
When Mothers Sigh

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Today, Dr. Dunni delves into the challenges and experiences faced by mothers on a daily basis. In this episode, Dr. Dunni emphasizes the importance of self-care, validation of emotions, and seeking support from one's community. She encourages mothers to embrace their vulnerabilities, learn from their experiences, and piece together their broken moments with wisdom and resilience. Through heartfelt storytelling and practical insights, the episode serves as a guiding light for mothers seeking empowerment and well-being in their journey through motherhood.


Day in, day out, you carry out your chores

When you think you are almost done, there is always more

Feeling drained & frustrated are a daily experience

This is a mother's tale, chipping away her confidence

Some days she asks, 'Am I good enough?'

Other days she is told, 'You are NOT good enough'

It comes as actions, inactions, words & glares

from strangers # & sometimes from those she hold dear

These are times you hear a mother sigh

When she needs love & support ever nigh

These are times when your actions, words or glare

Gives her hope that help is near.



  • It's important to allow yourself to feel and acknowledge your emotions, whether it's sadness, frustration, or anger. Validating your feelings can lead to healing and growth.

  • Surround yourself with a supportive tribe of people who understand and uplift you. This can include fellow mothers, friends, or even parents of your children's classmates.

  • Practice selective hearing to filter out negative criticism and focus on positive support. Responding thoughtfully to challenges rather than reacting impulsively can lead to better outcomes.

  • Prioritize your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Taking care of yourself allows you to be a better parent and role model for your children.

  • Embrace the concept of kintsugi, where broken pieces are mended with precious metal. Use the wisdom gained from difficult experiences to piece together a stronger, more resilient self.


"Mothers need to recognize that we never know what someone is going through until we walk in their own shoes."

"Allow yourself to feel the emotions you're feeling in that moment without labeling them, this is a good emotion, this is a bad emotion."

"Life is in a constant flow. Sometimes things are up, sometimes they are down, sometimes things are hard, sometimes they are easy."

"There are moments when you sigh. There are moments when you cry. There are moments where you feel broken."

"I see you, I'm here for you. These are words you can say, you're enough."


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Your host Dr Dunni is the award-winning mum empowerment coach, Family doctor, International speaker, Best-selling author of the book ‘Every Mum is a super mum’ and a mum herself who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She is proficient in using natural, scientific, and medical well-being concepts to explain in simple terms practical ways and strategies to avoid ill health and promote the overall well-being of body, mind, soul, and spirit. This is made available by the provision of online courses, books, coaching and regular events where well-being strategies and tactics are shared to enhance holistic well-being. Learn more athttps://www.drdunni.com

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Motherhood is beautiful yet it comes with its challenges as we combine it with our many roles. Tryin 
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