Succession Planning Doesn't Just Happen - Brooke Starks
Nothing about succession planning is easy and it’s often difficult to take the next steps in the process – whatever that may mean for you, your family and your farm. Tax implications and legacies are not simple matters to discuss. Join Brooke Didier Starks, estate planning attorney, as she brings …
Succession Planning - Not An Easy Process Always - Megan Roberts
As the leading financial services provider for agriculture and rural communities in Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin, Compeer's financial advisors understand agriculture, the challenges and the opportunities. Megan Roberts, Principal Quantitative Analyst with Compeer Financial, talks with Pam Jah…
Crop Insurance - Spring Updater Webinar - Cole Patrick
Prepare for the 2025 growing season with exclusive insights from Eric Snodgrass, senior atmospheric scientist at Conduit Ag on February 27. This one-hour virtual event will provide the weather forecast you need to plan your farm’s risk management strategy with confidence. Pam Jahnke visits with Co…
AgriMindset - Navigating Regulatory & Policy Changes - Ben Duncanson
As the leading financial services provider for agriculture and rural communities in Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin, Compeer's financial advisors understand agriculture, the challenges and the opportunities, and work with our clients to ensure their operation is financially viable for years to co…
Your Mindset And Navigating Regulatory & Policy Changes - Megan Roberts
Megan Roberts is the Principal Quantitative and Economic Analyst for Compeer Financial. Her background as an agriculture economist has included teaching at the college level, as well as work through extension. Now, she's preparing for a Feb. 19th webinar that will help update producers on the cha…
Crop Insurance Is A Must - But Elements Change - Cole Patrick
There's no doubt that farms will need to employ all types of risk management plans for 2025. When it comes to crop insurance, there's been some very recent changes that farming operations need to learn about to open up new options. Cole Patrick, Compeer director of insurance strategies, says spec…
Parnterships Matter In Challenging Economics - Jase Wagner
There's no doubt that 2025 is going to present all forms of agriculture some challenges. That's why Compeer Financials stressing partnerships, and leaning in on expertise in areas where you have questions. Pam Jahnke visits with Compeer CEO, Jase Wagner, during the National Association of Farm Bro…
Is This A Time For Dairy Growth? But How - Jeff Retzer & Brad Herkenhoff
It's definitely interesting times in the dairy industry these days. Milk production remains flat. The overall cow herd number is down. Many dairies are pivoted toward beef production with their offspring versus replacement heifers. Is this a time for some dairies to consider growth? During Wor…
What's Happening (Or Not) With The Farm Bill - Perry Aasness
Where are things currently standing with a "new" Farm Bill? Good question and one that we pose to Perry Aasness, Vice President of Legislative Affairs for Compeer Financial. Aasness says that it's absolutely critical that Congress complete a Farm Bill before the end of the calendar year in this c…
What Is The State Of The Dairy Industry - Bill Oppriecht
Yes - June is Dairy Month and celebrating, educating, enjoying are all a part of it. Knowing just what today's dairy operations are facing though, as far as economics is part of the story. Bill Oppriecht is a senior dairy lending specialist with Compeer Financial. He speaks with Pam Jahnke about…