Good fences make good neighbours

Published Jul 15, 2024, 7:00 PM
  • The call is coming from inside the house 
  • Blue tongue call 000
  • Below Deck surprise
  • Text from mum

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Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning.

Imagine, if you will, that you are in a place of great beauty.

Some teenage boys walk past you, they yell out, hey, bitch tits. The world you see is a place of paradox of beauty and cruelty.

It will cut you off at the knees then gift you a pair of easies. And that, my friends, is why you always always need.

A buck up. Wow, an air guitar that is a first on the black oup.

Is every guitar in this there is now also, look, I don't know how to play the guitar.

That's just drumming, very evident handed. You have never looked more, just in that moment, unhinged than a drunk auntie more in your life. That is two white wines. You know what that was?

Right then?

That was an auntie at a pink concert.

Oh, the pink concept. The only thing that you know what the male equivalent is of pink? Men who do this when they listen to me, You know that neck thrast pigeon neck y thing.

Going forward, I've got a bone to pick with you, Kate Lainbrook.

You know, I don't know, you haven't even had Nobody knows who you are. Who's this interloper that's wandered into the buck Up podcast. The most popular you ever introduced myself in Australia.

That's nice, but I don't ever say my own name? Do I Hello?

Nate Valvo? He notice that I call you Nate. I like it because you love Nate, and.

So I thought, you know it's fine, it's nice.

I thought you wanted it.

You mentioned it.

You started this. You started it. Why would I star? Have you met you? You just start things like two or three episodes ago. I love it when people call me Nat.

That sentence never came out of my mouth because.

You said it stops people rhyming. Nate mad.

Two or three weeks ago, out of nowhere, you said, I want to call you Nate.

Okay, oh right, then might do it? You can do it.

No, I don't want to do it.

I do it because I thought you wanted it.

I just I like it. I have just never said the sentence I want you to call me Nate. I love it.

No, No, you haven't said that, but I just remember you know where it was born from. Remember our lovely listener who we hated and now we laugh. Oh, he gave us a comment. He gave us the review one star review. Actually we adored him even one star review. Yeah, one star Revie gushing about us call me Nate. He called you Nate. And then in his follow up where he corrected.

The review up to two stars, he.

Said, I apologize for calling you Nate, and you said to me, I actually like Nate. That's where I got it first. But now I'm confused.

I'm confused too, by the way, so I just put her just.

Buck up sort of that if we bucked you down.

I think people not knowing what their names are is an odd start to the fifteenth.

Your name branded to the other Well, I thought maybe you were, but now I'm that we're abandoning that.

Is that?

Like that green coca cola seemed like a good idea in the meeting, Yeah, I think they still. No, it wasn't a flavor. They were using stevia, which is a natural sweet nut, which remember when I had stevie growing in the backyard sash at our old house. You were calling it South African plant. Okay, excuse me, please do Yeah, it is so sweet. It's like a hundred times more sweet than sugar.

Is that the one that makes it go to the toilet if you have too much.

No, I think that's the other one, the chemical one. Oh, that's bar time anyway. But the thing about stevia is it only works as a sweet nut up to a certain percentage, and then it needs to be accompanied by sugar or you get a horrible after taste from it.

And that's why the green coke.

Face it was only thirty percent less shit anyway, I know you don't like to learn it, so the bone to.


There go.

They get a FaceTime from my nephew. What happened all the way from accident, young Nikola?

The beautiful nephew.

Beautiful. All my nieces and nephews are beautiful.

No, no, he's all seven of them been recognized.

Seven of them was eight now maybe nine?

Hang on?

Name don't please please don't no, no, no, don't. Okay, really I don't know them all?

Okay, name them?

Not doing enough?

Nikolai, Nicola, You don't have.

To, Nicola Nikola facetimed me. Can I say he's a model, Sure, he's a little model.

How old is he?

He's a model? Citizen model nephew. Please don't ask for the age. I'm going to say eighty eleven or twelve one of them.

Okay, all right, I mean you impression going to stop paying so much attention.

The word is impressionable. Nikolai calls me FaceTime. Don sink my answer. Guess what he called to say to me?

What did he say?

Hey, bitch, tits.

Hey Nikolai? In fact, in the minds of the youth around the globe, Nikka. Lie.

By the way, if my sisters or brother or any family is listening, I could easily name my nieces and nephews. We just don't have to.

All right, you did name them, and in fact we edited it.

Love them very much, I really do.

Hang on. So I've seen a picture of him listening to the bucker Yes, from the other side of the world. Yes, and he listens on the way to school.


I hope we're never inappropriate, although do.

We tire of this? And Josephine listens to my niece's sister, really, Josephine, she's seven.

You know what I say to Josephine about listening to the buckup? Not tonight, Josephine, I don't get it. Oh, you know, you're an idiot. It's a Napoleon joke that I think when I originally told you when we talked about Napoleon, youwans I didn't get.

So he twice thinking I'm going to get say it again.

It's a secret test the first do we say not tonight, Josephine Sash? No, I'm going to google. Yeah, why why do we say that? That's our producer. Listen to how engaged with us she is. Hmmm, I'm googling.

I'm going to google. You know what she does, which is fantastic. Sash makes us feel that we need to work harder at all times, and I like that. Yes, she's she's not a yes woman.

Oh no, she's not a yes Speaking of that, my husband was accused by our children of being a yes man.

Oh well, I get yes vibes off him around.

Jill next me all the time.

What do they think he yesed? You want?

Hang on, what are we talking about?

I've got I'm holding papers because I've got the topic, an actual topic.

Well no, because i was wondering whether or not to tell you, but I'll tell you. Okay, Well, how he proves that he's not a yes man?

That's coming up.

He's a no guy? It is, is it?

Yeah, it's coming up later in the pod see you organized, Thank you, Sash love it.

Do you want not tonight Josephine?

Oh yeah.

Josephine eventually joined Napoleon the night before battle, only to have her advance as rebuffed by him. Not tonight, Josephine.

Because he was thinking about.

And he needed all his soldiers.

He needed his yeah, his energy.

Yeah, he needed his energy like an Olympic athlete.

Now there we go.

Did I tell you how annoying it was that in that movie that my husband was making him Napoleon go on, that Napoleon, who was played by Joaquin Phoenix, is older in that movie, which is the start of Napoleon's life. Ostensibly the Napoleon was when he died, Napoleon was remarkably young. General. He was like twenty. Stop pretending that you care what keen Phoenix is fifty something?

Makeup. No, they didn't even see g I did do that thing to his face that they do to the sex and.

The city ladies. What's that?

But they put them through a filter for the for the movies and the scenes.

I tell you what that what? I don't think that filters worked particularly well because.

For one of them, she got it taken out. I saw a pic the other day. She's been defiltered.

Yeah, I respect that, even at the same time as it's alarming, like when you see your own face. Do you know what I mean? I once interviewed Sarah Jessica Parker. Oh yes, and she said to me she's delightful and brilliant and no end of talent. Although you wouldn't think that if you saw the Sex and the City movies or the last series, but.

She sees a lot of the compliments. Sandwich heard.

Well, I'm still I'm annoyed at that.

Same I'm annoyed at that how bad THEO is so considering how good?

You know, who I blame the is?

Who to blame?

Let's say together, one, two, three? Who were you blaming the writer?

Said Michael Patrick King.

They blame Miranda?

You mean her character?

No, because I think outside she directed some of the episodes, she's got way too much power.

Oh okay, because she made her character gay and.

Oh it's just it's so it's a lot, and it's the most ageous show I have ever seen. Yeah, anyway, I agree.

So were we so a few weeks ago on this pod? Yeah, yes, you poked your tongue out at me.

Oh, and you said something odd.

At the time, And sometimes I go home and things swoirl in my head later, are you're talking about something? To my tongue's blue? And then you poked your tongue out at me and it was bright blue. It was quite shocking to see.

Is it blue today?

Yeah, a little bit. It should be some still blue. It's interesting that you say it should be, because I became quite intrigued on the coloring of tongues and why is my co host's tongue blue? And so I jumped on the googles. Yeah, this is in case anyone's listening and they've ever cared about the color of your tongue. Cake, Because let me just quick, this very good to look.

At your tongue. Can I say this sentence and that's a terrible sentence. I'll say it in my father's Dutch accent. Yes, you must always look at your stools.

Oh, okay, to see how healthy you are.

You know how people just go and no, it's a natural. Every animal looks at their poo someone else's.

I don't think I've ever seen an animal turnaround to have a lot, haven't you seen Darby turn around and have a look at what she's done, or maybe I'll keep an eye on, we have a look at her.

That every animal looks.

It's just you heard about that theory. I'm going to get it wrong about when your dog goes to the toilet, they face north or face a different direction, they face the same direction. Apparently it's a thing.

Do you know what I find disconcerting? What how a dog looking dead?

Can you google what I'm talking about about dogs facing a certain way?

Pause? Smelling like popcorn?

It's some dorito's, I reckon, they smell like that's my little thing? Is that the same thing?

Is it?

Is it north? Or they face a certain direction every time?

And I know directions, and I find it annoying. You know when it says head not along Huntley Street, I don't know.

Hang on, dogs use the Earth's magnetic field when they're relieving themselves. Not only that, but calines choose to do so in a north south axis. And you was in a study published in the Journal of Frontiers.

They face the axis of the Earth every time they go to the toilet.

Okay, Nathalvo's that moment. No, it's just brilliant. I'm standing to applaud you if I could get my wheels to work.

If you're a are you giving me a standing ovation?

A good tidbit, totally interesting, which is not always the case with any utterance made on this show by the or Me lizard.

If you have a white tongue, which you don't, it's an indicator of oral thrush or fungal infection, so you should get on top of that. Okay. If you have a yellow or orange tongue, okay, it's usually a sign to improve your oral hygiene. There's probably some bacteria going on.

Orange, yellow, orange tongue.

This one surprised me.

If it all sounds furry.

Well, if you have a black tongue, right, it surprised me. It's it's caused by dead cells building up there and it's just food and bacteria, and it's actually not that alarming. A black tongue. And lastly, blue tongue, which is what you have. This is what it says. A blue tongue is widely considered to be a medical emergency. People are advised to call zero if they or someone they care about has.

A blue tongue. All right, now, listen what is going on with your tongue because you know, because it's something that I take that is blue. What is that it's I can't say what it is.

Oh okay, oh my god, it's.

Not hard to find out what it is.

So you're taking a supplement that makes your tongue blue.

It's a blue liquid.

Sorry, I was confused.

I thought you were taking out of me.

I thought you were taking a supplement because your tongue was blue.

You no, like that guy remember on Oprah years ago, who was making his own colloidal silver. Colloidal silver is amazing, by the way, please sah, I can't resist them. This is entragment tricked me into talking about supplement. But because each and blue blue? Yeah, because his own. Don't make your own colloidal silk.

I've said that so many.

Colloidal silver is amazing, isn't it? Silver solution? It's like you know the ancient Romans here we go when they go the round kids.

Go on.

When they used to purify water. You know that those big earthenware pots, they would always drop a couple of silver coins in the water because silver is a purifier. Anyway, did you know like tongue was that wouldn't be insane my tongue. No, it's from the blue liquid. And also trying to put at the back of my tongue because I'm worried it'll get on my teeth.

On your blue teeth. And then you've got your eight cats coming up, which we decided, by the way, you're going to get green.

It died green. I told the dentist the other day about that, about the green, about your suggestions.

Colorful teeth as fashion.

He didn't want to engage in the conversation. I would never do a podcast.

With all the door you were Oh your tongue.

You say it's not coming from inside me? All right, it's coming from inside the hat. It's not coming from inside of the house.

Oh you messed up, you Nicole is coming from inside. That's a buzz. It's your favorite topic?

What is it? What's my favorite?

Top BDH?

But low.

Have you ever listened to this podcast?

I haven't mentioned it for several weeks.

Oh okay.

And also I'm slightly worried about, oh about how much time I spend this. We know that you know what happened the other day because people who I don't expect anyone to share this and in fact, it's not right that I've even I'm bringing it to you only that it's of genuine I need your opinion on someone as a personality. So there's a show called Below which I have, I who have no time for anything, have all the time in the world. I realized one of the series when it came to the end. It was episode seventeen. They're in our each.

How long did that take? Just that was just one? But how long was that?

Now her husband's on holidays from Uni.

I've had to pretend that you do stop.

No, I can't do it because he's in the house. He's always in the house.

How annoyed when the person that you're married to is in the house.

But he's been in the house for years. And him going to UNI was great, probably why are you?

What are you doing here? But he built her ghosts.

Last week, so impressive.

Where the backyard.

Side up the side between us and the neighbors. Good fences make good neighbors.

I've often heard that.

Anyway, So while he was outside with Richie building the fence, I could smash out a couple and I've had to ing pong. So what I found I found a mother load of episodes I found on.

Because they're kind of scattered.

They're scattered because I could only watch them on Freezing because getting cut off. There's someone nine now, so i'd watch seven catch up or whatever it's called. Seven plays, seven seven arms.

Another bar showed more shadow.

Labor anyway, so I found on Foxtel they've got eleven series. So I thought to myself, I'm going back to the original source. I watched series Yes, I watched series one.

Oh wow, the first.

Yeah, it was just not right. They hadn't refined things, but it was interesting. And then I went. Then I saw people putting comments up about the latest series, which is series eleven, and I went, by the time I catch up to series eleven, it'll take me so up will be built correct forward. So I went to series eleven and everything was different. It's still a white boat, as.

We call them. What's the color guy to do with us?

I don't know. They call them whiteats, thank you. That's why they call them white boats.

So they've never explained this in eleven seasons.

Just that they call it a white boat. They'll say things like, I've never worked on a white to bolt like this. I've worked on a sailing yard.

I'm going to guess it's a safety thing so other boats can see it too.

Wouldn't it be yellow?

White, pops? Doesn't it?


You know, the safest color for a car is he and the most dangerous color, which was still prevalent. I think silver is more dangerous because of rain. You say silver was good.

I can't keep up anyway?

What was I telling you? Anyway? So this new series, I didn't know any of the people. You know, they normally carry through characters, and even you would I'm sorry.

Can I just say, ever since I've started my below deck shaming of you, everyone is a secret below deck watcher and it's shocking to me to oh, the first one your mouth will drop?

Who is it?

My husband Cud said to me the other day when I was kicking off about your obsession, I watched the season and I'm like, sorry, when I was away of doing an Adelaide fringe or I was just gone for a couple of weeks out of boredom, he smashed just so wholesome.

What season was I'm desperate to talk to him about.

Then my friend fon, my good friend says, I don't even understand what this is. But she says to me that she got so into a season in Lockdown. She was so emotionally invested that a chef got fired and then she got drunk and messaged him on Instagram and said, sorry.

Wow, what chef was it?


I oh, hang on because they're all a jumble in my head.

I don't know, And hang on before you say the next thing. I had guilt about how often you speak about Deck and how much I neage it. And there's even been a couple of messages from listeners and the black up saying you need it. I mentioned it least no saying Team Kate like, I'm what's that saying? We couldn't say the other oh, and you're what? What's that? Thing we've forgotten? Was yuck and you're yum.

But that's all right? But did this is like, you know what? This is the equivalent of someone making you listen to their dream? Is it well for you? Because I can tell no amount of meds is making you really properly pay attention.

I had to look down because I wrote something down Hannah from.

Oh, Hannah from Australian Hannah from below Deck Mediterranean, But how Australian Hannah.

I have something for you to listen to.

Hi, Kate, it's Hannah here from Below Deck, Mediterranean.

I just wanted to pop in because.

Nat let me know that you've got a podcast, The buck Up. I hope it's going really well. And it made me laugh so hard because apparently you've been lying to your family and telling them you have to watch below Deck for work.

That is hilarious.

Because I always tell my husband that I have to watch like all these brather reality shows from my podcast, but in actuality I don't. We're smart buck Up, have a fabulous enter twenty twenty four and sending you lots of love.

Oh my goodness, play the music. I have no idea who she is, I mean better but well Australian, so you always get a thrill winn an Australian pops up, but there will no carry through characters. So Hannah did a couple of seasons?

Excuse me, you're moving on far too quick from that loving it? So why did you say have an happy end of twenty twenty four?


Oh well that's yeah, you know why?

Because she was a chief stew she thinks her head.

How did that means Hannah's technically our first ever guest weird way.

Well, I've got another one for you. Okay, So I've just got to tell you sometimes I think people people drink too much coffee? Is that it? No, I've got so. In this episode of Below Deck, there's an Australian captain, which sort of initially thrilled me. But there's a couple of things I'm not on board with about him. When is his name's Kerrie?

Okay, I just find that a strange male.

I know, I just find it as strange. I can't get my head around it.

I've heard I've had male carries in my life, so it's not shocking to me.

What do they like?


Anyway, He's lovely, like an absolute package. I just find it strength strange. I find it strange, and also I find him so you know, often I say your strength is your weakness. So what you're good at is also sort of what lets you down sport? Is that your strength?

Oh it's my weakness?

No, your strength is your weakness. That means yeah, yeah. So for instance, you're extremely well organized, very attention to detail, but that also drives you crazy and can make you difficult. So I did not say that the opposite. I'm scatty and whatever, and that's it makes me fun but also impossible. Yeah, crazy bag lady, Yeah exactly. Bird feeding. Captain Kerry is great because he is Australian. He's got a shaved head and he just sometimes they come in and he's got his bare feet up on the captains.

What do you call the you have a feet fetish?

Yeah, but I don't like to see his bear feet. I don't find it. Captain Lee, bear in mind, I'm only used to Captain Sandy or Captain Lee or Captain Jason and Jesus Chris. I'm so sorry, but it's worth it. I promise you he's got.

It with you, with you on this journey.

And I just but he's great because he MUCKs in with the crew. He MUCKs in too much. He's doing things the captain shouldn't do, and he drinks too much coffee. Every shot you've seen him, he's nailing an espresso and trying to learn I don't know, Croatian or Serbian or Portuguese or something. He's got his girlfriend is he's trying to learn a language. Anyway, with his gorgeous Australian voice, so it's like people who go, you know, warn jowno. But he's really sweet and lovely and I'm a terrible person. But then he told a story that I've got to share with you.

Okay, here we go, and I think it's.

One of the strangest stories I've ever heard.

It's not long, oh okay, okay, it's.

Not as long as my lead up to it. I'm up to episode nine, jeez. And unlike Captain Kerry, I'm not on board. His chief stew who does the interior so they run the inside, is a guy called Fraser who's English and very He's quite fabulou and he's determined not to be disrespected like he was last season. I haven't seen last season, so he's a bit firm. But anyway, he's got this chef who's kind of driving him nuts. And when they've got a problem, they have to go see the captain. They try to run their own departments, the deck, the interior, so he had to go see the captain, right, and the captain says to him, how's the chef going?

How's the chef doing?

I think he's putting too watch on his plate.

Such a show in that yes, the chef's organization is really starting to get to me.

It's actually terrible. Maybe pop your head and were off. He says that to the captain, maybe pop your head in a bit heaving a plate. No, he's got too much. He couldn't handle all the geese and gorgeous physically too much. But an odd metaphor to use misleading anyway. So then the captain with his chock full he's chock full of coffee beans, his eyes are darting around his bull, he's sweating his barefoot. The thing is not as you know, Captain me, And he just doesn't look convinced about popping in to see the chef, to see that he's running a tight galley. And then he tells this story by way of example to explain why he's not happy about it. And I just find it the stranger's story in the world. Chef's are artists and they can be quite sensitive. I had a good friend.

Of mine who came and looked for me as a chef, and she was in a mess.

Over mold being in her house.

But I didn't see what the big deal was like, I didn't give it and what happened from that?

I ruined a friendship? Is that.

Is that?

Maybe I need to watch his shild is that got their friendship ended because she had polled house and he didn't take it seriously. In fact, I didn't give it a ship.

That's very body. That's very body. It's like friends.

Yes, ruined their friendship, and he hired her as a chef.

He's talking about no, completely unrelated. I think I'm going to persist.

Okay, I think you would like it. That's the best clip I've heard so far. Was it worth it? It was that. That was a good one. And hello, Hannah, Oh Hannah, that's the most beautiful gift she's got me, Nath.

She called you Nath, and that's.

Why you're calling me Nate. I like me to yes, sure, come back around your tone.

When you go. You know what it's like when someone says, fine a mountain. I just need to be clear.

I've got mold in my house.

I don't want to ruin a friendship. Better bit it, bet it beat it. Oh, we haven't given people the money back guarantee. You're feeling so great now that we're cruising towards your reality. Feeling great stepping out into the world, because you know what, when you listen to the buck Up, you've got friends. That's so nice, And nothing's worse in this world than feeling a bit lonely like you're the.

Only one who is watching below dirt.

Know that you're just like you're sure how the world's work.

When you listen to podcasts, I don't do that. What do you do? What are you doing with your body?

I'm normally driving.

I don't know.

I don't ever Sometimes there's one that I really the first one I ever listened to that I started listening to. I listen to sometimes when I'm cooking, but it's too rude and the kids are always so I always have and Peter's always like, I don't know that you can.

Good impression, very good. Well, I say thank you for the dog, because when we got the dog all those years ago, introduced podcasts into my life, because what else am I.

Going to do?

This bloody dog all the time. I've got one of those dogs that needs it. So I just I bring this up because I often think about what are.

The people can tell us what they're doing.

And the buckheads, I think reach out to us on an instagra and tell us when you listen, what are they doing, because we should like to think about that. You know, maybe they're walking houseworks. Another big one flights. Oh, I do flight flights.

That's very good on a flight, yeah, saying I try to imagine.

What people do listening to anything.

I didn't have one idea. Oh, texts from Mom. It's a text from.

From Who's is this one?

Oh? Is that Mere?


Oh? Hang on? Well, when I say it's May, it's not from May. It's Anne Langbrok, Sarah and Langbrock, who, by the way, last night when she came over to dinner, said to.

Me, you know when you asked me for the letter that I wrote the Saudi Prince to get there, why did you want that the airline refund?

Yeah, to get her airline refund. And I said, I was cooking roast potatoes. I was putting the roast potatoes out of the oven.

And because your mother isn't aware of this pod.

And anyone who tells her, no, she knows that it's a thing, but she doesn't really know what it is.

Okay, like your mom, she's completely aware of it, even knows that she's spoken about and her text are listen to it because it's a podcast, and it's like she's got the phone.

And okay, my mother, who wouldn't have the technical capacity to listen, thank goodness, but she couldn't resist listening. She just couldn't. That's why she can't.

Grandkids to hook her up.

That's all right, And I have said to them, if Omar asked you to blame my podcast, tell her the phone is broken. Okay. Ralph from the Urban Road op Shop is retiring. Tomorrow is his last day.

Pity it's a text, now, that's good.

Ralph, who ran the Urban Road op shop, was an older gent who was flirting with mum when I went in there.

Here we go. What are they? What's old people flirting?

Well, it was just very attentive. He'd saved some things for he said, I thought you'd like these. He gives her a bit of a discount. It's an overpriced stop shop, so it's the discount welcome. And of course she's always welcoming a discount anyway, pity pity going away party. How come up.

A better bet, she said, because she has a crush.

Well, I did say to her, he's flirting with you, Mum, so maybe she was.

She's going to miss the thrill?

Does he like that? She's always been very attractive woman, very vivacious, attractive woman. And I think she was quite a hit amongst I mean.

A lot, a lot of the community, which is what we can all aspire to and hope.

Yeah, you just want to be a hit with someone.

I just want to be a hit with any crowd in her what age bracket?

Oh ancient? My dad once sent. We don't need to give details, but getting up two us old as a person can get. You know, she's done. No wonder why we don't want your dear mother to listen to this. That's not insulting that she's saying she's done well, she's done very well. But I hesitate also because in the olden days apparently people lived really old or her different, I mean the real olden days. I shouldn't say. We went in the Bible, well.

Turned into the Bible medical.

Okay, is that cookery the Bible's cookery?

So the original cor guy?

Oh, really, such the original cure. So you know the oldest guy, Thosler, he was at the shop. Well he's retired. He was kinda like this, you're.

Not and this is the end.

You're going to be like I am with Captain Kerry bring us Home. I think it was like nine hundred and sixty Did did did? Did a bad beat beaty b boo boo boo. How does that song come? Sash? I think you should say good bye bye permanently. Never, I don't mean that. The buck Up Podcast is hosted by me Kate lane Brook and him Nate Valvo. It's produced by the brilliant Sasha French Audio and sound by the magnificent Yack Lawrence you might call him Jack and Dom Evans are We're lucky

The Buck Up with Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo

Bye bye misery! In a world that seems to be lurching from one existential disaster to another, The B 
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