Bone broth or Josef Fritzl?

Published Mar 10, 2025, 6:00 PM
  • Kate doesn't like demons
  • The bad review
  • The worst chocolate bar
  • A sugar diet
  • Katy Perry going to space
  • Text from mum




Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning.

Imagine, if you will, that you are in a place of great beauty. Some teenage boys walk past you, they yell out, hey, bitch tits. The world you see is a place of paradox for beauty and cruelty. It will cut you off of the knees, then gift you a.

Pair of easies.

And that, my friends, is why you always always need.

A buck up.

Back up. Ba ba ba ba ba ba bad it bad bad bad bad ba bae boy baboo Halla balloo.

Brock come palla balloo. I'm turned up way too loud.

My favorite sheet dog and me favorite.

Heat a dog. Oh hang on, Oh yeah, that's.

Welcome, Welcome to the jazz corner.

Oh have we done the deep dive on Nate Valvo? Hello to find out if they have split up? Oh the husband? I think I did? I did split up?

Definitely split up an s JP.

Oh well, look, come to the backup for all the topical news of the day.

Let's just recap because nothing made me laugh more when Kim Cantrell's brother died and then a message sorry that your brother died, Kimrell.

Get yeah, she was like, you're not a friend of mine or you Yeah, it was crazy.

I loved it, grabbed my popcorn.

So much.

Let's have a public fight one day, Kate, come on, let's just get into it. This episode comment.

Caduce you first, you said it my name. I forgot to say the artist formerly known as Naith Valvo, now na.

My favorite person, and we're.

Who's that lurking in the corner? Reminiscent of dememur at the end of the substance.

The half hour.

The creature, by the way, the longest half hour. And you know the other week how she didn't win an Academy Award and everyone was like, oh my god, it's not unjust like she's amazing. I love her, but that's not an Academy Award performance.

There you go. What is is when I come in every week and act like I like you.

That is.

Whoa man and the substance is colore. That's the rual substance.

Oh I can't. I've got to do it. This Swedish doing. What do they do?

You can't eat each other at the table? You put your glass over your head like these Now can you imagine at the end of the night, Hello, I'd be so sticky covered in some too long.

And the movie that went to be movie and noura went for too long.

Really, movie makers, wrap it up? Yeah, why wrap it up?


I want two things from a movie, ninety minute runtime and well lit.

I don't want to squint. I don't want darkness and mystery. I haven't had a problem with squinting, but as you know, I'm a some gaze.

Come on TV shows as well. Get outside, put some lights on, and me.

Give your presence. I want to see everything. Lost interest in what you say.

Seems like I'm with you on the runtime, But the squinty lip, I haven't noticed things aren't well LITD.

But you know what I have noticed at home on the television, how terrible the sound is.

Okay, you know when TV shows are so dark, you see your own reflection in the TV screen. I hate I'm sitting you watching a sci fi I'm like, oh there, I am.

Some of this into here.

There's my feet some man, oh man twenty one. I wonder who that's for on that show, because them twenty one.

Indeed, I don't know what it's for.

It's to support your health, hey, to cleanse your liver, okay, to alcohalize the body and a male tonic love that it's a naturopath mea Robertson, fiber herbs, probiotics. Does it have pre bartics?

Who knows?

Anyway, you have that thank you and thank you them twenty one anyway, Sash, I was sorry, that was a very vigorous, right dirty serving. Okay, because you know I like to bring in a present. I'm a gift giver. You are a giver. You give, and I made.

I just had a mad weekends of giving out. No just cooking, but making really weird things. So I made bone broth for the first time. Okay, stinks, so you've got to cook the bones for so long.

Many years ago, Cody and I's housemate, Hello, Simon, if he's listening, went on some bone broth.

And the house was doesn't it stink?

And it stays for weeks.

It's stinks, not a good like what's cooking?

It's cooking. It's honestly like, is Fritzel living in our house? Has he been let out of jail?

It's time to check the basement.

Yes, because it's so terrible. Sorry about that.

No, but it's something about the twelve twelve hour mark. Something starts to go terribly with the bones. Yeah, it really is anyway. And once again, I cooked all this up anyway. But I also made my own.

Beef tallow.

How do you make your own beef tello? It's quite cheap to buy, isn't it.

You can't really know, You can't really a lot of people don't have it. You can buy it in jars cooking. Oh yeah, that's it's cooks.

To hang on your neg majars two.

Weeks ago, and I was so desperate for them to use it.

They're still in the car.

Oh my goodness.

This is the advantage of me being extremely lazy.

They're still I thought of you, so I'm just like, why did I You can take them out.

Here's what being friends with you is like. Have you ever been on one of those things? I think it's called a roller coaster?

It goes up and it goes down.

Here's you.

I just want jars.

I bring in twenty four jars.

Why did you bring that? Or take them home?

So many jobs? You know how our house is crammed to push his boat this stuff.

Yeah, there's not a cushion where the spare pillows you pull upstairs that the Science correct got dead possums yeah, we got everything, got everything, everything, and so I just went, I can't bring it. Wasn't that I didn't want the jars, but I knew if I brought them home to Peter Alan Lewis.

He'd kick off. Yeah, they just don't know. You never know. I wouldn't ever know what's going to set him off.

But I had a good feeling me rattling in the front door with twenty four Fowler's jars would do it.

And then he was also putting up with the smell of beef well tallow.

Bone broth, the bone broth. He kept coming in. I found out that was him. Someone kept coming in the kitchen turning it off. Well, yes, out of just instinct to stop the smell. Anyway, Sash, would you like some of my beef tallow? I would love such, I knew you.

Well, well, hang on, are you gonna do it it?

Sash on my face?

Oh on, no face, But this one I haven't. I haven't done the second phase yet, which is getting rid of the smell and mixing with the essential oil. This is for cooking and potato.

You're involved, doesn't mean you don't get to press the cooker button now, thank you?

Very much rites potatoes anyway, because you know it's strangely drawn to natural witchcraft. Yeah, I would say, yeah, the new season of Survivor, by the way, which are you watching? Its great someone brains versus brain versus braun.

But they've done that before.

Yeah, they do a lot of things over and over.

But that's the point. There's a witch. There's a witch on it a weekend. There's a witch on Survivor this year, and Life Flicked.

That's weird. She's a good player, she's she's she's good, she's reading people. Which is she just she said in the first episode that she's a witch And when her name comes on the screen, wheat witch like poker player.

And the witch, the witch? She's good good like is she like Byron Market? Which she's kind of like.

When people are talking about who they're going to vote for, she stares at them quite blankly, and then five minutes later says, I won't be doing that. Here's what's actually going to happen.

And is she right?

And well as in what she wants to happen?

Had a win.

I thought witches were a little bit more airy fairy, whatever comes your way kind of.

Thing, but I think there's many types of witch.

This one knows what she wants and what does she look like?

What's her looks?

She's blonde, very regular, old like youngish, I'd say thirty five witch? Has she got red eyebrown like Fiona harn did. Remember she's the only popular.

You'd look at her and think primary school teacher. You wouldn't think witch.

And what does she said about her witchery? Nothing?


Wanted to watch Survivor more? Is she doing a spell?


What does she do so casual about? No, she's just regular. But my point was she's not she's a witch. There's got to be something about besides that.

Oh yes, I was going to say, yeah, something you would be the closest per and I know to a week which yeah, And I'm surprised you actually haven't.

Maybe doubled looked into it.

No, And you know why I haven't because I'm scared of the occult, because I was raised to Jehova's witness. No, I'm scared of demons, and I'm scared of them, Sash.

You know don't.

Scared of demons, Sash. I caught her in four. I don't believe you. You don't you could take demon. No, I don't want with horror movies. Demons. I don't watch them. I don't like them.

And I'll tell you what, because I grew up with stories like this. You know, we lived in New Guinea and so there were a lot of statues and you know, native carvings and whatever, the cheapest chips, which you would think would have been the first deterrent for my parents in snapping one up. So it wasn't money unusual, but it was because they were Jehovah's witnesses. You'd always hear the stories about how they were demonized and how they like they're very pagan, particularly in the Highlands.

You know, they they worship the pigs and they've got you know, pigs tuss sticking out of everything. Anyway, like sacrificed and murdered. I'm sure, okay, I'm sure. Anyway, So I remember this story, O the eye roller, don't look at me.

If all you're going to do is roll your eye within my eyeshot.

She's tried to do a sly one behind the computer. There really is the substance.

Anyway, So they told this story and I was only probably about seven, and so I remember it vividly. There was a Jehovah's witness couple in Port Moresby the Capitol, and we lived on an island at that point, in Little Island, and they bought a crocodile statue wooden, you know, Cai sialized, the classic, you know, sort of whatever, and then really bad things started to happen. I can't remember what all the bad things were happening were because I was also eavesdropping. Anyway, they got so terrified and they realized and also they were Jehovah's witnesses with the.

Crocodile, that it was the crocodile.

So they took it into a vacant allotment next to their house, brought up and they tried to burn it and it wouldn't burn. And then they'd imagine, you're seven and you're hearing this. And then they tried to chop it up and it wouldn't chop, and then they eventually got someone like three or four men with an axe and they chopped its head and whatever.

And the next morning it was at their front door. Intact that did but better be beet a message. But that terrified.

It terrifies me now, Yeah, that's right.

So I'm scared of demons one year old man, I wouldn't invite them in. I do think that, I do think that these certain types of energy that are dark energy.

Don't want open to find you full of it.

If this was charmed, remember that amazing TV show, it'd be revealed that I am the devil at the end of the yep, but you have to have it out in the car park. Ripped that she wasn't charmed, wasn't she charged? She was gossip girl?

No, No, that just ripped that other girl that died last week. Yeah, the big eyes. That's not because all say yeah, no, because we can't remember I.

Remember her name. Speaking of you know bucks, Moving on Buckhead, Jenner's messaged laugh about the jazz clip. Our friend Kim Cattrell love it.

You've given so much joy, went on.

I knew it, well, I just knew it. I actually didn't know.

You didn't know. I just take the compliment without then having to double your own compliments. The community has embraced We couldn't have a better We honestly could not have a better theme song.

This is if we can ever learn the words, who can Heat Dogs?

Jen said, this.

The more you listen, the funnier it gets. We work with the jazz Wanka and it's been widely circulated.

In the office.

We have two new sound effects.

Here in the back.

We have.

Cret supper to.

Read and another one. So what means I have to work out is what is my action to make.

Maybe like a I think you could trust her just with the punctuation of it, don't you anyway?

Welcome to Jack the eye Roller. Just I've never been what you.

Can do next time? Can say I have a fear of demons.

Or a demon came to my house last night.

Right, she's really got it, got it, she's really gets paid the big bucks. Well, I too have a message from okay sadly oh if you near real music, because I think.

It might be a former barkwhit someone quit? Yeah, someone's quit us. Someone's quit us. No, well I don't think they have. I just think you know, I like it.

We hurt someone's feelings because mostly when people they loved us, they're devastated.

No, not a jazz lover, I mean.

A beef tellow lover of all, No, of all the hurtful things that we have seed and there are many.

This is one that I never would have paid it.

One of the accidents.

You do know when I went to lunch so on the weekend I went, things happened, unexpected things. One my husband ordered a bookcase and we had to go pick it up. Oh my god, I know. Can you on a Sunday?

I remember I told you that there's a Lamebrook dart board about stories that you just throw.

It up and picking up. Yeah, rocking hand, this is new.

Okay, this was actually new. Where do you find it?

We went to I'm not saying well, but you know where we went. There's only one place. If you've got storage problems, where are you going?

Anyway? And they've made it a lot easier they deliver now, well, this is what I thought that they would do.

You know, six months ago we paid the extra one hundred and twenty dollars to get it assembled. This was the thing I've ever seen. Some man are right, but it wasn't the people that delivered it.

That's it's a secondary business.

It makes it even more awkward that a couple of blokes dropped off the chest of drawers.

One man came to it.

Two days later, a man arrived and assembled it for us, like in and out.

Well, yeah, what was the cut of his gem?

No fussing about like gray army, like no no toilet needed, no bathroom like, no drink needed.

He was in and out just like really, but what was his vibe? His name was?

I actually did some stand up on it last year because his name was like Scott or something, and was he likes the closest thing we've ever had to a threesome, Just Cody and I watching this man put together our draws.

You two doing your home. Well, there's a real man doing real man things. What was he doing? Tickling your toes with a feather?

He was standing in the gold botox treatments while a real man with callous botox.

I got what was it called?

What is it called?

I get micro needling?

Micro needling. I'm so jealous, hurt. You know how I really missed something. I blowed a lot my vampire.

All right, So more on that later. This so, when we went out to lunch, and my daughter was also with us because her phone had broken. She's been complaining about her phone for a long time, but then on Sunday it finally broke, and of course she was absolutely desperate, and so Peter said.

Come with us.

We're going to pick up a bookcase and you can come. And also we've drunk bottles because a friend had come over. Anyway, she brought the prosecco and orange juice. Anyway, so we were here's a buzz. Yeah, it says, let's go to Ikea.

No, that was already locked in.

Okay, okay, And I said, because it had if you ever get died for drink driving.

Had to be done to tell the cops.

Yeah, but we'd already locked in the plans.

And also if that copper had a teenage daughter and knew that her phone had broken, no court in the land would have convicted us.

They would gone, mate.

We would forgive you anything, meth anything, because teenage short. Anyway, so she came with us. She ended up with us at lunch afterwards. I said, it said to Peter, that was so arduous. You must comfort me with spring rolls.


So we went and got Vietnamese. And while we're there, he starts talking about the buck up. He loves the buck up. He doesn't love listening too much as much as he loves the analytics of it. Uh huh, he's always and apparently he's a numbers guy. He's a numbers guy anyway, So he starts scrolling through the phone and then.

He goes, gee, you've got a lot of good reviews. Lovely. So then he finds the only bad review here we go and reads it out right.

I'm so excited. Me too, I'm so excited.

I didn't nerve it, but this was so how have we done this to someone in our short teenure?

Here on.

The heading is thud flood? All that not a good stuff? I looked forward to my weekly buck up until what could it be?

Oh my god, I'm trying to remember. Think, okay, haven't heard us.

A million monkeys with a million typewriters would never stumble across it until the seventy percent cocoa chocolate bread. Apart from the fact that I'm one of them, and putting aside that the rant felt endless.

Like bullying, bullying bully right, it's just fabulous.

I keep going, I'm sorry questions.

Yeah, what hit me was the question? Have I been getting bucked up laughing with yous at the expense of real people? I'm trepidacious to come back. Thanks for the ups while they lasted that needs some sort of musical thing.

How's that?


Hang on someone?

Is he pro seventy percent Coco?

A woman? Is she pro seventy percent Coco? Obviously yeah, because she said on one of them.

And when we kicked off, maybe he on people that like seventy percent Coco and how they can.

And they go, you only need one squat And that's because it's so horrible.

Now, that's not bully. That's just if we're bullying anyone, we're bullying. They're seventy percent Coco.

Thud, they're gone gode, This listener's gone good. But also we really brought them down, fud, brought them back up. Our money back guarantee. Oh we'll have to write a check. Oh wow.

And the other buckheads that enjoy the pod, there will come a day we will.

Turn on you, of course, and turn news with friends. Law. You can't hold every view the same. But thud fad.

Speaking of chocolate, let me just say this. We know that the pillar, the pillar of any successful long term relationship is this golden rule. If you say to your partner, what are you getting at the shops? Yes, it is code word for get a chockey. You are, get a chockey.

Preach you are so run No thud, no thud at all, Get a chocky.

Here's this And I don't know if it's the same in your community, but I always say no, no, I'm fine.

Of course, universe, throw up the hullabaloo and I don't know, actually don't. I'm really fall I.

Don't please order a sight of salad instead of the chips. Correct, Oh we all know you having chips.

If you come back empty handed and you have not bought me a milky bar superior white chocolate, don't come dream.

That's odd that you've chosen white chocolate, because I didn't think anyone over the age of eight eats white chocolate.

What am I drinking?

If I'm eating white chocolate, that's because there is like zombies have taken over the world and it's the only thing left.

Yes, not a fair are you seventy percent coco ca?

But here's the second and also creation to a pillar of the successful long term relationship is.

One, get the chocolate, the popping candy.

Always get the choky. Secondly, get a good choky.

Oh yeah, but that's too hard.

Here we go. No, I said to Cody go on no games today. I was in the mood, so I actually wrote, get me a choky, and you didn't know what to come on. We've being together for ten years. He came back. Besides seventy percent coco, what I find to be probably one of the worst chocolates in the history.

Don't say for written, Are you ready a curly whirly? I'm sorry?

Is this nineteen ninety six?

You're actually six years old curly whirly.

Also, there's no crunch. There's also it's like tastes like run.

I just say these. Yes, it's not chocolate. It's compounded chocolate. It's not real chocolate.

You know what I don't want from a chocolate when I bite into it, to have to pull the bar away like it's.

Some sort of and also you know it's going for your feelings like a MINTI I am not in the mood cool clearly, Thank you, Kate, Oh thank you? What I looked at it and guess what I did?


I laughed because I thought he.

Was playing out drink and then he was going to pull out or even just a plane, even playing top deck top deck. I love top deck. Do you bite the white bit off first, and then.

You live sucking to you?

Why do you pretend you don't like white chocolate?

I don't like white chocolate on its own, but that's no, no, want to make for something else.

No, No, you can't be a little bit top on this show.

Paramel Flavor, No.

You're idiot.

That's Cara Milk. You know any of these except half white and half bad? All of those except Michael Jackson's.

Song Curly Whirling. Oh no, that's insane.

I thought they would discontinue with the Birdie beetle forty.

Years ago and what my husband used to love.

The looks like a poop.

Yeah, of course it was used for pool pranks now, but they've had to substitute the cheketo.

If you can find one, God.

Willing a picnic bar anytime you want to do the old ball prank. They've made an increasely.

Difficult and out of the new Chockey's God. I still love a bloody kit Cat, the one where it's the three different kit cats in the one what are they called?

What's that one? You know that one? People will know because I just came back from Japan. I don't have a mention much.

You can much a kit cat.

And you know they're so mad about kit cats that I took a video of myself in the in the department store kid cat section.

Kit cat chunky is what I was trying to everything. They've shoved everything in a kitty cat.

What else I do love? It's old school the caramel Oh.

Yeah, I love them. I love them, Carol.

You know what? I love?

A youtu bar? What's that?

You hardly ever see them? You have to go to an old fashioned lollie shop. It's like a weird licorice bar. Tell me that it makes your teeth all blacks beautiful.

Which for some who believe I'm a witch, uh huh.

So anyway, if there's any curly wirly listeners that with a friendose, yeah, get out, Yes, learning with a thud, know you're.

Welcome to start. But all I'll say to you that is boot I could almost replace the thiever. I love it.

Also, who would think someone wants to sit at a lunch and hear bad reviews of themselves?

Luckily there was only one, but then he knew from my look.

I remember years and years and years ago before I got a lot better. It's down up, thank you, it was like fourteen years ago. Okay, it was my first ever or second ever show somewhere and I can't.

Remember what it was.

Was an uncle or my dad or someone was like, you're in the paper and it was a one star.

Oh no, what did they say? Can I told you what happened?


My first ever comedy.

Yep, we need a heart to take it back down memory.

My first ever comedy festival solo show, like sixteen years ago.

How big was the room?

Thirty seats?

Quite big for a first show, thirty seeds at the Forum Theater? There family, big family? What percentage was family? Did you know what?

Even though my rooms now are considerably bigger, thank you, big and solid, they sell pretty well. Cody still to this day won't let me have the pleasure of a sold out show, and he goes, big family, piece of ship.

Big family.

Many years ago, my first ever solo show, The Herald Sun came and when newspaper's maddened.

Oh yes, and they'd write a review.

Big review you could make or break. You gave me one star, one gets better. The review was so intense that people actually went, I want to watch this shot. Oh they came to hate watching because the review didn't say he can't do comedy?

Did it?

The reviewers more like, who does he think he is? First year being like this or something? I can't he absolutely hated.

Have you got a copy of it?

I honestly don't think I do too.

You've got to go back through the anals of time find the way back machine.

One star, but then everyone read it when oh, we have to go and see this show and it ended up selling me a lot of tickets, And people say this about show biz, you're better with a one or a five. No one's leaving the house to go and see a three star show.

It's true, it's like hotels.

But then I got a lot better and they probably had.

To take me to a one, oh or five star all the way. Where did that got too much?

It's come on the color and the witchiness, that eye rolling that we've alienated with a thud, I don't know, go go Can we put a line right.

Through that whole line?

You know?

People take exception to that.

True, not all of it can beep it, and people can imagine things that they can be offended by. You're you know, you're you're interviewing prime ministers and soon be prime ministers.

You know, we've we've got to change the pod.

Okay, so you know apropos of the of me making the tallow and lala, you know that I'm I'm like, I.

Like to.

Explore alternative therapy and you know, but like I'm an intermittent faster stuff is happening. You know, I get in the cryo chamber. Well, now we're getting the cold pools. You know, I love all that stuff. I'm on the blue liquid rf ks on Gibson and Mel gibbson, Hey, sugar tits anyway, that's old school.

Do you remember that that was to the cop. Yeah, when he got pulled over a female cop.


I wouldn't say it to all guy. I mean he could, but yeah, he said sugar tits anyway. So I like, but the world is coming at me so quickly. I don't even have time to do a deep dive on all the things. I'm trying to get us our copper peptides of things that I can't import into Australia because of these rules and regulations about unties anyway.


But there's so much stuff going on in the space that some people have gone back to the past and I respect these people because if you throw your mind back, remember they said our butter is bad.

You should be eating margarine, but funny is bad. They said fat is bad.

That anyway, So they've told us all that the food pyramid, that the bottom should be carbohydrates, eat potatoes and pasta.

Your facts. It's basically what it should have said. It still do. Yeah, I love it, but not as the thing. And the meat you shouldn't have too much meat.

You should eat the insects anyway, all of that, and now, of course we know that all those things they told us pretty well.

There wrong eggs. The greatest food in the world anyway.

Two eggs every morning over here than you do.

If you have trouble finding them. I'd go to five shops the other day to get eggs. Yeah, anyway, but you know they're coming for the chickens.

They came for us.

I get them, get the good eggs. I get these spec you wouldn't.

Get any eggs, couldn't get they were all expensive because you couldn't get any.

I have fantasies of getting chickens, but then I reckon last two.

They're felling parent They poopsy everywhere loud, and and also then you've always then you always come home one day and then we'll see you for the bark up and.

And you'll say the word fox and then that's not.

And also I'm quite wired as is, and I should have like you do not have chicken. I don't need chickens near me.

You don't need chicken. Yeah, no, one goes, Oh.

How relaxing. I can watch that chicken.

No, no, no one's ever. And it's it's slightly if you're not a rural person. And I also have a massive egg fantasy. Okay, but if having your own chickens, oh, I love it. I'm so Megan Mark, we all have that fantasy.

I think we all have a Oh my goodness, we haven't even discussed I will.

We're back to talking aboutide and in our next one, we will. It's a promise, Megan markle are we insane?

She is? Anyway? What was I telling you? They're wrong about everything? Uh huh? So someday I'm sorry they're wrong about everything.

Gets a cook?

No it doesn't, it does. We've just I've just listed all the things they're wrong about. Go on eggs maybe, yeah, so that I don't think it gets a cook does think?

Yes, come on, they're wrong about all right?

Right, yeah, you're right anyway. So there's this guy called Ray Pete and he worried. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, like like I often say to my husband, I'm going I'm going to the rapists.

Oh, therapist. I just like saying it. But you've got to be careful of course how you're saying. What are the odds? It's like therapist, I know.

Anyway, So there's this guy called Rapeat I think it was around in the fifties, very old like black and white film, and he started this thing called well, he's an endocrinologist, and so you're supposed to have a carrot salad every day.

It's very specific. You have to peel the carrots long ways and you eat them with the peeler. Well you could say no, thanks to that already, it's just a carrot. I haven't ever got peeling a carrots eat it?

Yeah, okay, well so that's not right anyway. And then he makes you make it with vinegar, coconut oil, and salt.


I started doing it with my daughter. We both lost injuries to her after two days. After about five yeah, right, wat you eat nothing but that.

No, no, you just eat that once a day.

And he's got all these other rules, but one of the rules that he believes, and it's just counted to everything that we've learned in the last fifteen.

He believes that sugar's really good for you. What has a purpose?

No, No, he believes it's so good for you that you should be eating basically bags.

Here's how I think you would your reverse angle. What you want you.

Start over here to hopefully end here.

So you're on Google with.

Promise you've got sixty percent cocoa chocolate going Who said sugar is good?

All right?

For the love of God, I promise you, Because I i't believe you can get a carrot salad and it's supposed to do something.

It just seems weird to me that the guy saying great a carrot every day is also saying have bags of sugar fat because.

He leave something about that people have got too much estrogen in the you know anyway. So but so there's some people I've just been flirting, like my mother's got diabetes.

I'm like, I really can't start eating a bag of sugar a day. I mean, I think it's don't you think, how's that coolure going?


You're right, I didn't even think of that any sugar.

So this is so there is a whole community now and people are like, look, I'm eating twenty marshmallows and something in it, and I've eaten a jar of honey for breakfast and look at men they're putting up pictures of their abs.


So I'm just like, this is how is this sensible?

Completely legit?

And this woman that I follow, right, she just said this the other day and it just made me go. I just went, I just went, I'm not made for this world. Right, Just this So my day of eating for steady fat loss without wrecking my tabolism important breakfast oj with salt, some non starchy fruit like cherries, snack, coffee with sugar, fruit juice, gelatine, gummies blah blah blah, and coffee with.

Twelve sugars.

Udo love sugar. I'm going to name and shame tradish. They love, they love us, stood behind a trading in a cafe.

They're like four flat white six traditional.

It's traditional, and they used to be and some of them have been trading shamed. So now they've stepped back from the back to sugar.

Yeah, there's sugar.

So now trade coffee I think used to be standard, you know, white with minimum two sometimes four. And that's why the ice coffees pop off at the servos because they're like thirty grams of sugar and.

They've already done, so you're not watching someone anyway. But now a lot of trade's will go. I'll just have one and a half sugars like they signed. But they work it off. I'm sorry.

No one wearing a high vis is asking for a half. No, no one in a hi one and a half.

I bully twelve sugars, FeLV. I want to get on board. I want to be a Peter. That's what they called e t the animal, a t e r Oh.

Okay, so now no one wants to be followers like Taylor.

Sweat they call Peters. It's a massive I say massive.

It doesn't like that because it sounds like twelve sugars. I'm like, hell, am I going to have twelve sugars? I'm flat out having the the eight spoons in sep of klooa.

A lot of sugar, So what's what's the update?

It's not for me, but I really want it, but I'm also going to start making my own beef jellat and marshmallow.

There we go about a bad, bad, bad bad.

But if we've got any peters listening, Oh yes, but I said it's quite.

Skew up, it's very niche.

This headline, Kate, made me laugh out loud because we all know how it's going to end.

I love to loll. Are you ready loll? Kate? Katie Perry and Gail King to fly to space?

Oh my god, what is happening? They are sending six birds, all chicky babes, all on one, all on one, up they pop, They're going to space. And I don't know why Katie Pearr is going.

Can I just say I don't know what? Because it is given it to her for a birthday pre Oprah's signed her up. Ye Aprah would have given it. Yeah space.

Yeah, yeah, it's a big present.

Okay, So given bezos is one yeah, blue Origin. But you wantly do it for like ten minutes or something.

But it's here's my issue.

It's too early, yes, too too early to be involved. I will give it grade ten to fifteen years minimum before I give certain rides. I won't even get on you.

You know what?

You know, when I'll go to space when man lands on the moon.

I just I looked at that and the picture they're right.

Whenever I see else, is it Bezos's wife is going on?

That happened after what she did? She brought home a curly early went right off you pop.

Off, you get on? Who else is going?


I don't know who that is. I don't know who that is, but that top line is full. Gail King? Okay, baby Perry and Laurence sang.

Let's not forget Gail Kings December twenty eighth, Baby the thing, the lengths these twenty eight will.

Go just for a bit of attention, right, So you know what this reminds me of? And I don't want to bring people.

Down the submarine.

Yes, of course, everyone's like for the Titanic.

Everyone's like, well, like, is this devastating? My reaction to the submarine was I'm sorry, what are you doing?

Okay? Can I just say this just between us kind of silence?

Come on, lean in may.

I don't wish ill upon any No, I don't, but I hope I have this a headline that comes from it.

Do you know what I mean, just because you are so you know how the Turkish and.

A lot of Middle Eastern they wear the eye, they wear the evil arm right, and it's toward off. These people are really attracting the wrong attention of I'm going to say, like a footballer's wife, the ont of us, and I think that they.

Need to be care Yeah.

I feel like I'm you know, I'm a big fan of gravity. What it wants me to do, I'll obey, stay on the ground like a valium on my bloody Quani flight getting valiums.

I can't get a doctor to give me valium when you have the medical history. I have to get them quite easily, to be honest.

Really, because they're so happy to give you opiates. I don't want opiates.

I well, I want an old school vallium just occasionally for my stiff neck. It's a muscle relaxing. Yeah.

Sure, But I just feel that Katie Perry's song is firework, so we just know how this is going to end.

It's just not right, it's not wrong.

And I looked at the picture of the six of them like that in that little lineup, but I'm like, that's the picture that's gonna be in a frame. It's going to be in a frame at the NASA headquarters.

If God forbid this comes to pass, it will be official that I am a witch.

So either way, it's a win for the buck Up.

I wish them even if you know that we'll have to come back and go, I wish them luck. The presenters of the buck Up would like to apologize to the families.

I would love to know if Bezos. Bezos's wife, Sanchez.

Does she really want to go? Sanchez? Does she really want to She does, because yeah, yeah, she wants you to support your partners. Oh no, she'll be for her own she wants it for her own thing. She'll go, oh my god, I'm literally one of the fast and women in space.

Well, we shouldn't neget Kate. Okay, how about a bit of support here because it's the first all women mission since nineteen sixty three?


Correct? Was there an all woman mission in nineteen sixty three?

Apparently what happened to them? Did they come back down?

I've never heard about nor what on the mission.

I'm sure if it went bad would know about it.

Right, NASA need another seven astronauts. Six seven was it six are the six? Are these? I remember that one that crashed? Okay, anyway, you've really taken this down to dark paths.

I was just wanting to laugh at Katy Perry.

Just yeah, I know, it's just And also, what are they going to talk.

At pulling your witch powder?

That's terrible. I've done it. I've done it. You know what thud hashtag thud lost and the lovers. It's really we're really on the law of diminishing return.

Down from there, Katy Perry, get down.

But you know he'll be happy though. Orlando Bloom, if you were married her, you need a break, wouldn't you. You'd just be like, hello, honey, why don't you it's my ex wife Manda on the phone. Why don't you go to space? Well, maybe go with one of your girlfriends. I'm not saying he wants it to have that, No, of course, not yet. I don't understand what going to space.

I honestly I don't understand. I just feel when something doesn't have oxygen.

Yes, I e.

The ocean, yes, and space, yes, something's telling you don't do it.

Stay away.

Yeah, I agree, you know, But also I do think there's something about don't you think there's something about the arrogance of humanity.

Get down from there, Get out of there. I want to see that fish that you can only see it twenty thousand fe.

Feet Underleave it alone. Some big arms all comes from a cube treating.

There's a reason why it's down there.

This guy, it's a shame. It's a shame cute. It's like I'm dumping dark that I cannot walk. It's like the elephant man that it's.

A nightclub at five am, and the other one's left of those kind of ways, and you've got to look up with that one just so you have somewhere.

To stay so you can get a lift home.

That one with the light dangling at the front of his head for some reason, why is our next row of teeth?

Yes, now I've got a can that needs opening, Uber Paul.

Oh no, we are doing a new segment, Kate.

It's time for it's things that annoy me. Oh no, that's going to be endless. You are so easily annoyed. You're like my daughter, My daughter Sunday shout up. Sunday said to me on the weekend, Literally, how much of your content comes from me? Because of the possums. We love her? How she go with the possum chat?


Was she was quite happy? She seems quite happy.

Not only will there be things that annoy me, buckheads will message us with the things that annoy them, all right, and it will.

Take the universe by store. Okay, all right, let's start these These are little things. Just one, well, just one week. Only one thing annoys in a week? When awake? Just one?



Whenever you feel like letting me do it. No, no, I feel like letting you do it. I could do one hundred a week. Yeah, I know you could. That's the problem.

Here's where annoyance comes down to, Kate.

Okay, I just want things to be over.

Everything I'm doing in life, whatever it is, I just can't wait for it to be.

You know, when my kids were little, someone said to me, don't wish it away. No, I'm like mate, I wish it away every single day, every second of everything I really do, I dream of death.

Well, have you heard about Blue Origin? Have you heard about Gail Kegan?

You know what I mean? And I also love every moment, of course, but I'm not an idiot. I love living in the moment. I also can't wait for that moment to be over. All right, yes, right, yes, yes, I totally understanding.

In the movies all the yeah, yeah, I'm always leaving first yeah, home by nine by nine.

I just like things being over.

So my main annoyance in life hate is when someone interferes with that.

Someone else is just making a plan. Someone else is just doing something that's literally stopping me from getting to the next thing that I want to.

Roadworks in a way, it's more specific. If I'm in my car, yeah, and I am turning left, all right, whatever, mainly left, and.

There is someone with the green man, so they get to cross for a pedestrian, a pedestrian by law, they're allowed to go, and I have to give way.

If that person does not at least do.

A pretend you run the jog across the r I will lose my mind. I am sitting here, I am waiting for you to cross, and so are the six cars. Buy me, and you're walking at a regular pace.

Oh no, I don't think I it up, is right.

I take a job for me on a pedestrian crossing, job for me, even on a right job where they're just being a pedestrian you're being a good citizen.

They always do that thing where they think I do myself. What you're not moving any quick? Bouncing a lot more. It's just bouncing. Just bounce for me, Just bounce green man. Uh huh. I think they're entitled to stroll just on that once it starts to flash. I take your points. Even if they've got a full green. You want them to jog on the green? Can we vote? Excuse me in the studio.

If I put the green man and there's cars waiting for me to cross, I will pretend jog.

You're wrong, You're totally wrong. Let's throde open to the corner. You don't pick it up. No, but you've got the green, it's your chance.

This particular woman a leg on street.

Was checking her phone. Everyone checks their fast she walked.

That's why they put the They put the lights out the green man on the pavement so people because they know people do that because people.

Look at their phone, so they put the red and green on the lights.

Hurry out.

I can't. And that was it's things that annoy me. Okay, do you know what that should be called? Am I the asshole? A?

I T H.

No, No, you don't beep, but not I get bit at.

Oh yeah, a lot, that's different.

No, No, I get pipped out.

And every time I'm like, it's because you know, I told you I adopted a policy, a non bipping policy.

I didn't know it changed my life. You never beat anyone else, no matter what.

Okay, to the point where someone was reversing back into me, and I still didn't beat the whole and that was probably a mistake. But I don't beat. No, I don't beep, and I polite beep. No, maybe the lights have changed. You haven't seen it just a bit.

But it's very hard to cut one your hand.

Rather, it's so hard to do a cute beep? Is there a cute beat button?

I don't know why there isn't do that next week? Annoying?

What cute beat?

But that with baited breath things that annoy me? Why isn't there a cute beat button? It's text from Read Your Mind? Did I Read your Mind?

The World's Bitchiest witch?

Oh my goodness, I love it.

I'm actually shocked that you've never come in here and said Sash. Well, Sash and I were putting a spell on someone on the weekend without put spells.

We've done spell We've done a lot of spells, and I've put people in the free.

Sorry, how do you find a spell?

I've got a book of spells. Yeah. You know what about when we danced around and burnt the shoes Yes.

Yeah, paper shoes from China and said I'm not a witch. Yeah, a bunch of sentences this pod spell to differ. Sorry, we danced around the burning shoe. I know it's sound anyway, and every week she made that day came true.

That's how I got my boyfriend.

That's that.

Yeah, and your beautiful life.

You conjured up a boyfriend from burning shoes. Yeah, you know what single barkheads are going to be messaging for this, for this spell.

Yeah, it's amazing. We'll do it next week. It's amazing.

All right, we will reveal all Let's go back to an old segment, an old and I'm going to say a solid foundational segment also of your devising.

Quite when you.

Were at the height of your powers, oh before I tapped out Yeah. Text from Mum, text from Okay, this is from Karen.

Hello Karen Love. I do a special shout out to Karen.

I won't say her last name, but the spelling of her name is unusual.

Don't do it, k r I oh sorry, I thought in the surname.

No, no, I'm not doing that.

Karen Karen.

I think she's done that because so she can. I'm not a Karen.

Karen, which weirdly makes it worse.

And also it's such a Karenish thing to do that. She's constantly got to correct people.

On her name. Can I excuse me? Excuse me? Grace? Can I can? I it's actually Carrien.

Can I debut a new joke I'm working on. You can tell me if it's funny. I love it, Okay, working on this new bit. I feel like I am getting a little bit older. Yeah, because whenever I see viral Karen videos now Karen has a point yea, And most Karen videos now that I watch them, she was.

With Yeah, she's got a boy, that's right, the manager, that dog, the guy with the dog, or she was with the dog.

Yeah, I stand with her. I'm sorry, but get the manager. Karen is right? Do you know what Karen is right?

If the world was run by karens how incredible it would be?

Like Japan?

Karen will not be a whiff of urine in our train tunnel. Prime Minister Karen, amazing, it might be we might have trouble. Ossie's would never vote for a Karen, don't you see Karen?

Maybe oh Carrien.

Anyway, Karen, we love you because you have seen us. Well, she's sent it in. She's totally got the brief because it's not a text from mum. It's actually a text from her ninety year old Auntie in South Africa, and she's seen this texts and she's gone. This is a text from mum.

Intergenerational. It's a text from Hello, darling, niece, happy birthday wishes. I know it's a week late.

Sorry, I have an ulcer on my right ankle which is agony and affected my memory.

Love Kathy. It's a text from oh an ankle, also agony.

It's like she got everything in and so this is so South African of her to be so pithy and to.

The point off a chicken.

They're always named that.

I just love it that she got in the birthday illness, the messages, the lateness, the apology, the agony and some disgusting rative condition like all of it is.

Just still the victim still the video.

Only thing that's missing that it would have been in if my mother had written it would be something about the stench of the ulcer, and that was just a little bit of bone broth, just a little bit of bone broth.

But that is a classic text from mum.

It's stunning. It doesn't get anymore classic.

Arnie Cathy, I love you, and guess who else I love? I love you, I love the Witch on Survivor, and I love the Witch on my podcast Next time You're burning, shoot next time?

And what about sas she's also a witch? An irolling witch?

No, that was only because you said that the devil was sexy at the start of last year, and then you're like, I don't like demons. I'm like, when you say Brad Pitt was sexy playing the demon, is that.

When it walks? No, I said his acting was terrible. No, No, you're right.

No, what I said such was that people always think the devil's just some hideous, stinking harbor, but the devil, to get people to do the devil evil deeds is actually moves amongst us with charm and offering people INCENTI yeah, yeah, come do my bidding and I shall give you this curly wally for instance.

Curly whirly reason for divorce, Hell, curly whirly that.

Could be a jazz and lyric. Curly whirling through the heat of.

The buck Up podcast is hosted by me Kate lane Brook and him Nathan Valvo. It's produced by the brilliant Sasha French Audio and sound by the magnificent.

Jack Lawrence you might call him Jack and Dom Evans. Oh we're lucky.

The Buck Up with Kate Langbroek and Nath Valvo

Bye bye misery! In a world that seems to be lurching from one existential disaster to another, The B 
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