Shannon The Dude and Billy Rutledge talk Kentucky's win over Missouri, the SEC Tournament, and the latest bracketology.
Welcome everybody. It is the KSR Pre Show Monday, March tenth. I'm Shannon to the Dude, being joined by Billy Rutledge over in Lexington. And you can give us a call on the Clark's Puppin' Shop phone line eight five nine two to eight oh twenty two eighty seven. You are a whiskey Thief Call of the day. You can also send us a text at five Oho two two sixty five six six five six And the KSR Pre Show is being brought to you by Italics, fine Italian donning in Lexington and Billy, we kick off I think two of the best weeks in sports period. I mean we're talking about the conference championship week we got. Of course next week the NCAA tournament kicking off. Are you ready for some March madness? Billy?
I'm ready to go, Dude. It's great to be with you this morning.
I heard you play It's the Christmas song It's the most Wonderful time of the year on the Leech Report this morning, because it really is. I mean, what's not to love, especially in this state with the SEC tournament starting this week and the NCAA Tournament starting next I'm.
Ready to go.
Are you?
Are you ready to get back on the.
Road, because we finally got some finalized times now for Nashville.
That's right, Yeah, I am ready. We'll be taking off on Wednesday morning. We'll get into of course, the Kentucky game versus Missouri over the weekend Kentucky down in Nashville for the SEC Tournament. We've got the bracket set now, so I'm excited about that. A couple of other things before we get to that, though. First of all, if you're trying to listen to the show on six thirty WLAP, you can't do it, apparently this morning, because it's been having all sorts of issues. Of course, if you're trying to listen on it right now, you're not even hearing me tell you that. But if you're listening on the radio and you want to switch it over to an app go to the seven ninety seven. Well what always link it is nose Whistles seven ninety am dot Coright, Yeah, that will redirect you to seven ninety for those of you trying to listen this morning.
The best redirect possible. I'm not still not sure how you did that, Shannon, but bravo and well done. I want to ask you we sprang forward over the weekend, how lenient are we with people being late to work this morning?
Not at all?
After we spring forward?
I don't I don't think you can be linging it at all. I mean, everybody knows the rules. We do this every year. It's not not a big surprise. My thing is, though, Billy, I don't know about you. I'm feeling a little bit groggy this morning, just from the time change. I can. I can tell that one hour difference, one hour of sleep that you lost, Yeah, is hurting you in this morning? Yeah, you don't feel that at all. You can't tell any difference.
Well, I spent most of Sunday watching golf, and when you watch golf, you take naps.
That's right, the most boring sport on TV.
Well, it may be the most susceptible to, you know, taking a doze for an hour or two. So I got some napping in. We just had a coworker show up late today and I was just wondering where you stood on that.
The monday after we spring forward.
We had a coworker show. You don't want people under the bus.
What are you doing I'm not throwing anybody under the bus. I didn't say any names.
Like on air people, because that's the thing, like you can't you know, the radio show is not gonna start later because you show up later.
You gotta got to be on time, right, I mean, we've got morning shows to host, in traffic reports to give from a helicopter.
So I just tell you, Billy, I did get burned by daylight saving time one time, many many many many years ago, and I was late for the Leach Report. I didn't know. And this was back when I think I was doing like some sort of a I don't know, I was doing like an event like late night. It must have been like Phoenix ol Tavern when I was hosting the booty shaking contest at one o'clock in the morning, you know, And I didn't my phone. I think, I don't know why I didn't set you know, the alarm on my phone. So no excuse there. But I set it on one of those old school alarms, you know, like the like your old school bedside, like.
Your night yeah, like the analog clock, yeah yeah, like it could be digital.
Get like a night stand clock, yeah, yeah exactly. And I forgot to set that up an hour and I didn't realize that I was waking up at a different time, and I was late for the Leach Report, and I thought, man, this is how the this is how the radio career is going to end because of daily savings time. And I was screwed up and I was late for the lead report.
But that's a young Shannon prove himself back.
In the day. Yeah, that was probably back in twenty eleven, twenty twelve, like my first year doing all this. So yeah, yeah, I've been burned by it before. Before we get into the Kataki game and the SEC tournament and all of that. I gotta tell you, Billy. Over the weekend, I finally went to the movie theaters and I saw the movie Queen of the Ring and oh yeah, and all its glory. First of all, a couple of observations about going just to the movie theater in the year twenty twenty five. You know, there used to be somebody there that would take your ticket after I bought your ticket, right, well, there was nobody. There was no ticket taker, So I don't know if that's been a job that has been eliminated throughout the years. And I just didn't realize it, but there was nobody to take my ticket. As soon as I bought the ticket, I just had my uh run, you know, I could just go in and just do whatever I wanted. There was no nobody to enforce which theater I went into, or anybody to even take my ticket. I guess you could just walk in.
So you buy your ticket at the gate at the beginning, and then there's no other second person, right, yeah, I mean where you're going.
Yeah, you go to the front, you buy your ticket, and then you go to like where the hallways are that lead into the movie theaters. There's somebody there normally to take your ticket. In this case, there was nobody there. So I guess, I guess in theory. I'm not saying you should ever do this, but I guess you could just walk straight through and there's nobody there to stop you. So that was my first observation. Second thing is man like, nobody was really there, not just ticket tickers, like nobody at the movie theater in general. I remember when you used to go to the movies on a Friday or a Saturday night, you had to park all the way in the back because the parking lot was just full of cars, people there to see the movies, and I basically had a VIP spot at the very front. And we're talking about a Friday night, you know, eight o'clock showing. So I was just, you know, I don't know. Do you think in ten years that movie theaters will even be a thing with the ability to stream movies from home now? I don't know.
Yeah, And it makes you think with things like Apple Vision where or you know, we're gonna have Netflix on the glasses that we wear in front of us. I mean, how lazy will we get? Will we ever go back to movie theaters?
So, I don't know.
It is sad.
I mean when I was in middle school, Shannon, that was the place to go and the place to be. I mean it was a Friday night, like you're saying, if we weren't hanging out in the parking lot, we were going to.
The movie theater. So it is sad to hear that you said you were front row. You weren't. You weren't like one of the first couple rows, right, I mean.
No, no, no, no, no, I mean front row like in the parking lot.
Oh okay, not in the movie No, see that would be crazy if you were like one of those people that just cranes their neck up to watch the movie in the front row.
I've had to do that before. But I have my choice. I had prime seating. I mean I was right there, you know, like midway, well a little bit, I guess towards the back, but like right there in the middle anyway point being not a whole lot of people there at the movie theater. But the movie itself, Philly, I thought, not bad, not bad. I mean, I don't think it's the greatest movie I've ever seen. I'm not gonna blow smoke because I was in the movie. I think what could have made the movie a little bit better is if it had more me. Oh, I'm just saying there wasn't enough. I mean it wasn't enough Shannon of the Dude and Queen of the Ring. Actually, you could have watched the whole movie, and if you didn't know like where to be watching for me, you would have missed me if you blinked.
I got Oh, so we didn't get a ton of screen time or like no, no, no, with multiple people.
Yeah, and I knew I knew that going in. I mean, you're an extra you're a background worker. But I did get to see, you know, some of my my co workers and friends at ov W, who had actually bigger roles than I did. A couple of them got to speak. That was kind of cool. So I would definitely say that, Uh, you're a fan of rustling at all, or even if you're not, I think it's a cool story. Go check out Queen of the Ring. It's out in theaters.
Did you take out a loan to buy some popcorn and candy at the concessions? Because I feel like that price has only gone up and up as years.
No, we did the go to like steak and shake, you know, steak and shake in a movie. I feel like they put steak in shakes by every movie theater. So we did the old school you go in cause we talked about this. Huh you had to order from the kiosk.
Yeah, what was a great and well, actually.
You know what, we didn't order from the kiosk. We ordered ahead of time because we were kind of worried about, you know, not making it to the theater in time, of course. And it's another beef that I have with movie theaters. They show you twenty I'm serious. We got there like right on time, twenty minutes of trailers. I don't need to see twenty minutes of previews before I go see that. They've got to stop doing that. Isn't there like wasn't there some sort of like bill or something where they were trying to say, uh, movie theaters have to start the movies on time because you'd show up and you got to sit through twenty minutes of other movies that I care nothing about. So I was I was in there for an extra twenty minutes just to watch previews of other movies. It's ridiculous anyway. I think Billy may be disconnected from US eight five nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven. Let's talk a little Kentucky. Yeah, Billy just said he lost connection, so we'll try to get him reconnected. Big win for the Cats over the weekend, beating Missouri ninety one eighty three. Otega Oway showed up big. He had a great game. But you know, he's one of those guys where we have to have that moving forward, we have to have a big game from Oway or I don't think Kentucky does much in March. Are you with me now, Billy I'm with you. Can you hear Okay, I've got you. Yes, I was just talking about we're jumping into Kentucky Missouri. Otega Oway had a great game. Another great game from Andrew Carr. You know, he was great down the stretch, helped Kentucky hold off a late run by Missouri. Kobe Brea was exactly what you needed. So overall, just an impressive win on the road. Billy, and this team is trending the right way going into the SEC Tournament.
Well, I was worried at first, right, I mean, this is a Missouri team that had lost one game at home all year, and Kentucky did not get off to the best of starts. I mean, they missed nine out of their first eleven shots, and you think, here we go again. I mean, could this be another poor performance on the road. But not only did Otega Ohway play well late, not only did Andrew Carr think I think, have one of his best games in a Kentucky uniform. I thought the young guys, the freshman really came through when Kentucky needed it. I mean, in the first half, there was a stretch the three freshmen played twenty six minutes. They scored nine points and had three assistated and they were huge, A Trent Noah three, a Travis Perry three, Colin Chandler playing with confidence. And we talked about it with Jackson Robinson going down, You're gonna need some production from some of these younger good guys and mainly one of those three guys. And yet I felt like we got all three of those guys some healthy production.
So it was a great win.
It locks up the sixth seed for Kentucky, which we'll talk much more about a little bit, But it was just nice to end this regular season off with a win and to meet a mark that what Duke in Indiana had only reached in the past. With the amount of top fifteen wins that they've had in a season, Kentucky having eight. It is pretty incredible the teams that Kentucky beat this year in the regular season, and now you can add Missouri to that list.
So let's talk about I mean, with Mark Pope's first year, first regular season now in the book, what kind of grade would you give Mark Pope? He finishes ten and eight in the SEC, which is the best conference I've seen in my lifetime. He did it with significant injuries throughout the season, and he did it with the team that he essentially put together in two weeks with a bunch of transfers. So after just the regular season itself, what kind of grade would you give Mark Pope in his first year at Kentucky.
Yeah, it's I don't think it's hyperbole to give him an A. This year.
I'm going to go a minus as there were some losses to teams that I didn't necessarily think that you should have lost to.
But I think you could say a lot of those.
Shannons were early on in conference play, while Kentucky was still trying to figure themselves out and dealing with some injuries. You mentioned the three key things, though, this is a historically good sec A roster that was put together in a matter of a month, and with the injury issues that you've dealt with two season ending injuries now with kerk Crisa and Jackson Robinson, I'm I'm giving him a low A.
Shannon, give me the A minus.
It's you know you, what did I expect from Mark Pope in his first year? I wanted twenty wins, but I didn't expect him to sweep Tennessee. I didn't expect him to beat Duke. I didn't expect him to beat Gonzaga. So there were some healthy and pleasant surprises along the way, and naturally there were some losses and some disappointments, and at times Kentucky looked like a team you didn't know what they would do in the NCAA tournament.
And I guess we still don't to a degree.
But don't you think like playing this SEC has gotten you ready for the NCAA in a way that a conference never has for a team. Shannon, you know there's maybe an argument that you may be worn down. I think you know, you might be ready to go against all these teams that are outside the SEC after this year.
So I have low a. I don't think there is any doubt. I mean, we've already and I made this point on Friday on KSR, We've already seen the toughest teams in the country. We've already beaten Duke. You've already seen them, You've played them, you've beaten them. You know, you've beaten Tennessee twice. You've you've played Alabama, you've played off You've played everybody that I would be concerned about seeing in the NCAA Tournament, and you're probably to play some of those teams, assuming they get past Oklahoma or Georgia in the SEC tournament. You're gonna see those teams possibly again in the SEC tournament. So you know, as far as what great I would give Pope, I'm not gonna go a minus. I'm gonna go a solid A again, factoring in that he didn't have a healthy team going into the conference. You know, they pulled out some tough wins on the road that you swept Tennessee. You know, I would say the only reason I wouldn't give them an eight plus is because you did have a few head scratchers. You know, you lost the Arkansas game, the Texas game, I'll throw that one in there. You blow a late lead in that game. The Ohio State game was one that I feel like they should have won. But overall, considering all the factors that I gave you and the result that we have ten and eight in the conference. I mean, I think I had eleven wins going in. You tell me that you have significant injuries and you still only fall one win short of what I had predicted before going in with a completely healthy team. I think I got to give him a NA.
And you've seen a lot of growth, right, I mean, Amari Williams. You know, we were screaming at the television to get get your hands up and now I you know, historically, if you look at analytics and numbers, he's one of the best big men in the SEC ever, and I'm hoping that he has some great March moments ahead of him. You know, I go into the SEC Tournament with a little bit more confidence than that I thought I might have at the end of the year, Shannon. And but you know what, cali Peri had some great regular seasons in his final three or four years, and it just did not connect in the postseason.
So it's all about March. It's all about what you can do now.
But I can't help but be really excited get getting ready for this run, Shannon, you know what I mean, Like, it's just yeah, yeah, I think you can feel it in the fan base too. I think there's no doubt about it.
This fan base is hungry for a win. They have not won a game in the SEC Tournament since twenty twenty two. Is that real? Let that sink in for a minute. In twenty twenty three. They lost the Vandy in the first game, and then last year was Texas A and M. So Nashville is gonna be ready to party and it's gonna be late game for the Cats as it fall. As it shakes out, they're going to be the six seed playing the nine to thirty Eastern game, which would be eight thirty there, but it's the late game regardless. It's gonna be a lot of fun in Nashville. We'll talk about it. We'll take your phone calls. Coming up next eight five nine two, eight oh twenty two eighty seven. It is the show before the show, the KSR pre Show. We'll be right back, all right, welcome back. It is the KSR pre Show eight five nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven, which some of you are calling. And apparently if you're listening on WLAP on the stream on iHeart, you're hearing the phone ring That's the only thing that's going through. People are tweeting us saying the only thing they can hear on the WLAP stream is the phone ringing. People are saying, to answer the phone. You come in here and answer the phone. I'm trying to do a radio show. I can't answer the phone and host a show and stand on one foot. Good grief. I'm doing my best here, But I don't know why. Why would that be the case. Why would you be able to hear the phone ringing on WLAP stream?
How it would be going over the air. I'm not sure that is bizarre. I'm being told we do have audio now, so hopefully you are able to listen to us on six thirty LAP. But you know I'm the one getting all the slack for phone calls. Shannon, You need to pick up the phone.
Your gmbilly figured out, do something, scan the QR code.
Come on, man, listen, I'm on the air here. I've got kicked off the air. In the first segment, the Kentucky win at Missouri was fun. But did you happen to catch any of the postgame show with Ryan and Drew from Comic Con?
No? No, I I heard a few things. What happened? Give me the rundown on what happened with that?
Well, you know they were late arriving.
Comic Con was already in full swing by the time they got there, so they really couldn't find a great spot, so they had to end up finding an outlet near the entrance of Comic Con. So while it wasn't a great spot, it was still perfect for people watching because everybody had to go through really ksr's radio show to get into Comic Con at that point, and I mean just it was just off the rails. Just the amount of characters going up and talking to the guys mid show. You know, no respect for the old Hey, you know that they're actually doing a show.
Don't talk to us right now.
I would think you would want to talk to those people though, Like that's the whole point of being at Comic Con is to talk to all the nerds out there.
And confirmation we are back on lap. So yeah for sticking with us there. But you know, Drew, I think got traumatized at one point where a man's bare thigh ended up touching Drew's thigh, and I think that was a little too much for him. Oh, they touched thighs, They touched thighs. It was a revealing costume by one man, and he just got a little too close, I think. So if you haven't listened to it's on podcasts, it may be one of the better postgame shows of the year. Ryan and Drew just navigating Lexington Comic Con. And it was a good thing that happened after a win because it would not have been the same excitement if if it was after a loss.
All Right, So Kentucky does beat Missouri, they get the six seed for the SEC Tournament, So that means they'll be playing the late game on Thursday. They'll be playing either Oklahoma or Georgia. Billy, if you had your pick Oklahoma Georgia, or does it matter to you you have any preference.
I welcome either. You know, you lost to Georgia early on in the year. They're just such a physical team. You remember Sumpto Cyril did a number on Kentucky, but that was early on. Man, that was a different Kentucky team. So I wouldn't mind seeing them again. And I say that because that Oklahoma game was close, Shannon, I mean, you had to have a superhero effort from otega Oway to even beat Oklahoma. Now that was on the road. That may be a little different in a neutral court game or you know, you know, with all the Cats fans that will take over in Nashville. So I'm kind of indifferent on this. I'd welcome either. Are you leaning either?
Way between Oklahoma.
And uh well, I mean Georgia looked pretty good Saturday against Vandy, So I don't know that that style play doesn't suit Kentucky. Yeah yeah, but I mean you gotta play somebody, right, So I think if I had the choice, give me Oklahoma again, give me Brandon Garrison flexing on them, and Otaga Oway, I would expect them to have another big game against Oklahoma. So I said, give me Oklahoma if I had the choice. But you know what, if it's Georgia, it's Georgia. I'll still feel good about the game either way. And hey, even if we get one win in Nashville, that's going to already be better than what we've done in the last few years.
Is that what you want? That's the Uh well, what's Shannon the dude?
Yeah? Yeah, Like, let's get to Alabama and see what happens. You know, you win that game on Thursday night, that you got another late one on Friday, you play Alabama, you know, that's that's again one of those teams that just can score so many points. I mean, I'm not going to be too afraid of Alabama. You just put up ninety one on the road against Missouri with a team that is not one healthy. So I even Alabama, I still feel good about that game.
You were swept by the Tide.
They also had a buzzer beater floater win in overtime against Auburn over the weekend. That was a fun game. I mean, they're tough. You avoided Auburn. But this is just the SEC it's going to be. In Jay Billis's word, it's tougher to win this tournament than it would be the NCAA.
But see, I'm a firm believer in You've heard this a million times. It's hard to beat a team three times in one season. So oddly enough, if you said you can play Tennessee or you could play Alabama, I think I would rather play Alabama just for that very reason, because Kentucky has swept Tennessee. I don't think you want to play them a third time. You're zero and two against Alabama, give me another crack at it. I think Kentucky can beat Alabama, and I think that if they were to play them on Friday, there's a good chance they do it.
Generally, I would agree with that rule. I think I would disagree with you in this instance just because the kay Ziegler is so bad versus Kentucky. I don't know what that is that he is so good, but yet he is so bad against Kentucky for some reason. And I always enjoy beating the balls, So maybe do it a third time would be fun. But Nato, it's in Alabama. We've got it rolling, there's no doubt. But take care of business, focus on Georgia or Oklahoma, and we'll have some three am postgame shows coming up.
Yeah, I know you're looking forward to that. HEYEGM. This segment sponsored by Draft Kings. We're gonna be down in Nashville. Draft Kings has a sportsbook down there, which I'm sure we're gonna be hanging out at some so make sure you're swing by there if you're planning on coming down to Nashville. And you can bet, of course, on all the games promo code KSR. If you're a new customer, bet five and get one hundred and fifty instantly in bonus bets, same game parlays, player of props. You can bet on the conference champions I saw Kentucky have some pretty good odds to win the SEC tournament, so maybe you want to throw some money down on that you can promo code KSR. The crown is yours. If you have a gambling problem, call it one in one hundred Gambler eighteen plus Kentucky only. Eligibility restrictions apply new customers only. A bot A special expire one hundred and sixty eight hours after issue. It's additional terms and responsible gaming resources see dk MG dot co. Slash audio got about a minute before the break, So let's take our first call. Let's go to Greg. What's up? Greg?
Hey, Greg, great win over the weekend, had a great time watching that game. And Mark Pope. I'd have to give him, like I was gonna say, B plus, but maybe he deserves an eighty minus.
I think I think, well, I mean, yeah, I've already told you I think he deserves a solid A just considering the injuries, considering the difficulty of the conference, I think ten and eight. I mean again, with the team that he threw together so quickly, I think you give them next year, this team will be rolling, you know, give him a full year to recruit.
Yeah, I mean they've have double digit losses.
But like you said, Shannon, this is a historically good sec A thrown together roster. I mean, he can't do much more, but there's always room to improve and hopefully they can continue that success in the postseason.
Here, thanks for the call, Greg, We're gonna take a break. We'll take more of your phone calls coming up next eight five to nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven. It is the KSR pre Show. It is the KSR pre Show. Eight five nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven. People are also saying, Billy that you can now hear it ringing, the phone ringing. I guess on WLAP on the radio, are you getting these same text and tweets.
Well, I think we got it fixed.
We got it fixed, Okay.
But I don't even know how that's even possible for people to hear the phone ringing, and it's kind of dangerous. I hope, I hope people don't hear what the people are saying that end up.
Yeah, calling in no doubt.
Let's did you get sorry, Shannon? I wanted to ask you about your band. You guys ever get that sorted out when you're playing?
Well, I was getting you read in my mind because I was gonna say, let's get some scheduling issues out of the way here, let's talk about what we got going on. So Thursday morning, we'll be doing the KSR pre Show and KSR Live from ten Roof on Broadway, all right, That starts at eight o'clock Central Time, so from eight to eleven. Then later that day at four thirty, my band Alice Blue Gown will be playing at ten Roof on Broadway upstairs from four thirty all the way up until game time for the Cats, which is supposed to be eight thirty. So it's four hours regardless, four hours no breaks. That's a long time to be up on stage. But we're gonna do that. The thing is, though, Billy, like, if I want to go to the game, I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm about to bring a change of clothes or something like, I need a shower. After I'm performing for four hours, I can't go up on stage and you know where it's hot and those bright lights and you're sweating. I'm sweating through my clothes. And then I've got to go to a Kentucky game right after that. I've got a I don't know, figure something out so I could see the game.
So I was going to ask you, I mean, do you think you'll be the only person at Bridgestone Arena in a scarf and fedora?
You know, I winded and press row too. I mean, you've got a media pass, you're not up in the tractors.
Well, I think I think I've got a media pass Patty and Pat forty will definitely have a scarf and a fedora on.
Maybe maybe he'd be the one other.
But anyway, I still haven't heard anything back. I think I'm credentialed. I mean I got credentialed, but then they said your head SHOT's not good enough. You need to send another head shot. So they sent a link for me to resubmit, and then I clicked on the link and they said, well it's too late to submit online for a credential. So I go, what do you want me to do? So I just sent them back a screenshot of b from OVW wearing the gold jersey or the gold the cold jacket. I mean, that's right.
I was hoping the screenshot may have been you and Queen of the Ring and maybe with your misogynistic protest signed, maybe that'll have been on over well as your SEC credential. But that little conundrum New Shane might be a busy Thursday for you. Yeah, it's definitely gonna be a lot of fun. But come on out and join us.
Ten roof on Broadway eight five nine two eight h twenty two eighty seven. Billy. Some automatic bids from over the weekend. Teams that are already in the NC DOUBLEA Tournament. I don't know if you watched any of these conference tournaments, but Lipscomb is in all right, you got Drake, you got Southern Illinois Edwardsville who Ryan LeMond somehow was able to pull out of his rear end at the remote on Friday as one of the teams, and I don't know what conference is it again, Ohio Valley, the Ohio Valley, okay uh. And then finally high Point, who is now thirty and five. Billy Matt was blown away by the fact that I knew that high Point was twenty six and five and they're out thirty and five. That was the team that Joelenardi had in his bracketology as Kentucky playing in the first round. So you know, like we said, when you get to the NC Double eight tournament, you gotta play somebody. But those smaller teams, I guess maybe because of Oakland and Saint Peter's. I'll see those teams on there. It just kind of makes me a little nervous.
Well, this is the beauty of the tournament, right is these automatic bids and the Cinderella stories. And in fact, if we were to expand the tournament, these guys would still make it, but we would get I think it would be less magic, more and more teams that We had a couple of notes on these teams. Southern Illinois the coach hung a pair of scissors in their locker room six years ago, telling the guys that one day they would cut down the nets. And it was a beautiful story he was telling on the court. Able to finally get those scissors. Lipsic come winning the A Sun is great. But in the same conference, we got reports that Scotty Davenport's going to be stepping down from Bellermane.
Yeah, yeah, I saw that. This big news around here in Louisville. Stepping down. You know, he was at Bellerman for twenty years. He won a national title in D two back in twenty eleven. He made it to three other final fours in D two. Then you remember Billy when Bellerman shifted to Division one. They actually came out in the second year and won their conference, won the Atlantic Sun and because of the worst rule in NC Double A history, they weren't allowed to participate in the NC DOUBLEA tournament. That is the dumbest role ever. But you know they could have. They should have been in the tournament that year. And who knows, Man, that was a really good team that year. They could I could have seen them be in one of those teams that knocks off somebody in the first round. But yeah, Scotty Davenport stepping down at Bellerman, He's had a great run there.
I went and watched them win their conference tournament at Freedom Hall that year, just to just to be a part of little history, right, win the conference but not be able to go to the NCAA tournament. That rule is ridiculous and it was tragic that Scotty didn't get to go to that big stage. But you know, his son will be the new head coach at Bellerman at least, this is what's being reported by the Field of sixty eight. You're a nepotism guy, Shannon. Do you like that his son's going.
To be the next coach or is that okay.
In this small school, Scotty's a legend type of thing.
Yeah, I don't know. I think that you want to hire whoever is best for the job, so I think that there should still be an interview process. I don't only love the coach and waiting thing because if there's somebody out there that's a available, that's a better fit, but you're hiring a son just because he's the quote coach in waiting, I don't love that, to be honest with you, because maybe there's somebody out else out there that's available that would take the job, who could do a better job. And ultimately, don't you want your team to be the best that it can So I don't I don't love that. I don't love that idea of we're going to hire a coach in waiting.
Well, you hit the nail on the head on you don't want to limit your coaching search, right like you want to be able to take in all offers and people that are interested in the job. But I'm sure Scotty has left a lasting legacy and part of you know, continuing that legacy as his son. But hopefully Bellerman can you know replicate the same results that Scotty has had because he has been fantastic for the city of Louisville, and if these reports are true, I commend everything that he's done.
Let's go to Jake. What's up, Jake?
Hey, how are you doing?
I wanted to I wanted to tell you I checked out your song.
It was really good.
Thank you, thank you. Yeah, it's it's getting a lot of streams. Not many buys Billy, but you know, nobody really buys music these days, and I didn't expect that anyway, but it's getting a ton of streams. So I bought it. Yeah you did, and Shannon, Yeah, Well, what's.
Up, hey, Shannon?
Hay Shannon, did you get to meet Jim Cornett.
When you were when you were doing uh, Queen of the Ring. No, not during their uh during the filming for that. But Jim Cornett, you know, he's been a part of OVW for a long time and I've seen him, you know, backstage at OVW. I've met him there.
I thought you might have had some stories on him.
No, there's plenty of stories on Jim Cornette. If you want to, just go to Google. Google has a lot more stories than I do anything else, Jake.
No, so it's all a good all right.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate you.
But yeah, Jim, Jim Cornett and some other wrestlers that you might recognize if you're a wrestling fan. In that movie, there's one guy that was with us with OVW who had a big role. He actually got to be the first person to go in the ring with you know, the character Mildred Burke, who this whole movie's about. But he had like a speaking role and everything. I'm like, wow, good for him. So, you know, just don't invite Shannon the Dude back until you got a similar role, because otherwise I'm not interested.
I don't know a Jim Cornett, but I do know a Jim Ross. Is Jim Ross ever gone by OVW.
The back in the day. Yeah, when WWE was directly affiliated with OVW. You know, OVW is basically like the Triple A, the farm system, you know, to put it in baseball terms, And yeah, I mean they had all their guys would come down. You'd have the Undertaker at OVW, Stone Cold came down for like an appearance, Jim Ross, all those guys at some point or another another had been through OVW throughout the years.
Yeah, I can hear Jim Ross just sometimes oh my god, or some of the great great.
Times that Jim Ross has done.
So before we go to our next call, let's let's talk about the games we got going on tonight. Billy, you got the Sun Belt Championship. I want you to pick the games here. We've got two conference championships tonight. In the sun Belt you got Let's see, it's Troy State and Arkansas State. Who do you got?
Troy State in Arkansas State?
No, No, I'm sorry, Troy in Arkansas State. No state for Troy Troy Arkansas State.
Okay, I guess I'm going to Arkansas State knowing nothing about these two teams, Shannon, but give me Arkansas State.
I think they get it done here.
If you tell me, I get the entire state of Arkansas. Vers is some guy named Troy. I'm taking Arkansas State all day? Oh?
Is that how literally? We'll take it?
That's That's what I'm I'm picking Arkansas State. And then the other final tonight is the Southern Conference. You got Wafford or Furman? Who you going with? Hmm?
Well, I know Furman has the better overall record. But you know, Wafford took one to two against the Kentucky baseball team this weekend. So because of that logic, Shannon, I think Wafford pulls off the upset.
They get it done.
That's as good as logic as I had. I'm gonna take Furman on this one. You can bet all these games and more on the Draft Kings sportsbook promo code KSR Now Troy, speaking of which, it's interesting Joe Lenardi has Troy playing Kentucky in the first round of the latest bracketology. So if Troy wins tonight, that could be the opponent. So maybe a reason to watch, you know, a little added reason to watch that game tonight if Kentucky plays Troy. He's got on right now in Milwaukee. So what do you think about Milwaukee. I know that you're not going on the road trip regardless, but at any thoughts on Kentucky playing in Milwaukee versus going.
Out Shannon, enjoy the enjoy the road you'll be driving to Milwaukee if that's the case. I believe in that draw, if they were to beat Troy as a three seed, they would play the winner of UCLA and Drake yeah, Detroit, and out of those three teams, you know, I'm picking cats all the way. So I like that draw, Shann, I absolutely.
Do you know that? With UCLA though, being the I mean, are they really a blue blood anymore? I mean, I know we've called them blue bloods just because of the success that they had, you know, many many years ago. Do you still consider UCLA a blue blood? I don't know that I do well.
I miss that time where Wooden was racking up championships, So they have never been relevant in my lifetime, so I can't in good conscience call them a blue blood. Now maybe others would. I would not, Shannon, That's just personally right. I mean, I'd be more inclined to call Yukon a blue blood, and that's because of their recent success compared to the dominance that UCLA had.
But I mean it's about what have you done for me lately, right, Shannon?
I mean, you can't just keep calling somebody a title like blue blood if they've faded into a relevancy, right right.
So if you tell me, though, you give me Troy Drake Ucla for a chance to go to the Sweet Sick team, I'm taking that all day.
I mean that's a good draw if Leonardi is correcting that. So, but we'll it's.
Playing loose, right, I mean taking it like any other game. And that was not what Cali Perry did. It was an emphasis on you know, these games don't matter until March.
I think Mark Pope will put an emphasis on these games, but hopefully, you know, not that much pressure will be on the shoulders of these guys because they've done it all year long.
Well, you know he's gonna put an emphasis on the SEC tournament. You know he's talked. Yeah, yeah, so we're here to win. Yep. Let's go to Charlie. What's up, Charlie?
Hey, you got two things. First off, I'm giving popa B plus in this season. Not great wins middle of the season. You know, had a tough Alabama, Vanderbilt, Arkansas and Old Miss losses. That Old Miss loss is tough to watch. But overall, I love the Duke win. Love B plus. Real reason I called something interesting that you guys might be interested in with the with the sports wagering, that's you know, so prevalent today. Uh, I was looking so my brother in law put in a h for oh way to have two assists, and it is incorrectly given at the one minute and eighteen one minute in eighteen second mark, Andrew Carr is given an assist instead of oh Way and he lost. And I'm trying to figure out what the what the process if? This is the craziest thing.
I know, And it's in the official stats that he didn't get to assists.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, so o Way gave the ball or gave the ball seventeen to twenty three of the second half, he threw the ball to car for his first assist for a three with one minute and eighteen seconds left in the game. There's an out pass from Butler to oh Way, oh Way to Brea for the big dunk to end the game.
Right, Yeah, they didn't count that.
One one eighteen Car is given the assist. That is the crazy.
That's tough. Yeah, I would say that they would probably go back and retroactively fix that. But that's that's tough.
If not, I mean had like that is the like, yeah he contacted three five and they're like, yeah, this the box score says, does not say that. The box score says cars. So there's nothing.
Well, that's that's nothing. That's why you got bet with Draft Kings. They won't do that to you. Yeah. Thanks for the college, Ollie, We appreciate it.
I think that's the overall theme, right, exactly like DraftKings, and you would avoid that, uh. I think you get the envelopes out, maybe you put a stamp in the right hand corner, Shannon, and you and you got to start writing a letter because I'd be furious, just like this caller if that was the.
Case, right, I mean, yeah, but you know, we don't dabble with any other betting companies out there, only DraftKings. Let's see Kentucky plus thirty five hundred right now to win the n c DOUAA tournament. There's only let's see two four six, only nine other team ahead of them right now. So if you're looking at the odds, Kitaki is the tenth in odds right now on DraftKings to win the NCAA tournament. Maybe maybe you throw it down a couple of dollars on that.
Well, that makes that would make sense if they were to be a three seed, Shannon, were those odds up for the SEC tournament?
Because yeah, I'd have to pull him up. Maybe we'll talk about that coming up next eight five, nine, two, eight oh twenty two eighty seven. We will be right back. It is the KSR pre Show. Final segment of the KSR pre Show Billy coming up tomorrow. Mark Stoops will be on KSR for Pro Day. Some tough questions I think you gotta be answered tomorrow on KSR, So looking forward to having Coach Stoops on it. I think he's so great when he comes on KSR. He's always open, honest, So I'm looking forward to hearing from Coach Stoops tomorrow and KSR.
Yeah, and apparently in studio here in Lexington. Do you think Ryan might hie underneath this table here or do you think he'll be He'll be fine, for.
He'll probably be underneath the table, I'd say halfway through the interview, But I mean, you do you have to ask him, you know, some of the tough questions about how the team performed last year and some of the locker room issues that we've heard so much about. I think that you know, those things have to be addressed.
Well if you're looking for a silver lining. When we heard from Stoops just recently, he was very re energized, so hopefully he can continue to carry that energy into the radio interview tomorrow and into these guys blue collar hard work that they're they're getting after here in this.
Now, let's hope the UK men's team does a little better than the women's team did. The women's team lost their first game against Oklahoma, got knocked off sixty nine to sixty five in that game. They're still though on track. It looks like to host in the NCAA tournament. But did you see on the latest bracketology for the women's who Kentucky could possibly play in the second round if they win?
No, what's their bracketology?
So they would have them as the three seed playing Liberty, but then possibly in the second round playing Kenny Brooks old team Virginia Tech. Come on, yeah, don't committee always mann what they do. Okay, you could call me a conspiracy theory, but you cannot. You could tell me. You can call me a conspiracy theories, but don't tell me that they don't try to put together these matchups that have a good storyline. You've seen it for so many years. If they have opportunity to do that, they will.
And I believe at Kentucky's in a position if they were to get a three C they would be hosting those games, so you know that hopefully that does happen. I worked that game on Friday, and I mean they had twenty turnovers, Shannon, they only had made two threes before the final two minutes of the game. It was it was very uncharacteristic of this Kenny Brooks team, and they were kind of looking around and in the moment was a little too big for them. So hopefully this is a wake up call and they can do some good things in this tournament because it's been a great year for them.
Let's go to Robert. What's up, Robert?
Hey, how's going guys?
All right? Man?
I was just curious if either anybody up there had put any money on Kentucky to win it all, because I put forty five dollars on to win it All the first week of the season after I saw them play. I figured that was a hell of a deal at the odds back then, It's gonna pay me eleven hundred and seventy dollars on a forty five dollars ticket. I got to think, with the odds you were talking about you all, should you should put something on it?
Yeah? Yeah, So Kentucky. I'm looking at right now for the NCAA tournament plus thirty five hundred for the SEC tournament, Billy just plus nineteen hundred.
Yeah, the accounts low right now where I would Shannon anything else, Robert.
I'm just curious, Yeah, because you know the payoff is pretty good.
Yeah, it is. And right now, if you go on Draft Kings you can get the odds before they shift even further down. So if you're thinking about doing it, I would say you're maybe a little bit too late to the party, first of all, but you can still win a little bit of money if you put some money down on Draft Kings promo code KSR.
You can also bet on the over under a fireball shots Mario will take in Nashville over the week, Shannon, you went over or under four and a half over.
I'm going to hammer the over on that, really, Yeah, I mean Nashville is going to be a long three or four days down there.
Drew's saying under. Drew's looking under here.
No, no, no, I think well, the question is the question is can he get to four without passing out? That's the real question. Yeah, that's the one thing. So again a reminder Thursday, We're doing the KSR Show and the KSR Pre Show eight o'clock Central time, ten roof on Broadway Thursday night or Thursday evening. Alice Blue Gown plays from four thirty till eight thirty. The Kentucky plays eight thirty, probably going to be closer to nine o'clock Central, and there will be playing either Oklahoma or Georgia. So looking forward day for you, dude. But yeah, in the time of the year, yeah it is. It's the best time of the year for college sports, no doubt about it. So KSR is coming up next. We'll see you down in Nashville. We're gonna be down there Wednesday, and hopefully not just down there for a couple of days, hopefully down there for the entire weekend. We'll talk to you coming up next on KSR for Billy Red Ledgium, Shannon the Dude. This has been the KSR pre Show.