for them to be standing there. So I was actually on Michigan State side on that one. I don't know if you ever saw the video of that, but it is. It's acidine what those Michigan players were doing.

Yeah, I mean, you got your butt kick, get off the floor, get out of the way, you know, respect your opponent.

I think at that point, right the game is over. So that was after the game, right that after? That was after the game. Yeah, and they were like kissing the logo, So why are you even still out there? You know, see, I don't know. That's exactly what I'm saying, is that those guys need to get off the court that is foul by them. But speaking of controversies, did you see the track and field runner in Virginia?

No, I don't want Okay.

Quickly try to look it up here while I explained the story on twin Her because you've got to see the video. It comes in the Virginia State championships in high school where they are doing they have batons where they're running Shannon, you know, the little relay action, and one of the runners blatantly hits the other runner in the back of the head with the baton.

Oh my gosh, Nancy Kerrigan.

In Shades of Nancy and Tanya hits the runner in the side of the head. The runner is concussed and has to go to the sideline because she's just been assaulted. The runner was interviewed by the local media afterwards, and she said that she didn't do it on purpose, it was an accident, and that she is the actual victim here because of all these pushback that she's got.

You got the video as blatant as it gets.

It looks like she just kind of rears it back and then hits her in the head.

It looked like something out of a horror movie.

She said, the baton got stuck and then she had to readjust her arm stuck and then she hit her in the back of the head.

That stuck at her opponent's head. Great, what in the world, first time I'm seeing this? That is crazy.

Isn't that a bizarre video?

Yeah, it's like she's trying to murder or something.

It does look like assualt.


And then for the for her to go on local TV and say that she was the victim was kind of rich. But I don't know, Shan, You used be on the lookout. You never know when somebody might hit you in the back of the head with a baton like that. I know, if I have a crack in my windshield, though, I'll go to right way auto glass.

That's right, button will do that. Yes, head on a swivel, and you got people chasing you with batons. Right way auto glass, Billy, it's where you need to go. Right way auto glass dot com. They spell it r ite and you go there and they're gonna take care of you, whether it be you know, maybe you're driving down the road and a rock flies out of the tire in front of the car in front of you.

What happened to me.

You know, it can happen and break your windshield. Next thing you know, you're like Billy, You're driving around with the broken windshield. You don't have to do that, though. You can go to right Way Auto Glass. They'll take care of you. They'll actually come to you to do the replacement for you. They can handle the insurance cleans process for you and make it easy. They do it all with the license insured and experienced team members at right Way Autoglass, our wayautoglass dot com or give them a call at eight five, nine, five two three ten ninety eight.

All right, we'll take a break and be right back. One segment to go here on the ksrpre Show. Welcome back. It is the ksrpre Show. Our final segment will hand it off to Matt and the guys. Mark Stoops joining KSR. I got some video that there was thirty seven seconds left during that game. Well, Michigan State was trying to kiss the floor, So I guess the Michigan players do have a right to stand on the court, Shandon, so maybe that changes my opinion.

I guess when I saw that, I mean I wasn't really paying that close attention to it. I thought the game was over at that point, But if there's thirty seven second still on the clock, you should probably wait till after the game to start kissing the logo.


I get you're getting subbed out and you want an emotional goodbye, but maybe you wait till after the game to kiss the court. So maybe do a little one to eighty in our opinion, I do want to congratulate otega Oway, who was named second Team All SEC by the conference yesterday. No other UK players on any other list, No Defensive Player of the Year, no Third Team SEC, no Freshman of the Year, Bruce Pearl one Coach of the Year, while Jani Broome one Player of the year. But Shannon, are we upset that Amari Williams wasn't voted to any of the award lists this year?

Yeah? I think so.

I feel like he's the biggest snub of the group. Would you agree?

Yeah? I definitely think so. And I can't play O way second team honors second team? Am I reading that right? Second team?

What do you think he should be first?

Yes? Are you kidding me?


I would put him on there.

Well, not many people had a streak like his, where he was able to score double digit points.

I had to do a double take when I saw second team. I mean, I thought that he would for sure be a lock in.

Jani Broom from Auburn, Walter Clayton Junior from Florida, Mark Sears from Alabama, Wade Taylor from A and M, and Zachai Ziegler from Tennessee A little surprise Zegler.

Yeah, come on, I would see there you go. I would take Ziegler out and put a way in.

Yeah, I would too.

And I think, you know, if Lamtt Butler didn't have, you know, the injury issues that he did, I think that he would be in there in the mix as well.

Yeah, yeah, I remember. Mark Pope said, I don't and I don't have any nightmares about guarding sec point guards. A lot of that was Lamont Butler, and at times they had to play without him. Mark Pope had his call in show last night before we get to the phones and end this show. Talked a lot about the growth of Colin Chandler, which is a great thing. He also said that sometimes temper tantrums are needed on the sideline. Shannon, sometimes it's appropriate to lose your mind on the sideline to get the attentions of the ref and to make them aware of certain things going on in the court. So we talk about is it a good thing to yell at ref's is it a bad thing? Mark Pope admitted last night that sometimes when the time comes, you can lose your mind a little bit.

I think tact goes a long way in how you yell at somebody. Though, you know, I've always believed if you're gonna be one of these people that just are on the ref the entire game, you're probably not going to get the benefit of the whistle. But you know, I think you can throw a tantrum occasionally, and as long as you don't, you know, do it in a way that's you know, starts to become personal with the ref that I think that maybe you can get away with the tantrum here or there. But I don't know. I mean, I'm sure he sees all the stats. He's he's got the research in front of him that shows that coaches that act like children tend to get the fair whistle or the better whistle, So maybe there is something to it.

Yeah, he talked a little bit about like wanting to work with the officials, and then you know, after a while, it's you know, you got to pick and choose your battles.

Yeah, gotta figure out which hill to die on. Yeah.

I think everybody got a little frustrated with the fishing at one point this year.

Yeah, and then the heat of the moment. I mean, you don't plan on going off on an official. I think it just happens, you know.

Right right exactly. It's just your human beings. People make mistakes too. Let's take one final call. I believe Dave is on the line. Good morning, Dave, Good morning fellas.

How y'all doing great?

How are you?

Hello? We've done great, Thank you. I'm all packed up righty to go to the cats Fille for the SEC tournament. That's a quick comment there, And I got to ask a question here. Maybe you guys can help me with this or maybe you can't. We get to get privy to the opening round tournament tickets for the NCAA, and I was kind of luck you guys thought about where Kentucky might land so I could put my name in a hat to get the tickets in that regional. I'm not really sure where it's going to be. I heard Milwaukee, and then I heard out in Denver and Topeka. So if you guys give me your best answer and try to help me out. I got to the fourteenth to put my answer in to play well, I want them not, so I'll hang up and listen.

Probably depends on if Kentucky, you know, wins a couple of games in the tournament, or if they lose in the first round on Thursday, you know, you know, that way, they would possibly go up to be a you know, a higher three seed, and then I think you get the more favorable closer location depending on which tier of the three seed that you are, if that makes any sense at all. So if I had to guess right now, I'd probably say in Milwaukee, although I think Providence is still a chance that happened.

Where do you want to go? That's the better question, Shan. Would you like to go back out to Denver?

Well, if it's in Providence, I don't think I'm going in the first round. If it's Milwaukee, we would go. So, you know, if I'm gonna be going on the trip, I guess Milwaukee would be the closest.

Yeah, I'm not up to date on it. I think Milwaukee would probably be my best guess, but I'm sure Matt might break that down a little later today on KSR, Shannon, did you see what the Duke men's basketball Twitter account did last night?


I mean it is some of the sourest grapes that I've ever seen from an official team account. Pat Kelsey was voted as the ACC Coach of the Year, and the Duke men's basketball Twitter account just some of the sorriest tweets that I've ever seen, some loser mentality stuff from the admin. I can't think that Shier approved some of the posts that Duke was posting last night. Here's verbatim what they said. Haven't seen a coach snubbed for ACC Coach of the Year like this since coach k didn't win it once over his final twenty two seasons, which includes three national titles, ten ACC Tournament titles, five ACC regular season titles, and eleven thirty win seasons. Out John Schier. They posted a graphic, Shannon, a graphic.

Please, what a joke.

You have one of the best recruiting classes coming in, You're expected to win, you do win. You're not gonna just be handed coach of the Year. Shannon, I thought it was pitiful from Duke.

Yes, yeah, and Pat Kelsey absolutely deserves that to take the program from what twelve wins and two seasons total to what they won twenty five.

Five find a program record for regular season win.

Come on, I mean, there's no question I think he unanimously should have been voted in as ACC Coach of the Year.

No sorry stuff from Duke, and it's gonna make me hate him, even though the you know, you know at times this is a team that people have gotten behind. Shannon, tell me about Draftings.

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Last audio, that's gonna do it for us KSRS. Next with Mark stops for Shanning of the dude on Billy Rutlige, We'll see you later.

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