PODCAST | Tuesday's Incorrect Mystery Voices Guesses

Published Mar 18, 2025, 1:51 AM

We've had our first voice guessed correctly AND it's in the correct order! Listen here to get closer to winning $50,000

See ash Letzi and Nikki Osborne podcast cueay podcast.

Oh what was that? We both jumped in?

What was that from you? You know we're coming so strong?

Well I wanted to beat you.

It was just it was just sort of it was like I didn't mind it, but it was just different, that's all.

Sometimes your mail ups are very.

Late, normally they're long, but so you don't have a thing.

Sometimes I'll throw a meal apout.

She just yawned. I feel like that's appropriate, used to have something. Hey, sorry, no you got sorry. Sorry, I just there was a gap.

If it's he's going to take it, so what he does is inappropriate. I might even go in you know what I actually looking?

What are you going to do it? I look at your hair yesterday I thought, I think it's growing back. You blush?

Yes, what are you talking for a product in it? Because it looks a bit whisky again it's yesterday. It looks strong in that meeting we had.

I think.

Yesterday that meeting, thought, God, you look pretty good looking at it.

I'll see this is again why I feel like left out because I feel like there's a romance here.

You look looking yesterday?

What no, No, great? You looked amazing, he was, man mountain.

You did look better yesterday than you did today?

Is his green baggy pants?

Is that it is much from a slim errons.

Yeah, they give you some swag.

What was your shirt?

Had to be your shirt because I was looking at your citty white table and see I was wearing that white shirt.

May do you like that? Actually watched your color? Actually you've been shirt. The shirts take ten years off us. I'm not even kidding. We wear the same, you know what they hide out.

And and JODI's told me this that and I appreciate this as well. Actually she like she did in a nice way. She told me, I'm wearing a polo shirt today. See you can see my crusty.

Old I'm just red my neck and my what's this? What's this called the deltag whatever? But it's it's a you know is.

It a bit crispy and a bit you're very crispy.

I'm paying the tax man, he's paying tax my lifetime in the sun.

But yeah, you look better yesterday. That's the shirt. Thank you. I'll take that.

That's it ten or fifteen years younger. And he's right anyway, that the point on the shirt.

Is that jod Reckons? I need to wear like a what's that like a round collar?

A crew neck? Is that what it's called as the round neck? You know, just what's the round? Well?

What's that T shirt? Or Mitch? Look look at their things around around It covers stuff up.

You know what? As a woman, I find when I wear a baseball T shirt, you know, with the high brown neck and like the cupped sleeves, my boobs look awesome.

Yeah, I like that.

I've got I've got a certain thing for for women.

That for that's look.

Yeah, you know what I mean, Like, I agree with that, and I agree with that basebally type boy.

Yeah, that's my that's my sort of realm.

You don't overcook it casually devastating.

Yeah, Lingerie is not my wheelhouse at all.

Yeah, like the Cottons, the simple cuts like a bonds bonds under his throng. Yeah, do you know that pants?

Yeah? Pants, that's probably what it's based off. I mean, god, yeah, what a propound effect they had on That's that. It came out of catalogs, BRA catalogs. But I'm not knocking that either. That doesn't get me. That's my bread and butter. Well, that doesn't get you. I'd rather that's all that I had. But that's all that. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what.

You know your post of what's the situation would have been? Remember the beach volleyball Australian Austrailian model that was posing in a beach volleyball two piece bikini.

Bad cook. No. I met her over in a l A.

You know her, you know her, nicky wheeling, Nikki wheeling, Nikki wheeling.

I do remember.

I remember that iconic beach volleyball I'm going to say blue and green blue bikini or pink bikini with a green.

I don't have that up on the back of my toilet door.

But it's an iconic fighter. I've just found it, Mitch found in point four per second.

Hang on a second. We going back a picture. We're going to a picture from twenty years ago.

If L's got the trim color of the bikini right straight from memory, that's a pretty.

No, this could be wrong.

It's it's flurroy sort of pinky blue or yellow blue some of that.

It's peak. It's pink of purple. It's pink and purple. That's pretty bloody. Impressive.

I do remember that. That was that was on Sports Illustrated.

I look, I know Nicky Wheelan's photos because I had to stalk her because we were down to the final two for neighbors against one another.

Oh my god, it's everything so bloody competitive, nikkis, isn't it.

I know it's annoying. I mean, I've never been up against Nicky Webster never.

But did Wheeland? Did she make neighbors?

Yeah? She she got it.

I'm not gonna lie ye had last two times I've been at last three, probably last seven times i've been in America, I hang out with a couple of people there only because they're good friends with Nicky Wheeland, hoping she'll turn up. She never, I've never actually, other than this horrible photo I had with her at these I I was the on field MC at the MCG for the tsunami relief game and she played in that and I and this is photo on me and her.

And I look so disgusting in it. But it's with Nicky Wheeling. So I kept that photo somewhere, But so you look better, No, I look ginger five thousand. It's bad. It's a bad.

It's like beauty in the geek.

And she had a little shirt tied up nicely.

Cool she did.

Do you know what the outfit that you know, when that springs to mind for me, you know, I've just been looking for it. If you're Nikki Wheeling, the one that for me, I go, yep, this is right in my wheelhouse.

Is in Charlie's Angels.

You ever watched Charlie cady As with the Postman Cameron.

Dy As when she's dancing in her bedroom in her underpants with you.

Yeah, and when the postman turns up, I don't feel free to just stick things in my slot?


Yes, yeah, that that to me like that, That, to me is as close to when see when she does that bit when she reverses her trunk up to the daughter andswer the postman, That to me is as good as it gets.

You know what, Ash, I would agree with you, because even I got the horn when I first saw that, and I actually went out and bought that set for myself because I was well, I was a goer at the time. This was I think I was in my early twenties when that movie came out. Everything everything pointed north.

Look at this, look at this look look at that. That's talent. Great movie. What a scene that looks. She reverses it to the front door. It's so you you you went out and bought that, did you?

Yeah? I went brought from General Pants co. It wasn't exactly the same, but it was very similar.

See for me, just just speaking for this this man, I would prefer that to any lingerie, that that.

You are honeybird atte out the window.

Yeah. Like that to me is yeah, yeah, either bikinis or.

Yell that lay stuff makes you look like the woman your partner would pay for. You don't want to look bored. That's how it's terrible. Did I just take us back like three decades?

Well, I was going to say, it almost looks it looks like Eliza bethan kind of you know the sexual adventure, you know, Wedding Night's sexual Adventure.

It's very Yeah, I don't know whether am I offending people. I don't know.

These days, no one's offended by our show. If they're listening to this podcast, they're either out to get us canceled or they're having a good laugh.

That's a good point, and they can't.

You can't get canceled and actually, yeah, you can't. But it's hard to get canceled nowadays.

On a podcast. What it is.

I think it is unless you go out like I think that a particular person wanted to get cancer. Oh yeah, yeah, I think they were done. They were cooked. They're like, how do I get out?

I know?

So I'll do a ranch about the most outrageous things.

Okay, yeah, job done with details of that of what we're talking about.

I'm pretty sure everyone knows. So if you didn't like your job, right, for instance.

And you said no, don't, don't give management any idea of your plans.

Yeah, but if you say I quit, is it? Do you get fired?

You get payouts?

Are you saying yeah, this is like council work and one I.

Want I reckon you get you get fired? I mean you know, in fact, I can say that you don't get.

Paid because it depends if it's arguable. I think I don't know. I think that some people have had a lot of success in getting payouts.

I wouldn't continue thinking that you get you can get fired and get paid out.

I know you think you can.

I think you can, unless you I think we should talk to a lawyer. Contracts lawyer.

I never had that either. No, what are you talking about? Are you talking about? Is that in that room? You know?

No, I don't.

We someone in the industry we know that.

It couldn't quite Oh, I think I know what you're talking about.

That I couldn't.

Evidence screenshots, video records. Yeah, Mitch is doing it every day, relations planning his exit. Imagine being that type of person who's like planning their exit, just like I know you've had it.

Imagine being ghastly. Way to live your life, isn't it.

Imagine that being that lose a mentality. No, I find if you're angry or you're upset, you just say it, get it out, take it out on traffic.

Road rage.

Yeah, just go and yell at everyone who sits in the right hand lane on the freeway. Go and just give him a tap love, tap up the ass. Hey, Hey, I'm angry.

Yeah, cracking someone online?

Just go and troll, Go and trol. Sam Pang, I.

Spoke to you this morning, Nikki, and he said that, Yeah, they were after Saam Pang.

So to see the show. I'm trusting other people's opinions on the show.

I've got I haven't seen it either.

But I'm already pretty brutal.

Yeah, I haven't seen the show either, but the feedback has not been from from punters.

Yeah, but this is the Australian disease, right, So someone has a go and it's Australian talent, So what do you do? Bring them down? And you end up with reality TV and that's it.

And they sold the show as Steve Ward meets Row and that's not what the show he is.

I think I think he's been a bit hard done by.

I'll be very surprised if I sit down and with the with the with what I'm expecting of a Sam Pang show, I'll be very surprised.

I see anything that was ship's I haven't. I haven't seen it because I've seen I've seen.

One with awareness of what Sam does.

And but the other thing I was saying to Nikki too, and I was talking with you about it earlier, is that they did so much promotion for this show exactly like it was promising sort of big things and you don't really get the time in television to to grow a show, to build an audience, and that the way that it had been promoted, it was like, no, we are going to hit the ground running and this is going to be like awesome from the get go. But it's as good as Sam is, and he's an unbelievable talent. He's hosted the Logis, he's done stand up, he's done heaps of radio, heaps of television. He'd never done this before, and so it's anything that's a new experience is going to take some time. But you don't often get that time.

You've done soft.

Launch would be in the answer for that. That was what we said three weeks in.

This is getting a bit of traction, bit of a culture oiler marketing. Yeah, all those kinds of shows like well the Front Bar, there wasn't a hard launch that that show just slowly creeped and crept along.

On Fox whatever the hell that's on there.

But when this is getting a cold following now with Mick malloyan and Sam and the other bloke, the straight guy.

Is there another guy on it?

Straight guy?

Who's the other guy on it?

Exactly straight? Oh?

You obviously think Ed Cavalley's not that funny instead a straight guy, you Cavali, No, I thought you meant.

Sorry. I Finded Cavalier very funny. And if you're listening.

I've reading to podcast.

No, but someone will reiterate it and then it.

Will be all reconds. You're right there.

That could be that's Chinese whispers right there, You're gone, well.

Just saying that.

Minutes after she said she couldn't get canceled on a podcast, she cancels Cavalier his.

Best Mates with Joshua. So I've been canceled by d years ago.

I have noticed what you do have some type of rift going. Is it a riff with Josh Lawson? Is it just like he's just on your cup of tea?

We just have a mutual dislike for each other.

Really, so feelings are mutual from like, Josh, what do you reckon?

No, I think he'd lie because he's an actor. You just lie, Whereas I'm like, I hate that guy. There's always one you're always glad to have one that's always go on about Jay names. I'm not denying that he's talented, it's just you know, he's not my favorite. Yea, I won't say why. I won't say why.

Okay, yeah, okay, that sounds sure. You'll tell us.

Well, I'll give you the whats at all, blow by blow

See ash Ltzi and Nikki Osborne podcast,

Ash, Luttsy & Nikki Osborne

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