Starting My Own Modelling Agency

Published Mar 16, 2025, 1:00 PM

Last week Fayt launched it's unsigned model search competition and after receiving over 7000 applicants Britt flew around the country to find the ONE winner. Britt gives us the inside scope on why she has decided to do this and why this is a genius marketing strategy as well as creating incredible opportunities to unsigned models of all body types.


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 Brittney Saunders. 
Senior Producer: Xander Cross
Managing Producer: Elle Beattie

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Hi, I'm Britney Saunders and welcome to Big Business, the place where business is far from boring. And today I'm recording on gadigule Land. Now I somehow manage to build an empire from the garage underneath my house, and I'm here to share it all with you, from the wins, the mistakes, the challenging times and the funny moments in between. So, whether you're in business yourself, perhaps you're not in the game at all, maybe you're just looking for some inspo, or you simply just want to hear the team when it comes to running a business, this is the podcast for you. Coming up on today's episode, we are doing a unsigned model search for Fate and it is a marketing tactic of ours that we are actually doing this week. Is this episode coming out next week?

This episode comes out on the seventeenth of March.

Okay, so next week, yes, But as at the time of recording, it's happening this week.

This is an activation.

I'm extremely excited for, and in today's pod, I thought I would just walk you through exactly why we're doing this model search, how we're doing it, how we've managed it up until this point because We've done an online application and now we're going into the real life part of the activation, and I'm just going to tell you all about it. So without further Ado, let's just get straight down to business.


Well, well, it's giving Dolly model search. Do you remember that back in.

The day, Yes, I do. I was part of the Dolly generation.

Oh. I thought you're going to say you were part of the model. Yeah, I was part of it. No.

I think my mum came in one day when I was like twelve or thirteen, She's like, this is the Dolly sealed section. You're old enough now to really see.

My Nan used to buy me Dolly magazines and she didn't know that it had the sealed bit in it. Mind you, this sealed bit was like questions of out periods and sex and all.

This, and the only reason you bought the magazine.

Yeah, And so my Nan would get it was there once a week that it would come out back in the day or once a month, I think so, and I would sneak into my room and like.

Quietly peel that little section.

And then eventually Nan found out about the Dolly Doctor sealed section, and she stopped finding me the magazines. By the way, I'm coming off the back of being sick, so if you can hear it in my voice, that is why I think I might talk about that in my bonus episode this week about being sick and how much I've absolutely hated it.

But anyway, let's get onto today's topic.

We are doing a Fate unsigned model search, and I want to tell you all about it because I think it's super difficult. It's it's marketing, but it's also way more than that for us as a business. There's a lot of reasons why we're doing it. I'm going to tell you every single one of them. And it also kind of goes hand in hand back to when Fate started, So I guess that's where I'm going to begin. So when Fate first started, as you well know, in the garage underneath my house. Back then, when I had everything in that one garage, I even had an e commerce like photography set up. I bought the paper roll and all the stands and I had it in my shed setup. I bought two flashlights off eBay and two of my friends taught me how to use flash photography. And this was so long ago, and Fate was so small, and I probably couldn't afford models. So from the beginning, I would work with people that just I knew, like friends that I knew, friends of friends, my friend's sisters. I would get them into my shed and I would shoot them myself and I would teach them how to.

Model, and i'd pay them.

I don't know how much I would pay them back in the day, but it was just like a cash in hand sort of thing, like that's how I would pay them. And because we weren't shooting all the time, like it was just every now and then, when I needed a model, i'd just text my friend's sister or whoever and say, do you want to come over? All right, they'd come over and we'd shoot in the shed. That's how we started in the beginning, and as fate began to grow, I would just start to find more and more local girls to shoot with. Like from the start, we didn't shoot with agency models, just because I didn't really know how it worked, and I knew that it was going to be a lot more expensive. So I would just shoot with friends and people that I knew, and I actually got kind of good at scouting for models in my area. I would spend hours on Instagram on the like geo tags. Like you know how you go like onto Instagram and you type in Newcastle and then you can like filter buy all the most recent posts. That's how I would find people to come a model for me. And then I would just DM them from the Fatee account and say, hey, I know this is so random, but like I stumbled across your Instagram and I was wondering, would you ever consider modeling? Like I'm a local fashion brand. The girls would say sure, and then that's how I would find models and I would teach them. Another thing that I would do back in the day is not only would I stalk the Newcastle geotag, but then I would start stalking venues geotags on Instagram. So a while back, a really cool restaurant opened in Newcastle called light Years, and so I'd go on the light Year's tag on Instagram and find, you know, local girls that have tagged themselves out for cocktails with their friends, and I'd hit them up to come a model. And that for so many years, like those first few years of fate that was how we found our models. It was just people I knew, friends of friends, friends, sisters whoever and randoms that I found on Instagram. I didn't realize it at the time, but I kind of was scouting for models, and when I was doing that, fate was so small, and I guess everything was a lot slower, so I had a lot of.

Time to teach these people how to model.

But we got to a point because I guess like I somehow became good at direct and giving you know, directions on how to pose and everything like that, and especially if I was shooting with someone new, they could be really nervous or whatever. And it was one thing that actually opened my eyes quite a bit just how much goes into modeling. So like when you're shopping on a website and you're just scrolling through the clothes, like you don't actually think much about the models, but you subconsciously do, Like even though you're not necessarily looking at the model, like you're just looking at the clothes kind of thing, Like the model plays such a huge part in that whole website experience and essentially how you feel about the clothes that you're looking at. Even though you don't really pay attention to the model exactly, you subconsciously are. And so as fate continued to grow. We started shooting with actual models through agents, and then it just got to a point where we found that shooting with agency models was definitely more beneficial in terms of professionalism, because that's their job and they know what they're doing. And when you're shooting with an agency model, you're paying an absolute premium in comparison to paying someone you know, cash in hand to come and do some photos. You're paying for a professional to show up. You're going to be paying a hell of a lot more, but you are going to get a better outcome because they're going to look more polished in the photos. They know what they're doing, they know their poses, and you're not having to spend hours kind of saying okay, now put your hand here, and oh, maybe lower your arm a little bit or lower your chin, Whereas when you are shooting with people with no experience, you need to give them that step by step guidance. Whereas if you pay an industry model, if you pay an agency model, they will show up and be like bang bang bang bang bang, and you're getting the shot every single time. And so over the years, we kind of went from that backyard vibe of shooting with people I knew, to shooting with agency models, and as the years are gone by, like we shoot with models all the time, we absolutely love them. But I've kind of gotten to a point now where like there's a lot of modeling agencies out there, and there is a lot of models out there, but you find that you'll see like the same models everywhere, like the same models that we shoot with so to a lot of other brands. And we've been saying for the longest time that we know for sure that there would be models within our own community, but we've just always put this little idea of finding models within our community on the back burner. And it's not until this year that we've just said, fuck it, let's do what we've always wanted to do and go out and find models within our own community.

So this is this is exactly what we're doing.

We decided that we're doing an open model casting and we're looking for models that are unsigned. Now why are we doing an unsigned model search.

There's a multitude of res.

Number One, we're in our era of the customer, And when I say the era of the customer, I just mean like the era of our community, as most of you would know. We did our Lucky seven brand trip last year where we took seven customers on all expenses paid.

Trip with us.

We threw a huge party where two hundred customers. I hate using that word, by the way, like you know what I mean, like customers our community. We did a huge community event, and so I guess this is our next activation in terms of opening up the gates for our community to be even more involved with our brand. I think one of the coolest things about us doing this is the fact that you know, I own this business that is going to open up opportunities for other people, which is just super bloody cool because I never could have thought of that, like back in the day when I was shooting models for cash in hand in my shed. I guess I better explain as well, like the context of this and like what it entails. So we're doing a model search right. We launched it on social media maybe three weeks ago now, and we've said we want to find models within our community. Now, because this is essentially a competition, we've had to make a prize because there's a lot of rules around like doing this type of stuff and like doing a competition kind of thing. So we have said, but it's not limited to there's going to be one grand prize winner of this Fate Model Casting and they're going to win a ten thousand dollars modeling contract with us paid. So we're not doing making everyone do this for nothing. So at the end of this whole thing, there's going to be one winner that wins a ten grand modeling contract with us. But in saying that as well, we don't want to just limit it to just that, and we want to give a lot of other opportunities to a lot of other people that have applied and gone through the process. But for the sake of it, like being an official competition, there is one winner technically, and they're going to be able to shoot with us for probably a twelve month period and be paid ten thousand dollars to do so. The way that we've done it is we rolled out a social media campaign. So we posted it in our Fate Society Facebook group and we also posted it to Instagram and to TikTok, and we made a really fun video saying we want you to come a model for us, and we don't care if you have any experience. The first thing that we did was we people had to apply online and we've opened this to Brisbane, Newcastle, Sydney and Melbourne because those are the cities that are most accessible to us from Newcastle. We did have a lot of people say, but I'm from Adelaide, you know, I'm from Kerth and I want to apply, but because we're in Newcastle. All the models that we work with are based in basically Melbourne and Brisbane and Gold Coast, and those are the cities that have, like I guess, the most amount of flights coming to Newcastle because whoever wins, they're going to be traveling to come to us if the winner isn't from Newcastle. And trying to organize flights from Adelaide or Perth every single time because this person might come a model with us, you know, five times throughout the year or whatever, it's just logistically too hard. So we decided to stick with the four cities for now. So we opened an online application where anyone could apply. Like the criteria was, you have to be in one of those cities, and you have to be in between sizes six to twenty six and you can't be signed to a modeling agency. And we had people fill out an online application form, which was super simple. We had nearly seven thousand people apply for this thing, like, it was just under seven thousand. And the website that we used is type Form. That's where we made up the online form and essentially people filled it out. We asked some basic questions about them like their clothing size and height, and then they just had to upload a headshot and a full body shot and that's how we had our first round. The reason why we did that first online was because if we were to just jump straight into doing model casting call days, which we're doing this week. Can you imagine if we had seven thousand people show up, like, we wouldn't have been able to see that many people. So we had the seven thousand applicants come through, and it took us weeks to go through every single fucking one. But it was pretty easy because without going into detail through type form, all the photos like dropped into this Google drive. Anyway, we got there in the end and we went through every single applicant. And this is where I guess I feel a little bit funny about doing this casting call because we're obviously a brand that wants to celebrate all and it does feel kind of weird to be doing a model casting which is essentially.

Based upon your looks.

And that's where I've felt a little bit like, h you know, it's felt a bit weird that we are doing something where we're essentially judging people based upon their looks. But the thing with us as well is like it's so much more than looks, especially for whoever's going to win, It's going to be so much about their personality and their enthusiasm. And that's why I'm so excited to be doing this next in person kind of part of the casting this week. But it does still feel weird, I won't lie.

But you've got to remember as well, you've opened up this model search to such a diverse range of body types as well, do you know what I mean? That's that's very unusual for any brand to do that. Absolutely, I think that's like I understand what you're saying when you could be kind of like conflicted, but like it is, no one does this like it's I've never seen it done.

Ah yeah, thanks Sander.

Well, I guess like one of the reasons another reason why we're doing this is because like, how cool will it be for us to become known as the brand that shoots with members of their community versus agency models, you know. And I think it's going to be so cool for us to have more of a variety on our website and more of a variety of people on our social media, rather than our website having the same models as all the other fashion brands similar to ours. So that's another reason why we want to do it.

And you can pay a model to where you close, but the people who are really wearing them day in and day out of the customers.

Exactly right, And that's why this is just the coolest thing ever. So we spent a long time going through all the applicants and what we essentially did was shortlisted about fifty for each location, so two hundred all up across the four locations. And then the girls have been busy getting in touch with all successful shortlisted applicants. And then what we've done is this week we're in one day Brisbane, then Melbourne, then Newcastle four days in a row, and we've hired venues at each location and we've been really particular with what we wanted from each venue. We want it to have like two rooms, so one room's like the room they come into first kind of like the waiting room, and then they come into the actual casting room and it's down to the minute of how these days are going to run, because we're seeing about thirty to fifty people each day, one at a time, but they come in in groups. There's like, I don't know how many sessions there is in a day, three sessions, so each session will all show up at the same sort of time, and then one at a time they come into the casting room. And the way that a model casting works, I mean, it's really up to the brand and business that's running the casting. Castings can last for ten minutes or they can last for two minutes, and we're obviously gonna try and make our casting days like really fun for everyone. You know, castings can be not that I've ever done a model casting, And if you don't know what a casting is, it's essentially where you're applying to work with a brand for a certain campaign, let's say, and you show up on the day, they essentially look at you, maybe hear you say a sentence or two, and then you leave. Like it can be really daunting. It's like an Australian Idol audition kind of thing. But We've mapped out our casting days to be super fun, but they are kind of exactly like that if Rollaby showing up on the day, they'll be getting some like polaroids taken and some digital photos taken, and then they'll come into the second room, which will have myself and my friend Wade because he is a curve male model and he's got a wealth of experience when it comes to castings and modeling in general, and he's done photo shoots forever. So him and I are technically the judges, but which is just weird, but we don't want it to be you know, scary and dauntings. And they come into a room with Wade and I, we ask them a bunch of questions and then we get them to do some little pretend like fit check videos, you know, like pretend that you're in a a dress and like do a little pose or whatever. We just want to see basically their confidence and if they're comfortable on camera.

Do the applicants know that's what is expected when they jump in there is it'll have been like put down on the form, like are they aware of it?

Yeah, So we've done a guide which each applicant has got like a big pdf everything they need to bring on the day, what they need to wear. Everyone's showing up in the same thing. So everyone's wearing a pair of jeans and a white top and a pair of heels.

You've got to be able.

To walk in hot heels, yes, because you've got to be able to see if they can walk in heels, because we shoot basically everything in heels these days. And they've been given a full rundown of basically what to expect on the day, which in a model casting you probably wouldn't, like you're just showing up and it's whatever's thrown at you. But we've tried to make this whole thing as like inclusive and fun for everyone that's applied.

It's just gonna be a really fun day.

We're gonna have music going and just it's just going to be fun vibes all around. And we really do want to make it because we're doing this for four days in a row, and our message on the day is, you know, it's not all about being the winner, like and I think I was saying number one, like, I'm so proud that we've had seven thousand people apply for this casting, and I think every single person that you know put their hand up and filled out that online application form should be so proud of themselves for putting themselves out there in the first place. And then the two hundred that have been shortlisted from that, that's amazing in itself. And for everyone that comes along on the day that doesn't necessarily win. I hate that there's like a winner, but like, this is the way that we have to do it. I don't want anyone to walk away and feel, you know, disheartened or disappointed or like they weren't good enough kind of thing. So our key messaging on the day is we just want to make it a super fun day for everyone and just make it an inclusive fun day, and it okay if you're not the one selected at the end, because it's just all about putting yourself out there and having fun.

So I'm really looking forward to it.

What are the biggest things you're looking out for? Like in this model search, I mean, by the time this goes to air, it'll be darting, so we're not giving anything away to the applicants, but like, what's what's the what's what are you looking for in someone?

So obviously every person that is coming like the two hundred odd people that we've got coming to the four days, like they're all beautiful, Like we already know that, you know, we've seen their photos. I think the thing that we're looking for is someone who's going to align with our brand the best, and also someone who our community is going to love.

Obviously whoever is.

The successful winner of the thing, but not limited to I want to keep saying that because I'm like, fuck, if I find five people like, I want to bring them on board. But whoever is the winner, ultimately we're going to announce them on social media. And I know our community is so supportive with everything that we do, and I know that they're going to be jumping in and you know, hyping this person up when we announce that they're the winner and that they're going to essentially be the face of Fate for the next twelve months kind of thing. So what we're really looking for is someone who is going to align with our brand, someone who's got a great personality. We have worked with so many models over the years and they're stunning, but their personality doesn't match, and then we don't shoot with that model ever again because we want to work with people that we can have fun with and that align with us. Like it's it's not very fun when you're you know, booking a model who's absolutely stunning, but then they show up on the day and like they're not enjoyable to work with. So it's one thing to be beautiful, but I think personality has so much to do with it. So we're definitely like, I know, like we've been obviously looking at everyone's photos and kind of looking at everyone, going who's going to be the winner, But we actually can't pick just from all these photos of these two hundred people because it's going to be the personality that wins us over at the end of the day.

It's so interesting that you say that because so many model cast things, they literally just look at some pictures and they go, okay, one, two, three, four, five, we like them, let's bring them in. We'll look at them walk and that's it. They don't really ask that many questions and the less casts from there. So this is like a really unique way of like also launching someone's modeling career potentially.

I know this is the other thing too, Like I just think it's the coolest thing that you know, just thinking back to when I started Fade and was shooting with people that I knew for cash in hand. Like, now that we're creating like potential opportunities for so many people is so cool and who knows what could happen, Like, whoever we do pick this could launch you know, someone into a modeling career.

Maybe I shop in some heels tomorrow. Yeah, show them all up. Where the Xander skirt you've got?

He's on Xander jackets a jacket.

Sorry, it was a skirt. Mak a Xander skirt please?

Okay, actually do you have to know? It's hilarious.

So the funny thing is we announced that we're doing this Fate Unsigned Model search, like that's the whole campaign, and that someone's going to win a twelve month modeling contract with US ten thousand dollars. A modeling agency emailed us because they're watching and said, how cool we saw that you're doing the thing, Like love what you're doing, Like, yeah, that's cool, Like we respect that. We would love to offer your winner representation.

Have you read the thing is called.

Fate Unsigned Model Search, like, and we wrote back saying sorry, but no, we are not doing all of this work going through seven thousand applicants doing four days of travel, hotel flights. There's five of us going like then doing the person casting, then going through all that to go here you go, here's your model.

Literally you're doing their job.

Here's your model.

Sure you can sign them, and then we'll have to fucking pay you for all our work that we did.

That's hilarious, Pierce.

I couldn't believe it.

And Afil showed me that emails like sorry, did you just miss the whole point of the reason why they were doing this? So anyway, that was like another little funny thing that happened. But I'll tell you another thing. I'm just gonna say it because we're on the pod and it's a little safe space. But I've been thinking and again, like we don't know how these in person casting days are gonna go, but like.

What if I if we got.

Like, you know, at least ten that I absolutely love. What's stopping us from starting our own agency?

See you tomorrow in my heels?

Then, like I'm thinking, that's another thing that I thought.

It's because the thing is, I know for a fact, and like we love them modeling agencies, we use them all the time. But like, if I don't, if I I find like ten amazing people that have got great potential, because there's so much that you need to actually be good for modeling. There's so much more to modeling. Even though it looks like a piece of piss, you'd be surprised. But I'm like, if I don't sign these people and make them ours, another agency is going to swoop in and grab them, because that's exactly what agencies do. We shoot with girls and then boom like they they're signed with an agency.

So that's just.

Another little side quest that we may be going on, pending on how the casting days go. AJ's in the room today, by the way, and he's the one that's been like, yeah, you should do this, Like what's stopping you?

Would you like launch your own agency website to proporate them and stuff.

Yeah, And that's like that's another part, Like you'd have to set up a website that's kind of cool, and then you might do like a shoot with all your talent so all the photos are kind of cohesive on your website. You might invest in some modeling training and do some.

Workshops with them.

But otherwise, like, especially if you're a small boutique modeling agency. It's like a super low kind of cost business to have. Of course, if you're some massive modeling company where you've got people flying all around the world and shooting with brands everywhere, then absolutely there's a lot more to it. But if you're just small boutique, it's really quite a low effort and low cost business to do.

What would you call it models, No, I wouldn't call it anything to do with fate.

And then those models would essentially be our models to book through ourselves and shoot with them aj models, Hey, Jason Norden his head in the corner, and then you know, we could open the doors for these models to then work with other brands. And again, like we might not end up doing that, We might just find our one winner and a few others that we're going to work with. But it's just like an idea that's kind of popped into our heads after the success of having seven thousand people apply. I'm like, wait, you know, like hang on, hang on, hang on, But we'll just see how we go. Like that's just an idea that we've got floating in the back of our minds at the moment. But overall, like I'm just really excited that we're finally doing this. We've said for ages we want to do it, and years ago we would kind of like put up an Instagram story and say does anyone want to come a model for us? Like back in the day. But now we're doing it properly, and I'm just really pumped, keen to see how this week goes. Everyone's really excited. It's just going to be fun. This is a marketing tactic on our end as well, because we're going to be creating so much content at all of these casting days that we're doing. It's spreading brand awareness for us. It doesn't matter if people aren't part of the casting they might go, oh cool, look Fate's doing that with their community, like how cool is that? And then maybe they might shop with us one day because I'll remember us for that positive experience they saw us interacting with our community. So it's all brand awareness, it's all marketing, and it's creating opportunities for other people like who loses in this situation?

No one. So that's what we are up to this week.

And I am recording this a week in advance, so you'll already be able to see it. I'm sure on our social media, and I'm just really excited this could be the start of something new. I have no idea, and I'm really excited to think that in the two hundred people that we're meeting this week, one of them is going to be given a really cool opportunity and we don't know who it is yet. And I've been looking at all the photos, like on our millane board, and I'm like, I don't know who the winner is because I could say it could be any of them, but it's going to come down to that personality at the end of the day. And thank you so much to anyone that applied, if you're listening, Like we were blown away to get seven thousand applicants, and at one point there we thought we were never going to be able to get through them all. What we did anyway, As always, I'm gonna wrap up today's episode with a tip of the week, and I'm gonna ask a day, do you have a tip of the week.

He's shaking his head.

The tip of the week comp jump on the come on, it could be anything like life Hack. Anything doesn't have to be about business.

You learn anything lately. No, he won't.

I'm just going to go with the theme of this model casting and say, don't be afraid to put yourself out there. And I know this kind of goes hand in hand with a recent episode of mine, which is do it scared for those of you that have listened to that one, but put yourself out there because you never know what may come of it. And also, in the same breath, don't be disheartened if you do put yourself out there for something and it doesn't work out. I think that's when a lot of people may feel disheartened and then give up on something completely. And I guess this is advice to everyone that's applied for our model casting, Like putting yourself out there is a massive achievement in itself, regardless of the outcome. So don't be afraid to put yourself out there. I know so many people that applied for our model casting. I read comments online people saying fuck it, I'm just putting myself out there, And I think that in itself is something to be proud of, even if you don't make it to the second round. I think just putting your hand up saying yes, this is me, Yes I want to do this. Here's my photos or whatever it is, like, I think that's something worth celebrating. And even though it's small, it's it's not really small. So that's my tip of the week. Put yourself out there and do the thing. Anyway, that's another episode wrapped for the week. I thought I would also do a reminder that I'm back on YouTube. If you haven't caught up with me, feel free to click the link in the show notes or in my bio in my Insta.

I'm back on YouTube.

If you love hearing what I talk about here on the pod, I'm making it in video form kind of over on my channel where showing all things behind the scenes, fate business, everything in between. There'll be a YouTube video on this model casting, so come and check out my YouTube channel if you haven't already. Anyway, I better get out of here, so remember to chase after those dreams as if they owe you money.

Big Business with Brittney Saunders

Seven years ago Brittney Saunders started a business in her garage. Today it’s grown to an 8-figure  
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