Education and Waste - March 20th, Hour 2

Published Mar 21, 2025, 1:27 AM

President Trump's press conference on the future of the Department of Education plus reactions from Sean and team.

Thank you for being with us.

Hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine to four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, we are awaiting. Donald Trump has signed his order to dismantle the Department of Education. He will be addressed in the nation at some point in this hour. We expect it any minute to be very frank, and when that happens, we will bring that to you live. I did spend an awful lot of time talking about why this needs to occur. We spend so much money on education with spectacular failure. I'll move on to some other news. In the interor, Melon Musk is saying that he believes that organized democratic groups are financing these Tesla takedown protests and some of the most prominent fundraising groups and anyways at an investigation that they have found the people responsible and he is acting accordingly. It's not clear what investigation Musk is were referring to a March tenth CBS news report on one of the donors mentioned in Musk's post to night an involvement in this, but we'll find out in time. Eight Republican representatives have written a letter to Attorney General Pam Bondi and FBI Director Cash Mattel requesting an investigation into any relationship with any of these radical leftist groups and the anti Musk protests. And in a major comeback, by the way, Elon Musk's X has now regained it's forty four billion dollar value. You know, Musk reportedly regained forty four billion dollar valuation, the same price the world's richest person paid to buy the social media site, which is pretty interesting. It's amazing how people want him to fail. It is amazing. The silence of the left is deafening. Senator Marshall Blackburn is ripping Democrats for their silence. Appearing on Fox Business earlier yesterday, he slammed the Democratic Party their lack of response. I find it so interesting Democrats here in the Washington, DC area have absolutely nothing to say about the people that are showing up burning these dealerships, burning these cars, smashing their windows, firing bullets into it. I'll add lighting cars on fire. They're also lighting charging stations on fire. All of this to cause violence, disruption, destruction of property. If it was parents at a school board meeting or people praying outside of an abortion clinic, the Biden, DOJ would classify them as domestic terrorists.

What we are witnessing is domestic terrorism. He goes on.

What you're seeing from the Democrats is complete silence. It's like crickets. It's really sad because this is full on domestic terrorism. And it's one of the reasons why we have a Tesla contest. And again I'll remind you every day you're going to have an opportunity. Every day you get one chance to win. Now through April the eleventh, you have a chance to win a Tesla, the Tesla of your choice.

You just listen.

Every day I'm giving out the word of the day. You simply go to Hannity dot com. You'll see a Tesla on the contest page. You click on it, it'll take you to the entrance page. You put in the word of the day. Today's word is freedom, and you can enter to win once a day, and then we will announce the winner shortly after the contest is over. What I worry the most about are the people that work for Tesla because if this continues and they're successful and terrorizing this company after the dosing that took place, and you know you've got this website with a molotov cocktail cursor that is trying to identify where every Tesla owner lives, and it means as a means of intimidating them. But so domestic terrorism is now hitting Tesla drivers and dealers and charging stations, as you know. And what has he done for this, nothing, Pam Bondi says. We have charged multiple people. He said to get ready, more are coming, and one in Oregon facing five to twenty years in prison. We have filed in Colorado, we have filed in South Carolina. The funding is one thing that we're looking at. I'm personally in a meeting about it this morning, and we're coming after you. We believe these are organized These are not individuals out there throughout the country doing this on their own. They are targeting Tesla owners, they are targeting Tesla dealerships. They're targeting Elon Musk, who's out there trying to save our country. It will not be tolerated. We are coming after you. We will find you. And if you are an organized group who's funding this, we're going to find you. Two you better look out or you better stop it. And this domestic terrorism is hitting all these people. But I worry you now about people's lives. You work at a Tesla dealership. How many of these dealerships now have been firebombed? How many of these dealerships now have had bullets fired through their windows? And the Democratic Party, for the most part, they just remained silent. How do you remain silent in a moment like this? How is it possible? How is that possible? Police arrest a suspect in a viral video of Tesla vandalism. San Jose police arrested a man suspected of king a white Tesla vehicle and a Costco parking lot, an incident that was captured on video went viral on the internet. The alleged vandal was charged with felony over the incident. Good, I mean, because you're all part of this effort. By the way, a top Senate Democrat is hinting that it is time for Chuck Schumer to retire. Let me just say, it's important for people to know when it's time to go. Senator Mike Bennett Colorado went further than any of his Democratic colleagues as it relates to Chuck Schumer.

What did I say? I said?

Chuck stays seemed to be numbered. Pretty unbelievable by the way untold story that Taliban has released an American. George Glesman is his name, ending his two year detainment, giving President Trump another diplomatic victory. The Taliban agreed to send him back to the US in exchange for improved relations with DC for owing its previous demand that America hand over imprisoned Taliban members. In a statement, Secretary of State Mark Arrubio said George's release is a positive, constructive step. It's a reminder that Americans will that are still detained in Afghanistan, he said. The President said he will continue his tireless work to free all Americans unjustly detained around the world. A lawyer for the Glesmond family praised President Trump in his efforts to bring George home after eight hundred in thirty six days. He directly credited the President, Marco Rubio, Adam Boehler, National Security advisor Mike Waltz. George's release was achieved based on the unique skill dedication of these people. I mean, it's amazing the number of people around the world that are being held hostage that we know nothing about. Bernie Sanders is urging progressives to abandon the Democratic Party anyway, he said, why don't you just shed the Democratic label and run as an independent the way he does. Okay, so you're are still going to be a Democrat. Jill Caucus is a Democrat like Bernie does, but you'll vote Democratic.

That's a nice little trick.

Let's say you're an independent and then vote for Chuck Schumer as your leader.

A lot of good that's gonna do. You know?

This kind of fits in with the attacks on Tesla and I hope the radical left watch what just happened to Green's Peace after their supporters were caught domaging a pipeline in North Dakota because a jury on Wednesday ordered environmental campaign that group, Greenspiece, to pay more than six hundred and sixty million dollars in damages to a Texas based oil company, Energy Transfer, the developer of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Nine person jury reached the verdict after roughly two days of deliberations. The outcome found Green Peace liable for hundreds of millions of dollars over actions taken to prevent the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline nearly a decade ago. It marks an extraordinarily an extraordinary legal blow for Greenspeach, which had previously warned that it could be forced into bankruptcy because of the case. The environmental advocacy groups said they intend to appeal to the verdict. I don't think they're going to win this. They either did it or they didn't do it. As of now they've found liable for doing it. We'll get into this later in the program with the ag from South Carolina, but I think of it if we've been watching now and Miranda divines something that up well, Trump is fighting a cartel of vile, corrupt, far left judges trying to kill his campaign promises. And it just is these partisan judges understand what Democrats can't get done electorally, but they can't get done legislatively. What they can't get done by convincing you voters, how to you know that their ideas are superior. They do their little judge shopping game and they go to these local, you know, activist judges, and we're finding out more and more of them are democratic donors or democratic activists, and at the local level where they should have no say in terms of what a president of the United States does or his constitutional authority. They are stopping the President's agenda in its tracks. And then you know, now we have to spend a fortune and go to court and have endless court battles. Now, there have been a number of US Governor Ron de Santis, I think summed it up best when he wrote on X yesterday that Congress has the authority to strip jurisdiction of the federal courts to decide these cases in the first place. In other words, the sabotaging of President Trump's agenda by resistance judges was predictable. Why are there no jurisdictions stripping bills teed up at the onset of this Congress? And he's right, that is probably the best, quickest, most effective solution.

You got.

The judge that blocked the key Trump executive order has a history of left wing activism. This is the judge that is trying to stop President Trump implementing an executive order banning transgender troops. You have a Biden appointed judge blocking blocking this. In this particular case, Trump's attorney general claims the judge has no right to question the DOJ's deportation flights. Well, we have a Supreme Court decision on that very issue that was handed down in nineteen forty eight, and that decision went even further by saying that not only does the president have the authority and four presidents prior to Trump have done this, but there is once the president makes that determination, there is no judicial review for foreign nationals, none at all, whatsoever. Another federal judge temporarily blocking the Trump administration from reclaiming billion dollar dollar climate grants. I mean, if you look at it, you have a list of Obama Biden judges working to sabotage Trump's agenda. A Biden appointed judge, you know, blocking the Pentagon. That's just the latest example on the issue of immigration. New York State's highest court is ruled against New York City's plan to allow non citizens to vote. Can you even believe we're debating that in America? But we are a six to one ruling. New York Court of Appeals sided with Republicans that challenge the law, arguing that a clause in the constitutions is that every citizen shall be entitled to vote. It refers only to US citizens. Out in California, after spending billions and billions and billions of dollars on health care for illegals with medical Well, now the governor still doesn't have enough money. I think what was the number, ninety five billion dollars, an insane amount of money. Now the governor is asking state lawmakers to provide a two point eight billion dollar loan to cover expenses for medical and the request was in addition to the three point four billion dollar loan that Newsom borrowed from the state earlier in March in order to make payments for medical through the end of the month, totaling six point two billion.


And he says he won't end taxpayer backed health care for illegal immigrants and they remain a sanctuary state.

Tell me, oh that makes any sense my frustations.

Along with Sean Hennity Show Network, President Trump has just stepped out and he is announcing the abolishment of the Department of Education. And we will carry this in full and we will continue through the break at the bottom of the hour, so you can make your preparations. Here's President Trump from the beginning.

Thank you very much, Elida, And I'd like to start by saying that our country is doing very well. Things are as you can see doing quite well, please sit down.

Before we begin.

I just want to announce that I signed a proclamation a few moments ago honoring the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Patrick Henry's famous speech to the Second Virginia Convention, in which he declared very well known, very famous words, give me liberty or give me death.

Has anyone heard the phrase? I think most of you have.

And moments ago I also signed an executive order to dramatically increase production of critical minerals and rare earths.

It's a big thing in this country.

And as you know, we're also signing agreements in various locations to unlock rare earths and minerals and lots of other things all over the world, but in particular Ukraine.

We're doing very well with regard to Ukraine and Russia.

And one of the things we are doing is signing a deal very shortly with respect to rare earth with Ukraine, which they have tremendous value in rare earth, and we appreciate that. And we spoke yesterday with as you know, President Putin and President Zelenski, and we would love to see that come to an end. And I think we're doing pretty well in that regard, So hopefully you could save thousands of people a week from dying.

That's what it's all about.

They're dying so unnecessarily. And I believe we'll get it done. We'll see what happens, but I believe we'll get it done. Today we take a very historic action that was forty five years in the making. In a few moments, I will sign an executive order to begin eliminating the federal Department of Education once and for all. And it sounds strange, doesn't it. Department of Education. We're going to eliminate it. And everybody knows it's right, and the Democrats know it's right, and I hope they're going to be voting for it, because ultimately it may come before them, but everybody knows it's right.

And we have to get our children educated.

We're not doing well with the world of education in this country, and we haven't for a long time. And we're pleased to be joined today by the woman who I chose because she's an extraordinary person, and hopefully she will be our last Secretary of Education. Linda McMahon. Linda, thank you, thank you very much.

That's another interesting statement.

These are very It's an interesting opening, right, but it's true.

And we people. It's been amazing how popular this has been.

I tell people that this is what I'm doing today, and they say, oh, that's it's about time. Everybody says Republicans and Democrats have said it. They're all saying it also with us or some terrific people. Governors Greg Abbott, Greg, thank you very much.

Governor Ronda Santis, thank you very much.

Ron, Mike Braun, congratulations on your victory.

Mike, I was a big one.

Mike Dwine, thank you very much, Mike Jeff Landry Jeff, thank you very much. Jack Billy, thank you. Governors all governors, Brad Little.

Brad, thank you very much. Are you Brad high bred? Jim Piland, Thank you very much, Jim and Kim Reynolds. These are all.

People very interested in education. And I even see Dan Patrick over there, my friend Dan Patrick. We're joined also by Representatives Tim Wahlberg and UH Virginia Fox, Rick Allen, Michael Rooley, and again Dan Patrick, thank you very much. Dan, You've been a great friend of ours. And State Attorneys General Ken Paxson. Can I see you there? Andrew Bailey Andrew what a job you've done. Andrew, you have some good cases going.

You've done a great job. Thank you very much.

And co founder of Moms for Liberty, Tiffany Justice.

He's been a hard worker. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Tiking.

When President Carter created the Federal Education Department in nineteen seventy nine, it was opposed by members of his own cabinet, as well as the American Federation of Teachers, the New York Times editorial Board, and the famed Democrat Senator Daniel Patrick moynihan. History has proven them right, absolutely right. After forty five years, the United States spends more money on education by far than any other country, and spends likewise, by far more money per pupil than any country.

And it's not even close.

But yet we ranked near the bottom of the.

List in terms of success.

It's an amazing stat that's those are two stats.

You don't want.

The most money spent per pupil, and you're at the bottom.

Of the list.

And that's where we are, like it or not, and we've been there for a long time. Seventy percent of eighth graders are not pro efficient in either reading or in math. Seventy percent forty percent of fourth grade is lack even basic reading.

Skills, can't read.

Students in our public elementary and middle schools score worse in reading today than when the department opened. By a lot in Baltimore, forty percent of the high schools of zero students who can do basic mathematics, not even the very simplest of mathematics. I said, give me your definition of basic, and they're talking about like adding a few numbers together. Despite these breathtaking failures, the department's discretionary budget is exploded by six hundred percent in a very short period of time, and employees, bureaucrats, and buildings all over Washington, d C. And as a former real estate person, I will tell you I ride through the streets of Washington and it says Department of Education, Department of Education. I said, how do you fill those buildings? It's crazy what's happened over the years. On police report that after offering these federal employees two generous buy out options, and they were very generous.

And they're good people, but they.

Were very generous, my administration has initiated a reduction in force and we're already cutting numbers that were really surprising to a lot that we were able to do it so successfully, and we've cut the number of bureaucrats in half fifty percent of taking office, such as under the action I'm taking today, a small handful of Democrats and others that we have employed for a long time, and there are some Republicans, but not too many.

I have to be honest with you.

But the Department's useful functions and such as they're in charge of them. Pel grants Title I funding resources for children with this abilities and special needs will be preserved, fully preserved. They're all going to be so if you look at the pelgrims supposed to be a very good program. Title one funding and resources for children with special disabilities and special needs. They are going to be preserved and full and redistributed to various other agencies and departments that.

Will take very good care of them.

And it's very important to Linda, I know, and it's very important to all of us. But beyond these core necessities, my administration.

Will take all lawful.

Steps to shut down the department. We're going to shut it down and shut it down as quickly as possible. It's doing us no good. We want to return our students to the states where just some of the governors here are so happy about this. They want education to come back to them, to come back to the states, and.

They're going to do a phenomenal job.

You know, if you look Denmark, Norway, Sweden, I have to tell you credit, China is a top ten and so we can't now say that bigness is making it impossible to educate because China is very big. But you have countries that do a very good job in education. And I really believe, like some of the governors here today from states that run very very well, including a big state like Texas, but states that run very well are going to have education that will be as good as Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and those top Finland, those top countries that do so well with education.

I think they'll do every bit as well. And what do you think about that, Governor, Do you agree? I think so, Ron, Do you.

Agree, I think so, Florida, Iowa.

That's right.

I really believe that they'll be as good as any of them. And then you'll have some laggards and we'll work with them. And we can all tell you who the laggards will be. Right now, probably but let's not get into that. But we'll work with them. We're going to make them.

They'll do a job.

I think they'll do a job, and they'll go to sections of the state.

For instance, in New York, you'll have a Manhattan and you'll.

Have a Suffolk County, and you'll have Nassau County, and you have Westchester County.

You'll do four or five or six of them.

You have upstate New York and those counties I think are going to do very well. And I think ultimately Manhattan should do very well. But we'll break it down into sections and I think it'll be really really good, and they're going to be probably the tougher ones, but I think they have a chance to do really well. But we're going to be returning education very simply back to the states where it belongs.

And this is a.

Very popular thing to do, but much more importantly, it's a common sense thing to do, and it's going to work.

Absolutely, it's going to work.

And I can tell you from dealing with the governors and others in the state, they want it so badly. They want to take their children back and really teach their children individually. Probably the cost will be half and the education will be maybe many many times better. So we look forward to this. I want to just make one little personal statement.

Teachers, to me.

Are among the most important people in this country. And we're going to take care of our teachers. And I don't care if they're in the Union or not in the Union.

That doesn't matter. But we're going to take care of our teachers. And I believe, I believe.

The States will take actually better care.

Of them than there than they are taken care of right now.

They'll work all sorts of systems and even merit systems.

Those great teachers are going to.

Be maybe a little bit better rewarded, and maybe that's the way it should be, but the states are going to make that decision.

But we're going to love and cherish our teachers.

Along with our children, and they're going to work with the parents, and they're going to work with everybody else, and it's going to be an amazing thing to watch, and it's really going to be something special. And Linda, you're presiding over something that's so important and you're going to do a fantastic job, just like you have your whole life. I know, your whole life I've been watching you. I've been watching you for a long time. She's had nothing but success. So it's tremendous to have you. And hopefully you won't be there too long, but we're going to find something else for you, lind Okay, So this will conclude what.

We are talking about with respect to our.

Most cherished group of people, and that's our children. We want to have our children well educated. We want them to love going to school.

We have examples of it.

Look at those beautiful, bright eyed faces.

Those they are so smart. They're so smart.

And with that, I'm going to come down and we're going to sign a very important document and.

We're going to be on our way.

People have wanted to do this for many many years, for many many decades, and I don't know no president ever got around to doing it, but I'm getting around to doing it, So thank you very much.

Now is walking over.

There's a group of students, and he is about to sign what is the dismantling of the Department of Education, which is pretty amazing. He does speak, but he doesn't really have a microphone in front of him. But we'll see if we can listen in yeah, anyway, we'll get your calls in here. I know a lot of you want the Department of Education dismantled. Anyway, if you want to give us a call, we'll take calls now eight hundred and nine four one, Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, A reminder to please. I really do want everybody to get a chance to win our tesla. I really do. I don't know why I love giving away free stuff. We should, probably, Linda, why don't we do it more often? We should do this more often?

Love to give?

Do you want to start with me and just use me as an example? I am willing to you know, I'm willing.

To do that tech I don't know technically if you're allowed to sign up, are you?

I have no idea what the lawyers say.

I think that I have to talk to somebody who probably is in control of the Sean Handity Show to break Sean Handiti rules about not working at places that are giving away free stuff and then getting the free stuff. So if you know anybody that could you know massage that.

Rule for me.

Oh, massage that rule.

So you're basically telling me, oh, sorry, Sean, I'm not really eligible.

But I have no.

Idea what you're saying that sounds crazy.

I am just The reason I'm doing this is very simple. Elon Musk has done nothing wrong, nothing to deserve what people are doing to him, threatening his life, and now they are doing everything they could possibly do to destroy his business. He is only sir our country. We watched and witnessed this week him save astronauts by the way he created. He was the chief engineer of SpaceX. He remains the chief engineer of SpaceX. He created. I'm speaking now from experience, which I didn't have the single most innovative car company in the entire world. Not everybody that works for Elon Musk at Tesla, we have no idea what their politics are. But now people, because of these acts of domestic terrorism, threatening and doxing intimidation, they are now threatening the jobs of people that work at the dealerships, people that manufacture these cars, and threatening you know, people that own and drive them.

I mean, and this is a guy that I'm sorry, what did you say in my ear?

I want to give you an analogy, a really good one. I've been thinking about it all day, and I was thinking about when Biden and Harris were in office, and conservatives were really outraged by all of the things that were happening. Any pick any one thing, and there's just so many. But we didn't express ourselves the way that these people are. I mean, they're literally, I mean they're taking away people's private property. It's it's just beyond the pail. And then they have actors and elected officials going out and doing the Tesla takedown and it's disgusting.

So I was thinking of myself as exactly and yeah, go ahead, But my point.

Is is, like, think about like Bezos, right, like when Bezos was running Amazon, and or you know Bill Gates or any of these people who have private companies and decide that their philanthropic efforts is that they want to support a certain candidate.

And we went out and.

We were like, we're going to smash all of these you know, windows, PCs. We're gonna rob Amazon trucks, we're going to destroy people's boxes. We're going to take you know, the porch, thee thing all the way to another level, and we're going to destroy and mash it up and smash your door because you have an Amazon delivery. Like that's equivalent. I can't even like the left wing media would have went crazy over us, and it's dead silent.

They say nothing, only Rocanna. And he has a Tesla manufacturing center in his district, the most innovative car company in the world, self driving over a thousand horse powers, zero to sixty and two point zero seconds and you get your precious electric veal law. I've always been pro choice for what car you want to drive. I'm now choosing to drive this Tesla and choosing to give one away.

I'm choosing.

He helped Americans and needed communication when they'd had no communication with the outside world after Hurricane Helene. He helped people after the Pacific Palisades wildfires. And what did he do. He aligned with Trump. That's his political, personal political view, not the view of everyone at Tesla. Now those jobs are in jeopardy. I'm paying career jobs for people. And he identified over one hundred billion dollars in waste fraud abuse in our government. And he's working to cure blindness and enable people with spinal cord injuries to walk again. And that what this is the way our country says thank you. It is disgusting and it is repulsive. He's done nothing wrong and by the way, if you go to Hannity dot com every day, you can sign up once a day throughout the contest. You just put in the word of the day, which I give out on the show. Today's word is freedom, and sign I want. I want everyone that's listening to me. If you can't do a way you're driving, unless you have a Tesla and it's driving itself, just go to Hannity dot com. Use the word of the day freedom, easy to remember, and you signed up for today, and then you can sign up again tomorrow with a new word of the day.

It's really more simple.

And one point of note when you submit online, guys, if you have a computer that has an AD blocker or a pop up blocker, the entranceform is not going to open because it has to pop up, So you need to disable that and then you'll be will enter.

Okay whatever that means. Do that.

Let's go to our busy phones. Robin is in Alabama. Hey Robin, how are you?

I'm fine?

Thank you for having me. I'm a former Alabama State Teacher of the Year, former principal teacher, and I am and I actually ran for Congress against Terry Sewell primarily on this platform. To get rid of the Department of Ed so that our kids, primarily the ones in the lower income areas, can get the money going directly to the schools and the systems so that they can be serviced the way that they need to be.

Well, I've got to tell you something. I will tell you that this has been systemic failure. Systemic. Oh yeah, Now, now we have an opportunity to fix it. And now we're going to block rant the money. And I still guarantee you this. You know, cities like New York and Chicago and and you know these these you know LA areas of LA and areas of San Francisco will still screw it up. But the states, you know what, they're gonna have a lot more money in states that have been very efficient, like Florida, Utah, Idaho and others. Anyway, Robin appreciated Dennis long Island. Next Sean Hennity Show.

Hi Sean, thank you for taking my call. I am a New York City special needs teacher. I've been doing teen years and I got to tell you, I am so happy that this is happening. But like you just said, New York is going to be lollly gagging and I think New York City deal we actually need a dose itself. But you know a lot of things like we're you know in the city. It's like, you know, I still don't get enough money. I could use my own money in New York City, which there's been billions of dollars you know, pumped in here, so you know that I find, you know, I really do like. And then the other thing is, I'm from Long Island, Nassau County, where my my my taxes are through the roof.

You know.

I think it's gonna be great if we could just separate the.

Counties and have their own little you know, their own.

You know, their their own department of education, so they'll be less likely of corruption and bureaucrats that are funneling money just to themselves. So I just wanted to chime in on that. Thank you for taking the call.

We appreciate it, and thanks for being a good teacher.

Uh Susan in Florida, my free state, Susan, we have about a minute.

It's all yours.

You know a lot of things like we're you know in your city.

It's like, you know, uh, Susan, I know, but that's why we're on. We're on delay because you're on the show occasionally, and if you didn't say all those bad words, we wouldn't need four hundred delayout minutes.

All that's utter nonsense. Second of all, I was just telling you in your ear that she had her radio up here.

I could hear a long time down Pat in New York. You have about forty seconds ago.

Sean, I am in the real New York that's upstate New York Trump Country.

I want are you still paying New York taxes? Too bad? But anyway, glad you called No.

There's two things that we need. We need to cut New York off at about white Plains south, and we need the electoral college for counties county by county. And they'll never be a Democrat to win again in New York. But I'm the tesla thing. As I was telling the call streamer, I believe the reason this is all occurring by the left, not so much the Democrats, it's the left is because they're jealous of accomplishment. They're jealous of success. They're going after Trump, they're going after Elon. They go after people that do it the right way because they don't know how to.

Well I'm going to tell you something.

It's sad, you know, when we're never going to have good people ever want to serve if this is how we treat people that offer so much to us and have done nothing wrong. It's a car company. As he said, this is not a political statement. I mean liberals loved it when when when it was you know, their favorite car because it was electric and they wanted to force electric vehicles into our driveways. I just believe in freedom of choice, and now that I've come to learn about it, I'm like, I'm all in. I love the technology of it. It's fine. I'm gonna love that. I'll never have to, you know, gass up and pay three bucks, four bucks a gallon, whatever I pay anyway, I'll just go to Hannity dot com. Word of the day is freedom and sign up for your your Today's Chance to when you can sign up once a day every day, find if you're just joining us. President Donald Trump just signing an executive order which is dismantling the Department of Education. I've gone through as much. I'm going to show you on TV tonight. We're going to lay it out on how much money has been wasted spent, all the corruption that exists, all of the failure that has been institutionalized, and why this is such a great idea, and all the different ways that states and local districts can better use this money and focus in on reading, writing, math, history, science, and computers and actually do a million times better job. All right, when we come back, the ag of South Carolina on all of these lawsuits against Donald Trump,

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