In todays episode of Big Business, we are talking money. Specifically how you should be spending it. Britt is sharing the exclusive information your business needs to succeed. What things SHOULD you be spending money on as a business owner?
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Host: Brittney Saunders.
Senior Producer: Xander Cross
Managing Producer: Elle Beattie
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Hi, I'm Britney Saunders and welcome to Big Business, the place where business is far from boring. And today I'm recording on gadigul Land. Now, I somehow managed to build an empire from the garage underneath my house, and I'm here to share it all with you, from the winds, the mistakes, the challenging times and the funny moments in between. So, whether you're in business yourself, perhaps you're not in the game at all, maybe you're just looking for some inspiration, or you just simply want to hear the tea, this is the podcast for you. Coming up on today's episode of Big Business, I'm going to be chatting with you about the things that I personally believe you should invest your money in when starting up a business.
A little while ago, back last year, at some stage, we did an episode on the things that I think aren't worth spending your money on when you start a business, and they are things.
That people maybe do tend to spend money on.
So you'll have to go back and find that episode if you haven't listened to it, because it's the opposite of this one. But today we're talking all things that I think are worth investing your money in when starting up your business.
So, without further ado, let's just get straight down to business. Bomb boom bomb. Well can you just leave wow?
Can you just leave that in here instead? Like don't put the song? Like just do me good?
Don't don't don't.
Okay, So let's get into it. I've actually just written down a little note here. When it comes to starting a business, there's obviously a lot of costs involved, and if anything, I think it can be super overwhelming for business owners knowing.
What to spend your money on.
So I mean, I could write down a billion things that are worth spending your money on. I definitely think a lot of people can overdo it and spend money on the wrong things.
But today we're going to focus on things that I think are worth it.
Now, the first one is a super boring one, and I think it's one of those things anytime you hear it, you go.
But it's an accountant.
I think from the get go, investing your money in having an accountant is going to pay off tenfold down the track. And I've actually got a bit of a story that I'm going to share with you today, and I'm going to expose myself for what I did in my earlier years. Okay, just to give you I might have already said this on the pod already. I'm not one hundred percent sure. But basically, when I was in my early twenties, I became a really famous influencer and instagrammer and YouTuber, and I was living in Sydney at the time, didn't have anything really to do with my family, and growing up, I was never given any guidance when it came to finances.
I knew nothing about how tax worked.
I had no idea, and when I started my business, it was very much yep, I'm going to start this business. Like my family had nothing to do with it. You know, Dad's not in the picture anyway, Mom's on and off kind of thing. So it was just me out there just fending for myself. And when I started Fate, I had no idea, and I'd never had any idea because no one had ever taught me anything.
But anyway, when I became a really big, popular.
Famous instagrammer and YouTuber, I was earning a lot of money all of a sudden, right and all I was used to back in the day, like before I became this big, famous influence was getting my pay every week from my jobs that I was working, and on my pay slip, I would see, you know, the tax had already been taken out and done for me.
I saw my super like it. It's all there on your payslip, right, and you don't really think anything of it now.
Because I was all of a sudden self employed at the age of twenty one on, I didn't know how to do tax because no one had ever taught me.
I didn't have an accountant.
So I was doing all these brand deals with all these brands, and they were paying me to post their products on Instagram. And then I learned how to make an invoice like myself, because that's how like when you're an influencer.
You do a job and then you send your invoice and you get paid afterwards.
And so I would send these invoices and the money would just go straight into my bank account, right. Another mistake that I made back then as well was I only had a personal bank account. Set up a business bank account when you're doing a business. But again I was young, I was twenty one. I had no idea about business banking. I just had my bank account and that was it. So all these chunks of money, and because when you are an influencer, you're not getting paid, you know, the same amount every week. Some weeks you might not get paid anything, and then the next month might be like boom, here's fifteen grand. And so I was just getting these chunks of money thrown into my bank account, and very quickly I started to, I guess, have a lot of money in my bank account. I don't know whether to say it was savings, but all of a sudden, over these years, in my early twenties, you know, I started to have twenty thousand dollars, thirty thousand dollars, forty thousand dollars, fifty thousand dollars.
Just in my bank account. And I was like, wow, like, this money is mine. I didn't know that I.
Had to pay some of it for tax, which is so stupid, I know, but again, like no one had ever taught me about anything. So here I was thinking, wow, like I'm just absolutely loaded.
This is fantastic.
And I remember in the back of my head I was like, wait, like I should be somehow paying tax on this, but I don't know how, And I guess I just kind of brushed it to the side and it bit me in the ass later down the track, and lucky, okay, lucky. So maybe two years into like working for myself full time and being an influencer, I hadn't done my tax for about two years. And it'll eventually catch up on you if you're not doing your tax, because the ATO will like see that you're not paying any tax and they'll reach out and be like, hey, what's going on. So that's exactly what happened to me. The ATO gave me a call, and I thought I was going to jail, Like I thought, I've committed tax fraud.
I'm going to jail because I owe the ATO, Like I was just so scared.
And again I'm like twenty three years old or something like that, and I'm like, oh my god, I owe the money. And I don't remember the exact figure, but it was around one hundred thousand dollars that I owed the ATO, and I thought I was going to jail, Like I thought I was going to jail, but I didn't.
But I was freaking out.
But luckily, like luckily, okay, I'd not gone crazy and spent that money that was sitting in my bank account like it was sitting there kind of as savings or whatever. And so what I did anyway, was then I got an accountant. Finally, that was like my trigger to go get an accountant. And then with the ATO, I set myself up on a payment plan just so that I didn't have to pay you know, one hundred thousand dollars in one payment. So I set myself up on a payment plan, and I think I spent the next like six to twelve months paying it off, just month by month.
And then I eventually got to the point where I was all up.
To date on my taxes, and then I had the accountant so that moving forward, he could you know, help me in paying my tax off as the years went by, because if you don't, like it's just gonna rack up and you're gonna get slapped with a massive tax bill.
And that's a big lesson that I learned in my early twenties.
And now anytime someone says to me like, oh, is it worth getting an accountant, Absolutely, And even if you're just starting your business and you know that the business isn't going to be making that much money, like you're just getting started, I would get an accountant from the start, have the accountant, help you set up your ABN, and like they'll they can be with you from the beginning.
Hello, it is producer. I'm a producer. X Now keep it getting to just say, okay.
We're quickly just changing the topic for one second. You all want to know something really funny. On the weekend, we went to Kylie Minou together and I put Xander on my Instagram story, which I've done before.
Yeah, but maybe we've got new listeners.
Yeah, but you.
I don't think you ever referenced me as the producer this.
People just thought you're my friend.
Oh nah.
And it's so funny because so many people were replying, God, oh my god, this is not what I thought Sander would look like.
I hope it's good, though. I hope people are like, oh my god, he's the most hideous producers.
Funny, like people know you in the pod and they know your voice and your personality, but then they see that, oh my god, that's what Sander was like. Someone's like I was picturing to have long, surfy hair.
I had long surfy hair at one point. I used to have a bleach blond mullets.
O nice.
So I think I think the voice would suit that, yep. But we had a Britney Spears moment last year and we shaved it all off.
Oh yeah, yeah.
But anyway back to business, you're going to ask me, I was going to ask you. So when you get your you've got your accountant. I don't know if this is a silly question, but does your accountant do they do your tax for you or do you still go to it like a tax agent to do that a separate one.
Yeah, so they do it for you the same way like if you were going to a tax place to get your tax down to their accountants.
That's very handy to have someone who completely understands your business doing that though.
So when you're starting out like it's it's I think when people here getting an accountant for my business, I think they think, oh, that's going to cost tens of thousands of dollars, Like it sounds like an expensive thing. But much like when it comes to doing your personal tax and how you just go and see them once a year and you pay them.
Oh, I don't know how much it is these days, three hundred dollars like I.
Think it depends on what you get back, yeah, or the place you.
See, okay, like starting at eighty nine and you get charged x Y variables on it.
So when you're doing it for your business, especially in the start, it can very much be like that where you're just going to see them once a year or whatever or once a quarter or whatever, and like you're just paying them the one off feet, like you're not signing them up as like an employee and paying them constantly and with an accountant for example, like they can do as much or as little as you want them to. So one thing that we do is because when you own a business, you've got money going in and out constantly all day. Like our bank statement is just like there's so many transactions every day, like in and out because we've got a website and rent coming out and this that and the other end suppliers and invoices and everything. So what you have to do is have a software, so we use zero and every day you kind of go through your transactions and then you like consolidate them and put them into all different categories. And so that's AJ's job at Fate every day or every second day or however often you can do it. Once a week, he goes through all of our transactions and puts them in their categories, like in the back end of zero, and then that links over to our accountant so that our accountant can log in and see AJ's already done it all for him kind of thing, which then makes doing our taxes a lot easier for our accountant. But it's really simple and straightforward, and it's just something that's worth your investment absolutely. You know, if you have an accountant, you're going to be doing your tax right. You know they're going to be trying to get you the most amount of money back when it comes to claiming things through your business expenses like stationary you know, all that stuff, the same way that you do with your personal You know, you can claim certain things, and it's just it's just a no brainer. Get an accountant from the get go, even if it's just helping to set you up, and they can educate you and what you need to do, like they're there to teach you, and then you can either have them doing everything or you can kind of take over yourself and just go to them when you need.
The second one that I think is worth your.
Money is only if you need it, but it's having a solicitor or lawyer that is going to draft up any contracts that you may have in your business. Now. I know a lot of people when you're starting out, you're probably not going to have contracts and all this kind of stuff. But when you're getting to the point of maybe signing a commercial lease or maybe you're starting to hire staff, I think it's worth your money having a professional look over a contract. Let's say you're going to hire your first employee, and you just and again, when you are hiring your first employee, your employment contract is going to look extremely different compared to a company that's got fifty staff, right, Like, the contract's going to be super simple if it's just you and one other person, But if you got fifty people, it's going to be a massive contract because you probably need a lot of shit in there. And even if you're let's say hiring your first employee, put them on a contract.
I think it's just so important to have everything in writing.
And when I started Fate and was hiring my first few employees, like for a while, they're like, we didn't have an employee contract because I just had no idea that I needed that, you know, I was like, Yeah, come work with me you start tomorrow like, that's very much what it was like.
But then eventually I was like, wait, I need something to say.
This person does work for me, and this is what their job outline is, and this is what they're getting paid per hour or whatever. So if you're going to be making contracts of any kind in your business, you know, maybe once it grows a little bit, have a professional look over your contract, even if you've made it up yourself for whatever reason. If you're confident enough to make up your own contracts that your staff are going to sign, pay someone external to look over it because you just don't ever want to get yourself in shit. And I just think again, it's just like a little one off expense to have you know, an employment lawyer look over your employee contract that you've made up or that you've pulled from a draft online somewhere. I think it's just one of those things that's really worth paying for.
When you've had your contracts looked over, what are some things that have been flagged in the past that you think are probably important like to maybe include in those contracts.
Yeah, I mean I think ours have always been pretty good. They might make some suggestions or they might say, oh, you might be wary of this line here. Another benefit that we've seen by having like lawyers and solicitors look over contracts is especially when we've been going to sign a commercial lease, So you send that commercial lease to a solicitor who might specialize in commercial lease contracts, and then they'll go through it with a fine tooth comb and go section forty five B. It says this like are you happy with that? If not, I suggest you go back and ask them x Y. Like they'll just pick up on stuff that we would normally just read over and think, oh, yeah, that's fine. And because contracts can be very tricky and things can be worded a certain way and it can sound like something, but it can mean something else. So every like commercial lease that we've done for all of our stores and our office in our warehouse, like I always get our solicitor to look over it. And again it's as easy as hey, XYZ person, here's a lease that I'm thinking of signing. Would you mind spending some time looking over it? And they'll get back to you in a few days and go, yep, here's all my comments. And it might be five or it might be fifty things, and they can also suggest things for you to then ask for in a contract or a lease, like I think you should ask for this because you're paying this much whatever. It's just worth getting professional opinions for certain things. So yep, accountant and lawyers or solicitors if you need them for contracts. Thing number three that I think is worth your money if you are setting up a e commerce e commerce store, I can't talk today. It's investing in having a Shopify store. Now, this is not sponsored. I know sometimes when I'm making recommendations on here, it can sound like I'm doing like a subtle sponsorship.
Well Spotify Spotify.
AJ always says Spotify as well. All the time. AJ goes look it up on Spotify and I'm like, you mean Shopify, Yeah, I meant shop Well.
Shopify has sponsored the pot a few times, so this is a double win for them.
Ye send this to them sponsoring us.
Anyway, I think it's very worth your money to set up your store with Shopify. This is if you're going to be selling products. All these massive celebrities use Shopify because it's the best platform. You can take it from me, we are a Shopify store. There are a lot of other platforms out there, but there's a reason why Shopify is the number one. It is so easy to use. At the beginning, you're going to be like it's a bit of figuring out, but it is so easy once you get the hang of it, and it kind of reminds me of remember back in the day when we would like customize our MySpace profiles.
It's giving that but as an adult.
So yeah, if you're looking at doing a product based business and you're going to be selling stuff on your website, Shopify is worth every single penny because it's just the best. And I know so many people that start out with something else for whatever reason, like they've found another one, and then they always make the switch over to Shopify. So save yourself the time and effort of having to change and just start with Shopify. I know this sounds like an ad, but I swear it's not. I just really love it.
The next thing that I.
Believe is a great investment for your business if you're starting out and if you need staff, it's investing your money in the right staff from the beginning. We talk a lot about staff here on Big Business, and I've said it a billion times. Staff can either make or break your business. Now, staff are going to cost you money regardless, like paying someone is an expense. If you're hiring people, you're definitely going to be paying them. But it can either be an amazing investment if you have a great staff member, or you can be absolutely pissing your money down the drain if you have made a bad hire. And it's not to say that if you make a bad hire it's your fault. I know it can be really tricky, but investing money into the right people and your time as well having the right people come in can do absolute wonders for your business. So if you're in that position where you're ready to hire, take your time and invest your money into the right people, because amazing staff.
Can do absolute wonders for your business.
And I know we speak about this all the time on the pod, but when it comes to staff, you can't see it as an expense and like ugh, it's an investment because those people will end up becoming an asset to your business and they can make your business grow. So hiring good staff is an amazing investment. Another thing that I think is worth spending money on, and people may not spend it because they think that they can get away with not doing so. Is sampling again and again and again and again. Now this is niche and specific, I know, because this is for people that are making and selling a product. But I think it's worth every penny to sample something a billion times.
Until you get it perfect.
I know a lot of people, even if it's just like custom mailer bags or you know, just anything that you're getting made people a lot of the time, and especially if you're sourcing it from overseas, they might go off like a digital photo that the factory has made for them. Like let's say, for example, I was getting some glazy cardboard mailer boxes made up, and the factory will do like a digital mock up with all my colors and the logo and everything, and it's very easy to go, yep, let's place the order. And then you see people do that, and then their stock arrives and it doesn't look the same in person, because something on a computer screen in terms of colors is going to look different to the eye in person. And I've seen so many people on TikTok say, oh my god, I stuffed up because this pink wasn't meant to be this kind of pink. It was meant to be another pink sample everything. And so the way that the sampling process works is you get a sample made and maybe it needs some changes, so then you get another sample made. Now let's say, yep, this is good. What you want to do then is do a pre production sample. And it costs every time you do a sample right, And that's why it's easier to go yeah, okay, I'm just happy with it. I've seen it once in a photo done. You get a pre production sample. They will do a pre production sample. Then you say, yes, this is exactly what I want to go into production. Then they will do the bulk. They'll make your one thousand mailer boxes, let's say. And then before the factory sends you those one thousand boxes, you tell them I want a pre shipment sample. So then they pull a sample out of that bulk. They send it to you, and you look at it once again and go, yes, this is correct, because if you don't and they send you the bulk stock and it's wrong, then you've wasted your money and you might have to do it again.
And this goes fit.
It doesn't matter what you're making if you're making clothes, if you're making accessories, if you're making shipping stuff, stationary anything, it is worth all of.
Your money sampling.
And I've just seen so many people on TikTok saying like ey stuffed up and didn't do enough spampling.
So say, for example, that they send you that final sample they've made this stock for you, yep, and there's something wrong with that sample. Do you lose any money because say they've made a thousand of these piece of clothing or product, do they are they then liable to then have to like recreate them?
It depends on like yeah, I would say so, like if you have sampled everything to a t and then somehow something in the bulk has turned out wrong, yes, you can be like, no, well look i've got the pre production sample here, and here's the pre shipment sample.
They're different. Yeah, when I already approved, So that on them. It's on them. But it all comes down to your relationship as well.
And I think this is a part of business that a lot of people don't think of when they're wanting to make products, is you're going to spend so much of your time building relationships.
Because that's what it's all about.
If you're working with suppliers and manufacturers and everything, like you're yeah, you're making a product with the manufacturer, but you're going to be building a close relationship with the people on the other side, if you're going to be working together, yep. And so like our suppliers and manufacturers, I've been working with them for years and years and years, so I have a great relationship with them. Whereas when you're just starting out, you've got to start at the very beginning and build that relationship with your suppliers, yeah.
Because you've been bringing them business for so long.
Yeah, and it's a relationship, Like it's not as easy. Like, sure, it might be easy if you want to make something just once and you just want to jump on Ali Barber, find a manufacturer over in China and get something made once done. But if you're wanting to have a business that's going to stick around, like, you've got to be willing to put in the effort of building a relationship. And it's funny because when you start a business, like it's all about you and I want my own business. I want to work for myself, but your business is so much about other people. Especially when it comes to building those relationships.
Is there one person that you have contact with for all these shipments and all these orders?
Yeah, yeah, yep, And every business is different, Like you could work with ten different supplies at once, you could work with one.
And the relationships that I have now I haven't had for all of fate.
Like you know, you'll chop and change and you'll make new connections and you'll change suppliers and like I used to have relationships that I no longer have because like things just don't work out, Like it's much. It's like a relationship quite literally, like they come and go. But yeah, it's all about building a relationship with the people that you're working with externally to your business so that if something does stuff up, you can be like, hey, look, you know this has gone wrong, and you can kind of look at everything that you've done together and they're going to value you if you've been bringing.
Them, you know, constant business for so long. So it's all about that relationship as well.
Yes, but if you've sampled everything and then the bulk has come out wrong and you've got that last sample, it will absolutely be on them to be like, yep, this stuff and this actually happened with our Glazy packaging, so our tubes, so we have three flavors as everyone knows, the cherry, the strawberry, and the original, and then they've got their own box as well that they come in. And when our I don't think it was the bulk. I think it was the pre shipment sample. And again lucky we got it. We got the pre shipment sample of the three tubes and their three matching boxes, and they're meant to be the exact same color, but the boxes were all just a slightly different tone to the tube, like the pink Glazy tube is like a bubble gummy pink, but then the box was like a yellowy pink like it's just it was slightly different. And then you know, I've gone back and said the boxes are slightly different tones to their matching tubes, and she's like, oh yeah, I can see that, like and they made a mistake somewhere. So this is why I think spending your money on sampling, even though it costs every time, like a sample might cost you anywhere from fifty to one hundred and fifty dollars or more, and then that you've got a freight it over to you as well, and you'll probably use DHL because it gets here super quick. Like you're looking at hundreds of dollars every time you make a sample. But it's worth it in the end because you're going to get exactly what you're wanting. And I just know for a fact so many people have gotten stuff and be like, oh shit, I didn't sample. I just ordered it and said, yep, that's good, this is the color we want, and it just doesn't turn out exactly how you thought. So spend that money on sampling. Well, that's five things that I think are worth spending your money on. I mean, I've got five things, but I feel like we just spoke about like twenty things. It can be really overwhelming when it comes to starting a business and knowing what you need to spend your money on versus what you don't. Definitely go back and find my episode about things that I think aren't worth spending your money on, because I think from what I've seen, people can sometimes spend a lot of their money at the start of their business on things that don't really matter instead of focusing just on those core things that really do matter. And I hope if you're starting out a business or you've just started that you can take something away from this episode. And if you don't have that accountant, go and call your local accountant. Just google business accountant in my area and you'll find one. Our accountant is in Newcastle and he's been with us since the beginning of Fate and it's actually been really cool for us to have our accountant the whole time because he's watched Fate go from like this tiny little thing and then he's seen it grow into what it is now. And he did like the cafe and everything, and he's just like, oh my god, Brittany, like what's next. And again, that's a relationship. There is so many parts of business that is all about relationship building. And again, like our accountant, that's another relationship that we have in our business that we have fostered.
And had for many many years.
Be smart and be safe with your money when it comes to starting a business. Don't do anything too extravagant or too silly, and just be mindful with where you're spending your money. I'm going to wrap up today's episode with a tip of the week. Okay, I've got a little random one for you. I don't think I said this. Did I say the cap cut thing last week?
I did?
God? Okay, never mind, I thought that. I thought that was going to be my tip of the week. But I'm like, wait, I think I said that last week. Great little feature. By the way, you'll have to listen to last week's episode. If you want to hear what it is, I'm not going to tell you, have to go find it. And this week's tip of the week, it's a simple and easy one. Be transparent. Be transparent, and in business, be willing to be transparent at all times. When it comes to business, you cannot hide. I mean again, I'm talking just from my experience. People probably are massive liars in business. I can't control what other people are like, but be transparent when it comes to relationships with anyone, be transparent. If the ATO is calling you up saying you owe one hundred thousand dollars, you're not going to jail. Be transparent with your coworkers, Be transparent with your staff, with your accountant, whoever. Just be transparent, hard conversation's easy life. You know.
I love that saying and being.
Transparent is key. So that's all from me. And remember to chase after your dreams as if they owe you money. Bomb bom bom, bom bom blah blah blah blah.
Bum Bound