AgriMindset - Navigating Regulatory & Policy Changes - Ben Duncanson

Published Feb 10, 2025, 6:08 PM

As the leading financial services provider for agriculture and rural communities in Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin, Compeer's financial advisors understand agriculture, the challenges and the opportunities, and work with our clients to ensure their operation is financially viable for years to come.  Ben Duncanson is the Senior Legislative Affairs Consultant at Compeer.  He's focused on trying to dissect changing policy conversations in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere that could impact agriculture and rural communities.  He'll be part of an upcoming conversation helping growers and community leaders understand what's at risk.

Compeer is more than just a lender.

  • We have a team of experts, from financial advisors to economists, who provide ongoing education, reports or one-on-one advice, to help our clients make the best decisions for their operation.
  • Part of that ongoing education includes a series of webinars.
  • AgriMindset is just one of our educational webinars


AgriMindset - Navigating Regulatory & Policy Changes webinar

  • Insights on how upcoming laws and regulations will impact the agricultural industry.
  • Policy issues of importance to Compeer, its territory, its clients, and Farm Credit.


Highlight a few examples of specific policy issues that will be covered during the webinar.


Webinar Details:

Registration:  - then “Navigating Regulatory and Policy Changes”

Date: February 19

Time: 1:00pm

Location: Virtual

Live Q&A following speakers

Compeer Speaker: Ben Duncanson

Guest speakers: The Directions Group

Moderator: Megan Roberts, Compeer’s new ag economist