Bridger doesn't explode when Sam Pancake (Monday Afternoon Movie) attempts to upset him with a gift. The two discuss non-traditional birthdays, bell peppers, and rabid dogs.
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And I invited you here. I thought I made myself perfectly clear. When you're a guest to my home, you gotta come to me empty. And I said, no, guests, your presences presents enough. I already had too much stuff, So how do you dare.
To surbey me? Welcome to I said, no gifts. I'm Bridger Wine girl. We are in the backyard the first time since everything burnt down. What's going on? I've woke up pretty early this morning. I had plenty of time to get a lot of things done, and I simply chose not to, So the day just was wasted. I did get a haircut the other The thing I actually wanted to talk about is a recent realization I had that when people on the internet are saying happy Heavenly Birthday. Until maybe two weeks ago, I thought that meant the day they died. I thought that meant And now that I've realized it just means their birthday, It's all so clear to me. Why would people be celebrating the day the person died. But I hope that everyone can see where I'm coming from. It does seem kind of like happy birthday in Heaven. Like the first time you got to heaven, so I can't be blamed, but I will do better moving forward. That's it. It's nighttime, it's dark, and our guest is wonderful. I adore him. It's Sam Pancake, Hello, Bridger, Sam, welcome to I said, don't.
Give ridgerd thank you for having me. I'm happy to be here.
I'm happy to have you here.
I don't think I've ever done a podcast outdoors at night and in such a lush, tropical, beautiful setting.
Well, it's when you first started describing that sound, it was getting more and more dangerous. I haven't done on one outside at night.
At night in a jungle type atmosphere where there seemed to be fanged creatures about, and I didn't feel safe, and something was there was a weird smell. Other than that, I feel perfectly at home. It's funny you say about a happeny happity it's gonna be. There's a reason I'm off and I'll talk about it later. Even though I swore to myself, I took it sacred vow. On the autobiography of Jennifer Lewis Jennifer with one N Lewis, Who is My Goddess? That I would not talk about drugs or sex on this, but.
I we're going to get into it.
Well, okay, So I grew up in a very small town in West Virginia, very as you can imagine now Sally or Christian Conservative.
And the best page.
In the newspaper, i'm sure review is the page of all the like local things about Lordy LORDI dump, he's forty.
You know, here comes Shirley. She's too early.
She's look a nifty for fifty, and like, come on down to the ramp feed surely she's too early a premature birth that I just came out of my mouth. I don't know, but that's what we're going to do with that. Because also I was looking at it one time physically and I noticed this family woman had posted like we're having a birth tenth birthday for a little lurline in the in the Ebenezer cemetery. And I was like, oh, it was like a public INVI. And I said, I didn't. I was like, looking, I was like, that's well, I mean, people can be poverty ridden. It's a big open space, balloons in a tree.
Yeah, maybe let's do it.
Just come on down, you know. And then and there was like, there'll be a ceramic birthday cake. I was like, well, that's cruel to not let Laurlene eat a cake. And then it slowly washed over me that she was dead.
That is a dark, dark situation in my brain.
Maybe I cooked it up, but there was a photo of the cake, like that's a step too far for everyone. It was so at the time of rolling with laughter, but then later in life, as I've gotten a tiny.
Bit more empathetic, I was like, oh, how tragic and doing that rip Lawurlen.
Yeah, I'm not going to say the real name month. It was probably pronounceable by.
A educated tone. Wow.
I'm very angry with a lot of people in my hometown in County today, in particularly for just the last couple of months.
I can't imagine why, no reason, I have a similar feeling.
I imagine you do.
But at least egg price is a rock bottom And.
I went to Trader Joe's today not an egg and so they've even given up pretending there's an egg section. There were no labels like sorry next week, gone with milk, the one of the usc Oh your kidding completely gone, like egg free store.
Oh yeah, that sounds like a new category include a free environment, egg free store. People not see an egg an hour store. You're safe. Finally, this is gonna affect my baking.
It's well trying to make a ceramic cake. You can do that, Lane is expecting, unless you're puting an egg wash on your on your you know, ceramic birthday dead balloons.
Good luck America, Good luck to all of us.
God's terrified. Speaking of that, I finally, and I was sharing a little of this with on a lease earlier.
So I have been.
And just forgive me people who have heard my four big stories of my life.
I'm sober, i have Celiac disease, I'm in a hotened mansion in the South, and I'm from a big fail whatever you know.
I was on Friends twice. It's all the boring stories. It's top five.
Celiac disease is one of your top five stories.
So so interesting is the point. But my sober twelve and a half years, I've never luckily all the depression I thought I had stopped when I stopped drinking a gallon of depressant today.
Sure, and I don't know how that ends off.
Taking it up prescribed pills by the fistful, but I was like, oh, I'm fine, I don't have clinical depression, and I'm gonna be okay until recently where I finally and you learn a little by little that everyone is, you know, on something like of course you know, great, good, thank God. I mean, Sylvia Plath wouldn't have put her head in the oven if we'd had lexipro in sixty two.
So, I finally two weeks ago said to my doctor and my therapist, who's I've been with ten years, I'm like, enough with my sobriety heroics, I need to get enough prescription.
Sure, so they put me on something.
Very mild traazid, on which it turns out every third person I know is on which you bring it up, including people on my farm.
I and so we're figuring it out. Okay, I'm on well bututrin. Okay, good, But I'm not familiar with trasident Trasi dome, which I of course keep calling jazz a doone the dome. Well, that's where Tina Turner is chuntianity. It's I knew it from when I did first check into Its hilarious. Yeah, and the detox for and then rehabben twenty twelve, Obama was president at least about June. There are good things about the past.
There are, and I knew the people there who uh, because you can take prescribed medications. But I don't know why I held out for so long. It was just some It's just me being willful in.
A bad way.
You could have trasadone because it's non narcotic and non addicted.
Okay, sure, sure, choose.
For sleep and for anxiety depression, which I did. I know I have lots of anxiety, but I was managing it pretty well, so I thought. But the depression, after all the events of the last two years, including the last few months, I got to the point where I.
Was like, I can't do it anymore.
Of course, they gave it to me for sleep, but it's working better for anxiety and depression, and we're figuring out the dose. And last night I got a little too much in me.
Only two bills.
The doctor said. I went to see the GP, who have a new doctor, and I really like him, That's all I'm going to say. And he was like, yeah, just you know, see what's going on. So I had a very interesting day.
And did you sleep like a rock? Last night, did est really well? And you dream? I do dream?
I dream. Uh, They're they're good, they're they're solid, they're not nightmares, and they're not unlike my dreams before.
So that's interesting. Oh yeah, a new take on dreams.
Well, what I was doing before is to manage my sleep. Was on every trick in the book, from no screens to like regulating my meals and then taking benadrill or a melotone. And Benadrill was a new in the mix last year and it was give me a weird like depression in the morning.
The Benadrill was yeah, well I was sort of.
I was waking up, like I went to I'm a failure. I've done everything wrong. I didn't I wake up.
You don't need to tell everybody knows that. Everybody, well, that's true. I want everyone to know that I finally knew it. You finally came to this finally thanks Bena drill.
No allergies. But now I know I should drip in front of an oil truck. So I said in my therapist, like this viitals given me depression. He was like he's a super He's beyond therapist smart. He's like he's weirdly smart, right, and all this stuff about medicine. He's like, that is absolutely not a side effect of benadrill. And I'm like, oh, welcome to me.
Pancakes box like Pandora's boss. Oh they're sealing myself. I have a weird reaction to benadryl.
What do you do I have?
And I've told this this is one of my top five stories, can't wait. I have what's known as a paradoxical effect to it, which is it doesn't put me to sleep, it wakes me up. So I was my first writing job. I was so nervous. I felt like I was like, I need to be able to sleep at night, but I was having a hard time. So someone said take ben a drill, I benadryl, and then I was awake for at least thirty six hours night. No absolute hell, and you were taking the nighttime calm down versus yes, that's not like whatever.
So that's like when they sometimes you give a child coffee, which when am I not and they go to sleep?
Coffee kind of does that for me. Okay, coffee doesn't keep me up. I mean it just makes me feel better, which I think can lull me into like feeling nice, that false inse of security. Yeah, exactly, exactly, what are good?
Well you what's going on in that Mormon blood over that gingerbood?
That's a great question. I think that it's just a different category altogether. The chemicals are.
Just do you know if anyone in your how many siblings?
You have three? And do you like them? Yes? Okay, well I get killed one wrong or you're a good actor. Don't ask me that question. I love them, I love them. Yes, I have two older brothers and a younger sister.
Okay, great, you can just another time. But I'm interested about your journey to Hollywood.
No, I mean, it's sure, but what whatever you feel like talking about.
I'm just I'm curious about people, and I know I run my mouth. I keep looking on at lease because I wanted to.
Join in to Alisa's making a lot of threatening gestures. Cut it out, stuff.
Like that, scissor scissors, wrap it up, Razornick. I said to my I say to my therapist, I'm like your turn. I did it to my GP, my new GP, my new cute GP last week. I just, uh, well, the way the lady I had before was and I found I'm realizing this more now with the new GP. She was really uh, really inappropriate a lot of ways.
Oh yeah, can we talk about it? Yes, No, I don't know. You could look it up.
I guess I don't want to get her in trouble.
Wait, no, no, can you look it up? No? Nothing, I know it was a Vulture article. There's a Vulture.
Article the cut, so the h no, I just I won't get into it. But the new one of the things I did on purpose where she this old doctor suddenly was like she's no longer with us now, oh boy, a bit older to to the degree she could have retired. But she said things to me, including like, oh I love you people. She also and this is another one of my stories. If sorry, I've heard it before, but I was working on a show. I'm not going to say it was one of the show runners female. We got to talking and she we we realized we had her in common, this doctor and the show runner, and you know, you you have to have some balls and guts and overies to run a show. Ideally ideally, yes, but she was like she made me cry, Oh my god, I hope this is this doctor doing because you think maybe I thought it was just for gay people. But she I'll tell you later because some of it gets real intimate. But the new doctor who is under the category of lgbt Q Champions, Okay, the ill health you see they had that category. Yeah, I think it's new and I picked him and he's great, and I would not try to purport what his story is, but like you know, in terms of his background, but I think you know, he he gets it. Let's just say he was telling him the things that she did to me or wanted me to do, et cetera. He was like, no, no, no, wow, jumping through a lot of hoops to be on prep. Being on prep with some sort of like emergency.
You know, you know that those doctors are out there, probably more and more abundance than you would expect in different areas of the country. Complete do you imagine?
I can't, And it's sad. So I'm lucky to have him.
I'm grateful for him. I'm sorry more back to you. Can the guests refocus the podcast on me.
I hate talking about myself.
I'm so tired of you stealing the Spotlin.
I probably sensed I hate attention. I also want to apologize to everyone because I am way more casual. I usedn't leave the house and sweats except to go to the gym.
But I think it's good look. Oh, don't hate it. So I didn't change.
And I think this medicine is making me have less costume changes a day.
Oh that's nice, because.
I will put on a Probably is not a good look, It's probably just I just like to look a certain way going certain places. Right, Even back in the days where we did auditions in person, Like if I had to put a suit on for an audition and go about my day in that suit.
I felt like a fraud. Right of course, I felt like an old Yeah that makes no sense.
Uptight white man, which I only am. I'm only that to a degree.
So you're from Mormon Land, I'm from Mormon Land, USA. I had to go to Salt Lake City in the spring. Oh what were you doing there?
There was a work thing I had to do, okay, and I stayed at a very big hotel that I did not like.
Was it the Grand America? Sure was. That's the only hotel that anyone ever stays at. What was the problem with it? I just it was.
It was a work trip that my friend and I were on this little tour for this book that she wrote and or you can look at my Instagram and.
We are listen, we're dear friends.
And we had a great time, okay, And we got to say in a lot of really nice hotels, and then we got to Salt Lake Big Town. Because I was, can I say, I was like, it's I thought it would be bigger Salt Lake Salt Like, it's not that big of a city now, and it's the city is in the title, so they need to rewrite that. I was like, I think I was really jetlaged and angry and the altitude and everyone in Salt like, I'm so sorry, but just pretend that I'm saying this with love. I was like, Salt Lake City more like salt Lake Town. But here's the thing, I'll never go there again. I love read Iguana.
Oh Delicious of your Dream I loved. I ended up loving Salt Lake City.
And we have met so many great people the theater just like wonderful people. I'm being sincere, I really am. And it's hilly around here.
But I was I.
Thought it was like bigger. I don't know why, right, And it's beautiful, like the mountains, ring it with the snowcap.
It's really a beautiful place. I think it takes people by surprise.
Yes, because you it is kind of in a bowl too.
Yes, And you also go in with so many preconceived notions and a lot of them justified and you get there and it's a nice city.
It was just more casual and more less like we had just been to like Chicago, you know, in Dallas and New York at Philadelphia. So it was more it's like a big why western city.
You know. It's a I mean, compared to Chicago, it's a country mouse it is. But if you compare it to say a Denver A Boys.
I've not been to Boys, I've been to Ketchum, it's more of a it's an Idaho.
Ketcham, Idaho.
Remember when that's the town that, uh, you know, was Hadley near Ketcham. The Demi Moor and Bruce Willis bought over.
A lot of rich people in Idaho. Yeah, Sun Valley. Yeah, they're buying big pieces of property, riding their horses.
The river runs through it.
That river absolutely runs through it. Yeah, but I do uh now, not living in Saltlake, I really appreciate it. Going back those mountains. They meant nothing to me my entire childhood because they were just always there, born there. I was born there.
Yeah, that's me in the mountains of West Virginia where I was born in southern Virginia, but both of my mother and father's families are from West Virginia, and that's where the pancakes have been from since the seventeen.
Hundreds and so.
And the mountains are so beautiful and it's visually so beautiful, and I completely took it for granted.
Yeah, then you go back for the first time as an adult and think, oh my god, what am I looking at? It's stunning? Its completely different things.
It was I just wanted to It was a big outdoorsy sportsy hunting, fishing, camping, athletics versus all that childhood gardening you know, uh, canoeing, canoe lots of canoeing, all the canoeing and kayaking and all that. But then it was just I was like, I don't want to be in the city course.
Did you participate in any of the outdoor activities? Yes, well we were forced to. Did you enjoy any of the ones you were forced to do?
I am now grateful that I know how to that. I. I mean, I'm super rusty on it. But I was the oldest son. And my dad, who I'm named after, UH did his He's been dead for a while now, so you do look, you do, honestly look back with more love.
And empathy and understanding.
And and he he did his best with me, sure, and he they had six kids. And my father later was, I don't want all you kids, but your mother just had to have you. And he if I had been my brothers who did who were athletic, and who did like to hunt?
And I hunted and we were shooting my first squirrel and being like why, I just felt bad at it. No, I ate it.
I eat meat still. But I loved canoeing camping. I was like, what, we live in the country. Why are we driving up to our farm up the river to lay on the ground on a rent? Yeah? But I we had four h You probably had four ach.
We had we had a four h club. Yes, and like there was the very specific cowboys who were in the club. Oh, because you were Western? Yeah we were.
There were lots of farmers and we raised people, raised pigs and stuff. But I liked, Uh, I loved four age camp and I liked horses. I liked riding horses. That was fun the whole experience.
Then I did. We did.
We grew up in a big old place that my dad grew up into outside of town, and then we had this big pancake family farm up the river. So it was yeah, it's now it's lots of mixed feelings because of the political situation, but of it's it's something that I take for granted, and I think it's why I never really feel lonely is because I have not just five brothers and sisters and my mom is still alive. I have lots of I have a big extended family, and I always we always had lots of friends and everything, so I know that's there for me. And I had this history and heritage there, which I don't. I think I'd probably be even more insecure and more of a mess if I didn't know I had that solid background.
Of course, is your family all still there?
No, my mom's still there, one of my brothers, a lot of my cousins on the pancake side are there, but my four other siblings are in I have a sister here in la a brother in Philadelphia, a brother in Pittsburgh and a sister outside of Morgan Hiut Western because she was a professor at WU.
So she's retired now. And you guys are all you enjoy each other?
Yes, okay, that's not going in there. But for the most part, yes, we love them all. Right, I get along with them all. We're all the same page politically, which is pretty I.
Mean, that's a huge thing for a family.
And I have lots of people in my family that I'll love a lot, and I'm it's one of those things with again, maybe it's the meds, but I'm like, oh, I'm pretty fortunate with that, and I love Yeah, I have my siblings are I'm really grateful for them.
That's terrific. Well, I don't want to talk about your siblings anymore. I have no interest. There's something else I need to talk to you about. Oh what your beautiful home. Follow me, You've got to see the bathroom. There's something I want to talk to you about. I was really excited to have you here today. I think I was excited to come or tonight. Rather, let's maintain the reality for the listener.
They can see it.
Yeah, I was looking forward to it. I thought Sam is incredible. Huh, We'll have a lovely time, thank you, and then I'll send him on his way.
So I was a little surprised the podcast is called I said no gifts, and uh, you are very well aware of that as far as I know. I know emails have been exchanged. I know that Analisea is using the title of the podcast, unless that's something that they've changed recently.
You never know what's gonna come out of Onalisa no.
On, Lisa's a wild card.
You let me know when I can speak up for myself, when I get to say my piece, I'll say it now. I'm a I'm a Southern gentleman, and one never enters a home without a little something in one's hand, a little bread and butter. President Lan Yappa, Hostess Gift Bridge of Maria, Divina, Victoria.
Wyeger Bridgie Whiney. Well, that feels like a dee Okay, I'm fully accepting that rationale. How can I deny that you did? You kind of stomped into the back. Not I would not describe as little a gift.
Look at me, I'm like, thank you all the gift.
The gift, I would say, is one of our bigger gifts that has come to this podcast.
Well, if you're going to disobey, disobey fervently, emphatically and largely.
Well should we open it here on the podcast? You tell me, I'm happy to I'm in a good mood. Let me grab it here. It's it's large. Get no, I'm the host here. Let me you don't. Don't you lift a finger? Ah, this is unbelievable. It's the size of I would say a picture frame, a lot, not a small, but a large I don't know, two feet by three feet sure, possibly four, possibly four. And it's wrapped in this very stylish gift wrap.
And I want you to know that I'm currently without staff. So I did that myself, and I am not gonnat it.
You did a better job. I mean, if I had done this, it would not have come together. If this looks lovely.
You didn't have singles living class in tenth grade, which was homech for co ed homech where you had to learn, among other things, how to make a chocolate covered peanut butter ball.
And how to wrap a gift. We did learn how to make the chocolate covered peanut butter balls. The no bake cookies that we just had a homech.
Well, they I think because of the you know, the outrageous misogyny and sexism that they had to call it not homech because boys were in this class singles living how to.
Like singles for a class. Our best named class was Tech two thousand.
Oh wow, the computers the year like you guys won't believe it's gonna happen.
I don't know why they as they came closer to the year two thousand, they didn't update that, just throw a three in place of the two.
Listen, it didn't change twentieth century Fox. They're like, we're sticking in the olden change all the loos. Shall I hold it?
Yeah? You tell me because this is a I mean, I haven't unwrapped something like this on the podcast before, so you direct how I should open it.
Well, you can open it, let me feel something, and it's so beautifully if you if she opened this little yeah, that's just a little extra garnish off the garden because I'm fun. And then you just keep going, I'm gonna hold hold it solidly while you.
I don't like to tear up the paper, you know, Oh okay, you know I want to show something the job you did. It is expensive. This.
Yeah, I do have a supply of wrap. I'm no candy spelling anybody, but I do have a supply of wrapping.
The gift wrapping room still exists. Do we know in my house at Candy Spellings. Oh, that's a good question. Somebody should do a look into that.
I can't imagine she still lives there. Does she still live?
Yeah, okay, she's still alive. Oh, I don't know is still alive? And I have to imagine she carries the tradition on with a gift wrapping room.
Well, they I remember they were. They were famous.
A strange toe over the gift trap room. Alive candy, candy, reach out some old candy. Okay, we're opening, We're opening. I'm gonna help you. Okay. And I'm on the other side of whatever this is. So I haven't I haven't seen it yet. So this is kind of actually a fun video. It's never been more excited. I'm excited on a mountain side in my life. Oh my god, wait, who is this? This is a giant photo of a shirtless man, uh smiling in a swimming pool. Who is this alis. Do you know who that is? Oh?
Now I want to burn it. I mean, hooray for everyone. Don't kill me that it didn't occur to my ancient old the oldest gen X possible ass that you might not know who that is?
Who is it?
It's Telly Savalis TV's co Jack.
He is getting out of a pool. I have always been very much lustful for him. He's very good looking. Yeah, he look. Do you do you know Kojak at all? Do you I'm familiar with the title of Kojak and I always mix it up with the Stephen King dog movie. Uh Kujo Cujo? Okay, I've seen neither.
I have this is you know, I've never seen Kujo even though my Paldani pantaro is in it, because I don't I love dogs, and that freaked me out right.
And you know what the story is, it's just about I mean, it's not just about a demon dog.
What's the dog's who's rabies? Oh that's their dog and they're trapped in the car and the heat and the kid. This is the original, but one of the early pioneers of like the boy needs his inhaler or his diabetes, he needs his rabies shot. He's going too.
I was terrified of rabies as a kid, so this would have killed me. But you grew up in the country, right. Yeah. There was like this feeling of like, if my mouse bites me, I'm going to get rabies and die like a pioneer. Did you read a bit my snake? No? Did you?
Yeah, a little bit, not not poisonous. I've killed I've killed copper heads with a garden. It was like that. Wow, it was like that we had like a barn and ship.
Wowow. Telly Savalis is.
A Greek American actor who it was Kojak was a detective and he always has had a lollipop o catphrase was who loves your baby? I think google it? Please, I will. I would like to announce that this is a regift.
Okay, this is a gift. I mean you don't want any tacky, tacky tacky or valuable recycling to save the planet.
Do you know Sarah Thire?
Yes, of course Sarah was moving out of that house because she yes, of course yes, and she had this amazing yard garage sale and Rosernandez and I went over, Yes, come my best friend and come over and get stuff, and she h, I bought this from her.
Wow, and and so I was, it's we have you'll come over. I wish I had a giant, big number birthday this year, and I wish i'd known you, But I would.
Have been by the both of you, Oh God, when I was ten years from now.
Another Yeah, well, fingers crossed or not?
Well, your last birthday was ninety. We are waiting. We're hoping you get to one hundred.
Or you can bring ceramic cake to the forest line.
I will lead the charge, and I want a ceramic cheesecake from Juniors in New York. Why what is that? Who's that lady coming out of me? Anyway?
I love this.
So if you're just gonna, if you're gonna gift it, this will not be regifted. Okay, good, I mean, so now you'll put me in a compromise position. Yeah, because it seems like you kind.
Of wanted Well, no, I took up the good news about today's society is I took a photo of it before I wrapped it. Okay, but we have a big garage at our place, which is like sort of a music room and sort of a cool rumpus room. Seventies rock and roll things, lots of Now it's a lot of storage stuff, but like it's jock chocoa block full with all kinds of posters and stuff. And it's time to to in the herd.
So I thinned, Telly.
I mean, I don't imagine having a house anytime soon or ever where I could have the space to hang that. You clearly do looking at a giant white wall behind on Alice.
I'm gonna hang this in my backyard.
Cut, I'd hang it over my bed, frankly, but you know what, guess what hold this microphone? Oh no, I'll hold it because that's not all.
Oh there's more.
Oh. Also, Sarah when we got these, she's like, just so you know, I have no I'm fine with.
You if you were gifting it, okay. And I'm not even gonna go through the pretense of where was Sarah hanging this in her home? It was in like a in her old home. It was like in a I don't know because it was down.
By them, but I think in one of the like the pool house Maids.
That makes sense. This is kind of near the pool or a visan area. Yeah, he's in the pool, yes, Sex you.
Know, and frankly, I wish the camera would And now.
I know this is ah. I guess well they got there's a zero headroom. I guess that, torso. Just do you well.
He's also famously on the Twilight Zone episode Talking Tina, the talking doll.
Oh wow, he's the dad. Oh he's a dad. Wait was this Twilight Zone in the sixties?
Well, yeah, early sixties, black and white.
How old was he in Kujo? He's in code? He was not in coach? What am I telling you?
Well, you know, when you're little in the seventies or now, and people who are in their thirties or forties seem old old. Everyone's like an old person. So he was also shaved head, bald guy, so he seemed older. But I don't know, probably only in his forties.
Oh yeah, I guess in the sixties the dads were like in their twenties.
Exactly, yes, yes, so I also do you know Battle of the Network Stars?
Do you remember that? I no, I liked the sound of this.
Do yourself a favor tonight while you are pleasure yourself, google Battle of the Network Stars swimming competition. Ladies and gentlemen, no matter whom you are or what you are, you know, casting your eyes uponst sex like skinny I mean not skinny people or all sizes, but like thin layers of latex fabric over ladies and gentlemen, the Charlie's Angels, the Scott Veo. Sorry, like just swimming and jumping, and.
So it was like Olympics for series regulars.
Yeah, it was.
It's exactly what do you not know that?
Oh you've got to watch it. Oh my god, I don't know what your situation is or if this is your wife over here.
But I'm gay, all right, so I'm straight.
You better be more more man, The more man the better. You said, no gifts for you, But is there any rule about bringing gifts for your gentleman friend? There could be, okay, but there's a caveat for this. You cannot tell Sally Struthers.
Okay, I'm gonna open this up. I'm gonna do you know what I'm gonna do with the We're gonna come back to the picture, of course. But it's been leaning against me.
Why don't I take it from you?
No? Don't all right?
Oh oh, oh, probably could reuse this too. I really did a solid by you. I've given you all sorts of things.
Okay, now we're back, and okay, you want me to open this one. Now, this is a smaller item. This is more the size of a book, so you can open this up.
It's not for you, it's not for me. And I'm hoping that I know the name of your partner.
It's Candace, Candace Spelling. I was being very coy when I brought her up. Is she still alive? It is my wife, still alive?
Does anyone know?
Okay, okay, this is like a okay, wait, it's some sort of paper. It has an s for some goula. Yeah, oh my god, this is so sweet. Well this is also a regift. Okay.
And like I said, don't tell Sally Struthers, because when I had this big birthday party, Sally Struthers was there. Of course, I love her. She's a delight. We had worked together before. We have friends in common. It's one of those dreams where you're like, I'm gonna be friends with Sally Straws.
One day She's like, now, this is just part of my life. One day I'm shooting a scroll in the face.
The next day, Sally Struthers and me are on Gilmore Girl's or Reimagined or whatever that thing was called.
She gave me this box.
She brought it up the stairs at our house. I can't believe she could lift it. It was filled with stationary with S's on.
It of Sally Struther's stationary.
I think so now I'm an s sam Pancake Joseph Samuel Pancok the third. If you're really gonna try to, you know, steal my identity, good luck, no one wants it. But she brought me so much great s logoed monogram. It's not a monogram. I don't think it's just one letter.
Yeah, this.
Young bridger is from a block like that.
Wow, that much paper And.
I was like, I bet no one bought brings Jim mister smagoola right to love this. Yeah, so he can write and write letters instead of like doing direct communication because a lot of irritating behavior. Also, doesn't he have a good doesn't he have a mustache?
He does have a mustache paper. I'm talking these other people, I'm talking together around my boyfriend rather than me. Yeah, where is he? By the way, you didn't wear these and gray flannel sweats for nothing? I'm wearing panties don't turn off the lights click. Well, this is wonderful. So you have a bunch of other s labeled stuff. I don't know how I'm gonna what I'm gonna do with it? Yeah, but because like this could last for the rest of a lifetime, just this one piece, this notebook.
What was I I'm not complaining, I'm delighted, I'm excited, I'm caring. I'm glad I have it.
But what was I to do with all that? Right? Other thn regift to all there's like stationary? Have you started using any of it? Yeah? What do you use it for? I'll write a thank you notes? Okay, that's good. There we go.
I also from all these hotels I've been to from mostly from work. Like, as I said to my friend, I'm so such a spoiled little bitch on other people's dimes in terms of travel, and.
That's the best feeling in the world.
But I have every single little notepatty thing. Oh to the degree that it's getting you know, where are you keeping?
Well? I have a system. I have the system.
I live in a very small house and it is filled with stationary. At this point, I have these little I bought these little like carrying, like I think they're for arts and crafts, And they have all these little pockets and slots, and you have like this one slot is all has notepads in it and one has like stickers in it. And I'm that gal.
And are you writing letters? Are you mailing things? Or is just thank you notes and the occasional.
Thank you notes? I do Christmas cards?
I do.
I have again, five others and sisters, seventieses and nephews and some aunts and uncles that I also send Birthday and Christmas cards to all of them. So I do a lot of that.
What sort of Christmas cards? Are you doing? That picture of you nudes?
I do you know?
It depends they're so expensive. Oh I can't imagine. Do you do Christmas cards? I just have no holiday spirit? Watching good for you?
I used to comfort me, and now I'm going through the motions. But I just will buy a couple of boxes of Christmas cards. I used to get really when I was working in Vancouver for like five years, on and off. I would They had really good ones there, which you can get everything online now, but I would go to the to the.
Museum there a Vancouver and get the fancy arts, the mom ones really nice.
And now you go down to paper source and it's goddamn twenty five dollars.
For seven cars.
The fox sitting there with a Santa hat and a smirk on his face.
And then I just think about my own behavior about when I get Christmas cards. I I'm opening them next to the garbage cane. It's just, I mean, even people I deeply care about. I look at it for a minute and I think, Okay, this doesn't need to be in my house anymore.
That's so sort of you I don't have, and it's getting borderline horder line now. But I will get those beautiful photograph ones of families and their children, right, and some of them are so beautiful and.
Fun and I put them.
I have my date book becomes a scrapbook. Okay, I should gift you with one of those, but they're too precious. But I will put They'll tuck them in the pocket at the back. That's a good idea and my request. And I'll say this again in public, and my family knows this when I die, which hopefully.
Will be any day now. Not funny.
I want them all laid out at the memorial service so people can go through them. Oh, my friend, the afore mentioned Johnny McGovern He I don't know if I said that on camera off, but Johnny is charged with going through them and making sure where I wrote down fun sexy times things.
Oh sure, look it out completely. It'll be lost to history. We lost history.
Do that.
It'll be a mind of Johnny McGovern and the you know, happy you'll have to leave those open for future generation, the happy pleasures of the boys who that was cut that out. No, you have got to leave that. You've got to leave that. That's the fun of looking through this sort of thing. Okay, well, yeah, all right, some you have to. The reader has to expect I'm diving into Sam's personal life. Who knows what I'm going to learn.
Well, it'll just be the guy's name, and it'll be like, uh, not a grade because I'm all left, believe me, but I just it'll be like a little smiley or harder, like some little dirty thing.
You have to leave that. Why am I telling you this so I can argue for you to keep it?
Okay, done, I'm easily sway. And you gotta get a hat on your shoulders, do you have a Christmas tree? Do you do Christmas tree?
I when my boyfriend's here, will do it when he's not. This year, I always it been Rocky's Street, in and out. Listen, I've been there screaming matches. No, he's been living in New York. But so this year, about December fifteenth, I said, there are no Christmas decorations whatsoever. This is a This is kind of a dark thing for a person to be living in a house with nothing. So I put some Christmas lights around like a house. I mean, this isn't getting any college dorm how but do you have like a like a pyramid of bud light cans too, with a mistletoe on top? This is actually wait, worst it is. No, that's grim And I don't mean it's seen it Sam, it was. It was. It was more charming than you would I believe. I put some along the top of the piano. I put some on some shelves. I just didn't put up a tree because I don't have to strike. And you know, the the payoff is not worth it for me.
I understand. I've done years without a Christmas tree, and I do it now because I finally switched to artificial after years of holding out, and I went to Low's because my place is my little tiny house and not a tiny house, but like my house is small. And I got this thick on the pencil tree and loaves which is thinner.
Oh, it takes a less space. And the lights.
The lights were always the biggest fight.
When I was a child. I don't know why.
Putting the Christmas tree lights up was always like battle ground central.
Everyone wanted to do it. I just remember, I don't know, I hate doing that.
I hate doing it too. And this was olden times. You couldn't run down to target and get a new string. You unwrapped like what was leftover from last year and pray they all worked. And it was also it was a struggle for control for sure of each other siblings.
But what was my point? Oh, this has the lights on it built in. He built in very nice white, a colored.
I just went white. I wish they were a little more golden.
Go oh yeah, if they're a little blue, it starts to feel like it's too it's a little vape store, you know what I mean, Yes, I do.
It's that led harshness. It's just like it's not warm.
Add a little yellow to that little or something I do.
My sister does both, and I that's confusing the migraine. But like she, they have a beautiful tree.
Okay, I like a color or a warm white.
I missed the big blockie bulbs that were uh colored. They don't have them anymore. I don't think they make them anymore. That's like literally from the sixties and seventies.
Like the ones that were quite large, yes, that you would put like almost on a roof. Yeah, oh yeah, I love. They must still make them somewhere artistically, probably the ones I don't like her. Have you ever seen the ones they hang from the roof that are like icicles? Yeah, they don't. It doesn't look like an icicle to me.
I'm sorry to tell you, though, I kind of don't mind them in the right place.
And I haven't seen it yet. I believe me.
I was raised to like, do not be tacky. When you said called me tacky earlier about destroyed me. But I was like, my, the things the worst thing you could be with taky, And so I got an eye out for taky and in the good tacky and the bad tacking.
And I know that, but I like that Tachy, you like that, Tachy. I keep thinking I see a cat come up the driveway, and I realized the cats come back here. And the other night there was a skunk. Oh my god, it was incredible to see it.
I woke up at four am a few nights ago because my place it was there was a skunk right outside and it was so strong. I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep.
Yeah, it was like permeating the walls. Yes, good grief. Yeah, it was bad. Well, I was really through a big French window kind of a situation. Was that I live in a shed. Basically, have you ever were around Valentine's I imagine this will be released after but do you have any memorable Valentine's stories? Oh god, I am not.
I remember good ones when I was with somebody, somebody.
I have more that.
It's like, it just feels like an assault on the sense of just you know, on your single.
Um right right? Oh man?
I I know I have when it's not popping up in the magic eight ball of my brain.
Not a big deal.
But I've had some. I've had some nice ones. Yeah, And you've done the thing where I've done the thing. Have we done the thing of like hanging in there with someone until after or breaking up with them before.
I think the move is to break up with them on the day.
It's the best way. I remember at one point meeting someone on Valentine's Day, and I remember, now, yeah, because I've it's been I'm old, it's been a it's been a long, a long long life.
So who it was, whoever I was in love with that year is gone to the missive time. Well, this is some very nice paper, Jim will appreciate. Okay, good. There's not a single S in my name, and I really tried to look for one. I tried to even Bridge or Bridgers, and I was almost going to google your middle Day and I was like, oh wait, Jimmy specula. It's Maagoulagoula is that it's Polish, although it's weird, sounds weirdly like cartoonishly Italian.
Yeah. Also, it could be in the world of like when like Francis Forcoppolar that new nos Frazer is.
Like Gula, Yesla Gula.
Is someone with an interesting name. I'm very sensitive.
To these, of course. Likewise, but wait, have you had a memorable Valentine's day, not a good memorable Valentine's Day or like, the only good one that I've had was not actually really connected to Valentine's because my second date with Gym was on Valentine's by accident. Nice, but that was like not a Valentine's a situation. The other two are, you know, working at a restaurant on Valentine's and it's probably the hardest I've ever worked, thinking the whole night what am I gonna buy with all this tip money? And then get to the end of the night and it's like less than on a normal night because really cheap, horrible people. Wow, was this the New Yorker here? This was in Salt Lake, Okay. And then the other one is when I was dating a woman and if we ended up at an improv show, can you imagine anything more romantic? I cannot.
You could drag me through a swamp and fill all my body orifices with creosote and I couldn't imagine.
I don't know what that was. Hot, hot, hot hot creosote as felt roof tar. Yeah, those are men. Like I said, I have a wife named Candace. I've dated two women, and Candy was my second. Uh, the second girlfriend. Really no, I.
See I should have dated Candy because she'd be can't buried Candy.
Pete talks about you, Candy, pan Candy, pancake is it's delicious. What is your mom's maiden name? Lecky Lecky l E c k I E.
It's in Irish and there's a town, you know, like every single Irish and they're like, there's a town in Ireland named Lecky there is.
Do you ever get people like trying to like not say pancake. What do they say?
Well, there's there's a lot of like how do you spell that? And I'm like, just the way you eat it, that's just that's what it is. But there'll be people like panch and like they're trying to make it like not pancakes. Yeah, yeah, yes, that's for sure. Well fon Kuchen is the German. But people will go into, you know, twist themselves into trying not to acknowledge that it's pancake for my soul, that I haven't suffered with that name my entire life.
But like, and these are like.
People who speaking this isn't like someone who might be a foreign word to them.
No, No, there's they're just I got a million. That's my other big story is as you can them getting back to the Seliact be shocked, which guess what's made of gluten pancakes? Can they make a decent gluten free pancake?
Great news, they do, and the best pancakes are gluten free. And speaking of Trader Joe's not a sponsor, they're little gluten free pancakes that come frozen are delicious.
Oh, my sister Celiact. OK, so this is a good Yeah, I will say a gluten free brownie mm hmm almost always good. Yeah, fudgy, it's yeah, which was what I want out of a brownie anyway.
Exactly, Yes, yeah, you cannot. Yeah, that's the way to go. Flowerless chocolate cake, which you know was so like the modern in the eighties and it's it's basically a brownie.
H yeah, of course, but I miss a lot of stuff. It's been my life.
Twenty eighteen, they were doing and this again sorry if you've for this hilarious story before, but they were doing mccollunoscopy.
It's just gets better and better.
And they were checking because I've had acid reflux since the nineties and they were half strung. They called me as a child. They were doing an endoscopy and I went back into my doctor to say, like, what happened.
To see the results?
Expecting like polyps galore, right, und my favorite super villain it's Pussy Glory's sister James Bond. Anyway, uh, pollups Glora. And I know I was expecting polls glore because bag this is an Appalachian country southern boy who ate that just meat meat.
Meat can't be beat. And then and he.
And the doctor was like, you have CELIACX and was like it was the last thing I expected.
Wow, I was glue me.
My older sister and I we both used to be like gluten free people. I would be I would say, I'm gluten full.
And it really came back for you. Yeah, I really did.
And I was because I give it up drugs and alcohol, smoking. And I was like, are you fucking kidding me?
God? Are you there?
It's me Celia. I don't know who that is, but that's that's my new character.
That is a very good character.
But anyway, it's been I it's not this is so time out for you know, this nightmare. It's the poison in the round up they put on the wheat in America.
It's that's what it is.
And again, you could have a gluten allergyn wheat allergy, and wheat sensitivity, all that stuff. My stuff.
I didn't have any symptoms. Is it's so interesting bag so oh wow. Yeah, my sister had so many that we but no one could pinpoint it. This is like in two thousand and nine, I think we all started thinking, oh, she's like losing her mind, which what a nightmare for her. Yeah. Completely, but you were just living fancy free.
I started having really bad itching and outdrift, which I never had. It was like if the flower was coming through me. It was so fucking creepy. But that was the last few months, and so I was happy to have that sorted out because the dermatologists were like, we don't know, just drink more water, and I'm like, I couldn't possibly.
Drink more water. Yeah I am water.
I anyways, I'm like Houdini in a tank all day long, a drix. It was fucking water, and so.
I it was good to know that.
My here's the important thing that people in my PSA is if you're me and I could eat like a piece of cake right now and be fine. I don't have any digestive easiness that is really bad like most people. But if you keep ingesting it because it's the villa I and your small intestine, it shuts it down. You can't get your nutrients. And so the real kicker when I went to the doctors, like, they were like, you have them absorbing your nutrients or medications?
Wow for adult life. Wow.
And so I said, is that why? And I wasn't being funny because meth is hilarious. I was like, is this why I did maybe do so much drugs? I never felt right and they were like, my energy levels were so messed up? Why was trying to just feel I did drugs and drank and did like unprescribed pills to feel normal.
Yeah, I just feel like kind of a or to feel joyful, to feel you know. And and I didn't have depression, and there was we were trying. I was always trying to figure things out. Plus it messes up your hormones because my sex drive was super low.
And this cured that, okay, to the degree that I'm almost like Saltpeter, someone makes me a Saltpeter brownie. I thought, you know, do you have that thing again?
I'm old, Like there was all this like hacky comedy. Wait, let me finish the same about celax is. You could have it not know it, and if you don't do something about it, you can get dementia.
MS. Yes, it can really cause uh, nervous system issues.
Completely and hormone get checked and everything you should because it's genetic. And we think my father had it because he died of dementia.
Scared to find out that I do have it.
No, honey, but let me tell you it's You'll feel so much better. I feel like my life started. This is so corny and so movie of the week, but like I feel like my life started once when I was born, uh, and then again when I got sober. This is I don't mean to sound like you know, lifetime, but like uh or you know some chlorous Leachman movie in the seventies about STIs, but like, and then when I got gluten free, and then when I last week on drazadone. Honey, let me tell you, I like whoever she is. But what was I saying about Hackey comedy?
Oh that's me, that's all. Yeah, you're just kind of self identified as if anyone needed me to.
I there was a there was like it was a thing back in the sixties and seventies.
I feel like like these men were like the.
Wife was to have sex, but I don't want to not tonight. Like the women was like I have a headache, but like it was the mister Roper syndrome.
Okay, where he was she was missus.
Ropers, always trying to like enchant him with her caft hand and read minx orphan Annie sixty wig and then he was like ah, but he was like, oh, Chrissy snow hubba hubba. But there was all this Like I thought that like the sex drive tapered off, right, but it's not been my experience.
I don't think that's true for men exactly for some men.
And then someone told me, I don't remember who it is. It's probably good that I don't remember because people might not like this. But like someone said, it's because they were tired of fucking their wives.
It wasn't about right sex drive. It was about the marriage right. And I'm sure the women were tired of the horrible husband. Oh my Christ.
Can you imagine like someone like Jack Carr her crawling up Joey's.
Bishop mean man. Do you like my references from the.
Fifties, Keith, I can't.
Norm Crosbie, Norman fell Ernest bog nine. These are my lovers, these are my memories. Well, is there anything left to say about? Remind me his name?
Telly savalis Tellyalis Now you're young, but I think a lot of your people will know who he is. I here's the thing about a familiar to me. He you're I'm not going to ask you your age on camera, but he was big in the seventies.
Which she was born was not? No? Dare you yeah? And elis you were born like last year? I can? I can see I was born in nineteen thirty five.
She is, he's a depression baby.
Lash Why she's her bones are so crumpled, silent generation she speaks up.
I'm not so silent right now. H My dad was born in thirty four thirty four?
Is there anything left to say about either of these categories before we move on? I'm trying to think if I've any other questions about Tally Telly tally e.
L L y, Which is that short thing V A L A S It's he's Greek, so it's probably like, why don't we google it? Yeah, we feel about there's no way to know, you'll have to take it on faith. Well, he I never put together that his name is Telly and he was in the television.
It's primarily it's like a diminutive form of Aristotle or oh Aristoteles.
Okay, yeah, Aristotle is a good name for a hot guy. Yeah.
Wait, which one was the simpos plant thing in Plato?
I think in Plato? Oh Plato, sure different.
Aristotle Socrates was gay.
I think they were. Come on, well that's the Greek.
The thing is, they all had their young gentleman friends.
It was a gay society.
It was I I feel like, as you you know, there was a time when I'm a gay man of a certain age, and like a lot of my friends died, you know, you know, hilarious, but like there was a time when like we didn't know what was going to happen, and people did die, and so I wasn't always there wasn't always one hundred percent that I was going to make it right. So terrifying, and that's all true of anybody, because you know, so I didn't I remember knowing when I was little that I went.
And help here it comes. Well, you can google me.
I'm going to turn. You know, I'll be thirty five in the year two thousand when that happens. So I knew that, and I didn't think beyond it, beyond right, and so I never thought about sixty, which is I'm there, it is, I'm sixty. Oh my gosh, thank you, thank you.
I come. Don't look too close, just like they're wrapping on that gift. Don't get too close. You're a foot away from me. You look right, What are you talking about? It's these lights, thank you. A lot of that is the freaking Celia, Celia. It helped. Okay.
Also it's some of his genetics. And there's a lot of maintenance. But like you realize so slowly, because I do, like a lot of my friends are young, and I do have a lot of energy for my age in general, and I tried to keep my mind fresh and alive.
And open right right, and but I some things do slip away.
And the certainty always had about like these cultural references for my people, because you like, I'm with you and I feel like we're the same age.
But like I think, I feel like you're very I mean, you're a very young person. I mean. And that's also the weird thing. I think, like as we were growing up, we were told like after sixty, that's an old person. That's just not true anymore.
Well, just like you think of Granny on Beverly Hillbillies. Again, my references are on point today today's infos. But like you would see when I was young, you'd have like people who it was the white haired in a bun on the rocking chair. And now we have share right, who's seventy eight or nine? And Dolly Parton, who will be eighty next year. Yes, and again there's you know, thank you science and cinemagic, but like it's they're not. I guess I don't have old people, but I go to my hometown.
Oh right, right, maybe you do too, Yes, this is it's a different thing.
And I also love that those people are just aging like they age and doing what they.
Do right, But I don't think I think they're kind of on the opposite side of it, because there are plenty of people in stut like that are I think taking care of themselves and like are aging really well? I mean, but then you do see people where you're like, oh my god, like you're my age, or like, oh that too. Yeah, you know, it's like, yeah, it's I saw. Oh I'm not going to say this.
I just see people and I can't They're unrecognizable and they come up to me because I'm frozen in time and they're like sium and I'm like, I don't know.
They don't know get.
Away from me exactly. Yeah, well yeah, but I them to the ground.
You don't have the thing of like it's me.
Oh sure, you just know that it's anyway think Jigsaw or whatever you know, or in your town.
They don't notice. Say that a Richard Scary book.
Me lowly worm, but like they don't know to say, and I talk for everyone. I'm saying I'm sorry, and they're like, oh, you're too big for your Bircheskay.
You know Ricky Lee, you know Kidnap or whatever, Ricky Lee, kidnapp, moonshine injection.
You know all the the West Virginia is gonna cancel me. Do it? Do it? I think we should play a game.
Oh I forgot about the games. What I'm gonna do?
I need a number between one and ten from you. Three Do you have a preference on games. We have Gift of a Curse or Gift Master. I want to do Gift a Curse. Okay, beautiful because I have a lot of questions. Okay, gorgeous, let me get our game pieces. I'm gonna do some like calculating so you can promote, recommend to whatever you want. Okay, you go do that.
If things go to plan. I'm doing one of my solo shows. Well, there's a couple of guest stars in it called Pancakes from the Edge on March fourteenth and Palm Springs at Diedle Art. And it's a solo show that I did here in La a couple of years ago, where it's based around my obsession with postcards from the Edge.
That's why it's called Pancakes from the Edge, and it's characters.
It's these video, these lip sync videos I did from the movie me playing Meryl Streep and Shirley McLain.
And that's then.
You can always check my Instagram to see what other shows are coming up. It works been slow, as we know, but I I did last year an episode of A Just Like That and The Great North, and those should be coming up in the next few months. I guess I'll always pitch my bestie ros Hernandez ghosted podcast and exactly right network it's.
A sister podcast it is. Yeah, did you promote like just following you on Instagram or whatever?
Yeah, Instagram can follow me. And I have a podcast I forgot. It's called Sam Pancake Presents the Monday Afternoon Movie and you have to come do it.
I was just talking to Drew Jogi about this, and that's right. I mean it sounds like an incredible podcast about.
Again seventies and eighties TV movies and Jolden Air a few times yep, yep. And I was listening to that and you were talking about seventies movies. I'm like, if true doesn't bring up my podcast.
I to betrayal that one cross and he did so a very very nice little ad for you, Etha based Yeah, I want to come on it. Okay, this is how we play Gift a Curse. Yes, I'm going to name three things. You'll tell me if there are a gift or a curse and why, and then I'll tell you if you're right or wrong, because there are correct answers and you can fail.
Yes, that's what I'm used to.
Shoot. Okay. This first one is from a listener named Odra Gift a curse fancy restaurants that don't accept reservations? Is it a gifter curse for me or for the her? Now, Sam, that's up to you. Oh okay, so funny.
Her name is Odre because Odra Lindley played Missus Roper on Three's Company, which I was referencing earlier. I see these patterns. That means something's wrong with my brain.
That means someone see.
I think it's a curse for me because you have to line up there and you know. But once you get in there and you've like managed to get in the hip cool restaurant without a reservation, you can be bragging rights about it.
But I think it's a curse. Wrong. No, I think it's like according to a universal truth. Wow, he is Mormon, isn't he. I absolutely hate a reservation. I don't have the time or the patience or the wherewithal to get a reservation. So to just have get those off the table, I just have to show up at the restaurant with that, and I and I might be able to get in.
You might, you might not.
Well, and you made the truths the risk I'm willing to take. Okay, I don't want to have to get on rezie or open tape and be denied because the restaurants you really want to get a reservation too, on those things are impossible. Anyway, that's true. That is true.
The secret to all of this stuff is have go with the famous person.
Yeah, and you and I both know that's true. Yes, you just go with a famous person. Everyone find your famous person.
I find your famous person. There's one around the house. Might tell us all us our friend Aristotle Spedo over there.
No, I love to I love any restaurant that doesn't have a reservation.
I think it's great. And they're They're not all fancy fufy you know, hip restaurants either. There's some just like mom and pop places that are just really good and they don't take reservations. And I love that because you can usually get in.
It really levels the playing field between people who are in control of their lives and people like me who are not. And so I can just wander up having made no plan and it may not work out, and then I'll just keep living my life that way because I can't learn a lesson. But at least I didn't have to get on a website to make the reservation. That is, you're doing everything right. It's all right here, it's all I'm hearing. All right? Do you have gotten zero so far? This next one is from a listener named Meg Gift. He a curse green bell peppers. I see, I suffer.
I suffer from seeing all sides of a story in all angles. I love a green bell pepper chopped up on a pizza. I think you're gonna say curse, though I'm trying to second guess you, which is not the point, And now my brain is again wrapping itself in prettels. But I'm gonna say gift. I'm gonna follow my heart.
You get the point. I love a green belt pepper. I don't know why people don't like a green belt pet don't either, I will say, I prefer a raw green and bell pepper. Oh yeah, definitely snap the crunch me too. Delicious. They taste so healthy? Do they taste healthy? They taste good?
I don't mind cutting them up if you get all the little guts out of there, I love to. I'll get a gluten for us gluten free frozen pizza sometimes and I will dress it up with chopped up green bell pepper and mushrooms that I've sauteed and sausage and stuff. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want them on their pizza for a little extra snap. But yes, you're right, they have to be raw because I don't care for the They can get slimy, and if you get or whatever that he starts to get kind of slimy.
Wormy, wormy, yeahly wormy, a little too wormy. And I don't really have a preference among the color, like the red, the yellow, the orange, the green. I think they're all a good pepper, but they all taste a little bit different. Jo, but you know that they're all the same pepper, just different levels of ripeness. That's not true. And now that I'm saying, I'm like, that may be wrong, But on Lisa is looking confident.
I think I was looking it up, because yes, different colored bell peppers do taste slightly different. With the main difference it does the bell peppers ripen and change color from.
Greendible orange and red.
They become progressively sweeter so green, they say, has I have a love these flavor profiles green mild, slightly bitter grassy flavor. Yellow and orange sweeter than green with a slightly fruity taste.
How dare you?
And red the sweetest bell pepper variety considered the most ripe.
I didn't know that. This is like coming to a university. These you know, these snobs with their red bell peppers. They're eating just older produce es centrally, They're You're getting in on the ground level. That is so interesting. I truly am kind of bowled over learning something every day. Thank you, thank you, And I love to say something confidently I don't have it be true. What a rare thing for me.
It's whining to go college and we're all about to graduate.
Okay, you've gotten one so far. And finally this is the listener is unknown. This is I think from an Instagram live. So my apologies to whoever you are. That's you're not my problem. Uh gifter A curse the person you dislike at work discovering your favorite podcast?
Oh curse?
Why person you like at work?
Dislike the person you dislike at work discovering your favorite podcast? Well if they just do they know that you like this podcast?
Yeah? They must know, or would and I guess where the information come make the connection.
Sure, I think it's a curse because then they want to talk to you more about it. But see, I can also see the gift side, where like maybe you find out you have something in common and you you bridge, you bridge your the gap. That's my next podcast, Bridger the Gap. So you're saying, oh, I hate losing. I told you I feel like a failure, so I had to get on pills. You can't make me feel worse it.
I'll take month. Someone had given you a trophy, this would all be solved.
I did grow up and that everyone gets a trophy generation.
I'm not for wrong with them.
Good tonight.
I can't even remember the question. I'm really dissociating the person you dislike at work. I don't have a job discovering your favorite podcast.
I'm gonna say, curse.
Yeah, correct, Oh good, good, good good. The person you don't like it work finding out you finding out that you have anything in common with this person that you actively dislike. It's kind of the This is my big problem with going to a concert. When I go to a concert, there's no worst feeling in the world than looking around and being like I'm like these people, Oh, yes, it happens to me every time, Like what concert, every concert I've ever been to, I'm like, oh, and maybe it's just because I don't like anyone, but I go to these things and I just think I thought that people that listen to this band or this artist were not complete morons, and then you just find out that everyone's an idiot.
Well, it happens the worst at Hollywood Bowl because people show up for almost anything the tickets. So you I've just had some really I don't get in fights with people concert. I've had friends that do, and it's gotten real ugly at the Hollywood Bowl.
Drunk people, Yeah, with their picnics and just the worst of all time gaze being some of the worst there. I said, we got to get rid of them.
Well, guess what have I got great news for you.
You're in luck.
They're shedding alphabets on the lgbtwo Q website, shed letters. Hooray. I thought things are gonna get better?
Is a.
Whose that's my concert?
Yeah, I mean it's a curse. I, like I said, with the concert situation, finding out that someone you don't like you're similar to them. It's a real look in the mirror, and it's tough. It's a tough pill to swallow. It is. Well, you got two out of three.
Is that a win? That's a we're gonna call it a win. I know you need this win tonight, Sam. If I'm not glaring hard enough in middle distance to let you know that I need a win tonight, before recording began, Sam just took me aside and said, I just need a win right now. Any right now is a win. That's literally in your name winninger. Give it to me anything, the smallest winst.
Not kidding, it's really what I do need.
It's been a we.
All do we all threat we are we are, babe, but we're all uh you know, we're all doing this together. Even the coworkers that we dislike that are finding out about that's true. We are. We are in community with them. Yes, we are in community. Okay.
This is the final segment of the podcast. People write into I said, no nor dot com begging for answers. Oh my god, I mean you need to win. No, these people need to win. They I'm seeing. Yeah, I am learning something about myself. It could be worse. Will you help me?
Answer a question I'd love to.
All right, this is a very casual invoice. Put that on my invoice on the tally. Okay, this it's very casual, just as hey doesn't address either of us, which is a little sharp in my opinion. Well, and also again, I'm a southern gentleman manners manager. Yeah, come on, let's get something a little more courteous. But you know, these younger generations, I want a trophy. I want a trophy, and to be mean via email rude. Okay, so this says, Hey, my father and stepmom are planning a party for my younger sister's religious confirmation and her birthday. The problem is that I'm not religious, slash lean pagan, don't slash don't believe in a higher power. I do want to show my sister that I'm supportive of her religion, but I feel like a Jesus themed gift would be inappropriate coming from me and send the wrong message to my stepmom's family. Anyway, She's thirteen with depression and likes reading vampires, vacuuming her strawberry plant. Henry and I scolded my dad for this one law and order SVU. What should I get her?
Happening here, and this person is only nineteen. You get that this is a teenager?
Right, Yes, that's right. This is like a forty year old woman and talking about her little sister.
No, this is this is I saw the tdow.
Is that what they're called?
I continue? What should I get her for her confirmation slash birthday? And that's from Alison. Let's assume age fifteen.
Well, it's great that she's listening to the pot, you know, yeah, welcome, we welcome the young folk. Well I heard Dracula in there, right, did I hear that?
Vampires? I mean, I would not be surprised. Let's see, Oh yeah, vampires reading, vacuuming. Okay, this's all go together. Well, there's the gift.
There's a gift that works both ways with Jesus or with vampires. And it's called a cross. And you just get a very special kind of goth cross and you hand it to your little sister like wink. But Stepmom's family's like oh as found Christ and Alison and little sis no better, and it's a family bond forever.
It's such a perfect I mean, and if you want to just hint a little further push it away you a little bit of garlic?
Yeah okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, well yeah, but then that doesn't line up with the religious thing I'm saying if you're trying to get away with I'm imagining a world where they Allison wants to be like, not rock the boat or upset the family.
How is a cape going to rock the boat? She can wear that to church? Oh yeah, that's true. Okay, fair enough, Just a really fancy black cape and a gothic cross. Don't you wish you had one? Oh? I wish I was in one? Right now?
We next time, both of us in cape? Did you see that non seratu bullshit?
You didn't like it?
I wanted to like it more. I was very excited. I was kind of like I am meanly, was like, it's just be Anya Taylor Joy. No shade on what's her nuts? But like works some shade But she was good, but like I little dead eyed, but like I and then I looked at it was like, oh, it's supposed to be an you Taylor Joy was there's a flatness to a lot of it. Okay, interesting in the sets, and I clearly I'll never work again, but so why not just rip it all down anyway.
You're not gonna be in a Robert Eggers.
And also I thought i'd be perfectly cast.
He loves flaming homosexual dauncing across the screens. I loved it. I just love a Halloween movie Haunted Castle. That's me too, But that's completely.
Me Bridger, and I've seen every vampire iteration millions of times. I set up and watch old Hammer films at night. So I also, I don't know why I thought the story would be a little bit different. I've seen all the versions of nos Forrawto multiple times, that creepy Klauskinsky one. But I was like, oh, I know this story right, nothing, it's a little bit different than I loved. However, Bill Star, Yes, penny Wise, he was amazing. That look was amazing. I loved that he looked like someone who would be from Transylvania that time. Because I read a lot about it, I loved Nicholas Holt.
There was a lot I liked it.
But then I also was just like, I again, it feels and I'm being sincere. It's like, oh, I'm old. I've kind of seen a lot of this, and I think people who hadn't probably liked it more.
Did you see like his other movies like The Witch, the LIGHTHO you didn't see The Lighthouse My House. I really enjoyed it's I mean, it's Bunkers.
Right, and it's William Dafoe and Robert Pens screaming each other in black and white.
Yeah. So then there's the Northman that not enough Byork for me? Uh, I mean about Byorik appears but not for not enough? Is it Viking? Yeah, it's Viking stuff.
I like Robert Edgars and he's a he's he's very good looking. I just was watching interviews with him. He is, he looks like an actor.
He's Oh, I have no idea I would expect somebody making those movies to be a troll. He's not what you expect interesting, I mean, and I said that in a good way, because they're very creepy and strange. You don't expect just like a well adjusted, good looking person to be making those films.
Well, you know, like John Carpenter.
I don't think I've ever ever actually seen John carpenters a.
Few people in Hollywood who looks so much. He always looks older than he was.
He just looks old.
He looks like he just looks really old, right, and he's not a troll. That mean to me, he's a genius and I'm a big horror person.
There he is. Okay, Yeah, he's just like a normal man who looks a little older than he looks.
He looks like that. He's looked like that since he was like thirty. Wow, very young, John Carpenter. I defy you.
I love how little we've answered the I told her, I mean, you got the perfects that I mean. I guess if she wants to be if she wants to say she's show that she's supportive of religion, maybe you get her uh, but she doesn't want to get into it too deep. Maybe she gets her copy of Dianetics or no. Oh, but she got a cool look.
That was very okay, Yeah, okay.
Yeah, only is showing us kind of a seventies John Carpenter and he's very cool.
Yeah that was dark star times. He's movie dark stark.
Well, I'm sorry, I forgot about the question. I probably should also be on aderall, but yes, do we There was a lot of information in there, and I got a lot, So maybe Alison the gift would be like, here's how you write an email. Start with dear Bridger and glamorous passion.
Show some respect, put some respect on it. I will I won't be here forever, Allison. The answer is the very dark borderline goth cross and an extremely expensive cape that can be used for Halloween or church and a ring of garlic. Dress it up for a church out on Halloween.
Alison says she doesn't believe in a higher power, but she's pagan. But isn't pagan? Isn't there their belief about nature?
I guess, yeah, believing in is that the mother Gaya?
Which is is that a spirit or an energy?
An energy? A spirit like a goddess?
Yeah, it's less of a like an angry man.
Well, that's the thing I learned to remember and rehab speaking of there, like you need to have a higher power if you're going into this. It was twelve step aligned and but the god doesn't and you don't even have to use the word god. But it doesn't have to be the god of your father's And that phrase to me helped me, of course. So she's I think she just means that it's not the God of the fathers. It's like goddess Kaya.
Well this, you know, this thirteen year old is watching a lot of Law and Order SVU. She's probably gonna be done with the religious stuff pretty soon.
Is she my mother?
That's all my mother watches.
She won't watch anything I am on. I can tell you that much.
That's just true. She said. You know, I like reruns. I like SVU, like watching Hawaii. Have av they do, They love the SVU.
I have never done a Law and Order because I've never lived in New York.
Oh, you would have been on one hundred episodes by now, I wish.
I mean, yeah, I would have loved it. I have a compared to some of them, and I never did one of those. I did some other ones.
I did.
NYPD Blue Oh wow, long time ago and it's waning years. And I did without a trace. Okay, I'm sure there's something. There's other ones.
I'm forgetting interesting. Well, Alison dot right back in h Sam. But i have these beautiful gifts, one for my boyfriend, but I'll probably use it for my own devices as well. And then I've got this gorgeous, stunning poster that's going to maybeamed poster. We might use it to decorate the studio. Who knows what we'll do with it. Maybe we'll just have it out here in the backyard every time. But what I want for you is to look him up and like watch him a little bit so you have work. I'm going to get to who he is. And I have to imagine I've seen him in something. Sure, sure, yeah, he looks very familiar to me.
Feel like he died on the one of those things like they died at fifty eight and you're like, that's so old when you're little, and now you're like, oh my god, young.
Somebody dying at fifty eight. That's a tragedy. I know it really is. But he died when he was fifty eight. I don't know that.
I just feel like I remember in the span of my life thinking he went before his time. I could be wrong, and we look that up. I have a one question. When is dinner served? Is there a liable?
You can't smell it?
When's the buffet and I can't smell it is wafting through the air.
He was seventy two, which actually is still pretty young. If somebody dies when they're seventy two, now you're like, oh, they probably had at least another ten to fifteen maybe, yeah, okay, and then I'm wrong. I am full on wrong, But I guess seventy two in the probably the nineties. It's true sense.
And also because he had that look most of his life, like even from the fifties. I think you his shaved head or bald head or whatever it was.
He looks the same for so long. Took everyone by surprise, exactly like Florence Henderson who looked frozen into it. It's incredible. And then she died. It was like she was unfair. Yeah she's forty, such a twist.
She was eighty three.
Oh Sam, I've had such a good time really, ending on the death was really the best part. Carol Dead, Happy Easter.
Marti gross here, thank you for being here.
Listen. I just need to get in the line for the catering, so I need to go get yourself a plate in some fixingss Listener, the podcast is over, move on, I love you, goodbye, I said no Gifts is an exactly right production. Our senior producer is on Alisa Nelson, and our episodes are beautifully mixed by Ben Toliday. The theme song is by Miracle Worker Amy Mann. And we couldn't do it without our booker, Patrick Cottner. You must follow the show on Instagram. At I said, no gifts, that's where you're going to see pictures of all these wonderful gifts I'm getting. And don't you want to see the gifts I invit?
Did you hear? Fun a man myself perfectly clear? When you're a guest to me, you gotta come to me empty. And I said, no guests, your presences, presents, and I already too much stuff, So how do you dare to survey me