President Trump is taking action, deporting gang members and violent criminals back to El Salvador—but the Left is losing their minds over it. Why? Buck Sexton breaks it all down, exposing the hypocrisy of those who oppose enforcing America’s sovereignty while ignoring the chaos that unchecked illegal immigration brings. Plus, Conor McGregor speaks out on the immigration crisis in Ireland, drawing attention to a problem plaguing Western nations: mass migration without assimilation. Could McGregor step into politics? Buck explores the idea and the lessons history teaches us about leadership.
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You're listening to the Buck Sexton Show podcast, make sure you subscribe to the podcast on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. Trump deports a bunch of illegal alien, violent gang members to Al Salvador, and the Libs are very upset about it. We should look at what's really going on here, the re establishment of sovereignty in this country after Joe Biden completely abandoned the concept in fact invited the endless violations of our border and of American rule of law because the Democrats are convinced that illegal aliens will help them win elections in the future. But before I dive deeper into trenda Aragua and MS thirteen gang members being sent to El Salvador by Trump and how the Libs are freaking out about it, which is entirely predictable, there's another voice out there, happy Saint Patti's Day, everybody, And as part of of that Saint Patti's Day celebration, the White House brought in Connor McGregor to speak to everybody about what exactly is going on in his home country. And you need to hear it.
To make the issues to people of Ireland face, you know, and it will be music to the people of Ireland's ears because never on the main stage has the issues to people of ireland face been spoke. You know, our government has long since abandoned the voices of the people of Ireland and it's high time that America is made aware of what is going on in Ireland. What is going to lon in Ireland is a travesty. Our government is the government of zero action with zero accountability. You know, our money is being spent on overseas issues that has nothing to do with the Irish people. The illegal immigration racket is running ravage on the country. There are rural towns in Ireland that have been overrunning one sloop, that have become a minority in one swoop. So issues native is addressed, and forty million Irish Americans, as I said, need to hear this because if not, there will be no place to come home and visit.
So yeah, it turns out that the policies of unrestricted illegal immigration are not only a problem for the United States, it is ruining Ireland too. And Ireland is a much smaller country than we are, obviously, and so Connor McGregor is trying to tell everybody. Look if you're an Irish American as I am Saint Patti's day. I know we're all supposed to sit around and talk about how we're going to drink guinness and wear little Leprechaun hats, but really, the Irish American contribution to this country is enormous, just because there are so many of us. There's he said, forty million of us, more than I even realized. And you're not going to have an Ireland to go home. I've never been to Ireland. I really want to go to visit my ancestors homeland, and for so many people, I think that's going to become a very different thing than what they had anticip paid it if they don't get all the illegal immigration under control. Now. I know Connor McGregor is thinking about politics himself back home in Ireland, and I think it would make a lot of sense. That's one additional thing about Trump is the notion you can only run for president if you've basically been in politics for a long time. If not, your whole life has been shattered, not just here in America but really anywhere. It's all about do you want this person, what they stand for, and their judgment, their persona to be at the helm. And I think with someone like Connor McGregor here, people would say, oh, but he's a fighter and everything else. First of all, when you've been at the absolute top of any profession, the absolute top of a globally competitive profession, which being a UFC fighter is, there's a lot of discipline and a lot of life lessons that are learned in that process. I'm not saying, you know, every great athlete or every great fighter is meant to be president, of course not. But this is very this is very valid preparation for a whole range of things that you can do in life later on. You know, the ancient Roman ideal was you'd be you'd be a soldier, and then a businessman, and then a statesman. Soldier first, right, so you had that service to country and the growth and the life lessons that come from putting your life on the line and learning about combat and learning what it's to be a soldier. And then you go into business and you build in your community and you build a family, and then once you do that successfully, you become a statesman. I think that makes a lot of sense in the world that we live in. Instead of having people who just their whole lives are raising money, paying attention to pollsters and trying to just keep their job in politics. So yes, I think that Connor McGregor. Could he be any worse than the current Irish leader, which is incredibly radical and left wing. Probably not. In fact, I think he might be a whole heck of a lot better because he lives in the real world and he's diagnosed just based on that one clip. He has diagnosed a critical problem that faces Ireland and so many other Westernized countries, which is you cannot just bring in an endless number of people who are going to be very dependent on state resources essentially welfare cases, and who don't speak the language, who don't contribute to the economy in a net sense, and honestly don't have any cultural desire to even culturally assimilate. These are going to be huge challenges for these countries, including our own country, going forward. And we have been put through really this destruction of the nation state programming for now decades least the last thirty or forty years in America, and I think Europe has coincided with us certainly the last twenty or thirty years that whatever makes you a European, whatever makes you France or Germany or England, whatever makes you America is not something you're allowed to talk about and try to maintain. In fact, you owe it to the rest of the world to be open to them coming to your country and telling you what to do and changing what you want, changing the nature, changing the population, changing everything about that country. And yet other places don't have to do this. No one is banging down the door in Thailand and saying you're not allowed to be Thaie anymore. You need to let in as many people from Mongolia or West Africa, or you know, Argentina, whatever, It doesn't matter, right, you let in as many people as wants to come to your country. Now, I know what you might. You might think, well, but buck, it's America, that and the Western European countries that places that people want to go to because they're wealthy. To that, I always want to say, yeah, why are we wealthy? But that's part one of this, right. Why are we a rich country compared to so many other places? Why are we so much richer as a country than say Russia, large population, tremendous natural resources. There are reasons for this, and it is us. It is because we are not Russians. We are Americans. If you were to replace all, if you were to place fifty percent of Americans with Indians or Russians or whomever, we wouldn't be America anymore. And we have run an experiment. We have rapidly changed the population of America and many of these other countries. And we've been told that if you think that that might change the country, you know you're a bad person, You're a bigot. That's nonsense. No one says China's bigoted for wanting to be Chinese. And yet if America wants to stay American, and he might say, well, what does that mean. Yeah, we take in some legal immigrants every year and welcome them as as long as they respect our laws and play by the rules we set forth. We bring them into this country. And it's in numbers that we believe we can assimilate. Now, I think that number has probably been too high as well, and we have not done a good enough job of looking at picking people based upon how much they will add to America. Instead, it's a lot of family reunification. You get anchor babies in the mix, and all this other stuff, and that's chain migration, and there's really the the crux of it. And then you add that tens of millions of illegals into it, and this is just they've completely overwhelmed our system of assimilation, right, They've completely overwhelmed it, and that, I think is itself a big problem. And the same thing is true in Ireland with the numbers that they're getting there too. You know, why wouldn't people want to go to a place that's more culturally aligned with them, where they already speak the language. Well, they want to come to our countries in some cases because they want to exploit the system that we have, which is meant to help the people already hear. And I understand at some level you can take this all to it's not fair. You get to be American, but other people are born in you know, other people are born in an impoverished country. They're born in Bangladesh, they're born in Somalia, they're born in you know, Laos, And yeah, those are all very poor countries and I'm sorry for the people who are born there. But if we are open to everyone from all over the world, this stops to be this stops being America. And guess what then, what do we have, what do the people here have, and what does the rest of the world have. The fight for life is ongoing day in and day out, and on the front lines of it Preborn. Preborn has a network of clinics across the nation who have a very simple but profoundly important mission, which is to save the lives of as many tiny babies as they possibly can. And they do this by putting their clinics in areas of the country where abortion rates are highest and offering women an alternative to abortion with love and care and support. Now, this process usually with an ultrasound, because once mom sees that tiny heartbeat, she knows the choice here has to be for life. But Preborn needs your help in this mission. They get no government funding. All you have to do, and what you can do right now to help them is go to preborn dot com. Slash buck that's preborn dot com. Slash Buck considered donating twenty eight dollars a month to be a sponsor for Preborn's incredibly important network saving lives day in and day out. We're showing everybody else how it's done. In this country. We are the best country in the world. Despite all the criticism and all the stuff that people say, we are the best country in the world, the most important, the freest, I mean, just you spend time in these other places. Even Yeah, European countries are nice. Yeah, you could live happily in a lot of European countries. And there's some South American countries that are a few at least that are a couple that are very nice, and you could have a nice life there, but they're still not America. And there's nothing wrong with wanting to preserve the country that our ancestors built and fought for. And you know, americanness is allowed to be a thing. This is not. We're not a trade zone where we're not just someplace where anyone gets to show up and say I want my check, where's my housing? And we've done we've had way too much of that in recent years. So that's that's what I say about Econo McGregor. And then you got Woopy Goldberg very upset about the prospect of anybody can be deported. This is what she says.
And you just got to keep your eyes open, y'all, because if they can just come up and take somebody because they've made a decision that you're supposed to be that person. Any one of us could find ourselves being deported to some country. Well listen, you know, it is very clear to me that if we don't continue to say we want listen, I understand you want to clean out all the old some bad stuff. I get it.
Now. Look, that's nonsense, and and it it almost feels like a waste of time to spend any time refuting the opinions of the view. But people watch it, and a lot of Democrats believe this. A lot of Democrats take the position that this is not a stupid show. It is a very dumb show, and yet it still gets watched. And that's a shame. I wish people would watch something where they would learn some they would learn the truth, and they would learn stuff. In general, there's not there's no learning on the view. It's just it's just ignorant opinions from ignorant people that are foisted upon the public by a left wing media apparatus that is in dire straits these days, as it very much deserves to be. But okay, here's here's the thing that they leave out of this or that. Woopy Gilbert doesn't understand your rights as in illegal are very different under the law then your rights as somebody who's in this country legally, your rights as an illegal are not going to be the same when it comes to a whole range of things. And that also includes due process. Once you're an illegal, you're allowed to be sent out of the country. And I know they keep saying do process, do process, but really what they want to do is just slow this whole thing down so that Trump cannot remove people who are in the country illegally. You know, when you're at the border. Let me tell you something. If you're trying to legally do things at the border, border, Immigration and Customs Enforcement have tremendous authority, and you do not want to mess with them because they get to make determinations on the spot, executive determinations on the spot that can really you know, they can they can take they can take your property, they can look at they can do a whole search, they can pull your car part if they think you're smuggling drugs or whatever. I mean, there's a lot that they can do. And you might say, well, yeah, and guess what if you tell Immigration and Customs Enforcement you can't do that to me, I have you can't take my car apart. Well, no, actually they can. They can. They have a lot of power to do a lot of things. And you know the same way on an airplane, for example, you know, federal aviation rules are that they can. It's like a little Stalinist chamber where they can tell you know, you have to do this, and you have to sit your chair up and you have to put your I know that's it's very minor stuff, but the same it's a similar idea, which is they're given a lot of authority and they can turn around and and you know, land that plane and tell you to get your butt off that plane, and they can arrescue you for very minor stuff. And so when we're talking about illegals, there's a whole range of things that can be done to them that could not be done lawfully to citizens because they're illegals. And so, yes, their treatment is going to be different, it's supposed to be different. But you know this, this is the stuff you're going to see.
Oh, but they're going to deport all of us.
Now, No, if you're the moment that they're deporting an American citizen, I'll listen to this winding. But they're not supporting American citizens. They're deporting non Americans who have no right to be here. And then there's just for fun. Here is Tom Homan when he has asked a question about why anyone should be able to use this law of the expelling the aliens. Do you say to those who clip, you're using a tight hundred year old law to circumvent you present.
No law.
Not as well as constitution. We still pay attention to that, don't we. Yeah, it turns out that the constitution's old too, but we still pay attention to that. Laws on the books are laws on the books. If Democrats don't like them, they should change them. All right. That's the show for today, Team she'ld tie. Look, having quality firearms is a great thing, and having firearms at a price point that's unbeatable even better. It's where Bear Creek Arsenal comes in. Bear Creek Arsenal is absolutely an all American company making firearms that are going to be your favorites. And I'm talking pistols, rifles that are upper receivers, lower receivers. Absolutely fantastic. Go to Bearcreekarsenal dot com today that's Bear Creekarsenal dot com and just go pick out a new firearm for yourself. They send it direct your FFL, no middleman fees or anything like that. From their advertising. They are doing great stuff for you. You're gonna want to check out Bear Creek Arsenal today. Go to Bear Creekarsenal dot com