Sean covers the importance of a REAL education and why it's so important that Americans push to support our children. The left clings to government, even if it's failing...Without education, our children are headed to a life of crime, drugs or worse!
Thanks to all of you for being whether us write down are toll free telephone numbers eight hundred and ninety four one sean if you want to be a part of the program. I am finding it quite amusing to watch the left meltdown over Trump eliminating the Department of Education.
And we're going to have some.
Congressmen and women on in the next hour talking about this. So I don't want to spend or devote the whole hour to it, but this is the President yesterday announcing he's eliminating the Department of Education, and it is it Just just think of it this way, and I don't I have a hard time understanding why people on the left, why did they want to cling onto something that is failing spectacularly. I really have a hard time understanding it. Just like, why did Democrats want to call it a constitutional crisis when we discover hundreds of billions of dollars in waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption.
This is all your money.
These are our children that are being that that we're failing at a spectacular level. And anyway, so here's the president's announcement. Then we'll get to the left's meltdown.
We take a very historic action that was forty five years in the making. In a few moments, I will sign an executive order to begin eliminating the Federal Department of Education once and for all. Everybody knows it's right, and the Democrats know it's right, and I hope they're going to be voting for it, because ultimately it may come before them, but everybody knows it's right, and we have to get our children educated. We're not doing well with the world of education in this country, and we haven't for a long time. And we're pleased to be joined today by the woman who I chose because she's an extraordinary person, and hopefully she will be our last Secretary of Education.
Linda McMahon To.
Linda Linda McMahon now Randy Winegarten, you know has never been this emotional that I've ever heard her talking about the Department of Education. We spend more money than any other industrialized country, with the worst results, usually depending on the year, coming in somewhere in terms of reading proficiency around thirty six seven eight percent and in math about forty we come in fortieth place, and we spend more than any other country that is systemic institutionalized failure. When is Randy Weingarten, who gets paid a good amount of money and of course has a lot of power, yields a lot of power because the teachers' union is in bed with the Democratic Party, and the teachers' union donates a fortune every election cycle the Democrat that's to help them get elected. And where was she getting emotional about the institutional failure of your children? Why didn't you get so emotional about this, about the failure of our kids being left behind and abandoned. Anyway, here's her getting emotional about the Department of Education and then spreading the this is to pay billionaire lie.
They're just taking opportunity away from kids. It on have it so billionaires. Kids are billionaires. They have it.
They go to private schools.
Everyone else, ninety percent go.
To public schools.
Don't take away their opportunity.
So let's stay on the fast. Sorry, you're really angry about this, because I'm really angry. I'm really angry that you have failed and your teachers have failed the children in this country. That's what I'm angry about. Let me go back to Joe Clark when we played the longer thought of this yesterday we're gonna play a shorter one today. And I think Morgan Freeman is one of the best doctors out there. He's phenomenal and in his versatility is almost second to none. And he's just a great doctor. And he's got a great set of pipes, he's got a great voice. And Morgan Freeman played the role of Joe Clark. Joe Clark, this is a real life story. He was a principal at Eastside High in New Jersey and the school was failing and failing miserably. And he walked into that school and he had a bullhorn, and he had a baseball bat, and people couldn't believe that he was going to fight to turn that school around and clean up the halls and paint them up and get it looking like a school and kick out the drug dealers, the gang members, the thugs and people that were disrupting the opportunity to learn of the other students.
And he did all of it.
And his goal was to get these kids to pay asked the state exam in terms of proficiency in these basic topics, and an hour before that test, he calls the school into the auditorium and he talks to the students, and this is part of what he said. I had an opportunity numerous times to interview Joe Clark. Really loved the guy, and he was hated for a long time by parents for whatever reason.
I don't know. I don't know.
Teachers' unions didn't love me either. Teachers didn't love him either, because he was demanding that they do a better job, insisting they do a better job. This is from the movie Lean on Me.
If you do not have these basic skills, you will find yourselves locked out, locked out of that American dream that you see advertised on TV that they tell you it's so easy to get.
You are here for.
One reason, one reason, only to learn to work for what you want. The alternative is to waste your time and to fall into the trap of crime, drugs and that.
And that's exactly what the options are when you really think about it. You don't have an education in this country. That's that's that's the end result for most people.
Isn't it?
Dead end jobs, dead end life, No shot at the American dream. You give kids an education, you you help find help them find what they were born to do with their life. And there's no telling what they can achieve in their life and the happiness that they will have fulfilling whatever whatever destiny God gave them. And I believe God put talent on every individual, you know, to bring forth from within the Latin derivative of education. It's that's predicated on this notion. It is already there and any educational system. Now, the left clings to government, They cling to institutionalism, they cling to even that which is failing.
And this really is.
This reflexive action of the and reaction of the left is so predictable. Why are they defending the indefensible all the time? Why are they defending and claiming we're living through a constitutional crisis because we're finding an eliminating waste, fraud, abuse and corruption. Why are you defending a system that spends more money per capita per child on education and we have the worst results of any country in the industrialized world. Why do people why have we been indoctrinated to look to the government to be the answer to our problems in life? Ask yourself, what does the government do that that warrants such competence in people. We were on the precipice of this Democratic party had they won the last election of trying to implement their radical Green New Deal. What was the Green New Deal about? I had nothing to do with the climate except that they'd force an EV into your driveway whether you wanted one or not. I happen to be pro choice on vehicles. You should get whatever vehicle you want. Which now I'm getting a Tesla and I'm giving away a Tesla. And by the way, if you want to win a Tesla, I'm buying it and I'm going to give it to one lucky listener. And I hope you'll I hope you'll go to Hannity dot com and sign up. I'd love giving free stuff away. I don't know why. It's a really cool thing to do. I think we should do more of it. But I'm going to give away a Tesla and every day between now and April eleventh, once a day, you can register, and you can register right now. You can just go to Hannity dot com or remember when you go home, simple Hannity dot com. You click on the Tesla contest. The word of the day today is Trump, and you just put the word of the day in and a little bit of information so we can contact you. If you're the winner, and you can also register tomorrow. It'll be the same word of the day today, tomorrow and Sunday, Trump and you can get three more chances to win. And I hope you'll consider doing it each day because it makes me happy to be able to give somebody the tesla of their choice while also defending a company. Has the government done a good job for the VA?
You know? How is law and order.
And safety and security in your blue state, in your blue town Because those that have adopted, defund dismantled, no bail laws, crime has only gone through the roof. How good a job has the government done protecting our country from known terrorists, cartel members, murderers, rapists, gang members, and cartel members. How we haven't done a good job? Why do people have this faith in their government? I don't know. How did that Obamacare thing work out for people? Because the promise was you're going to keep your doctor, keep your plan, and the average family will save twenty five hundred dollars per year per family. It ended up being millions of Americans lost their doctors, millions lost their plans and went on average, we're paying you know, two hundred and fifty to three hundred percent more for our premiums for inferior care. And over forty percent of the country has one Obama Obamacare exchange option that didn't work out too well.
And we've got to we've.
Got to rethink how we do things, and we've got to look at things anew and we've got to start thinking out of the box. I used an example on this program yesterday, thirty six thousand dollars a year per student?
Are you kidding me? On education? All right? Let me just you know, let me let me go to my my little calculator here.
Okay, so you go, thirty six thousand dollars times ten equals three hundred and sixty thousand dollars. I should have been able to figure that out in my head, right, Linda, Okay, three hundred and sixty thousand dollars. Now, let's say a school district in New York if they're going to continue to spend that amount of money, and that means I guess, thirty six thousand dollars. You know, that's thirty six thousand dollars per student. Let's say the school district offered parents thirty six thousand dollars and to make the educational operate choice that they wanted. Let's say parents decide to pool together. Ten parents have kids the same age, same grade, and they want to spend their money together. That gives them three hundred and sixty thousand dollars a year. They can hire two teachers at one hundred and fifty grand a year in salary and thirty grand a year in benefits for healthcare and maybe whatever a retirement plan. And that would be one teacher for every five kids. Now, tell me which system do you think is going to work better?
We can also learn from states like Utah. They spend less than ten thousand dollars a year per student on education, and they have far better results than states like New York. When you break it down and you examine, you know there is no correlation at all in terms of the money spent per pupil and the average scores by state. The states with the highest pupil spending in New York to DC, New Jersey, Vermont, Connecticut. And then you look at the lowest spending states Utah, Idaho under ten grand, Arizona ten grand, three hundred and fifteen dollars, Oklahoma ten grand, eight hundred and ninety Dollarsssissippi ten grand, nine hundred and eighty four dollars, and fourth grade students, for example, in Utah score much higher on average than those in New York, where they spend thirty six thousand dollars per student per year. Idaho, the state with the second lowest spending, was behind nine other states and districts that performed significantly better on fourth grade math that they do significantly better. And you know, every big city is failing, Los Angeles failing, Atlanta failing spectacularly. Only thirty six percent of students read at the third grade level. Only thirty percent of students are proficient in math at grade level. Detroit it's even worse. Sixteen percent of students Detroit public schools, you know, tested or proficient in English, sixteen percent, only ten point five percent of students proficient in math.
It's even worse.
In Baltimore, we have, you know, twenty some odd schools that don't have a single child that is proficient in either math or or reading.
Not a single kid.
You can't fail any more than this, And you're upset that the system is being shaken up and that we're going to go deep, hard in the paint and try and give a better education or our kids. And know this, the people that have been negatively impacted the most are people in blue states. Predominantly minority neighborhoods have been the most negatively impacted by this failed institution called the Department of Education and this unholy alliance between teachers' unions and the Democratic Party. We have failed these kids, and if we want to help them, they better get they We have to do it for their sake. H twenty five Now to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine point one.
Sean, if you.
Want to be a part of the program, Linda, I'm having a problem with sweet baby James.
So it's been about it to pick on.
Him now, it's not nice.
Don't you want to be on his side or you want to be the side of truth and his health?
So uncle James is mister yo yo diet. Okay.
He loses weight and then he gains it all back, and then he justifies it and rationalizes it by saying, well, I had so much fun gaining it back, and then he goes through the pain.
Why are you laughing? This is not funny. So finally I said, I put my foot down. I said, okay, you're.
Going I am going to cook every meal for you every day and this is going to be what you eat, and you can't cheat.
Here's the problem, Linda. He cheats.
He cheats one day, one okay, one day, I see I had recently gotten a big jar of I like Italian olives. I don't eat many of them on one or two occasionally, and I got a new bottle of olives and I go down one day and I just got it on Sunday. By Wednesday there were two olives left. Who and the whole thing? Are you paying attention?
I am?
Okay, Now, I told so, he's been on my diet for ten days. How about you have lost ten pounds. He's lost ten pounds in ten days my.
Dial, including the space of time where he ate the olives.
No, but no, the one day he didn't lose weight and he gained a pound back. It has been and I caught him cheating. And then when you catch him that When I asked him about the olives, he said, no, I didn't eat them today.
And I'm like, first of all, the worst thing the man is eating.
It took me an hour eating olives can we just be.
He ate there the whole jar in a day and a half, broke the whole.
Eat something in that game weight. I'm going to tell you the guy's on his treets. I will take a can of black olives and I will crush them.
And they're not black olives that the green olives, their whole olives.
But the point is you're not supposed to have as much oil in many Okay, I'm gonna kill her to get that.
Forgetting he gave me his word that he's gonna stick to the diet. And then when I questioned him about his cheating, which I caught him redhanded doing, he'd lied about it.
I know. I don't like the fact.
Mm, who is there a mirror nearby? Or do you not keep those in this suit?
That sounds that sounds like you cheat on in a relationship. And that's not being we're talking about olives.
There's no co words here.
You mean I cheat on the food that I eat?
Correct? You?
You give me an examples.
We have all been on the road recently.
Oh no, no, no. When we're on the road, the rules of the road are different.
Well, then technically James is on the road because he used to live in Long Island till he moved into Florida.
No, technically he's no, he's a full time resident in the force. Here's the problem.
When I confront him over eating the olives, he goes, no, I didn't eat them. I didn't need them to I didn't eat them today, And meaning he ate them the two days prior, because they'd only been there three days. He ate the whole frigging bottle. And here's the other thing. Then he eats saltine crackers, which I didn't even know I had in my house. And and okay, it's not part of the diet. My diet is meat, eggs, and fish, period. And I make him the food. I go through the effort. I cook for him every single day. You like my cooking, It's very good. I make them.
But let's not move, Linda. What is wrong with you?
I like crackers.
Actually, James and I have a very similar diet because I eat olives.
You know, I have a crow.
I'm not talking. You know what. You're out of this.
You should You're not even letting James talk. James doesn't even get an opportunity.
You know, you live your whole life, all right, James, Come on, I not enjoy a little bit of it.
I want to ask him a question to start this off. Yes or no?
Did you cheat numerous times? Since I've taken loaded question?
How about yes or no? James? Are you very hungry?
Numerous is kind of.
Like overdoing it.
In ten days, you've you've cheated once or twice? Is it once or is it twice?
One of those?
And it's one of those? Is it? Is it once or twice? How often do you cheat?
Fields like, so it's maybe more than twice. Did you think it's you think it's three times? Is it possible it's three times? Yes? Is it possible? Is it possible it's four times? No. You can't blame.
Him for not remembering. You're starving him. He has memories. That's starving him hungry. I'm feeding him protein. It is a keto friendly specific diet.
You can't age with him. I can't help. We can live with him.
It works. He lost ten pounds and in a week and a half.
You're welcome everything in moderation.
You I have to stop this moderation. Yeah, just a little bit of heroin and moderation. We're fine, no problem. A little bit of ventoyl moderation.
Holy smoke, we went.
That is who's talking about you?
Should I get you a box of needles?
What you said anything? And you said any anything in moderation is fine. People say that all the food food in moderation.
Well, the problem is if you know, most people are food addicts. Let's be honest about it.
I'm not a food addict.
No, My problem is you know now I'm moving on to the nickete patches. That's my problem. I have to have you know, I just I need the lift of the show. Anyway, I want to remind you if you need to defend yourself, your first option get the hell out of there if you can, if you can't, before you go to the lethal option, there is the less lethal launcher called Burner. This technology is so phenomenal It's now trusted by over five hundred government agencies, police departments, private security firms. It's legal in all fifty states, no permit, no background check needed. It is my go to of choice. You can hit a target fifty feet away easily. You can incapacitate any perpetrator and up to thirty or forty minutes. Look at the videos when you go to b y r NA dot com slash Hannity Burner dot com slash Hannity, and I will tell you it is phenomenal technology. Brett from the Burner Owners group on Facebook posted a story about the one time he forgot to pack his burner. He's walking his dog and the one time that he didn't have his burner, he was attacked by an unleashed dog. You know, he left bloodied, his dog left bloodied, and he learned a lesson. Never leave home without your burner. He's right, anyway, you'll love this technology and it is unbelievable. It can save your life in the end, and it's a non lethal option and if you have to use lethal force in the end, then okay, that's the choice of last resort anyway. BYRNA dot com slash Hannity. Today, Doug burn, the Interior Secretary, has now opened twenty million acres in Alaska for oil and gas development, which is great, great news. And he also chairs the National Energy Dominance Council and it rescinds all regulations, orders, guidance, documents, policies, any other similar agency actions promulgated, issued or adopted between January twentieth, twenty twenty one and January twentieth, twenty twenty five, essentially erasing dozens of actions related to Alaska by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The Secretary of State Mark Or Rubio announced that the illegal immigrant who fled the US after killing a twenty year old American woman will be brought back to face justice. An angel mom his bell was less than what a cost to bury my baby.
That's what the mother said.
President Trump has secured the extradition of this illegal alien accused of killing a twenty one year old in Nebraska. Her name is Sarah root on Ji January thirty first, twenty sixteen, the night that she graduated from college. She had a four point zero gpa. And now Secretary of State Rubio announced that the illegal from Honduras will be extradited to the US to face justice.
Once and for all.
Good news there, we've got Bernie Sanders and AOC the dynamic duo that that is. Anyway, they've teamed up to move the Democratic Party even further to the left.
A day after Bernie told The New York Times that it was time for progressives to abandon the Democratic Party Anyway, the Vermont Socialists teamed up with radical squad leader AOC for a barnstorming tour across America.
They embarked on this multi state tour and what appears to be the most recent organized effort to unify the Democratic Party. They are the leaders of the Democratic Party. This is why Chuck Schumer is in a fight for his life. AOC now considering a challenge to Senate Minority Leader Chuck schue Uh for having supplied enough Senate Democratic votes for passage of this stop stop gap spending bill. The tour is part of Sanders Fight Oligarchy, What's Next tour, in which the Senator is arguing that the US is headed towards an oligarchy. By the way, we have more evidence. Let me play. What's the congresswoman that replaced Liz Cheney. Oh Hageman, Right, Congresswoman Hagerman, Yeah, Harriet Hegman. Okay, she was heckled at a town hall. Now we know this is astroturfing. We know this is organized. We know because Chuck Schumer telegraphed it. But listen to what she went through there.
And they are also those who will be going through their budget, and what we did with that money is we specified how it is to be spent. That's why we're talking about raises specifically for the enlisted men and women as an example.
A job.
That's what we did.
That's what we did.
This question right, all right, So now this is happening around the country. You know, on talk radio, Russias to call them seminar callers. They call them with their talking points written out by various groups. Uh, there's a lot of funding usually behind these organizations. And now Democrats are showing up a Republican town halls for the purpose of creating a false impression that their constituents are against them. Chuck Schumer even admitted that they're sending protesters to house Republican town halls.
Listen, we have.
People going to the Republican districts and going after these Republicans who are voting for this and forcing them to either face change their vote or face the consequences. This is a long, relentless fight that we fight every day. We did put two hundred thirty five judges, progressive judges, judges not under the control of Trump last year on the bench, and they are ruling against Trump. Time after time after time.
Yeah, okay, so you see what they're doing. They're trying to use the courts. They're astro turfing, they're calling talk radio shows, seminar callers. We can identify them very easily. We'll start calling them out if they get through, and we'll have some fun with them. Now, I would tell people to go see AOC and Bernie Sanders, but I'm not going to play that game that they play, because all that's going to do is create a volatile situation where all their crazy supporters are going to be there, and you know, you create an environment where we're literally they they you know you're you're you're creating a fight like environment, and that's what they're doing, and they're trying to create as much chaos as they can. It was a organizing call with actors and democratic judge. I didn't know the job and WHUSAC was such a dope. Let's listen to that.
So I just want to say, take everyone out of the street. Thanks to everyone who's going to be coming out in the street.
It's just getting started.
Thank you.
On March twenty ninth, it's my birthday and all I.
Want to see happen on my birthday is for eli to be taken down.
Yes, on March twenty ninth.
I want you to raise your voices.
All over the world, and I want you to be heard heard in such a way then no matter.
How much they try to ignore you, they just can't.
Musk is kind of this arch villain of late stage capitalism, and he seems like this clown and this buffoon. But like Alex said, you know this is a man who made a sighile Nazi salute not only in public, but at a presidential victory party. Musk is a pathological liar. He's a criminal, He's a sociopath and a ghoul. And I mean those firms very precise.
Wow, pretty amazing. Jasmine Crockett was the one I want for my birthday. I want Elon taken down. It sounds like a threat to me. You have Adam Schiff who just got his pardon recently, and he was on I guess that idiot Jimmy Kimmel. And by the way, is anybody going to contact Bob Eiger about Kimmel's comments about Elon Musk and the acts of domestic terrorism that have been happening around the country that he thought I guess was so funny because Adam Shift goes on with kimme O and says Elon Musk is now erratic and evil, not so genius, Jamal Bowman, Elon Musk is a thief and a Nazi. And all these Democrats you know, are just out there attacking, attacking and tacking Elon Musk.
I'm going to tell you something.
I'm gonna hold these people will be held accountable if somebody ends up getting killed here. Now they're docsing, you know, Tesla owners, which is unbelievable, and nobody seems to care. On the left, all the people that cared so much about January sixth, January sixth, they were the ones justifying the violence in the summer of twenty twenty five hundred and seventy four rights. No, they're mostly peaceful, No, they weren't. They are the ones that voted for the vice presidential candidate at the time that said they're not going to stop rioting, shouldn't stop writing, and we're not going to stop supporting them. By the way, President Trump is moving to close one hundred and ten IRS offices around the country. Days after meeting with Trump, UFC champion Conomer Gregor has entered the race for the Irish presidency. First person I'd want to get a reaction from is Rosie O'Donnell. President Trump is weighing sanctions against foreign funders of the pro Hamas campus riots. If you're one of the people that are involved in this and you're funding it, you're funding people that are committing acts of domest domestic terrorism. Let's see what Cash Fattel and Pam BONDI have to say about all this. NBC News is reporting the Biden's want back. In asked if he thought that Biden could happen, President Trump replied, I hope so. Anyway, Former President Biden is telling Democratic leaders that it will raise funds campaign to anything necessary to help the Democrats recover the lost ground of the Trump administration. A former squad member's husband has been indicted for wire fraud. Corey Bush's husband charged on Thursday with defrauding the federal government to illegally collect tens of thousands of dollars in loans under COVID era small business relief programs. Whoops, daisy, Anyway, we got a lot more news coming up. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. Will be joined by a number of congress people that are supporting Donald Trump's effort to dismantle the Department of Education. It's been nearly eighteen months of NonStop war against radical Islamist Israel. They are fighting valiantly, but so many Israelis have been displaced, tens and tens of thousands of them. The humanitarian need is great, and now that the fighting has been heating up again, Israel has got to be prepared for attacks from every direction. Thank goodness, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews have been on the ground from day one. They are supporting will continue to support the people of Israel with life saving security essentials. They're providing food, water, housing, medicines, bare necessities that everybody seems to need. Whatever gift you can give will also help provide bomb shelters, armored security vehicles, ambulances, firefighting equipment, flack jackets, bull of proof vest That's what life in Israel is like right now. Whatever donation you can make today will be used tomorrow. The need is great. Let's help Israel in their hour of need as they fight for their very survival. Please go to their website supportif CJ dot org. That's one word, supportif CJ dot org, or you can call tolfree. It's eight eight eight four eight eight I f c J eight eight eight four eight eight I.
F c J two D.
John Hannity, right, thank goodbye to the Department of Education. Why democrats cling to it, Well, that's anyone's business. And MAHA making America healthy again, something when the n James needed to listen to Billy and Michael straight ahead