Friday fertility - Let’s learn more about miscarriages, women’s hormones & stress from THE expert in women’s health 🤰 💊

Published Dec 12, 2024, 3:00 PM

Welcome to Grow & Glow's 12 days of Christmas! I'll be releasing an episode every day in the lead up to Christmas.

The leader in women's fertility, health and hormones, Dr Nat, explains miscarriages, gut health, and what stress does to our sex hormones. This is one ALL females need to listen to!!!

Nats social media : @natkringoudis


Apologie Production, Grow and Glows Twelve Days of Christmas. Hello everybody, and welcome back to Grow and Glow. This is twelve days of Christmas and I have an incredible guest on with me today, doctor Natt. Thank you so much for joining me today.

Thank you for having me. I'm so excited to be here.

I've actually spoken to you multiple times over the years, and I just call you like the queen of all things women's health and hormone energy, skin, pregnancy, fertility. So in twenty minutes today, we're going to try and dive deep into as many topics as we can. But before get started, for anyone who doesn't know who you are, in a nutshell, who are you and what do you do?

Yeah? So my background is in Chinese medicine. I never planned on treating fertility. It kind of found me, and then from fertility in those early years, it's sort of branched out to women's health from you know, puberty through to postmenopause, and that I get great to light in because I think as women, we really don't understand our bodies until something seems to not be working. But I want a mission to help women understand their bodies from a young age so they can make really great choices for their long term health.

I really want to talk about stress and fertility because I feel like in this day and age, we all know so many women that are struggling to fall pregnant. And I know when you talk about these type of topics, they do ruffle a few feathers and it's a little bit controversial. I suppose in your opinion, how does stress impact a fatility?

We know that stress does many things to impact fertility, and it's a coping mechanism. Your body's not really designed to be stressed and procreate at the same time, so it knows that it really your sex hormones are kind of in competition with your stress hormones, or maybe the other way around, I should say, So when there is high cortisol and we're highly stressed, your body knows to take your sex hormones offline, or at least pull the brake on them. We're perfect by design, even though it can feel like our body's failing us at these times. And I think the hard part is we're often told, especially from fertility doctors, that stress doesn't matter. Now when you're isolating your sex hormones, and you're using therapies around that you can isolate them, but it's still a collective of everything that's happening all at once. You can't just isolate systems. So stress impacts our gut, impacts our gut microbiome, which is really one of the first places that we see metabolism of hormones. It obviously also can change the quality or the amount of pogestriin available as well, So we need that hormone to maintain a pregnancy, and it's the one that kind of not a hCG, but our pogestrin also goes up, so it's often what we're testing to make sure that a pregnancy is something that's going to continue. So cortisole and pedestrion they kind of are at war with each other, and cortisole will always win. So it is something that I'm really passionate about talking about because I think women are misled to believe that they can be highly stressed and have their cake and eat it too, and it just doesn't really work like that, And it doesn't mean that you can't be successful and not be stressed either, like you can actually be successful do less achieve more and have all of the things, but we have to be conscious about stress levels. It's a silent epidemic. I say, like we are highly stressed generally, but I think the pressure that women put upon themselves at that point in time, especially trying to conceive, is part of the actual challenge as well.

I remember years and years ago when we spoke this one thing that really helped me and my periods. I'm going to ask you what are the three best things for fertility and our hormones? But I remember you telling me that any symptom when we get our period is a sign of inflammation the body, and that changed my life. Ever since then, I've been so focused on making sure my inflammation is down, and I swear majority of my period symptoms have gone and been gone ever since. I used to get really bloated, I used to get back pain, headaches, skin breakouts, and like, I don't get any of that anymore. What would you say are the top three tips? I'm guessing stress and getting your inflammation down. Is there any other things that you could tell us.

I mean, the thing is how stress is actually one of the ones that is the most important. We've just touched on that. But I think, you know, I don't think anyone's arguing when we say eat for health. You know, we need to make sure our nutrition's dialed in. We need to make sure we're sleeping enough. Like if you walked away and went she told me to sleep more and eat better, you'd be like, that's a great episode, as she well done, Like not she has a great guest. But I do think that you have to mention those things because you cannot out supplement sleep. You can't. There's nothing you can do to outrun it. You have to spend time doing it, and the majority of us aren't getting enough. And it really does show, especially as we get older, we don't have the same flexibility. Our hormones become more temperamental. It doesn't mean you're not fertile, but we do know that after the age of or around the age of thirty five, our ovarian reserve and our ovarian function starts to decline. It's not a switch, it doesn't just get flicked off. You could be fertile for another twenty years at that point. I mean that's probably pushing it, but at least another ten, if not fifteen, And so I think that's really important to understand that you become more temperamental, and sleep is one of the things to keep that more balanced and in check. So we've said stress, we've said nutrition and sleep. When I say nutrition as well, protein is so important for your hormones. Your hormones are made of fat and protein, and we again a lot of women are afraid of eating good fats, and I know that you talk about this all the time. And obviously protein and we really do need to prioritize protein. And the other thing I would say that is super important is fiber. So fiber is also for the women that have hormone imbalances. And we might see too much of one hormone and not enough of the other. So very commonly estrogen or testosterone we can see in excess, So excess in say pcos we see too much testosterone in the body, estrogen dominance, We see too much estrogen. One of the main ways that we can help our bodies eliminate some of that excess is through fiber. Fiber is a binder, and excess hormones will bind to fiber and you will poop.

Yes, fib I did not know that right, So fiber will help.

Balance blood sugar so important if there is a hormone imbalance like PCOS helps to feed the good gup bacteria, so again it's like it's not just about poop, and it also helps to detoxify and eliminate. So I mean, I would say fiber is my most favorite thing to talk about for all of those reasons, and also really important to help maintain healthy weight as well. So from a nutrition perspective, there's three things there as well that I've just given you. So between all those things, I mean, there's some pretty simple changes you can make to really move the needle for your fertility.

I feel like we really underestimate the foundational things like hydration, sleep, stress, nutrition, and we're all looking for this quick fix or this next supplement or you know, a faster way to fix the problem. But when we get back to the foundational things, it really does make such a huge impact when focused on consistently, well.

You can't outdo them. That's the thing. Regardless of whether you're taking the supplement or you're taking a medication and whatever it might be, you still have to do these things. They should be primary. Especially supplements should be the cherry on top. You can't out supplement a bad diet. There's nothing you can do with it. Like I said, you can't out supplement poor sleep or no sleep. It is basic, it's not difficult. But we've been led to believe that uphill can have a bigger impact. It's not to say it can't influence the body. If you don't have the actual structure there for your body to go forth and make hormones, there's nothing you can do. You can't force that to happen long term. Especially so the basics definitely add up, but we're living at a time where we somehow have been led to believe that we can outsmart that and we really can't.

So for someone listening to be like, oh my gosh, fiber, Okay, what do I eat? What do I take? What would you recommend? Straight up like I want to leave this podcast, go to the shops and get my fiber.

You can mean we should be eating fiber and we should be doing that at every meal. So my favorites for patients are a handful of almonds if you can tolerate them. Berries are a may, apples, carrots, pears, asparagus. Sparagus is great because it's an excellent probiotic. All of these foods are actually prebiotics, so you know. I mean, what I say to patients is, don't listen to my list because I'm listing what I love. Go and google high fiber foods and then look at the ones that you really like. But those are really common, and patients are generally very happy to have, you know, a carrot in their snack box or a berries. I mean, who doesn't like berries. I'm talking about everything except strawberries. Although strawberries are fine, A lot of people aren't actually great with strawberries and they don't know it. So I always say to patients, blueberries, we know are so amazing, So handful of blueberries. I actually have created a fiber product. Oh yeah, we have because of this reason. So it's called Mbody, and we launched it last year. We've had the most amazing results. But the reason I created it was because I kept telling patients to mix together some really simple ingredients that you can go and buy at the health food store, and they just wouldn't do it. And I'm like, this is so basic, guys. So things like slipperyalm, flaxi, chia cilium, they're kind of like foundational in our product. But you can buy these ingredients and mix them together. But to your point, we did. We made a product that helps to address inflammation, helps to regulate the liver, and is a fiber soluble and insoluble fiber. And it's even right down to mood because let's think about it. If we're supporting our gut, it's where we make the majority of our serotonin and dopamine. And if we're not doing that properly or our guts compromised, then we can feel pretty average. It was one of the things that we knows women like I feel amazing, like my moods are better. Well, like, then we did some research into some of the ingredients and we're like, oh, my goodness, that actually have an impact on moods. So just don't underestimate food. You know that. I know that the listener knows that, but I'm going to say it because if I didn't, I'd be actually discounting just how simple things can be. And we've got to make them simple otherwise we won't do it.

Yeah, I love that, and that's I mean, that's the thing with your supplement too, Like, yes, we could go buy all the ingredients, mix it together, but most of us are really busy mums, and we just it gets put in the too hard basket. So having something simple and easy that you can take like that, can I ask does it taste like shit?

It tastes?

What does it taste? Not too bad?

So here's the thing. It doesn't taste like anything to me. It's more of the texture. That is a texture, right, So we listen to people we're about to go to capsules because we're like, oh gosh, if you want the capsules, then have the capsules. If you want the powder, because the thing is you're someone that has smoothies, you just chuck it in. It's smoothie. It's not hard. But not everybody is like me. I just chug it down. But I hate flavored things, so I'm the opposite. So just giving people options, I think around it. But again, we try to get people to use it as food as medicine. So if you can incorporate it into your regime, the harder it is to take, the less likely you are to take it.

Exactly. That's why I asked about the taste. So I feel like, I mean, I'm going to buy it straight after the show, I'm sure. So many women will. But I know the taste can get to people, but the texture because my husband takes cilium husk if he's ever like clogged up, and the texture is just so thick and gunky, and I'm like er. But I mean, at the end of the day, if you know what's going to benefit you tenfold, why would you not? All Right? My next question, I know is a very touchy subject for so many women because so many women are experiencing it. But in your opinion, why do women miscarry?

It is it's a really hard topic. Here's what I will say. I always say one miscarriage is one too many, and I think the biggest mistake women make is to have multiple miscarriages and then decide to go and investigate as to what is happening. We know that our modern lifestyle is absolutely impacting our fertility, and it appears to be really the exposure to toxins and chemicals in our environment, in our homes and body products, our cleaning products, our food, our water. And I don't say that to make it an overwhelming task, but we absolutely have to look at these things. And we definitely know that the majority of our conventional products contain hormone disrupting chemicals. The person listening might be saying, surely not NAT. It wouldn't be available over the counter if it had ingredients in it that could harm me and my fertility in my unborn. No one's regulating this stuff. There's no mister big Daddy out there going it's safe to take this, or it's safe to use this. It's not regulated and I don't think that will be like that forever. But it's a big undertaking when you've had products that have been used for many, many years that have got ingredients that are known endocrime disruptors. And it's said that the average woman walks out the door in the morning and has already exposed herself to seventy to eighty of these known toxic ingredients that are in your deodorant. They're in your vasewash, they're in your shampoo, they're in your conditioner, they're in what you clean the sink with. So I always say to women, I don't want you to be overwhelmed, and I definitely don't want you to go on through throw everything out. But every time it's time to replace a product, let's look at what a low tox cleaner. I think clean is the word that we're looking for. It doesn't even necessarily mean organic is best. Some would argue, I don't think that there's anything wrong with that, But sometimes some of the organic products have other filling ingredients in them that aren't great either. So you're always looking for the cleanest product that has the least amount of ingredients in it. And there's some really great apps out there that you can use to plug in what you're actually using and see how its scores on a scale, and you're wanting something to be as low on the scale as possible. We're living at a time where there's options. I can walk into Mecca and there are options that are amazing that are clean. A lot of these retailers are moving more towards cleaner products. They are sometimes more expensive, and that's the reason these chemicals make their way into products is because they're cheap and they lather or they do certain things, and we're used to products feeling a certain way. So I have a swap for almost everything. Don't you worry about that? Like I really do, because I don't really want to compromise on There's certain things that I love, and also I want to live in a way that I've got a little bit of flexibility that I go, Okay, I love having my nails done, how do I have my nails done? And that's something that brings me joy, but I make up for it in many other areas. So again, this is also why it's important to make sure, back to our previous conversation about elimination, that we are properly clearing toxins from our body because many of them, like I said, they mimic your own hormones. And when you've got too much of certain things, especially estrogen, and often they mimic estrogen, this is where it becomes a problem that we have this build up and we've got too much estrogen in our body. Now, how do you know if that's you. The most common symptom I see of too much estrogen is a heavy period. Estrogen builds our lining. If you've got more lining, you're going to have more bleeding. And the other really common symptom is ovulation pain. So if a patient comes in and they have ovulation pain and they have heavy bleeding, especially also we were talking about miscarriage, a recurrent miscarriage, then absolutely this is where we would start but that's one of the main reasons that we are seeing issues with our fertility and miscarriage is because of our modern lifestyle, and we can do some pretty simple things to fix it. It's just about some conscious choices. There are other things that can contribute as well, obviously high stress, hormonium balances, but the majority of miscarriages really seem to be a chromosomal issue, and that seems to be a result of the exposure to toxins and chemicals that we're experiencing.

Wow, there is so many options out there too. Even I've got a girlfriend who she just can't use anything on her face, she or like body, any products, anything natural. And I gave us some beef tallow Yeah, and it's cleared up while o're skined. She has it and it's like it's literally one ingredients. It's so hydrating it doesn't clog a pause, and she's like, Wow, I've been spending thousands of dollars all these like crazy products and now I'm using one thing that I can buy like a massive jar from flatteries for like thirteen dollars. Yeah, there's much we can do.

There's so much we can do, And I think also what's really nice now is that they're brands that are out there creating because we love the experience of something, don't We love the true ging, we love how it feels. No, it doesn't.

It really doesn't.

I mean, but nor does say, you know, like hair growth stimulating products like oregano. I'm like, you're gonna smell like a roast, but don't worry about it. Your hair's gonna grow. It's gonna be fantastic.

Well, my next question is, just out of pure curiosity, why do some women blitz through pregnancy? Like my first I was like a barely notice as pregnant, no symptoms if my belly didn't show for ages. I was never sick, I was never tied, kept training up till thirty eight weeks, and then other women are literally in bed, sick all day every day, no energy, hating life, Like, why is it so different for everyone?

I do think that the foundation and some might say, well, I was really healthy when I felt pregnant, and then I wasn't very well. I think that there's some things to be said about the foundations that before you go into a pregnancy. Gut health, obviously, I think is a big one and I think when we see that there is you know, disharmonies within the gut. I think some women can be more unwell than others. I think the body kind of knows what it's doing, even though it feels like it's punishing us. I also think that the first pregnancy is often easier. You're not having after another child. You know, everything is different, I think second time around. But I think if you're comparing two first pregnancies, I really do think how we go into it can make a very big difference. The other things that seem to make a difference, and you probably know this, you know just based on how you're feeling, but how fatigued you are really plays into how you're feeling. And I think a lot of women are very tired going into their pregnancy, so then they're even more tired, which can make you feel very unwell. And then also obviously things like the level of inflammation in your body, which you touched on before, that also can play a big part of it. Some would say there's no rhyme or reason. I would always say there's a reason. And this is where I think acupunture can really help, because you're not having to take anything you often don't feel like you can take anything, and it really helps to kind of settled few our feeling nauseous, especially helps to settle things. It's amazing for morning sickness. But it's also amazing for miscarriage. I didn't touch on that before, so I mean it's just easy because you don't have to do anything other than lie there.

Yeah. I love acupuncture. It is the most relaxing, recharging, restorative thing I think we can do for ourselves. I love it. I'll finish off with one more question back to the information, what would be your number one tip for inflammation? Like for me, I can't take it at the moment because I'm on blood thinners for my brain surgery, but taking turmeric every day, yes, like was a game changer for me.

One of the things we stumbled across when we were creating our product was MSM and it is amazing for inflammation. So it's known as the beauty mineral. A lot of people know it as the beauty mineral. It was known for its ability to support hair, skin and nails, college information and strengthening the hair, and it really helps with liver detoxification. But it also is a phenomenal for inflammation. And the reason that I actually got introduced to was because my business partner had terrible endometriosis and add in myiosis and fibroids and would be literally the person that would say, don't speak to me for a couple of days. Once I'm feeling better, I'll call you back, you know. And she had come across it. I'd never seen it before, even as a practitioner, and so she started experimenting with it had amazing results. We know that those anti inflammatory herbs are great as well, and that you can take them as a supplement, the tumriic, the cuman, there's a whole list of them, right, But I do really love MSM and the other thing I really love for inflammation. Again, it all stems from the gut. So the gut integrity is really important. Making sure that obviously not only that the gut bacteria and the flora is as happy as possible and that we're feeding that all the time, but also the actual integrity and gut lining itself, so making sure that that's not compromise. The junctions of the gut the cells are nice and tightly packed together. This is why a lot of people take collagen that can really help with that. And the other thing, I'd say that if you know that you've got inflammation in your body, and you definitely know that your gut's not working very well, another really nice soothing thing as Elvira is so great as well. So there's so many things that you can add. But I think it's about not doing everything. I think it's actually about being able to just start with one thing and sort of see where that takes you, because otherwise it does become very overwhelming. And we've thrown around fifteen different things so ten minutes. It's just starting with one thing and then seeing where that goes. And I definitely would recommend that because I'll tell you what happens. If you don't, it becomes stressful and then it's counterproductive, as we've already spoken about. So it is about really listening to what your signs and symptoms are and then letting them guide you as to what the next best thing is, because otherwise it does become something that is all too hard and we just don't do it.

Yeah, so true. Thank you so much for joining us today. I feel like we could talk for hours, but these episodes are jam packed, But for anyone listening and be like, oh my gosh, I want to see you, I want to work with you. I want more questions. Where do we find you? How can people work with you?

Amazing? I would love to help anyone. I hang out a lot on Instagram, so it's Nat Krem Goodas on Instagram. But I would absolutely say and all the links are in my bio to everything we've you know, kind of discussed, but my website, if you go to Natcremduddas dot com and you use the search function, I don't know that there's anything on there that I haven't covered. And if if there's something that I haven't covered, it's like a library of info. There's something that I haven't covered, then reach out to us and I will absolutely write about it. But I think you'll find that there'll be a lot of next best steps, you know, what's the next thing I can do. And finally, the other thing that is on the website, and there's a link in my bio on Instagram is we do have a hormone quiz and all it does is profile your symptoms to figure out what your hormone imbalance might be. So it'll tell you you know your likely imbalance is too much eastrogen or too much testosterone, and then what is the next best thing that you can do, so that could be useful. It's about using symptoms and it helps you to profile them and figure out what to do next.

So that's amazing, and that's just amazing I can get off this podcast and actually take your action and do something you know. Well, thank you so much. I'll leave all of your details in the show notes below so you guys can click straight to it. But thanks for joining us, and hopefully we'll be out of chat again soon.

Thanks. Actually, you have a lovely Christmas.

Yeah YouTube, Bye bye