2025-03-18 - KSR PRE-SHOW

Published Mar 18, 2025, 4:32 PM

Shannon The Dude and Billy Rutledge talk UK vs. Troy, NCAA Tournament picks, and take your calls.

Welcome everyone to another edition of the KSR pre Show. Today is Tuesday, March eighteenth. I am Billy Rutlich along with Shannon the Dude, and you can give us a call on the Clark's Pumping Shop phone line. It's eight five nine two eight oh two two eight seven, Texas at five oh two two six five sixty six five six and is always the chaos. KSR pre Show is brought to you by ital X Fine Italian Dining in Lexington. That's where I'm at today, high atop the City Center, along with Shannon the Dude, who is in Louisville, joining me remotely as he does every morning. Good morning, dude, what's up now?

Doing well? Man? I'm just wondering if I could get some gas money from you, uh to get to Milwaukee later on this week. It's gonna be a long trip and uh gas is not cheap, so I thought maybe you could uh throw a little a little money in the pool and see if we could get enough to get to Milwaukee.

Not me, I go to Costco to save I guess ten cents every time I fill up on because of my membership. But Mark Pope on The Mark Pope Show, last night saying that he would give Kentucky fans gas money. It's just a seven hour drive to Milwaukee.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. First of all, let's let's go back on what you just said there. Yeah, you and I we go to Clark's pumping Shop or Clark's pumping We pomp We shop at Clark's, not cost Carrio, Clark's pumping Shop. But anyway, yeah, I don't know any man. You know, Pope I think made a slight mistake when he agreed to pay for everyone's ice cream at that game at Roup earlier this year. Now he's agreed that he will We're saying that he will pay people's gas money if they need it to get to Milwaukee. I don't think that was a wise decision, because now you're gonna have all these freeloaders just saying, hey, give me some money. And then, you know, one guy even took him up and not even asking for gas money, asking for a plane ticket from Florida. He didn't say he's gonna buy your plane ticket to get there. He said gas money. So don't don't abuse it, folks.

Now, the responses came been quickly after he made that that statement on air last night.


You got to think his wife probably needs a little gas money, remember her her car breaking down the middle of the road and Mark Pope having to come save her. He did mention that that ice cream bill was a little bit bigger than he thought it was gonna be shading, So I think you're exactly right. But he's gonna he's gonna do it again, and it just shows his connection to this fan basin.

But I don't know how you're gonna reach.

Him, But if you can get a hold of him, maybe he just seems like the type of guy that would give you gas money. Shannon, would you ever give me gas money?

Dumm, No, but you can ask, Okay, you can pay for your own gas. You ever run out of gas before like that? I have, Actually, I was not even that long ago, ran out of gas coming back from Lexington for a remote in the iHeart vehicle. I was not. I was not very pleased at all with our promotions people that day because you know, you get a gas card, well, a gas card wouldn't work. And I'm like, you know, I had to do this before where I'm paying for you know, gas money out of my own pocket. I'm not doing that. I'm gonna I'm gonna just try to get back to the studio, and if I don't, one of them is going to have to come get me. And that's what happened. I ran out of gas and I sat there and they had to come bring me gas.

Oh, they came and got you. Yes, I thought you were going to like start walking on the end of the stay.

This gas card hadn't worked for months. I'm like, at some point, somebody's got to learn their lesson. So I made them have to come build me out and bring the gas tank on the side of the highway. I think that was last year. So instead of stopping for gas, it was paying yes, and paying for it out of my own pocket, which I've been doing.


Yeah, you were so determined to not put any of your own money.

But I've already done it. I've not done it anymore.

Ran out of freaking gas. Yeah, because you were so stubborn, they had.

And somebody had to stop what they were doing, go get a gas tank, fill it up and bring me gas on the side.

I just love the image of you mumbling to yourself, They're going to learn today.

Didn't fill up the tank I'm not trying to do you got a gas card. It's not that hard. Make sure it works.

Did you feel like Kramer at all and Seinfeld trying to take that thing to the limit with that thing on E Because I always feel like I'm.

Doing that when I'm not going to the gas. I'll do it all the time. It's like I've got it now to a science. Like when the light comes on, that's just a suggestion that you should get gas. It doesn't mean you really have to get gas. I'll wait till the little meter is all the way past that last it's got to be you know that last little block on there. I'll wait till let's pass that block about a you know, quarter of an inch, and then I go, okay, now it's now it's being for real, Like I need something on my gas tank that goes, hey, you're you're kind of out of gas. Now, okay, let's get serious. Now you really need to go get gas or you're gonna run out, Like right now, I need that. I'm with you.

The light is just a suggestion, and my meter is past the e at this point, Like if it's Addie, we still got a few miles. Shit, it's got to be past e and going towards the floorboard.

But you're right. Go to Clark's Pumping Shop to get your gas, and if.

You're fueling up for Milwaukee, that's the perfect place for some gas and some food and drinks. Shannon, I've got my bracket right here, it's filled out, and I believe I have the perfect bracket.


Okay, Well, did you sign up for the iHeartRadio Perfect Bracket so.

You can win a million dollars? Not yet, but I need to do that. You need to do that, and that's presented by Salceeritas.

Thank you.

I believe yes, so yes, do that on wlip dot com with a chance to win a million dollars. At one point, Warren Buffett was offering people a billion dollars if they had the perfect bracket. Shannon, I'm not sure if that's still the thing, But according to Yahoo's Sports, you have the odds of one in nine point two quin trillion of having a perfect bracket. That's one point nine to two, or excuse me, one in nine point two quinn trillion. A quinn trillion is a billion billion, Shannon.

Don't be doing math with me. Nine o'clock in the morning.

That is the odds that you have of having the perfect bracket. You have better odds of picking one specific grain of rice from all of the rice ever harvested in human history than having a perfect bracket.

I believe it. It's it's impossible. I don't if anyone has ever said they've had the perfect bracket, they're a liar. Now, did you see what Twitter's doing? Did you see what Elon Musk is doing?


What's he doing? So if you have the best bracket out of everyone on Twitter, I'm still calling it Twitter. It's not Exit's Twitter. He's gonna give you one hundred thousand dollars. Not bad, right, But if you get the perfect bracket on the Twitter bracket, perfect bracket, you get a free trip to Mars tomorrow. To Mars, No, I don't know if it's a one way trip. I don't know that they're going to bring you back. I don't think that's actually a good thing. That sounds like more of a punishment. But I filled it out last night. It popped up on Twitter. It said fill out the bracket. If you get the perfect bracket, you get a free trip to Mars from Eli. I think you're right.

Sound like a return trip, I mean one it takes years to even get there, I believe. But Shannon, you saw that and you signed up. You will have to the trip to mar No, no, no, no, no, I don't.

Well, first of all, I'm not gonna have the perfect bracket. I don't have to worry about it. But even if I did, I'm not gonna take the trip. I would just give it to you. Here you go, Billy, take your one way trip. Yeah.

But I mean, if you do have a perfect bracket, you are an alien and maybe that's where you should live.

Well, we'll see what kind of connection you get on Mars. We can barely get a connection in Kentucky every day for the show.

One in nine point two, Quinn trillion, you have better odds of winning the powerball jackpot three times in a row. You also have better odds of getting struck by lightning five times in a row.

That's happened to some people.

You have better odds of correctly picking one specific person on Earth and then correctly picking out one specific.

Hair on their head.

Wow, the odds are not in your favor for having a perfect bracket, So don't get too torn up when your upset doesn't hiton.

I can't even pick the se Sea bracket, so let alone you know my track record, I'm picking stuff. I'm ready to throw my bracket in the garbage about day two of the tournament a boy Friday. By the time Kentucky plays, my bracket will already be messed up.

So I went one day and picked every game correctly, and I think everybody in my neighborhood heard about it.


I think I just started going door to door to that point just to say, hey, I'm in like the one percent tile or to the ninety nine percent tile.

I think you need to check this out. But I think we all have the same sentiment.

On Thursday of Friday, when the tournament starts, it's one of the most unproductive days of the year, is it not, doubt Yeah, nobody. Millions of dollars lost in the economy because people are just not paying attention to the work that they should be doing. And a former host of Kentucky Sports Radio, John Fantas, summed this up perfectly.

I wanted to play this for you.

If you're working Thursday or Friday, you're an idiot, Like forget forget it if you are actually going into the office and trying to do real work, are you kidding me? You're taking off if you're if you live in Louisville and your team that hasn't been in the NCAA tournament in six years, and you say, you know you've got that July trip to Disney and I really want to ride did the Space Mountain or the Star Wars ride at Hollywood Studios? And I can't afford to take off the one day of work where my team that's been six years in the making. Are you serious right now you're going to be at that game. And if you are in America watching our network right now, you are not working on Thursday or Friday. And if your boss has a problem with it, tell them they can go see Jeff Goodman and Rob Dolster because I'm not having it.

That courtesy of the field of sixty eight and a little pointed there at not only Disney adults, which I kind of love, Shannon, but also Louisville fans. Man, You're not working in the city of Louisville on Thursday or Friday this week.

You're not, no, And I'm glad that Kentucky at least has the seven thirty game on Friday night instead of having to play at new But yeah, for Google fans, you're kicking off the tournament. I mean talking about again Lowvo having a bad draw than having to play on noon of day number one of the tournament. But yeah, nobody's I mean, you're going to work, You're not paying attention. Everybody's watching it on their phone, sneak it off to the break room to watch the game. It should be a company holiday. I agree.

Yeah, having it on the laptop while you're in a class in college was was what I remember the most.

The cool thing in high school was I don't know if your teachers would do this, but like you know, if we were good, they would roll in the TV, feel it out, and wheel it out. You know, we didn't have t with flat screens on the wall. We had like the boob tube, the big boxy TV. They'd have to roll it in and they go, all right, let's hook it up when we watch you know, Kentucky playing at noon on a Friday afternoon. So those were always good memories.

Now, I remember Kemba Walker in the Big East Tournament. Remember when he went off in that that run that he had for Yukon. I remember watching it on one of those TVs that was wheeled in by a substitute teacher.

There's a little nostalgia to it, and it's the teacher. What do you think the real teacher was doing that day? Aha, took all works we could watch the game.

It's right, It's the most wonderful time of the year because not only students but teachers would take off work to watch this great sporting event. You know, the Cats take on Troy on Friday, but before that we mentioned the Louisville Cardinals. They are the first game of the tournament, taking on Creighton in the eight to nine matchup, And really Louisville's been been the talk of the bracket and them getting snubbed to a degree, And I think that my favorite conspiracy theory by Louisville fan Shannon. I don't know if you've heard this, is that the committee got Louisville and Memphis just switched.

Up, switch got them confused. Yeah, I just got them confused.

Because the numbers actually almost perfectly align with this. If you look at the net, Louisville's twenty fourth Memphis is forty ninth. Remember, Memphis got a five, Louisville got a eighth. Right in the RPI, Louisville sixteen, Memphis is twenty two. In the KEMPOM Louisville's twenty three, Memphis thirty four. Even in the ESPN BPI Louisville is twenty, Memphis is forty two. Shannon, is it possible that this committee just happened to switch the two names because Memphis is actually an underdog as a five seed in their first game versus Colorado State.

I mean, if it were Louisville and let's say there was a team called, I don't know, Lewisville that I could see and maybe them screwing it up. But Louisville and Memphis don't even sound alike. There's no way, there's no way that they could screw that up, right, you wouldn't think so. But you look at the numbers, they don't lie. How did mephis end up with a five seed? I have more of a problem with Memphis as a five seed than I'll do Level in eight.

It just doesn't make sense. Like, just look at the net. Louisville twenty four, Memphis forty nine. The net is created by the NCAA. That is what they use to determine the order of the of the NCAA tournament. Yep, how is it possible that Memphis got that seeding compared to Louisville. It just does not make makes sense. And you know, I think the outrage is justified a little bit by Cardinal fans. But they get Lexington right, They get that benefit and they get a chance to take over this town.

You always hear about the quad one wins and how much emphasis the selection committee puts on a team and how many quad one wins they get, and you look at North Carolina one in twelve against quad one teams, I think you can throw that out though. I mean, I think that it means something to a degree, But to say it's the be all end all how you did versus quad one teams, I don't think that it means as much. If you look at how North Carolina got in this.

Year, one in nine point two quintrillion, you have better odds of seeing Shannon the Dude have a speaking role in a movie than having a perfect You're.

Just supposed to be working on that. That's all because of you. You're supposed to be my agent who's supposed to reach out and get me a speaking role in a movie.


I guess part of those odds is that you have me as an agent, So I think that's it. Maybe if I hired a better agent, maybe i'd have a better chance.

A five nine two two two eight seven. We'd like to hear from you this morning. Shannon mentioned North Carolina. They're in action tonight. We've got some first four games to us that we'll break down a little bit. We'll tell you who's in that matchup and much more on the way. It's a Tuesday edition of the KSR pre Show, and we'll.

Be right back. Welcome back. It is the CaSR Pre Show.

Shannon the Dude's company vehicles running on empty, trying to get back from a remote.

No, I won't fill up. We've got to learn their lesson. They gotta get I've been asking for this gas card to work for months and every week putting my own money, and I said, enough's enough. I'm gonna drive this thing back and it's gonna be on empty when the next person gets in it, or I'm gonna run out of gas right here. And I'm fine with either. Oh, I love it. At some point or another, I get to the breaking point of frustration. I'm like, you know what, that's fine.

Oh, one of these days, so you won't run out of gas, you'll run out of charge, shan in. The charging station won't be close enough at all the electric vehicles that'll be around. Maybe not anytime soon, but probably one of these days in the future.

I'm sure.

One person said twenty years ago, I almost got fired for leaving work in the middle of the day to watch Kentucky in March Madness.

It was a Saturday game.

I was already working overtime, but they still got mad that I wasn't one hundred percent focused on production. He was living in Dallas, Texas at the time. Shannon, Probably that was part of your issue, is because people don't care about college basketball anywhere like they do in Kentucky. Yeah, but I think the problem was you just tried to leave, right You got to try to sneak it, maybe watch it on your phone or a tablet.

It sounded like he just wanted to go to the bar or all of a sudden, you know, I'm sick, you know, I'm coming down with coming down with the flu. I think I got to get out of here. I don't want to get everybody else sick. Then all of a sudden, you look like you're just watching out for your co workers instead of trying to sneak off to watch a ballgame.

Speaking of something sick is that we will have to watch North Carolina in the NCAA Tournament. They are one of the first four games today. They take on San Diego State in the matchup of two eleven seeds, while the game before it is Saint Francis versus Alabama State. The winner of that game I believe, Shannon, is it Auburn or is it Auduke?

Auburn okay?

And then UNC San Diego State, I believe the winner will take on Ole miss s Shannon, are you excited to get the attorney? I guess somewhat underway with the fourth?

First four? Yeah, yeah, I like the first four. It's fine, you know, it's I don't care who's playing at this point. I just love March Madness, and it's just all the games are so exciting, even these playing games. So I will be definitely watching the games tonight, even though North Carolina is, as we pointed out, the least deserving team in the tournament. They're a four and a half point favorite. By the way, in case you're on DraftKings with San Diego State, now you can bet that game. Let's go ahead and pick the games tonight. North Carolina, san Diego State. Who do you get?

Give me san Diego State. I'm tired of this talk of North Carolina. They're ad did all this work on the selection committee For them to lose on the first night that we.

Watched games, wouldn't that be great? I mean, that's too I'm pulling for San Diego State. I'm going to be watching that game just to pull for San Diego State, and I'm gonna go ahead and pick them and say that they are going to win the game tonight and get North Carolina out and we can we can just laugh at North Carolina for even being in the tournament to begin with. Then the first game is Saint Francis Pennsylvania PA versus Alabama State. Alabama State's a four and a half point favored in that game.

Yeah, I'm gonna go Alabama State just for the sole fact that Saint Francis doesn't have a winning record. I believe they're sixteen and seventeen on the year, and so I think for that for that reason, Channon will go Alabama State in this game at Dayton.

But for that very reason that you gave out to this what I'm gonna pick Saint Francis. They obviously had to go on a run, they had to win their tournament to get in. So I think that they are They're hot right now. I'm gonna pick Saint Francis to win and play Auburn in the next round of the tournament. You can bet all this, of course on DraftKings Promo code KSR. If you're a new customer, no better time of the year to get started on your gambling career. With DraftKings promo code ks Are you bet five, you get two hundred and bonus bets. It's all there for you. The crown is yours. If you have a gambling problem, call one a hundred gambler eighteen plus Kentucky only. Eligibility restrictions apply and new customers only. Bonus bets expire one hundred and sixty eight hours after issuance. For additional terms are responsible gaming resources see DKNG, dot co, slash audio.

It seems pretty silly that a current athletic director would be on the selection committee for the NCAA tournament. Don't give me the whole Oh he steps out of the room when they talk about his team.

Don't believe it. I mean he may he may do that, but don't don't act like they don't have conversations before and after.

I also like to think he's just like glaring through the sea through part of the window and the door, and he's.

Just watching your dogs. When you let him out to pee in the backyard and it's cold outside, they're like, all right, I'm done, let me in, like banging on the glass trying to get back in.

That's exactly how I see Bubba Cunningham with the NCAA selection committee. But that was one of the points that the West Virginia governor was making yesterday as he called for an investigation over West Virginia's tourney.

So he's going to sue the NCAA.

Who he called the National Corrupt Athletic Association. I like it now, I like the acronym. I will give him that. But Shannon, is is it just like? What are we doing here?

Is there anything what we're doing? What we're doing is wasting time and money with this threatening illegal action. I mean, they're not going to shut down the tournament West Virginia, Governor because your team didn't make it. Does West Virginia belong in instead of North Carolina? Absolutely they do, But it is what it is. At this point, they're not going to stop it. If anything, this governor will probably get a few extra votes at the next election. That's all this is. I think that's probably what he's doing.

He stood up for us during our darkest time. Mountaineers didn't make the turn.

Didn't Desanta's in Florida or some politician make a big deal about it when Florida State didn't make the football playoffs? I mean, nothing ever came with that, So I think I think you're right there was something. It's just a it's a political move, is all. It is, some grand standing.

Maybe I just feel bad for the players. I mean, now it kind of becomes a joke, right and go.

Out and whin the n West Virginia prove that you belong there.

Well, let's talk about the nit. We'll get to the phones in just a second. The NIT is in under some drama right now because they rescinded an invite to a team that is South Alabama. I don't know if you read this, but you see, Riverside had to decline their invitation to the NIT because of previous commitments to the CBI. So the NIT went to South Alabama and said, hey, you're in. The coaches told the players and the team, and then one hour later, Riverside informed the NIT they were able to get out of their commitment and accept the NIT bid. The NIT then had to call South Alabama and said that they are out.

Shannon, how it's like when you're It's like when you have a wedding list and you've got a certain amount of people who can come, and you got to make a cut somewhere. You invite a team, then you go, oops, we forgot aunt. Sally over here has got to make it to make it on the list too, so you're out. I kind of feel bad for him, though, I feel bad for the players.

I mean, imagine you're a senior, you think your season's over, you get a late invite to a big postseason tournament like the n I T and then it's rescinded. Because UC Riverside was able to get out of a previous commitment that seems foul.

Shannon, Yeah, we should have like a playing game, like let's see who roll between the two? Yeah, let's see who really wants to be in this n I T. We got playing games for everything else, while I have a playing game for the n I T. We let them battle it out.

I mean, I think for the most part the n I T is is lost its stature, but just poor form by them to rescind an invite.

So much of the n I T is who really wants to be there? Like a lot of times, you don't necessarily see the most talented team win the n I T. I mean, look at Kentucky and Robert Morris, right, you think if Kentucky was really play all out that they would lose the Robert I don't think so. I mean, but then again, they lost to Saint Peter's Oakland in other years, so maybe maybe not. But point being though, the n I T I think, more so than anything, is about who really wants to be there and who's taking it seriously and wants to win a championship.

Oh well, one team that doesn't want to be there, as South Carolina, they declined an invite to the NIT. I think that shows you that maybe going into the portal and getting your players for next year may be more important than meaningless postseason games like the n IT.

All right, we'll take a break. We've got some people on the line.

We'll get to your calls next eight five nine two a H two two A seven and much more on the way here on the ks Apprecia, welcome back. I love Alenis morris Set. I was gonna say I know that voice.

I couldn't put it. Elenis Morrisset and Fiona Apple might be my two favorite female voices. I love both of them. I think I saw Alanis Morris Set with you Live Shit, Bourbon and Beyond a couple of years ago.

Right, that's right, that was the one fiance really wanted to see. And I met you out there and and then you went sea and then you went into like the pit like you kind of like you're like, did I see you later?


Wait, I don't remember. Did I go into the pit for Alanis Moris.

I think it was the show maybe that was coming up after Alanis Morrissett. But you you went into the crowd and like disappeared, like uh, like I would never see you again.

No, I wonder who was next. I can't remember it was it like Duran Duran or something. I don't think to go back and look at the date and see you go into the pit for Duran Duran. I don't think it's really a pit. That's like going into the pit for the beach boys or something like. Nobody's gonna be washing it for that. A lot of pushing in cheven when the beach boys go up there. No, it's more like a lot of like cramped up backs in the pit. Has Alice Blue Gown ever gotten a mosh pit going on? No? No, no, we've We've had some good crowds, but uh not any not any mosh pits.

You can join us on the phone or via the text line. The text line is five oh two two six five six six five six, where many remind us that Mitch Barnhardt not too many years ago was on the selection community and possibly uh of it. But that doesn't make it right, Shannah right, I mean, that still doesn't excuse why current athletic directors would be.

On the selection. I don't want any athletic directors being a part of the committee, and I understand it. I've just looked it up here. Twelve member basketball selection committee. It's made up of ads and conference commissioners. I'd be fine if it was just all conference commissioners. Point being, I don't want anybody with a financial incentive for a team to get in to be a part of the committee. Now. I don't know like how conference commissioners get paid. I don't know if they get bonuses for more teams making the tournament. If so, that shouldn't be a thing. But I'm just saying, like, I don't want anybody that has an incentive financially to put a team in that doesn't belong in a part of the committee. Yeah to me.

And Bubba made one hundred grand right in his contract because North Carolina made the tournament. And how do you feel as a team that doesn't have somebody on that committee?


Like right, you can't help but feel slighted. And if you're a team like West Virginia and you're like, hey, we had the resume to get in, why is it that North Carolina is in with a one to twelve on record. I've never even heard that bad of a record getting in, Shannon, but you know, expect more of that if you see the NCAA tournament expand you know what I mean, you want more bad teams like North Carolina in the tournament, We'll just make more teams available to make that.

If you just took the name North Carolina off of the team, yeah, blond resume, you said this team is one and twelve versus quad one teams, I would say the only way they made it this must be some small school that played a really strong schedule that won their conference tournament, right right, That's that's the way I would say that. Okay, if I didn't know it was North Carolina, it must have been a small team that got on a run, won their conference tournament and they were an automatic bit, not an at large bid.

And then if you put North Carolina and you probably have some respect for the conference as a whole, but then you don't show that with Louisville making the OECC.

Was garbage outside of Duke Louisville and clips and the ACC was garbage. It was Yeah, I mean, it is what it is at this point. But I just hope North Carolina gets their buck kick tonight so we can all do too. I think we all do.

Go San Diego State it'll be fun watching that one tonight. Let's get to the phones though. We've got some people on the line. I believe Scott is our first caller this morning. Good morning, Scott, How.

Good boy, guys, thy quick question? If Cali Perry and Patino meet in the game, who's the crowd go pull for?

Well, probably Ricky P. I mean it being in Providence. Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah, the games in Providence, I would say probably Saint John's would have more fans than Arkansas, So just regionally, yeah, probably.

What about the Kentucky fans who thinks they're going to pull forward?

Oh? I think it's Rick Patino. I mean, there may be a few fans that still hate Rick from his time at Louisville, But I think that the majority of Kentucky fans want to see Cali Perry lose that game, especially this year, right, I mean with Ricky P coming back into our hearts. Yeah. Yeah, you're one of them, Scott, you'd rather see Patino win.

I'm one of them. I hope albers a tournament game his career.

Well, hold on, now, he's got to win a tournament game for it to be Saint John's in Arkansas.

I think, but you know, if it comes to where uh Patina don't have to play, I'm fine with that. I hope you know Caliperi, he does great for Kentucky why I was there, but the way he left us, you know, it's put a bad pace on mass So I hope you don't succeed at another school. And uh, I just like what he let us.

Thanks for the college guy, Thank you. You know, here's the crazy thing, Billy. I mean, let's go back to a year ago. If you'd have told me a year ago our fan base would hate John Caliperi and love Rick Battino again, I would say you're out of your mind. But yet here we are March eighteenth, twenty twenty five, and now we're pulling for Rick again, and we all hate John Calipari.

Well, not only just Kentucky fans. I feel like Ricky has become the darling of college basketball.

Yes, man, I mean the guy was on Jimmy Fallon. You have the team singing Jimmy fallon their New York's team. I love it for Rick I really do. I mean, he seems to be really happy. He's a New York guy. He seems to fit in perfectly with Saint John's.

I mean he coached at Iona just for the love of the game, Shannon. I mean he went to Greece, to Greece to do this all over. The question is how many Kentucky fans show up to the Lexington Regional when Louisville plays Auburn possibly or you know, uh, there's gonna there's a couple of gig good games in Lexington. There's no doubt even some Tennessee Valls fans coming down.

So who knows. Let's take another call, Shann, who's up next here? All right? L D is up next?

Hey, l D?

Shannon, what's going on?

What's up? Okay?

I was just gonna tell you all the last basketball game I was at was in high school because I was in negotiations with the cheerleaders.

But did you ever get that jar pick was open?

Did? Yes? I did? Oh, I took it.

I wanted to tell you that the fishing calendar, the old Farmer's Dominac, is a filling barometer. That's when the fishing is the base.

You believe that fishing calendar, Yeah, it's it's a filling barometer.

That's why they can tell it's anytime the barometers filling, it's it's a better face. But I just wanted to cal and say, hey, yell and legs, Joe, thank you.

Jar pickles. I forgot to update you.

So you took it to the wrestlers. They got it done, your big biceps. The commentator, it's funny that.

The commentator did it. Come on, come on that bad look. I've been loosening up that jar of pickles for two weeks for a good thing. He didn't bring it to the remote. Yeah, what was funny was I was gonna do a bit out of it, and you know, show that this jar pickles could be opened. The first guy opening popped it right open. He was the announcer and the first guy to do it. But when he did it, he had it turned sideways, which is maybe the technique I didn't try. You know, I just had it flat on the surface and was turning. He was like turning the jar sideways and really cranking on it that way. But when he did it, some of the pickle juice fell onto the floor, and I don't know that he cleaned it up too good, because like an hour later I hear the wrestlers walking backstage, going, why does it smell like two different kinds of pickles back here? And I'm just laughing under my breath, going, he doesn't have a clue what we just did earlier.

So wow, some some of that juice must have got on the wrestlers.

Who was it the Undertaker who was definitely afraid of pickles? You never heard that? Have I told that before? No? The Undertaker? The wrestler. I don't know how you could be afraid of a pickle, but you can look this up. The Undertaker is you think like a guy that size isn't afraid of anything. Apparently he's afraid of pickles. So like as a as a prank, some of the wrestlers, I guess we're bold enough to prank. The Undertaker would take like a pickle and put it in his gym bag. Okay, so what he was in a match and then he'd come back and there'd be a pickle in there.

Hold on, hold on, no, Now, I understand not liking the taste of pickles, but how can you be scared of a pickle? He's got a pickle phobia, like it's a snake or something like that. You see it and you, yeah, I don't know about that.

Okay, well look at you look it up during the break and you tell me what you find.

I mean, there's food phobias, but that's when you actually put the food in your mouth. What would you would you be afraid of a pickle for? Especially if you're a big wrestler too.

But here's the first thing that here's why the Undertaker is afraid of cucumbers.

See that sounds like a BuzzFeed headline or one of those AI generated get you to click on the likes.

Is it denial about being afraid of cucumbers? But he admits that they sometimes make the hair on his skin stand up, goose.

Bump, the cucumber looking at me sideways? What the heck?

Yeah, people have more phobias, man, I don't know. I don't know. Do you have any kind of phobias. I have a fear of heights. I don't know if that's like a weird phobia. I think that's pretty common. But I'm not like afraid of a food. Yeah, nothing comes to mind that weird.

I mean some basic stuff, like you know, I don't want to see a snake in my crawl space. Or anything like that, Shannon. But no phobia is like that. That's just odd. But I've never you know, more people have asked me about your pickle jar and me losing my keys than any sports topic we've ever talked about on this show.

I'm just saying, you think that the breaking down the games and the brackets matter. No, people just want to talk about pickles. He says he's not afraid of them, but will simply walk out of a room that has cucumbers in it. Okay, so he just doesn't put it up with it like he's just no non He can't look at a cucumber, freaks them out.

Let's talk about pickles and peanuts. Peanut is next on the line. What's up, Peanut?

How was it going?

Guys? Good?


Are you good?

Are you?

I was gonna tell you, hey, do you think do you think the Undertaker is good at pickleball?

Probably not? Probably not. I think.

Actually what I called for was in twenty twelve, I worked at Chili's and Barkstown a dishwashers, and we played of course, we played Lowan the five four. I went to work that day, but right before the game, I put my boots up on the Saints and I put a posted note on it. It said go Cats, and I left. I quit the job.

Oh really? So oh wow? So Kentucky was playing in the Final Four. You said, enough is enough. I'm out of here. I'm not going to stay back here and wash dishes. We got a Kentucky game to watch.

Yeah, it was against Louisville, and I had already missed the Kentucky Indiana game that year where they hit that shot. Yeah, I guess. So I was like, I'm not missing I.

Don't blame you, I guess somebody else. It's an important job. You don't want to have clean dishes. But I think I agree with you. It's definitely more important to watch the Final Four than clean some dishes. Thanks for the call, Peanut, Thank you, Peanut.

Wow the passion of this fan base shannon to quit their job as a Chili's dishwasher to watch the Cats.

I mean it depends on I guess how committed you are to your job, right, Like, if you had a really, really good job, you probably wouldn't quit it. But you know, I think if you lose your job as a dishwasher at Chili's, they need dishwashers over it Outback and Texas Roadhouse and every other place. Chi Cheese is going to need some dishwashers soon too. I might volunteer there just to be able to eat their food.

Well, this is a perfect segue because they also need dishwashers at waffle House. Shannon, and I want to give a tip of the cap to ksr's own Jacob Politick. He does a lot of great stuff for KSR. Plus. Just the other night he interviewed Troy head coach sk Cross and he explained to Jacob while he why he only recruits players that like waffle House. Shannon, let me, let's hear some of that.

Ore a town of fifteen thousand when school's not in town, so you can imagine you got one waffle house per five thousand people, so probably most per capita anywhere in the country. But started off the first two recruits I brought on campus, We're driving down the main street. I point out waffle House, ask him if they want to eat there for breakfast, and they were like, waffle house. You know, hell no, I don't want to go to waffle House. I'm like, Okay, my bad. You know, we'll trying to eat somewhere else. Long story short, we signed neither one of those guys. Then we brought a guy named Nick Stampley, who's an okge R kind of guy. He was our third recruit to visit. We're driving by, we don't even say anything about waffle house.

He sees.

He's like, oh, coach, y'all got a waffle house?

Here? Can we go there tomorrow?

He was our first signee. He was one of the toughest guys we've ever coached, and from that point forward we just kind of offhand ask them do you like waffle House? The answer is yes, it's like we sign them. If it's no, we never get them. So I told my staff, I was like, hey, y'all can save a lot of time and money first phone conversation in passing, ask them do they like waffle house or not?

So there you go.

There's Kentucky's opponent, Troy head coach Scott Cross.

Do you like his philosophy on recruits in waffle Look, if you could shoot and you can play defense, I wouldn't care what you eat. I think that's I mean, it's funny, but it's also ridiculous. I don't think that that necessarily means you're a good player because you like or don't like waffle House. But I'm a fan of waffle House.

You know.

It's a former Kentucky Sports Radio Food Bracket winner, myram Metcalf, who was on yesterday with this huge fan of waffle House. I don't know if they got any waffle houses in Milwaukee, but if they do, I might try to hit one for breakfast.

Now, I'm a wild Eggs guy, the official breakfast of Kentucky Sports Radio.

So now you want to Now you're learning from me, I'll teach you, mister me I go, But you know, do you?

Is it a character red flag if someone were to say they don't like waffle House, and I think to a degree, there would be. But Shannon, if you want to draw the line, I don't care what my players eat, then yeah that's fine.


I mean, if you're a good player, I don't care where you eat. But I'm like, I'm a fan of waffle House saying I get the same thing every time I go in. I already know my order. I don't need to look at them minute. First of all, gonna start off with an nice water because usually you know it comes after a night of heavy drinking, so you gotta.

Okay, so you're hung over, Yeah, water's good, trying to rebound here, you gotta rehydrate.

And then I'm going with the bacon, egg and cheese on Texas toast, Give me a side of hash browns, extra pickles, and give me some of that hot sauce over here, because I dumped the hot sauce on the plate. Dip the bacon, egg and cheese sandwich and the hot sauce, and then the pickles cool down the hotness, so you follow it up with a pickle.

A little acidity there at the end. We've had a lot of pickle talk today. By the way, I'm not afraid of pickles anymore. We'll have to go to the Pickle Fest and no, no, that was highly overrated.

Take you the legacy pickle beer was off. The best thing about Pickle Fest was Tyley Texas was in attendance. And other than that, it was it was terrible.

Give me the All Star special eggs sunnyside up or scrambled chin and it just kind of depends on what's going on. And then I'm going coke for the drink. Don't drink a lot of soda, but I like coke with breakfast.

I don't know what it is. Anything where I can go there and I can watch them make it right in front of me.

I like that place and a fight possibly busting out next to you. I mean, there's your entertainment right there. Don't even have to look.

Yeah, great odds depending on what time of day you go. Although you know it's likely to happen at a waffle house a fight breakout more so than any other restaurant. But if you go like after midnight, like I'm gonna say, between the hours of like midnight and four am, there's a good chance, like it's probably an eighty percent chance there's gonna be a fight that breaks out. Oh yeah, no doubt.

But a test of character if you're looking to go to the University of Troy and their basketball. Yeah, I get your break A five nine, two, two eight seven. Let's take that break uh, and coming up next, we'll take a couple of calls and we'll hand it off to KSR here on the show. Before the show, it's the Kiss, Our appreciow, welcome back. It's our final segment, and we've just got a couple of minutes after going along in that last segment. So Shannon, let's try to hit a call before.

We get out of here. All right, let's go to free Bird. Hey, what's up? Free Bird?

What's up?

Pre show? Approve?

What's up? Man?

A little story and then a question. Uh, nineteen eighty two, nineteen eighty three is in seven to eighth grade and you're talking about bringing in the TVs for basketball. Well, my math teacher, mister Hudson, was a Dodgers saying, and of course we did it for basketball, but when baseball season was going on, get the Dodgers or the Reds were on, or they were playing each other, and go, hey, man, detail them, get your work done. TV is going on, and we w a lot of baseball in those two years in the classroom. And my question is two coaches, who do you think more is on top of his game right now? Latino or Tom Izzo. The only reason I'm asking about is though I've always been.

A big hisz Old fan.

Yeah, if y'all want to put another one in fel frees, who's on top of their game right now?

Well, first of all, you'll yep, thanks for the coffee, versus mister Hudson would be happy to know that the Dodgers won a game in Tokyo earlier this morning. Did you see that there's already baseball going on? The Dodgers beat the Cubs this morning four to one.

Now, I didn't see it because I'm not getting up at two in the morning to watch Tokyo Major League baseball.

Uh. But who's on top of their game? More so? I would say Rick Patino, just because he's doing it at other schools. You know, Tom has always been at Michigan State forever. I think it's a lot easier to do it at a at a school that you're established at, more so than Rick Patino, who's just bouncing from school to school and having success no matter where he goes. So I'd pick Rick. What about you? I go Rick two.

I've actually got both Izzo and Rick in my Elite eight Shannon and possibly Izzo in my final four. I think they might be able to get it done over Auburn, but we'll have a couple of days to break down our brackets even more. Shannon, tell me about DraftKings before we have that.

Yep, you can bet all the games on DraftKings. It all starts tonight with the playing games in it. It's gonna be a lot of basketball on over the next couple of weeks. Better on DraftKings Promo co KSR Bet five get two hundred and bonus bets. If you have a gambling problem, call one one hundred Gambler eighteen plus Kentucky only, algibut your strict apply new customers only. Bonus bets expire one hundred and sixty eight hours after issue. It's for additional terms and responsible gaming resources SEEDKMNG dot co, slash.

Audio Apologies if you were on the line and we weren't able to get to you today. A couple of programming notes. It's Saint Francis versus Alabama tonight between two sixteen seeds and then North Carolina versus San Diego State. You can also watch the UK baseball team take on Murray State. That game starts at six point thirty today. For Shannon the Dude, I'm Billy Rutlis. This is the ksrpre show. We will tell talk to you tomorrow

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