From the A-Leagues to the EPL, Adelaide United star Stefan Mauk brings you the latest results, news and analysis from the World Game.
This is the World Game with Stephan Mork. Thanks to football say bringing South as Dragian communities together.
Great to have you at a new time on Thursday nights going forward here on five double A of course Thursday Night footy coming to you from the MCG at six thirty tonight, and of course we always invite your calls when we into the World Game eight double two to three double O double oh. You can receive up to six thousand dollar bonus on a Motor E five at Southern Cherry Morphet Vale for Cherry second Australian Anniversary.
Stephan Mork, good evening to you.
Good to be in new time, makes it a little bit easier for me to get to bed earlier.
Big game tomorrow.
So yeah, everyone's everyone's happy, but disappointing obviously on the back of last week.
A draw at home.
Our home form has not really been great Brisbane or obviously the bottom of the ladder. But in saying that, we've had a few really good discussions this week with the playing group, the entire staff. Kyle included in that, and I think where we're understanding of where we're at and this dip in form and maybe why it's happening, what we can.
Do to fix it. It's something where you know as a group it's the worst thing to.
Go through, obviously, but sometimes this is where you kind of really do come together, connect again and kick on for the rest of the season.
So it's all in our hands.
Melbourne City lost last night to Newcastle Jets, so we win our game in hand and we go back up to second place at the end of the day. That's great that it's in our hands, but we need to win the game. So let's see. There's been a lot of talk. Tomorrow night is when the action happens.
Yes, so we look ahead.
This change of squad is as comes in after a few weeks of the hamstring, which is great, tattoo comes out. But I do want to ask you quickly. You talked about those areas you've discussed as a group. Is how you can get better and were you've been lacking?
Can you let us in on any of that.
I should have probably cleared this one with Kyl and everyone, but no, I'm sure it'd be fine to share a little bit.
I think we you know, Kyle was extremely angry after the game.
I think a lot of the players were really disappointed, and yeah, we just got together as a bit of a leadership group. First, Cole called us in on the first day back at training this week and just literally put.
It out all on the table and just said, what is it. What do you think?
I've been scratching my head. I've been trying to figure it out. What is it that's gone wrong? From the start of the season, obviously we were flying, and then this last five six, seven games, and I guess we spoke about a range of different things and you know, obviously we're missing the boys with the under twenties, we had a few injuries, teams are maybe figuring out how we're.
Going to play now.
There's a range of different things, and we kind of just came up with a a few things that we think could be done better. He obviously said the same back to us, and then we got together with the whole group as well and kind of went through another kind of positive reinforcement of all, right, what are they think because obviously at the end of the day, the five leaders, you know, we were in the room with Cole, but you know, there's a big squad and there's other staff members. So then we obviously wanted to kind of reach out to them, and everybody was really honest, and I think, you know, some people are scared to speak in those meetings because you know, the coaches asking for feedback, and sometimes the younger boys don't want to say something. They think, oh, I don't want to not play because I say the wrong thing.
And it's really about actually just getting.
People talking openly, because if you don't talk, and if you're not actually vulnerable with each other and actually honest, then how are we going to get better with anything?
So you know, it was a two way.
Street and I think that was a really good good thing for us as a group. And now we just need to go out there tomorrow night. We've got MacArthur and then we've got an international break the weekend after, so we've actually got a good break after that, which is I think needed as well, because you know, you get to the wards the end of the season.
Boys are tired.
But we need to make sure our performance, our energy, our effort, our connection tomorrow night is top notch and.
Then I think we'll be able to get the job done against MacArthur.
That's really great insight, and thank you for letting us into the four walls, so a bit of a crossroads moment for your club and for your players across the board. So tomorrow night, seven o'clock, as you said, Cooper Stadium, let's fill it out. Let's try and get as many there as we possibly can. If you'd like to head along, we've got some tickets here thanks to City Discount Tires pulled Adelaide, a great partner of the show. If you want to call in now eight double two three, double O, double five, they can be all yours.
So first scre through.
You can always get the very best advice and price on tires and mechanical at City Discount Tires Port Adelaide. Six sorry, seven games to go for the Reads this season. You got three at home, four away, so that does become a little bit challenging. One of those home games is against MacArthur this tomorrow, so that's leaving a lot of away games at the back end of the season.
So a little bit of challenge on the road.
I suppose it means you guys get to bond a little bit as well in this time of challenge.
Yeah, no, exactly.
I think you know we've we've actually had really good away form so it's for some reason this season. Normally we're really good at home at Cooper's. It's a bit of a fortress. This season it hasn't been that way so far. We need to turn that around. But our waveform has been really good, and you know, being on the road with the boys, I think that's not an issue. But really we just you know, we need to take it like it's seven finals. We want to finish as close as we can to the top. I still think that's possible. Top spot should be our aim until it's mathematically impossible to do so.
But we know there's the carrot.
If Auckland finished top, second place gets you Asian Champions League Elite. So that competition is lucrative for the club financially for us as players, it's better and I guess for everybody in the state, they got to watch, you know, more high class games. You will have eight games in that for home for away, and that's a tournament that you know, as a player, I'm so excited to be potentially involved in. So that's that's definitely something that is spurring us on as well because it's been a long time since the club's been in it. And yeah, we really want to be aiming for the top two for that Champions League. But also it gives you the through pass straight to the semi finals and you get a home second league, so you know.
There's a lot on the line. But tomorrow night.
MacArthur seven pm kickoff at Cooper Stadium is where where the talking stops and the action starts. So we need we need the fans there because you guys are obviously the immense You make it so much easier for us as players, you know, to be motivated on the field, and you know opposition fans always talk about how hard it is to come there and play, so we need the numbers out there to actually to make it a very very difficult place for MacArthur to come away with anything.
Well, we're right behind you.
Let's get those reads across the line tomorrow and we wish you all the best, Stiff and with your team as we take on MacArthur.
Though locally here the.
NPL is obviously a few rounds now into action and a bit of heat around this weekend causing a few changes.
Yeah, well, it seems like the start of the NPL has not been able to really catch a break. I guess they've tried to do an end of February start of March where you think it's cooling down. March is technically not summer. But every weekend I think, yeah, they've had to move games. It's a bit of a disaster. And I guess the AFL is in the same boat. Really, you just kind of get unlucky or you get lucky with whether it's a cooler day in a certain state.
And here in Adelaide the NPL, a.
Lot of the games are scheduled around you know, two thirty three o'clock, four o'clock tomorrow night. FK Baograd women to play Adelaide United Youth team before us, and that was you know, for our youth boys, that's a massive opportunity for them. They get to play at Cooper Stadium. They all dream about playing for the first team. That's their bit of chance. And for the fans they actually get to see that, you know, the next generation of players coming through. And I'm sure for the NPL clubs that get the chance. F K Baograd who were coming there were probably thinking this is great. I love to go and play it. You know, an amazing stadium somewhere where normally they don't get the chance to and now that's kind of been taken away because it's you know, thirty five thirty six tomorrow at four o'clock.
So unfortunately that's not happening.
They're actually playing tonight, and we're very lucky to have a guest in and Donnie Naziopolis if I've pronounced your name correctly, the captain of f K Barograd.
Yeah, yeah, very well, Yeah, there we go.
Well I saw it and I thought, you know what, I've got to make sure I get this right. So I was practicing it a few times and didn't want.
To butcher it.
But obviously, for you guys, as we just spoke about the.
Games being you know, pushed a day earlier, what does that do for you guys in your preparation, When did you actually get notified about the change in in date and time of the game and then what is you know, what is your training schedule being like because of that?
Yeah, Well, first of all, pretty distart that they made the decision to cancel the game or components to tonight.
We're looking forward to it.
But we've had obviously opening two games, we've lost both of them. One being a derby, So I think it's more important than we get to three points tonight.
In terms of preparation, nothing really changed.
Were just trained the Wednesday.
And Thursday instead of just the Wednesday. But yeah, we're fully ready for tonight and hopefully we can get the points. Yeah, hopefully next year we can play on Cooper's.
Yeah, that's it.
Well, I'll make sure I say something to h to Cosmina, the CEO, say.
Listen the boys, the voice from Bergra. They're not happy.
They feel like they've been shafted a little bit. They were happy to play in thirty six degrees. But no, I guess, as you spoke of at the start of the season, hasn't gone to plan. You lost that home to what Adelaide's city was it? And then you know the derby. As you said to Raiders, what what is it that's kind of gone wrong? Do you think to start the season off?
I think obviously every team starts or somethings are shaky, somethings are well, start off pretty well. I'm not going to use that as an excuse, but yeah, I think we just got to sort of find own former bit sort of.
We've got to We've find a lot of new players, so we've got to jill probably a little bit more. But yeah, like I said, no excuses, probably didn't have enough, hadn't enough, Yeah, everything to sort of win those two games, especially against Raiders where you need to win those sort of games at home because one sort of fans and just another one to obviously big starting season.
So early on.
Yeah, exactly, I saw, I saw, actually did see a little bit of that game, and we were traveling back back from from her away game, and the fans looked obviously weren't too happy, obviously, especially when you're conceding goals. But it's it's something obviously that's all part of it, and hopefully you guys can turn it around. One thing I do want to ask you about is goal celebrations. I've heard a few rumors that you know, you're you're someone.
That likes to do is it?
Is it a forward summersault and it's maybe caused a few injuries.
In the past.
Yeah, I don't usually score off and I either send them pop corner or I send them over the fans three three hundred meters over the fans. But yeah, when I do squad to about forty celebrations. But yeah against Parry.
It was last year.
I went to do a cart will because I bore our strike a sport. He did a cart will. I went to do a car will and my shoulder popped out hospital. So yeah, luckily we won and yeah nothing, nothing too bad come from it.
Well that's you know, it's great. It's great to hear that you're celebrating. You didn't even score and you're trying to celebrate with your teammates as a true should do. Fingers crossed. I guess you know. I'm a little bit split here because I've had you on. I want you to do well, but you're obviously playing the youth team.
So you know what you can.
You can get a drawer tonight and get a point to start the season off. And if you guys do score on you personally, no cart wheels tonight because you don't want to be head enough to the hospital again, do you No?
Hopefully not yea, hopefully I don't.
Well that's it. No, thank you so much, and good luck for tonight.
Easy, Thank you very much.
Good luck for the rest of the season as well.
The cheers man awesome, so and Donnie Nancy Yopolis who's joined us there.
Great to have him on just a quick one.
Chris has tixt into the show and I'd love to get this answer as well from your stuff and could you boys please give us a bit of extremefoil around the new player Harry Crawford at the Reds. Where's he come from? What goalie school? What a goalie scored? Hopefully you won't be sold as well.
He's just been signed to Adelaide denight to just Sweak till the end of twenty twenty nine. And what a great sort of week to do it. After he kicked a brilliant goal on that on Saturday.
It was crazy.
I was actually a couple of meters away from him and he's cut inside it on to his left foot and I'm screaming at.
Him, just just passed the ball, pass the ball.
And he's He's obviously just shot on his left fool. I've never seen him do anything like that in training. And as soon as I had the perfect dangle because I was right next to him and you just see it curly and he was going in as soon as it left his foot and he's so shocked.
He's turned and he's just looked so surprised has ran Off.
I didn't know he could do backflips either, so it's it's something that they obviously must be teaching him in the youth team, not just how to play football, but how to do backflips a celebrations. So he's a young boy from from the north. He's grown up as an Adelaide United fan. If you saw the video that was released during the week, his parents were there to you know, for him to sign his first contract, which is amazing. Another player that's grown up supporting the club and now he gets to play for the club. And obviously Dylan Prius has been out the last few weeks.
He's now back involved.
But Harry's Harry's done extremely well and obviously Cole's got a decision to make you know, who's playing tomorrow night. But it's something that I think, you know, for a young player, we always want to give them chances, and it would have been pretty for Coal to maybe you know, move things around and put a player out of position as a fullback to cover the loss of Dylan.
But he trusts the youth.
He trusts the young players and if there's someone that's doing well in training, any things that they can do a job, you know they'll get the opportunity. And you know, he's played one game off the bench now two starts, and you know they probably didn't predict him to play these minutes so early in his career. But he's deserved this contract. I don't think he'll be sold this offseason. But you know, when a player does come in and start a few games, other A league clubs come sniffing, So you have to sign them up because if you've got him on a youth contract, they can leave whenever. If you get them now on this scholarship contracts, it's good for the player because it gives.
Them that belief.
But also you know they need to work hard now that they need to keep earning and understand that the reason why they got that contract was because of what they were doing was extremely well. It's the hardest thing now is to keep going and to keep progressing. So I think he's got a good attitude and fingers cross he can keep doing well for the rest of this season and beyond.
More of this talk.
On the other side of the it is Stephen Mark's World Game on five Touble eight.
The World Game with Stephen Mark.
On five double A.
And you can receive up to six thousand dollars bonus on a Motor E five at Southern Cherry Vales Cherry Sick in Australian Anniversary a double two to three double O double. If you want to call in be a part of the show, Let's talk you a for Champions League because we've had a very busy couple of days with a round of sixteen wrapping up some really interesting results as well's all sorts of drama. Walk us through what's happened in the last forty eight hours.
Well, firstly, I guess you've got the results in themselves. Barcelona going through against Benfica into beating fayn od Bayern Munich comfortably Levicus and you know five neil and aggregate PSG beating Liverpool on penalty.
So yeah, Liverpool kind.
Of escaped from Paris with a bit of a snatch and grab. You know, thirty shots against I think they had one shot on target. They won one nil this game at home. You thought that were going to be a little bit better, actually lost that one nil goes to extra time, then penalties and they've lost four to one. So the favorites you would say are out and PSG, you know, they.
Would deserved winners. So it was something that I.
Think they you know, they surprised me, to be honest. I watched both of those legs and they were just so strong. So Liverpool were a bit salty. Their coach afterwards was kind of making a few excuses and saying, you know, we had to pay PSG early and it was difficult, but you know what, if you want to make the final, you've got to beat the better teams anyway. So that was disappointing for Liverpool. But PSG continue on. Dortmund beat lil which was probably not really a surprise, Austin Villa beating Club Brews three nil at home, so they go through. And then my boys Arsenal rested our whole team pretty much and we drew it home with PSV and a comfortable nine to three on aggregate. But the game that had I'm sure most eyeballs on it and most people talking about it afterwards was Athletico Madrid v Real Madrid, the derby, and we've got a little bit that we want to play from this match. If you didn't see it, the penalty shoe a very controversial decision.
Like a slip. Which true.
Are they saying this was a double kick for Alvarez? WHOA? So what's a double kick? And how come that's not allowed?
So essentially, when you're taking a penalty, you obviously shoot. It can't touch you before it touches someone else. So let's say if I wanted to be sneaky, I could pass the book, pretend to shoot and pass it to someone else, right, Or if I shoot it hits the crossbar or it hits the post, I actually can't touch it again as the kicker before someone else touches it. If the goalkeeper touches it, then I can put in the rebound. So if I've gone to kick the ball, I am i right foot. I've put my left foot next to the ball, planting it to kick it. I've accidentally kicked it in my right foot into my left foot. That's technically an indirect free kick against How often that happens, I've personally never ever seen it happen before, And maybe when it's happened, it's been so small the touch that they've just given the goal. They haven't ever gone back on a VA. I has only been around for a few years, but they I was watching it live with all the boys actually in the change room this morning, and you kind of thought, oh, he's slipped there, he got lucky.
Yeah, I was maybe he's touched that.
Actually you see a few more replays then you see the referee making all these weird signals.
But the crowd was going crazy. You couldn't hear. The commentators didn't really understand what was going either.
He was crossing his arms his referee and he's canceled the goal out. So as the players on the field, you probably don't actually hear because the referee is right where the kickers are taking it.
You're actually back on the halfway line.
So how that message got communicated, I'm not one hundred percent sure. And then Athletico went on to lose the penalty shootout rail went through and Diego Simoni, the Athletico Madrid coach, has blown up in the press conference like crazy afterwards.
So slam on the desk.
If you watch him on the sideline, he's slamming everything, he's grabbing, he's grabbing his cohonas he's a.
Madman, this guy.
But he's got a point, Like what he's saying there is that who here can can tell me that Averez has actually touched the ball twice, and then he's asking them, who put your hand up?
Put your hand up. I don't think anyone's actually brave enough to put their hand up because he'll come after them.
But I agree with him. It wasn't clear and obvious. Did the Veran really need it intervene? And what I want to hear from you listeners out there is do you think this is fair? You know, if you've accidentally touched it with the other foot, it's the slightest touch. Should that be retaken you've not done it on purpose, or should it be an indirect free kick or a goal disallowed like they've done. Because I've never seen it happen before. Maybe someone that's a bit older than me has seen it happen. But for such a big moment, you know, this is this is you know, to get through to the quarter finals. There's tens of millions of dollars on the line. And also you know, in a town like Madrid, there's two teams. Yeah, Real Madrid are the team that somehow always win and they've been complaining the entire season that the Spanish La Liga Federation are against them, the referees are against them, everyone's against them. They've now gotten this decision from Yuefas, so it's going to be interesting to see, you know now this morning they're waking up. What is a press saying? What's everyone saying?
I don't think they're going to get over it for a very long time.
Well, that's just such a fascinating playout. We've got the quarterfinals confirmed, so Bayn Munich will take on into Milan. Arsenal has Real Madrid ahead of them, PSG will play Aston Villa and Barcelona and Dortmund will collide. They are the quarter finals. The two legs will begin April ninth. It is twenty nine after six. One last break before we come back and wrap the show up for this evening. Eight double two to three double O double A couple minutes left if you want to sneak in a call the.
World game with Stephen mork on five double A.
Very shortly we'll head to the MCG for Thursday night football calling us Carlton and Richmond Colin would have played a little bit later on Saturday night against Port played still time few calls eight double two to three double O double oh's the numbers, Steph, And we got David at Campbelltown and wants to have a chat.
High Dave yet.
Hello Stephan. First of all, I just wanted to thank you for your contribution. This year has been fantastic, you know, great to have you in the squad. And I wanted to ask about is it aub one of the yep western y Yeah? How's he going? And because I haven't seen him, I only see patches of him during the during the games, sometimes you don't see him at all. How's he traveling? Is it is it a selection thing for Carl or is it more coming back from injury or no?
He's well.
He started the season, he played quite a few games at the start of the season. He's obviously he came from the NPL last last last season. He joined the club halfway through the last campaign and I think he took a little bit of time to get used to the speed and then this preseason he hit the ground running, was doing really well, played a few cup games, scored a cracking goal against where Sydney and then started quite a few games at the beginning of the season. Then he's come off the bench against Auckland the other weekend he played a massive role in helping with the fourth goal, getting the assist of that one, and I think it's just a selection we've got. You know, Yoyo Dukali, Ben Falami, Johnny Yule and Austin a ub all can play on that left wing, so you know, I think he'll get chances.
He trains hard every day.
I think that's all Cole ask of any players is to be hungry, to want to get better every day, and he shows that on the training field and I think, you know, he's got a good chance with you know, getting some more minutes towards the end of the season.
Thank you David for your call. Just before we go, the SOCCA.
Roos squad is going to be announced tomorrow, is that what we understand?
Yeah, tomorrow at eleven am Sydney time, so that's ten thirty here in Adelaide.
So it's a big squad.
Obviously, we play Indonesia at home in Sydney and then we go away to China. So these two games are really going to set us up for I guess whether we're going to qualify directly in the top two. At the moment we're sitting in second position where it's very very tight though, where one win four draws and then you've got the other three teams and one win and three draws. So these two games are really going to set us up. I think we you know, we're lacking a few players in the defensive line because of injuries. Suits has gone down, Chikata's gone down. I hated Matthew sorry as well, actually just went down. So it's going to be interesting to see what Popovich does with the squad. Normally we've played three center backs. Do we have the depth of that?
I guess that's up to.
Him to decide, and he normally always has a few surprise selections in the mix.
I'm excited to see what he does. Fingers crossed.
They will get the job done, they'll get the two maximum points, and that will really qualify us because then in the last two games we played Japan and then Sad. He's not saying it's guaranteed we've qualified with two wins directly, but it puts US in a very very good position because Japan have already qualified. If they play against US, maybe they play a second team or at the end of the season they're not caring as much and then the Saudi away game.
Could be crucial for that second or third spot.
Very interesting Indeedle we'll talk more about that next Thursday when we're back. Thank you so much for joining us tonight's Steffan great job once again,