John Solomon, Editor in Chief of Just the News has some breaking news today on our “friend” Judge Boasberg, who has lots of interesting ties illegal immigration.
Well, we have come to your city, goanna lay against Talas and saying you a conscious zeng will be hire.
Hi, tell.
And if you want a little bag in a yin here.
And come along. Do you know Elon Musk?
Have you met with him?
I have met him before, he was saying, I mean he was kind of an erratic genius.
He's now an erratic evil.
Not so genius.
They've got that little stock app.
I added Tesla tude to give me a little boost during the day two twenty five and dropping on.
March twenty ninth.
It's my birthday and all I want to see happen on my birthday is for Elon.
To be taken down.
Yes, freedom is back in style.
Welcome to the revolution.
That we have coming to your city, gonna play against Talas and saying.
You got.
The new Sean Hannity Show more I'm the scenes, information on freaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. All right, thanks about shann An Hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine to four one. Shawn is on number if you want to be a part of the program. Really fascinating cabinet meeting that took place earlier today. We'll place some of the highlights coming up in a few moments. One of the biggest obstacles problems now that the president and the administration is facing is are these liberal activist judges and with their backgrounds and the things that impositions that they have uh and they are trying to circumvent presidential authority, the duly elected office of the president, constitutionally authorized authority. And we see that the judge, for example, that block the president's deportations. You know, it's amazing that liberals want to go to court to allow and fight for the rights of trend de Arragua, illegal immigrants to stay in our country, knowing what they are capable of. The president this weekend put out a big truth social and exposts conflict of interest, and he was specifically speaking about the judge and the deportation case after he temporarily ordered the administration to stop deporting these illegals under the Alien Enemies Act. We've gone through this in great specificity, in detail, there is court precedent as recently as nineteen forty eight. It was not during wartime. It was Harry Truman, and the court not only ruled that the law was constitutional, but also said after the president makes a decision, it is not subject to judicial review. The president now is very defiant about these judges. Again, in many cases, you know, if you look, for example, lower courts are growing, you know, they're growing power over the president. For example, injunctions that were issued under President Bush were only six under Obama, twelve under Biden, fourteen under Donald Trump in his first term sixty four. And that number just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Now we're finding out some breaking news and some information about the federal judge and the deportation case, but this is only one of many cases. Tom Homan was on this weekend speaking about how he doesn't really care what this judge thinks, but he won't defy the court order. And I do believe it's being argued before the appeals Court in DC today. I'm not sure how that's going to work out. Eventually, it may work itself up to the US Supreme Court. But here's Tom Homan over the weekend. So what do you mean when you say I don't care what judges think.
I don't care what that judges thank. As far as this case, we're going to continue to arrest public safety threats and national security threats. We're going to continue to deportum of the United States. I understand his cases and litigation through the Alien Enemies Act. Will abide by the court orders as litigated. But my quote was, despite what he thinks, we're going to keep targeting the worst of the worst of the worst, which we've been doing since day one, and reporting from the United States through the various laws on the books. We're not making this up. The Enemy's Act was actually a federal law. It's the statues nacted by Congress and signed by a president. Now that's on our litigation, but put that aside. We still have Title AID authority to remove illegal answer United States, and we're going to continue to concentrate on those who were the biggest threat to our communities of public safety threats.
But you're going to abide by court orders as long as the know go through your your appeals process.
But you are not going to defy those orders. No, all right now. Also, Jim Jordan spoke about spoke out about this judge. His name is Boseburgh. This is the deportation judge. But what we're Watney watching and witnessing. Are liberals trying to go to use a tactic called court court shopping or jud shopping. They go to these liberal activist judges and they get a ruling, they get an injunction, and what they can't get done electorally at the ballot box, what they can't get done legislatively in Congress, then they use the courts for this is what they have historically done, and now they're using it as a new weapon of lawfair, a new venue of lawfare. In my view. Anyway, here is as I said, what Jim Jordan said about.
And then frankly, there's the broader issue of all these judges injunctions and then decisions like Judge Boseburg, what he's what he's trying to do, and how that case is working. We're going to have hearings on all of that, because particularly when you look at Judge Boseburg, it starts to look like this is getting totally political from this guy, particularly when you remember he's also the judge who was part of the whole Trump Raja Phiza court granting those warrants and allowed the Comy FBI to spy on President Trump's campaign. So we're gonna look at that issue as well, but hopefully we can get that bill pass next week on the House floor, move it to the Senate, hopefully get into the president's death.
Now we're learning more thanks to our friends at justinnews dot com and editor in chief and investigative reporter John Solomon, who is now reporting that months before he blocked the president's deportations of these illegal alien gang members, this judge attended a privately funded legal conference in Idaho that featured sponsors and speakers who have expressed clear anti Trump sentiments, particularly on immigration, and a theme that echoed the Democratic Party's twenty twenty four state admission of quote saving democracy. And he was one of nine Democratic appointed judges who attend this conference in Sun Valley, where two of the four sessions were titled the Role of Judges in Democracy in the State of Democracy Anyway. John Solomon is here to share his investigative report with us. Sir, how are you?
I am well, good to be with you, Sean.
All right, let's get into it. You find out well, Listen.
When we were going through and unraveling that onion that was the FBI and the Russia collusion, we learned how much the far left had infiltrated the FBI. They were taking FBI agents and prosecutors on junkins where they would indoctrinate them on their preferred liberal policies or preferred liberal agenda, and then partnerships were formed. That's one of the things that we unraveled during the FBI Russia collusion case. Well, a similar thing is going on in the judiciary, and people say, well, bait a second. Judges can't take duncans. They're supposed to be above approach. Actually not. Judges are allowed to take these free trips, and it depends who sends them there. And over the last summer, as Trump was moving towards winning the presidency, Judge Boseburg was wined and dined out in a sun Valley, Idaho, beautiful place, great summer destination, and the people were sponsoring them there. The group that brought in there, the Rhodell Institute, overtly anti Trump. Basically, the speakers, the funders, the CEO of the Roadell Institute extremely anti Trump. And so it's you have a judge for three or four days on the till of a special interest, and that special interest is bombarding him with far left people. Far left sentiments like Donald Trump's immigration policies are bad, Donald Trump's pardons were haphazards. These are things that the faculty teaching at this conference had written about and spoken about in the past. I think a lot of people are going to look at this and say, well, maybe this is something Congress can get involved with. Maybe it's time for Congress to say, you know, judges should be above approach. Let's not let him take free trips and get indoctrinated, much like we saw the FBI agents and prosecutors were during the Russia collusion case. So really fascinating stuff. You take a look at some of the teachers at this conference, they were as virulent anti Trump and far left as you can get, everything from criticizing his ability to do pardons to the way he's handled immigration. And of course that's important because Judge of Mosburg's main ruling affect immigration policy.
See right now.
Governor DeSantis and a lot of judicial experts are all advocating that Congress get involved and prevent these lower level judge from being able to re surp the power of a constitutionally elected president. Is that the best answer, in your view, Yeah.
Listen, I've been doing a lot of interviews Andy Biggs, Jim Jordan. There is some legislation that's coming to the forefront in Congress the next week or so. One of the ideas that's out there is a single judge in a single blue city shouldn't be allowed to impose a nationwide injunction, and that maybe it's time to create a feis alike panel of multiple judges, and if a judge wants to impose a nationwide injunction like what Judge Bozburg's done, that it goes to a more senior group of multiple judges to balance out the partisanship and politics that some of these district judges are showing. And I think this is a second issue. We're going to talk to Jim Jordan about this tonight. But is it time for Congress to say, do we really want judges going to conferences where they're being whined and dyed by people like the Henry LUs Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, and the Hewlett Foundation. All three foundations clearly have a political bent to them, including being against Donald Trump and for a much more looser, more Biden like immigration policy. Certainly not where Americans are. I think that's the second issue for Congress arrestled with, which is maybe it's time to OUTLAWMB these junkets.
Well, I think the junkets is only part of it. What about the fact that at the lowest level in our judiciary that they have that they're using their activism. I would argue it's activism to assert the constitutional authority of a duly elected president, and with that comes the president of the president's own constitutional authority and under this particular law. I mean, if you look at the Supreme Court decision in nineteen forty eight, it upheld the law. It had been used by four prior presidents, and it actually said in the ruling that there was no remedy through judicial review once it's invoked by the president.
That's right. Yeah, Listen, Judge Bozburg is in his ruling goes against several things. He says it has to be in war time. The course have said it doesn't have to be in more time. It's been upheld in use in non war time.
By the way, after World War One and World War Two it was used and that's not wartime.
I no, that's exactly right. And I think President Trump has a leg up on a lot of these constitutionusies. My guess is it'll take all the way to the Supreme Court before it gets rectified. But this you talked about earlier, what these foreign liberal causes are doing. They're judge shopping, right, They're going to districts and judges. They wait for certain judges to get on the wheel, and they foul their in juncts in that day. How did they learn what judges would be most predisposed to doing an injunction or being aligned with their values? Each conferences are sort of the sorting of the wheat and the chaft. It's sort of the schmoozing that let's you say, hey, that judge might be good for a immigration are not judges bad on this but good on abortion. These conferences have been used by these liberal groups to identify which judges are going to shop for on what issues. And I think this whole system of the abuse of the judicial power, the judge shopping, and then the junkets, they're all intertwined. Left has a very sophisticated process of how they do this, and I think today we're getting a much better sense of how Judge Boseburg gets into that system.
All right, quick break more with investigative reporter, editor in chief Justinnews dot com John Solomon. Your calls on the other side, eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn, as we continue. We continue now, John Solomon is with US, investigative reporter, editor in chief of justinnews dot com. There was a very small cast of us, if you will, that we're I'm feeling the layers of the onion as it related to the Russia collusion hoax, and it has been debunked, and a lot of that was also rooted in the PISA warrants and the dirty Russian disinformation dossier that was used as the foundation to secure those those warrants. And one of the most fascinating things is years later, at least three of the four people that signed off on those fires visa warrants you can call me, signed off personally on three of the four all said, knowing what they know now, they wouldn't have signed them because that But meanwhile, we know through your reporting that they were. That dossier that was the foundation of that visa warrants was debunked in December of twenty six, twenty sixteen, right after it was implemented just before the election, so they knew it was false, but they continue to use it as the foundation for those visa applications. What rolled did this judge play in that case, Well.
He takes it over after the four or pisas are signs of the fourth extension occurred under another judge. He takes over the case after that. He you know, he says a few terse things to the FBI, but at the end of the day, he doesn't impose that significant a punishment, not the sort of punishment that would make the FBI stand up straight and say hey. And then he gets a moment where the FBI lawyer who filed knowingly filed a false information in one of those vices that he is about to be sentenced, and the judge, Judge Boseburg, is actually sympathetic to the FBI lawyer and spares him from any real basically gives him a slap on the hand when he could have gone to prison. In fact, the judge fought with the prosecutors who wanted that FBI a lawyer to face more serious penalty, So he was a sympathist to the very sort of abuse that his judgeship as the head chief judge of the Vice of Court. Should have been again, should have been reprimanding, should have been punishing in such a way that there would be a deterred future people not too cheap and in the court. And then as Judge Bosberg is running the fiser cord for a couple of years, the FBI continues, even after insisting under Chris Ray, we got this fixed, your honor, don't worry, We're okay. And so the judges start proving MORPHISA warrants and two dozen MORPHISA warns continue to have material flaws. So the problem with the judge is he basically enabled the system to continue just the way it did under russiacusion. Then, when given a chance to make an example, to make a deterrence, he decided to give the FBI lawyb who was at the heart of lily filing a false piece of information to the court. He gives him a pass, a tap in the hand when prosecutors wanted a more serious punishment.
But we both know that in August of twenty sixteen that everybody was warned not to use that dirty Russian disinformation dossier, and they were told there was a political document. They were told by of all people, Bruce or putting aside what role his wife might have had. Didn't she work for Fusion GPS? If I remember correctly, now they.
Are, that's right. And remember the CIA was telling the FBI, Hey, we think Christopher Steele's orbit has been infiltrated. The CIA was warning the FBI, and still they proceeded with because at the end of the day, it wasn't about the facts, it was about the political outcome.
Really amazing times we lived through at amazing times. We're living in Solomon. We appreciate you being with us. Thank you was always great work. Justinews dot com editor and chief investigative reporter, Thank you, sir. So we've been watching all the and we've been chronicling everything that's been happening. Happening with Tesla. It's one of the reasons that we're giving away at Tesla. I'm buying it myself. One lucky winner, we'll win a Tesla, the Tesla of your choice. I hope and encourage all of you to go to Hannity dot com to register, and if you go there, you just click on the Tesla. It's a picture of Tesla. The icon. The contest and you will then have to put in the word of the day. Today's word is liberty. We saw an Austin police officers found a suspicious or found suspicious devices intended to start a fire at a North Austin Tesla dealership just after eight am this morning. The bomb squad was called in. I mean just it's getting more sad and more pathetic and more dangerous by the day. Now the Attorney General, Pam Bondi has weighed in on all of this. Specifically, he went after Jasmin Crocket because of things she has been saying, like take down Elon Musk. If you remember back in twenty eighteen, you had Maxine Waters telling a crowd I'm going to I will take Trump out tonight. This is not the first time. Now the Attorney General specifically mentioned Jasmine Crockett and said she should tread very carefully with her plans to quote take down Tesla boss Elon Musk because of what rescuing her astronauts or you know, creating the most innovative car in history. Whether whether you'll ever want an electric car or not is neither here nor there. I mean, the technology is amazing. On March twenty ninth, she said, it's my birthday, and she said, all I want to see happen on my birthday is for Elon to be taken down. Well, that sounds like a threat to me anyway. Here's Jasmine Crockett responding back to Pam BONDI listen and so, yeah.
I'm excited to see that Elon musk that his money as it relates to Tesla. Well, Tesla's tanking right now, and I'm okay with that. So just in case the slow people listening decides to click this up later, I just want to say that I have never promoted violence whatsoever. Yet I've also never made excuse for those violent actors such as the ones on January sixth. So, Pam BONDI, if you have an issue with terrorism, maybe you should talk to your boss about locking back up those guys that he let out that participated in January sixth.
What does it mean when you say I'm going to take somebody down? That sounds like a physical threat to me. And here's just Jasmine Crockett then going further, this time speaking about Senator Ted Cruz and how he needs to be knocked over the head like hard.
I think that you punch.
I think you punch.
I think you're okay with you okay with punching, you know, I think, and I love Colin, and I think towards the end he started to punch a little harder.
But like it's sed grouse.
I mean, like this dude has to be knots over the head like hard, right, Like there is no niceties with him, like at all, Like you go clean.
Off on him, right. I mean, this is now the radical left wing Democratic Party, and this is their radicalism. And you know, they cheer a guy that murders a CEO of United Healthcare, and they worship Luigi Mangioni and in this particular case, celebrating making jokes about and threats to Elon Musk. And the people that will get hurt here are the people that work for Elon Musk, and those are the people in his dealerships. Those are the people that work on the line that build these teslas and the most American car, by the way, made in America today. And then the people that repair these cars. They won't have as much work to do. So they act like the party that cares about working men and women. Well, they're hurting working men and women by doing all of this. But they're a party now that is just completely rudderless and as I've been saying, soulless. You know how, you can't stand for the mothers that lost their children at the Joint Session of Congress. You can't stand for the first lady. You can't stand for the president. You can't stand for a young man that beat his battle with cancer and became a Secret Service agent. He's twelve years old. You can't stand for that young man. You can't stand for another young man who lost to his hero father, who who was informed that night that he got into West Point. You can't stand for the wife of a hero police officer that was killed in the line of duty. I mean, all you really can stand for is more war in Ukraine and wave your bingo cards at a president of the United States. You talk, and then they're wondering why you know. AOC and Bernie Sanders are now emerging as the voices of resistance in their party, the radical left and their rise, and they will be a force to reckon with. Moderate voices are not going to want to be heard this Democratic Party. All right, let's get to our busy phones. Say hi to Mark out in the left wing utopia United Socialist state of California. How are you? I'm Mark, glad you call it. By the way, I have a list of stuff about California.
You ready, I'm ready, absolutely.
But forty eight percent of likely California voters say they would consider now voting for a Republican for governor in twenty six. Republican party registration in California is twenty up is twenty five percent, meaning a total of twenty five percent eighty three percent of voters. How much do you pay for a gallon of gasoline out there?
It's about anywhere from about five to six bucks, depending on where you're at.
Yeah, you know how much I pay in the Free State of Florida this weekend. Two dollars and seventy nine cents a gallon. That's it.
Surprise, not surprised. I mean, first of all, Sean, I just wanted to say thank you to you and the entire Fox team for just staying the course these past years. It's been a long road and there's still a lot of work to do. But I had a couple of just an observation and then a quick question for you. I think one of the biggest problems facing the Dems is Trump has truly cornered the market, if you will, on all common sense issues. So they're falling because what can they really stand for? You know, border security, Well can't stand for that, keeping men out of women's locker rooms, deporting criminals, even stopping the war as you mentioned earlier. I mean, I don't know how you can't be for that, But they've really boxed themselves into the corner. And I think this is really where the real derangement exposes itself because if you ask any one of these folks kind of an individually, hey are you forgetting criminals out of your neighborhoods? What they're going to say, of course, but they can't be for Trump. One of my concerns is we've developed into this society of instant kind of gratification. I want it now, I got to happen now, And I kind of call it the Arukas Sault syndrome, right, And I think we have to keep reminding people that Trump is working the long game here. It takes time to achieve long lasting and sustainable results, and I hope that people will recognize that and stay the course with him. And you as you've done. So here's my question. I'm not as concerned about AOC and Bernie. I think they can create some damage, but I just don't see them as being viable in a bigger sense. But Gavin, who has really ruined much of our state. As you know, people have short term memory, Sean, and I'm concerned. And I watch him slick and kind of grease his way into the alternative media and position himself. Now you know him, You've seen him. I'm sure you've met with him. That's the guy who I'm concerned about. What's your take on it?
On Bernie?
No, on Gavin?
On Gavin, Oh, Gavin, you're worried about Gavin being the next president?
I got to tell you, I know.
Let me go through the rest of this poll with you. Let me go through what people in your state think, all right. Eighty three percent think gas prices are too high. Sixty nine percent think California's political leaders have not done enough to bring down energy and utility costs. Seventy one percent believe the governor and legislative leaders have not addressed California in their high cost of living. Seventy three percent support the funding of the anti crime prop thirty six, which has not occurred. Seventy two percent feel homelessness is a massive problem, sixty percent oppose free healthcare to illegal immigrants, sixty two percent support a full independent investigation of the recent wildfires, and only twenty four percent of Californians think that men should be able to compete in female sports. Does that sound like Gavin is in touch with the people even in his own state. I mean, things are changing. How do you think that's going to fly nationwide? The fact that Gavin is slick and can communicate. I know Gavin really well. He's got a big problem and that is his past positions, and in a campaign, all of that will come too late.
I hope you're right. I agree. I've just seen this guy and he's he's a slippery snake. So I just still have my concerns. I hope you're right. Thank you again, Sean for everything.
Appreciate it, Appreciate your call. Thank you. Rick is in New York. We're going from one socialist utopia to the next. What's up, Rick? How are you doing?
Sion? I'm so glad you're our voice. I'll tell you what, Rustling boy.
Thank you forgiving it to me. I appreciate it. What's on your mind?
Well, I was, h yeah, I see how that it seems like the liberals seem like they weaponize against themselves. I'm watching how they're going after Elon Musk's electric cars, and you know, for years, as a conservative, I'm like, you know what, they're kind of forcing us to do these electric cars. I don't really want to own one. I'm a muscle car guy myself. But and then all of a sudden, now they're running their own people off the road, and they're graffiti, you know, vandalizing their own people that are driving these cars. Most most of your electric our drivers are kind of a liberal.
Well here's the cool thing. I can tell you this now from my own personal experience. I'm a muscle car guy. I'm like a Corvette Z six. You know, guy, Uh, do you realize that Tesla s plaid has over a thousand horse power. It goes from zero to sixty and two point zero seconds. It feels like a rocket ship when you drive it. It's self driving and the technology is incredible. Oh so, I mean it's beyond innovation. Now, with all that said, I'm pro choice in the sense that buy whatever car you want. But I am buying a Tesla in a show of solidarity to speak out against what they're doing to somebody who has not done anything to deserve this. It's evil what they're doing.
Yeah, you've won me over, though I signed up for to win the Tesla. I'll drive one next to my Kuda.
Oh really, you got a Kuda?
Oh yeah, I got a couple of hours. I'm building one now in the garage. So I just parted up like three or four days ago with the engine.
Oh good for you. You're a real motorhead. You really get in there and get your hands starting. I used to do all that. I don't have time anymore. I wish I did. And by the way, i look into the hood of a new car and I'm like, okay, I just shut it because there's nothing I can do to help that car anyway. My friend appreciate it. Uh, And don't forget Hannity dot Com. And the word of the day is, uh, what's at Liberty today? If you want to sign up? You can sign up once a day every day. Real quick. Let's say hi to Tom and Texas, all right, God bless Texas. Finally, a red state. What's going on? Tom?
Hi, Sean, how are It's a pleasure to talk to you. I just wanted to talk a little bit about the spenditures that everybody seems the thinker out of line. And I think they're out of line too. But when I take a look at it, when I look at all the lists of expenditures that are that are misspent that you put on TV every night, what occurs to me is how come no one takes a look at the organization chart of the US government. You know, We've got a Congress that says, oh, we carry the power of the purse, and all they seem to do is is do a top line, top line funding level down to all these different agencies that have the responsibility of spending the money that they appropriate. And when I look at the organization chart of the United States government, it starts with the Constitution and it has the three branches, Article one, two, and three of the Constitution. But when I get down to the agency levels that the Congress seems to spend saying that you have the authority to spend the money and determine how it's spent. They all report to the President of the United states, they don't report back to the legislative branch, and they don't report over to the judicial branch with respect with respect to their organizations. So I guess I'm of the opinion that President Trump can select anyone who wants to, thank God for Elon Musk to take a look at him. It hasn't been looked at seriously for one hundred and fifty years.
I don't think.
Well what we have all said, and even Democrats have said they wanted, which is the elimination of waste brought in abuse, that is now a moral imperative that we not put forty trillion dollars in debt on our children and grandchildren. And it's not fair to the hard working men and women in this country to have their money wasted like this. It just isn't. And that's why Democrats they want to die on this hill. Let them die on it. If they want to die on you know, men and women's sports and standing up of the rights of the illegals over with the safety of Americans, let them.
The final hour of the Sean Hannity Show was up next.
Hang on for Shawn's conservative solutions. All right, everybody knows that I'm more into health, wellness, fitness, nutrition than I've ever been. I'm not perfect yet, but I'm trying to get better and better, and I really, you know, I'm keeping as much sugar out of my diet as possible. And that meant that I had to give up cereal, which I love, I love, love love cereal, but they're high insuran and corn syrup and chemical additives, and especially these cereal made in America, it's unbelievable. So it's just garbage compared to other countries. It's amazing that they can make one brand of cereal here in America with all this junk in it, and then they make a whole different brand, same name, and they'll sell the healthier brand in Canada and in Europe. It's insane. Well that's until recently my life changed and I added cereal back into my life thanks to meeting Peter Harris. He and his father created grainberry cereals and the purpose was to bring the healthiest, most natural choice to the cereal aisle. And you're going to love it. And unlike these other cereals that are high in sugar, have corn syrup and these chemical additives, grainberry instead is focused on controlling sugar levels and being heart healthy and Grainberry uses natural plant based fiber. It has a ton of antioxidants. Grainberry cereal is healthy and it tastes great, which matters to me anyway. It's an all round healthy food choice and I've added it back to my diet thanks to Graenenberry. Now there are seven different Grainberry cereals you could choose from, like multi brand Flakes, honey nut, original, toasted oats, oats, apple, cinnamon, Linda's favorite which is Grainberry Raisin brand. Just go to Grainberry now remember the name. It's hard. You have to go through the cereal aisle which is massive, and you have to really look for it, or you might find it in your health food aisle. But you're going to find it if you look for it. Look for the name, or talk to your grocer or talk to the manager Grainberry. Remember the name Grainberry. Today when we come back, Miranda Devine will join us next our toll free numbers eight hundred and ninety four one Sean if you want to be a part of the program and the cabinet meeting from earlier today as well,