Live from Nashville for the SEC Tournament.
Welcome everybody.
It is the ks Are Pretty Show live in Nashville, Tennessee, at ten roof on Broadway.
That's right. The crowd is already here.
They are ready to go, and uh you give us a call the Clark's Puppet Shop phone line eight five nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven. It's Thursday, March thirteenth. It's day number two of the SEC Tournament. There was already a big long line outside of ten roof. One person got here at four a m.
Let's give it up with this guy right here, Tyler Tyler.
That's right, Tyler Scotts, who got here at four o'clock this morning.
Four o'clock.
That's right, Shannon the dude. Ryan Lemon sitting in for Billy Rutledge. Thanks for being here this morning. Ryan, How are you doing? You feeling good?
I'm doing well. I woke up, grabbed my phone and my buddy Myron had sent me a picture of the line waiting to get in, and he was here at six point thirty. You people are crazy. You realize the game's not untill like nine thirty ten o'clock tonight, right.
I just hope that all these people are ready to go because we're gonna need Bridge Stone Arena to be really loud tonight.
You know, it's been out.
I think a long time since we've had the level of excitement that we have for this SEC tournament. I said yesterday on the show, I think before COVID, you know, but I think with Mark Pope the new team, I think there's a new level of excitement that maybe matches what we had, you know, prior to COVID, maybe twenty nineteen. You know, it was the last time that they won the tournament twenty twenty two, last time since they won a game in the tournament.
Let that sink in for a second.
Twenty nineteen they last won a game here in Nashville in this tournament. Wait that they went it in twenty nineteen. I think they got beaten the second round Segon around never mind, I think so. Yeah.
So anyway, it's basically time for Kentucky to take back their tournament, and I think it starts right here today in Nashville. You can give us a call eight five nine two eight h twenty two eighty seven. That's the Clark's Puppet Shop phone line. Ksrpre show is always being brought to you by Italics, fine Italian downing in Lexington and you could be our whiskey thief call of the day.
You know.
When Mark Pope was hired here, the thing he kept saying was I understand the assignment. Yes, and a big part of the assignment is of course winning the national championship, but also but putting meeting behind the SEC Tournament, which we've heard for years from our prior coach, the SEC tournament doesn't mean anything. But I think that he is here ready to win this tournament.
He's not.
You know, he even said We're not coming down here to lose. We're coming down here to win the tournament. That's the goal.
You know, for so many years you could have called the SEC Tournament the UK Invitational because we came down here and just kicked everybody's ass. I mean, we won the tournament every single year. It was our tournament. And then the last six seven years that can we've kind of strayed away from that, and a lot of it I think was because Kyle didn't put a lot of emphasis on it. But man, these fans, this is, like we've said before, this is a different fan base that come to the SEC Tournament. These are folks who take a week's vacation to get him down here, and they save up all year and make a vacation out of it. So it means something to these people, and they're starving for some wins down here, and I think they finally get it tonight.
Not to take anything away from the crowd at rapp Arena, because I think the crowd this year for home games is act been really good. And again I think a lot of that is just the excitement of Mark popeing and the coach and the new team. But I think that, you know, the SEC Tournament is the best of the best when it comes to this fan base. You know, people come down here, they're ready to party, and they're allowed and they take over Bridgestone Arena.
That game tonight is going to be a home game.
I mean, that's that's usually the case when Kentucky plays in Nashville. The crowds eighty eighty five percent Kentucky fans.
Yeah, we walked around a little bit last night. There was a little blue but it'll really pick up tonight. The big blue wave will kind of roll in. And I think a lot of people waited until today to come down here since they don't play until late tonight, so we'll see a big wave of people roll in as the day goes on.
So we took a little trip up and down Broadway last night. What did you think, the same old Nashville.
Right, Every honky tonk's got a live man playing in it, and a lot of them are banging it out. So, as a matter of fact, right here on this stage, Alice Blue Gowns be banging it out this afternoon.
I was just thinking, I'm gonna be thank you. I was just thinking, I'm gonna be up on this stage a lot today. So three hours with KSR and then four four hours, four hour show. We did it last year.
Morgan's gonna put you on the payroll. You're up here so much, that's right.
Yeah, So I'm gonna be up on this stage a lot. I'm gonna be exhausted by the time we tip off tonight. I'm just trying to make it to the end of the game tonight. That's my goal.
Are you gonna like after a KSR is over, go take a little nap or a little rest before you come back here to perform for four hours. I'd have to then the game right after your show's over.
I'd have to take an old man nap, you know, for an hour, recharge the battery, and then come back up here and.
Be ready to go. But that's yeah.
So that's at four thirty today and we'll be playing all the way U until tip off. Of course, the Cat tonight take on Oklahoma at eight thirty. Before we get into that, I want to talk about yesterday's games. We went to Bridgestone Arena for my first time being credential.
Yeah, shit, got his credential. How about that? Right, got his first credential.
So and by the way, for anybody wondering, they did use the second headshot that I sent of me from OVW, so it's it's me and a gold Blink doubt jacket. That is my headshot that actually got approved for the SEC tournament.
But we went yesterday. We were sitting there.
When you walk in, by the way, they don't tell you where to go, like they don't tell you, Okay, this is where you're supposed to sit. Any other time I've been credential to a game, you have like an assigned seat and they say, okay, this is.
This is where you're going to be sitting for the week.
We go in yesterday and there it was just anarchy, like there was no direction or anything. As a matter of fact, back when we walked through, I thought we were gonna run out with the VANDID basketball team.
We were like in like the time.
I'm like, I'm pretty sure we should not be standing here right now, Like I don't think we're supposed to be here, But nobody was saying anything. Security was really relaxed behind the scenes. But then when we went out to sit and watch the game, all a media row, all the seats were taken, so I go, well, where do we sit?
And you said, well, this is the overflow section over here. So we sat down.
Yep, everything was cool, and then about ten fifteen minutes later, a security comes up and says to Mario, you're not supposed to be here in this section. He had a red lanyard for some reason. All the rest of us had a green lanyard. Yeah, so that started the whole thing.
Somebody somebody we know and what.
Somebody got a little upset and there was a twenty thirty minute argument that was going on behind us.
I told Mario just sit here, We're good.
That particular person left, and then about ten fifteen minutes later after that, another security guard comes over and says, you guys can't sit here, And this time he's coming after me, telling me I can't sit there, and I'm going, well, I've got a credential that says I can. He goes, you're in the wrong section. I said, okay, well, then point me to the right section where I'm supposed to be. He goes, well, you need to go talk to the person who gave you the credential for that.
So I go, okay.
So you're telling me I can't sit here, but you don't know where I'm supposed to go sit. So this goes on for another ten to fifteen minutes, and he threatens to call the cops at this.
Point, and what was your line?
Going right ahead, I'm not moving. I'm sitting here and watching this game in case I did. And eventually Mario I think, got.
Up and left. He had enough.
But I just sat there and they didn't come back anymore and bother me. But I'm telling you, like they they got to get that thing figured out over there at the arena, because if they don't, they're gonna have more people there today, and they don't have enough seats. They got more people who were credentialed, then they have seats for people to sit in. So I don't know what's gonna happen today, but I think that they're going to have a problem if they don't.
They don't figure that out soon.
Didn't one of you guys tell the security guy said, hey, you kick us out.
You got to kick all of us out. We all have the same credential. So that was the other thing. Because he said, you don't have a number two on your credential. I go, I don't even know what that means. He goes, you gotta have a number two on your credential to sit here. I look over there are kids who have like a hello, my name is sticker that says spectator on it, and they were allowed to sit there. So I wasn't moving, So I told the guy, you're right. It was probably one hundred seats there that were that were you know, on that whole action, maybe half of them were full, like, so people weren't like fighting over seats, you know, to sit there to watch.
The Vandy game.
Right, So I looked around and I saw that nobody else had any of the credentials either. I said, you know what, I'm not going anywhere until you kick all these people out, and they never came back.
I came ever came back. So I'm just telling you it's not all what.
It's cracked up to be being credentialed, apparently at the SEC Tournament, because I was not not too impressed with my first day. Basically, I came in, had an argument with security for about twenty minutes, watch bandy get their butt kicked. I did have a good dinner before I left, and then got out of the arena. That that was my first day being credentialed at the SEC Tournament.
I felt sorry for you. Were so excited, your face lit up and you got your credential. You're getting to sit in a good seat to watch the Vanderbilt Commonorees, one of your favorite teams play, and it all went south after that.
Yeah, so God speaking to anybody credential trying to trying to find a seat over there later on today, So let's talk about some of the results from yesterday. Arkansas beat South Carolina.
First of Arkansas was up twenty the second nearly blew apparently nearly blew a twenty point lead, which so when that had been a shame if that had happened. I didn't understand that what they were doing at the end of the game, because Kyl said, you know, they were up by three, right, Arkansas's up three, two and a half seconds to go, Arkansas's got one free throw, and Kyl was trying to tell the Arkansas player to miss it on purpose. Yeah he did.
I don't understand. I'm not a coach, but I don't understand that.
Wouldn't you rather make the shot, be up by four with two and a half seconds and have to endbound the ball and at that point the game is over versus intentionally miss the free throw. You're up three two and a half seconds to go, they still have time to get a half court shot off and go to overtime.
I didn't understand that. He tried to explain it afterwards.
I thought.
I thought he was even more confusing me too. I didn't understand any of that. Can you speak any logic into what they were trying to do?
No, you hit the free throw. It's a four point game, game over with two and a half seconds left. Now, if it was just a two point game, maybe you want to miss that free throw too, because then they have to throw one the full length of the court to try to hit a three pointer. But I heard these explanation too, it didn't make much sense to me.
Then, uh so Texas beat Van dis Mississippi State, I mean that was never a game over LSU. And then Oklahoma of course beat Georgia. Tonight eight thirty, the Cats take on Oklahoma. Two weeks ago they played in Norman. It was a close game. Oh take a Ohway just completely took over there at the end of the game. How are we feeling about the game tonight? Are you feeling good about it? Do you think it's gonna be a blowout? Do you think it's gonna be close? What's your confidence level?
Well, you know, it didn't take O take Ohway to do a Lebron James act and score eighteen to the last nineteen points to win that game. Oklahoma, they've got some scores, man, They got four or five guys. They can shoot the basketball. They can put up a lot of points. But that's the way we like to play. Ye So if I had my choice of the two, Oklahoma or Georgia, I probably would have picked Oklahoma because they played we like to play. Georgia kind of plays physical, tries to get in there with you. So yeah, you know, we match up pretty good with Oklahoma. We just saw that we played them two weeks ago and beat them home floor.
Well, I mean that was a very physical game too. When they played Oklahoma, you know, it got chippy. Brandon Garrison luckily he didn't get a technical at the end of that game, had a beer can thrown at him at the end. So I think that maybe it's going to be a chippy game tonight.
That's a good storyline about the Brandon Garrison effect, you know, because he played, he played well, you know, he's from Oklahoma, the state of Oklahoma, right, so that means a lot to him now on this game, and he kind of lost. He's cool there at the end, So we'll see how he performs today.
Speaking of beer cans, I don't think anybody's going to be getting too drunk at the arena tonight. Did you see they are now selling beer to the general public, which is cool.
It's a good thing. That's a good change that they made.
But a premium large beer at the arena is going to set you back seventeen dollars and fifty cents. Ryan, Oh my goodness, I think that's the most expensive beer I've ever seen. I remember going to Lallapulooza many many years ago and I saw a beer for like fourteen dollars, and I'm going that is outrageous. Now fast forward, I guess you know fifteen years it's now seventeen fifty for a beer. So I would say, if you're gonna drink, maybe do all your pregame drinking here at here brew.
Yeah, come here to ten roof thirst, get it out of the world.
I do think it's gonna be a drunk crowd, right, I mean, with it being a late game taking on you know, Oklahoma, a team that you want to beat, I think it's gonna be a really drunk crowd there tonight. We know our fan base, our fan base is here to win and to have a good time. So we got all afternoon to have a good time, watch your concert, and then go to the game. I just hope they can make it until midnight, because this game is gonna last until about midnight tonight. Eight five nine two twenty two eighty seven. We're gonna take our first break and take some of your phone calls. We'll be right back live from Nashville. We're here at ten Roof on Broadway. It is the KSR Pre Show.
We'll be right back.
Welcome back. It is the KSR pre Show.
All right, you guys are sounding great out there. We're live at ten Roof.
That's right.
Here's the great thing. This is one of my favorite shows that we do. All your is probably the favorite show. I agree, because you get here and like I said, you have people that were lined up at four o'clock in the morning to get in. There's an excitement that I think is unmatched for any other event that we have or any other game that we have all year long. And then you got, of course people drinking here at seven o'clock local time. So it's it's always a good good time here at ten Roue.
That's why I told my man over here from Radcliffe, I said, pace yourself. It's a long day. I don't know what he's all your Ratcliff and Wildcat. I heard that.
Yeah, you know, I guess if you don't start in the morning, you can't drink all day, right, all right, So let's uh, let's talk a little Draftking stuff here because we've got to pick the games for later on today. Before we get to that, let me tell you Draftking sportsbook promo code ks are bet five dollars, get one hundred and fifty and bonus bets and you can do same game parlays, live betting, player props and so much boards easy and fast payoffs that you get with DraftKings later on today, Arkansas and Old Miss Arkansas is a four and a half dog, four and a half point dog against Ole Miss.
Who do you get I'm picking Ole Miss? Come on, man, yeah, yeah, Cal, We've seen this story. We see how this goes. Sometimes. My last vision of Cal and at this tournament until yesterday was him walking off the court and the lady hanging over the railing. Is this the gold standard? Cow? Is this the gold standard? That they just lost to Texas A and M.
Speaking of Texas A and M.
Is the battle of Texas A and M versus Texas later today at two thirty and Texas A and M is a six and a half point favorite.
There might be a fight in this game. I'm just telling you, just be ready. There may be a fight this this These two teams obviously don't like each other very well. But Texas A and M they're good wayde Taylor is on fire right now.
Speaking of Texas, you know, I noticed there was not one student that showed up in the student section well Texas or Oklahoma.
Not one.
It's supposed to mean more like you just got added to the SEC and you can't even Not even one student from Texas or Oklahoma was excited enough about the SEC tournament to show up for their game.
Not one.
That's why I feel sorry for him today, because it'll be all blue. It'll be ninety five percent blue. No Oklahoma students in that section.
Mississippi State and Missouri. Missouri is a three and a half point favorite.
This is a good game. This is a really good game. Mississippi State looked awesome last night. Josh Ubbard was on fire, so that could be the best game of the day.
And of course Kentucky tonight Oklahoma. Kentucky is a six and a half point favorite. I think that feels about right. Cats are gonna cover right, Come on, I think so. You think six and a half is about right for Kentucky.
That's a good number. That's probably what I predicted something like that.
Uh so anyway, DraftKings the Crown of Yours. Gambling problem Call one eight hundred Gambler eighteen plus Kentucky only. Eligibuddy restrictions apply new customers only. Votus bets expire one hundred and sixty eight hours after issuance. Four additional terms are responsible gaming resources see dk MG, dot co, slash audio. You can give us a call at eight five to nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven. Who do you think has to play good for the cast tonight? I mean we always say Kobe Brea. Is it as simple as if Kobe Brea has a big game, Kentucky wins.
Doesn't it seem like that's the case. If he comes out, he's hitting shots, they're just so much better, so much more dangerous. You know, you get another big game from Otega, That's what's gonna take one of those two guys that got to have a big monster game. I believe, Yeah.
I mean, oh way, last game essentially put the team on his back and carried them to that crazy I mean.
He was even the last second shot he hit, He's up in the air, twisting kind of over his head. It was crazy.
And Brandon Garrison had double digits. Those were the only two Cats to score in double digits in that last game. So I think that you got to have more contribution from obviously Andrew Carr Amari Williams. Those two guys I think are going to be big for Kentucky to win tonight. But you can't just rely on otega Oway because as great as he has been, as many games as he has scored, you know, in double digits except for two all year long, you can't have one of those games where you know, Oway doesn't at you fifteen points, Yeah, and then you're relying on everybody else to pick up the slack. If I'm Oklahoma, I'm just gonna lock in on O Way and go We're not gonna let that guy beat us, which is.
What happened last time. Yeah, he beat him. You know they got Oklahoma's got that Jeremiah Fears freshman. He's awesome. But now Lamont Butler's healthy bringing on. I feel good about that. But they've got three or four guys, like I said on the earlier on the premier, that can really shoot the basketball. So this maybe another game where Colin Chandler plays a lot just because of his defense on the perimeter.
He's been great.
By the way, Hey, I look at Colin Chandler as just kind of like found money because I did not expect anything out of Colin Chandler. I didn't know that he would really get any playing time. But because of injuries and because of the season the way it's played out, he's sort of been forced to play extra minutes, and he's been really great off the bench.
Speaking of Found Money, I saw you got some more foreign currency mailed to you this past week.
Oh yeah, yeah, it's still happening.
I mean, dude, webs though one mentioned like five years ago, and you're still getting money mailed to you.
It's the longest practical joke I think that I've ever heard of. I mean, yeah, it's been going on for five straight years now, at least, i'd say once every couple of weeks. I'm still getting people send it for money, and it's not from people in Kentucky. Like you can look at the envelope, you see where it came from, uh DC. I think the last one came from and then another one came from Arizona. So I don't know why people continue to send me foreign money.
Just keeps the show.
I don't I don't want.
Your foreign money, but that people continue to send it anyway, which is strange because you move and you think that you know your your address isn't going to be public. You've moved, and you're still getting still found it that anyway. So let's talk about Mark Pope. First of all, you know he's putting an emphasis on winning the SEC tournament. What I asked Billy this a couple of days ago, what grade would you give Mark Pope after the regular season and the job that he's done so far?
I would probably give him an A minus. I feel like I can't give him an A because there were some blips in the season. You know, they shouldn't have lost to Ohio State, they shouldn't have lost to Georgia, they shouldn't have lost to Texas. I mean there's little couple little bits shouldn't have lost Arkansas, should have lost to Arkansas.
So I give him an A minus. Okay, See, I'm still saying that he gets a solid A. I think just considering the injuries that he's dealt with all season long, considering the fact that the SEC is the best conference that we've seen in our lifetime, and considering that it's basically a group that he threw together in two to three weeks, I don't know how you can give him anything other than that. I mean, if he had a completely healthy team and lost some of those games, okay, I could see, you know, maybe less than an A. But considering what he has done and the obstacles that he's sort of had to overcome, I think that he's done a terrific job so far.
You know, going into the season, we all said the one game he has to win is Arkansas at home. You know, didn't happen. You know, I think if you get Arkansas again, you beat him. But then on that day you didn't. So I think that's why I got to give him an A minus.
And I mean also, I mean the first year we talked about what would the SEC record be, I think I think I picked eleven wins. I think that's all I picked. But I mean they were only one off of that. Yeah, So I think overall, a pretty good job. Now, he was asked about one of his favorite SEC Tournament moments as a player, and I remember this game back in nineteen ninety five of the SEC Tournament when they played Arkansas. They were down by I think it was nineteen twenty points something like that, came all the way back, forced the game to go into overtime, then got down by eight points in overtime.
It still came back and won that game. Do you remember that game?
Was that the game where Corey Price was Corey? Is that the game that Rodrick Rhodes missed the free throws? Yeah? I thought it was. And then Anthony Epps and Tony del Tony Delk came he hit the free throws. Yeah, that was that game. That's what That's what My lasting memory of Rodrick Rhodes is him crying on the bench after he missed a couple of free throws.
Yeah, I mean that's uh. I can remember that game as a kid.
I think I was like twelve, Yeah, and sitting there watch going I know that they're going to come back. Because Kentucky back in the nineties absolutely owned the SEC tournament. It was the Kentucky in votash invitation was Kentucky and everybody else.
And the biggest rivalry in the conference was Kentucky and Arkansas there during the mid nineties.
It has been though, pretty amazing to watch the SEC and how much stronger it has gotten over the last several years as well. I mean a lot of great coaches coming in, great talent as well. You know, somebody was asking, who would you compare this team to this year from other teams. I don't know that you really can do that, just because the game has changed so much. The transfer portal, you know, wasn't the same as it was back then. You have nil money now, so I just think, you know, the entire landscape of college basketball has changed. I think it's hard to compare this team to any other team. Maybe the early Rick Patino team that was on probation could be, I guess the best comparison that I can make. But kind of hard to compare this team to other teams.
It is, and we're in his historic season in the SEC. You know, Joelnardi said last night it is not crazy that fourteen teams can be in the NCAA Tournament out of the SEC. Yeah, just recently, that would have been the whole conference. Can you imagine the whole everybody in the team the conference going to the to the NCAA Tournament. But with Texas winning, he's got them kind of last four out or something like that. So it's not crazy where fourteen teams can make the NCAA earlier the entire conference. That's amazing.
Yeah, I don't think that's ever happened before that many teams out of There were years where we.
Were betting conference three or four teams. Cal was pleading to get three or four teams in the conference tournament. Now potentially thirteen, maybe fourteen.
We gotta take a break. We'll be right back. We're live in Nashville at ten roof on Broadway. We'll be right back. It is THEKSR pre Show.
It is the KSR pre Show live in Nashville, ten roof here on Broadway. Shannon the Dude, Ryan LeMond eight five nine, twenty two eighty seven.
Let me ask just those of you there are here, is anybody not going to the game tonight.
There's a couple, there's a few.
See. That's the other great thing about this.
You have the fan base that comes down here and they just want to be a part of the of the the atmosphere, the environment. Come down here and party and maybe drink a few Bruce Ki's watch the game. It is so much fun down here and the excitement, like we talked about earlier.
Is just it's on another level.
A lot of people they do that just want to be a part of it, you know, to come down here and feel the big Blue Nation at its best. And this is where it's at its best here at the SEC Tournament in Nashville. So you'll only a handful not going. That means all these people have to wait and wait and wait all day long to go to the game tonight.
There was a long line actually to get in last night. I was I would think tonight it's going to be probably triple or quadruple that tonight.
Yeah, you may want to go early, but watch some of that Missouri Missippi state game. Just to get in, you have to wait in line.
I heard there was a Luke Bryan sighting last night at the game.
Was there.
Would you be starstruck if you saw Luke Brian? Would you even know what Luke Bryan looked like? Yeah, I know what Luke Brian looks like.
I would. I would probably be a little starstruck. He's a big superstar.
Is he one of your favorite country artists? I know, Darian, I know he's no Darreious Rucker.
Nobody except for you you're the only thing close to Darius Rucker.
By the way, when we do Wagon Wheel later on, are you gonna get up on stage and take your shirt off like you do every year?
Of course I would, but we've got the pregame show. Say they want they want Ryan shirtless? You want the the ladies at KSR want to see Ryan take his shirt off. The crazy was to listen listen to that pop. The crazy thing is our pregame show is in the middle of your concert till later today.
Yeah, so I guess you're gonna have to come early. Then I'm may have to come early and do it. Speaking of shirts, what do you got? Who gave you this shirt? It says it's a picture of somebody giving a Mark Pope jersey.
It's father Jim Shitco Shitco. Watch careful to say there giving a pope jersey to the Pope, the actual Pope.
Yeah, and it says basketball Heaven.
Basketball Heaven. So yeah, it's kind of appropriate. I think today.
Is that a one of one shirt? I don't think they're selling out a Kentucky branded are they.
I believe maybe that's where I got it.
He doesn't know. By the way, Kentucky branded I believe is back there the back. They are back in the back.
So make sure you're swinging back at tacky Brandan and get all of your UK merch before the game. Eight five nine twenty two eighty seven. Let's go to the phones. Take her first caller? Who do we have?
Rick? We have Jacob first?
Hey, Jacob, what's up?
I'm good.
How are you doing?
Today's Jane?
And maybe I won't maybe I won't make Ryan laugh too much today?
Oh this is the Jake had cracked us up yesterday?
Yeah, okay, what's up, Jake?
Yeah, I'm just looking forward to looking forward to today for two reasons. Today I get to listen to Marshall County lose their game, and then they get to.
Listen to then they get to listen to.
The Wildcats win another game.
That's right. Yeah, and there this that's gonna be great, especially the first part. So that's gonna be real Fun's talking a little trash talking a little okay, thanks to the call. We appreciate it, you know.
Speaking of the girls, Sweet sixteen, the two superstars yesterday were two eighth graders. Oh really and eighth grader plays for Taylor County had like twenty seven points. And then in eighth grade that plays for Frederick Douglass had like twenty points. The two big leading scorings yesterday were two eighth graders.
Did they eat at ks Bar? Is that what it was?
Like? The pregame meal they got the North Laurel did, and North Laurel won. Yesterday they ate at ks Bars and they won.
I'm not saying, I'm just saying, yep.
I mean I was a coach to one of the teams, I'd be taking them to ks Bar today or tomorrow. Get the cheese logs and all of a sudden, you're going out here a superstar playing, you know, scoring thirty points.
Uh, let's go to whoever's next? Who's up next?
Rick? We have Ryan up next?
Hey Ryan? What's up?
Thank you? Sharon?
Uh? I just I was warned, remind you seven years ago one him tickets in Barstown.
Out of remember boy.
We want either.
Yeah, but I got a couple other times. I want I want to give a I want to let coach reup do Mark Pope's report card, and I swear it won't be nothing negative. Okay, real quick, real quick, you know, Paul Page down a real good job. But now hey, Age should play that one three one zone more and shoots a three point shot more. Thanks for taking my cow.
No, who is that supposed to be?
That was Trup? That was Rup? That was the rough. Really, you know he had a country twain. Did he really sound like that he had a twain? It's it's not. It's pretty close to what he sounded like. That was his impersonation of coach up grading Coach.
Pope, Well, we're still looking for a whiskey thief call of the day. Uh, we're not off to a hot start. Eight five nine, two eighth, twenty two eighty seven. Speaking of coaches, Uh, Mark Pope and his coaching staff were, they're watching the game last night Oklahoma and Georgia.
You know, not to keep piling on our previous coaching staff, but I don't think that would have happened before.
Well that this guy. These guys are more prepared than any coach staff I've ever been around. I mean, it's what's amazing to me. Like Coach Pope does his pregame show with Tom Leech on the Network pregame show, and Pope will go down all these intricate details of every single person on the opposing team without any notes. I mean, this is stuff he just has already locked in his memory a day or two after they just played. Somebody.
Remember he challenged his players to be able to give a couple of facts on stay. So I would think that if he's expected as players to do that, he has to know that as well.
Yeah. I don't think you're going to outprepare this UK coaching staff. Ever, when he comes to getting ready for a game.
It's gonna be a big, beautiful day, a super beautiful day. We were amazing, amazing, amazing, beautiful, this fantastic day eight five, nine two, eight oh twenty two eighty seven.
Did you see this quote?
This might be the best quote that we've had in sports all year.
Do you know who Toby Lowell is? I think I'm saying his last name, right, I don't know who this is?
All right?
So he plays for Virginia Tech and they just got knocked out of the ACC tournament. They finished thirteen and nine eighteen for the year. Okay, but his quote was this is verbatim here. They thought we were going to be ass. I mean, we were still ass, but we weren't that bad.
I sound like a quote I probably said yesterday on KSR.
The KSR was asked, but we weren't that bad? I love it.
I mean he says we were we were We were asked. They thought we were gonna be asked, we were asked, But yeah, we weren't that bad. Weren't that bad? Did that make you feel any better if your teammates with that guy?
I love this guy. He's my new favorite Virginia Tech player. Matter of fact, I just love that quote.
Eight five, twenty two eighty seven Kentucky and Oklahoma tonight, what are we thinking? Eighty percent Kentucky fans eighty five? I mean, is anybody from Oklahoma gonna be here to support thirteen?
No, they had the very small section last night of the Missouri Missippi State people. They'll probably leave, so it will be eighty ninety ninety five percent Blue in there and it will be rocking. Like I said, this SEC tournament crowd just different and they're starving for a win. They finally get this experience off their back of the first round losses because now they can come back and get this team to win it. Tonight.
I was just shocked watching the Texas game in the Oklahoma game going like they don't have they felt like any fans that I mean, I know, like you know they're not going to travel as well as Kentucky fans, but it just felt like looking around like last night's session, there were a lot of empty seats for that game. Yeah, I mean the session earlier in the day was actually it was more filled up then later on last night.
I don't know if they are waiting to come today, but it seems crazy you wouldn't come in case your team got beat last night. So I think it'll be it will be a lot of the same, not a lot of Oklahoma fans there tonight.
I wanted to ask you about this since you are the only parent that's up on stage between the two of us.
Yeah, my kids sitting right there.
According to a new study, parents spend an average of sixty seven hours a year negotiating with their kids.
So I wanted to ask you.
Apparently, no pun intendant parenting has changed because when I was a kid, I can tell you that if I didn't do what my parents told me to do, I was going to get my butt whipped. And I guess parenting is not quite like that anymore because a lot of parents are negotiating with their kids instead of doing what they did to me, and basically you get your butt kicked and.
That was it.
Well, there's definitely a time for negotiation because you have to pick your battles. You know, you don't want to always just be the guy that's got of you know, put the hammer down every single time. So you know, you negotiate, maybe this because you know you got to have him do this later on. Yeah, maybe you've already done that.
So there's nothing to be said for You're going to do it. And that's the way that it is. And if you don't like it, you're grounded.
There are certain things you know you may want to do that for, but then there's other issues like hey man, why don't you clean your room?
No, no, no no. See that's the difference. Why don't you clean your room?
When I was a kid, it was clean your room, or you're grounded and you're not going out.
See I want to get that, you know, when it's like amen, you know, take the dog out, feed the dog out. That's something I really got to have. So why don't you know, there's a little negotiation in the cleaning the room part, which I don't need as bad as I needed to take the dogs out.
Are you spending that much time of year? Do you think sixty seven hours? Probably more, it's more.
Probably more than You're not the hire end of the Yeah, I'm probably on the hire end of that.
Kids got it easy these days, they do. They definitely do eight five, nine, two, twenty two eighty seven.
I guess you to what I did today? We kid, what did you do? I made him walk?
You left him, that's right, left, We left him at the hotel. So yeah, that's right. You brought Josiah along with you on this trip, which is really nice, you know, letting him see Nashville, go to the games. Our lift was there, Our lift was ready to go at seven sharp.
I was downstairs. I had the equipment. I was ready to go, even worked in a little Continental breakfast before we went. And you came down at seven o'clock. We're ready to go. No, Josiah, what did you do yet?
You left them?
We had we had to get down here, so sold of the dude. You gotta walk, then we gotta get out of.
Here now Before anybody thinks that you know, you're a terrible parent. It's less than a mile walk, it is. And last night, by the way, we were gonna get a lift back to our hotel, and he was the one that I think didn't want to walk, right.
I was like, you're younger than both of us. You should be able to handle a mile walk. These two old men, we can. We can make this walk up hill.
Hold on a minute. I made that trip, not once but twice. Yeah, so I did up and back, up and back. That's four miles and probably another mile or two just walking around the arena. So five or six miles. But hey, for a guy that's walked fifty miles, that's nothing, no big deal to me. Nothing, and four hours is gonna be nothing. Later on today, I'm looking forward to that Alice blew down at four thirty right here on the stage. And also I think we got JD JD. Shelburne, another Kentucky fan, Kentucky native who's going to be playing here before us. So get out here, and actually you don't have to leave ten riv you can just stay here here. We're gonna have your entertainment all the way up until game time for tonight JD's the biggest Kentucky fan as anybody.
So he's gonna be on the stage. And then you guys are on the stage.
This stage, that's right, this one upstairs A five nine two twenty two eighty seven. We'll load the phone lines up, we'll come right back. We'll take more of your phone calls. Final segment of the KSR pre Show. We'll be right back. Welcome back.
Final segment of the KSR pre Show. We're live.
You're in Nashville, tenroof on Broadway shimming the dude, Ryan lemon ks Are is coming up next.
Matt and crew sitting right over there and gets ready to go.
That's right.
This segment sponsored by right Way Autoglass. Next semi of your crack in a Wind in your windstil Ryan, You need to call right Way Autoglass directly. You know it could be a real pain trying to get a hold of your insurance company. But if you call right Way Autoglass first, they will handle the insurance claims process for you. They make it that easy at right Way Auto Glass with cutting edge technology to repair your broken glass the right way. They start with integrity and in with five star service it's right way Auto Glass, same and next day's service. They'll even come to you to do the replacement. They make it that easy at rightwayautoglass dot com. That's our ite way autoglass dot com. Give them a call at eighty five five two three ten ninety eight. We'll go back to the phone lines in just a minute. Did you see the latest bracketology, Ryan, I.
Have not seen. It came out like early this morning, right.
Okay, So let me ask you if you like this.
Kentucky as a three seed, Yeah, they would play the fourteen Montana and if they were to win that game, they would play either Illinois or wait for it, Oklahoma.
Another SEC school.
So if we may be seeing Oklahoma again, if Joe Lenardi is right and it plays out the way that he's got it right now.
It's crazy. There's so many SEC teams in the tournament. They usually don't want to pit conference schools against each other till at least they get to the second weekend, but they can't get around it this year. If there's gonna be thirteen teams in the SEC in.
The tournament, and then your seventh seed would be ole Miss another SEC school, and then your one seed Florida, so we could be going through the SEC gauntlet once again.
That's why this argument that the SEC tournament is tougher than the NCAA tournament. It is, I mean, just is to try to get to the championship game.
That's the thing.
If you said, like, who do you not want to see? I think they're all SEC schools. Yeah, Like give me any other school, give me do gimme Houston. I'm not concerned about those teams. Do I want to see a Florida in the in the tournament? Do I want to see Ole miss Again? Probably not. I would rather have any other school than an SEC.
It would be crazy if you play an SEC school in the second round, an SEC school in sweet sixteen, and then an SEC school in the lad eight. Yeah, back to back to back.
Let's go back to the phones, aight, five, nine, two, eight, oh, twenty two, eighty seven?
Who's up next? Rick?
Got Mike up next?
Mike? What is up?
Did you all get a chance to see the little segment this morning on CBS about all Anthony towns?
I did not.
I didn't see it either. What was it?
They just had a little article about him that he likes starting at when he was fifteen year old, he would make a note to a phone and have the improve his game. And he really give a lot of credit to his parents, especially his mom and Stiffer. And he mentioned his time at Kentucky and Calliperry.
Well, I have not seen it. I'll go back and watch it later on anything else.
That's all all right, appreciate the call. No, I didn't see it. But you know, the dude is just a special person. You know, we all know that got the nim around him when he was here, so and he's still that way. He's still that special guy.
Yeah, absolutely one of the most beloved Yeah players off of off that team for sure.
Let's go back to the phones. Who's up next?
Rick? Tracy is up next?
Hey Tracy?
I guys go big.
Was excited for the guys tonight, which I was there.
Why are you not here? All right?
So here's right, tweeter us all. There was a some sports show from Arkansas tweet it out to their fans say if they could choose any past player to play in this postseason, who would they choose? And I like most people will pick Charley Williamson, I believe, said I pick. But I would just kind of wonder for you pay fans if that question was I asked, if you could choose any one Pist players to play in this post season, who would most people pick.
It's a good question.
Any player Ryan that you could send back from Kentucky's past to be on this team, who would it be?
You know, you've heard a lot of the former players say how they wish they could play in this system where they just got the green light to shoot. Jude and Jude and Jut and jew heard you know, Deron Lamb told us this summer, like, man, you care crazy. I would love to play in this system where every time I got the ball got the green light to put it up. So Duran may be one of the guys you maybe would want to see on a team like this.
We got a lot of great shooters on the team, though, I don't know, like, yeah, I'm thinking maybe like a guy like Anthony Davis, right, I mean, if you could add anybody, em be the guy that I would add just for his defense. I mean, if if that alone, what was he like? You took like the eighth most shots on that team.
I've heard that. I've heard that story once or twice, Yeah you're here?
Yeah, anything else?
Just thinking about Kyle Mighty or like Rake Tratman's a shooter, like I didn't know who everybody else would would have fought that would have been attaining them one too, But I thought that was like a good question to say what everybody would think?
So who did you say yours would be?
Well? I was thinking either like Frake Tratman or Kyle Mightcy.
Okay, okay, well, I mean either one of those would be great.
Rex is a good answer.
Yeah, you know, I would just like thinking about uh, thanks for the call. We appreciate Tracy. What about a guy like I don't know if Oscar would fit on this team? Very well, great rebounder, but I just don't know that he would fit in with this system, which is crazy.
He was a college basketball player of the year, yep, got you you know, twenty rebounds a game more than once, and yet he wouldn't be maybe a good fit on a team like this.
Had a great game a couple of nights or a couple of weeks you did where he's I think he scored like twenty and I think he did rebound or something like that. Ye before we get out of here, let me tell you one more time. The Draft Kings sportsbook promo code KSR bet five dollars, get one hundred and fifty and bonus bets. You can do live betting, same game parlay as player props, and so much more only on DraftKings.
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Providence or Milwaukee. I've never been to either one of those places.
Well, we went through Milwaukee.
No, I mean I've not been there like for an event, you know, hang out and go to the restaurants and bars and things.
I didn't mention when I was talking about the latest bracketology. They do have us in Denver, so maybe a little return trip.
Repeat trip out to Denver. We've been out there a couple of times, that's.
Right, so.
You know fat my toys, probably I guess I guess Milwaukee.
Out of all those Atwaukee and then maybe Atlanta for the region tournament. That'd be good. Our fan base would flood both of both of those cities.
All right, So minute left before we wrap up the show. Some scheduling notes of course, KSRS coming up next. The band Alice Blue Gown gonna be playing from four thirty all the way up till eight thirty to get you ready for a tip off for tonight. So for those of you looking for a place to come out, this is the place right here, This is the place where we're gonna have you entertained all day long, all the way up until game time. Do you want to make a prediction or do you want to save that for the show?
Come better save it for the show the coming up, we'll make our prediction to the end of KSR.
All right, So everybody, I just want to say a big thanks to everyone who got here early, especially this guy right here who was here at four o'clock this.
Morning, Tyler from Scottsville.
All right, Tyler, and big shout out to everybody who joined us here early for the pre show.
KSRS coming up next live ten Rouf.
We'll talk to you in just a minute.