The Fear Factor
How strong is the fear factor in your life?
Permission Versus Forgiveness
It's easier to ask for permission than to seek forgiveness.
Equally Yoked
What does God mean when He tells us not to be unequally yoked?
Light Into Darkness
These days every time I feel the blanket of darkness engulf me, I remember that though the night be dark, Jesus is the light that shines brighter. Though Winter endures for a season, Summer with its endless light is coming.
The Christmas Season
Singles have a unique perspective in celebrating Emmanuel - "God with us".
Stuck in the Waiting
What do you do when you're stuck in the waiting?
Cut of Fruit
There are no short cuts to growing in Christ, but the effort is worth it.
What Singles Really Want
Do you want to know what every single Christian really wants?
What it Takes to Date
Do you have what it takes to date?
Honestly Speaking
How honest should you be with the person you're dating?