Our money back guarantee is that you're going to feel better at the end of this podcast than you did at the beginning.
Imagine, if you will, that you are in a place of great beauty. Some teenage boys walk past you, they yell out, they bitch tits. The world you see is a place of paradox of beauty and cruelty.
It will cut you off at the knees then gift.
You a pair of easies.
And that, my friends, is why you always always need a buck up.
That what it's an acoustic what's happened?
Sasha French.
It's a camera on what if you happened?
So early in the record, what happened has happened?
Well back bad more intro.
Bad bad bad.
But that's I'm so devastated. I'm so as we discussed earlier what my Pavlovian dog response.
Dribbling when you see a food. Yeah, you said that that's the death the actual experiment. And did you do it again? What a call back to an episode like nine weeks ago?
Okay, can I just say, well, because you taught me about pavlov Star.
So the only thing I remember from year ten.
You said that in that ear You don't need to say it again, no, because I was struck by I've been listening to our podcast.
Thank you. It's so follow it, good subscribe? I think? So have you shared it with your friends and family?
I try to.
Like there's a little share, but yeah, but they're added to your social media is.
Oh what, yeah, I've done that, Sasha French say hello, Sasha French.
That's enough solved the problem in creating.
There's no real problem. She's just that's the problem. I have that later. So the listening to hear it but okay, you.
May work in show is full of the fraudulents.
I don't want to discuse me. What have I just done for this pod tonight? As a warning to our.
Listeners, gold your colure, we.
Are doing yet another pm amusing Sam started the app doing the app how do we play? That is going to play an old buck Up podcast episode through your phone?
To play in a new buck Up episode? Maybe I would, because you know what we need that. I cannot go into this episode.
But is it I had colure with you.
Did so I brought in it's a night record and then it will be known.
And for an inner I bring in a miniature of Kalua.
Yes we do this is.
I don't know what that's. That's called a mead.
That's a med's not the tiny, it's not the big even is it?
It's four point five fluent ouncers.
Is this the actual epp? Yeah?
This is the yeah, because Johnson sounds.
Mate to move on. We've got to move on. Just do the app. But can I find the nighttime?
I know I'm happy, but I just need that.
I need that. You need the Okay, let me say this. Having listened to our podcast The buck Up.
Welcome Buckwits, Yeah, buck Heat, I feel like you've never listened before, like twenty three or four episodes in you're giving it a crack?
Have you No?
No, I listened to them all the time. That's good, every time one comes out, thank you. But there's something emerging from us. It's a relationship between us and our beloved listeners.
Oh my god, we love the buckheads.
And but also there's some.
Unhingedness in our podcast Callua that I adore, not necessarily but possibly.
What's it like when you listen to yourself doing a podcast? Do you just didn't remember what you said? No, you can't remember.
You know you put up that hand of your that photo of your hand or broken and bruise.
Oh it's my finger.
I have no idea what that was?
So the social media hooks that we do for the work on.
You, I'm like, I would want to find that one.
And you know what else? People keep messaging me going what happened to your hand?
But that's not my hand? What I saw someone comment the hairy finger should give it away?
Did someone say that? But that's not my hand?
It's my hand hand. If you listen to the pod, you'll know what happened. I was walking my dog and I had an incident with the cyclist. Now that it's good that you bring that up because we spoke about dog names.
We did because your dog has the name of a person Derby D A. R. B.
Y knew you hate it? Well, I stop skirting around because six years ago you used the word hate I did.
Well. Why is that emblazoned on your otherwise pitiable memory. Well like that because you know what in life, the slings and arrows we hang on to that.
When someone in your life says I hate your dog name, it is say.
I never would have said.
Well, hello to buckhead Fee who's messaged a picture of her dog who is in fact called Derby. There's another Derby boy, Derby boy.
Thank you a boy derby.
Hang, get up doing the job.
How far in are we?
About an hour?
And this is Sasha French. She moves with glacier like pace. But you know what, it gets done.
It gets done eventually.
It's done. How do you feel stressed?
Don't stress, It's all good. The music played, Kate jumped up and did an air guitar and we're all for it.
You know what, Let's just say this is a general thing about the world. Nothing's ever going to go or very rarely going to go the way you want it to go. And the secret to loving life is to enjoy the flyways, the byeways, the colder sacks that you find yourself in.
There we go, and that was one of them. Thank you for bringing a delightful time.
We had when we waited for you to discover some competence.
Thank you for bringing a coulder sack to this week's Oh well, God punished. So that was I was, how's your packa day going over there? Grants?
No one smokes a pipe anymore.
A pipe a pack of day, I'm reminded.
No, if I was right, I reckon if I was nineteen now and going to the one remaining music festival in Australia went.
Over your pipe.
I think I'd take up smoking a pipe just because how cool is no one Danes that you sit in Europe A bit.
You can't say on the pipe because on the pipe has a different meaning.
Now you wouldn't be on that pipe. That was discussing.
So hello to Fee and her dog Derby. But then we did have chats.
Boy Derby boy Derby a very onboard a boy Derby.
W didn't say that at the time, backtracking to make Fee feel better.
I'm only now being proffered by Fee, who's got a boy Derby, and that is as it should be.
A girl Derby. You're like those Remember.
There was a spate of here we go women in the I'm going to say, naughties who call who would have daughters and call them James.
That's you.
I don't remember that. I've never met a girl James.
No, why would you because there's only models.
But their son with some girl James and this girl chains Well, which you have a real issue with people calling their dog human names.
I mean we have a podcast of fields sometimes so sometimes they sound bad.
Don't get away the industry secret? Are you telling me that you don't get but.
But I'm already bucked up. Now I'm over.
Well, we're about to buck down. Maybe possibly people that have a pet dog called Balah.
Because you said, why call the park, ten dogs will come running to it's you.
There's a TikTok trend where vets go around their clinic asking all the vets a question and listen to this one. Okay, what name are you guys sick of hearing? Still? I don't know what name are you sick of hearing?
Bella and Diesel? Oh?
Can you? What pet name are you sick of? Bella?
Kind of what pet name are you sick of hearing?
What pet name are you sick of hearing?
Bella? Oh, my goodness, from the vets themselves, from the horse's mouth, from the dead horse out at the bat.
Mouth, person that helps the horses bellows.
Oh, you started like, oh my god, who would say that about Bella's You're the person that started the point of the bony finger like you pointed at the bellers.
I'm just defensive because you didn't want to.
Know there were so many.
There's a lot of bellows. Hello to the bellers listening. There we go. That's a bark, I'm swapping it off. Good the good girl.
But you're a good girl, Yes you are.
That's specially no more colore.
That's incredible. Did someone send us that?
Yes, he sent us that. Oh well no, sorry, I found the TikTok showed me that video, but he sent the message about the name.
Oh yeah, I love it all. I love it all.
And then yeah, okay, right, anyway, what was I going to tell you something about the revelation about I had a revelation about the word.
I don't think it is mother than.
Norm when you walked into the studio before. Oh guess what. I've had a revelation about the world.
When you want to hear my car.
Oh, yes, you're like this.
You've got a secret chat about me group.
You've got to see you look at guilty.
I've seen a crack a smile and look at it.
We really don't. We don't. And you know what, we actually have a WhatsApp and you're in it. But you don't know how to work your phone.
So I do know how do I just don't look at what'sapp now. I don't live in Europe, I said.
I was watching Kate get out of her car.
And it's always means and he tacks on the window. It's alarming.
By the way, you've still got pea plates up. Who are you trying to fall your car pea plates on that night? What a little scheme you got going day?
And I put up at one of those tiktoks saying, you know, people do the mother and daughter one whenever out together? People always ask which one's the mother, which one's the daughter. So I said that, and it actually made Sunday laugh. So we put it up. Some people have actually gone, you totally look like the mother.
I'm like, yes, of course I do. That was a joke. It was a joke.
You still haven't answered why there's pea plates up on your.
Car because Lewis strows my car sometimes and he's an interesting thing.
Not that interesting.
Everyone here we.
Go, just immoderately.
Better be good.
I'm not it's not good.
Okay, you're not allowed to drive with l's on if you're not an el driver, but you are allowed to keep the peas in the window.
I don't think that's true.
I was told that.
That's a very lazy son who.
Just made that up. He made that up.
So I was going to tell you, tell you. She's watching Kate get out of her car, which should be easy, like there's not that much to do, but you make it go for a long time. And it hit me that Kate would be the worst person to be sitting next to if there was an emergency on a plane and they had to just get out now and the slides come out and evacuate, evacuate. Kate would be like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, where's my and where's.
My I must say about the main with my bangles.
She always got so irrationally angry at me when I had to remember jewelry.
On this. You're that person with the jewelry at security.
Can I just the picture that you've painted of me in this and you know the one that really got me, implying that I'm a dirty, smelly dog.
I'm just like I come a cry.
The words dirty and.
You were covered in their hair, and we all know that as soon as hair leaves the human body, it becomes repulsive. Like once in Ago, I got a saucer down from a top shelf and I don't know no idea. You know, sometimes they just in the olden days when people had poob's pubic hair the sources, they would turn up places pubes.
Yeah, who says, who don't you remember.
Around? You're right, I have all these memories. Pubes been everywhere.
You're walking, just occasionally one would pop up and you will remember.
Who is like and then in a sharehouse you'd have a discussion about who's what you.
Said that like, there was a time in history where there was just pubes.
Everywhere, not everywhere, if you remember, okay, don't you remember sash when you went and got your pots.
Down and then we'll filled with cubes.
It was a thing.
Now, of course, no one's got one to bless themselves with, except I think the young ones coming through there.
I think into reforestation.
Okay, anyway, let's move on.
You know the other thing I love, Yes, move on.
We've got three topics to do. So.
Another thing I love on the podcast, which I didn't realize we did, and it's so unhinged, but it's perfection is when we're just randomly.
Something that's just so un.
The hymn about clapping nothing tubes.
I know because it's an organic response that we all have when we've enjoyed something enormous. For instance, in a previous episode, that elopas are deceitful, and we all.
Then it's just great.
So what have you realize about the world.
You know, they're making everyone go back to offices now they're trying to and it's good for people. Also, why are people just I'm rotting away in it?
Like why do that? It's like we constantly think.
That that what we're doing is good and it's actually not good. Like we always like to say about people listening to.
True crime, it's not good for you. No, it's not good for you anyway. What is so?
The other day I was sitting in my car, I can't remember, I was waiting for someone. I was in the city and I was watching people walking past me and towards me, and whenever, what a miser You just decened into horribility. Everyone wears like stretch clothes, comfy stretch clothes. Everyone wears you know what, I noticed one woman because she was wearing leather boots. Everyone else is wearing runners. Everyone's wearing like everything's nitwear. It's dark, it looks sort of stone. People have been living sleeping in it. Then they wear it out on the street.
It's so do you think this is a post COVID thing.
I think people really leaned into it.
But now I think people are like, for some reason, people have gone even on reality shows.
That don't do anything you're not comfortable with.
For some reason, we've started to prize comfort.
Overlooking like with ideas.
With ideas as well. It's like, you've got to be comfortable with that.
Why do you right and why do you need to be comfortable when you're stepping outside the house into a city in one of the most civilized and beauty in the.
World, skirts high heels. Ever, Sarah ly want people uncomfortable. Women in corsets crossing.
I love that you say corsets. My nineteen year old daughter, what that's a TikTok thing? I think to say corse heat?
How do you say it? It's corset of corset? I think, so, of course it.
She says corset, and I started saying corset. I'll never bully you up on it again.
Dance, so I just I say dance Melbourne saying I'm from Brisbane, Queensland. Things sorry as well, it's a state thing. It's like it's a depends where you live.
New Zealanders say dance, d't.
Dance and plant say don't don't do you say castle or castle? Dance? Yeah, dance castle or castle castle castle. Yeah, I'm not a pig.
I don't like I don't like it. I'm not a pog, and I don't like it when people say mao.
On the fashion thing. Let me say this baggy is fashionable? Now? Yeah? Anyone under thirties wearing those like box jeans and likes fine big zip up things.
Fine okay, And they.
Bully ask Kate for wearing skinny jeans.
Who loves skinny je.
My whole generation has been I'm not on board with the bullying wine. Apparently nothing says millennial plus more than skinny jeans.
But also I'm not into being bullied by some simpleton who spends all day on TikTok. Yeah, because we don't know where to wear our socks, because guess what, we're working.
It's busy.
We're building the world.
We're not lying around like a heroine from a seventeen hundredth novel, as though we're wasting away in your corsets all through our phone.
Yeah, we don't have time to learn the an Apple dance? How does get sound?
And I'm not a fool for not knowing it. No, there's another part.
Everyone looks awful.
Well, everyone looks comfortable, but you grow into what you project about yourself. And so because everyone's so slobby, it's just slobby.
Where were you parked to see all this?
Just everyone? So this was my other thought. So, you know, as everyone's going back to work, and everyone.
Was like, oh, it's casual Friday. It's casual Friday. We don't need casual Friday anymore.
Every day is casual to the detriment of our society.
You know what we need when officers.
Go dark, they are back.
But yeah, get ready to play the music.
Oh he's the here we go. We're gonna land it.
We need formal f.
There are people that work in the office that so much.
You'll have ane and a tail.
I love the photo copier, but my crinoline can barely make it into the photo copy.
I love the way that you've said that massive rant and well done. The whole time you're wearing crocs.
You have crocs, They're not crocs, the birkenstocks.
The same thing. What there are a difference. And you said your daughter hates them.
She hates them because they're made of rubber.
Oh, her shoes made of.
Well most most Birkenstocks are not made of rubber or pink. Most of them are made of suede.
So she doesn't have an issue with rubber.
What I don't know, but I'll have to hold them up.
So Pepperkin, please ask Sunday what are your shoes? With the shoes?
Do I call her and ask her?
Why don't you hate your shoes?
Yeah, let's ask her.
She thinks you look too comfortable in them?
Hang on, well, maybe I do because even as I'm as I'm saying this, look what I'm worry I'm wearing stretchy things.
I totally get it.
I understand we want to be like that, but I don't think it's great for it. Okay, anyway, don't you love that it's a formal Friday.
Next time you see me, I'm going to be in a toxiedo.
If it's a Friday.
No even if not and roll skates make it real hard and really uncomfortable.
Hello, Oh, Sunday, Leo Langbrook Lowis, Hello, my darling.
Hello, I'm I'm so you know you're on the back up. And Valvos here Nate val the.
Black up Sunday and Hey, Sunday, Kate tells us that you never missed an episode. Is this is this true?
Yes, this is true. She listens.
She's our most faithful, no one else in the family. They're like a bank in Switzerland, aren't they. Sun They've got two percent interest in my very successful podcast with Nate Valvoxy.
But Sunday lights to listen. She goes, that's actually not true.
Fact check. So I don't have a very quick question for you. Yep.
So I'm wearing my pink birkenstocks. Yeah, the pink rubber ones. Yeah, they're not Oxford's, are they. They're Bostons, aren't they. Yeah, they're Boston Anyway. I said to Valvo that you hate.
Them, Yeah, because I do.
Yeah, that you're disgusted by me wearing them?
Yeah, because they are.
They're disgusting.
But why are.
They he said why? I said, I don't know. She's disgusted.
She has to say about your disgusting shoes.
You know why, because they're like something Emily in Paris would wear.
Because you colored clash and patent clash. Do you know what?
You've tried to insult me, but you have never paid me a higher compliment than that. I am like Emily in Paris.
The worst show ever made, The.
Worst show ever made? That Phil Colin's daughter.
Yes, yeah, baby, Billy Collins didn't know this. Do you know who Phil Collins is?
He pays with something in the air. How does that song go?
I can feel.
The dinner.
It's worse than the shoes.
You know, the Capri gorilla drumming for chocolate, the old chocolate.
Add No, no, you know it's on fruit air.
No, no, all right, anyway, what do you What sort of footwear should I wear?
You should wear beige Bompston.
Yeah, you've lost me.
One that has.
Yeah, okay, like every other person in the world.
Yeah, to torn down.
You're already coldful outsit.
I don't think I'm coming colorful today.
Toned down your colorful cake because you color and pattern clash. Listen to Sunday.
Love You Darling?
All right?
Love you? Are you loving being on the podcast? She's gone? Oh no, she's here. I'm here, Yeah, not not anymore?
Thanks? Hey, first ever offspring on the buck up.
How cute call from call from daughter.
Call from daughter. Our new segment beige shoes. The kids they love the beige. No, no, I'm getting defend. Look at the color of my shoes.
No, I know. And there's a place for beige. You know where that is?
Where in a mortuary?
Also sash.
When I was getting out of my car when he was mocking me, what had happened was my phone had slipped from my grasp and fallen into that most inaccessible part of the vehicle.
So tight down. Why is it so the side of the left side of the driver's seat and the console's and you're pushing fingers down there, and you're doing little bits with the two fingers and.
Crying your skinny canuckles claw.
You know what?
It reminds me of what when Peter and I took the Spirit of Tasmania. He had an old fashioned cart, was a nine holding pre terribly a ninety seventy Holden prem which he loved, and we decided to take it on an old fashioned holiday, which was Tasmania.
We went, there's nothing more, We're going.
He caught a boat driving holiday, got a boat, took this car, drove around Jesus. A lot of trees change how I feel about the environmental movement.
Too many plant more flowers.
Let's just.
It's called trees. Also turned out I had morning sickness.
I didn't know.
We found out a pregnant seasickness. See that's also I think why I had the sea sickness. I think it might have been morning sickness. Anyway, when we were on the boat and we were talking to the guy about where there was some information. Guy gorgeous, old cock as you'd imagine, and he was telling us about Tasmania and he kept saying and it made us laugh. You know the normal places you go to Devonport, Hobart and blah blah.
But he goes he can't go to the south.
What's at the southwest corner of TASMANA that's in Penn Trouble.
That the impenetrable.
He kept saying it, which of course made us want to go there. But it was impenetrable. And that just reminded me, Yes, that is what happens when when your phone slips into that part of the car. It's the southwest corner of Tasmania.
It is for me. It is for me when you're doing a phone scroll in bed and you move one thing with the phone go, it's just gone somewhere in the blanket, and I'm furious.
Blankets or a doner.
What's the difference what.
You don't know, the difference between blanket.
Two separate. That's why we're happy. Really, I'm not dealing with that. That body temperature two separate.
What size do you have?
Well, we have a big bed and then like two double dudes, one to ourselves at bliss.
When you want to cuddle.
We don't. We go to bed and honestly three to four hours difference in bedtime. You're in bed first, Yeah.
You're roaming around.
He Cody r into bed at seven forty five the other night. This is Queenslanders. They just live for the morning.
No why else because so early, say hello Queensland, or.
The sun's up at two am.
But also because we don't have twilight in Queensland. Say it literally goes, the sky just goes.
Jay's over darts off. Yeah, last drinks bang he's Cody lived in Melbourne for twenty years. He has still never snapped out of Queensland. No nighttime, morning thing. He gets up four four thirty. He sais in this world race it's insanity.
But how do you ever see each other?
There are days where I'm having breakfast and he's having lunch.
Hang on, you're having breakfast, so like a eleven twelve o'clock ten, you're yeah, and he's halfway through, he's getting ready for bed.
We high five each other in the door. Wow, what they're talking about?
Do you have the same Douner covers? So do you either Doner covers?
No, that's way I often say to Cody. We are very, very bad at the things people think gays are good at. Right, So where none of our furniture matches depends what room you're in is what it looks like. Nothing matches, but you're tidy, blank tidy.
It's very homosexual, one hundred percent.
Like blankets and fillows.
Nothing good, highly functioning homosexual like not that you know, not.
That slightly you know not what do you mean? Well, you know not when people are out or weakens. Do you know what I mean? Looking for glory holes?
Not that those I think they often have, and you know what I reckon they have pep keys, just randomly prandomly.
You beer anyway, interest in pots. So something's been spoiling in my head since we were last in here a couple of weeks ago. This is what I do I overthink little social interactions? Is it creepy if someone tells you that you smell good if you don't know them.
You told someone here that they smell good. Yes, and I could hardly smell them.
So I could smell it. I smelled them, right, But you passed each other in this very question though, No, not at all all the time that I smell strangers though, other than you who wants to act as though I'm a dirty, smelly dog woman. It's hard to smell your perfume.
Really, that I'm surrounded by that I run in here. I just don't like it.
Yeah, is it? You should have a you look like a dog woman?
But people do compliment me on my smell.
Well, I don't know this person who was a guy. What was his name? He was a nice Tom. Oh, yeah it was Tom. Hello Tom listening? Tom works in the building Tom, And I don't know him at all. And I just squeeze past and just went, you smell good? What are you wearing?
And then you had didn't you guess?
He told me what he was wearing. That was the end of it, and that was fun. But then we oh he said it was called Tonkah Two days later, I'm like, that is the creepiest thing.
I don't think it is.
No, you can. We're allowed. You're allowed to ask people what they're wearing.
It also could have been a bit pickuppy.
Yes, what, yeah, well this is did you know? Did you know he's one of mine? Yeah? Did you know?
He's tidy? He's very tidy and efficient.
That's a good way to put it.
He's fun.
Let's think of a new way. There's another way to say it fun.
Yeah, he's fun.
You think he's fun. Brows go up?
Okay, so, but did you not know that one of you?
No, I didn't know he was one of mine.
We'll see that. So it did seem a bit flirty, didn't it?
Maybe did you think that's really?
Why is I getting an applause? Okay, discuss it. But we're on the same because let's let's let's ask the question. If someone says to you smell good, is it read as anything other than they're trying to pick you up? Does that make sense if a guy said to you that, you don't know, oh, you smell good.
Guys have said that to me, you reckon?
They them?
No, like girls will say to each other quite often.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, whatever, Well.
That was unusual more than he smelled good, he did. I had to go in then for a sniff.
I get annoyed on people because what I smell like.
I've got a question for you, that fragrance. So Sasha and I were discussing this the other day. So I have probably four about fifteen years, really only worn mainly one one smell, which is my dog passion, my.
Persian Persian rose oil.
Virgin Persian Persian version.
Rose oil oil.
No, not rose hip oil that ay smells a bit rancid to me. This is rose oil that my old babysitter, who was Persian Iranian but Persian's much Naser, used to bring back for me.
And I've still.
Got some right anyway, And in my life there's been so people will often say to me, I knew you were here, I could smell you before you before I saw you, right, which I take as a compliment. If you said it, I wouldn't. So let's just anyway. And then Sasha and I were discussing the other day that she was looking for some sort of perfume. She tried it, and then when she got it, she didn't like it, and it was a rose.
I sa what smell was that she could win? It's rose.
I went, well, why don't you have some of my rose oil? And she said, well, I feel.
Like it'd be if I smell like you.
But I said to her, but you wouldn't wear it, just on it, so and you mix it with something else, okay, like I do now.
But also, why can't.
You smell like me distinct like my son if you've given him a hug.
Yes, say a few hours later, I smell like Kate like it's a very dog and.
You still like Lyn's Africa.
That's a right but confusing.
But I get it. But if you're asking descents belong to people, well yes, But.
Then I said, if you go in and get Gucci Rush, there's a billion people in the world that smell like Guccie Rush and you're not worried by that.
It's very distinct and it's very you. It's I'm kind of on sat team here because you're around each other a lot, you're in the same circle. It's it's really.
Because I have in the past given certain girlfriends, like very sparingly who have who have loved it.
I've given them a little bottle of it.
Oh what I'm trying to get out is I've.
Given I've got a bottle here for Sam. But then I don't want to pause it.
No, no, no, I'm very happy to give it a try to get some free ship. There we go, Well done, Persian rose oil.
And because it's so strong, do you just have one little drop?
I don't think.
I don't know, I don't know.
I don't trust this bottle.
By the way, okay, it was.
From the chemist.
But then anyway, if you don't like it, but when you go on your holiday, no one in Greece knows what I smell like, you know, just still be legs of Kimbo. I know.
I don't say on the pod what episodes should be called, but that's this episode's title. No one in Grease knows what I No one in Grace don't know I smell.
Give's a music sash.
However, I reckon you would feel different if bitch stole my look? What?
Well, so she's wearing your Yeah that if she suddenly was wearing your stuff, Yeah that.
If she we hadn't had this discussion.
And she's rocking around in your blazer suddenly no perfume? Oh sorry, yeah.
If she didn't, Yeah, very single white females, like if you suddenly turned up wearing ton car.
Yeah yeah, I won't now, Yes, now it's even made worse that little bit.
And you can drop and put a drop in your in your on a candle or in your bath.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Before we go, a very quick show recommendation, Kate Blainbrook.
Is it the buck Up podcast?
Besides watching the buck Up Instagram clips?
Yes, yes, where you'll see my pink where you know pose.
That's a terrible place to borce.
I don't.
I don't think that.
Please follow the buck Instagram You're gonna see Kate's pink pink berkies. This show has made me be more open to reality television this year. Thank you your antiot anti Aside from Survivor, Yeah, but below Decks the one I still I try so much.
All Right, I'm really struggling with series eight eight? Yeah, series eight?
What's your issue? You know why?
They just.
I think I need some of my Although I found out that Captain Lee had a son who died last year.
My god, were you having an issue with this captain before? You found that out, Tim, But.
He is a bit gruff, and he's a bit you know, he's always got some bit of wisdom that he always sees.
Well, this is the mood down.
No, no, I know, yeah, my.
Reality show recommendation. I don't know if you'll like it. To be honest, I love it because it doesn't require a single brain cell to enjoy. It is called Pop Star Academy. It is on Netflix English are American, it's American and they're making a K pop girl group.
Oh I saw a clip for that day. But none of them make Korean.
Of course, that's why it's a bit like. But they've brought in all the people that make the K pop bands from Korea to make.
This glass skin, glass skin.
It's a it's a diverse cast, which is probably a good thing.
They all got the Koreans all got beautiful skin.
Oh yes, yeah, yes, yes, there's an even there's an assy girl in there. It's called pop Star Academy.
Who's the Australian.
I don't know her name I forgot, but you know they're doing that classic they remember Bardo. But yeah, of course lay.
Monk and the Shoplifter and oh my god, the shop. Yeah, I can't remember. That's a terrible thing.
Didn't you didn't you also steal from their badge?
No, let's yes, there was an episode.
No no, no, that's not that's not notice.
I don't google that.
Nice, but I think so.
I'm just saying it's a twenty twenty four version.
I don't know that I trust that Bardo because if you want to get rid of someone, you could say that, couldn't you?
And they have no redress.
It's a good point anyway. Pop Star Academy, Yeah, do it? What on Netflix?
Okay? Did I ask that already?
Slight impatience time, I love you, Love you.
The buck Up podcast is hosted by me Kate lane Brook and him Nathan Valvo.
It's produced by the brilliant Sasha French Audio and SAMD. Found by the magnificent Yack Lawrence you might call him Jack. And Dom Evans. Oh we're lucky.