Woke Judges - March 20th, Hour 3

Published Mar 21, 2025, 1:27 AM

Attorney General Alan Wilson of South Carolina, is joining forces with other conservative attorney generals across the country to support President Trump in his fight against TDA and the woke judges who love them.

Well, we have come in to your city. Go way, I Getz saying you a consciousise will be dire and if you want a little banging a y and come along. The alternative is cut off the government spending.

And here's what would happen if we cut off government spending.

It would be devastation like we have never.

Seen, worse than we're seeing now much Democrats, call your office, you know where march madness times terrible, terrible, terrible, to quote the great Charles Barkley.

Once you have a president who's just disregarding what judges say, you're in a totally lawless state.

Tradom is that is style. Welcome to the revolution, coming to your city, going the way I get Tarzan saying you a conscious ciset.

The New Sean Hannity Show more be I'm the scenes, information on freaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America.

Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload.

Right News Roundup, Information Overload. Our toll free. Our number is eight hundred and nine to four one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, I think our friend Miranda Devine of The New York Post summed it up extraordinarily well, and that is that Donald Trump is fighting a cartel of vile, corrupt, far left judges trying to kill his campaign promises. Caroline Levitt, the White House Press secretary, ripping this partisan judge over President Trump's migrant flights, illegal immigrants in this case linked to Trende Arragua, the violent gang now labeled a domestic terrorist organization. And then we have a whole laundry list of background on the judges that have been blocking key Trump executive orders, and we see that many of them have a history of left wing activism and democratic donations. The Biden appointed judge blocking transgender military that band used to be an anti Trump legal activist. Trump's attorney general claims this judge in this particular case as it relates to deportations, and she's right. And we went through the four private prior presidents that have used the Alien Enemies Act to de poor people, and the Supreme Court decision in nineteen forty eight that absolutely upheld that law in a landmark decision that you think John Roberts would be aware of. And the ag Pam Bondi is fighting back as hard as she can. The federal judge temporarily blocking the Trump administration from reclaiming the billion dollar climate grants that have been out there. This is the same judge in this particular case that was involved with Jack Smith in the case on January sixth. It just never seems to to end. And we have a list of the Obama judges who are working a sabotage Trump's agenda and a Biden appointed judge blocking Trump's Pentagon from banning transgender troops, and they're stopping what the American people voted for. Now. Governor DeSantis, my governor had a great idea, and others have discussed it. We've discussed it as well. He very articularly laid it out on x. Congress has the authority to strip the jurisdiction of the federal courts to decide these cases in the first place. Sabotaging President Trump's agenda by resistant judges or resistance judges is predictable. Are why are there no jurisdictions stripping bills tied up? You can't have all these local judges in most cases unelected, unaccountable to the American people that are just you know, ruling by executive fiat and taking away a president's power, a duly elected president's power to do the job the American people sent him to Washington to do. Now, Pam Bondi spoke out about this, and here's what she had to say.

Is there something you can do or do you need the Supreme Court here to play ball to get this going quickly to get resolution.

Yeah, well, we.

Will appeal through the process, but we do anticipate getting there quickly. Yes, we do need the Supreme Court. We anticipate that because many of these all seats, of course, are filed right here in DC. Many of these injunctions, these liberal activist judges are based right here, these judges who have no right to control President Trump's agenda. But yeah, of course we need the Supreme Court. We will get there, We will get there fast, and we will prevail.

Now. Pam Bondi also is not the only one that in the administration that has spoken out. Mike Waltz defending the deportations to El Salvador a wholesale shift of what a terrorist is, and he is correct. Why is this being done to protect you the American people? We see what has happened with gangs like Trende, a rag while we have known terrorists, murderers, rapists, cartel members, gang members in our country, we've got to be able to deport them. The president has the authority to do it, as codified by the US Supreme Court and by President.

We had nine to eleven to begin thinking about Al Qaeda, like the terrorists that they are, trend de Agua Ragua has been labeled a terrorist organization. They are no different than ISIS. They maim, kill, torture, create mayhem and chaos on our streets in the United States. And I think if you had some of those, you know, tattooed shaved head men labeled ISIS, then we wouldn't even be having this debate. So this is about a wholesale shift on what a terrorist is and how they should be treated in the United States, how they should be treated when they're attacking our soil and when they're violating our sovereignty and when they're terrorizing our citizens.

All right, Joining us now is the Attorney General of South Carolina, and that's Alan Wilson is with US and a group of Republican state attorneys general is filing an AMEKUS brief at the US Court of a Peace in DC urging the Circuit Court to reverse a judge's order to block Donald Trump from deporting the alleged Trende or Ragua gang members and basically saying one age is saying, these judges are basically supporting foreign terrorist organizations. Is over the safety of the American people. And by the way, these are all this is all connected to Democrats, all of it, because what they cannot get done electorally at the ballot box, what they cannot get done legislatively, they race to these activist judges, They go judge shopping, and this is how they're trying to stop in its tracks the agenda that Donald Trump was elected to enforce. Anyway, mister Attorney General, welcome back. Good to have you.

It's great to be with you, Sean, thanks for having me.

Well. I think that we could put a final end to it if Republicans would unite behind Governor DeSantis and his idea and other people have had the idea as well, and just put this to rest once and for all, and they won't have jurisdiction. Although you know, it's frustrating when you have nineteen forty eight Supreme Court ruling on this very topic and in that very ruling. It says that they don't even have a right to judicial review, and that raises the question what part of Supreme Court precedent and what part of that ruling John Roberts didn't understand.

Well, Sean, I want to remind people that Trendia Ragua, the gang at the center of this, is a gang that has actually been stood up and supported by the Maduro regime in Venezuela. So this is a not a domestic terrorist organization. While they may be doing domestic terrorism, there are foreign terrorist organization is designated by the Trump administration, so that makes them foreign actors of a foreign government which supports the Alien Enemies Act arguments that have been made by the Trump administration. Last summer, there were no TDA in South Carolina according to the Drug Enforcement Administration officials I met with. Now they're all over our state. So this is why me and other twenty five other state ags are very concerned that a single court of federal District Court judges trampling all over the president's Article two powers to be able to engage in foreign affairs and promote national security. You know, we can't do this without President Trump and his team and so that's why we're doing what we're doing right now in federal court.

Well, I hope you're successful at it.


The problem is is that this has gone to the DC Court of Appeals. And I appreciate the fact that you've put forward this brief along with the other attorneys general. However, I don't really feel the US Court of Appeals, So the District of Columbia is the best venue for you, and I would imagine that the odds are probably against you.

Well, my aim, my target is the US Supreme Court. I mean, we have a six' to three court that ninety percent of the time gets it, right not one hundred percent of the. Time BUT i think we've got a legitimate shot here of getting this to THE. U. S Supreme, court where The Supreme court can underscore the President's article two powers and it's federal statutory of, power which was the codification of The Alien Enemies. Act That's title fifty that we've been talking. About that allows the president to push back against predatory incursions by agent so foreign, governments which is WHAT tda. Is and so getting this to The Supreme, COURT i think is what our ultimate goal, is not The court of appeals in THE Dc.

Circuit, WELL i think that that probably is a good strategy on your, part AND i appreciate all of. That what are the main arguments you're going to, make BECAUSE i think the nineteen forty Eight Supreme court president should pave the way for their. Decision and by the, way and by the, way two of the four, presidents you, know we're not doing this during, wartime and the president is saying that this is an illegal.

Invasion, no, no you're absolutely. RIGHT i couldn't agree with you. MORE i, mean our arguments are very. SIMPLE i, mean, obviously if you look at THE Us, constitution The court and The court's prior interpretations of The article two powers of The, president they're very. Broad they're very. Wide they allow the president areas of foreign policy and national security to have unfettered discretion to go ahead and do things like. This this judge in courts and other judges like him have no more right to go to The pentagon and tell generals that they can't fire missiles at enemy combatants or direct troop movements in a foreign. Battlefield and they can tell The president The United states he can't remove you, know enemy combatants or foreign. Terrorists there's no difference than If osama Bin laden was being taken out of The United states in my, Opinion so that is that is our legal argument on this.

Issue, WELL i think THAT i think the legal arguments are on solid. Ground how would you what would the other arguments be if this does eventually make it up to The Supreme. Court what are the other arguments you'd think you can?

Make, WELL i, mean, Honestly article two of THE Us, Constitution title, Fifties section twenty one of The Alien Enemies, ACT i, mean are the two primary, arguments but also not you, know the respect for presidential authority that the tro this temporary restraining the judge order gave is the wrong. REMEDY i, mean these people are being, basically it's about whether they have a hearing before they're deported or you, know after they're. Deported the point is is they're being deported no matter, what and they're stopping the federal government is being stopped by judges from removing foreign terrorist actors that are being stood up by foreign government regime In venezuela from being removed from The United. States this is the kind of stuff that is putting our citizenry in harm's. Way this is having a negative impact on public, safety and so the court needs to allow the executive branch to execute the laws and get the federal district court judges out of the business of being law enforcement officers or enforcement.

Agents, yeah well said, anyway we're going to keep up with this. Case Attorney General Allen, Wilson South, carolina thank, you and thanks to the the twenty four ags around the country that are joining with you to put an end to this so that the president can enact as his agenda that he was duly elected to. Enact AND i find, this you, know this is a common tactic of the. Left we appreciate your, time.

Sir thank.

You sean eight hundred and nine four One seawan is our number if you want to be a part of the. Program, right let's get to our busy. Phones john is in the great state Of, Arkansas John. High how are you glad you, called? Sir i'm.

Great how about?

Yourself, HEY i got to not a, question more of a. Statement it seems like to me that The democrats are kind of like it's like a marriage when one person is cheating on the. Other they're telling you what they're doing and it sounds so, outlandish like like they like when all The democrats wouldn't stand up and clap for city that kid during the speech That president gave and said they were, told you, know don't do, this but they're all sitting there, saying you guys are. Nazi trump Is. Hitler, well when you're being told not to do something and you do it even knowing in your heart that, hey you know what the stand them for this, KID i, MEAN i don't care if they don't like anybody. Else that kid has no Partisan and the other thing another thing that they're telling is like Maximum. Waters she's, Like trump is going to start a civil. War, no, ma'am it is you that's going to start the civil. War with all your rhetor if you had just toned that, down bring it, back BECAUSE i don't know what these people are burning up These tessa stations and shooting. STUFF i don't know where they're getting their news. From BUT i MEAN i think common sense would be, going, hey let's not do. This this is a crime and all for saving. MONEY i don't get.

THIS i don't get it, either except THAT i can say is that they are they have totally completely gone off the. Rails i've never seen a party disintegrate like this before our. Eyes And i've been doing this a long time and in many, ways if that's their, path let them do. It you, Know there's been One democrat THAT i can now name that has A tesla manufacturing center in his, District, rocana that, said please stop doing. This this has got to. Stop no other Prominent democrat has spoken out against the violence and the domestic. Terrorism and if they don't have the soul and the spirit and the conscience and the heart just and for mothers that lost their, children a young man that won his battle against cancer and has, dreams or the wife of a slain hero, officer or young man who lost his father that was informed he's going To West. Point if they can't stand for the First, lady and they can't stand for The president of The United, states and they want to play, bingo and they want to stand up for men and women's sports and their rights to do. So and they want to stand for the rights of, illegals Even trende Or ragua members over the safety Of, americans and they want to be the party that spends hundreds of billions and, waste fraud and abuse and liberal activism, abroad then let them be that. Party and if they're going to be the party that sits silently while While tesla dealerships are destroyed and we run the risk of that hard Working americans are going to lose their career jobs at, dealerships at manufacturing, centers mechanics are going to be out of. Work let them be that. Party i'd rather be the party of the hard working men and, women which is why we have Our tesla. Contest and by the, way you can win a Free tesla on this. Show proudly we're giving it away and every day you. Can you can. Register you can register once a day every day when you enter the keyword when you go To hannity dot. Com it's that. Simple today's word of the day is. Freedom just go To hannity dot, com go on the contest page and it will take you to the entrance page and you put in a way we can contact, you and you put in the word of the day, Freedom and you've just given yourself a chance to win The tesla of your. Choice, okay and we're going to stand up for what's. Right you, know the people that work For. TESLA i don't know anything about their, politics you. Know ALL i know is they make the Most american car on the, road and it is one of the most innovative Machines i've ever. Seen it's. Incredible And i'm, like you, know if you prefer a different, car, fine but if you want a free, One i'm buying it myself And i'm giving it away on this. Show and AM i going to be able to Save? Tesla? No AM i going to hopefully send a message that that what is happening is just morally, repugnant evil and. Wrong, Yes i'm going to send a loud message, anyway my, Friend thank. You eight hundred nine. One shawn is on. Number if you want to be a part of the, program all, right quick break right back and we will continue on the other. Side eight hundred ninety four. One shawn is on. Number if you want to be a part of the, program you Mean Uncle sam accountable to you every.

Day hannity is.

On all, right let's get to our busy phones as we say hi To jim And. Tennessee what's, Up? Jim how are you glad you? Call what part Of tennessee are.

You in we're In West.

Tennessee, sean it's great to be alive and living in the volunteer.

State, Sir, yes, sir go go. Vals i'm sure you're a big volunteer. Fan and my.

Watching are both. Grads we're we're playing. Tonight But, SEAN i, really.

Well so why DID i know?


Why how DID i have that? INSIDE i just ASSUMED i know how popular they are In. Tennising what's on your mind? Today, WELL i really had.

Two things to. Share number one is very. Short there's a lot being said by the left About Elon musk not being duly, elected AND i would just it's never been said That i've heard that all these activist judges that are these federal judges that are going Against President trump's, programs they're not you, know they're not duly elected. Dealers they were appointed as. Well and you, KNOW i failed to see. It just seems like a lot of hypocrisy. There and you, know with respect That Elon, MUSK i would just tell you that my wife AND i owe him a. Lot and this will take thirty. SECONDS i know you're, busy but in the fall of twenty, thirteen my wife AND i were in The, Oakland San france. Area we drove by The tesla factory there when we were out on the, road AND i suggested that we go find a dealer and drive, one and we. Did i'm an, engineer and the tech was just. Amazing even back there in twenty, thirteen we, considered strongly considered buying one, man but with us living in kind of Rule tennessee lack of, infrastructure we decided against. It BUT i just couldn't shake that idea of what a neat tech product it. Was so about two weeks after we, RETURNED i talked to my.

WIFE i want to be, HONEST i was ignorant about how great this product. Is and you, KNOW i was kind of resistant to the idea of the government forcing electric vehicles into our. Driveways But i've always said That i'm pro choice that if we in other, words if you want to drive an electric, vehicle drive. One if you want to drive a, HYBRID i once had a, hybrid drive. It if you want to guess powered, vehicle then stay with your gas powered. Vehicle AND i always believed in freedom a, choice AND i didn't like the fact that the government was pressuring companies Like ford AND gm to invest billions and billions of dollars into AN ev program that was not the car that their customers wanted or that they are the business they wanted to be. In And ford lost one year four and a half billion. Dollars and if they continue to lose money like, that then high paying career jobs are going to be. Lost and SO i, said stop. It tesla wants to be in this. Business Now i've gotten a little bit more, informed and now that we have Our tesla, giveaway AND i know a lot more about the. Cars the Most america made car on the road and in terms of parts and labor and everything. Else number, One number two it is self driving technology is the most incredible Thing i've ever. Experienced it is. Amazing you just put in your. Destination let's say you have your car. Park you don't need a. Valet all you do you can call your car and have it come to you and pick you. UP i, mean how cool is? That and it just. Is it goes from zero to sixty in two point zero, seconds not zero point, two WHICH i said To elon and a lot of people made fun of. Me it go and more, importantly it's got over at that. Horsepower this thing is a AND i love muscle, cars and this thing even beat my FAVORITE zo six in a drag race and it's on. Videotape i'm, like, wow because that's a killer. Car it really is BY Gm and so you, KNOW I i what has this man done who incurred this kind of? Hatred and the answer is. Nothing he has done a lot of good for this, country and he Helped President trump, win and he's helping save us, money and he saved these, astronauts and he helped the people In North carolina in your state Of, tennessee and the people In california after the. Wildfires and he's got one of the most innovative plans in terms OF ai technology to help, cure you, know help people that are blind to see and people with spinal cord injuries maybe to walk. AGAIN i hope he's. Successful And i'm, like why is he? Hated because he Likes trump and because he's he's identifying all the career option, waste fraud and abuse From. Washington and if we don't do this, now we're not going to save our. Country and to, ME i just hate what they're doing to this. MAN i hate. IT i hate what they're doing to his. EMPLOYEES i don't want to see these people lose their. Jobs and if this, continues if this domestic terrorism, continues they will lose their. Jobs there'll be no. Choice and they want to drive him out of. Business and there's a lot of a lot of unsavory money behind. This this is not an. Accident that's WHY i went after that. Jackass Jimmy kim only thought he was being funny about it on his low, rated soon to be canceled late night comedy. Show you, know you, know Does Mickey mouse really approve the Inclusive disney? Brand Does Bob iger approve of that type of quote humor if you want to call it, that because there's nothing funny about domestic terrorism to, me Nothing, WELL i agree with all, that.

Sir and so, anyway last, year When Elon musk came out to support my man for, president my wife AND i decided to go buy a model List. Plaid so we were a bit ahead of you on, That, sean but we purchased it last year at twenty twenty. Four it's just an amazing. Car as you have, said.

It's amazing and my friends have been telling me And i'm just, like, yeah, yeah, YEAH i MEAN i just hadn't been paying attention to, it and they're, like you don't know what you're, doing and.

Now under two, seconds you, know zero to sixty and so so that what that says to me is if these folks that think they can embarrass me or threaten me into selling this, car you, know they truly are candidates for a drug. TEST i am so proud to be A tesla, owner And i'm so glad that last year my wife AND i bought this. Car fantastic, car fantastic, performance AND.

I think it's the most innovative car on the. ROAD i, mean it's innovation is. Amazing And i'm glad you. Called i'm glad you're letting people know there's a reason Why i'm buying A tesla for one lucky. Listener AND i hope people every day you can go To hannity dot. Com you can have a. Chance every day from now Until april, eleventh every Day i'll give you the word of the. Day you go To hannity dot com and you enter that. Word today's word is, freedom and you can enter once a day every day until the end of the. Contest and Then i'm gonna give away the, car, Okay AND i feel Like oprah giving away cars on the, Show but you, know it's it's to. Me it's important that we stand up for people that are being, bullied that are victims of this, terrorism and for the rights of their workers to continue in their. Jobs, well he's cutting jobs at the Federal those are the jobs that are being, cutter jobs that never should have been in. Existence, ANYWAY i appreciate the, call my Friend john in my free state Of. Florida what's, Up? John how are you if.

This god you love so much you deem as a loving god really exists in actuality pure? Evil And i'll give you one illustration that breaks my.

Heart That's but first of, all that's a judgment on your. Part but go.

Ahead it's a, Statement, yeah a. FACT i believe the.

Fact in your. MIND i disagree with, it but so it's not a, fact but go.

Ahead. Okay, well there's a commercial For Saint Jud's Children's Cancer hospital that shows a little baby girl at two years, old running with her backpack to greet her. Dad Your god gave this poor child leukemia and she's. Dying she went into the hospital to be saved by, humans not by The god who gave her the. Cancer it's commercial that breaks your. Heart there are many children who are born, deformed with horrible diseases that kill them slowly and. Painfully babies who are born, dead still. Born you're, Evil god created to not even, begining.

RIGHT i get where you're. Going so you're basically it's an age old, question and that is why do, hard, difficult challenging things happen to good? People that's what you're asking, me or in this, case to innocent. Children why does that? HAPPEN i WISH i had a good answer for. YOU i don't BECAUSE i don't understand the mind Of, god nor DO i believe humankind is meant to understand the mind Of. God WHAT i do know is this for you to be an? Atheist you, know you talk about. FAITH i look at the majesty of creation and what have we learned from. Science we've learned that there are universes within universes within, universes and a level of perfection that is so deep and so profound that it is beyond human. Comprehension AND i just acknowledge that there are things that we are not supposed to know or. UNDERSTAND i do believe mankind is in a fallen condition and in need of, salvation and that that is part of the human. Experience and for you to be an, atheist you you're making your judgments and you're free to do. So probably been a free. Country and how, however to believe that those universes within universes within universes somehow magically created itself lends itself to the next, question where did the energy originate? From if there's not A god that always that always has been, always IS i am sent me if you? Will if there isn't a creator behind, it then you would have to believe that somehow energy existed on its, own and that something can come from, nothing and that all of a sudden it just just collided together and created, this this, perfect, majestic you, know creation that we only are beginning to understand the vastness of Sure AND i believe that we are, mind, body and, spirit and that part of the challenges on this, earth and The bible tells us, this that our challenges are meant to strengthen us and to draw us closer to our. Creator and everybody in this, life without, exception has, challenges AND i have found through the challenges in my life that it has brought me closer To.

God CAN i speak?

Now but you have to believe that something can come from, nothing AND i don't believe.

That, okay you talk about the perfection of the universe and The, earth and why Is earth in a shooting gallery of huge space? Rocks why Did god create trillions of galaxies each with one hundred billion or more suns contained within?

Them he didn't answer my. Question and you're trying to answer a question with a, Question And i'll ask you, this how is it possible for all of that majesty to be? Created and where did? That where did that energy come? From if there's not a, creator answer that?

Question, well ask you physicists who are extremely intelligent are exploring that, question.

And hopefully you know so the answer is you don't have an answer The bible and does? It? Now what makes more sense that there's something beyond our understanding and comprehension that actually created the energy or your theory which is that something can come from. NOTHING i would say there is more logic and reason behind faith than there is behind your atheism sew and your judgment Of. GOD i don't Judge. GOD i JUST i try to understand him.

Better, okay these suns exploding and.

Dying of where did the energy come? From you're not. Answering let me.

Finish i'm getting.

Answer the, question And i'll let you.

Finish it's a very violent, universe black holes that suck and destroy everything that comes. Within.

There where did the energy come? From if there's not a, creator you're not, answering just don't know where were?

Exploring, okay so.

Your answer is you don't, know and that hence my proposition to you stands that you believe that something can come from.

Nothing energy and matter are INTERCHANGEABLE e equals mc. Square the answer, POSITION.

I understand the speed of. LIGHT i got it. All but you're not answered my. Question how CAN i ask?

You as a physicists can't answer it For god's.

Sake so so then then hence back to my proposition to. You for you to be an, atheist you have to believe something can come from, Nothing AND i would argue, scientifically, mathematically if you're looking at the physics behind, it it is. Impossible, no it's for what you. Believe, now at least an agnostic you know leaves open the possibility of a. Creator you're an atheist and you just you seem to just Hate god and you Judge. God and if that's how you want to go through your, life you're free to do. So i'm not Gonna i'm not going to try to convert. You i'm not proselytizing to. YOU i just think you lack all logic and common sense being applied to the issue of a.

God, okay there are particles that form spontaneously out of. Nothing look into. It why Did.

God so something can come from? Nothing that your that's your answer to.

Me there are particles that come.

Particles can just just come out of nowhere with no source of.

Energy, well yes they. Do look into, It.

Sean why there's no looking into? It what you said is, COMPLETE, Bs it's not.

COMPLETE. Bs it's.

Science it is scientifically impossible for something to come from.

Nothing another question for, you look into.

It THAT'S i don't have time for your other. Question but it was. Fun it was fun bouncing and back and forth with. You BUT i appreciate you being with. Us eight hundred and nine four, One. Sean if you want to be a part of the, Program i'm just gonna wrap things up at Today Tonight hannity on The Fox News, channel the dismantling of The department Of. Education we're going to ask people to think out of the. Box how much better can we make education In? America Bill, Bennett Kim, reynolds Viviak. Ramaswami Also Greg, Jarrett Nicole, Parker Senator Josh, Hawley Jim. Jordan set YOUR dvr Nine Eastern, Hannity Fox. News we'll see you. Tonight back here. Tomorrow thank you for making this show. Possible thanks for watching, tonight and don't Forget hannity Dot. Com word of the day is. Freedom if you want to win a Red tesla

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