FULL SHOW | Queensland FLEXES on Australia AGAIN

Published Mar 14, 2025, 12:23 AM

The Sunshine State is making the rest of the country look really stupid...except for the stadium drama PLUS Pat Carrigan joins us ahead of the Broncos clash against Canberra 

See ash Letzi and Nikki Osborne podcast.

Hey Yo.

Ding Ding, Here we go Friday morning morning rock on a.

We Normally I come in with good morning, good morning, good morning, and I didn't do it. I wanted to see what would happen if I didn't say it. It was just tumble weeds. We have quite the formula. I realized, you do your hair, I say good morning, good morning, good morning, and then I just talk at you for usually about a minute.

You come in very hot.

I saw our billboard. No, it finally woke up.

Nikki, I'm step.

No, it was Jesus.

Your head was enormous slat sea. Yes, Mitch's head wouldn't even fit on the billboard. She won over the gateway material, except I couldn't pull over to get a selfie with it because it's on a bridge. That no, it would you would be a dow and Award thing.

That'd be a bad reflection on our shirt.

Osborne dies trying to get a selfie of a giant mug of billboard.

I did it once. I got out of my car and stopped and took a photo of me in front of one of my billboard, out of our billboards, My Bill. The overwhelming sort of thing of the picture was that how awful I looked in real life in comparison, what was up there? Like a man tits everything going on?

David, I know you just ruined the illusion. I certainly wasn't going to get out with my gammy mouth in my like dress and.

Drooping and dribbling.

Yeah, because you're not. When the photo shoot happened. There's no signs, no visible signs on their of you having mouth.

No, it was a fit, healthy woman.

But even if you had manky mouse, they would have mouth, have fixed it up, touched it up.

They just put it.

They didn't for me. Oh yeah, they did a photo. They did a shot once and Lazio here looked like George lazenb with.

He's very strange.

He looked like George lazemb with George piano key keyboard mouth like his teeth as white as.

You've ever seen in your life.

They just trim with white and then old ashes like just you know what may make him look like baked beans. Make his teeth look like baked bean.

It wasn't your teeth.

The whole thing.

You look like meat life like A month after he died.

See ash Ltzi and Nikki Osborne podcast.

So get this. This is happening in Australia. This this has happened where basically we have Tony Stark in Australia and Ossie Man has just left hospital with a totally artificial hearts the first time it's ever been done. It was in New South Wales. He had it done in Saint Vincent's Hospital in Sydney. He spent several weeks in the ICU and then a little bit more time under observation because I remember when this first happened when he was having the surgery. It's a titanium heart.

So not one part of the heart is real.

No, and it's by a tech company called by the Core. That sounds like a movie, doesn't it. But it's real. And this just blows my mind that this is happening in real time.

How does what provides the energy for the titanium heart like presumably that titanium heart pumps blood, yes, so how does it like, where does the energy for that come from?

Guessing it's battery operated? I don't know it so big good if it was sola, wouldn't it? It just has to go on Sun bacon.

So what kills you? Your heart Stopping beating is the only thing that kills you from natural you know.

I mean, well, if your heart does stop beating, it will kill you.

I'm saying, how far are we if that's if we can do this, won't you be able to live for a long.

Getting really augmented?

Yeah, that's very interesting. I mean, you wouldn't want to, Like when your knees have gone, you would pace them.

But if if you don't, so they've done that Titanic, they could have titanium knees. This is robocops stuff.

This is a company, you said, because I saw this the other day too.

This is this is Survive.

This is Australian of the Year stuff. Oh got you like? Whoever this person is? It's Australian of the Year.

We took state lines. I think it's a Queensland stop.

Really, I think it is a Brisbane guy. It's a Brisbane guy. There you go, you're right water. But it got me thinking about all the other Gus inventions. We've got so many brilliant Ossie inventions. It's not just the titanium heart. We created the black box in planes, the pacemaker that was our creation where the first people use penicillin as a medicine, then that's a whole that's a world saving thing. The cocklear implant that's us. An electric drill that sounds too, and Lamington doctor.

Ian Fraser, he did the he did the cancer treatment for the cervical cancer, the vaccine, yes, from down the road here.

And the inflatable escape slide we did in flats, which is funny. Yeah, yeah, we did that, which is funny, it's ironic, it's quantus and we've never needed one.

Airlines are so good, the hills.

Hoist obviously, and the wine cask that were the drunk woman's pillow. So these are all the things that we've created. And at the top of it is that is a very impressive list though, Yeah.

What's that.

I've got the doodles a broad.

Range too, Like we go from the wine cast to an artificial heart, like we just really covered a lot of ground.

Well, both of them are equally important.

Absolutely, Yes, maybe that early work from that wine cast perse cask person inspired the heart dude.

Certainly, certainly I think that the pacemaker that would certainly sport.

I'd say that's the tech that's within the titanium heart.

So who is the dude or chick he created?

Yeah, but it was a Brisbane dude. He was a man, Siri who created the titanium heart in Brisbane? Okay, come on, Siri, it's saying doctor Daniel Tims. And he was nominated for Australian of the.

Year the.

Daniel Game.

How did he not win? Have it?

Looking just looks you know, just as he was.

A nominee in twenty twenty three. He should have won.

Bloody hell, maybe he'll win. He'll win now nominated, maybe still.

Get a second run. I can Debbie Moore will get a second run?

Act Demi Moore?

Could she get it now?

Australian of the Year.

No, No, the oscars like, be this bloke I'm just trying to give ash.

Hope he went to Qut this bloke stop that.

He just looks like the guy you'd see, you know, having dinner with his spam.

Bricky creek right if he probably does, he probably eats amongst us mortals.

And yet he's doing amazing things.

And inventor of the titan.

Oh my goodness, doctor Daniel Tims. Doctor Daniel, if you're listening, we're in awe of you can we I'd.

Love to get him on.

Alicia, we would love to get him on. Firstly, I want to hear how he did all of this, and secondly I want to give him up.

I don't I don't hear all the details.

What you were going to give him?

Stop after that.

You went, you went, I'm going to give him.

Let give him a manky mouth that he can research beside it.

Maybe he can fix that next yeah, because he can come up with an invention.

But the ash Letzi and Nikki Osborne podcast, this is ashe.


Ashley h It's that time. It's time to reflect on what was predicted for your week that you've just had. It's time for astrology to prove you wrong and yet right.

I wonder if if this will have strong overtones. You know it was all the cyclone. Well, it was pretty obvious this week, wasn't It was a cyclone came up ended everything.

Yeah, but how did it personally impact you?

Well? I had to do huge cleanups at Springbrook, which I'll still be doing this weekend. I'm covered in leech bites.

Yeah, I'm sorry. This song still takes me back to inter then. Sorry, he just gets me every time.

Okay, Ash, Now now I'm thinking of new roo job. Did the stars say that?

I know, sponsor of the segment?

Go ahead, ad Re, sponsorb on your regel. That'd be great.

What did what did the stars say for me this week?

Okay? Libra? This was Saturday, the fifteenth of February.

This was again, okay, okay, what's it saying?

Although a situation isn't moving forward as quickly as.

You'd like, that's Alfred sitting north the coast.

That is Alfred. It will work out somewhere deep inside you're quietly confident about this. Yet another part of you is worrying. He did tape your windows?

This is a month ago, the fifteenth of February.

What what's going on?

Oh? Come on, an have I got the chance from the fifteenth of Is this meant to be serious or not?

Since she wrote the wrong month, that's what she's saying. How bad she put on the top of the sheet.

I mean, this makes a mockery of the whole.

Here's your words.

She's undermining this. I think she's a secret Peter.

This is a month? I said, what is this the the current one?

Or she put the wrong date, or you put the wrong date.

I'm starting to put no faith in this whatsoever.

I'm starting to think I should print off my own coffey.

Yeah, don't use the same template.

No, okay, so this is it?

So it's legit? Is this legit? Alicia? Or are we wasting one's time?

I mean usual words sheet?

Okay, okay, so start again. I was distracted.


Look we said, although a situation isn't moving forward as quickly as your bike, it will still work out. Yeah. Somewhere deep inside you're quietly confident about this, yet another part of you is worrying.

Our fred sounds like a multi I had running on the weekend, quietly confident, but a little bit worried that it won't happen.

I definitely did happen Saturday.

It is punting day. Yeah.

Okay, suppose you're dreaming the wrong dream and wasting your precious time. Actually you're wasting your time when you worry about whether you're wasting your time.

What I understand that I can't even.

Back myself up here. Okay, Yes, you've set your hopes high, but with effort this lunar eclipse week, a real shift forward is possible.

It's good.

So there you go. He's trying to dream reader this stuff.

I don't know what to make it.

That one who is the forecasts coming? Is none of you sent me? I think we need to change over to ever Daniel. He's an absolute gun.

Doing Nathaniel's gear. I don't want to We don't have to do it now.

The next week, just by them.

Sure, give me the stuff they smoke, But no, I don't need to read there their astrology report.

We are going slightly in circles. Look, it used to be with this one. It used to be his dad who did it.

He took a classic.

He doesn't look.

I'm changing to Evan.

He doesn't have the old man's you know, no Smarkle.

Yeah, his old man had a dash of SHOWBI is about him. This kid doesn't matter. This kid doesn't have any show kid the Riddler? What's his name?

Is the ash Lazzi and Nikki Osborne podcast.

Try Chartimes New Coffee range iced Latte Icelan black and iceed brown sugar cookie latte.

Ash Letzi and Nikki Osbourne's Cups of Joy.

I want to try that ice brown sugar? Is it coffee lat What is that.

Ice brown shoe of cookie.

Cookie lat.

Brown sugar.

I know it would be sweet, but it go for a run. So get your joy and then get your orphans.

And I want to give that a I mean, that sounds like a good bit of gear right there to meet.

Me and the other ones who got the the ice latte says you can add signature pearls to your ice light set or cream moose to the iced long black that they've got available as well.

So it sounds good adding moose. Oh that how to be a party in your mouth and everyone to be invited except mine.

Because your monkey mouth you called a good hand or the cream moose.

Maybe it'll cure it be the magic cure.

You never know.

Now, Mason, out of bucking.

What's going on.

Working today?

Thankfully? Oh yeah, it sounds sounds a bit dingy or something weird. Just give give us a testing one to testing one too.

Testing one to testing one too.

It's coming in a little bit over modulated.

Yeah, yeah, that's that's exactly what it is. You're coming in hot modulated. So well let's get this out of the way in one cup. You've got the gold class Gold Class experience for two nice, you know, what I mean that's second Mason. Yes, I've got my wife.

Yeah, you know, it's fantastic. Always find someone for gold class. They come out of the wood work.

In the other cup, this one, you've got a thousand dollars cash. I always get emotional round money can cash cash is keen?

That all post nasal drip.

And there and then in this one you've got an ultimate wawn care packing a mower, a blower, and a whipper. Snip.

I'm I'm a snip.

So how good is that? Man?

I'm never in on these jokes.

Have you got have you got a lot of grass and bush that needs trimming out there?


Come on?

Would be great?

All right?

Great, now listen flush with grass and bush and bush it is.

That's what's known for. Now listen, listen, Mason, Mason, I'm jiggling the cups around. Now, direction do they go? Nobody knows where will it end? So okay, okay, say stop, say stop, Mason rules, Yes, Mason, say stop.

When you've had enough stop.

Yeah, that's it. Okay, all right, I'll stop it there on Mason's request. Now, what do you want? Mate? Do you want cup one? Cup two? Or cup three? Up? Three Cup three, the right hand. Once he got Mason from bucking what you want, You're off the Gold Class My Friend experience for two.


Oh that'll be nice.

There's nothing better, fantasty.

Take your lovely lady out for a hot date.

It's nice.

You'll love that.

And there's some good movies out too. That's one with Kate Blanchets adding rap.

Black Bag came out yesterday.

Yeah, Kidney one, the Kidman one.

Oh yeah, baby girl, baby girl, the whole experience you can be with your wife.

I've seen that, the col Kiman one. I check out the Cake Blanchet. Yeah.

Look, if anything, I did take my wife to see that movie in Gold Class with the whole Gold Class to ourselves, and it's build as being a sexy movie. I think a push back any start that I had to by a couple of days by going to watch Yeah right, yeah, so okay. I think maybe Black Bag with Michael Fassbender and Pte.

Blanchett's get on the Bag.

No, not like that, you want to get on Come on, guys, you're better than that.

Try Chat Times New Coffee Range ice latte iced long black and iced brown sugar cookie latte. There's going to be fill in the studio those outter today, I hope.

So thank you your time.

The Ash Latzi and Nikki Osborne podcast.

Now the quick reminder that Gout, Gout and Action out at CUSCO over the weekend. Now I've got those times. I won't actually get Nick to whack this up on our socials as well. If you want to go out and see the phenomenon that is the young Gout Gout at the Queensland State Athletics titles, it's Q Sack. It's on today by the way, if you want to head out, but gout is in action at ten thirty Saturday tomorrow morning.

Are you going. Yeah, I'll be there both days so you can, like, can you video for us so you can watch in real time?


Absolutely, I'll probably do it in real time because I'll be trying to do it properly so I get plenty of hits off my Instagram.

Yeah, we'll do that so we can see it straight away.

I'll send it straight to you. So this is our under twenty one hundred meters heats. He'll be racing it at ten twenty. The final for that is it one twenty five tomorrow afternoon. This is out at the State Athletic Center at Nathan. Then on Sundays the two hundred meters he's in the at eleven forty two, he's in the heats of the two hundred meters, and then the final is at three thirty Sunday afternoon. I mean, I had a bunch of people have asked me like which one should I go watch? I'm like, well, you know what, it just don't know with the kid, like he could come out and do something normal one hundred. The two hundreds is quote unquote pet event at the moment if he has one above any of the others. But so that that'd be Sunday if you watch, want to watch the two hundreds, but just go on both days is a rare moment to see this kid, you know, and his embryonic stages of senior sport.

Does he have any brothers or sisters? And someone the day I so, I reckon he mustn't, because I reckon we would have heard of them by now. But his parents, what is their pedigree in relation to athletic achievement? They must have some type of maybe he just.

Got in trouble a lot when he was little and he just had to go real fast.

He just put the skates on.

Yeah, South Sudan. These immigrants, they moved to Queensland before his birth. That's Monica and Bonner. So he was born in Australia. Yeah, born in in the Switch I think, or Brisbane or Switch, pretty close to anyway.

I want to know Will what's his face? The champion sprinter who's been training him over in America.


Will he be there?

He won't be that quick state titles.

No, no, no, not competing as a coach. Could he be there?

He's still competing, He's still he's at the top of his game.

Yeah, you know he'll still be Like, come Paris, La Olympics in three years. They will both be there.

Oh it shows how much I know.

But it is interesting that there's no allows. I mean, it's it's this guy is destined to be his main rival, and yet he's walking him into It's almost pretty better the devil, you know, kind of situation keep you keep your enemies close to whatever. Blah blah blah.

I been trying to sabotage he starts.

Who knows, right, But it is interesting, you know why Noah's be the nicest guy in the world. He's left out in the front door.

Well, if got Goud's even faster on the weekend, and we know that, you know he's on his side and he's not sabotaging him.

Well, he's helped him, I think undoubtedly. Gouder said, it's been terrific that time he spent over in Florida working with him. It's I mean, how could it not help a kid.

At that dout gout got himself a big sponsorship deal yep, with any of the big shoe brands. He has got signed.

That's a big deal. But he hasn't that they're holding off.

Interestingly enough, I guess I'm an added ask guy at heart to what do you suggest that? Well, you just read into it what you will. But I so he signed with the three Stripes, He's signed with your three stripes.

There's a few others that they're multimillion. It's a million dollars territory across the offers he's getting. They're holding back.

What about that?

Yeah, it's it's it's all happened.

The property can buy a nippy.

Yeah, Well you know what the interesting thing is around that, By the way, and I've pushed hard over since old Stephen Miles was that sort of blue with him about t Sac and the Olympics and said and said to him, the legacy for athletics is building more tracks, like synthetic tracks around Prisoney because the main we ain't got any. We've got a couple, got one there, one there, and one out there. There's three of them or something, right, So that's the problem with athletics. These kids don't have tracks. They've got to travel fifty minutes to get a track with them. So build more tracks is the answer. And tell you what I mean. You know Jonathan Thurston style in Townsville, I mean Ipswich or spring spring Field out that way out near Brookwater and everything. That new city out there, surely they've got a gout gout. Being a local boy out in that area, he could be the catalyst for maybe a track to be built out there for starters.

I'd imagine the local council of very much having all meetings about that. They'll have a year's worth of meetings about that, and then there's.

A real chance there to connect outgout with his local region there. So I'll be very surprised. And that you know, the people that have built those areas out there. There's some pretty rich people out there that have done that. That's you know. They could be a good step for the Ipswich crew to get a great track for the kids out there to be able to run on.

Jan A. Reinhart could always build One's.

A lot of pressure on Gina. They wasn't there the poor thing. I feel sorry for us sometimes she.

Likes to look after all our athletes. She jump out of the pool and on the track.

Yeah, she's more of a swimming sort of person.

Anyway. You know, there's other people out there, the people that built Springfield, they are great. They've created great opportunities out there for those people.

If Gout's on that sort of coin, are you build a track? Well, yes, a bit much pressure on a sixteen year old.

That's not pressure. He's engra Let's keep that often.

At this point the Ash and Nikki Osborne podcasts So Hot Isn't the.

Carrying Tomorrow Night? The Bronx are traveling to the nation's capital and that's a game. They all get excited about that. We get to go bish week, we go Bruce. We get to go to Bruce. Although it's not the middle of winter. Ideally you'd want your cambridge the middle of nowhere to be on in July or something like that. But the great Man Patty Carrigan joins us, now, how are you.

Mate, morning guys? How are you going?

Very well?

Very rough?

Actually a bit rough and ready.

That type of week tough, everyone's that tough this week.

Get through it down on the Gold Coast.

Yeah, you're right, you're good.

Yeah, I was actually all right, but I was written nervous. Sure, the canals around the coast started backing up, so I thought I might be in a bit of trouble. But I know we are. We're all right, and we'll straight back to train on Monday.

So the dark an hour as well.

Yeah, he's he's on it. Yeah, that was your two hundred foot Maxie yacht id.

That was you in Hong Kong, spotted, well.

Spotted and prayers for all the people who owned.

Yeah, yeah, what about what about how good we were? And I say, well, as if I'm playing for the Broncos in round one US an outstanding start, you know, it's only one game. But then the naysayers they all come out and they go, well, you say, what the problem is that's got them peak too early?

What they're peaking early? Basically said that on the Maddie John Show.

Kid you not yeah, the third for they're peaking too early?

Can you?

I don't know what you do about.

That, mate, I don't know either. You're actually m v P mate. To be honest, mad said that, now you sont doungrade yourself. But yeah, it's always going to be something, whether we peak too earlier or night. So I'm just going with the camera this week, and we're not going in the middle of winter because it's a tough trip. When you go there, it's a single figure temperature.

Yeah, joined, queen, you dodged. You've dodged a bullet all day. So what is it around. It's not till next week that we play a game at home. I'll tell you what it'd be great to like chalk these victories up. At the start of the year, went on the road, get a couple in the bank, we come back home to the fortress that is sun Corpse Stadium. It seems like from the outside looking impact same team as did the job last week, that you're starting to get into a bit of rhythm.

Yeah, it's good. We actually were pretty unchanged this week, so which is exciting that. And Honey, you've only spent like three or four weeks together in the preseason because the old boys had been a bit injured separately. So the most time they spend together is exciting for the group. And we go four games at Suncorp in Hero one, the Dolphins home game, but four games at sun Corps always fun mates, so it'd be good to hopefully get this win and and bring it home for a few weeks.

You look across the board last week like you couldn't isolate it one player that kind of didn't do their job, you know what I mean, Like I said, like everyone was on point.

If they didn't, My mum would be the first person to say it. She's a massive fan of yours. By the way, Pat, she loves you.


Leslie sands a love.


Yeah, everyone stepped up.

It was good.

Yeah, it was good. Everyone was Yeah. We obviously had a bit of noise from those outsiders about the team we're taking in Round one, but some of those boys that you know, earned their position were probably some of our best players in German super Psaki and Jack Tzevsky and those sort of guys. So see them read the awards, you know, the tough preseason and put on a clinic. It's pretty special. So yeah, I've actually love and playing with it. It's good fun.

That's good. That's that sounds very good. I watched the documentary that's on out at the moment on Craig Bellamy. I watched it a couple of nights ago, and it starts the way it starts is and it's real. It's the actual speech that Craig Bellamy gave the Melbourne Storm players before they run out onto the Grand Final of last year.

Oh, that's how they started, and mate, unreal.

I watched it, pat and I was ready to run through a brick wall. At the end of it, he goes, let's go and get it and he stands up and it's just like I physically got goosebumps and I felt that whatever that is, I felt it. I brought into what he was saying, like, what, what's Madge like? Look, do you get a big speech before every game? Or do you know what I'm saying? Like to me, that just seemed like such a magical moment.


Yeah, he's good. He I think he resists the urge a little bit to get too fired up, but you can see it start the bubble. So no, those those moments of those special cases are pretty cool because they're like, yeah, I was going to say, the old William Wallace.

Yeah, imagine if you like the game as you'd have to take, even even at training to just go as we're just going to put up there for a second. Can we just watch this quick video. This is a guy called from Melbourne's.

You remember the first of these docos they started to do was was like in the Tiger's Den or something and it was madriping the tigers hole. So that that doco was him screaming at the tigers for four straight episodes. Like you could show him highlights of his old set, he.

Didn't get them peeking probably probably probably over there. Oh mate, well listen, it's round two Nations Capital Raiders v. Broncos tomorrow six thirty pm. Made all the best and hopefully we're talking about another victory next week.

Yeap, good guy, Thank you, and get.

Your tickets for that first time game. They're going to go real quick, so boys, get on board, get your memberships.

Rock on, guys, see ash Ltzi and Nikki Osborne podcast.

I'm Smarter than.

The Brighton Answer deal is here, with one.

Lucky person winning one hundred thousand dollars of the price of their new home every month. Drop into your nearest Brighton display home today.

Oh wait out, I wish up.

You know how you going?


Going on?

Mate, your sales rep. I am selling decking product.

Selling decking parduct by making sure everybody's got somewhere to go and entertain after this wonderful weather we've been having.


Well, Mike, I have nothing to comment on that, but he's busy.

Yeah, I know. I was just reading the questions. Oh that sounds good, White, So let's see if we can start your weekend with a you know, two hundred dollars we're playing here. We had a win yesterday from Nikki, so all good. And don't forget you're in the drawer for the b y D Shark six at the end of the year. You'll see them out and about it on the road. Mate. They're a sharp looking piece of machinery. They look good.

They definitely have seen a couple of them mats were driving around.

You've got the title black, the Deep Sea Blue or the great white. So you're already in the drawer for that. Let's see if you can take down Nicky as well. Let's go make thirty seconds on the clock. Your time starts now? What color blood cells carry? Oxygen? Read? Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield have both played which Marvel Hero Spider Man. A game of one day cricket is typically divided into how many overs per team?


What Beverridge is sometimes referred to as a Milton mango.

For it?

How many is a Baker's doesn't? It's not the clock? God?

Was the time just two seconds?

Good? You got emotional over the mangoes?




Yeah? I do.

By the way, they're henning. Yeah, what we're gonna say about the floods, go ahead? Yeah, they're great people, pad don are you? And the great people from four x as they have in previous flooding disaster zones in Brisbane. I'm getting the van out this afternoon and all day today, in fact and yesterday giving out some four X goal to the people most heavily affected by the floods and the recent cyclone. Alfred So bravo.

Some of the responders that are out there, an excellent job getting our electricity back.

Shout out bravo.

Yeah, that'll be well received and appreciate. Brilliant, well done to four X. Let's bring in the game.

Bring in the game, Bring in the in, Bring, bring in the game, Bring in the game.

Bring Thank you, Christy spandau a span ballet mine, Mitchell?

Are you ready? Nikki?

What have I missed?

Nothing much? Okay, but we won't tell you how Wade went. Let's see if you can fish the week on a winning note. Thirty seconds on the clock, Your time starts? Now? What color blood cells carry? Oxygen?


Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield have both played which Marvel hero man? A game of one day cricket is typically divided into how many overs per team? Two? What beverage is sometimes called a Milton mango smoothie? How many is a Baker's? Doesn't their tea? Stop the clock?


Gee, Willickers? I think a Milton mango is a cocktail?

And well, yes, so I guess you could call it a cocktail.

Yeah, that was smoothie smooth Yeah, and that's not right.

I'm like smooth.

I'm thinking cocktail, cocktail, cocktails move.

It's pretty fancy I'll say that.

Oh I just head, brain fell disconnect.

Yeah? What color blood cells carry oxygen? You both said red? Red is correct? The Mundo one all. Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield have both played which Marvel Hero? You both said Spider Man? That is correct?

It's two all.

I reckon. I'm in trouble here.

A game of one day cricket is typically divided into how many overs per team? Wade said fifty. Nikki said two.

We're getting closer to that though, thinking like, oh my god.

Two overs per tea some type of shooting.

That's my deal cricket.

Is that what you'd like to see?

Yeah, that's my fantasy cricket.

Way, you got that correct? It is three two to stuffed on what beverage is sometimes called a Milton Mango Tyson smoothie. That's rare, so rare.

You know why? Because I don't have enough red blood cells at the moment. That's one of my.

Issues, Wade. Wade said, a four X, and I except the four X. It's got it's got here x gold. But it is a Milton Mange is a four X.

I'm going to except four excepting four X. It is it is it does reference to four x gold about four x I'm going to take you and look he's already beat me.

Anyways, it's four.

Four to two. Yeah, he's definitely beaten you. And then how many as a Baker's does and it is thirteen? You both got that, but it's a high three Wade and Wade, that means that you've won two hundred dollars. You're in the drawer for the boy.

Yeah done.

Way has anyone got a fiver before?


Feel like that was the first five it happens.

Yeah, yeah, I don't have the stats on me, but good any better than that? Wade? Well done, mate, thank you?

In the drawer for the b y D Shark six.

As Ash said, it is the b y D thirty anniversary event March thirteen. Yes they kicked off. Wraps up tomorrow. Purchase and receive one year free public charging on charge Fox Plus in store offers. Go check him out b yd S The.

Ash Letzi and Nikki Osborne Podcast.

Come give me the.

Nick Osborne's fifty dollars mystery voices. Yes, these four voices and we're a guarantee fifty thousand dollars.

I feel like it's time to crack this nut open.

I really want someone to get just one, just one, I think brilliant.

You know, once we do that, I don't think it'll be too long until the whole week does voices are identified. But yeah, it's been a whole week now, hasn't it.

It has been And there was one I think it was yesterday felt a little bit closer. I was like, we're getting into.

Some territory here, there's a clue there probably now Kristen out of Castle Dine, what's going on?

Just getting myself ready for work and drop the kids back at school.

Well, we could change your life right here, right.

Here, wouldn't that be?

Right? Now? Voice is correct and you win fifty thousand dollars? Do you want to have another listen?

Yeah, let's have another listen.

I listened to.

Okay, Kristen trying to read body. Fifty thousand dollars is a line?

Okay? Are they h I probably don't have the I probably don't have any right, but let's go. Celia Pecola number one, Josh Lawson number two.

Yeah you are Josh.

Ye Josh laws Oh my god, you're bringing so many good shows.

Especially when you love Josh Lawson, Chris A bunch of.

Shows I do.

He's great.

Yeah, you guys are two together.

You do a double page, different spreads, but you're both in the same Were you in the same article.

We're back to back, back to back, right.

I haven't seen the full thing yet, but I.

Really shouldn't have made a thing interesting.


Joshawson is at number two.

Okay, next number three, Miguel top Blow.

You dated him, Nothing happened with him. I was in the jungle with him. He's a great guy.

You're making out something you know, nothing happened.

We did it, She protests, protests, so much are you making about Miguel?

Number four?

A number four?

Number four?

Miss Warhurst?

Oh yeah, before another wonderful person from the Triple j then went to the jungle. I thought she was going to be a bit of a precious princess, but she was so lovely.

Yeah, she was in the jungle with you. They were very smart choices there are.

You've done research, Kristin, Thank you done. Like I'm impressed that she's worked hard. Now, have you got any rights?



Okay, Now I like that Kristin tried unlike you know some other people are going, oh, I've never heard it before.

We will give me some donuts.

Christ We had a call it earlier on the week.

Anyway, we like you, Kristin.

But now they like they're thank you very much. Love you guys too.

Love you too.

Love it.

She got that right.

I gotta guaranteed fifty thousand dollar winter. Not just yet though, but see you next chance coming up after nine am this morning.

See Ash Lazzi and Nikki Osborne podcast.

Eleven days away from the big announcement March twenty five, when we find out where all the stadium infrastructure is being recommended to the Premier David christp.

Fully, how are they going to do that? By the way they're going to do it, it was already dropped and now for swimming, Well it will to you apart.

It will be at a lunch. Christa fully will make the announcement at the Future Brisbane the Career Male Future Brisbane lunch. Wherever it is. There'll be a bunch of a standing around, so will we on stage. It will be some sort of thing, so I guess it will be. It'll be a we will be building a stadium here a presumerly'll be we'll be building Brisbane Live here and we'll also here where the athlete village. And there were some reports yesterday that it had been leaked and things like that. There's no really new informations come out of that. From what we've been speaking about on the podcast for a couple of months now, that certainly looks like Victoria Park looks to be the most favored venue for the stadium, the go print site next to the Gabba for the Brisbane Arena.

Okay, the only point of conjecture, a brand new, a brand new stadium at Victoria Park, yep, circa what sixty seventy eighty thousand, what say you?

I don't think they'll be talking eighty. I think it'd be more sixty sixty to sixty five and that sort of region.

And then that we would after the Olympics be the new home you would suggest of cricket and AFL.

Correct, everything pretty much that's been happening. He circular at the Gabba, a circular venue, which was which everything that's been housed the Gabba. So I guess the big three big ticket items would be test matches, Brisbane Lions and Big Bash games and then obviously other entertainment as far as music.

Would it be under roof deal don't know.

That's still still up for conjecture. Where they can afford to do that would be lovely to see that, having what I've seen recently, to have a roof, that'll be amazing. The Brisbane Arena, we believe, will go to Goprint, which is opposite the Gabba. Opposite you know, across Main Street. We're adjacent to the Gabba site and the only other point.

So sorry, so, and I know it's just speculation, but it seems like the word is out in a lot of regards like Victoria. I think would all be amazed. Now if that's not locked in correct, the Gabba under this what you're talking about, does it stay or go? Are we talking about a knockdown? And then and then build this new precin Gaba.

Because the pricing they're talking about is actually across the road from the existing Gabba site.

So what happens to the ex Gaba.

The Gabba would remain as it is at the moment for the next five years to six years, so the test matches would will come back there in twenty twenty seven or whatever. Whenever Quick Australia.

Wants it to.

The Big Bash will continue there, The Brisbane Lions will continue there until such a point. Again, this is ideally such a route that Victoria Park is built and everything will move across at that point and then the Gabba. A bunch of experts will look at the gab and go, okay, how do we reimagine that space moving forward, whether that will remain a sporting venue or will become residential, retail, green space, recreation space at the at the current side of the Gabba. So what that Brisbane arena does is validates the billions and billions and billions of dollars that have been spent on the Cross River rail, which is the seven or eight billion more than ye now I think it's the eleven twelve billion we're looking at now. So that arena will, I guess validate to some degree the expense.

That's how I justify buying handbags and choose. I buy expensive shoes and then I need an expensive handbag to match.

Yeah. Well they ran the risk of building this whole underground deal and then going to walk away from it.

Yeah, so they're looking to still the only other point that they're talking about the Initially they said the athlete village of the main athlete village would be at Hamilton at north Shore. Since then, particularly of the last week or two, the RNA, we've been speaking for quite a bit of time on the podcast about the RNA showgrounds. Lend Leases involved in something there which would create a precinc there which would house the athletes during the games as well. So that's the one point where it's not so sure what will emerge. I mean, this report has already dropped. Chris A fully's had it now for the best part of a week, and as we said, eleven eleven days time, we'll have an announcement where, hopefully definitively he goes, this is that, this is that, this is that. Let's start building the damn thing.

I love that you just picked up your phone and your screen saver of the Olympic rings exactly well spotted. That's good. You are living and breathing every single bit of this, aren't you.

I really am nik I'm excited.

I got so excited.

It's really exciting, and I think March twenty five, it seems unlikely now we're going to be served another proverbial sandwich. If you know what I'm saying, it seems very I'll be amazed if something pops out there. I think it'd be politically crazy for Chris Fully to do that. He's got a great opportunity right now. I think he's got a great opportunity. And you're right at the excitement levels. I think have been thwarted a little bit by the fact that until these decisions are made, so we're not being allowed to be excited about this event, that.

We're in a holder Yeah, yeah, we're in a holding pattern. We want to get excited. We want to see the plans, and we want to go and drive past it and go, yes, we love that giant I thing.

Yes we're doing that whatever that is. And then they will allow us, the kids to get excited because okay, it's on now, we're ready to.

Go having excursions there, and they'll be like, this lights up and then that does that lollly Lewis's statue kind of pops out at the top of it and says welcome.

Everyone exactly whatever it is. It allows us to be excited about it. And again, the people that are building this stuff, and I've spent a lot of time from over the last month. These guys are so switched on, like we can.

Create some popular guys again, Well they're the.

Guys I has been hanging with in Hong Kong. But there's a bunch of My point is there's a bunch of people in Brisbane. If we just released it, let it start, we're blueballing. There's so much excitement ahead. There's so much excitement ahead once we get this through. So fingers crossed eleven days.

Away the Ash Ltzie and Nikki Osborne podcast.

You were made to meet Amway Expedia.

We're made to plan where halfway is Expedia.

Made to travel.

La vegasom Global Tour powered by Expedia.

Let's go.


I mean, you know, not to say that that's not enough for Aukland, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, but also sending you down a city to kick things off, so to keep.

And k five about what that actual one is. But it is a red room event absolutely in Sydney to kickstart things. Then you're able to Auckland to see Gracey Abrams. And I'll be surprised. I've been surprised, Nikki. You're not shock, but a little bit surprised that a lot of the people that have been putting into the draw this week.

That's the main event.

That's that's been their Their top seed has been Gracy Abrams in Auckland. Because on top of that, you're off to La Dean Lewis in in La and that is going to be a very intimate one. It will be fantastic. We've actually seen Dean Lewis in the Red.

Room have nice indivate setting as well, which is great.

He was great. But then you're off to Vegas to see Jelly Roll in the post and that's an allegiance. Yeah, massive, that'll be unreal. That's that's like, that's.

A dangerous way to wrap up the trip too, because you know you don't have to get up there and move to another city or the country again. Like you're just you're finishing off in Vegas and that's it's anything you want it to be.

At that point, Song, as we get to talk to them all at the very end, I'd like to hear that, yeah, they might need a couple of days, see how they pull up.

Well, the first the first trip will be given away this afternoon four o'clock.

Yep, from four pm.

All you're gonna do is jump on board the Nova Player and register your details and we're going to give you a call back to put you into the draw.

That's just what Lucy has done. Good morning, Lucy. Hey, hey, how you doing?


Pretty good?

How are you? We're not bad? I see you live near the Yap Laply shop. Good place to be now, Lucy, you are registered on the Nova Player and you were in the drawer, and you could potentially be one of the winners drawn this afternoon. Oh my god, so fingers very very cross for you? Out of interest? Who are you interested in seeing the.

Most Deli roll?

Oh my god, Jelly Roll represents. Here you go, Ash, she just proved everything you just said wrong.

But she's been the first one.

That's true.

She has been the first one.


Oh yeah, that'd be a good gig in Aubland for sure. She's really good.

Well all this afternoon, Lucy, and you could be the winner.

James James out of Mitchellton. Yes, James, you're in the drawer to.

Mate, Thanks mate, I kind of late.

I don't know if there's any signs behind this, but I always find that the people that enter on the last day quite often win somehow James just believe that she may believe believe.

Manifested across everything, James, and that could.

Be okay, you know what's chuck one more in Haley Bevengar East. Hello, who's your top seed for the trip? Which we are you looking forward to doing? Most probably Jean Lewis lewis.

Getting some balance across section. Well, Hayley, you're in the draw and it could be your name pulled out this afternoon. Also amazing, thank.

You PM with Ricky leads him and Joel. You were made to have friends in other languages. Expedia were made to track prices on flights to friends. Expedia made to travel See Ash.

Lutzi and Nikki Osborne podcast.

Ash Latzi and Nikki Osborne's Collar of the Week.

It just feels like we covered so much ground this week, you know, between the cyclone and it feels like it's been a long week.

Yeah, like the week. It feels like last year. It does, remember Alfred?

Yeah, oh wait that.

Was that was that was like Sundays a week ago.

It feels like it's been long.

It was long, like you're a three year old interjecting, I know.

Right, repeated what you guys have said seven times, but.

What point I can't think of, like one specific caller that jumped out of me and went on that person I know about that bloody Which one.

Are you talking about?

Well, there were too so that was what was her name?

The lad parked at work? She was great, Yeah, the bird from.

Well, if we're about to give her call of the week, I'm going home.

That would make it a particularly long week. When I was doing spitter than who, I came in and you guys were all cracking up and I'd missed the caller of the week.

That was funny, but because it was a train wreck, because the father daughter had been on the cruise.

This is it. You guys have got the most fantastic memories. What chess piece can only move diagonally?


I thought you'd taken off on a cruise after that first question, Where did you go?

Where did you go?

For seconds?

It was a big night last time and Latzi standing by for a school one two three standing The apple doesn't full far from the tree, and that's what you're gonna do to win cool a Nathan Ada bean Lee, Nathan are you there? Mike? Are you playing?

What exactly happened? Between you and said daughter, Uh when with the gimp? Exactly?

Buddy, Well, mate, I was.

I was happy to get onto the competition.

And she hears Chrispy krean donut.

So I've got the phone in the left hand side, and then on the right I hear, hey, theory, what time does Krispy krem open?


Right, and yeah it was just off putting and she's out excited.

But yeah she's got about the gimp.

Yeah, yeah, that's right, the best of her dad.

Oh mate, what about what about this? When you when you were on yesterday? Our mate Foggy, he texted me, let this bloke is ripped off his tits.

So I don't know if that's.

If that was.

Accurate the other day after a cruise, so you're well within your so he ripped off you.

You know what, that's what he suggested.

He's pretty accurate.

At the moment.

Because you.

Enjoy those Crispy creams and then enjoy our merch pack. This is our eighth front of the year. You get the tote bag, the ash lut's your nikky tote bag, and my bucket hat ashes gone fishing.

Bucket hat, and then you get a towel, a dry, harder towel. Anyway, you need to take this.

On your next cruise under definitely, and that's how I'm actually I'm going next Sunday to the Great Barrier Reas for seven days.

Good it's got a good run.

On another cruise.

Or is this a fishing gear.

That's on the cruise with the Carnival cruise ship from Brisbane to seven days?

He's cruising again? Yeah, mate, you're gonna get off your you know what's again? Or what mate? You also hit my Stubby Coller as well. What would Latty do? Stubby coll Lets you do exactly.

What you'd do.

But it sounds Dubby Cooler would be worn out by the seventh end of the seven days, I can tell you.

But thank you very much.

Take some pictures of the cruise you know, of our gear on the cruise ship if you're out of call of the week, my friend. Oh, thank you so much. One A six point nine and all the stuff.


What the Ash Latzi and Nikki Osborne podcast.

Come give me the let's Nikki Osborne's fifty thousand dollars mystery voices. Yes, these four voices to and win a guarantee fifty thousand dollars.

We're going to go up to the T Bar, the Mighty t Bar, and say, Kylie, is that the nickname.

For twoomba T Bar?

The t BA?

I didn't know that?

How come I didn't know that? What rockviving? Living under? Okay, Kylie, how you doing?

I'm fantastic, I'm at work.

Actually, did you guys get hit by Alfred? Did you get some heavy rain?

We did get some heavy rain, definitely, and a bit of local flooding, but nothing too dramatic.

No dramas. Oh well that's good. Well, Kylie, have you been listening? Have you been doing a bit recently? I have been.


Okay, well let's give you one more listen to alrighty, Kylie, who do you think these four people are?

Okay, so my guess is are for Taylors with Robbie Williams, Alan Carr and Samantha Jade right, and.

Who's your friend behind you.

In the background? To talk up some more? Nurse say something funny, we love, something we love.

She's probably comforting. The patient's life.

Was probably do drinking a coffee.

Drinking coffee, Yeah, she probably done.

Exact triple triple bypasson chasing the triple delivered triplets. It all happened anyway, Sorry, Kylie.

We carry on alright, so Williams Tea Swizzle car.

And Alan Carr. Alan Carr is such a great guy.

Alan Carr wasn't his second row for the Broncos first.

Everything in the football. No, he's a gay comedian. It's quite the opposite.

And you can still play for the Broncos.

Anyway. If the opera house with him, that's my place. Alan Carr, the chatty man, yeah, with the big glasses. Anyway, he wasn't the same one unless he was in a pink silk show.

Never think he was on the Mad Monday strangely.

Enough, Okay, as Alan Carr, I don't think Alan Kean would even have done that, to be.

Honest, Alan can't anyway, Kylie, I can say you unfortunately got none sorry, okay, right, I just I just wanted Kylie to win, especially she said nurse, I love Nurse.

You'll get over rest.

Ashes being outrageous today.

Alright, Friday, you know.

It's the weekend. It's the freaking weekend.

He's Kylie.

All right?

Well, thanks to Kylie, will have four more voices.

On today's podcast, you can check out all the incorrect voices that we have had so far, and we'll have another crack at the guaranteed fifty thousand dollars mystry voices Monday morning.

See ash Luti and Heresborn podcast

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