Thursday Therapy: Wellness Myths

Published Jul 18, 2024, 7:00 PM

With so much information out in the world about health and wellness, it’s tough to know what’s real… and what’s a myth! Jana is hanging out with Nidhi Pandya, who is an Ayurvedic doctor ready to tell all about the real wellness practices you should be following!
Find out if you should REALLY be chugging apple cider vinegar, learn about some simple daily routines you can follow for wellness, and hear if you can drink wine and eat cheese for your health!

Wind Down with Janet Kramer and I'm Heeart Radio podcast.

This week's Thursday Therapy, We've got Nydia Pandia. She's an iovetic doctor based in NYC, and she's got a radical transformation program that you can sign up for on her website. So let's get her on and hear all about it. How are you good?

How are you doing good?

I am so excited to talk to you, and we'll just jump right in because I feel like there's so much, so much stuff out there right for wellness and tips on how to be your best self and healthy, and for me, it's I'm always I want to learn about all the different things right and Okay, what's the best thing that I can be doing? And so when I was reading your breakdown, I'm like, I haven't heard of this, So I'm excited to dive into it because I'm like, I didn't want to say wrong, irevetic, iovetic doctor.

Yeah, that's perfect, that's perfect.

So what is that?


So people often call it ioretic medicine, but what really it is is arovetta, which literally translates into the science of life, often referred to also as the sister science of yoga. But given the fact that it's the science of life and they both come from the same Vedic tradition yoga and Nyaretta, its scope is very, very vast, which means that treatment and prevention of disease, nutrition, brain health, lifestyle, mindset, sleep, you name it, and Ayorvetta has it covered. In fact, a lot of the current trends like intermittent fasting, turmeric ashwagandha oil pulling, dry scrubbing, they all have their roots in Ioretta.

Of the things out there, so I want to dive more into that, but I'm just curious the things that are out there right now. What is one of the things that you're like, don't go down that trend, Like that's a they're pushing something that that's not you know, that's not what it is, or you shouldn't do that.

That is such a great question. A Jena and I could talk for hours about this, but I tell you the few things that are on top of my mind is is heavy protein isolate proteins that are being really really pushed and extremely dangerous apple and we can talk about each one briefly. Apple, cider, vinegar.

Oh, why is that bad?

So you know, if you think about it, the sour taste, anything that's sour, like you think of lemon drops, like lemon juice, it's going to make you salivate, which is a great thing, which means that it's already bringing up your enzymes, your digestive juices and increases your metabolic activity. But what it can also do that it can burn you. And if you notice, lemon juice will make you salivate, but apple sideviniga will make you cringe. But it's the same type of sour taste, but it's so potent that it makes you cringe. And it's exactly it eats up your mucus lining. Yes, it will speed up your metabolic activity, but not in a way that scooking your foods. It's burning your foods. It's like it just gives you a burnout. It reduces the assimilation of nutrients from your food, and it eats up your mucous lining if you've done it for very, very long.

All right, So I have a question for you because you mentioned lemons. I have my big hydro drug and I squeeze, I squeeze a lemon in this all the time.

Is that bad?

So I'll tell you everything is bad for somebody at some point, and okay for somebody given the certain situation. But lemon is quite benign. And let's say you're squeezing a lemon in it. It's not going to hurt you. You're not going to look at it and cringe. You might even enjoy the flavor. But let's say you put a short of apple side of vinegar. It's going to take your body to get used to that. We see this when we see grease on our plates, Jena, And if you were to use the vinegar on the grease, it's going to s creep out the grease. But our body also has the soft juices mucus lining, so beyond the grease, it also starts eating up the mucous lining. So it's not safest way to consume sour.

Sure, can we talk about the protein really fast, because I've been doing a program where it's like, all right, you have to get one hundred and forty fifty you know, grams of protein, so like protein, protein, protein protein, I'm just like, okay, like I'm not I'm not used to this, but that's how the the you know, what I've been told is how to gain muscle, and what is the diet that I should be on. So what is your advice for how much how many grams of protein should a forty year old woman get in their diet.

And that's really cool, that is a great question, and I do want to say that you know, you said I have been told. I just want to point that out. I think that is the problem of our system, that we relying on what we're being told and not our wisdom, which, by the way, according to I Rother is the number one closive disease. There is lots of our own insight. But anyways, that being said, let's talk about protein. And so proteins are isolate. Proteins especially extremely heavy to break down. It is not about how much protein you consume, but it's about how much protein can your gut effectively break down and assimilate. And that's why very often, I mean, I've work with bodybuilders who said, listen, we have to increase that protein and take All they're doing is increasing their testosterone and having bald patches and getting injuries, but they're still not being able to build muscle in the way that they want to. So what happens is this with this heavy load on your gut because proteins are so heavy to break down. Yes, in the short term you may build muscle a little bit more effectively, but when you ruin the environment of your gut, what is going to happen to your body systematically in the future. So it's always choosing long term over short term.

Okay, that makes sense. What are some of the practices that you know? I know we want people to sign up for your radical transformation program, but what are some of the practices that you do daily that is under the mindfulness or the things that you do to stay healthy and the best version of yourself?

Right? So, I think a few things to do is cook, eat cooked and warm foods. And I think when you study evolution, of course that's ioretic medicine and ioretic nutrition. But also if you look at evolution of humans, it's only when we invented fire and started cooking our foods did we become this evolved species. Because our brains increased in size and our guts to less energy, we develop a new type of bacteria, new type of culture. So cooking your foods is extremely important. Traditional Chinese medicine and irad boad do that. There are certain other practices that I would really release, whereby one is oil your body instead of moisturizing your body, because oil can be metabolized by your skin. In fact, we have microbes on our skin that work with oil to fight pathogens. So not only is it moisturize, and not only is it grounding for your nervous system. Not only does it induce oxytocin because of the touch that it promotes self touch, it also helps to sanitize and keep everything clean and growing. There you know in a good way.

What kind of oil do you use?

So you know, I personally use a mixture of almond and sesame oil. Additional, Ioletta talks about sesame oil or ioretic oils according to your body types, because I rather it's big on this concept of body types. It's your body cold, is your body hot, is your body sluggish? Is your body dry? So depending on your body type, you'll also get several idareatic oils that work specifically with your body oil. But I get everybody when in doubt, you know, go for light sesameoil, not toasted sesame. You're gonna be smelling like private.

Rice, but not as.

Or almond oil. But that is a great practice that also helps your you know, vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. It will also help you to increase the absorption or the synthesis of vitamin D when you get out in the sun, because your body holds on to that oil. So that is one practice that I find extremely grounding. It's my essential important practice. I'll never miss the day. Another practice that I like to do is something called alternate nostril breathing. Oh, where you're breathing.

You hold on and yeah, I had my my buddy Max was doing that on set and I'm like, is your I was because you just saw him put one hand, you know, on one nostril or finger a nostril, another is breathing, and I'm like, oh, is your no stuffy? I was like, I've got some you know, flunnies. If he's like no, He's like, this is this new breathing technique. And I'm like, wow, awesome, Like he said, it really was helpful.

Yeah, And I just want to explain to you the reason why Gina I like to always give the logic is because you internalize it, right, The only naked wisdom when you can take some information and internalize it yourself. Right, So if you notice, our right side of our body is different and our left side is different. The right side as a liver, it has more metabolic organs, and the left side has more like the spleen and the heart, and more of the lymphatic system lives on the on the left side. So one is like the sun, that right is like the sun, more hot, and the left is like the moon. The right brain looks different, the left brain looks different. So when you can do alternate natural breathing, you're actually balancing both sides of your body. You're balancing the sun and the moon. You're in the climate change that happens in our body. Our body experience is climate change, and that's really the problem that happens. Inflammation is like global warming. So coming back to this, when you can do alternate nostril breathing, you reset your body right there in the moment. You even reset your nervous system, which is ideally supposed to be a balance between doing and being. When we can continue to do in a state of being, you know, with every inhale we go into doing, and very exil you go into being with way you can reset that state. Through the practice of alternate nostril breathing. You kind of start to bring balance and you feel it very quickly. So that is one great practice. Of course I have many more, and I can continue to talk about them, but if you want to go and I'll give you a couple more, should we?

Yeah, I mean as many as you want.

I mean, I know again people we want them to s for your program, and so you'll be giving them, you know, so many could they sit from your program? You're going to give them twenty one daily lessons with lectures, meditations, there's group sessions, h a two hundred and twenty page work book with learning materials, exercises, journaling. So I mean, I feel like this is there's going to be so much in there, so I just yeah, any of the you know, the ones that like the five daily practices that you discuss in there, which what are those?

Right? So the five daily practices you know, like I said, talked about eating cooked and warm, doing the oil massage at tenda, the alternate nostril breathing, and the practice of dumb scraping, which is you get a simple chunk scraper. All these take very little time, you get a simple tunkscraper and right after you brush your teeth you use the dunscraper to scrape off that white foam that comes on your tongue every morning. Think of it as like residue from digestion. You know, while most of the digestive residue moves downwards, there is there are toxins that come up words. Plus when your mouth is closed to the night, it starts to build bacteria and that reside starts to ferment. You don't want to swallow that, you want to scrape it out. And it is a very effective practice. Old systimulate digestive juices, enhance the taste. You really work with your taste buds as well. So it's a very simple, few seconds practice, highly recommended. You'll leave to feel the difference, work very very quickly. And then one more practice, which is you know which I suspect is going to be. The next big thing is the practice of natia instilling nose. Medicated nose drops, so they basically when as they medicated their herbal herbal oil drops in both nostrils. And what it does is that your nose has the direct access to your brain. It's the only place in the body which the blood brain barrier is absent, so you cannot access your brain because of the skull. But this is that one place, and scientists are setting it today in the West. I talked about it five thousand years ago. This is at one place where you have access to the most deepest part of parts of your brain, your hypothalamus, through your notes. This is a practice use safely. It's going to you to help you to prevent conditions like Alzheimer's dementia, enhance memory, keep your hair dark and dark for a long time, prevent hair loss, help to unclog your sinuses. I cannot even tell you the extended benefits of the simple practice of Nasia. You can get a simple oil called anu A n you TAILA T A I l A, which is the sounds good word for oil. It's quite easily available online and just one drop in both nostrils. I also said, I also tell people it's a practice. Once you start, you cannot stop.

This is going to sound like so silly asking this question, But how do you drop? Do you just like lean back and drop them like, because I'm like most of the time there's a sprays, so I'm like, how do you get in the nostril the drop.

That's a very very good question, and I'm glad you asked, right, because like I've done it for so long that I forget to think of it. Right, So you just you lay you lay down, You tilt your head back, and you don't snort the oil. You don't let you don't snort the oil. You just let it trickle down. So you just let it trickle down, and you'll notice right away that it starts to disintegrate flam and your throat. One drop of nose oil can go so far into your throat. That's exactly what it's doing to your brain as well. And scientists today Dreana are studying drug administration through the nasal passages. So I just think I rather was super advanced in knowing all of this is possible.

I love it.

I'm like gonna get that immediately. I just I love to hear you know, things to keep the body healthy, because this is what's gonna you know, you have to protect you know, our body and things we put in it. So I'm speaking of the things we put in it. What do they say about alcohol?

Right? So again, right, everything is poisoned for somebody, and it's an alixir for somebody. So alcohol, right, for example, the if you look at the properties of alcohol, and people will say alcoholic is dehydrating, what does that mean? It means it can be hot and dry in your body. The sun is dehydrating, coffee is dehydrating, and they're all hot and dry and you feel it right away. Right. So if there is somebody who has excess in their body, right and they need a little bit of that drying, a little bit of that scraping, you can indulge in a tablespoon or two. I mean that is diuretic recommendation. In fact, a lot of ierobatic herbs are made in alcoholic basis. They're fermented, right. But of course, like anything excess, if it's hot and dry, it's going to start eating like apple cider, vinegar, it's hot and dry. It's like really hot, it's drying in the body. Anything that's very hot and dry will eat up your mucous lining. It's going to overheat your liver, and that's what alcohol can do. But I think the Italians were brilliant, right because they combined the wine with the cheese. Because now the wine is instead of your mucous lining. It's going to break down the cheese and the cheese instead of becoming gooey and sticky. And our warm blooded body is right, because you all know how melted warm cheese looks like. Instead of being stuck in the warm blooded body and in our channels, it has wine to break it down and allow it to go down. So I think if you eat foods and combinations and traditionally how they were eating, they break down very very differently, I personally, Gina. In my practice, I tell people keep the things you love. I'll tell you how to keep them. I'll tell you how to balance them. I'll tell you when to consume them, you know, and I'll tell you how much to consume.

So okay, great, so occasional wine and cheese. Just add the cheese with it. There, we add the cheese.

I tell people, don't drink the wine without the cheese, and don't eat the cheese without the wine.

Okay, this just makes my honeymoon dreams all come true, because I'm about to want a honeymoon, and I'm like, I haven't had cheese. I haven't had cheese in so long because it's bad for your God, I haven't had wine because it's bad for you know, as much because it's bad for this and so but I'm like, but I want to also enjoy myself and you know, I'm kind of craving some wine and cheese. Is I feel? This is where I'm at today. There's, like you said, there's so much information. There's so much being said, you need to do this, don't do this, do that, and I'm like, I don't. I just feel like I'm constantly being told what to do, what not to do, Advise this, advise that, and I'm just like, I don't just tell me, give me the yeah, tell me what to do, but like also I also want to live my life too and enjoy moments and have a glass of wine and cheese and you know, and you know, and.

Gina, I feel lot the people in the Blue Zones, that's what they did. They are very present with their lives in this effort to you know, listen to all of this advice, all of this expert a lifetime of the expert knows more than me. What is that going to do to me? Feel lost confidence? We lose our joy and if you can be in the present, moment, your body is already in a repair mode. You know, you could be consuming a lot of different things, but if you're in the present moment, your body receives it much better. And like I said, Ibada said, the first thing is the loss of wisdom of what you know within you. A baby is born in the world knowing to eat from its mother's breast, no nutrition is needed. The deer knows it's plant based. The tiger doesn't wake up at five am getting carried away with new research. You know, the digger knows that it's nocturnal. We know, our body knows, ourselves know, and we just like That's what I teach in my twenty one day program. I essentially don't teach people. They don't prescribe. I don't give them recipes. I teach them what their body already knows. How do I find the way back to that what I already know?


Yeah, that makes so much sense. What are some of the supplements that you take that you take every single day that you swear by?

And once again, right, because I'm an iovatic doctor, Jena, I know too well the dangers of taking supplements by themselves, like we wouldn't dare to take a raw plant extracted and put it in a capsule. Herbs are treated, they're plorified, they're combined into formulations, and they're there's a time of day, there's a certain carrier. How are you taking it? What is the dosage? Depending upon your body type? Right, So I actually believe it or not. I'm vegetarian. I'm not difficient in vilimin D. I'm not differient in B twelve. And I do not take many supplements the one I mean actually do I do not take any supplements. Let me just say I just started taking maca root because I'm forty two and I started noticing some estrogen enhancements. So I started taking a mac our root liquid supplement that also I don't take every day. And the other thing that I want to start taking is an ioabic formulation called chub and prash, which I actually happen to have here. So I'm just going to show it to you. And this is a classic adaptagen formulation, you know, so things that we recognize as adaptogens were recognized by the ioretic science Asha Ganta, for example. But it's treated and it's combined in a manner that it's very safe for your body. I wouldn't dare take rash for guanta and put it in my body and let my liver do all the work of processing it.

Okay, ye know that makes sense? I do.


And then what is some of the things that you do or you help patients that have anxiety, Like, what are some of the tips that you give them?

So the first thing that I say that the biggest antidote to anxiety is rituals, routines. Anxiety puts you all over the place. Routine bring you back to place. But I understand that's hard. So when people feel anxious, I tell them you need three types of tools extremely important. Everybody gets you know, there's a Lacotte menu of tools, and you build out your toolkit. So preventative. So everybody needs preventative tools, something that you do every day before you get on the battlefield, before that anxiety begins. So whether it's oil massage, whether it's meditation, whether it's using your breath. And I don't say breath work is different from alternate natural breathing. Let's a bathing technique as well as even things like music you know already before you get on the battlefield, you're already rewiring your newer transmitters to start feelings safe. So those are preventative practices. You need to do them every day. The second there's coping practices on the battlefield. When you're on the battlefield and you're starting to feel that anxiety, what is it that you're going to do? So I teach people a variety of tools for that as well, whether it is grounding, whether it's going to a safe place in your head, whether it's increasing the amount of saliva in your mouth, whether it's just walking away for a restroom break and splashing some cold water in your face and identifying that trigger than coming back to a safe place. The more preventative you do, the less tools you need on the battlefield, because your body knows how to self regulate very quickly, so without the preventative the battlefield tools won't work. Your body needs practice. And then the last thing I ask is for repair. What are your repair tools. Whether it's cognitive behavioral therapy, whether it's just journaling every night, whether it's going for a massage, whether it's sleeping, Like I tell people to go for massages all the time, to take an ebso salt a bath. So we all need all of these tools. And depending on the day and time, you're going to pick your tools. But if you have these tools, you cannot get into the that what I call an anxiety or a trigger votex for too long. And you need all three. All of us need all three.

Yeah, okay, well, thank you so much for coming on the show. Where can our listeners go sign up for your program?

So check out my website nide dot me. That is my first name, n I d h I dot m E. And my Instagram, where I'm quite regular is my m y underscore are your vedic a y you are v E d I c underscore life. So between these two you'll find me my my underscore are rather underscore life and nidhe dot n e as interested me amazing.

Thank you so much for coming on the show. Really appreciate it.

Thank you so much.

Fanna bye bye

Whine Down with Jana Kramer

At the end of a long day, nothing is better than winding down and decompressing with a good friend,  
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