Activist Judges Strike Again - March 24th, Hour 3

Published Mar 25, 2025, 1:28 AM

Miranda Devine, author of THE BIG GUY: How a President and His Son Sold Out,  America, is here with her take on the activist judges, Devon Archer and IRS promotions

Well, we have come out to your city, gonna play I again.

Palis and saying you a conscious zell will I'll be entire.

And if you want a little banging again here and come along.

Do you know Elon Musk?

Have you met with him?

I have met him before, he.

Was saying, I mean he was kind of an erratic genius.

He's now an erratic evil. Not so genius.

They've got that little stock app I add a tesla tude to give me a little boost during the day two twenty five and dropping.

On March twenty ninth. It's my birthday and all I want to.

See happen on my birthday is for Eli to be taken down.

Yes, freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution.

That we have coming to your city. Don't play against Salas and saying you a conscious.

New Sean Hennity Show more I'm the scenes, information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America.

Going up next our final News round Up and Information Overload hour.

All Right, News round Up, Information Overload Hour eight hundred and ninety four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, we have a some really interesting breaking news Apparently the President, who was this weekend at the NCAA Wrestling Championship in Philly. On Saturday night, had an encounter with a former Hunter Biden associate term whistleblower, Tony Bobolinski, and apparently Devin Archer will receive a full and unconditional pardon from the President. The President set a full pardon, describing Archer as an anti Biden person because of his pivotal role exposing Biden corruption and the potential clemency. Presidential clemency would end a decade long ordeal for Archer, who was facing jail time. And I want to extend my deepest thanks to President Trump, he said on Sunday. I am grateful to the President for recognizing that I was a victim of a convoluted law fair effort intended to destroy me and silence me. And like so many people, my life was devastated by the Biden's family and their selfish disregard for the truth and for the peace of mind and happiness of others. Biden's talk about justice, but they don't mean it, he said. I'm grateful that the American people are now well aware of this reality. Remember, he Hunter was the original target of the Southern District of New York investigation that ensnared Archer. And remember also Joe Biden repeatedly said I never once spoke to my son, my brother, or anybody for that matter about their foreign business dealings. Miranda Devine of The New York Post broke this story. Miranda, great to have you back. How are you hey?

Really good things? This is great news, isn't it, Sean?

It really is. I mean, and you talked about the laptop from how that was a big best seller. You wrote about the big guy, how a president and his son sold out America. So this is obviously a big deal. If you go back and look at past comments of Devon Archer, you know, he said he believed that Barisma wouldn't have stayed in business for long if Hunter wasn't on the board, also pointing out executives at Parisma or putting constant pressure on Joe one hundred percent signals to keep Barisma alive. And they're paying this kid that's addicted to drugs millions of dollars, and he goes on GMA and admits he as zero experience and energy, oil gas or Ukraine. So why was he getting paid and what did Joe know and when did.

He know it? Exactly perfect summary there. And look, I think that Devon Archer was one of the whistleblowers that was really pivotal in our understanding what Joe Biden's involvement was with his son's influence peddling, in his brother's influence peddling while he was vice president, and we knew from the laptop that he was involved. We knew from Tony Bobolinski that he was meeting with Hunters Chinese business partners and was referred to by the partners as the big guy. But Devon Archer filled in an important part I think probably the most important part of the gaps, which was that he said that he was present when Hunter brought his father into these meetings with their foreign business partners clients whatever you call them, pay you know, people who paid them millions of dollars. But also he put his father on the speaker phone at least two dozen times at crucial points of when deals were either being consummated or when he was trying to sort of trail his coat and say, look look how close I am to the Vice president. And you know, the Democrats tried to say when Devon Archer was testifying, Oh, well, you know, Joe didn't say anything about business. They just talked about the weather. That doesn't matter, and they know it. That's so willfully naive. It doesn't matter. Just the fact that you've got this incredibly powerful man, the Vice President of the United States, who's actually in charge of your country like Ukraine or China, that this crackhead can get him on the phone at any time and get him to do favors for him. That's worth millions of dollars. And that's what Hunter and Jim Biden got with tens of millions of dollars.

Well, I mean, this is the amazing part of this story. And then as Joe's leaving office is these unconditional pardons that he hands out to all of his family members, and I think this is going to come back to haunt them in the following way. I do believe that because they got the pardoner and they accepted the pardon, well we know that they can no longer invoke the Fifth Amendment, and that means that they would all have to testify brought before a Senator House committee, and that means that they would have to tell the truth or be subject to a perjury charge. That then complicates things for the Biden family if they're Republicans. I think through their job and get to the bottom of all this because we're talking about how many millions and millions of dollars here, Yes, and I mean worse.

Than the money, of course, is the threat to national security, and especially when it comes to China. You know, we have Gal laugh who was the original whistle blower. We went to the FBI in twenty nineteen and said that Hunter and Jim Biden they're getting tens of thousands of dollars a month from this Chinese energy company. And he also alleges that there was a leak from the Southern District of New York. He says, fire an FBI mole to the Bidens, which then went to China and got some people off the hook from that company. They quickly high tailed it back to China because they got a warning that there was an indictment that was about to be brought down on them, and that was from a leak. So that's you know, that is really a serious allegation, and again it needs to be looked into. And I think Jim Jordan and James Comer may be talking about doing that, and especially about the weaponization of the DOJ to protect and the rest of the deep state, really to protect Hunter Biden. He's really had a charmed life. He's been like Houdini, including in December when his father gave him a pardon, going back eleven years to the beginning of all the Ukraine, the grift, just after he was convicted by jury on gun charges and was about to stand trial in California on tax flow charges. All of that just went by the wayside.

Well, it all went by the wayside, But I still would like to get to the bottom of it because we know they made millions of We know in the case of Barisma, he made millions of dollars no experience. We know in the case of the WhatsApp message that came out. I'm sitting here next to my father and you have yet to fulfill your promise to us. Why he is that? And James Comers told me numerous times on air that millions of dollars were transferred in the days after between everybody. My father knows my ability to hold a regrudge, You're going to regret it. And that dealt with the the firm CEFC, that is the Chinese energy conglomerate, like the Ukrainian energy conglomer Barisma. This is we're talking about millions and millions of dollars here, and nobody got to the bottom of it. There is zero intellectual curiosity from the media. I think that probably people like you and me have covered there's more than anybody. And at this point they seem to be walking away scott free with their millions. But now Hunter's claiming he's broke.

Yes, But look, I think President Trump is actually starting to run by one crackdown and do you know, put things right. And so, for instance, Hunter Biden, we're still getting a secret Service detail, you know, four people, three ships around the clock, very expensive to the taxpayer. He's off in South Africa having a luxury vacation with his wife who was born in South Africa, and he had a secret service detail of eighteen people following him around. And Donald Trump officially canceled that. And today I'm told by the Secret Service because it did last for a few extra days, but it is officially off as of today. He has lost his protective detail per Executive Memorisum of the President. So that's a fantastic outcome. Devon arch is a great outcome, and I think we'll see more like that. Also, Donald Trump just stripped all the security clearances from the Biden family and from others who were involved in law fare. He's not giving this up because you know, it's not about vengeance as much as it is about ensuring that the apparatus of government, the security state, cannot be weaponized against political opponents, no matter what side of offense you're on.

Well, it's also about equal justice under the law and equal applications of our laws. And I mean there's a reason that Joe gave these pardons. Now, Interestingly, he did not pardon himself, and I do believe the power of the pardon, Unlike some other fellow conservatives and some legal scholars, I do believe a president could pardon himself and give an unconditional pardon because there's nothing that prohibits it that's in the Constitution. So I would say that the power of the pardoner is absolute.

Any thoughts on that, Yeah, Look, I think there's two possibilities. One is that he really didn't know what he was doing, and whoever was signing the auto pen didn't really care much about Joe Biden's thinget he is so far it doesn't matter, or my theory is more likely. I think that I think Joe Biden is not always off the reservation. I think he has lucid moments during the day and lucid days during the week, so he knows what he's doing. I think that he is hiding behind what Robert Herb the Special Counsel, found, which is that a jury would not be able to find him guilty of an offense even if the evidence was there, because they would see him as an elderly man with a poor memory, in other words, that he's cognitively not all. They're really not fit to stand trial. And Joe Biden, I mean, I read the transcript of his interview with Robert Hurr long transcript. It was full of just the classic Joe Biden obfiscations and you know, changing the topic and acting like he's a dunderhead right at the moments strategically that Robert hurb was getting to a really important question in which Joe Biden might have incriminated himself. So it's a very strategic muddle headedness that's shown throughout that transcript, and I think it was just convenient for Robert her and the DOJ to say, oh, well, look, you know, we know that Joe Biden did mishandle these classified documents much worse than anything that they're accusing Donald Trump of. But we really it would be too excruciatingly awkward for us to charge a sitting president, So this is a really convenient escape patch. And then of course Joe Biden got all up in arms and pretended to be offended that they did that, but it was he deliberately created that escape patch, so I think he would continue to do that. And look at the guy. He's eighty two and he is slipping.

We continue our final moments both Miranda Devine don't forget her best selling book The Big Guy, How a President and his son sold out America. Whether or not there's any justice in terms of holding people account for what they have done or might have done here, I think the more important thing is that the American people fully completely understand what has happened, and we've got to put in place measure so you can't have a president or vice president and their family members making tens of millions of dollars by influence peddling, because that's what it seems.

Like to me. No, and I think it is important to go back over that. What people are saying now is just old business. It is an old business. You had a vice president who became the president, who was potentially compromised by our greatest adversary, China because of the tens of millions of dollars that his family had raked in. And you know, also what Devin Archer told us when it came to Ukraine was really crucial. He said, one of those speakerphone calls that Hunter Biden got his father looped in on was with the owner of Barisma, Nikolais Lechevski, and it was after Zlotchevsky was concerned because the Ukrainian prosecutor was coming after Barisma really hard, was investigating. Barisma was about to send you know, had had basically was seizing his property, Letchevski's property, and Kiev was about to send out subpoenas for Hunter and for Devon Archer, and this was all coming to a head, and so Zlochevsky said urgently to Hunter Biden, get your father on the phone. Devon Archer heard that, and then Zlotchevsky got on the phone with Hunter and Joe Biden, and Joe Biden talked to them, and then a few days later he flies to Ukraine and he orders that that prosecutor who was investigating Barisma be fired. And that's what happened. Now there's all sorts of lies that have been told about that false testimony. People have lied, Many people have lied under oath to Congress about that. They've lied to journalists, you know, media outfits have lied. They said that this well Europeans wanted it. They never did. So I've gone into forensic detail about that in my book, and I think that is a really crucial part of finding that what Joe Biden did was well, it was impeachable.

And so I have to run the miranda. But if people do want to do a deeper dive, I really recommend the big guy how a president and his son sold out America, because you go onto all of this in great specificity. Now the question is whether or not our Congress will do their job, which is oversight, and we'll be watching that in the days weeks to come. But we appreciate you being with us. This is a big development. I think today thank you. All right, eight hundred and ninety four one shown is our number if you want to be a part of the program. So before we came on the air today, we're all kind of like watching a cabinet meeting or President Trump, and the President was going around the room and everybody was given the updates about what was going on in their departments, and I'm watching and watching and watch. I couldn't stop watching. It kind of slowed down my preparation for the day, and it was just that impressive. The group of people, maybe one or two people I thought were a little dull, maybe one or two. The rest of them I thought were pretty good. And I just there's so much news that is happening so quickly. We thought we put some of the better moments together for you to kind of bring you up to speed on what every department is now doing and the level of work that they are performing at. So let's go to the cabinet meeting from earlier this afternoon.

Had a very very good cabinet meeting. We're on our way to some tremendous numbers. I think, first of all, many companies are now moving into the United States and coming back some of them left us from many years ago, decades ago, and they're all seems they're all coming back. We have probably identified maybe four trillion dollars worth of companies moving back or going to move back, and many of them have announced it's going to be tremendous jobs, high paying jobs too. And you probably know the chip business and not because of the Chips Act, which was a disaster. You gave billions of dollars to companies that already have many billions of dollars that just they said, thank you very much. It was no incentive for them to use it. But what is good is the tariffs will make it so that they want to come back. That's why they're coming back. I think they're coming back because of the election that took place in November fifth, and because of the fact that they have to come back because the tariffs are forcing them to come back. And remember there are no tariffs if you build here, and that's a big factor. So we have record numbers. How it was just telling me the numbers that we're talking about are crazy, beyond anybody's wildest expectation. So they'll be doing a lot of building up all sorts of businesses, including the basics of automobile. We have, as you know, Indiana's Honda's coming in with a massive plant to Indiana. But there are many plants that are happening, and literally summer started already. General Motors is already redoing plants that were half abandoned or they have plants.

That weren't being fully utilized.

They're going to be they and others. They're going to be making parts and other things in those plants so that it's one stop shopping.

Finally, it's ridiculous.

You had to go to Mexico, you had to go to Canada.

A car went all over the place.

It was like, I don't know how that would have worked, but that's the way it sort of ended up. We had a deal, and we have a deal. It's fine, but people took advantage of the deal. They cheated, and when you cheat, the deals are unfortunate. But now what's happening is the numbers are beyond our wildest expectations.

As president, there was a Federal Consulting Group, which was a group inside of it Tier, but it was managing contracts from many different agencies that flowed through here. One of those contracts was for to do surveys of individuals eight hundred and thirty million dollars for surveys, and so part of the question was, hey, could we actually see the surveys, And then the surveys came back and it was a survey was like eight and a half by eleven sheet of paper with ten questions that anyone's you know, child in junior high could have put together or AI could have done for free eight hundred and thirty million dollars.

So that's one one that we've stopped.

And that contract was going out after you were inaugurated, sir, So it was jumping.

Yeah, fraud, Yeah, it's a fraud. Let me just add to that and thank you.

We just had a wonderful cabinet meeting, all aligned on on certainly the effort.

To re align the government.

But even at the US Department of Agriculture, we've canceled three hundred thousand dollars contract educating on food justice for queer and transgender farmers in San Francisco. A similar contract we can in New York again educating transgender and queer farmers on food justice and food equality. I'm not even sure what that means, but apparently the last administration wanted to put our taxpayer dollars towards that.

We canceled a six.

Hundred thousand dollars contract in out of Louisiana that was studying the menstrual cycles of transgender men, a six hundred thousand dollars contract. We canceled another contract out of a university in the middle of the country that focused on getting more diversity, equity, and inclusion into our pest management industry. Again, these are nonsensical. It makes zero sense to use taxpayer dollars to fund these.

I know.

These are just a few examples of the hundreds in the countries that we have found.

The area is now canceled over twenty two billion dollars worth of contracts. Two billion dollars going to this NGO that Stacy Abrams was tied to. They received only one hundred dollars in twenty twenty three, and then the Biden administration gave them two billion dollars. The director of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund saw his former employer get five billion dollars.

So twenty billion.

Dollars went to just eight NGOs and they're all pass throughs, and then they were giving it to others.

These many of them were pass throughs, and what you have is all these extra middleman.

They're taking their cut, and the taxpayerents are getting screwed.

They're losing out on all this hard earned money. They can't afford to have the federal government waste.

The partnership with Doge and Elon.

Musk has been incredible EPA. Their team is very talented. We wouldn't have been able to do it without them.

And of course this mandate from President Trump to make sure that we identify every last penny, whether we're saving fifty thousand dollars, five million dollars, or twenty two billion dollars, we will not rest until every last.

Penny is saved.

I want to say energy is the infrastructure that makes our country run and drives our national security. That Biden administration grew my department a Department of Energy by twenty and expenditure much more than that, all in an effort to reduce the production of energy in the United States and to make energy more expensive.

We are stewards of the American taxpayer dollars. Right, That's the job of everyone around this table, led by you.

We want to reverse that trajectory and care about every dollar an American taxpayer gives us and are we using it for the benefit of Americans.

Let me tell you one thing, huge growth in expenditures, huge growth in employee count.

Puerto Rico, in American territory, had its electricity grid destroyed. They had billions of dollars in the Department of Energy to help Puerto Rico.

Yet they didn't spend that money because that.

Money would have meant more energy, more jobs, more prosperity in Puerto Rico.

We're treating the American dollars like their hour dollars. What is so exciting is April second is just around the.

Corner, and that's American Liberation Day. That's the day when the rest of the world starts to treat America with respect, and you're leadership understanding how the rest of the world treats us and what balance and what fair trade finally is going to be.

First of all, I think the American people should be proud that we have a president that's promoting peace and the end of conflict on this planet. This is a war that's gone on for three years. As you pointed out that, as you've rightly pointed out would have never happened had you been president, But now it's here and it needs to be brought to an end. There is no military solution to this war. It has to end through negotiation. And there's only one leader in the world that's capable of bringing the two sides to a table, and that's our president, the President of the United States, President Trump, and that's what he's done. And so today, even as we speak, we have teams on the ground in Saudi Arabia, a meeting with the respective sides and the hopes of making progress towards this outcome that we all want to see. And I think that the country owes you great det a gratitude, and the world really because I mean, you're the only leader in the planet that can bring the two sides together to bring an end to this conflict. And that's what you've done on it, despite you know, impediments from other countries and others who maybe have different opinions about how this should go. But ultimately, I think that the only chance we have for peace is through the President's leadership, and you've shown that and we hope it'll bear fruit. And today I'll hopefully be one step more in that direction.

Ill you think about what happened with the Abraham Accords, one of the great diplomatic breakthroughs under the first Trump administration really in the last thirty or forty years of American history in the Middle East, and the Biden administration did absolutely nothing with it, built on it, not at all, added zero additional countries purely out of political spite. The Biden administration, I think hurt the United States and really hurt the project of world peace. That has changed, luckily, about two months ago we got a new president and that president has given us the task of building out the Abraham Accords, adding new countries to it. And really what you see is a lot of these countries that have historical ethnic or religious hatreds want to build. They want to build new artificial intelligence, they want to build new real estate projects. They want their citizens to become rich, prosperous, and peaceful, and they're setting to the side some of those old hatreds under the leadership of President Trump. So it's early, but we made a lot of progress and we'll keep on making a progressor I think.

The first thing that's really remarkable to note is that the prices of eggs under the four years of Joe Biden increased two hundred and thirty seven percent two hundred and thirty seven percent in those four years, and yet it wasn't covered in the press at all. No one talked about the price of eggs in the summer of last year, for example, from the media. So, of course, the president wins and he is inaugurated, and the next day everyone is yelping about why the price of.

Eggs are so high.

So so it was certainly one of many many issues we took on. Under the four years of Joe Biden. We had the cost of input go up.

Thirty percent for all of our agriculture products.

At the same time, the trade deficit increased forty nine billion dollars, so it was zero under the first Trump administration, and then under Joe Biden, we sold forty nine billion dollars less of our egg products around the world. Well, then you combine that with the av and bird flu and I know I've talked to a lot of you in the press on this over the last three or four weeks, but.

Listen, here's the deal.

The President, under his vision and support, we released about a month ago, a very significant plan on how to bring the price of eggs down. It included five prongs. I won't go into it now because I don't want to bore everyone. But since that day, since we released that plan regarding biosecurity, repopulation, importing eggs research, and then deregulating, taking those onerous rules off of our farmers are egg laying farmers. Since that time, the price of eggs, the wholesale price of eggs has come down fifty three percent.

We are under your direction. We're reprivatizing the economy. We're bringing down government spending. We're bringing down excess employment in the government sector. On the other side, we're going to re leverage the banking system. We're going to have all the new manufacturing jobs, so everyone who's laid off from the government we'll have an opportunity to go into the private sector. Is going to lead to disinflation. We're going to inflation is under control. We're going to get the affordability crisis fixed, so lower energy, deregulation, more private sector jobs. That will naturally get interest rates down. Interest rates down, mortgage rates are down almost every week since January twentieth. The energy costs are down about fifteen percent, Crude oils down about fifteen percent, and as we keep that going, interest rates are going to keep declining. It'll be good for mortgages, it'll be good for credit card debt, it'll be great for auto loans.

Is not necessarily a very popular thing to do.

You know, you're talking about employment, you're talking about people and.

The lives of people.

And yet I think the American public understands where trying to save our country and make our country great again. I mean, you could say it, but we're trying to save our country from this extraordinary thing that was happening. They were doing to our country was just a horrible thing. And I have no idea how it plays out in the public.

I have.

I guess you see poll numbers that are very good numbers, but I don't know what that means long term. But it's something that has to be done. If we don't do it, we're not going to have much of a country left.

So we have to do it.

So we're doing things that I think a lot of presidents wouldn't be inclined to do, but we're doing it to really, you know, I don't want to use cliche. I don't want to say we're doing it to make America great again, because I say that on the campaign trail, but there's really no other words that can express it better than that. It's we're doing it to help our country.

So that was the President with his cabinet earlier today. I guess it took place around one o'clock this afternoon Eastern time. It was just pretty phenomenal, it really, I think it was worth playing. That's going to wrap things up for today. We are loaded up tonight nine eastern on the Fox News Channel. We'll check in with the Attorney General Pam BONDI will join us tonight. We'll get the Hannity White House Briefing with Caroline Levitt. We've got great economic news how the liberals use leftist activist judges to try and thwart and stop the Trump agenda. Greg Jarrett, John Solomon Tonight, also Ryne's previous and Ari Fleischer. Anyway, nine Eastern Hannity on the Fox News Channel, say a DVR, We'll see you tonight. Back here tomorrow. Don't forget Hannity dot Com. Go to Tesla. Word of the day is liberty to register for today's chance. We'll see you tonight back here tomorrow

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