Adult Education: No Limits Q&A

Published Mar 12, 2025, 5:43 AM

 Jana and Allan are in the hot seat with a spicy round of Q&A!


They agreed to answer ANYTHING about topics like how they met, how they fight, and what their sex life is like. Nothing is off the table!

Wind Down with Janet Kramer and I'm Heart Radio Podcast. This week's Adult Education, we are having a redo on Q and A because well, A, we don't have a guest, and so we thought it would be fun to do a redo of Q and A because the last time Alan was a little not in truth. Now, you weren't loving the questions true or false?

Yeah, for different reasons. I mean, someone are about soft and fluffy, aren't they? And then some of them were just you should appreciate my hair, young lady, you're married the bowl geier about how long.

Some of them were.

Some of them were about soft and fluffy, and others were just a little bit strangely.

Do you go through counseling?

That's a normal question. Okay, So here we go, Hannah, Hannah enerjecked my love Alan.

I went to the followers and I was like, listen, Alan wants the intrusive questions, and they delivered.

You're ready, they did, so I hope you're ready.

The jan the jan at there jamites little fans.

Okay, Hannah, do you want to ask us the questions?

We'll start easy, we'll start using Okay, Abigail is asking is another baby still on the table for you, guys.

No, why was that so definitive?

Because we've we've discussed the reality of it and actual there's the there's a thought of it and how great it would be, and then the reality of it, which.

Is what's the reality how great it would be?

The reality is you're pregnant for nine months, which is tough for you.

I feel like when you say that, you make it about you.

Because I know you went through it was it was you were so brave and strong, but it was really tough for you. There was a lot of anxiety around it because of things that could go wrong.

And look how great it went.


I think we should be grateful for how great that one went. I don't think we should maybe in atle.

Discussion, what's the percentage for you, like if you had to percentage it out, what is the percentage for another baby?

Seventy thirty?

Oh, so you're saying there's good. That's like way better than I thought you were going to say. I thought you were going to say like ninety nine to one. You know what I would like to do? If I truly what I would like to do? Are you ready for it?

If it's something that you've floated before, and then I'm pretty play it on my answer to it.

No, we're not going to do surrogacy. Yeah, I understand, I'd like to, but you don't want to. But what if we try for three months and if it doesn't happen. We tried it, and we tried it, We tried that, and then okay when we stop if it was it wasn't meant to be.

I don't think we need to try for long.

Why you just think you have super sperm?

Yeah? I was.

I'm fifty to fifty.

Are you really?

Yeah? Next question, all the discussions all right?

Another easy one. Would you guys ever move to Scotland?


Wow, you were so quick? Why why in this area? Are you quick? In life and everywhere else? It's like a sloth.

Because when something's clear in my mind, they will foist that without without having to deliyate. I walk slowly, yes, granted, I do things other things slowly because I need to think about them so I can come back with solutions of proper answers.

What about the lady that's like five minutes with her hand with the coffee out the window, I'm like, Alan, please grab the coffee from the Starbucks window and it's like this one.

And then she's actually called me a sloth before.

Yes, I've also videoed one in the zoo and said he's in his natural habitat. I would love my own. I would love a condo one day in Scotland. Why your parents maybe are getting older.

M hm.

And maybe we could spend summers out there and then airbnb it or something like that.

That's totally different from would you live in Scotland.

That's living in Scotland, not.

That's having a holiday home in Scotland.

Okay, okay, okay, here's the only here's the only time I go back in eleven Scotland.

If I got offered the Rangeers job, oh.

Yeah, which we talked about, He's like, listen, if that opportunity ever gets He's like, we need to move to Scotland.

I'm coming.

Well I would need to too, because that would be really hard to live eleven months away from each other for eleven months.

Of course, absolutely you would be there, So yes, we would live in Scotland, if.

If, and only if he coaches for the Rangers.

If I got the Rangelers job, however, a holiday home in Scotland then the absolutely one hundred percent. I would think about that because it's beautiful. It is in the summer.

Next question, okay, Alan, what is the first thing you noticed about Jianna that made you want to slide into her DMS?

And also when was the first time you googled her?

Good question, don't lie because I still don't think you tell.

It ignoring that outside noise and trying to focus on your question. So the question was what was the first thing I noticed about her?

Yeah? What did you? What did you notice about her that made you slide into her?

DMS plus smile one hundred percent, always say the same thing one million percent.

The second question was what when was the first time you googled her?

Did you google me before you DMed me or after you dm me?


And when I googled, I didn't do like a a Google proper Google search like deep search, so I don't know when timeframes after a dmder but I did. I did obviously google you, but not didn't dive into like a deep investigation of your past or who you were interested.

I think I've always said I don't give a shit about your past.

I know on our first date, did you did you know how many times I was married.

I think I think i'd probably seen I had Lenya.

And it didn't bother you.

No, not, So everyone makes mistakes, mistakes of me. Here's my language.

Next question, Okay, Jenna, you mentioned it was hard for you to talk about sex with Mike. Is it different with Alan?

He like, it's light years different. I actually have a husband that wants to have sex with me and not other women. So it is the most refreshing thing in the world to feel. To feel wanted, to feel sexy. I did. I felt like the most. I felt like the ugliest, un sexiest woman. In my last marriage, he never wanted to have sex with me. He never touched me, he never like it. It was like pulling teeth to have any sort of affection. This man can not keep his hands off of me. He loves having sex with me. He makes me feel so beautiful and sexy and wanted, and it is a it's just a it's completely different experience, so much so that I feel like all the things that I had felt in my last marriage and the things that he would say about me, And how you know, if I only wore this or if I didn't just wear t shirts to bed, Like, no matter what I wear, you always make me feel sexy. And but for a while I didn't feel that way. But spending obviously, and you know the things that you say to me, I'm like, no, he actually like or things with like you don't make comments like sometimes I okay, I had in my old clothing line that bombed Jolie and Jace. I still wear just those long sleep shirts because they're so comfortable. They were overly priced and that was a bad call, bad distributors, whatever, But I still wear those long over what and they're like, it's like a granny dress. I could just left off, but it's so comfortable, and like, you make me feel sexy in that?

Does you look sexy? And Everson.

And I just have never had that, so it is light years different. It's a totally different experience. I actually have a end within that sexualness of it. We enjoy it and it works, if you know what I mean. It all works.

All right.

This leads listen to our next question. No, yeah, but it's coming. Who wants to have sex more?

I disagree. I think we equally equally want to have sex. Like there's times when I'm more aggressive in the area, but mostly yeah, sure you, But I think it's pretty equal. It's not like I'm just like, oh okay.

Few he wants it again. Yeah, I think there's a good balance within it. Yeah. Absolutely.

Here's your position question, Alan, what's more intrusive? What's your favorite position? To feel the most connected to one another?

Ah, to feel the most connected? I would say normal, missionary because we can lock eyes.

Did you just wink at me? I would have to agree.

Yeah. I think when I'm in pop of Jannah, because then we can we can look at each other.

Yes, I'm getting like goosies.

You can see my face.

Oh my gosh.

Yeah, I think general, massionary posession because then we can see each other.

Yeah. And kissy kiss Yeah.

Johnah loves not journals. We love kissing each other. But she kisses me so hard that I get no.

He has very sensitive lips.

A little thing in my lip like a bruise.

Next question, Okay, where is the wildest place or strangest place.

You guys have had sex?

So this question has always been interesting because I have never been like a wild like ooh, gotta do it here, or you know, when I hear people talking about the crazy places they've had sex. I'm just like the classic let's do it in the past.

Yeah, you know that as well.

We haven't really had like a wild and crazy I remember.

The time in Phoenix when we were in the car and we were all.

Like, oh, that got close. We didn't actually have sex, but that was like that was that took us back to like, you know, being young. You know that was that was that was hot and feisty. Yeah, because I'm like, I didn't want to get in trouble. I didn't want to get in trouble. We like started making out and I didn't want to get caught doing it on the side of the road, so I'm like, let's go.

And you were also pregnant, so like mobility assues might have come up, but.

I would say we did it on a balcony one time, didn't we Arizona was hot and steamy. See this is why was she like pregnant. Jana was very uh sexual.

I'm trying to think of as an unusual place. I don't think so joel and kiss someone.

Yeah, I don't people like see that. That's where I get them a little like like I don't I don't want people saying that it's a little I'm private in that area where I just want it between us. I don't want I don't want to get caught. I don't want to. I mean, god, I got caught my junior year of high school.

I'm just saying, sure, you get caught getting pumped? Yeah, year of high school?

Yes, Oh my god, I've never told you that story. No, it was my senior year. Sorry, senior year, I've never told you that. By my high school boyfriend's dad and mom also am no. At their house, they were they came home early, and they went through the side door and then his dad, you know, or his mom said pick up the condom. Oh, it was so like awful, And then I tell my mom I was having sex. It was terrible. It was literally awful. I hear them walk in, and then I see his dad standing and we are butt naked on their living room couch and he's like, and I mean I screamed and ran upstairs. And then I'm crying in the bathroom. And then his mom's say, go pick up the condom. And then she's like, you have twenty four hours to tell your mother. I'm like, oh my god, I'm just gonna kill me.

Sorry, Okay, unusual place, but don't think we've got an unusual place though.

Now the bed, we're boring in that way, but we're not boring under the sheets.

Heyo, I would be mortified if I ever got caught.

Literally, it was the worst.

That's a few outside instances.

Oh yeah, but we we are surrounded by woods. Those were hot. Yeah, yeah, outside in the back by the pool, but again we're surrounded by by woods.

Favorite date night you've had so far?

My favorite date night was the Valentines where he made the restaurant in the woods over by the fire pit that he him and Jase made and the kids were the little servers and they made dinner. That was the most thoughtful date night ever. Yeah, that's probably as well or Italy honeymoon close toss up.

How do you beat Italy? That's crazy? That sounds amazing, is how you beat it?

That was that was the name of the restaurant. They made a restaurant, so he got a restaurant sign like the kids colored Rosselio's super cute.

That's sweet, very sweet, Alan, Thank you.

Good move there again, nothing like I've ever had before.

From Lauren, How often do you guys fight.

It's interesting to me what people call a fight. What deems it being a fight?

That's a good question. What deems it being a fight?

Well, what's a I guess it's probably different for every couple. I'm like, what's a fight for you?


I think our last fight would have been a misunderstanding or no, it wasn't a misunderstanding. But back in a couple of months ago, where wasn't totally upfront. You weren't totally up front about some thing, which then triggered something within me. Yeah, and so thats caused a little stir.

So an actual argument, proper argument, probably once every three months.

Why are you laughing?

I don't know if those ratios are good.

We really don't fight that often.

We have we have little She gets hoffy.

I get huffy because I get overwhelmed with a lot of things.

Yeah, because I've just got nothing going on. I don't get overwhelmed.

You get quiet, but I do get I get I get like, I do get huffy. But you also get quiet and huffy in your own way.

Yeah, because we perceive the communication different to what that actually is. Okay, answer to the question, probably once every three months.

I disagree with that. I would say like once every like four to five, like a real fight. But again, we don't really like fight.

Fight. It's a hard question. Yeah, no question, good question.

I would say we are. We've gotten a lot better with how we communicate and solve problems so that it doesn't become a fight. I'll say that, Yeah, I apologize, and given that's not true, what did I do the other day? It was a joke, No, But what did I do the other day? I was huffy? And so I came out of the gym and I you were working out outside, and I walked up to you and I said, I'm.

Sorry, actually really cute. What it was? Cute? It was nice. I appreciate you that.

Yeah, because I knew. I knew I was being huffy. I knew that I was being But why based off what I started my period? It always always goes back to my period. But it was true, like I was huffy, I hold a lot of things in a few days before my period and then lo and behold you know. I was like, oh, that makes sense. But I did come out and I said, I'm sorry, it's not so it's not always you, but a lot of times, I feel like what we have been really good at has been able to go okay. We now are understanding each other's communication, and instead of having the big blow up fights like we would not big blow up fights, but like the big fights like every few months or whatever, we don't really have those anymore because of how we've been able to understand each other more and the more that we grow together, the more that we understand our communication and what we're feeling. And you have more empathy now, which is a beautiful thing. So how often do you fight, Hannah?

I would say my husband and Alan are probably similar.

He really diffuses any Like when I get huffy, he like really tries to diffuse and almost like starts doing laundry or story around the house.

It is the same thing, like he'll be like all of a sudden making the kids lunches, and I'm like he's sweet. He's just like trying.

Bringing me something I want, yes, And I'm like you, I'm like, I need something to distract me and then I can collect my thoughts and I can come back and apologize.

Yeah, but we don't. We don't fight a lot like you guys. It's probably disagreements on things, disagreements.

Yeah, I think we've got younger kids as well, You're more open to disagreements and stress.

Therefore, Yeah, I think it's fighting, is I bet you would. I think to go back to the actually the question. Fights we probably have like two a year, and disagreements are you know, once and once every other month, I don't know.

Yeah, yeah, which I feel like is very normal when you're living with a whole other human who has a different way of doing things, and you've got young kids that are adding stress to the relationship.

So I'm similar to you guys. With my relationship.

We maybe fight, yeah, twice a year, it's like a big fight, but otherwise it's just little disagreements.

And yeah, and even within those fights, like you know, there's still so much love. That's the thing. Like it's so different. And I think the difference too with our fighting is when we fight, it's not like my previous fights with Xes have been explosive and abusive and bad with him, it's like just the typical we're having a fight. We all might say a few things we don't love.

And I think we're both stolen. Yeah when it comes to fight. Yeah, Like, well I'm not given in and I'm not given in, so therefore.

But it's like night and day. What a fight, It's like, it's like a healthy fight.

Yeah, Jess wants to know, did you guys get married before the Scotland wedding?

Done? Done? Dune breaking news? We Actually, these are the questions that I don't get, Okay, can I just give what was her name? Jessica?

Jess's life married before we get married in Scotland? That is why these are the ones. These are the exact ones that I don't get.

Can I defend my girl Jess?

And my response is not personally against Jess. My response is do you like how.

We just named you Jess girl Jessica? But can can we? I think we should answer it, don't you do you want me to answer it?


I think we should answer though, because listen, you started wearing your ring mm. And there was a lot of questions if we got married, and we did not answer them, and there was a piece of me and even my girlfriends asked so much so that Catherine is the most and I love her to death. She's my best friend in the entire freaking world. And we are in New York City. Yeah, and I just knew. I knew, I knew she was going to ask me. I knew she was going to.

Well, of course people, I'm walking around the ring on, right, But.

I just knew I knew she was going to ask him. This was months after you had the ring on, So you put the ring on in January, and we're going to answer the question for the first time, but you but so she's been now I was like, oh, he just you know, he'd just put it on. And I just didn't want to say anything else to it because I I've always been incredibly open, incredibly open, yeah too much, like so much so that I've you know, wish I would have kept a few things to myself, right, And so with this it was nice to not say anything and let people think whatever they wanted to think, because I didn't want to share. And it was something between us that we decided that we weren't going to elaborate more on it. And at the end of the day, we had a baby, So who cares if you did have a ring on before we got married, because we had a we we have a son. We had a son together, you know, and it was I think it was weird for us not to be married when we had Roman in the hospital. There was a piece of it where it was like we weren't technically married then.

Yeah, looking back at it now, just answer your question. Yeah, we got married in January and we made it formal people in July.

Jin What.

When did we married Jeane thirteen? Right, Yeah, I think so July thirteenth, Jesus.

July thirteenth to night, Okay, so yeah, But I think part of it was also a lot of a lot of people in our situation, i e. Foreign UK people were making the legalities and the formalities long before the wedding just so they could focus on the planning of the wedding.

I think a lot of it was that as well. But also we were like we were like desperate to manor each other.

Yeah, we were, and so this is what we did. And so because there was a piece of and so that we wanted to do this before we had Roman. But I didn't want I wanted our wedding to be the actual wedding day, which is July thirteenth, But I also wanted I wanted that to be special. I didn't want anything to be taken away from that day. So what we did was after we had Roman. We still had that feeling like this is so weird that we're not married, you know, officially, and we have a son together. And so we went to the courthouse in January and we had a uh and then I started thinking, how are we going to have, you know, pastor Kevin going to come over? But I was like, I don't want to do any of it. I don't want to I don't want to exchange vows. I don't want to do because I want to save that piece for the wedding. I want to save I want to save all of it. Let's just get someone over. So it was a notary. He was just a simple notary. He was so sweet. He was the mother of and this lady was so sweet the Williamson County Clerk's office or whatever, you know. I said, do you know anyone that can just privately just sign a piece of paper for us? You know, we don't want to do the whole vows back and forth. And she's like, well, actually, my son, like you can absolutely come over to your house. And we're like great, So four o'clock, like before before the kids got home, it was like three o'clock in the afternoon before the kids came home. We he came over and he's like, all right, so no vows. I was like, no, we want to make that special, keep it, you know, keep it to that day. And it was, you know, the piece of paper we signed it, he put the ring on. I didn't put my ring on. We save that as well too, but just to have that little something for us that was special to us that we didn't announ to everybody. And and I even when the January was it twelfth or twenty first. I got to look back now, but I think it was a twenty first, But I almost I drafted up a thing on January twenty first to be to say, you know, happy one year Bay, Like you know, we didn't share this, and but this was a moment between us. I ended up not posting it because I'm like, our wedding date is July thirteenth. We just made it official a little earlier. But I didn't want to, like I wanted to almost say we did it privately and it was between us and we had that moment. But I still just so want to just honor our wedding day because that was a day we actually made official. And I didn't even really tell you. I mean we didn't really say a husband wife even a lot then too, because I didn't want.

To keep an everything for the moment of in Scotland.

Yeah, and before you go to Scotland, like you have to do all that paperwork anyways, So that's why it's like you couldn't sign it down, like you have to do it before you go overseas. So that's why we're like, all right, we'll just we'll just do it. But there was something so beautiful and just private and precious about us holding that together and it just being like just us having that together without the whole world. But Catherine, when she kept hounding me, not really hounded, I mean not hounding, but she was in the car and she said, Okay, I just need to know, like did you guys get married, Like why is he really wearing the ring? And sweet Kristen does what Christen does, and just like on behalf of my client. You know, she's not gonna it is whatever she wants to say, and you don't have to say. But Catherine and I are big on you know, I don't want to lie to her, And so I ended up saying to her, yes, we are technically, but it's just been something that we've wanted to privately keep together. He's not calling me wife, not calling him husband, but it's something that we wanted for ourselves. And I don't want to say anything else, and she goes, okay, so that's it. Yes, So yes we did, yes, yes, yes, yes.

I hope that makes things easier for you in life.


Okay, well, I think I think we ended on that note. Alan, you did great. How are the questions this time around for you?

They were better? I think we can do a second round at some point.

What would be the question that you don't want to be asked?

I don't think it's I would really want to swell that, avoid that.

Nothing good to know. Stay tuned for next Q and A.

Whine Down with Jana Kramer

At the end of a long day, nothing is better than winding down and decompressing with a good friend,  
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