Nikki's going to war without our digital department while Luttsy tries to understand her dreams PLUS the FIRST Mystery Voice is guessed!
See Ash Lutzi and Nikki Osborne podcast.
We're not above a good Dick joke on the show, never always under it bring a staple of hours for many, many years now, many moons.
The Grady Dick is an NBA player.
That's his name for the Toronto Raptors in the NBA, and the commentators have well, yeah, you try and work out whether you think they're being legit. Here this is a montage of the commentary on Dick's performance in the NBA.
This is Dick trying to penetrate outside.
They're trying to go back door with Dick. Dick aren't charging to the cup.
Dick was gonna score, Dick was coming wide open back door.
Dick couldn't hit it.
Dick goes down, Jick rises up, Dick goes down, Dick is out.
Dick struggling big time to night.
Sounds like Dick's on schoolies. That's hilarious. Where did you get that? That's so far.
The montage This morning They went on to because now Shack refuses to say his name.
That name.
And Nikki Osborne podcast.
I'm in a weird space with the White Loaders. I started a few weeks ago watching season three when it started.
And then then we're well pump.
The breaks realized there was some characters that cross cross different series.
Because for the most part it's a new season, new cast.
I thought that's that was its deal.
It is, but there's like two characters, yeah, almost one and a half.
Jennifer COOLi and this was the guy that I know is Uncle Rico Napoleon Dynamite. But so I went back and I finished season one yesterday nice and I.
Mean, I really, I really enjoy it.
But I'm just like, it's also like this element of yeah, I do, I do, I do, but not much happened.
Because actually you haven't seen it, right, So LATSI I had this problem last week was somebody if you had to say, pitch it ash, what is the white last about?
Do that? For the listener like me that doesn't know about the show. What's it about?
I would say it is, Yeah, it's a bunch of rich twats on holiday in a beautiful environment, stunning hotel, and it's all of their bullshit problems just bubbling away with creepy music to make it always feel like someone's gonna die or something really bad. It's going to happen, and you're just always on the edge, really uncomfortable watching their rich misery.
That's actually an element I think too, isn't it The very first episode always starts with you finding like a death, and then it goes back to a week earlier. But as the season goes on, as so much debth, you're not really well, you're not thinking about who's gonna.
It feels like the way they set it up, it's going to be a murder mystery.
Like, well, it's a whole way through it, But it's not really at all.
It's just more about rich people being.
What genre is Is it a comedy?
Is it? Is it a murder mystery? Is it a travel show?
Is misery a genre?
I think this is making it one rich misery.
It's I'm trying to work out if you spoke to the executive producers or whatever the writers, what they're overwhelming message would be. And I get it's open for interpretation. Isn't it about the rich people?
And I feel like I feel like they're trying to get across it. We've all got problems every day and it means nothing at the end of the day.
Yes, And also you mentioned just something quickly before the show Nikki about It starts questioning judgments you make in your own life, and that literally happened to me yesterday because in season one, So this isn't a spoiler alert bone stretch. One of the guys I'm bad with the name for the people in shows what the guy that's with there, his wife and he's a bit of a dick and he wants to change rooms and he made because he doesn't get the room that he actually.
Booked, and he just won't give up on that.
And I like, honey, it doesn't matter, you know. And he fights for it, fights for it, fights through the entire way through you.
That guy I had.
I had a moment yesterday where I went and had lunch and I ordered a beef pie and it came and I, I, just looks fantastic.
Put beans in it. Peace.
I opened it up, an avalanche of peas came out and.
I just can't eat it, like that's my beans and peas. It's well documented. He goes off. He goes off inedible and inedible for me. It revolts you. And I was.
About to excuse me, excuse me.
I checked the menu and does not have peas on it. There's peas all the way through it.
I only had forty five minutes for lunch anyway, so I couldn't. And I thought, no, I'm going to be that guy. I'm not going to complain. I'm not.
I didn't. I didn't. You didn't complain.
I didn't complain about the peas because I thought the press, yes, yeah, we're.
Really eating that. You had a pie that they with a knife and folk field because were you eating it on James Street. It's like a right, it was a meal. Here's a meal. Yeah, yeah, yeah, James Street.
Sorry, sorry that that was not supposed to happen.
And you know what, I didn't even see it did not have peas in the I checked. I went back and thought maybe it was a beef pie with all the extras. I opened it up and it was like beef pie with mushroom and onion.
No mentioned a piece. So you're entitled to blow up.
I was entitled to all blow up, but off the back of the white loaders and thinking, don't be that dick.
I did not blow up. I threw it. I got as many of the piece of the side.
Had some of the crust and that was it. So it influenced me. It directly influenced me and people that have watched the show.
And little lest me know, if anyone's ever got a sore ankle, we can go to Lutzi's freezer and there'll be plenty of bags.
Of peas and Nikki Osborne podcast.
Ash you're always talking about paying the taxman when you're getting old. He's like, you got to pay the taxman at some point. And I've got to say I've I was in the hairdresser yesterday looking at their very honest mirror while getting my hair done, and the taxman has definitely hit me in the face. In fact, often when I see I see the videos that Nick keeps putting up on our social media, and he zooms in way too close, and I'm like, whoa buddy, No, no, no, no, no, we need least an arms distance away from my facial yes, yes, social distancing for my wrinkles, and just you know, we look like crap.
What's a disturbing lack of control we have over the vision they put out of us here? Like I will say that I've grown care less than I used to, but it's still it's I still care cameras come from it high at you. Lighting is it's like it's like a bathroom from sore.
It's like an injecting room. It's terrible.
It's not ideal. I feel you.
I'm worried that Nick our social sky thinks that I don't like what he's putting up. It's not that, it's just I don't like what I'm seeing because it's all too close.
He addresses.
Is a confronting place for that, because you're you're literally forced to sit down and have a look at yourself.
Yeah, a wet head, Yeah, yes.
I look like a wet, slimy share in football. I've always been told my head is a face like the shape of a share in football, and where my hair's weist, it's not pretty. I look yeah, like a thumb slash football anyway. Women know what I'm talking about.
All Nick's thinking of right now is like, maybe we could, maybe we could paint her up like a shar and I've already doing that.
You can't.
You'd turned me into you already turned me into the autistic train guy. You did that to me on the social that was, but I have resisted to date getting botox. I'm like the last line of defense in my friendship circle. And they're all telling me, nicky, isn't it about time? It's like getting a t straight now, It's like, it's time, It's time you got the tox. You know, you'd look a little bit better.
Is that something that ladies can say to each other without without fear of you know, are your friends?
They do?
Okay, they do.
Often because they're all getting it. It's like when you go in cold water, you know, it's like, come in, it's great once you're in. That's what they do, and then that they're stuck because they never want to see their actual face again. Now, this is a very long segue into the fact that a comedy club in the UK has put a ban on audience members with botox because their comedians can't read their facial expressions. So this is gound viral. Yes, it's the top secret comedy club in the UK and the owner, Mark Rothman, has had fielded a lot of complaints from his comics, going, you know, we just can't read their facial expressions. And that does happen a lot. You're looking at the crowd and they say they loved it afterwards and you're like, well, can you tell your face? But he's coping. He's coping some heat because he's got you know, you've got your door, bitch. They're out there doing a smile test, so they say smile and if they can't read the expression they're saying out now. I don't think any of this is real. I think Bull City's done. And anyone who's got outraged online from the comedy club, because I think it's kind of like a knock on effect. They're like, all right, anyone complains about this, they're not allowed in the club because they've clearly lost their sense of humor. But what do you what do you think about the talks? I mean, we're in dangerous territory.
I think it's the fact that I don't know.
I feel like five years ago it was more of a taboo thing that is now, isn't it. I mean people just go willy nilly these days.
I got it on the show once that was like, I remember, it was terrible. You got his eyes were the eyes up thing.
They sent me out somewhere I can't And then she goes, she goes, now we'll just do a little bit, and okay, did a little bit and then I came in and my eyebrows they call it spocking, and I got spocking.
It was like they go up on the outside.
I can't remember, but it was like the Harbor Bridge or some Yeah, it was like that eyes were like that, you know if you pull your eyes up. And I had to go back when you've got to fix this, he got really mad. She's because she said, I just I did look ridiculous, didn't I. They had to put more in so that the eyebrows on the side, you know, it blended in or something. But then it was like for three months it was just like it was just a big flat spot on my forehead. I've never had it zinto And I was like, I don't.
Care what happened that again? Sam humans? Yes, yeah, total Sam human. But see that's what I'm afraid of.
I'm worried that I hope, so I want whatever Lindsay Lowens having because I'm worried that that's going to happen. Becaus a friend of mine, she was seeing her mother in law former mother in law for botox even after their breakup, and then she started to notice that, you know, one eyebrow was a lot higher than the other. Her mother in law was messing with her face on purpose, giving him like a lopsided emoji face.
I've given her a drooling lip.
Sweet, she'll never find another one.
Ash Ltzie and Nikki Osborne podcasts.
Gets me every time.
No, I believe it's coming from within today.
Is that is that? Right? Team?
It is? You are reading my dream.
I mean I've been looking forward to anyone of yours.
Actually, well, it's quite pertinent because it involves you. I keep having dreams with you in them.
Specifically me or a larger sort of well, the both of you.
I'm in bed with both of you each night in my mind, and I need you to work out what's going on.
Ludzy and Mitch, because then I'm definitely going to feel left out.
No, no, Mitch too.
Who is it in the bed, Jeremy, it's a super king.
No, all right, chair, that's guys enough, mate, you know the rules, you know.
I came home yesterday and I was exhausted, and I said to him, but I just want to lay down and stare. It's up then boring And he says, I do that in bed every night.
He's a funny one. Right, We'll go on, let's break it down like this is this is fascinating.
I'm going to enjoy this.
Okay, Now this one was particularly well. I woke up angry and then I came into the studio like writing this one. You know, when you have dreams that they're real and you come in, you yell at the person who was in it.
Just clarify you seriously. Have you had a series of dreams we were in bed with you?
Well, you're not in bed with me, just you've been haunting my sleep. So okay, okay, So actually was yeah, sorry, I know you probably do. I this is Sunday night, Monday morning, this one. So oh, Jeremy just walked past. Okay. So I dreamt that I'd come into studio and then all the lights were off, and I'm like, it's five to six and I'm starting to panic because no one's there. Then I go into our studio and I've turned the lights on and I'm sitting there and the shows well should have started. It's past six am, and I'm sitting here, going and what's going on? Where's Mitch? Where's the sound? Why am I here on my own? I'm just sitting here on my Todd. Half an hour passes, and I'm just like, all the show's done, We're cooked. Then I hear a bit of noise down the hallway, and I go out and I walk down the hallway and then I see the three of you interviewing a football team and you're all having raucous laughter, and you've moved the show. You've moved the studio, so the studio is now down the other end of the building. You all knew I didn't. You didn't think to tell me, and you're doing the show without me, and you didn't even notice that I wasn't there. And I just gave you all a blasting, got in my car and drove home. And that was my dream.
Well, I mean, yeah, okay, it's usually I think if you listen to the previous dream analysis I do, usually i'll say it's not you know, it's not that literal, but this one may be quite literal.
I feel like this is ultimate fomo. I think.
I think, obviously, you're emerging into a new area of your life. There's a new challenge here with new people, and this is the ultimate acceptance dream. This is an acceptance stream right here.
This is this is your your you know, you need to find your space with this new group of people you're with, and your worst possible nightmare is that we would all.
Quote unquote move studios away from you without telling you and leave you behind here.
Yeah, because I had a real sense of like the kid who didn't get picked for the football team. I was hurt more than I was angry. But I showed rage, but I was actually really hurt.
This is an acceptance stream. This is this is one I want acceptance. This is you needing, you needing validation with a new group of the kids, then you to get picked for the team. This is what I did. I think this is a literal dream.
You might be right, and I know I'm not meant to barty in, but I'm going to let you just this one.
Do you know what the foota team was? But did you have? Was it that specific a dream?
No, hope, I just thought that it might add some context.
Oh what you're asking me what.
Team it was?
I could only assume it was the Broncos past and present. I think they were all there.
They were there as well, so it was a footy tip. Sorry, I thought that was a metaphorical reference.
No, no, no, there was actually a team.
Oh this is sexual.
Then you're in love with that carry that's a tricky one. Well, it's acceptance, it's you want to be, but you want to be one of the one of the teams, I think.
Yeah, so.
Yeah, So are you getting the hint?
Yeah, we are.
And Nicky Osborne podcast, Come give.
Me the.
Nick Osborne's fifty dollars mystery voices. Yes, these four voices and we're a guarantee fifty dollars.
Oh, I just want this to go. I want to give away fifty grand. I want to be that person who gets to give away fifty grand. That'd be really nice. But we've happened no correct guesses yet yet, so I'm hoping this morning we're going to get one. Fingers very crossed. I gave some hints yesterday. I felt like I was hinting strongly towards the fourth person. So fingers crossed. Do we have someone on the line yet?
Travis at a Rothwell, good morning, good morning. Are you founding confident?
Sorry? What's that? Are you?
Do you think?
You know?
Have you been listening in?
I'll speaking and I know the area and I know the area you're from, So hopefully that leads me in the right direction as well.
Well, you're a rothwell boy, so you go locally.
Yeah, I'm saying local.
Okay, So do you want to have another listen to them before you have a crack.
Yeah, sounds good listened to all right? All right, So number one, I'm going to go Susie O'Neill. Number two, just to get the name out there, I'm going to go Lisa or Glazo I think her last name.
Is, is that one of the.
That specific? Yes?
And then three at Middleton.
And then four.
Jessica or Glaser on both of them, make yeah, get them both out there?
What if.
Because he has would be funny if you got the twins in the wrong.
Order, but at least well that's the problem.
At least that would then trigger a one right in the wrong order.
Yeah, I would right, yeah, one right, but in the wrong order.
Again, that's what I would to stipulate.
Yeah, yeah, So you've got Susie, Lisa or glass Aunt Middleton and then.
Not Veronica, Yes, Jessica. Yes, Okay, Travis, I can say that you have got zero right and zero in the correct or I'm.
So that's feel good.
But again in the right territory, people just marking off things on their bingo car.
Yeah, it is a process of elimination.
I understand that, But what do you mean in the right territory?
I just I can't say too much because.
It's no over related. You keep going back to that last voice. I feel like that last voice is someone from nova. Would that be right?
I can't say, I can't say anything.
We just got a huge one.
We don't and we don't know.
We just stipulate, say where'd you speculating like you are in the car.
Whatever right now?
But I am I think the fourth one you just pressed in the areas there where she felt a little uncomfortable.
I said nothing. I said nothing, but yeah.
You didn't say anything. Let's let's listen with a with a with an over filter over that last one.
I listened to.
Come on, it's anyone anyone said the opposite to me?
It says it says like Maddie Row to me, is anyone someone has anyone guess Maddie Row.
I don't think anyone's guessed Maddie bro. But we need to stipulate that the boys have no one.
No, I don't, I don't know.
And to be fair, Like I think that there's certain times you can read Nikky's face like, I reckon, it's someone from Nova, but she doesn't have that face when I say Maddie row like, you know what I mean?
I stop reading my face. I need botox. This is a problem.
You can read that so readable. Don't get the spocking that'll confuse everyone.
Like I've gone into cyber speed or what's it called? What's it when they go super.
Fast cyber space, syberspace, hYP hyperspace, speedpace, depending.
On all speed. That's Tresina speed.
What does that mean?
Okay? I was just testing on the overname.
Okay, get your donut, Absolute Donuts, getting more donuts at chrispy Kreme, has on sale at Carls all.
The names you want to have another crack We're playing again at nine o'clock and.
Nikki Osborne podcast.
I've been playing catch up on Idol the last couple of days. I've been watching some of the episodes and ho, heck, is there some talent on there? Now. I'm not normally one to be a commentator on reality TV shows. It's not my jam, but I was so moved by how talented some of these people were my socks off. Particularly there's a Sunshine Coast boy who's in the competition called Marshall Hamburger. Now have you seen any of Hamburger? That is his name for yes, he is a Hamburger, but he's got the look going on. He's a brilliant pianist. He's just super super talented. I've noticed there are a lot of talented people from Sunshine Coast, so I'm like, yes, I'm going for this kid. He's amazing. And he did a Darryl Braithway cover. They had it where celebrities who are fans of theirs called in and recommended one of their songs for them to perform. So he did As Days Go By, and he's a little clip.
The he's got a bit of the Daryl's about him, like you can hear the young Darrel Braathwaite in his.
Voice, a bit of John Farnham.
And by the way, it's Braithwaite.
I think he says a tea on the l he said Darryl.
Braithwaite, and I couldn't let that slide because they were in their cars going is she's serious now?
I know?
And Ricky Lee was hitting the tea too. It's like Ricky Gervais, he's actually Ricky Gervaise and everyone drops it, but hang on.
Miss definitely Hamburger.
It's burger wasn't on before? Its matter? How good was that? I had all the feels, I had the goose bumps.
It was like, where are they in the competition?
It's real fresh as it's like day one or day two.
Yeah, yeah, they're in the finals now, so I think it was top twelve. He's made through the top.
But the TV show is it my time? Scott tweeted, and Scott tweeters like we're finally on, but like I can be me misreading.
It's the show you're saying. It's just started down to the finals.
So yeah, no, where they're they're live now, so they're in the live shows. It's not the pre recorded kind of and all of that.
That's the point he ended.
It's it's the point he had has risen to the top. It has And I listened to this guy and I was like, yes, he's going to win for sure.
The Hamburger.
And then the sixteen year old girl called Gizella swans out like oh, she'll just be like, you know, like a little teeny bopper and she'll do some pop track or something, and you know they want her to win because she's.
Got the look.
Blah blah blah whatever. Good luck, Gizella. Then this happens. Wants to.
What's that song from a wicked.
Some small musical slash.
I've never seen it.
I haven't either.
Actually it's a big song. Isn't like right before the intermission, guys, But it's like it wrapped up the first movie that come out this year or last year. It's a big moment.
This is it.
This is the note you need to hear.
Oh Jesus, I listened to that and I just wait, Jeremy, there's a superstar in the making. We've got our new Kelly Clarkson, We've got our new Ariana Grande. And I feel sorry for Hamburger because how do you top that?
Actually that great? You can't tell me it's not one of these ones they off the street. She was annoyphant. Yeah, come on, she's been at the Buddy Conservatorium for six years.
You know.
On the twist she hit those notes at the end, but she hit them and she kept singing their songs. You know how It's like Beyonce hit those notes, and then she'd sort of go a little bit rogue within the notes, like yeah, bit jump singing this like I'm going for a full on. She was still like she was still within the confines of the song.
Yes, yeah, yeah, and she held that she hit that note like she was a forward in state of origin. Like that was so impressive. And I did start doing a bit of a deep dive on the gram because I've noticed everyone else's videos they're getting like thirty forty thousand views. Hers are all like two point eight million, two point four million, So I went, oh, I want to see her background, and then yeah, I found a post where she's singing Disney hits with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. Likedlot it.
They've already found the next knee Not Nicki Webster, Which one are you?
I'm not.
I'm not the talented one.
The Ash Lutzie and Nikki Osborne podcast.
Smarter Them, I'm smarter than the Brighton ends.
The deal is here, with one lucky person winning one hundred thousand dollars of the price of their new home every month. Drop into your nearest Brighton display home today.
All right, let's say gooday to Peter out close burn where's close burned?
Pete new Samfon Valley?
Okay, we had you on once before, but you went down in a close one on time.
Was it?
For all season?
Beat me on time as you always did.
Yeah, it was a situation, wasn't it.
You pasted a decent score too, four out of five. All right, well, redemption round two hundred dollars up for grabs and you're into the drawer for the The Shark six The Magnificent byd Shark six at the end of the year, our final show. So good luck with all of that. Lutzy's got the kickback cave in full effect as well. So here we go, Pete. Thirty seconds on the clock. Your time starts now. Someone who can't sit still is said to have ants in there? What and Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan co star in which two thousand and three comedy Freak Your Grido, fly, half, Flanker and hooker are positions in what sport drugby Union. The Australian F one Grand Prix was held in which city, Melbourne? What is eighty five minus fifty four.
Thirty one?
Stop the Clock? Layer Doggie. Yeah, what did Pete have on the clock?
One second?
One second?
Just a lutzy's in it, mate, But the score is super competitive. Let's see how it fares bringing the gibbets Fisher bringing.
The game, bringing again, bring again, bringing again, Bringing the game again.
Sam Fisher.
By the way, you can send your gims into us on our Facebook or Instagram by message in either P three or the video format.
Okay, ni are you reading?
Were you just struggling? Because that was what was that?
What was that?
You're reading a teleprompter with a question of the end.
That's the first time I realized that you read that. I thought you were just knew that off by.
Saying you're bringing the games to the als, Facebook or Instagram via message in either MP three or video.
Isn't that a disease?
I'm reading what they've written a LS. That's what.
That's a l A. It's a previous, previous.
Got sous on there, and how nervous producer locky.
I wonder I'm having these bloody.
I wonder I'm having the studio god copy and paste enough coffee and paste both.
Let's just placemarter than sous while we're at it.
Let's do it all right, Let's go, come on, Nikki, let's go wipe the slate clean. Okay, let's go thirty seconds on the clock and your time starts now. Someone who can't sit still is said to have ants in their what pants? Jamie Lee, Curtis and Lindsay Low and Coast? In which two thousand Friday fly half, flanker and hooker are positions?
In what sport?
Lotsy his bedroom?
The Australian one Grand Prix was held in which city Melbourne? What is eighty five minus fifty four that he won? Stop the clock?
Okay, I should have said football, but I just had to go.
For the judge joke for a what I had? It had to be funny, didn't I had to.
I had to. Well, I don't win the money whatever.
Dollars and it's about the same, so that's kind of you know, I want to win some awards.
Someone who can't sit still is said to have answer in there what you both said pants?
That's correct? I mean what's next after that question? Like? That's come on?
The theory of relativity was questioned.
By which I could not believe this one, Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan co star in which two thousand and three comedy Now Pete no disrespect.
But as I was asking the question, he won't know this. I put a cross already.
Cross chairt I put a cross there, blow me down, you come out and you go freaky Friday as you did, Nick, because they bring.
Out a second one. They're promoing the second one of God. Well, Ash, that's your weekend covered.
Yeah yeah, oh Jamie Lee Curtis too. Oh.
How good was she in True Lies?
Oh yeah, oh yeah? And she was also good in Fish Called Ward called Wonder.
I was traumatized. So the goldfish thing. I saw that when I was a kid. I can't recover.
When we hate the goldfish, we ate the goldfish. It's too all, too all. The Australian film of One Grand Prix was held in Melbourne. You both got that.
Eighty five minus fifty four is thirty one.
You both got that, so it's four all.
I feel like I've given the game away by going for the joke.
Well, fly, half, flanker and hooker are positions in what sport?
Do you know? Do you want to have another crack at it now? We can't accept it.
But well, is it is that well NRL? Or is it Super Bowl stuff?
No, it's rugby union.
Actually it's not ru It's rugby union, which is what Peter said. And a perfect score from Pete is enough to win. It's a five four victory.
You want to have a bucks peak.
Well done, Pete. Never never doubted you, even though I didn't know you were there or how you did.
The ash Ltzie and Nikki Osborne podcast.
I've got my family over from Canada at the moment and it's just been absolutely wonderful. I met my new nephew. He's only two, and that's how long it's been last time I saw them. My sister was pregnant with him, so it's been that long.
Right, So it's your sister has moved to Canada, has she? Because I was trying to work that out Jeremy's English. I'm like, where's the Canadian kid?
No, So my sister moved to Canada, married a DJ, they broke up, she's got a new partner and now they've got a blended family. They're the Brady bunch. So they've got three girls boys.
Now, Oh really that's isn't that literally the Brady Bunch.
That is literally the Brady Bunch. The only difference is he only brought two boys to the pack, but then they've had another one and that sort of Maverick named after top Gun. So yeah, I've been cramming in special time with them, which has been awesome. But it's also been a lot of fun because the Canadians. You think the Canadians are tough, right, because they live in a ski town in the mountains in British Columbia in the Rockies. There's bears, there's coyotes, there's cougars, there's avalanches.
Like lines eight mountain lions over there too, I think, and.
They average minus thirty in winter. To me, that's the scariest thing there. I'd just die. But the thing is, if you crash your car or your car breaks down and you've got no form of heat and minus thirty, you've only got like a very short space of time to survive. And to me now can't have that. But they've come over and I took them for a bushwalk the other evening on the blood Moon at dusk and we're walking through now Todd, here's here's my sister's partner and Everett. Here is Will's age, so his sixteen year old. So the whole tribe's down here, all bar two. My two eldest nieces are at UNI, so they can't come. They're coming later. So we're walking through the bush and I'm like, do I do it to them or do I not? Because they're already quite scared of our wildlife, you know, because every every day at the moment, we've got a shark tack, which was not a threat in the bush, but you know there's snakes as spide As. I was telling them about the Big Bastard or the Big Boy, the Newcastle one funnel web, the funnel web that's you know, bread to be massive now and.
Then what you went for? What are you thinking?
What do you think I went for? Oh yeah, I went I'm going to try and pull this one off because I figured with the Olympics coming up, I thought the drop bear should be our mascot, because I feel like it should just be a big prank we play on the world. Yeah, where we just convinced everywhere everyone that drop bars are real. Drop bears Jesus, come on, Osborne, drop bears are real Because I think it'd be funny, just a big national prank. So we're walking through and I'm like, let's see if I could do this, And I'm like, now, be careful of the snakes. But if they've got diamonds on them, they're fun. They're the friendly ones. But if they're brown, you got like five minutes to live, I said, But it's more you gotta be careful about what's above. You mean, While Everett's already fired off at his dad, Dad, should we go? Like is this saved? He's like, I don't know about this neck. I don't feel comfortable, Like, I know you're a bush Barbie, but I know it's getting dark.
Start character you Canadians.
I know, but they think bush Barbie is real too. That's a funny bit. And then I'm like, but just be really mindful above you and they're like wait, what wait, what's a what is it? I'm like, you know Koala bears and they're like, yeah, the cute cuddly things. They said, yeah, well there's a disease that's gone right through Australia. It's a bit like rabies that drives them like mad and they go rabid and they're called drop bears. And what they do is they just drop on top of you, cling to your head, and they go for your eyeballs. And I've said this with a straight face, and I'm walking along going surely they know I'm pulling there like surely, and ever, it's just I want to go back. I don't want to.
Horrifying animal.
I've never actually thought in the drop bears before to that level, but that's.
Kind of created a disease because I feel like if it's a disease, it makes them go crazy, like an apocalypse ofoals, you know, if it's not the commytean the drop bear. So yeah, I actually had him genuinely terrified. And Id's like, you know what, Nick, I think Evy's uncomfortable. I think maybe you should turn around and go back. And then we walked back into the house and my mom and dad were there and my sister.
So did he pulled out of the walk?
Yeah, we pulled out of the walk. They've bailed. Teddy's looking at me having a good giggle because he knows the joke, and I'm like winking at him. And then we walk in the house and they're like, oh, how is the walk? And every it's like I was just I was afraid of the drop bears, and we're all looking at each other and we're like, don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh. We're like, yeah, the drop bears are a real serious thing, especially in this area at the moment. So that's why we've got a gun under your bed.
The ash Ltzie and Nikki Osborne Podcast.
Experience the thriller The Weight with a forty million.
Every three minutes.
See your Nikki Yoursborn's three minutes thrill with Ginog.
You can experience the forty million dollar jackpots a three minute thrill with Keno Go, and we are giving you three minutes to give us a call back if we yell at your name.
I've been very impressed at the alertness of our listeners over the last couple of days. Yesterday we had Honor, she was on the phone quick. And today you put the call out for Claire from Regent's Park and she's come through with the goods too, does she Now? Were you listening Claire yesterday?
I've got send a message by a group of friends. What happened for you?
Yes? My best friend message me.
Do that? That's so good?
Shannon, did you share the cash cut?
Yeah, I'm going.
To have to am I. She'll still be listening right now.
Okay, well that's locked in now she's good.
Got the cash a thousand bucks? That easy boo and it will say. I mean, as we sat there looking at the phones waiting for you to call in, it is worth reminding everybody that if you hadn't have called in, this is a jackpot prize, it would have been worth two thousand tomorrow. So it's in It's in everyone else's best interest outside of your friend who might collect five hundred bucks out of it. Said that you don't call in, so you want to jump on and register, you score yourself a thousand bucks. But if you are registered, you want to death right everybody else.
So hars was the best friend? I was saying one hundred bucks?
Really generous.
Yeah, I'm putting words in your mouth, missaid it. Yeah, I'm saying five Hunjie.
I wouldn't have got anything without it.
It's true.
What about you?
Yeah, that's good points. But more importantly, I'm.
A pie without peas in it.
Yes, please, you can experience the thrill of the way with a forty million dollar Jackpot with Keino Go every three minutes and we've got the Quino Go three Minute Thrill coming back tomorrow thousand bucks. Register on the overplayer right now the Ashli.
And Nikki Osborne podcast.
By the way, we've got tickets to give away this week on the show too. We'll have family passes to give away to the Broncos Cowboys. The Broncos have got their first home match of the season this Friday at sun Corpse Stadium.
We've had one win and one lost so far.
Nikki, Yes, but there's something going on with one of the Broncos players at the moment that I think is pretty remarkable. It's not the first time that it's happened, In fact, it happens every year. But one of our best players, perhaps our best player certainly right up there, is painhass agreed.
The guy is a juggernaut.
He's a big player, he plays huge minutes and he's just he always delivers. He's and he's done that for many, many, many many years.
Yeah, Broncos.
I think he'd won like four straight Broncos Player of the Year award.
He's a pain in the heart for every.
Other he is team he is and and Pain is a big unit. But he's also Muslim and and at the moment he's practicing rama dum okay.
Which wait, is it fasting?
Yes, the Muslim faith, they have stain from food and drink, including water what every day from dawn until sun set and Ramadam. He's been doing this since February twenty eight. He'll continue to observe it until March the thirtieth. But right now eight forty one, Sun's up in the morning, Painhass is not eating anything and he is not drinking anything until the sun goes down today.
And he's done.
That a fair whack of the Broncos pre season training out that Redhill in our summer heat without food or water, without water when they're.
Doing those ns and he's still a weapon, still a weapon that Round one game, like he was an absolute beast against the Roses.
Oh, if I don't have a snack, he must be waking between breakfast and lunch. I'm just insufferable.
We think it's still daylight saving time, so the earlier kickoff seven pm, so it's like I'm just looking sunset today six oh one, so we're looking around about the same time on Friday, nights, he's in an hour there to get some you know.
Before he plays.
But that's a fluid there, just a little bit of fluid and maybe a protein bar or something to get a banana or something.
So is he doing like some sort of paleo arrangement, because I know, with like a paleo sort of diet where you're just hitting the meat hard, you can go for days without needing to eat because you're.
Like caveman, this is without water during that.
I just can't. I just can't.
Could you give load food and other hours? The water thing during the day is.
The big one training. It just does he get lispy like.
I don't know, he's pretty quiet about it. It just you know, but his form has been sensation well. Against the Roosters in round one, he was outstanding. You know, we didn't put the team didn't well or not in the pain was right up there and you know, exactly as one of our better players in the game against Canberra.
But it's the fact that he's getting through training as well.
I'm just I can't because they said they were vomiting and everything as well, because they're training so hard.
Now, hell's he criticisms against the coach for overtraining them and they're too fit. They're going too hard too early, and you'd think it's already the Brisbane summer that we've had to deal with.
He's still got another twelve days to go. It goes through until the end of March, March March the thirtieth, So yeah, I haven't seen a lot on that, but that is what is going on at the moment. Just keep like if you think you're thirsty at any time during today, I haven't think about money pain.
The Ash Lutzi and Nikki Osborne podcast you.
Were me to meet Harmway Expedia were made to plan where Halfway is made.
La Vegas Red Room Global Tour, Power Vages Media.
I absolutely love this competition.
This is this is one I would love to win, The Global Redroom Tour.
Yeah yeah, because it's massive.
Highlighted by going to see Poste Malone at Vegas.
But I think that's my pig because that's how you finish it, right, That's where you end up at the end Human jelly roll. So it starts in Sydney. Mystery artist, is that right?
Mystery artist in Sydney.
Grace Abrams live in Auckland, Dean Lewis in an intimate red room in La Oh, that would be nice, and then off to Vegas to see Jelly Roll in Post Malone.
A right, Danica park Rig, you're in the drawer.
Oh my god, thank you so much.
You've got to listen on Friday, him and Joel call back the next winner on Friday.
You have to be listening to that.
I cannot wait.
I feel like Dannik has dialed in. I feel like she knows what she's doing.
She knows.
And who's your favorite artist?
Honestly, jelly Roll like he would be amazing to see, but all of them, they're so incredible.
And have you picked your partner in crime?
Definitely? Yes, my wife your partner in crime, and he would. He doesn't know. I'm on the phone right now, but if if this goe through, he will he'll be in tears.
Well, well, I hope you win now, just because I like watching a grown man cry. That sounds wrong, but there's something really I don't like to make them cry, just like it when they show their feelings.
That's what I all say.
Anyway, Daniga, you're in the draw so wait until Friday afternoon? Four? Is that when it's drawn the show.
Okay, well, Stacey had a warner. You're in the drawer as well.
Nice, thank you so much.
You got anyone that you want to make cry?
My husband? I see it's a trend. This is the thing. You'll want to see him cry. You gotta admit it's nice for they when they have a little intimate like cry. It's nice, isn't it.
Let's go three, Let's go three for three.
Yeah, hi, Hi, are you good? You're going to make a partner significant other cry as well?
Oh, my partner would love to go.
He loves and loves Vegas, so that's awesome.
I'd like to think that's the buying, like you know, the price of entry for your plus one. They've got to cry or those are then come on the trip.
Yep, that's true. They got to cry. Yeah, Lewis, he'll be ugly crying for sure.
Yeah. We've been to a wedding once, LUT'SI.
We went to a wedding once and the groom was under strict instructions that he.
Had to cry on the as the bride and did it. I can't remember. We went to the DV. Winks was racing from every.
But are they still together? Yeah, so we didn't cry. There you go confirmation. I have a cry lads, we love it.
The ash Ltzi and Nikki Osborne podcast.
Hey I put I put up.
Thanks Nick, you've helped me yesterday. I put up that side by side of Gout Gout and Usain Bolder seventeen year olds.
Yeah, that's an incredible video.
That's It's basically you've got as if Hussein and Gout Gout are racing each other.
Yeah, there was a vision of the two of them racing at the same age, and just coincidentally, I was sort of where I was sitting in the stands is the same sort of perspective of where Usain Bolt was shot I think at the World Junior Champion. I think it was a new world junior record that he set.
Even that's a pretty freaky I know that the frame is a matchup shot from the same spot. Yes, the same point of the track at the same age.
So that's your video that was Actually it's not the saying one no no no, but that's me and here going go boy.
But my point being that that you weren't aware of that Usain Bolt footage you weren't.
You weren't doing it to do a side by side.
It just knocked out that that coincidentally they were identical.
That was sent to me yesterday. Then I was sitting next to Nick and has got a bit more experience in the real game, the real game.
You've been swapping secrets.
Like rate been a one way conversation.
Essentially, you've been giving me some pearls of wisdom about radio.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, and then but yeah, well I haven't a little bit, but not really.
And then I'm like, let's make you go viral. Let's let's do it, because give me a stronghold. Yeah, give me a phone, let me help you do this. So he did the split screen, which was good. So you faced that pround myself yourself. You did split screen, you learned you tech and he put together and matched it up, which was perfect.
I haven't gone viral like you do, but I've got.
Thirty to change it, to change your settings.
It's tricky, isn't it.
How you got to deal with that business with reels like it's a real thing.
Yeah, it's a thing. But once you kind of nail it and you've got all the settings right and you had all the right hashtags. It's only a matter of time. But even that video I think is performing better than your other definitely, definitely, But you had the grad yes it is. He's we're raising the bar the pretty.
Much well stole your idea well in fantas so that they could have just used your video.
In fantasy that.
Chris Jones, the career mal was the first one to show me the Usain Bolt video. He didn't do the side by side, but then said I'm doing a side by side against We're doing that as well.
And so I did not steal. I mean, yeah, he did not steal. Okay, well they'll give him a past mark. Yeah yeah, yeah, but obviously come on yeah no.
But but did he put lose yourself?
He did not put lose Yeah, so Nick and I went, let's put lose yourself that d you know that.
That you know, give us some emotional by.
Don how do people even look at that? They out of my instagram? Is that my instagram?
Yes, go to Lutzi's instagram, which is what it is a good video.
It's l u tt s y okay, yes, but it's good, it's it's dead said, it's so what It actually was for those go what the hell are you talking about?
When they were seventeen?
Who's Saint Bolt round nineteen point ninety three and gout gaps Tom's nineteen point nine to eight, so point five of a second of a second slowly, So it's basically the same thing.
It's a beast, It's a breath of wind, that's all it is.
And it puts a bit of a cool perspective on what's going on there.
That's pretty cool.
It shows that he's truly world class because who's sayings the goat?
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah.
He a he got a double double double in a triple, didn't he? So he did one hundred two hundred three years in a row? Is that rash?
At Schools?
The Ash Lutzi and Nikki Osborne podcast, Come give me that?
Nikki Osborne's fifty thousand dollars mystery Voices seen, he gets these four voices two and we're a guarantee fifty thousand dollars.
I'm just so ready for this to go. And I feel like I've been hinting and hinting, like dropping hints like lead balloons. I'm hoping someone gets it, gets one at.
Least a sky out of Kingston?
Hi, Sky out of Kingston?
How are you really well? Lovely good?
Have you been listening in? Have you been listening to kind of hints? Have you been researching?
I've been researching and listening as much as I can. I've only heard the mystery voices maybe three times, so I seem to step out at the wrong time. But I think I may have number four.
Oh, that's a good one.
Well, that would be very exciting.
And Scott, can I give you a tip with the mystery voices so that you can have a really good listen if you go to our podcast. We play the mystery voices on our podcast and that way you'll have it on a loop.
That is so, I'm pretty sure we do that, don't we do that? We do getting you'll be able to go back and give it a real good listen.
And Sky, what do you do out of interest?
I'm a support worker nice.
I want her to win. All right, let's listen one more time and then we'll get Let you have a crack.
I listened to.
Okay, Sky hit.
Me number one, Jim Jeffrey, number two, Eric Yader Kim number three, Dayton Grantly and number four, Delta good Room.
Interesting, he was the second one, Yeah, the second one.
The second one. Eric Yeager Kim, it's dancing.
With the.
Pronounced last name No, no, his last name is hectic, like I didn't know what it was either, Eric for Ages.
Because your great friend.
No, no, no, I know. I think she said yad, yad. I don't know anyway, and then Gotton Grantly I've worked with for many years. He's an actor. Jim Jefferies also worked with. So yes, you've definitely done research and Delta Gudrum we've worked together as well. We've done table reads together and I used to audition against her all the time.
We love Delta, were actually in love with her.
Well, I think that Sky should be in love with her too, because she got one voice yes in the correct.
Oh my god, this.
Guy, My god, I did not see that coming.
Researching and then talking your Instagram life bloody crazy.
And I know that you've done an interview as well with her recently, and she's Australian. And why do you gave it away?
So that's that was my massive clory yesterday.
What do we give away? What did we say yesterday?
Specifically, someone said that one of the people might be Australian and.
I'm talking about but it just sounded austral And you're also saying has been on over like would have been someone.
Who's been recently interviewed as well.
Yeah, I haven't said that.
Nikki is allowed to say you've got one voice in the correct order. That's not to say that it's voice number four.
That's true, Okay, okay, but I mean, yeah.
It looks like it is.
Well, yeah, I don't know that that's a major piece of the puzzle that you get their box.
Thank you so much.
Just makes My birthday is on the twenty fifth of month, so it's next Tuesday. So we had a birthday party at Kelly Beach and it got canceled because of the bike.
Won't so stupid a little bit better?
It's back on kegs. Make sure it looks hard.
I'm so happy for your sky. And when she said support work, I'm just like, oh, let it be her, please let it get it.
We don't know who she supports, but we're assuming that it's worthwhile people.
That Yeah, I know you guys could say you're Broncos support workers.
The ash Letzie and Nikki Osborne podcast,