
Aisha Dee Disobeys Bridger

Published Mar 20, 2025, 7:01 AM

Bridger pushes his emotions aside when Aisha Dee (Apple Cider Vinegar, The Bold Type) interrupts his day with a gift. The two discuss shower spiders, natural grocers, and what constitutes a board short.


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And I invited you here. I thought I made myself perfectly clear. But you're a guest to my home. You gotta come to me empty And I said, no guests, you're our presences. Presents enough. I already had too much stuff, So how did you dare.

To surbey me?

Welcome to I said, no gifts. I'm Richard Wineger. We are in the backyard. I'm in a difficult place. I had a hard time with you. Connections this morning, I missed one and that threw me off. And that's probably because last night I got a parking ticket for the first time in at least thirteen years. I was not responsible, I never am, and I will of course be fighting it. I've already filed a you know I'm not responsible claim on the LA City parking website. I didn't have any evidence except for, you know, just kind of a plea. I was three minutes off. I was in the chicken restaurant. They took too long. That's not my problem. I won't name the restaurant. I don't want to hurt them. I do want to hurt them, but not that badly. And I will do everything possible Los Angeles City, I will do everything I can to avoid paying these sixty three dollars, and if I do end up paying it, I will follow whatever city worker is available to fill a pothole with those sixty three dollars. So just keep all of that in mind. I had to get this out in public, disgusting. Oh well, we should get into the show. I think today's guest is absolutely wonderful. It's Asia d Asia. Welcome to I said no gifts.

Thank you so much. It's so lovely to be here.

I'm sorry that you're here on such a difficult day for me.


Have you ever gotten a parking ticket?

I have, and I've never fought them. I didn't know you could do that.

Well, you know, I didn't know if you could or not. So, I mean immediately even before getting like starting my car, I was on my phone googling fighting parking ticket. Read at Los Angeles, not paying parking ticket Los Angeles. Most people have said just pay it, so I'm not. I'm going to fight. I have all the time in the world.

I'm a petty bitch too, I am so I get it, and I'm I'm ready to ride with you.

Thank you.

I'm just again to the city of la.

It starts with us, and then well we'll build an all and eventually there all be so many people fighting for me and using their valuable time and resources that I will be able to avoid paying the sixty three dollars. Yeah, and if not again, I will make sure those sixty three dollars are spent on something valuable for sure.

I mean, I think you got the parking ticket doing something important I think, which is getting chicken. Crucial as a big fan of chickens. Chickens, oh my man dead.

Yeah, and you know when you're getting chicken, you're willing to wait as long as possible. Yeah, And that's what I kind of had to do. And it did occur to me maybe I should run out and check the meter. It's been a ridiculous amount of time, but give me a break.

But then, do you see parking offices around because I don't see them. So when are they getting out these tickets?

Especially not it was like six thirty at night, The meter closes at eight pm. What's this loser meter person doing? Get a life. They were probably on their way home or something and they just noticed it. I'm so if I had run into them and seen them doing that it would have been a confrontation.

I have caught someone once in the midst of doing it, and it was back when auditions happened like in person. I think they's just like ten years ago. And it was in West Hollywood somewhere, and I was I had no money. I don't have that sixty three dollars and I thought, oh, she's a black woman out yet. But I'm like, please, I've heard the same she didn't. She gave me the tig. It's awful, It's okay. It taught me a valuable lesson, which is, I don't know the leader.

People are souldless.

They are I guess, yeah, I'm careful now, you know, but you could.

I mean, you could be as careful as you want. And then you end up at a chicken restaurant and it takes an extra three minutes and then the person has ruined your night.

I actually have a friend who works in Melbourne in Australia, and she hates the parking lot that is near the building that she works out. You have to go up, you have to go oh ay the time you get to the yeah, absolutely, So she doesn't like it. And you had to pay something like sixty bucks a day to park there. Crazy. So she was like, you know what, the parking fine is eighty? So she parks in the same illegal spot every single day?

How often is she getting a ticket?

Every day?

Oh? No? What does this is?

This woman that she's like a big fancy lawyer. She's got to be a billion Yeah, I mean the difference between sixty and eighty dollars though, I get it. If you just are you're getting your assistant to pay it daily.

Yeah, yeah, it's worth a convenience.


What is the exchange rate? What's eighty dollars Australian to US?

I think I think it's like, oh, I think the Australian dollar is not very good at the moment, but.

It's got to be like probably comparable to eighty dollars US. Maybe let me guess sixty five dollars US.

I think, yeah, eighty dollars maybe maybe six between fifty and sixty.

Oh, Australia get it together, I know. I mean, we'll actually just say where you are, the US will meet you there very soon.

I'm sure Australia's nice beaches.

They've got all kinds of things. I've been, you know, not related to you coming. But I've been watching this show alone Australia.


Have you seen it?


And there's a very annoying man on it, and there's a Christian who gets lost in the woods.

Is this new?

It's new. It's on Netflix, so who knows when it actually aired? Ok? Yeah, But the things I'm learning about Australia, which are probably things that any idiot already knows. For example, I just recently learned that Australia doesn't have bears, no, which is I mean, you think about it for ten seconds, You're like, oh, yeah, it's just a it's a different continent and they just never got that update.

But I guess bears do seem like a universal thing, kind of seem like.

They should be pay to every forest, right Yeah? Yeah, but no, what is the closest thing Australia has to like a scary bear?

Like a like a big muscly, jacked.

Up kangaroo that's as close as you come, you know, the ones that are like sure, those ones, but they don't have jaws or you know, they eat vegetables.

They are bitchy like I think people because kangaroos are herbivores. But they do. They kill for fun.

Do you know why?

Actually they do. They don't eat meat, but they.

They'll just kill an animal just for sport. Yeah. Oh, I don't like to hear that about Can we google that kangaroos are calling their lawyers right now?

But I'm almost certain I'm not lying about them.

These psychopath animals. They're just bouncing around killing things. They're not nice, and they're everywhere in Australia, right everywhere, which is so strange to think about. Yeah, because even our thing, I guess deer are not as rampant.

But do you remember in the pandemic when the deer we're just coming down everywhere.

Yes, that's the deer in the coyote or the coyotes. Maybe coyotes are our kangaroos. Sure, those I'll see almost once a week at least, scurrying around. But kangaroos are really killing things just because Yeah.

Wait, just to take it back, I feel like Australia. Yes, but like reality shows all over the world, how are they finding these men.

To be on the shows? Yes, well, I will say to this one. They also have several lesbians. Oh that's not who are killing the game. Well, I think one went home at day one. It's like, well, you just wanted the free trip to the woods. You didn't want to be on this show.

Okay, but I.

Think there may be one straight woman. And straight people exist, they do it, They exist somewhere. But then there are a bunch of men, and where are they coming from?

I just feel like they go into the garbage can and they're like, hello, do you like to be on this show? They're awful.

They go to a screening of The Brutalist and just kick out any audience member. I wonder if there's ever been a gay man on alone? Where is that representation? Only? Could you loosely google gay man alone? How about What's Gonna Come? You're not allowed to use any other word in the search. But yeah, I've seen a lot. How much of the show have you actually seen?

It's been a while. Okay, honestly, I'm more on Married at First Sight?

Oh at the moment, another brutal thing full of psychos.

Yeah, that's the one I've been doing to keep as a lesson. You know. Alone, I was like, oh, I'll get these.

Valuable right techniques, get.

Stuck in the woods, And now I'm watching Married at first sight to stop me from dating.

From meeting people at all. It's working that show I've never seen, but they just meet each other and then get married.

Bro, Okay, I'll give you the loan. Now, there's this panel of psychiatrists.

I think they're the best the world has to offer.

They seem like they have degrees people seem that's the impression I get. And they will match make you with basically someone that they think you're compatible with, and you meet them as you're walking down the aisle, and then for many weeks there's commitment ceremonies where you have to recommit to each other and then at the end of the season you finalize and like make it real.

So when you first get married, it's not legal.

I don't know. I think it's a kind of like a show. Right, But then at the end, some people really do.

They go to the judge or what have you. Yeah, I feel like, well, then what's the point of the show. With the very first episode, you should be so committed that the divorce is a disaster. You go through it like you lose everything.

Yeah, you have to like hire right, no prenups.

Allowed, zero prenups. You each should have two kids, and if that becomes a whole complicated thing, that is the show I would run. Yeah, this show. This is a question I ask about almost every reality show. Has anybody? Have any contestants been killed yet? Do we know if there's been in any weird murder? Oh? I feel like that this one especially. It's like you're getting married pretty quickly to someone who don't know. But I guess we would have heard about the married at first site murders.

I'm curious to know if any of them actually stay married.

I can't imagine.

I think they put them through. They make them rank all of the other people of the opposite sex from worse looking to best looking as an intimacy building exercise.

How is that intimacy built in?

I don't know. Ask the experts. That's what they called them, the psychiatrist.

I can think of a lot of better intimacy exercises than ranking people out scale of one to ten.

All right, Married at first Site star shares her devastation after ex boyfriend is murdered. Oh, following several murder attempts, there's I don't know, several murders.

Yeah, I don't know.

If you know, if you watched with Jessica Power and then Sam the Punisher.

Yeah, oh our hearts go out to say I'm the Punisher and Jessica the.

Reality there's a murder on married at first sec.

But he wasn't actually on the show, I don't think, so this was unrelated. Her life was just kind of imagine, okay, pre show difficult or something, and we never learned the other thing. What was gay men on a low?

Two things?

So my extensive research came up with somebody posting on Reddit dubb seems.

Queer, that's just it.

And then a bunch of what I assume are straight people being upset about people speculating on the.

Sexual all the others interesting.

And then as far as kangaroos go, nothing showing that they enjoy hunting for sport. But they will lure dogs out into the water, That's what I'm talking about. What because they think that they think they're dingoes and yes that is a predit.

Yeah, oh interesting, They.

Lure them into the water and they this is actually true. So they use their tails to like make themselves taller in the water, and then the dog will come out and be like, oh it looks really shallow, Like I'll.

Just Oh, that's crafty.

They kill them with their bottom walk the legs.

What do they call them? H? What are those the bouncers?


The big flippers? Yeah, the feet. Wow, that's a fact that more people should know about kangaroos.

I think so too.

I mean, that's dark, that's an evil thing to do.

I do think that certain animals, especially in Australia, they have these weird like mendettas. I always the amount of times I've been for some reason in the shower and a huge huntsman spider will just be in the spider kind of just like looking.

At me, and I'm like, and are those poisonous?

No, they're actually I actually love huntsmen.

Oh so they're just perverts.

Yeah, they're obsessed with me. It's so hard to not be dating when these huntsmen.

How big are they?

They can get pretty big?


I remember in school I had one crawl out of my school jacket wall and go like this on my face.

Like an alien face sucker or whatever they're called.

Yeah, and I screamed, you know, when you're intake your air. And when I did that, it tried to crawl.

Now, this is very Sigourney weaver of it and I like threw.

It on the ground and I remember my mom thought I was exaggerating and I wasn't. Wow, it was the size of my face, that is wild.


I kind of feel bad for these giant spiders that have no venom because people are so afraid of them and they're kind of just defenseless freaks.

Well, they actually eat all of the more poisonous spiders, so it's actually good if you have them in your home, right, it just gets a little weird when they're in the shower.

Right, they're soaking wet, they're using your soap, your loofer.


Wow. Yeah, Australia I does have just it's another universe animals that in America you're kind of taught about kangaroos, koala, bears, and dingoes. I suppose wallabes are, yeah, but then there's just a I mean on alone alone I've been I mean, the amount of animals I've never heard of, something called like a padam palamodi, a platypus. No, not a platypus, that's the other one we learn about. But it's like a miniature kangaroo, kind of like a wallabe. Oh oh, I wonder what it's called. I don't think I know it is.

Where are they?

This is you know in Tasmania.

Oh sure, Tasmania is cool.

Yeah, Tasmania's got it all. Yeah. The devils, Yeah, that's of course, that's another one we learn about. Yeah, well you just know because of the cartoon character, for sure. But Tasmanian Devils make the most eerie sound. I'm sorry to just drag. I'm just talking to you like you're an Australian expert. It's just like, look, possibly be more boring for an Australian.

No, I'm happy to educate. I actually I feel very strongly about letting people know that kangaroos are crazy. So I'm so I feel really fulfilled, like that's a big thing that I've been wanting to get out into the world.

That's the sole reason you came on this podcast.

Kind of, I was like edging the conversation in that direction. When are we going to talk about.

Kangaroo Ah, there is another Australian thing that we'll touch on briefly and then we can talk about other things. But Australians seem to be very good at breakfast.

Yes, so true, Yes, it is why you know what I I don't actually know because I was gonna say we're not. We don't have a big night life, but Australian party in a way that I think is a little.

Scary, probably dangerous.

Yeah I can, yeah, no, but we do. We have a great breakfast culture, coffee culture.

Yeah. Anytime I'm in another country, if I google like an Australian coffee or breakfast place, that's the place you should go to get breakfast. Yeah, because a lot of countries are bad at breakfast.

Well they have you noticed the Australian cafes like popping up in.

All over La everywhere, and they're always you know, just drenched with sun, very lightwood. They're almost I mean that's one thing that we've got to mix it up with the Australian brunch place.

Advertoast you know, I mean, what's avocado toast has become this like sign of wealth. Yes, av a toast is something that like my nano makes and my great nana still alive.

Yeah, shout out to her, great Nana, reach out.

She's a county little bit. I love her. God she's cool. But she'll make avocado toast. It has been my whole life. So it's really a part of Australian culture. But I don't know. I don't know if the Australian cafes in LA and New York have the same.

Quite that level of just doesn't hit the same right, Yeah makes sense. I mean, you're not in Australia. They don't have the access to these ingredients. They're probably better in LA than they are in New York. I think so because La. I what I assume about Australia is that it's big California are Yeah.

Actually Sydney is very similar to La.

Okay. Yeah, it feels like just a very pleasant place to be regardless of where you go.

Yeah, it's nice. It's pretty good.

Yeah, except for unless you're alone in Tasmania. Then you're starving to death.

I think Tasmania is kind of a bit of like almost like dinosaur country, Like it's very it's kind of the most untouched part of Australia because it's just kind of that little I get the bottom.

No here you are criticizing it.

Listen, I'm from the Gold Coast, which is kind of up the top, and.

It just sounds like heaven.

It does. The last time I was there. I was like, I played a game with myself, said, how many ass cracks am I going to see out the top of board shorts today? And I counted there were six, Wow, in one morning. And I love it. No one's wearing shoes, no one cares. But like that's where I'm a Tasmania's more. There's more grit to it because it's I think, because it's further south, there's lots of water around it, and it's this tiny little island much cooler. I think.

Yeah, they've got more, they have more grit, more character. Yeah, and these board short wearing losers, I mean I think you said it. I do feel like board shorts are probably on their way back. We're probably very close to their revival. So I just brace yourself. Oh yeah, so they go like past the knee, Is that what a board short is?

Yeah? They can. They can also, Oh they can be many board shorts.

Okay, so that's not I'm thinking, you know, past the knee, unflattering, kind of just blowing in the wind.

I mean they can be that, Okay. I think board shorts contain multitudes, and they come in many shapes and sizes.

Cola's very open hearted of you. Thanks. Well, you won't see me in a board short, not anytime soon. I think the last time I wore a board shirt was probably two thousand and four. That feels like about board short time, wouldn't you say, Onalise on Lise is nodding yes, Well bring them back. Well, I'm telling you it's the cycle. O. We're twenty years away. It's probably it's coming. This all just happens over and over. We're trapped in the never ending cycle of board shorts, and we just have to deal with them when they come back around. Oh well, I think there's something else we should talk about other than Australia. I'm sure you'd be happy to talk about something other than Australia, something I'm not happy to talk about. I was happy to have you here today. I was very excited to see you, and I mean, you know, obviously I started the morning on kind of a rough note with the all sorts of horrible things happening to me, and then I thought, well, Asha will come by, she'll brighten my day. We'll move on with our lives. So I was, you know, I was thrown and I was a little disappointed. Disappointed is the least of it when I saw you walking into my backyard holding And let's just be clear, this podcast is called I said no gifts, and I assume you've gotten at least one email you were holding a gift. This is a black bag? Is this for me?

I'm just gonna be really honest with you. I yes, it is okay for you. Okay, but I just want you know I'm a big fan of the podcast. Okay, so I've I've listened interesting, I'm aware, I've heard, I've heard how I rate you get sure when people bring gifts. But I think I think you're gonna love this.

Okay, Well that's I like the fact that you're willing to take a big risk with what could end up being an explosive situation.

Yeah, but I genuinely believe that once you see the gift, once it's in your beautiful handy, I'm gonna turn around.

Well shall I open it here on the podcast?

I think you should.

Okay, we're reaching into the bag and there are two items in here, but there it seems like they're wrapped. Yea, so it doesn't matter which one I pull out first.

I don't know.

I mean, maybe the big one.

Is this the big one? Yeah, okay, I'm gonna pull this out. I love this wrapping paper.

It's it's nice. It waswhere in my house.

It's like a kind of old fashioned with beautiful illustrations of vegetables, including an eggplant a tomato. Did you say eggplant or abergine?

Uh no, but we do say rocket instead of ugola.

Oh sure, rocket is a way better name.

Rocket is sick. I think about that often.

It's crazy that we decided not to call that rocket rocket salad. Well, I don't understand. Did rocket ships come after the what was first called a rocket?

I don't know.

It seems because they're such far removed. I mean, they are very different things.

They are. I wonder where that came from.

Was that a desperate attempt by the arugula lobby to make it seem more exciting. Maybe the birds are going wild today. I love it. They're really screaming at each other. But yeah, rocket, that doesn't make any sense to me as far as spaceships and things that go.

Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what the origins of that.

That seems like it would be a good campaign, and if you were like at least trying to get children to eat it.

For sure.

Call it a rocket, Call anything a rocket. Okay, well, let's let's get into this here.

I tried not to make it too difficult to open my.

Kind of a tubular shape, kind of a sausage. And we're putting the tape here. Let's see. Oh I love how thick this paper is.


Okay, this is something called ricks Lotion Original Herbal Blend, Witch, Hazel and alo vera moisturizer and toner in one. I've never seen this before.

Okay, this is my favorite moisturizer in the whole.

I love a moisturizer recommendation.

Oh I And I just I'm not I'm not like a little fan of the podcast, like I'm a big fan. Okay, And I thought to myself, I was, I was really this weekend, I was like, fuck, what am I going to bring? Should I bring? And I didn't want to bring something to clutter up your space?

Okay, thank you.

But you know when someone gives you.

A gift and you're like, oh.

Just more shit for me to find a place for. This is going to change your life?

How so?

Okay, the couple there's like older couple who made this moisturizer. They were giving out free samples at the grocery store. Which grocery store at Lasson, It's like, oh yeah, eight years ago.

You know they do that there, right of course.

And they were offering everybody samples. Nobody was taken. I felt really bad for them, so I said, I'll try it.


I put some on my hand and I was like, that's good, it's great.

You know, right as you do at the grocery store, you're just being polite to the sample personally.

So then I went to pay for my groceries and as I pulled something out of my bag, I don't remember what it was, but one hand great on the other.

And I was like, oh my god, I thought it was a stranger, thought it was somebody else's hand.

Yeah, I've never felt my like I had never experienced my sleeping like this. And I said hold on, and I went back and bottles, and they don't sell it in Australia, so whenever I go there, it's half of one suitcase. It's just wow, because I.

And you have amazing skin. So this is a great recommendation.

I feel really strongly about it, and I've actually given this as a gift so many times in my life. I called a friend yesterday and said what should I give? And they're like, ricks, ricks?

Should I put some one? Now?

You should put it on your hand, And then I think, I think you'll feel better about the whole thing in like five minutes. You're gonna love it.

Oh yeah, there's a whow Okay, here we go.

Yeah. The old bottles actually used to have a picture of the couple on the bottle, and I missed.

That, thinking, I don't know I would buy anything with a picture of an old couple on it. Wont if their skin is good? Is their skin good? Yeah? What are they doing? They should have their picture and their age. Now my hands are so slippery, I won't be able to hold the microphone. And Lisa is currently holding the mic and may have to hold it for the rest of the episode.

It'll still get it.

This is the most erotic visual you could possibly imagine.

I'm also like not convinced. I mean, I think that it cures everything. I think because I get little like X and my kind of thing, or I'll get a little sunburn.

And you'll put it on it. I mean, it feels great right now, we'll see it smells anyway. Do you want some right now?

Yeah, I'll take it.

Throw some of that on you might as well. I'll be moisturized. You know, I've been moisturizing my entire life, at least since third grade. I've been you know, moisture, moisture, moisture. And I think it's partially because most of my ancestry comes from you know, very cloudy, wet places, and then I grew up in a desert, so my skin was screaming for moisture at all times. And so you know, I do a veno oh yeah, which is a nice daily thing. But this, who knows what will happen with this? Unless I break out in hives.

Well we'll see.

So far, so good. I mean it feels very nice. And which hazel delicious scent? Oh yeah, what's your moisturizing routine. I'm always curious about this with different people.

Okay, Well, I'm I'm a big believer in like exfoliation, okay, daily, Well for me, yes, okay, I don't know if it's for everyone, but for me because Ashley elbows and these.

Oh sure nobody wants that.

Oh my god. So yeah, I'm a big se lux cloth.

He has ever heard of this?

They're this Korean kind of stretchy exfoliating. The package has a picture of a woman using it on the front and she's going like this on her back, which is I use it?

Sure? I kind of have to get that like that real pole that I don't know what the physics term is for that. Make sure the weight is really dragging along your back. And then how do you do your knee like you're shining a shoe.

It's you can I guess you could do that. I've never done that.


It's kind of like a loofa like you can use it however you want. But I'm a big believer in explanation. Is key right, right? And then I'm a Ricks.

You're a ris girl, Ricks.

I believe in the power of.

I will say when I first opened this bottle, there's a type of shampoo. I was just talking to somebody about this, which I believe is called rid. Is that what it is that gets rid of lice? Or maybe nix or maybe those are both lice shampoos. So Rix is really playing a dangerous game with the name of their lotion. I think we both mix different lice shampoos.

I think, yeah, I think they could do better with their marketing and stuff.

Yeah, it feels like they're making a lot of the wrong moves. But then they end up on a podcast with these ringing recommendations, and maybe the sales go through the roof. I think they might do we know what the couple's name is. No, at least could we find out John and Louise Ricks. Who are they?


I want to see a photo of them. It's been so long they change this packaging.

We're gonna find out they died. That's gonna be the unfortunate thing that happens on this podcast, that the Ricks couple is gone.

Yeah, it's gonna get really heavy.

O my god, are you doing all of your grocery shopping at lessons?

I don't like to say it in my car. Okay, So I'm a big like if I can, if it's convenient, neighborhood like, right, situation. I don't like big grocery stores. Freak me out.

Oh I love them. I get so anxious mums. I go there and don't buy anything, just brow saying it feels incredible. Wow, just lost in the aisles of Albertson's.

Maybe I should change my thinking around it, but I genuinely get quite overwhelmed in a.

Big shopping sure, all the choices and yeah, like a mall right.

My throat feels like it's gonna jump out of my body. I don't know where the exits are, you know.

Oh that is kind of a frightening way.

Did I park my car?

You know?

So I try to stick to like smaller.

Grocery lessons for the listener who's not familiar as a very small grocery store, kind of an original, probably one of the first like organic grocery stores, and I think run by probably strange people.

I think it has some interesting politics.

Yes, I believe they do. I think that they may even be Mormon whoa or there may be some Mormon tie because I remember them being a little like me, being like, what's how do you feel about me? As a person? Didn't do too much digging. But maybe those were just the founders now because they also could be the biggest hippies in the world, because that's how the store feels.

Well it does, and we'll never know.

We'll never because we'll never look it.

Up, don't google it.

Well, live in ignorance as this couple.

Yes, okay, first of all, their names are Jerry and Donna Govin.

But there's a little bit of a.

Backstory which I think is fascinating, So follow with me on this journey. The original Rix with one X was developed as a horse lineament in the sixties. Jerry Govian had a background of horseback riding and through business associates, met mister Rix, who had a reputation with his herbal witch Hazel lotion to heal horses.

He was the ador to door salesman. That sounds like somebody you.

Just very sketch. That's the only time this man's name is referred to. But I guess that was the inspiration to heal horses. And then eventually Tennis elbow and do we have.

A picture of Jerry and Donna not on the website. They scrubbed themselves from the internet. Something happened. Something happened with Jerry and Donna did they is going to harm the business, so they've decided let's be faceless.

It's devastating to me.

It's devastating to me, and I'm just learning about the brand. I can't imagine how you feel.

Well, So yeah, longtime, fam. And this is another thing that I'm out here like, I am the publicist for this moisturizer and also your podcast.

Wait wait wait is this that bless?

I'm sorry, this is literally the only photo I could find.

Oh, they look incredible.

Yeah, that's that's Jerry and Donna.

Will get a picture of that on the Instagram or something. People need to see Jerry and Donna because they look great and their teeth are bright white. I'm sure they've had some work done. Ah. Wow, interesting. You know what I just learned about. I had another moisturizer recommendation recently for lips, and I told my sister and she's like, yeah, of course, it's incredible. Nipple cream.

Oh I've heard about this.

The actress Carrie Koon. I was watching a video with her and she was screaming about it, and I said, I love her acting. Maybe she's got good advice on nipple cream. And so I bought a bottle. You put it on your lips. I've never experienced anything like this before. Really, I can't believe that people buy chapstick when they can have I mean, obviously it's a strange thing to have in your bag, but who cares and you use this stuff. I wish I could remember the brand. It's like Lenosha or something, and I was a little skeptical. This stuff is amazing. I would say it's the ricks of lips.

Yeah. See, I actually will tell you my lips are the thing I struggle with. I'm a chapped lip lady.

I think everyone, almost everybody struggles with this, unless you're in a deeply humid environment. Sure, right, yeah, I mean I should let you try some of the lip the nipple cream. It's amazing, and it's it's not like a stick, you know, you just have this giant tube of it. Right, Everything about it is better than chapstick. Yeah.

It's probably not that expensive, right.

Not that expensive, not expensive at all, and harder to lose because you know, you're a chapstick is the size of a man, whereas this is, you know, almost the size of a ricks bottle.

As if I'm with chapstick, You're kind of.

Right. It's boring, and it sometimes it melts and then it turns into kind of a disaster and then it's like falling. If there's so many problems with chapstick, Yeah, the only good thing I guess is the SPF. But aren't you putting SPF on the face anyway? It's uh, I don't think that the five SPF of a chapstick is probably doing anything to help anybody.

Well, when I put sunscreen, I think I get it on my lips anyway, So.

Yeah, right, unless the lip rejects it. But I don't think that. I don't know the science behind lips rejecting SPF, So no one look into it.

Please intense like visual in my mind.

Just flying off your lips.

Yeah, my lip's becoming a completely different entity to the rest of my body.

And no, lips are weird. They are a weird part of the body that people don't really. I think people like to not think about the fact that lips are a different type of skin and that they're just these weird things on your face that are kicking the bag because I'm thinking about how scary lips actually are. It's kind of a you know, it's a portal to the rest of your body, and it's there's something wrong with lips.

What I realized, when you kick the bag, you still have the tiny one in there.

Yes, of course, I believe me. I've been to open Okay, I'm gonna rip this one open now unless we have more to say about Rix.

You're not ready.

How much should RIX pay you to bring this? We said enough. Are Jerry and Donna going to be satisfied with how much was said about Ricks? I think they will, Okay, I think I think they're going to FOS two or Sticklers if they get their money's worth. They're probably waiting for you at lessons.

I wish I could meet them again and tell them how they've changed my life.

You've met Jerry, and I'm unbelievable. It's hard. You would have gotten a picture with them, Oh my god, Oh jeez, what a shame.

And I would have really stucked up on the ricks before they changed.

The packaging, of course, collector's item on eBay. Okay, we're pulling this one.

Because I've now.

Opened the next bottle and it's simply another bottle of ricks. But it's a to go ricks to go. It's, you know, the smaller. It's like a hotel shampoo.

Because here's what I think. I think you're gonna leave the house to run your errands later and everything is okay, and then you're gonna think, no.

I need more I'm the I am. I am noticing a very nice softness to my skin right now, like, yeah, it feels very good, and I'm gonna track this throughout the day. But now that I have this to go, I'm getting very good at like being prepared.


Uh, you know, I carry a bag, and I've carried a bag for a very long time. And uh, for probably the first six years of the bag it held my wallet and my keys. I was there was all this room to you know, have everything I could possibly need. And so now I've got a miniature deodorant, I've got my glasses, my sunglasses, my prescription sunglasses, my wallet often just a mess of napkins. What else is in there? I mean, I'm gonna be putting this in of course, and is there anything else that really I should have a snack in there?

I think it's good to go out with a snack. Yeah, because love, blood sugar.

Is h it's it's not a good feeling. But my fear is that I would just eat the snack when my blood sugar wasn't low.

So I have trouble with self control too. What kind of bag is it? Is it like a leather like a tot.

This one my sister gave me for my birthday. It's the brand is Bagoo. Do you know this? It's I've been told I for a couple of years of owning it, or at least the first year, I thought it was green, and then people started telling me that's gold. And now it's really wow. This is kind of the dress. This is the new the dress. This is gonna go viral. I'm gonna go get the bag. I shouldn't have told you because now you two are going to say, well, it's gold. I should have.

Oh god, do you think it's gold?

There's hon Lisa's seen it. Okay, don't let Analse influence you. They're very pushy.

I'm just gonna.

It could be a different color. It could be black, it could be pink. Who knows. So I want you I'm gonna go get the bag, and I want you to be as honest as possible, leaning in my direction. Okay, and we'll see what happens. I'll be right back.

Wait, this is incredibly exciting.

Okay, I'm back and apparently on Lisa's used some lotion. Uh and honly seems happy. Now I've got my bag. We'll post a video or a photo of this so everyone can support me. What do you think? What color would you describe this?

Okay, I've questioned, Well, I've got thoughts. I think because you know, when you you wear a bag around, it's gonna it's gonna change color slightly because you've been wearing it around. But I think, well, I think that's that's a sign of a great bag. I'm gonna I'm gonna go against everyone.

What are you going to say?

I think it's like a oh no, it's not wait, it feels like amy.

Cocky kind of Okay, So this I like because I kind of got army green. Oh sure, but not it isn't army green, but I think it's somewhere in that realm of army.


Well yeah, and nobody thinks I look that little squirrel on the roof, that's very cute, having the time of its life. It's joined the podcast. Are really entering the yard right now in a way that nobody could have expected, trotting along by a cactus. I'm very curious this squirrel. We're getting a lot of action here. There will be no pictures. Don't think about it's too quick. Oh and now, it's exited into the neighbor's yard. That's a pomegranate tree and the squirrels go crazy when there's fruit on it.

My god.

Okay, but this that was a show just for us. Okay, Yes, in the army category and no one now it's the garbage truck has entered the podcast. Everybody wants a piece, everybody else, I said, garbage, men's squirrels, everybody. But nobody ever thinks yellow with the army.


No, Well, when you say, what colors do you think of with military? Could be nice though everybody in bright yellow.

Gold accent. Nobody's doing that?

Why not? No army is doing that. But if someone were to say, name the colors of people out in war, I'd say green, tan camouflage. Sure never yellow. On Lisa, are you feeling differently now?

I mean I could see tan. I could see and maybe that's where the army comes from, because I think that could blend into some environments, right, But I still there's way more yellow in that than maybe.

We say, like, what are you tan? With green accents, green undertones, green undertones. Oh.

I love the discussion around underturned, I know.

And I feel like this has got green undertone.

If it makes you happy, then yes.

Well nothing makes me happy, So this is going to be a big problem.

I think the genuinely kind of on your side. I see the green undertones there, go.

I mean, it's not violet undertones, it's not blue undertones. If this was someone's face, we'd be saying they've got green undertones and yeah, tan face.

Yeah. But I also I remember the dress and I saw both.

You saw both.

I would close my eyes and then open them and one and then I closed my eyes and opened the other. Wow. I thought it was just like some kind of graphic that they were putting on.

The internet, right, like a hologram or something. Yeah.

I was like, this is so dumb. They're just changing the color of the thing.

I can't remember what color. I mean, should we drag the podcast back to this and I should look at it and see what I think the dress and Lisa's got it, Okay, I see blue.

I'm seeing white and gold.

White and gold.


I mean it continues to be a magical phenomenon. Is uh just like my bag, my viral bag.

The internet won.

TikTok won't stop talking about is it green or yellow? God?

I mean it is. It's a quandary for sure.

Huge problem for everybody, and ultimately I think we can all settle on it being absolutely filthy. I should probably put it through the wash or something. No, well, I've got my lotion here. Do we have anything left to say about Jerry and Donna's big product?

Oh? I, I don't know. They feel like like this is like a single mom with its child now just here on the table.

It does look like like a nice little family there, very cute.

I don't know. I don't have I don't read.

It's like a kangaroo and it's Joey just ready to drown a dog.

Psychotic kangaroos. Violence.

I can't believe that about kangaroos. That's unfortunate. Yes, oh well, okay, I think we should play a game. Let's play Gift or curse. I feel like we're already arguing, we might as well keep doing it.

Yeah, this is the one that you can fail at.

You can fail, so be very careful. I need a number between one and ten from you. Okay, six, Okay, I have to do some light calculating to get our game pieces. You can promote, recommend, do whatever you want.

Oh, Wow, I am on a television show again. It's on Netflix. It's called Apple Side of Intego. It's a scammer story. It's good. That's a cool people in it. It's a little psycho. If you want to watch it. There's a dance sequence to Britney Spears in it, so you should probably watch it.

Well, that's perfect. Everybody watched the show. I think that's kind of all I heard. And I heard, of course about Jerry and Donna again.

Oh wait, do you know what? I just realized this is really important to me. What happened with the leaking in your house?

Oh my god.

And I only know this because it felt like part of my life.

I think it felt like a part of a lot of people's lives because I wouldn't stop talking about it. It was like years of me talking about this thing because it was just haunting me.

Because Alcon is now leaking, Oh no, I should see them a bridge.

Oh you need to Okay, So have you spoken to your landlord?

I have?

They came and sealed it, okay, and didn't help.

Well, I don't know. The rain hasn't come.

This week will be a big test about I know, and I know that feeling. I know that just gut feet. How much did it leak into your place?

Well, it actually it leaked into my downstairs neighbor, isn't.

It doesn't looked me. Well, that's very nice.

Of you, but I feel like fucked up about it.

Right, of course the building shouldn't be leaking. Oh that's that's why you're inside. Otherwise you would stand in the rain. Completely my situation. You know, it lasted one hundred years, and we've tried so many different things. It really I about died doing it, and we finally, and this is a big knock on wood situation, fixed it by essentially a trench had to I believe it's called a French drain, had to be dug behind where it was leaking down and behind and they put a tube or a pipe with little holes in it. And so when the underground water gets to the area where it floods, it now enters this pipe and gets taken to where it needs to go back outside. And of course this was I think I think twenty twenty three when this was fixed, and twenty twenty four it seemed to be holding up. And now here we are in the middle of this unprecedented drought of I mean, I've never seen anything like it. But it is going to rain. It has to rain for days at a time for it to really flood. Okay, so I kind of I am glad that.

We're is nice. You probably loving this dra.

Water. We got a little bottles. It comes out of my sink. I don't know why we would need more, but it's solved. Okay, knock on wood.

I just literally has been on my mind because honestly, I've been very busy lately, and I was like, oh, I'm bin on the podcast and I like didn't know. I didn't know.

Yeah, it's uh so that's good. I mean, I just pray every day that it doesn't happen again because the amount of water I've had to vacuum is just ridiculous. It was really destroying me for a time.

Well, I'm happy for you. It's my mind it is. I'll sleep better, I know, thank you.

All Right, We're going to play Gift or a Curse. I name three things. You tell me if they're a gift or a curse and why, And you have to be very careful because there are correct answers and you could fail. So be very careful. Okay. This first one is from the Mega list This is gift or a curse? The duo Lingo owl's death by Tesla truck. I can't say. I can't say anything else.

Is this something you have to be super online for. Probably I know what the Duolingo owl is and I know what the Tesla is. So the Duolingo owl apparently died by Tesla truck.

Apparently tragic?

Okay? Do I think it's a gift or a curse?

Oh? And the listener's named Shane, by the way, I forgot that in my confusion. We don't know up from down right?

Now, come on, Shane. No, Shane seems like a good, good Egg, good person. I think I'm going to say gift okay. And why well, because I've always felt like Tesla's I didn't like them, right. I remember the first time I got in, I said, how do I, you know, make the air conditioner go up? And and i'd's like, oh, you just like overly complicated.

Give me a button and a dial.

Literally, I drive the same Honda Civik I've been driving for thirteen.

Years, exactly how to do it?

I love it. So I've always kind of been ticked off, I am, and that was before everything, you know, So I kind of just if the duel can go out. I'm sure some people love that out. Sure, if it died by Tesla truck, that's just for me affirming everything I already knew.

Right, gift, right, gift. You're correct. I think this is a definitely a gift, I think. And again I'm with you here. I have no idea what we're talking or thinking about, but I do know of these two things vaguely. I like to think that the Duo Lingo Owl did not die in vain. It's brought attention to how horrible just we always need to be talking about how horrible these trucks are. This brand, and the person behind well, he's not actually behind it. He just puts some money and he's a scam con artist. But the Duo Lingo Owl, it sacrificed itself so we could talk about Tesla trucks poorly on a podcast, and I think that's a gift. They're ugly, I mean, that's one of the billion problems with these stupid machines. The amount of them that I see is frightening.

It's really disappointing.

Rightening, but it does give you somebody to flip off on the road. They don't have to do anything, you don't have to even cut you off. You can just truly abuse these people. Honk, do whatever you want.

I would just wind down and we don't go. Wow.

Not like it's gonna be a nightmare to drive one of those. At this point where you're just like everyone hates me, you pull into a busy parking lot and you just have to wait till everyone is in the side of the store before you even get out of the stupid truck. Yeah. Yeah, Okay, you've gotten one right so far. This next one is from a listener named Emily Gift to a curse calling a forty five year old man whose name is Peter Peat a forty five year old man forty five.

I don't know how you're gonna feel on this, but I also just have to be true to myself.

I think that's a good way to go.

Get wrong. I need Oh why, well, first of all, I'm Australian. We don't like to say anyone's name. How it is.

Australians love to put a y at the end of things or an id.

Ah, love it it's the national pastime, literally is what I wake up for it in the morning. Well, can I shorten today? It's very important to me. I also do. I have a very dear friend of mine whose name is Peter, and he's always been Pety to me.

Oh yeah, always been pet to me, always been.

It's a gift. But you know that's just that's culturally where I'm coming from, right right, yeah.

Well, well, well, well you're right. I think p D's a nice name. I think that, you know, there are some nicknames that are horrible, and PD is towing the line. But sure I'll call a Peter p D. Why not? Who's stopping me? I mean, in a business meeting, you're referring to your colleague as p d 'or in some tricky territory. But it brings you are immediately in love with the PD. You can't be mad at PD completely.

I also think, like a forty five year old man, claim Pete just kind of.

Yes PD, PD. I don't know any pds. I know plenty of Peters, and I think if I called them PD, they'd be furious, oh too familiar. But as far as Emily and PD are concerned, who cares.

I think you should try it with your Peter friends.

Yeah, just kind of. Maybe I'll text all of them after this podcast. Hi, Pete, no other no other text? Okay, you've gone two so far. Number three. This is from a listener named Mo. Gift to a curse when toilet paper is marketed as six equals twenty four or sixteen equals sixty four or twenty four equals one hundred and twenty three. I haven't seen that one, but we'll trust Mo here.

I already know it's cause why I just think it's a lie.

How so you don't think that a six actually equals twenty four?

I just just make it twenty fo Like, why are we doing this? Why are we fucking around? Why can't we just have toilet paper? B? What it is?

Wrong? It's a gift. It is a gift. Well, we were talking about me going to the grocery store like a museum early, and this to me is a little like bonus puzzle. When I get to go to the grocery store, I see this and I think, what does that mean? I've never thought about toilet paper math ever? What is even six rolls of toilet paper? What is twenty four? How do those equal each other? And then I'm just kind of standing there and it's giving me a reason to soak up the grocery store I have. You know, the toilet paper aisle is almost always empty and quiet, so I get to just kind of contemplate, how do twenty four rolls of toilet paper equal one hundred and twenty three rolls of toilet paper? And have you gotten to the bottoment I haven't yet, and I hope I never do. I hope that this new trend of telling people that you can just literally if you own a toilet paper company, you can just put two different numbers on it, and people nobody really knows se.

Is I Sometimes I like being gaslet I do. Sometimes I like it.

It feels nice to just have to be denied your reality.

Oh yeah, it's a it's a lovely place to exist, of course, so I can see where you're coming from. I guess, depending on the depending on the time of the month, I would be like, yeah, I'm into that.

Well, we all love it. It's a gift. You're wrong. You don't win the game, but I got two out of three, which is not terrible.

I'm big in you know, abundance.

I mean in toilet paper math, two out of three is four hundred. Yeah, you can just say whatever. So maybe you in your own little world within the toilet paper industry, you may have won. Okay, all right, excellent. This is the final segment of the podcast. How do I always forget? I'm trying. We're trying to get rid of honor.

Reality is being denied.

Right o, God, you're not even a PU on this podcast?

How dare you?

What's happening on Alyse? Do you have your gift or a curse? On a lease? Now does their own gift or a curse?

I do?

Where they present one and we both have to play and see if who's right or wrong.

A lot of wordy entries this week. So I'm just going to give one word for my gift or a curse. Okay, gift or a curse. Olives?

Oh, do you want to go or should I go?

I'll I'll let you take the lead on this one.

Olives are a gift I for a lot of reasons. First of all, it's a difficult thing for some people to eat. They don't love to eat, and olive it's a strong flavor, and you know, I think that the olive initially is one of these things that as a child you learn how to acquire a taste because you put one on your finger and it's fun and that makes up for the fact that it tastes porrible. And then you learn, oh, this tastes good. That's just your typical olive, black olive out of a can, and then you're on your way to eat all sorts of different olives. It's also the only food, tell me one other food that at a restaurant you can eat and then stick your fingers in your mouth and pull something out in front of polite company. For that alone, it's a gift. You get to chew up a thing and then in front of a you know, a client at a sales lunch or your wife's parents, whoever, you stick your fingers in your mouth and pull out the pit and put it in a dish. I love that.

I think I'm with you. I think it's a gift. I just well, I don't know about you. I always go to restaurants already too hungry. Hmm right, I'm already mad. I am furious actually that I've let it go this long.

Yes, I know this feeling, my.

Version is starting to go like dark around the edges, and the olives just come out so fast. Then they straight away there's no prep, No, just give me an olive. I'm a little bit mad at how they're priced.

Sometimes pricing is again I guess this is kind of a toilet paper issue. No one really knows how much an olive should cost, and so you can truly just charge whatever you want for it. But I'll pay it, of course, because you're like, well, maybe that is how much olives cost.

I don't know. My blood sugar is so long.

I'm not an olive farmer. Maybe they are a dollar apiece, but yeah, I think that they're a gift on a lease.

They're absolutely a gift.

They're either First of all, I think they're delicious just personally speaking. But if you don't like them, then you can bond with somebody else and say like, hey, there's going to be somebody else at your table that likes them, and then you've now graciously given them something that they're going to enjoy, and that.

Forges a connection, bringing everyone together, bringing them.

All together, just like I did with this gift. Or yes, we're all united and on the same page.

So we're all lotioned up and loving olives, moisturiz and I will say that there at the grocery store, Gelson's on Franklin Avenue, used to have an adorable little olive bar that was the shape of a wagon, an old fashioned covered wagon. It didn't make any sense to me, but I loved looking at the wagon full of olives. Really, it's very cute. They got rid of it, probably because I made fun of it online, but I loved that thing. Anyway. I'm glad that we all we didn't have to get into a fight about that. Let's get into this. This is the final segment of the podcast. I said, no emails people write into I said, no gifts at gmail dot com begging for answers. We hope answer a question.

I can do that.

Yes, all right, let's look at this. This is uh, dear Bridger on a lease and guests who's clearly just looking for attention. I'm interesting, Why me for fil I live in northern Maine and it has been snowing constantly over the month of February. Not my problem. The most recent snowstorm dropped half foot of snow and then a nice layer of ice all in the span of a few hours. The next day, my husband conveniently had errands to run, and so he got his car out of the driveway and left all of the rest of the shoveling to me. While I was shoveling the terribly heavy snow and contemplating how much effort a divorce takes, you just go on the reality show we talked about earlier. My wonderful neighbor came to my rescue and walked her snowblower over and helped me to clear the snow. I would like to get her something to show my appreciation for saving me and potentially my marriage. No, the marriage is done. The problem is I know nothing about this person. We have lived in our house for three years, and I have gone out of my way to avoid interactions with any neighbors. I am not a generally friendly person and am not in the market for new friends, so I see no reason to interact with anyone in my neighborhood. Okaykie, so what do you want? Given the fact that I am now indebted to my neighbor, I feel as though I could get her some I should get her something. The only things I know are this, she lives alone, has no children, and works in the medical field. I am throwing myself upon your mercy and expertise to humbly ask that you offer suggestions on what to get her. My profuse thanks, Elizabeth. Well, Elizabeth is okay. First of all, the marriage is absolutely over, clear as day. The husband is deadbeat. He's running his errands and isn't clearing. He's only clearing enough. He's leaving his wife to die in this frozen home.

Yeah, I didn't. Is a snowblower a thing?

Snowblower is a thing. It's a machine. What is that horn? Somebody is furious? Oh wow, cyber truck. Somebody just cut someone off. No, snowblower is kind of like a lawn or for the snow. You push it and it sucks up the snow and shoots it elsewhere. They're very convenient if you have a lot of snow. But you, I guess, would have never interacted with one coming from.

I worked in Montreal for five years. Okay, very depressed in that city.

Who is blowing? That's so crazy? You were in Montreal for five years and never saw snow blow?

No? No, I well, no, I never saw a snowblower.

Okay, saw shovels.

Shovels and stuff like that.

Yeah, nip trucks.

I didn't love it.

What are the French Canadians doing without their snowblowers?

Well, I guess I'm like in the middle of the city, so maybe that's not a thing in the middle.

Of the so interesting. I have a good French Canadian friend, Chloe reach out. I feel like she. I can picture her behind a snowblower.

It seems like an epic fucking piece of machine.

Yeah, it's like it has kind of like blades in it. It's kind of a scale machine. And Elizabeth's neighbor has one and she's showing it off. She probably paid too much for it, and she's like, I've got to use this as much as possible. Otherwise where why did I spend the money? Yeah, so what do we get? Elizabeth's lonely, childless doctor of a neighbor wants nothing to do with.

They had ricks.

You know, these dry winter months bring up you know, you've got a moisturize, moisturized moisturize, and so you reach out to ricks. A little couple named Jerry and Donna, who probably have a happy marriage. I'm sure they shovel the snow for each other, get a bottle of ricks and leave it on the neighbor's doorstep.

I think even the childless deserve to be moisturized. That's how I feel.

That's their new slogan. Even the childless deserve to be moisturized.

We've come up with a whole new marketing team. This podcast is one big ad.

Jerry and Donna. If I don't hear from you within a week, I will burn your company to the ground. Okay, so the lotion, a whole basket of this is a great idea. Oh, basket of lotion is very silence of lambs. We're getting into some scary territory. But Elizabeth obviously wants to be scary. She's complaining, she's avoiding her neighbors. She's being just this antisocial psychopath. Her husband is trying to get out, the neighbor is trying to help. Obviously, Elizabeth's life is a mess.

I'm a little confused about what Elizabeth wants.

In general, you know, not just from the neighbor, not just from her husband. What does she want out of life?

I follow it would be nice.

Yeah, absolutely not Elizabeth, do not write back in.

What do you want?

Elizabeth? The gift Elizabeth Okay, needs to give this neighbor is to find out who she is, and the neighbor will benefit from that in some way once Elie has become a whole person and accepted who she is and not just somebody who writes in and complains to podcasts, because that's not acceptable.

I think you're on a good track.

Then, Elizabeth, you got your answer. We answered it perfectly. Don't write back it. Well, are you sure I've got? Now? I'm going to be fully moisturized at all times, even out on the go with my green bag, and people are going to be touching me and I'm going to feel great. I can rub my hands out on whoever I want and they'll be fine with it. It's really given me permission to just do, to become kind of a neighborhood nuisance. Yeah.

I like caress on the cheek of a stranger.

You know, the grocery line. Somebody just feels my hand and they love it.

They love it. They're gonna say, whoa hold on it? What moisturize it is? You? Just wait.

My hands on their hips. I've had such a lovely time with you. You do, thank you for being here and listener, I'm sure you're already on your way to buy ricks at your local organic grosser what have you. And so that's something you can do with your rest of your day. That's all I'll tell you. The podcast is over. I love you, goodbye. I said, No Gifts is an exactly right production. Our senior producer is on Alisa Nelson, and our episodes are beautifully mixed by Ben Holliday. The theme song is by miracle worker Amy Mann, and we couldn't do it without our booker, Patrick Cottner. You must follow the show on Instagram at I said no Gifts, that's where you're going to see pictures of all these wonderful gifts I'm getting. And don't you want to see the gifts? Ivan?

Did you hear?

Fun a man myself perfectly clear?

And you're I.

Guess you gotta come to me empty And I said, no guests, your own presences, presents en I already had too much stuff, So how do you dare to surbey me

I Said No Gifts! A comedy interview podcast with Bridger Winegar

On I Said No Gifts!, host Bridger Winegar invites friends, loved ones and people he’s secretly tryin 
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