Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning.
Imagine if you will, that you are in a place of great beauty.
Some teenage boys.
Walk past you, they yell out, they bitch tits. The world you see is a place of paradox of beauty and cruelty. It will cut you off at the knees then gift.
You a pair of easies. And that, my friends, is.
Why you always always need a buck up.
I bet about it, bat bite it, bat it, bye bye about bye.
I imagine I wonder if you find out your dancing has like which power? And every time you do this at the side of the buck up, you cause like a tsunami somewhere.
Or something with your power.
So rain dance, do you know what a mud slide into Paul because of you?
Anything good happen because of my dancing? Or only terri terrible catastrophes of nature?
Sorry sorry, and mean some sunshine?
What if? Yes?
Sorry sunshine.
They've had nothing but rain, and in fact so much sunshine that the Amazonian rain forest dry up shrivel at the rate of one football field a day.
To get the cooker, are you ready? Why I want to kick off with a cooker?
Oh my good?
Kateline Brook, Nate Valvo.
Hello, I have.
And never will believe that stut about the football size chunk of the rain amzon going every day.
That's why I just said.
It says who, I don't believe it?
And also how many docos have we seen about the paper of the Amazonian rainforests. I've never once seen any of them playing ball? How would they even know how to measure it? Overwarming is a hoax? Welcome to the buck up, my goodness. Imagine Wait, does that mean I've been red pilled? Or blue pills? Or black pilled or white pilled? Which one?
Is it?
So many pills? As you know, I do know. I love to take the pill, but I never know what I am as because you take so you take the truth. I think if you've been red pilled, you see things clearly, and it's about the matrix. Yeah, but you take so many pills just like color. They all got a mustard pill. I've been mustard pilled. That's my ashual thunder ash.
Oh okay, that's like the natural remedy one I got.
Excuse me, thank.
You, highly esteem producer Sasha Free.
What happened to that?
Do you know what?
That was? Passive aggressive, which we got to introduce it, so she had to be bad at her job, so that.
All would I've never been bad at her job.
No, even then she was deliberately doing that.
How did that?
You never actually gave us an update, Kayla Ainebrook on the mud that you imported on the internet that you drank to make yourself feel better.
You just take a little pebble and put it under your tongue. But I've had to stop taking it because it tastes like tar. It's literally like licking a bitchuman road.
Wow, who had thought?
And I had to go back and look at the reviews again. Also, yeah, legit, Hi, legit? And have you taken it some couple of times? It's too hard? Isn't it not nice? Do you think we could put it in a capture one of those veggie caps and then just swallow it and get the benefits or do you think it's got to be dissolved in the mouth. I think that's part of it.
Lynn used to do to me when I was young. I couldn't swallow tablets.
I'll love them in chocolates.
Heere it a lot better.
At swallowing now as an adult years some bitter pills, tea spooner bloody honey with a crushed up drug on top of it. Was my childhood, just a spoonful of medicine go down the shill.
The benefits of well, I don't know. I haven't been able to enjoy them. What was it, Sash? I think it's a well being enhance. It's always energy, It's always energy. But what was it? I can't remember. Ancient Himalayan rocks compressed so much they've kind of melted. But even to get it out of the jar, it's a really hard It's yeah, it's the road where the rubber meets the anyway, So that's one in the to be, you know, got out of the cupboard in times when I'm racking my brain, when I'm really at a low ebb. Now I'm back on the activated charcoal. Okay, I'm traveling really well. Why do you do? That's a activated charcoal?
Yeah, to get the cooker?
Why would it? Okay, so riddle me this someone who's married to a fiantest. Okay, if they take all this right, If they take you to hospital and you have alcoholic poisoning, what do they give you? They pump your stomach and they give you activated charcoal. They give you charcoal that up, do they Yeah, they give you chalk. Not know this. Yeah, they give you charcoal because it's a purifying thing. So take that back, take that cooker.
Bat sucking back the cook I'm sucking the gas bark.
When they play lyrics backwards, ball is dead, Ball is dead. If they play is that they're always saying. They're always saying it's a Beatles. There's a Beatles song that they did it on Beyonce and she's like, you know they was like, I don't know.
I fell for one of these ones.
I'm so embarrassed backwards.
I was sort of in that in that zone.
I read once that if you press play exactly the same time to Wizard of Oz and the Pink Floyd album, people can Pink Floyd album, the one with the time and the color of the light going through the what's so.
Called brick in the wall. Non's the only one I know, and I don't even know any Pink fl Moon Man the Moon.
People can google Dark Sided the Moon. So I fell for it once because I read on something that if you press play on that album a the exact same time as a Wizard of Oz movie. It links up perfectly to what like what's happening on screen matches the song or the sound. It's like a soundtrack to it. I think I did it wrong because it didn't work or I fell for So you were.
You watching like a movie on a DVD.
No, it wasn't that long ago. A couple years ago. I was on streaming. Was it all? You just clicked press and pressed player on the.
Yeah, right, and then what did you get? Just confusion fusion and I got a headache. The fat control is worst worst night me.
So I don't think that's true. I think I fell for that. That's some sort of weird thing going.
My girlfriend Alis and I did when we went to Vietnam, and it was so delightful. On the plane we watched the same movie. We were sitting side by side, and we pressed play at the same time, and so we were watching. One of us was a second or two. We couldn't get it exactly, but it was so fun a movie I can't remember. It was so hard to sync it up.
I th on the plane landed Lockdown, Remember Lockdown? I want to talk about that.
No one wants to talk about that.
I would just say they introduced that like party feature where you and your friends could watch a movie at the same time. I know about that by like pressing play on this party and you didn't even have to be in the same house.
Remember that. No, it was a house party app. No, it's just on it.
Oh yeah, we had a house party. We've got a house party app. But that was just chat, wasn't it. Anyway? I never want, you know what, until the people that orchestrated the lockdowns go to jail, I never want to hear about it. And you know what, that is never going to happen.
I had three cookers to kick this app off, but you've come in strong there.
And they come in strong because you know what, I've realized I've still got a burnie out I feel about it. I need a buck up.
I've got to say something about it. Move on the joy what.
It's true and you know it happiness because I'm very tired and dusty because Peter and I went to a party on the weekend. I love that bar and bay.
Oh and by the way, you don't think I'm going to forget you sending me a pick of you in the car eating eating a mango.
I was car eating a mango car ride from hell, and you know what I had due stripping down my elbows into the budget render car. Good luck WI only fruit flies in the car. I wasn't. I was a polite eater.
Was that mango from the side of.
The road, Yes it was, it was, but it was from a servo.
You can get mangoes in y that self.
Fruit were in Barren. We're in Barron, anyway. So these friends of ours were having this big, big party, right which he does. Now it's become an annual thing and it's like, no, it's festival. And it's ostensibly to raise money for a girl he's known since childhood who rescues animals in Morocco. And I have to say that.
That sounds like I'm going to just put a flag in your store.
Okay, you know what I'm even my tone, you can you can tell I'm old. No ostensibly anyway, And what it is is like four hundred people on and he's got this beautiful property and he puts up a marquee and there's a beautiful lunch and it's and then it's absolute Matt. The presets played Sorry the preset.
Takes me my pay, look like my paper.
Any barkheads listening around, any buckheads listening around my age?
God, the presepts were pre staple of our pinon life in our twenties.
Great, yea, so great, and I met so many buckwets. Really yeah, So first of all we went we Iron Bay. Buckheads well on our way, on our way, So Byron Bay is not the natural home of the buckwets.
I wouldn't think so. I have thought the cooker segment would take off in Byron Bay, you.
Would think so. But it's well, I don't know if we had are I don't even say what the podcast would be called, but if it was something about wankers that it would be a more baring. They're gorgeous, but they're very They're very much type. Anyway, So driving down to so we flew into cool and Gada. The plane was two hours late. We had to change planes. Anyway. By the time we got there, I said to pet Up, I really want some fish and chips. Yeah grummed, of course, so I said tea. So we were going through tweed here no grilled.
On this podcast, no grill. You have no fish grilled here.
So we stopped at there were I googled best fish and chips. There's three places at Call and Gada or Tweed Tent, Twin towns, you know, the twin towns. And then as we were walking to this one called Scales, which is on the river, there this girl there's the most stunning cafe next door, so stunning that I'm really annoyed at myself that we didn't go there, but because we were in tend on fish.
And chips, fish on the brain in Riverland.
It's called so let's do a shout out to our buck knuckles to support the buck knuckles wherever we got.
Around their businesses.
I think her name was em. She came out, she said, can I get a photo with you? I should got a photo with her. I wasn't thinking clearly you were hungry. It was so hungry, fist three hours late. We had to wait for the ren to get a chippy. You needed it on your brains. Stunning. So she came out, she said, I'm a buck whit your door. And then I think it was it's called Riverland. So beautiful plants out the front, really gorgeous cush stunning pillows. I think nice umbrellas beautiful. I'm completely ignoring, Yeah, completely ignoring anyway. And then at the airport on Monday night, waiting at the luggage claim, this guy came up to me, and anyone who wasn't familiar with this podcast would have just thought it was a conversation between insane people. He goes, she had drilled fish last night, pointing to who his wife who came up Rather, it was so good. She was Kim and he was a Roberto.
Kim and Roberto. We started a fish grilling shaming movement.
Which actually have, We actually have. And I just spoke to the two menches before and one of they said, what's wrong with grilled fish? I said, if you have to ask, you'll never know how people can have it? Like story silent over there in every language, probably chock full of grilled flake, also repulsive. It's actually shark. It's not fish. You know, if they catch a fresh sh it's not cocker, it's fishert So once a fisherman gave us some fresh flake. He was fileting it on the beach. You know how they do that, They set up their little table.
I just want to flag something, help you say things in your life that are so unique to you.
A fisherman on the beach once gave us some fish. Whoever meets fishermen walking.
You always chat to fishermen and go, oh, then any bites. So he gave us a flake fillert and we know what he said to us. You have to put it in the freezer for twenty four hours. You can't eat it straight away, not like fresh fish. He said, it's too full of nitrogen. And as we gave it and we were walking back to our house, go up. No, it was pulsing in Peter's hands. It was robbing this fillt. Yeah, it really was totally anyway, So I'm just saying, I find shark a bit weirz.
How does this guy have sho him?
He caught it? Wow, Yeah, he'd obviously had such a good catch. They were little gummy sharks. Anyway, it was delicious. We did put it in the freezer and then the next day I grilled it. Anyway, she'll fine your body your choices. Really doesn't feel like that. I just you know, you're a very wholesome girl. And I have to say you're in top nick because I have grilled fish. Yeah, I know that's why. And this, whereas I am full of bad.
We are nothing but crumbs.
Over are crumbs anyway. So we met buck ups, buckwhets.
Bluckheads, buck knuckles, and then.
We went to our party, and we decided to stay as close to the party as we could, which was on the outskirts of Byron, and so we.
Sat cold on those outskirts.
It wasn't too bad, not for us, okay. So like we swam in the ocean both days.
And all your layers that you've often got on gave you.
Is that matter fact? White layers?
He would have had a top overalls jacket when.
You had normal people's clothes. I did have a scarf perhaps. Anyway, so we booked. This was so thrilling. At the caravan park they had a Safari tint so far last one left. We had to book it, had to book it.
What was in there?
Okay? It sounded I had visions of was it Meryll's streep in that movie Out of Africa. I've never seen the movie. But the fashion was hot, wasn't it? Huh? Stunning? A bit like Sasha skirt she's wearing today, like a you know, she was just dressed for shooting elephants in the Savannah.
I thought you were going to reference the Meryl Street movie where it was the Dinger got my baby one.
What was that called?
Oh No, no one wants to stay in that tent zero chamber.
That's what I thought.
No one wants sustain some sweety nylon tent where baby gets pinched.
That's why you imagine it.
I didn't. He's got my bike. Imagine me saying to the seventh day Adventus nylon tea.
You understand why I thought it was a weird theme. That's where the road.
I thought you were going to the Fari tent.
Yeah, didn't go into the Safari, Are they?
I don't think so. I don't think so. Anyway, Safari you know like Khaki, Yeah, Khaki, proper Khaki. Anyway, it was more homewares are like k.
Mart got it.
It was more a march. It was more a Mark than Safari. But it was still great, sure, and it was very fancy like it had air con and a thing and a barroom. Anyway, even I could do this version, could do it. You tried to, could do it anyway. And so it turned out the bus was picking us up just there. So then when We went to the party bus on the Saturday to get picked up. Suddenly, out of nowhere came these dingos. The people, beautiful, amazing party people just came drifting out of the bushes.
Fire and baby baby.
And then we got on the bus and we went to the park. We picked up more mounts and then we went to the party and it was no phone party.
How did you spot each other?
It was a diddy party.
Baby oil, dingos, no phones.
The motto of this party. What twelve hundred bottles of baby oil? Not enough? Anyway, we had the greatest, greatest time.
Sorry, where did you put your phone? Because now I've got anxiety.
You had to check it in when you arrived. Two things. We had to sign a waiver and I make Brad whose party it was? And then a waiver. Yeah, you had to sign a waver saying what like you can't read like most people have signed into or whatever. I'm over.
My dream is to be invited to a party where I have to sign.
An AAA way back and then no phone? What a thrill? So it was absolute glorious madness, madness and brilliant, brilliant.
Well you can't tell us too much.
Not a contract where you signed that? Yeah, great content anywhere. Anyway, So that night and then they had buses picking people up at the end after the presets, who were a surprise, and I walked into the room where Julian from the Presets was there by ruining my own surprise.
But I mean going to the Precepts in a few weeks, of course, I am. They're playing at the Botonic Gardens.
I can't wait. They were, They're incredible, incredible.
Anyway, so we get on the bus to go and normally I'm like, I'm not happy about being held hostage.
Who is that makes you not unique?
Gap? But you know what I mean. I don't like to I don't like to get on a bus and go to a tour. I don't I don't like to not have access to my own mode of escape.
I get it.
But no one was driving, no one could drive, and also obviously we couldn't drive.
Sort of bus was this. No one was drive.
They were full on courages. So they seen three of them and they drive up this really long driveway to this beautiful and then they came at the end to pick us up. Anyway, so by this stage we've enjoyed very much. Everything is to enjoy, correct. So we're very we're very awake and yet at the same time sleepy. So when we get home and of course you know, Peter's very amorous and we're walking. We did we were very responsible. We drive, we're driven up to the bus stop and we left the car there and we're like, we'll pick it up in the morning. Sure, And there it was like drive me, drive me home. You don't have to trudge down this dark road back to your safari tent. But we didn't listen to what we said car you know what he can't And.
So, okay, I'm going to tell what really happened, said had.
Pizzaidk Okay, So we did. We walked home and it was a la la and then paid us amorous and you know, trying to throw me into abortion. You know, it did those normal things when you're walking home. Anyway, maybe he was just veering off the off the sidewalk, who knows. And then we got home and I went fossicking through my I had a little bag. It had everything in it. What we lost, the key to our dad. I had the car key in there from where we're driven it that morning to get to the bus. I had everything there, and of course you know what, I had his sunglasses, his wallet. I hadn't his phone that had been returned to us at the end, which we nearly forgot when we got on the bar.
You know what this is, Kate, This is what we spoke about a couple of weeks ago. Men need a second bag.
I need a second bag because my bag, I've used it a lot, is perfect for me to carry Asy his sunglasses and Mike. It was too much because it's a little bag, unlike what I normally have.
Really well, when you go into the studio, it's like that scene from Mary Poppins, but she starts bringing out.
Like and she told me you have you have just a spoonful of She'll go make some medicine go down. So we were locked out and suddenly us had been like as high as kites and so good and happy, filled with love. Babe, your spirits yet joint and came back to earth with a thud and realized we were in a caravan park outside at tent and we were locked out, that it was just so terrible, And then we just.
I'd pay to watch the footage. I pay, I would pay money.
Oh my god. So we tipped my bag out and then we're fossing through the things we found, and then he went, I'm going to walk back to the car. We must have left it in the car. Then the car was along. I'm like, oh, well, I've got to go to the Yeah, but give up and.
Do wal on the ground.
Yes, the dirt terrible anyway, So he I go off to the toilet because of course I've got to do away at first sign of an emergency, you have to. But of course the toilet had a code on it, and we didn't. We didn't have the code because we're safari te people. We've got to run toilet and there are a toilet car. They're like, you never need to use this humble people's toilet.
What happened for them?
To Watry have a meeting and go, well, we need a code for this toilet.
Okay, what do you think happened at a caravan?
I don't like it anyway. So I came at it and it's all very dark, of course, and I and suddenly this guy jumps out and pushes at me. It's Peter Alan Lewis holding a key. I see where was it you? Couldn't have got up to the car and back in that time. He went, No, I went and woke up the lady. He woke up the caravan park lady, isn't it. Yeah, she didn't mind, he said. She was really nice.
About how to do that?
Like going and rang an emergency number. There was a sign foolish that they had left a sign on the door. I've never been happier to get inside a tent. We just opened and it was like, heaven, absolutely.
This lady, come on, people ringing her bell during the night.
She was absolutely beautiful. And then I met her the next time.
We love her.
And then you want to know the best thing, because I was like everyone, if they've lost their car ke, it's three hundred bucks?
Is it?
Well? United with those clickers, it's expensive to get a car ke replaced. Goes so much to get a tent. Ky, oh my god, Like where is this going? We were, like Peter said, I should have thrown the market.
A lot of buckheads sent us this.
What is that?
Because this is the newest shadow labor taking over supermarkets.
All over the country.
What is it?
I laughed so much when I watched this because it just gets more and more confusing.
But here's the new Shadow Labor.
Astralia, the brand new Willie Cannon Go first Scanner portal with your everyday Rewards membership. After a few seconds, the tablet will be unlocked for you to use. It will relock once stopped into your trolley. Now it's ready for you to scan away. Once you scan, the IDOL will register. The best thing about this is weighing fruits and veggies the weging machine. Willer my way and pull your scanner from the tablet, then scan the barclot and done that bed I feel will simplify your shopping experience. Now, once you're done, click checkout. It will inform you to finalize it the self swift checkout, then scan, finalize and pay easy. The tablet will then ask you to return to the station. What do you think would you try?
No? No, no, mate, that's easy.
You just used the word easy. He is the word portal.
As soon as I hear portal, I'm out. I'm ducking easy.
Tablet portal barcode but scan scan So they're trolleys.
It's got to think I don't ever want to know what it is. Smart smart trolleys.
They're trying to do it always, So many buckheads have sent us this video.
It's who's is it worse?
It's Wools.
They've gone mad crazy, they've actually gone mad their minds. And you try to go in now, and you know they've got the gates and all those cameras everywhere. It's really weird. What do they want? And even as they've redesigned it inside so it looks like a market, Oh the things. You know, they've got crates with things displayed in it. So you're trying to be more wholesome and accessible.
Have they done that at JB? But they've got grace.
Be very nerdy here Jbhif I do that, they make it look like it's all trashy and cheap.
So in I think at Woolworths they're making it look like it's a market experience. So you go there and these like the mangoes laid out in the thing with the little bits of straw around it, but other things, too many cameras and too much.
The big man's watching.
Oh my modernist, let's clap that out, not clap out your pooral.
Weighing my fruit as I go. No, No, it happened later if it has to happen at all, you.
Know what, it's not happening. It's not happening. Do you know what I always am And I always say this to the children as well. We never use the self served check at you're putting someone out of a job, job, Yeah, I use it all you who you're putting out? Do you know who you're putting out of a job? Now? Yourself scanning?
Giving myself the work?
Oh my goodness.
The particular supermarket I go to has a lot of elderly people, Kate or the elderly?
Yeah? Is it elderly?
So what is for?
Aldi? Loves old people?
The line to check out is really long, so the shortcut is actually to do self So no, no.
No, So what you're actually describing? No, far be it for me to point out that you're wrong about something. But what when you say it's full of elderly people, so the line's really long? What you're talking about is that they haven't opened enough checkouts?
Oh, when she's right, she's right, folks.
So you know what you can do in the stupa market? And this is it. They're turning us all into Karen's. And I don't like it. I don't like it, but you have to do it, you say, but you don't have to do it in Karen le manner, you say, excuse me, can you open another checkout please? This queue is too long. They open one as soon as you're if you can find the one employee who's busy returning tropics.
I feel that you said it was difficult at airports. I would like to retort this by saying, I think you'd be difficult at the supermarket.
Yeah, we've kind of got different energies going at different places. So I think our friendship works because I've got it when we're at the airport, and you've got it when we're at the supermarket.
You're in charge, right.
I do know supermarkets quite well. It's really good about but I'm stuck on the word difficult.
They need they need to bring back supermarket sweep.
I was thinking about that the other Steppers show that has ever all right, hang on, sisted, slow down, Okay, we need to get people up to speed about what that was. Some people are like, what supermarket sweep? Now we have to clean the floors as well. No, Ian Turpy, I don't care who it was. Oh, okay, but is he still with us?
I don't think so.
Has he gone his urn? All? Right, then we should give him the turs clean up and old Maybe he's still with us, clean up an old turf. Anyway, it was, let's not worry.
About who has I remember specific games. One of the best games ever on Supermarket Sweep, which I would do anything to play, is when they said the item, and then you had to run and go find that item and bring it back quicker than someone else cut to get there.
I don't remember. All I remember was shovel people shoveling the staff into the That was the final game, and you couldn't put more than three items or five items. And I was always like, get the instant caffe, get the big cafe, get that children's nae, children's.
I had like thirty seconds to get the most expensive trolley they could, Yes.
And they won.
It was so good.
And then the other ground was the most boring round was gas the price.
I never loved that.
No, that's always that was also prices right with the little guy you're no my name very yeah, I'm like a bank in Switzerland two percent interest in that game. But however, supermarkets, wait, please, why did you think of that.
We're talking about supermarkets because of the shadow labor.
When they would send you to get the item, would it be like obscure?
I'm assuming I haven't seen a full up in a long time.
Well you said you remember that game.
Yeah, but I can't like specifics. Oh my god.
I just want to know what's in cakes back. I just want to know what sort of I'm mentally challenging myself to know if I would know where to get it. Yeah, okay, okay, here we go. Ready, all right? Baby oil, baby oil in the toilet trees aisle. It would be near cotton buds, it would be near hydrogen peroxide, food grade hydrogen.
You know, it gets me every time supermarket.
Baby food and nappies are reckon. It'd be in the baby section, baby sex, and I think she's got me.
Also, people use it as a cosmetic and and in fact, you know, if your baby drinks baby oil, they die. So you shouldn't use baby oil on a baby. You should use.
I ever did go to rubbing their baby olive oil?
Whose house did that happened? Because, of course, if a baby eats on oil, it grows thick, lustrous Italian hair. If it drinks baby oil, it dies misnamed Kate, Yes, Nate Valvox, Are you common?
Do you reckon? You have common behavior?
It's like that pulp song I want to be Oh didn't they play that in that brilliant show where he drinks the bath water?
I don't know that show?
You totally do Jacober Lordie. I love him? Oh sorry they play that? Yeah? Didn't they play common people in that that pop song? Anyway?
So anyone who knows William Hanson the etiquette expert eye so people will google him now.
William Hansen, he always pops up on a lot of UK.
He's like a camp middle aged man that lectures English people on how on how to.
He'd be busy, poor Nation.
I don't know. You don't know him, give me a look.
He's a cross between Kelsey Grammar and Joel Crazy.
Okay, there we go, Yeah, but equals etiquette expert, just good manners. So he's released a long list of things that if you do these, Kate, you're common common?
Oh I love it. I believe I'm probably.
There were so many and we're just gonna choose a few. This judgmental Men sixteen that's too many.
Sixteen things common.
Yeah, there were so many. I was like, this is just a few.
They like manners or things away through some sad see of the highlights.
All right, okay, first one was weird to me tie clips for the gentleman listening.
What those things the things you pinch you tie to keep it together? A common?
Apparently it's common? Do you know the William Henson?
Okay, so you know the English have got this real thing about you know that the real aristocracy. You know how they're always boffing each other, and they've always got names like bunty and booboo and this is my son, you know, clackers. You know, they've always got those nicknames. Wigan well American, No, I don't know, well no, no, I love the idea of a republic, but I just don't know who replaced with a politician. But they have this thing about fashion where it shows how aristocratic you are to have like a Harris tweed jacket that's actually tread bear, to have holes in your shoes because they're handmade shoes by some bespoke what's a shoemaker called cobbler cobbler blah cobpla our cobber anyway, so that would no doubt that's a thing. You can't have a tire clip.
This one surprised me.
Liquid soap if you.
Are common.
Same with those plug in air fresheners, I must say when papers plug in air freshens If you say they advertise them all the time, do you.
Reckon you have people in your life that have them?
If they have cats, people that have cats, get them. And have you ever been sitting in a room in here and it's.
A plas giving at and then you just foret them, whether you're alive it or not. It's very it's got very toilety vibe. And also it never smells like the things they say. It smells like it's.
Like car of freshness that you're hanging from your mirror. They never smell like the thing they're supposed to smell.
Do you know what? At the at the kids' school, this is one of the cruelties of life is that at primary school they always do a Mother's Day stall and they do a Father's Day stall. And the Mother's Day stall is run by mother's and the Father's Day stall run by mothers. And there's always one mum at the school who does orders stuff, you know, little trinkets and whatever, gorgeous for the kid's budget. It's nomally five bucks or anyway. One year, Yanni got me a little cut glass pineapple leaves only in prep and he got me a little cut glass pineapple and he got given a gift with purchase by the mum who is running the stall, and he gave it to me. I don't know where this lady got them. They must have just been left over at some I don't know, the reject store or whatever. It had. It was an air freshen to hang in your car. It was it had a monkey's face on it and it said to smash the patriarchy on it, and Yarni gave it to me. I drove around smashed the patriarchy on mother's stuff. I don't know anything about any of it, but it's just one of my favorite things that he ever gave me.
God buy that for you three eating on the street. Oh yeah, anytime.
Yeah, totally vulgar. I'm with him on that.
This made me laugh at Italians don't do it.
The quote for that is it signifies poor time management and personal standards.
I agree. It's terrible and Does.
That include restaurants on the street, doesn't I? Oh god, ice cream.
Having an ice cream after dinner.
I don want to look at a couple licking ice creams together. Did you watch My Skin Crawls for your home? Nobody wants this, but I've.
Watched a couple of episodes about the Hot Rabbi.
I hear the hot Rabbi and the chiser they eat ice cream. That's when he has the famous kiss with her. They put the ice cream down on the ground.
Oh okay, I'm not up to that.
Spoiler. Are you common while you are?
According to William Hanson, if you have a mounted television, if you've screwed the TV to the.
Wall, you are a commoner.
However, if you've screwed your courage to the sticking place in Henry the Eighth, you're right up there, alley.
Well, they've had a few more that I enjoyed. Personalized number plates. I mean, I think that's better.
Hang on, says hr H.
Does it well the Royals?
You can't tell me the Royals don't have just got normal? Well?
I did think this, one says personal number plates.
You google what the Royal family's plates are.
Personalized number plates.
But you had a personalized car, yourself spray painted on your car.
I think I know what old William would think of that. That's his name, William, William Hanson, William Hans. Don't disrespect an etiquette expert. No, that is that common? And what else?
Applying makeup in public makes you a commoner?
I think so? But in but yes, my father was always you.
You're with him on that one.
Sometimes you need to touch yourself.
Up prosecco instead of champagne in Italy.
That's so funny you mentioned.
That that's his exclusion exclusion if you in Italy or an Italian based party.
Literally not you are.
A common Well, that's because it's cheaper smashing a PROSSI now you want smashing a proee. Okay, So most of them are not financially aligned, which is a good one. Is financially what it's got to be French champagne.
It's a class warfare.
That's class wolf. But the others are just so strange.
Final two hot tubs, Sorry, commoner, get out?
What do they have?
Hot tubs?
But what did they jump in?
I don't know, not hot tubs? Get out?
Your fingers are crinkly and you're a common I do hot times and the last one is so weird, but doing drum roll because according to William Hanson, you are a commoner if you enjoy salted caramel.
I you know why, you know, because it's very nouveau. It's very new. There wasn't salted caramel, I don't think, but late before, like fifteen years.
Go, twenty years ago now every word, so they just don't.
Yeah, ubeda, they like, they like, they like traditional caramel.
That maybe, well he's not quote unquote avoid in all possible instances. I'll tell you how many times I love him faced with salted caramel, love him.
He'd find me so vulgar. Also, they find us all they find Australian's genuinely.
Let's get William Hanson on the bloody line one day.
Do you think we cool get it speaking on the fair.
We'll get him on our judgment episode that we're going to do with the shaming.
Yeah, etiquette, shame sash. What do they have on their on their license plates, it's hard to see this. The queen had one which was n y t one, which was in reference to something about majesty. Yeah, Okay, there you go. Remember when Philip rip Prince Philip had the car accident turned out into that woman. No, he turned in the traffic. That was m I six that did that. And that's why they can't do it again. As much as they'd like to take care of a little problem a spice that we call nutmeg, they can't. Anyway. That was just for our.
That's getting cut out.
No, it's not wine. Everyone. She died, everyone in Paris, and the car disappeared. They never found the driver. You think that happened. It is the one that I haven't finished. And then you know what she did, and she walked on them. I was going to say, out of all of the conspiracy throws at me, that is the one that I could probably.
Meet your half way on the Princess di one.
So if she was pregnant with Jodie's child, didn't theyate her before the autopsy? And you didn't even bring her body back?
I mean kicking off.
No, we've kicked off. And also that's ancient history. I wonder what he would have thought of her.
We'll ask him wud soap? We'll get think.
I don't like liquid soap. You got sit well, with me.
A comedy, even though it's kind of say something.
It's creep not as creepy as a dried bar of soap.
I was just going to say, the soap, how long has it been sitting here?
That's always got dirty?
Large and to mount and it's like it comes with it a.
Hard park and it's always scum in the soap pans from it.
Male toilets, especially at airports, are around the place. They're getting rid of paper towels. Option is to blow air.
I don't like that either, and also the germs are just all blowing around it. It's horrible to blow hot air.
Give me a paper towel.
Give me don't get to carry to mash. Paper towels really good, I agree, And sometimes sorry sponges if they don't have paper towel.
You at home as well? By the way, oh yeah, I'm.
Going through I reckon. I'm a roll a week? Are you more?
Of course?
Amazon? Rainforest, acre of footy field a day?
Wipe? Really?
Paper towels for days?
Is it?
Love it?
You're like Matt Preston in that ad what he advertised them. I was very the only time I've ever been jealous of him. And you know why, it wasn't even for the job. It was just for the thought of all the paper towy.
We did ask for test from mums, but was just for this week. We're swapping too, something very because you loved Kate.
Love advice from the dead.
Have you got your little when you said that when I brought you yeah, people's advice about living long.
You loved every single.
One of one hundred year olds always they asked them for once.
Thank you, Amber Buckhead. Amber sent us a story that caught my amber.
And also what a magical I have memories trapped in amber, in the amber of my soul.
I would I would go as far as to say, there isn't any ambers that don't enjoy a.
Good night out. And there's a party. It's a party.
Also, I think it's an attractive I mean, like, you know, I agree, go on social fine, Okaymber, what she sent.
Us she was watching the news and they interviewed her.
How old one hundred and ten.
A one hundred ten ten years old?
That is that means that they could have a ninety five year old daughter or son running around. Yeah, our bloody kids.
Still on the boob. They asked this woman her secret to being one hundred and ten.
Here we go special celebration today for Dora Cavison down here at the Morris Zep Retirement Home in Dianella. She has turned one hundred and ten years old. She is Western Australia's oldest person, one of the eldest people in Australia, and she is also now a super centenarian, only gained when you reach the age of one hundred and teens. She's been celebrating with her son today along with her friends. Care is here at your retirement My care is your secret? Los of what? She's not? Of sex? What of sex?
Made the channel of seven years?
My goodness? Loves the D Really you don't know. Maybe she loves the L. She didn't specify. What's the L? You homo? What would the LB? What you think it's?
I get it, now you get it.
She didn't specify did she dinner?
But I think she's got kids and stuff. Maybe she's a late in life.
Was if she's in an old age home. I don't think d's on offer because it's.
All little gone. Yeah twenty years ago.
Yeah, there'd be one man who's very popular.
I have more sex. I have more sex. Everybody live to one hundred and ten.
Love you, We're so much. The Buckup podcast is hosted by me, Kate Langbrook and him Nathan Valvo. It's produced by the brilliant Sasha French Audio and sound by the magnificent Yack Lawrence you might call him Jack. And Dom Evans, Oh We're lucky.