We are back with a bonus (cue applause). Today we are getting a full recap of the Fayt model search and Britt's thought's on the entire process. Plus Britt opens up about wanting to instil confidence in more women and plans for this in the future.
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Host: Brittney Saunders.
Senior Producer: Xander Cross
Managing Producer: Elle Beattie
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Welcome back to a bonus episode of Big Business. Now, this episode today is kind of like a sec Oh not Timberland playing on my phone.
Sorry, I just like opened my phone and it was from when I was in the.
Car anyway, Oh gosh, sorry, it's just automatically playing everything.
Okay. This is off the back of last.
Week's main episode, which is titled Starting My Own Modeling Agency, So if you haven't listened to that one, be sure to go and listen to it. It's all about the week that I had last week and now I'm back. We have done our first ever Fate model search, and I feel like I can't say too much in this episode, like I want to tell you all about it and how it went. But we're now in the part like this week, where we're going to be contacting everyone and kind of making our big moves. But I thought we could still do a recap because I learned a lot from doing this. And you know what, Blessed watches my Instagram stories and she had seen us being away all week, and bless her when I spoke to her on the phone on the weekend after I'd been away all week.
She said, I've been seeing you've been everywhere.
And catching up. But she goes, but what were you doing? Like she just couldn't quite understand, like what it was. I was like, oh, Nan, it's like a model search, and she said, so why would you do that? Like just she's so cute and I was just trying to explain it to her and she's just so funny.
So the big question when will we find out who won?
Oh? Oh, okay. I feel like I've got to be careful with what I say on here. Yes, because.
By the time this comes out, the people that we are contacting will have been contacted.
So you've have you got in your mind right now?
Do you know is the overall winner?
There might be it might be a bit different to that.
Okay, But I can't say okay because I want to make sure that we've done the things that we're gonna do for this episode.
But this episode's not coming out until next.
Monday, next Wednesday, sorry, next.
Week next Wednesday, so we've got a while. But I can't be too careful. I've got to be careful with what I say. I'm intrigued though, yes, and we will be announcing stuff on social media. I don't know if by the time this is out, if that will have happened, yes.
Okay, well that's good. Yeah, because of recording this.
Yeah, so maybe people will see what we have decided. Yeah, but I don't want to say yet exactly in case it takes us a.
Little bit longer. Yeah, because we've got a lot of admin to do.
Yeah, totally. Can you walk us through the process and what that was like and what it was like meeting all the goals?
Yeah, okay.
So, by the way, when we recorded our episodes, and I got some of the stats wrong, so I said to you that we'd had seven thousand people.
I know, I noticed that actually nine thousand.
I know, but I had to keep it eating.
No, that's fine, but that's just crazy.
So the last time I had looked, it was seven thousand, but April's like, no, there was another two thousand.
Because we just round it up to ten k.
Yeah, you know what, ten k, But it was actually, yeah, nine thousand people had applied, but we cut it off at a certain date and removed the link from everywhere. But I think people still manage to like find the link and still keep submitting even after we'd like close the application kind of thing. So heaps more had trickled in, so that in itself is just absolutely wild and a walk through what it looked like. So we started in Sydney on a Tuesday, and again I kind of got I thought we'd had thirty to fifty per day, but it was more around thirty that we had per day, which thank god it wasn't fifty because after meeting thirty people one by one in a day, like my brain was broken, Like I just had lost my mind. So I couldn't imagine if we had done fifty, like how exhausted you'd be by the end of the day.
Now you kind of understand how they felt on Australian Idol.
Yes, oh god.
And like when you're doing a casting and you're like meeting people and I'm obviously representing my business and this whole activation, like you've got to be so on for every single person, even though it's kind of like doing a heap of job interviews in a day you're doing you have a the exact same conversation with every single person, but you're slowly losing energy throughout the day and you're repeating yourself over and over. But you've got to be so on so by the end, like my brain felt like it was broken. So we had around thirty to thirty five each day in three groups of ten. So each group of ten arrived at the same time. Let's say their time was nine thirty, and then I would go into the group of ten and do like a bit of a ted talk kind of thing, like a big chat to everyone about what the day is all about. Like I mentioned in the main episode, everyone was.
Already a winner.
And we had a lot of people say to us, like on day one, you know, we ask in their little interview like why did you apply for the model search, and a lot of people said, I'd love to be part of something like this and something that you're doing. And very quickly it made me realize the one hundred and something people that we met over the week, they're already a part of Fate. And that's what I said to every single group as I realized people are saying I want to be part of this by applying online and being shortlisted and coming to our casting every single one of those people that we met last week, they're a part of Fate forever because we've never done anything like that before. And to say that they made it that far and came to our in person casting, I said to all them, you are all now a part of Fate today and forever. Just you know, you don't have to be the winner to be part of Fate. Just by being there and like putting yourself out there, you are part of Fate. And I thought that was something like really special that we shared with them all. And you know, I stressed to them, all nine thousand people applied and you're here today, like that is something worth being so proud of. So I did like a little ten minute talk at the start when each group arrived, and then one by one they got like a little headshot taken by the Fate team, and then one by one they came into like the second room where Wade and I were, and they were with us for about four minutes on average. And they walked in and Wade and I had about thirty questions written down, just like fun personality, get to know you questions.
It felt kind of like a job interview, and we would just ask them about two to three questions and then we would get them to finish up by doing like a pretend fit check real and it'd be five minutes and they'd be out the door and it made me realize, four minutes goes so fast, so so fast. And we said that to all of them at the start. Now, Wade, who did the casting with me, he is my friend and he's also a model. He said that model castings generally can sometimes be like less than a minute, Like you can walk in and they could just look at you in a line and be like you know, you know you, and it's that cutthroat I said.
That last stork, remember, yeah that Usually they walk in, they barely even talk to them and they just go, yep, done.
Sometimes they just look at the photo. Yeah, yeah, love it.
Wade said.
Traditionally, like you can get told on the spot that you didn't get it, crazy, how much would that crush your ego? But ours was nothing like that at all. We spent yeah, four to five minutes with eer on some people a little bit longer, and we wanted it to be a positive experience for everyone that walked through that door on the day. And what's interesting as well is, and I've spoken about this ages ago on the podcast, our size range at Fate is obviously six to twenty six, and I'm very used to that being our size range, I'm used to walking into any of our fate stores and seeing people of all different shapes and sizes, So it only felt so normal for us to do a model casting and in each group everyone was completely different in their shape and size, Like there was just such a variety of shapes and sizes. And to me, that's completely normal. But I know in the fashion world that's not normal at all. And Wade actually, like ten years ago, he used to work at a modeling agency and he did castings every single Tuesday. That was his job to do an open casting every Tuesday, and he said it's actually eye opening, how like, whilst there's a long way to go in like the modeling world and fashion, he said, just how different it is to be in this same position again ten years later because when he used to do that as his job working at a modeling agency and people were coming through the door every Tuesday, he had criteria of they need to be like one hundred and eighty centimeters or taller and they must be like a size four to six, and so it's just crazy that, yeah, ten years is a pretty long time.
Like for the males or the females.
For everyone and like mainly females.
Like that would be just I'd barely make the car.
But he said, like in the I think he only worked there for about three months. And he said, in that three months, I didn't cut like I didn't scout one person because they didn't fit that exact criteria that he was looking for.
That's crazy.
And I said to him, you probably.
Met so many beautiful, amazing people, but you you're.
Like crazy because like that only represents such a small population of people.
Who what it was like back then, Like to be a model, you had to be really tall and really like.
You know that, I know that, but like when you actually spell it out and say they only wanted people of one hundred and eighty centimeters that weighed this much, that had this size foot, do you.
Know a man like he said that a slim that in the three months he worked at that whatever place, I never signed one person. Whereas now like we've got all these people coming in, all different heights, all different shapes, all different sizes.
And you could sign any one of them.
Yeah, we love them all. And he's like that is so eye opening. You know that in ten years it has come that far, And what a drastic difference for him, you know. So that was just like a really interesting part. But yeah, that's kind of how the days looked. It all ran super smoothly. We've never done something like this before where we've had like groups and down to the minute and everyone had their own time, but it went super smooth. Meeting thirty people in a day was definitely a good amount.
We did have quite a.
Lot of no shows, which I spoke about on my YouTube channel a little bit, which we always allow for with something like this, but it's still disappointing.
Yeah, Becau's the biggest thing you've got to think of, is that putting yourself out there like this is a lot, and some people just aren't ready and you don't know what you know, situationally things are like in their life. There's so many factors.
And we experience the same with job interviews. And again, like if any of you work in HR or recruitment, you'll know how many no shows there are for job interviews, and I fully get and we allow like every time we do something like like job interviews or when we organize this casting, I was saying to the girls, you're gonna have to allow for no shows. And we knew it was going to happen, but it's still disappointing. And my thing is, I just wish people would let us know. Same for job interviews. When people change their mind or maybe they get offered another job, it's like the decent thing to do, especially if I'm sure.
I'm sure in this situation, they probably didn't want to disappoint you.
Yeah, and they're probably worried that.
That's what would happen, whereas that's not the case.
I would hope people would know to just like, you know, reach out. Same with job interviews, like especially when you're like going back and forth with someone locking in a time in an email, then they just don't show to the job interview. It makes me just think, don't go through your life being a no shower like.
Hard conversations, easy life.
Yeah, I think like even and we understand that what we were doing it's a lot more daunting, I guess, and that people are putting themselves in outside of their comfort zones.
But just a quick email.
We had quite a few emails saying I can't make it like something's happened or whatever. We really appreciate that, but when people just don't show up when they've got their allocated time. They've been talking with April like, it's just really disappointing. And I think, especially in this instance, because this is a competition, they'd taken someone else's spot that maybe could have won.
Yeah, that's a good point, you know what I mean.
So my advice to any of you, not like when it comes to a model casting, but anything a meeting, a job, interview, an opportunity.
If you can't make it for whatever reason, even.
If you have changed your mind or you're feeling like it's too out of your comfort zone, or you're not feeling up to it or you're unwell, do the right thing and just reach out, even if it's two minutes before you're supposed to be there. I know, from my standpoint, I would much rather have someone just reach out and give us a courtesy email, Hey, just letting you know I can't make it. I'm so sorry, rather than a no show all together. So that was the one like tiny disappointing thing about the days, and we had no shows at every single city. But it is something that we allowed for and I think next time, like if we were to ever do this again, which we might do it every year. Who knows, I think we'll add, you know, like even an extra five people to each group to allow.
For those no shows. So was the one disappointing thing, but we knew it was gonna happen.
To wrap up this bonus episode, what was your biggest takeaway of the entire week?
Ooh, okay, I actually already spoke about this in a YouTube video that's already out there. But my biggest takeaway of the whole week, and I don't even know how to put it in words, really, but it's I feel this urge and responsibility that I want to empower, especially women, to be more confident. I think like I've obviously been putting myself out there and just giving everything a go for my whole career, quite literally ever since I started making YouTube videos in high school. And I think by doing that from such a young age and just putting myself out there and kind of think and fuck what everyone else thinks, I've really built up my self confidence to the point whe where I, without sounding up myself, I believe that there's nothing that I can't achieve, Like my self confidence is.
At one hundred percent.
And I've felt that way within my own self and in my mentality for so many years now, because I guess I've done a lot in my career and I've put myself out there and I've taken risks and it's paid off. So my self confidence is just through the roof. And when you have the mentality of being super confident, I guess I don't think that it's not that easy for other people to just be super confident. But when you're the way that you are in your own mind and you've got your own mentality, like it makes you think, surely everyone else just feels the same, Like you know, you can never really think of other people and how where their confidence is at. And so I witnessed Obviously, we met over one hundred and something people and we spoke with them one one and we interviewed them and watched their body language and listen to what they had to say. And I think, like the one thing that I took away from it, which was kind of like a sad thing, is like how much I wish I could instill more confidence in everyone. Obviously everyone, most people that came to our casting would have been feeling extremely out of their comfort zone. They're in a brand new environment in doing something they've never done before. As for me, I think that's where your life begins, when you start putting yourself in those situations, even if you feel absolutely petrified.
But just meetings, do it scared? Do it scared?
That's the saying everyone, but meeting all of these people, and like you can see when someone's really nervous, like maybe they're you know, sweaty, or they're stuttering or shaking, or their hands are shaking or their legs are shaking. Like the biggest thing I took away from it was I wanted to just like especially if we were doing the interview part and they were like fumbling their words a bit, or they didn't know what to say, or you could see them second guessing them, and ways it the same, Like it just makes you want to go, Okay, let's just stop for a second, let's take a deep breath, and you just want to like give them a hug and say, like you are so fucking beautiful, You've got everything going for you. But it's so sad to like watch people's self confidence get the best of them. And so as each group continued every day and I did that ten minute talk to the group, like we kind of shifted our focus and wanted to make it all about just have fun with it and like, don't hold yourself back, because when you've got an opportunity like this, which number one, you have put yourself out there and put your hand up to do this and you have been selected, like that in itself should be something that you're so proud of. And then also when you're in any scenario like that in life, whether it's a job interview and model casting, whatever it may be, and you've got a short amount of time to make this opportunity work for you, make the fucking most of it. Because what we witnessed was a lot of people understandably being super nervous, not knowing what to say, or like you could just see them in their body language holding themselves back. Our focus was, we just want you to have fun with it, even if you feel like a bit of an idiot. And so that's what our focus was with every group, because they did like a little pretend real where they like pretend to have a cute outfit on or whatever. And I said, when you do your little fit check pretend video, like I'd rather you walk out the door and same with a job interview or whatever. I'd rather when someone is given an opportunity or they've gotten an opportunity to go in there and make the most of it, even if you feel like you went slightly over the top. I'd rather someone walk out and go fuck. I thought I think I was a bit of a silly sausage or an idiot, rather than Xander them walking out going fuck. I was in my shell the whole time, especially when you've just got that one shot, and like that's what life is.
Like, getting opportunities.
You a lot of the time will have one shot at getting something I don't know, Like that was my biggest takeaway, Like so many of these girls were so beautiful, like they had the model look, but I could see, like even just from the way that they were holding themselves when they walk in the room, like you can tell that they're second guessing or doubting themselves, and it just made me want to like shake them and say, oh my god, you are so fucking stunning, Like if only you could see what I'm seeing in you, Because you know, we all have our own insecurities that get the absolute worst of us. We are our own worst critics. But for us to meet these people that are complete strangers and see the potential in them straight off the bat, Like I wish people could see the potential that we see in them as complete strangers.
But it's like what you said, like people won't see that potential unless they put themselves in situations and over come. And I live by that, like.
You cannot feel confidence within yourself unless you are overcoming something, unless you are personally growing from an experience, that is the only way you're going to get that confidence. So the fact that all these girls put themselves in this position is amazing. It's amazing because they I know I wasn't even there, but I know that all of them have grown exponentially.
Just I hope that they could walk away from that. And that's what I said to them all, like I want you to walk out the door and just feel a million bucks for what you've just done.
Yeah, you know, And.
It's just the biggest thing I took away was like, it's amazing number one to have met everyone and they put themselves out there, and I'm sure most of them were absolutely shitting themselves, but I just even more so, like I don't know what it is that I want to do, but like, I don't know if I want to do fucking self confidence workshops just in general, like not modeling, but in life. Because I've spoken about this so many times, especially recently on the pod. It's our own self doubts that hold us back from doing anything in life. Yeah, in that moment when you're in that casting, like I could see people holding themselves back or they are just a little bit too scared, And I don't know what it is, but I just I just have this very strong pull that I want people. I want to be able to give people the confidence that I feel in myself. Yeah, And I don't know how, but that was my biggest takeaway from the week.
I love that.
Yeah, so like it's like a sad thing but a positive thing at the same time.
And if you can take anything away from this part, if you're listening, don't fucking hold yourself back in life. I know it's easier said than done.
Do it scared, do it scared.
That's what we always say. Don't hold yourself back in life, Like put yourself out there, even if you feel fucking stupid. When I first started making my YouTube videos, did you think that I thought, oh, these are great videos and these are amazing. No, I knew that they were embarrassing and shit, but I did it anyway. Even look at the way that I carry on on social media today, I'm an absolute idiot.
I posted a video over the weekend of me walking home from the shops and I was like, oh.
Fuck it, I'm just gonna it went viral.
Exactly like, you have to be silly and be an idiot and put yourself out there because that's when life begins and when you put your hand up for opportunities. Again, it doesn't have to be specific to modeling.
It can be anything. If you put yourself out there for one opportunity, ten more are going to come your way.
But they're never going to come your way if you just sit back in your show and say, oh no, I can't do that.
And you can do that in little steps as well.
Like saying all this, it doesn't mean you have to go out there and do something big and adventurous and totally unlike you.
You know, this can be done in little steps.
It takes one small change a day, yep, to change your life one hundred percent.
And that was the biggest thing that I took away from it. It's like everyone was obviously confident enough to be there on the day, but just watching some of them kind of second guests themselves in the moment, I just want to say, oh my god, just go for it. Just fucking show me what you've got, because you have all the potential in the world and you're right here in this room with us.
So that was my biggest takeaway.
But overall, it was massive success and it couldn't have gone any better. I don't want to give away too many juicy details because right now as I'm recording this, we're yet to contact anyone because it's the Monday after we've been away. But I'm very excited and stay tuned on our socials and stay tuned for the future, because I have a feeling this isn't going to be just a one time sort of thing.
Yes, sign me, I will, Yeah, give me the ten k contract please, absolutely