All the yummiest bits of today's show in a delicious little baggy
The ash Lutzi and nikkias von snack Bucks sound.
Myself is feeling so sorry for that young kid Jack doing. I mean, once you watch that Netflix show and or you start following F one, the chances of getting an F one drive are so remote. So many kids from all over the world that get into go carts or whatever. There's got twenty cars per race, only twenty seats available in the whole of the world.
To be an F one driver create a chance of getting on a spaceship to go to the moon?
Well probably, I mean the stats would probably be.
Yeah, because you can pay for that.
Yeah, yeah, you're right, I mean you can probably payn Can you still pay to be an F one driver?
Well, I don't think it hurts to have financial backing, because you've got to fight your way through all of the lower grades. If you like which Jack has done and then finally gets his opportunity, He's done all of the right things and made his way up to the top, gets an opportunity. It's his first day in the the seat, first day on the job, if you like, right, it was over in twenty seconds that the race started. He went around the first corner. Maybe he got to the second corner and then he's his car. He just lost it straight into the wall and that's the end of the race.
Oh that's like those those athletes with the false starts like one hundred meter runners.
Happened to Chervo once.
Yeah, that's the worst.
And they got to just walk off.
The hate that rule. I hate that rule four years that it's not pleasant. That's like the worst.
But that was his first day at least.
Look if that happened to Chervo, he had a wealth of experience behind him at that point.
This is like your first day.
Yeah, still pretty much.
Yeah, his first first opportunity.
That's that's brutal. It doesn't even matter if it's his fault or not. I mean it's it's just it's a it's a it's over, not over.
But it's like it'll be over in his mind right now. Like that's a big thing to come. God, I mean we all have bad first days.
I'm trying to think whether I have a job or something like that.
I've had a first day. It didn't cost me my career or anything, but I did. I'd started at this was down in Melbourne, working at a promotional agency, and I really fancied the guy who ran it, and so he invited me in to come and work in the office one day. Jeremy, No, it was not Jeremy. This is pre Jeremy, another j name though, but yeah, I'm into jays talking about you're better than that. Anyway, I've gone and this is the first day ever in an office, and I'm there just kind of gooey eyes over this guy. And then it got to the end of the day, he goes, well, you did great, Nick, and actually let me send you home in a cab. I'm like, no, no, that's fine. I'll just get the train. He's said, no, let me send you in a cab, and I'm like, no, I'll get the train. And he said, well, let me get someone to drive, and I'm like, no, it's fine, I'll just get the train. It's fine, I'll get the train. Anyway, I got the train. I walked into my house at home and realized I had with women's issues arise that day, unplanned that that that was just my worst first day. At least she's in there. Just mortified. I quit. I could not go back and confront him every again. I couldn't go back. I was so embarrassed that I he on the shorts. He was aware was shorts.
This reminds me of a movie I hate.
But yeah, that was a pretty bad I never went back. I quit. I was young.
With the name.
He was hot to that guy, he was hot.
Sam Newman Son.
From me actually fell over on your first day doing a quiz show and he tripped over and smash his nose first day on the thirteen, twenty four to ten. Will take some calls after the news, maybe if you do have horrible first day experience.
I was hosting a game show on the ABC, the very first episode of the very first season, and I had to run up and jump up on stage and go, you know, here's your host, actually Broadham, and I tripped on the stairs and I fell flat on my face.
The best I love that always were.
Watering because because you were crying, you know, yeah, busted, his nose was blood born out and.
Then makeup would have had to work over time.
So that's to bloody clean the floors. That's our taxpayers money cleaned up his claric.
I can imagine all of the trained actors who would have wanted to host a quiz show in the wing.
I've beat out Jeremy Simms in the adition.
The case you're not being replaced by some you know, beat up footy guy. No, no, this is legit. Then that you can't bag busted No.
Thirteen twenty four to ten. If you have any first day disaster.
The ash Lutzi and Nikki husband snack box.
All right, young Jack doing.
We started talking about his first day and the job in the F one Grand Prix in Melbourne. He lasted twenty seconds, I reckon before he crashed out.
It was just like devastating. He'll be back, he look, he'll be in. He'll be in the chairy gain claims the mats China trads. Yesterday some of the biggest names. Never for one crashed out yesterday.
Yeah, tough out the office.
Not the best first day on the job though. Olivia, Hello, you're on the air. What happened to you first day?
What was it?
So, my sister worked at a color dealership and she kind of helped me get a job in sales, and it was my third day in but I was driving a brand new car and I reversed it into a back of a a poll and got written.
Off and coming car. Obviously did you get sack?
It was a customer's car.
They were just sold. It wasn't a lebrity dealership, I hope no, thankfully. Yeah, And what did you crash? The six three?
That's not I mean, it doesn't the top of the rain.
So I was like the most expensive out of all of them.
I could have been. Oh no, Olivia, all right, who else we've got? We've got Felicity, tell us about your shocker.
I was about nineteen and I just started a retail job, and I'd been out the night before and all nighter. Went to work and I was on my lunch break and fell asleep for an hour. Come out of the break room an hour after. The boss wasn't to be happy, like, where have you been for an hour?
Did you?
Did you fall asleep in the breakroom on your first.
I did.
You'll understand my arm.
That's the tell tale.
Awesome, Katy, What was your first day? Shocker?
A long story short, But I was working in the rest spite center and cooking and I've never used this barbecue before, so I chucked all these sausages on the barbecue because I was running late, turned it up as high as I could. I'm not a barbecue. I can tell you that put the lid down, isn't it up again? And there was a fire like you would not believe. Someone had left the side door open. The fire alarms went off. I had all that. We had all these agecare people in there. They were screaming, thinking they were all going to die. We had and then and then all the alarms started going off and we had to evacuate everybody. The fire cane they had to put everything though well before the fiber gay got there. They had to put everything out with the with her what do they call it, the extinguisher, and oh, yes, I'm freaking out. I was totally freaking out, thinking, oh God, I'm gone, I'm going, you know. And on the Monday, I thought, oh, I'm going to get the sack. On the Monday, I walked in and they all turned around and looked at me, and I thought, oh my gosh, this is it, and she goes, oh, we just want to congratulate you on how well you did getting everybody out. The other day. I thought I was going to get like a like a d CM, you know, don't come Monday sort of thing. But I didn't.
That's impressive. I would have been dirty. I didn't get my sausage, because when you smell on that's it. You're luck.
I don't know. All the old people were really disappointed. I could tell you. I thought I had a new fee on my hands for a bit.
I'm happy they got takeout instead of the Dodgy.
Actually, actually, okay, that's.
A good one.
I should tell come then you wrap us up.
So I did work experience at the ABC back in nineteen ninety one. They were filming a pilot show with Ian Terpy as the host. Anyway, during the break I had to try and pull the podium out of the stand and I was twisting and turning and pushing and pulling. Next thing at Caine loose, smacked myself in the face and passed out mortified.
Was he the first person you saw when you came out.
Yeah, he was a sweetheart.
He really was giving your mouth the mouth.
The ash Lutzie and nikkias von snack Bucks.
Yeah, gap gat at the Queensland State Athletics titles and a big shout to everyone just competing because Gout was obviously the superstar of the meat and there was TV cameras triple. The crowd that whole Western Grandstand was pretty much full of surreals, which was just great. And we saw some great athletes. Young Rose Aclin just turned sixteen last month won the Open women's four an eight hundred double, which is huge. Being trained by Peter Cropp and Nick. Two of you were doing good jobs out on the north side. Who else Sophia Keating was was great, Laylor just emptying a bunch of kids, A bunch of kids got the run against Mia Grace, the Olympians.
He had kids running against these Olympians, you.
Know, which is awesome, which is good. What everyone who got to race with Gout Gout too.
Yeah, I've seen the time slips and it's like, you know, I mean gout Gauts in another league. But they will be able to say, yes, I ran with that kid, and I ran with that guy.
The guy trained with Jones.
There boom, there was a great photo of the entire field of that meter final with Gout lying in front of them, like lying across the front of.
Them and all the other guy.
That's how you get it's the first time ever under twenty seconds.
Yea Australian.
So what did he do time wise, what did remember he breaked the nineteen sixty eight Peter Norman Australian records. That was two six the two hundred. Yeah, yeah, he ran to twenty four previous. Yesterday he ran nineteen point nine eight, which is quicker, but it's a win thing.
Illegal win assistance. Who cares?
All right, A bunch of kids him run nineteen point nine to eight, which is unheard of seventeen year old. It puts him in rarer air than he was a week ago. I got to spend time with Bruce mcavainy yesterday and just to feel Bruce's passion around this kid and becoming part of the journey. And then there's a Spotlight Channel seven program next Sunday you cannot miss. We might try and get Bruce mcavaany later in the week. It'd be great to have him on the show to talk about that.
We'll try and do.
This is about Goutcout.
One hour Gout Gout documentary and I've seen some of the vision of it.
It looks so good.
They're saying that Goutgout's time. Reminder he's still only seventeen. Yeah, he's at school right now.
Ye switch gram. He's sitting in a.
Classroom contemplating whether it's all work.
I switch as we speak at the moment.
But his time will of won gold in the Sydney Olympics in two thousand and I think I would have won bronze in Rio.
Wow, Wow, I didn't even know that You've done some status out.
Chris Jones is editorial in the place.
I'll read that, that'll be I haven't even read that.
Yeah, James's editorial in the career will be great today because he was out sitting out there with me yesterday.
Jones, he was out there with me. We got a little bit of this was just me.
I threw my phone over the front of a bunch of other media just to just to hear a bit of got gout speaking after his two hundred meter race here.
Is felt pretty good.
I mean I did this.
I was really happy as the praise of the way. We've got a few months a week off my shoulders and now I just got to.
Do the more consiste. Kid's going nuts for him.
Yeah, what does that mean when you do that? Sure?
I mean I definitely feel great because I've been at that stage before, watching you said on the news and just getting gist blocks and just must giving peoples once.
He definitely feels.
Great every time I just.
Spurs, like in my heat there was no car and I come come out from warming up, I look at behind me as a big car who much just like businal hors hell.
So definitely gosh. And I'll tell you what was cool.
I heard a kid say to a dad's thing I've never heard before and in recent history, Dad, if you've got a pen because people are wanting autographs again.
Asking your dad for a pen at the athletics.
Let's see does have a gimmick yet, because you know how bold he.
Does this little thing with one hand as he comes across the line. I could, I can't even it's hard to I've got to have a relook at it. But he's starting to develops practicing.
I saw him do another thing where he was kind of hold like doing holding the back of his head.
He I'm not aware of that.
Yeah, I couldn't do the full move, but he's working on something.
I love that he's a showman that he hires up. The more pressure there is, the more people watching, and he's got.
Just the right amount of you know, not not sort of too much. It doesn't look like it looks like a nice kid. But he's just got enough of that as well. Yeah, just the right balance.
It's good.
He's cool.
It's cool. He's got swags, he's got swagger.
He needs to do that. He needs he needs a gimmick. You know.
It's coming down the right now.
It looks like I was laying but I think it's going to become the thing.
Get Yeah, the ash Ltzi and Nikkas Bond snack.
Box surprise pop up gig.
I saw true to shut up, a little free concert, a last minute and that's never never planned by a whole bunch of marketing strategists, a few influences turning up and going, oh my god, look what just turned up. And then some little young prodigy if they want to sign to the label, turn up and make a cameo anywhere. Yes, I just ruined it all.
Probably wrong.
By the way, some of the Escape to the Country shows they're not really that they're paid. Act.
I heard about that.
I think I told you here.
No, no, no, I read it.
No, it was on media Watch. I don't know why I was watching media Watch.
Well, I'm just saying he's the host one.
Yeah right, and yeah, it was just yeah, we have we haven't had this conversation. You know how they go in and go three houses to choose from. I'm picking house three. Then they found out they already owned house three. They've made it for a year.
So they're dodging up though, is that what you're talking.
Or they're not even married and they're acting, Oh no, I know, I've gone and ruined holes.
Gen religious, I'm starting to lose faith in the whole the whole TV industry, in society in general.
Well, let's hang shit on my husband.
Yes, that gets us back on track, back on track.
So on the weekend he went down to Melbourne for his friend's fiftieth.
He wasn't there for the jet skiing and they no, he's.
Missed the debut jet ski.
There was that line on the couch that was my dad that was.
Telling him that, oh my god, how old.
Do you think?
Way away? I know that was Jeremy.
Jeremy killed him.
Well, I nearly died of laughter on the weekend because he was packing for his you know, two night trip. Now, everyone gives me a hard time, particularly Jeremy, that I have to pack my whole tilate kick when I travel.
But Jeremy's.
Including Milko even packed defense of Jeremy. Yeah, and this very but Jeremy is about to go down because not only did he pack his pillow, like, do you ever pack your pillow for a weekend?
What a full sized pillow? Okay it's on car trip?
No, no, on the plane.
He's like a proper human. Does he take it off the bed? Does he take it off the.
He takes his his pillow with him because he one pillow, pillow, just one. But his theory is you can sleep on any bed in any hotel anywhere if you've got your pillow, except for at our friend's place, which is where he's stayed.
Heard of that.
Yeah, but he chopped trees and stuff, but.
I help help.
Actually, Jeremy chops treets too, to be fair, and roses.
How does he pack it?
Okay? No, it gets worse.
Okay, it doesn't carry it on?
Okay, So he's going. No, he's going to our friend's place. Now, we've stayed there once before, and I will admit that their guest bedroom, the bed is not particularly comfortable, it's quite hard. And so Jeremy's gone through all the suitcases. I'm like, why do you need an enormous suitcase? He grabbed my megasuitcase, which I took to Europe for five months. So I'm like, what do you need that for? And I'm like, and it's full. I'm trying to lift it. It's super heavy. He has packed a mattress topper, like a full mattress foam topper. He's rolled it up and kind of vacuum sealed it and put it in his suitcase with his pillow.
That's an entire suitcase. The pillow and the mattress.
Is basically taken the whole contents of forty weeks with him down.
To the bit.
And I meant to look to this man in times of crisis and go help me.
So did he.
So he rolled up a mattress topper and then put the pillow in the suitcase with the.
Long he carried onto the.
Plane with him.
No, No, he didn't do that.
He checked.
Look he's look, he's still he's still a man.
Yeah, I'm just saying that I've never heard of I've never heard of anyone trappling with a pillow, let alone a pillow and a mattress topper.
Well, I must say I've adopted his taking a pillow thing, because he's right. If you take your pillow with you, you do this. Yeah, and my chilade kid, I basically.
You go bag him if you're doing it as well.
Like I wrote you, but I haven't taken a mattress dropper.
You take half a kitchen the kitchen with you.
I've never seen anything like when you came in with that chi last day set. That's a lot of a lot of equipment for a cup of tea.
Look, I'm sure there's other people that bring other random stuff while traveling, but I think Jeremy takes the cake with the mattress top.
So what happened?
Have you got two mattress toppers or did you go without a mattress top?
No, no, no, he takes a spare.
He takes the spare, right, he takes the spare.
But what about your dad? He was staying at your house sleeping, and he'll.
Sleep anyway talking. He was out of it on that he was gone because he's been staying up watching the Grand Prix qualifying, getting all excited about Oscar, and then he just kind of passed out during our family reunion as you do.
A lot of the ash Lutzi and Nika's Von snack Box.
So I finally got to take out the jet ski on the weekend and it was, Oh, they're fun, They're so fast. Oh my gosh, it goes one hundred k eight clock the hundred kay. At one point I went waved jumping.
Was that you You had your young fellow on the front of the show.
Yeah, that was so I could get selfies.
And then I just say, you did do it by yourself?
Yeah, no, No, I went out. I've took my sister and my Canadian brother in law out. Terrified him because I made sure he knew that there were sharks there before I went out and threw off waves. And I'd organize for all the family to be parked on the beach right up in the corner. I call it Turtle Bay because it's the calm bit. The surf doesn't get it, and that's where a lot of like barbecue boats and little boats come in and more and hang out for the day. And I'm like, Okay, this is a safe spot that I can organize them to be and I can take them for joy rides in and out because well monkey see monkey doo. I don't know that there's any rules against it. And then anyway, the life savers are doing their kind of training there as well. And then as soon as I pull up in there, I've come in nice and quiet, you know, six knots even slower actually, mindful of the turtles. And then he wades on over and I'm like, ah, crap, and I just looked at him my said, am I not allowed to do this? And he goes, you do you want the real answer or my answer? And I said I'll give me both. He said it's a bit of a yeah but no but yeah but nah thing. I'm like, what do you mean? And he said, well, it used to be okay when it was separate districts, separate councils, because Caloundra had a rule, but Kawana Shai I didn't, he said, but then it became a blanket rule that you can't come in anywhere, right, And I'm like, well, what are your thoughts? And he said, yeah, well I think it makes sense that you come in here. And I'm from Kawana Beach, so I don't give a shit. And I'm like, oh, that's the answer. I wanted. He said, all you need is one counsel employee who actually knows the rules to come out and get you. He said, but I can't get you. I've seen how fast you are on that. I like you. I'm glad you're responsible for saving my life because he just saved my day. But it got me thinking about all the stupid rules there are out there. And there was an article in the Koreier mal as well yesterday saying some of the Queensland rules and read some of them. Tell me what you think You're not allowed to vacuum after seven pm? You know you can't vacuum after seven pm.
I saw the headline of that that that's not for really.
I mean, if someone's going to hold you to it and call the cops on you for doing a bit of dust busting because our kids drop crumbs everywhere?
Would that be a follow on from like, you know you can't make your lawn after seven it's the same rule.
Night is a great pleasure, but that's.
Definitely we got in trouble.
We had a big tractor and we went the moment after Yeah, we got yelled at our neighbor who we thought was super nice.
All that was fair enough, right the domestic noise, that must be the rule.
Vacum Those dice and ten vacuum cleaners are expensive and they need to work out they do.
What if your robomaid's gone rogue with AI intelligence has just taken off at ten pm at night? Gonna hold you to that.
I don't think vacuums have come a long way since that rule was made.
I think the LDR looks like a vacuum. Tell me I'm wrong, then another rule? Wait that there are some crackers here. Did you know you can't reverse in for long distances?
What's the maximum?
There's no maximum, it's just if it's deemed unreasonable, and that's a three thousand dollar fine. You know, if you leave your car unattended, the windows have to be up.
Didn't know that? Yep? If you've got a puppy dog in the.
Back, well you just can't leave your puppy dog in the back or just let it die.
Well, I leave.
You know what I can do is I could leave my car running and take the keys with me and it leaves the air conditioning go.
So long as it's lot. For some reason, I think that's more okay than leaving your windows down. You can get in trouble for that. Did you know you can't release helium balloons into the.
Air, Well, I didn't, but I know they did.
Remember that somewhere in America they had that. I'm thinking, shit, car go. They did it once and they created maye, did cause an airline accident.
Or I don't know.
I can't remember exactly, but it was a huge environmental disaster.
I feel like balloons are on the way out, but full stop. Yeah, the old helium balloons up into the sky. I mean we saw it at every Olympic Games and Commonwealth Games, opening dumbs in the air again.
Yeah, well I didn't least they just get fried.
When they're going Barcelona, they flew, they flew over that torch and then so people still entering the stadium outside they get burned and they dropped and people are getting bombed by burning duves.
The most unpeaceful thing in history.
I think I was of the age where I knew that. I thought that was happening, but my parents covered it up for me. Ballo.
Has anyone been done by one of those silly rules?
Yeah? I I don't think if I've been done by paying.
Off a fine for vacuum after seven o'clock.
I'm paying at sixteen thousand dollars fine for a gender reveal party on the Oh.
They should be fine.
Double the ash Letsie and Nick husband snack box