Graestone Manor in Gasport, NY is a 4400 square foot mansion standing alone on desolate farmland. Once home to a blind woman who let the raccoons who made their way into the home sleep in bed with her, it's now a bed and breakfast. Rumored to be haunted by a number of spirits, it's also home to a legendary haunted doll room.
Special Guest: Heather Mattison
Welcome to Haunted Road, a production of iHeartRadio and Grimm and Mild from Aaron Manky. Listener discretion is advised. I want to tell you about a time I was absolutely taken aback by a psychic medium. A few years ago. I was at a location where we suspected a cemetery that had fallen into ruin on the property was at least partially responsible for the haunting going on there. The idea being the spirits of those buried on the property were upset their final resting place was slowly being swallowed by the land, along with the last evidence of their existence. Just my luck, the proprietor of this property happens to be one of the most gifted psychic mediums I've ever worked with, And let me tell you, I'm very picky about my psychics. So to test the theory of the cemetery being the origin of the activity, ed an investigation in the basement. I brought a number of items into the room with us, including a small bag of dirt from the cemetery. We brought the psychic into the room, not telling her a thing about what we were doing or what was in the bag. As we settled and started investigating. She seemed very drawn to the bag, so I asked her to pick it up. She did, and she held it in her hands for a moment, and I asked her what do you think is in there? And she looked in the distance for a moment and blurted out earth, roots, ground, dirt, cemetery, dirt, and plopped the bag down. My eyes were wide with shock, and I was like, how did you do that? And she matter of factly replied with a laugh, I'm psychic. Amy. It was one of the many times I've been impressed at this location. And later in the program we'll talk to that very psychic, but for now, join me as we venture to GasPort, New York for a little visit to Greystone Manor. I'm Amy Bruney and this is Haunted Road. On Route Road in GasPort, New York. A large Victorian house looms over an otherwise empty rural street known as Greystone Manor. It's a stunning forty four hundred square foot home that's over one hundred fifty years old. Farm Land stretches in every direction around it, with barely any sign of another building for miles. In fact, while Greystone's address says that it's in GasPort. GasPort isn't actually a town, it's a census designated area not too far from the Erie Canal. About fourteen hundred people live in the region. It's unclear how Greystone Manor got its name, but it has sand colored tan walls and green trim. The front door is set back from the road, while a foreboding wall with two vertical windows faces the street. This wall is likely to be the first thing visitors see as they approach. If one were to explore the grounds before going inside, they'd find an eerie graveyard not too far from the house. There's no record of who was buried there, but rumors are rampant, suggesting this is the final resting place for the house's residents, servants, or even for horses that were once raised on the property. Inside, a spiral staircase leads guests to the three luxurious bedrooms in the so called main part of the house. One is called the Red Room due to its vibrant scarlet walls, and it features a stately bed patterned rugs and a large set of double windows that fill the room with sunlight. The Green room is just as finely appointed in sunlit, but its walls are a peaceful shade of light green. And finally, the Gold room is as you've probably guessed gold. Its four poster bed and the sword mounted on the wall make it feel like something out of history, tucked away out of sight. The four servants bedrooms are more modest. They're also only accessible by a separate, less elaborate staircase. The home has all of the amenities that a wealthy nineteenth century family could want. A library, a full kitchen complete with a butler's pantry, and two separate parlors. Patterned rugs warm up the rooms, and chandeliers grace the ceilings. There's also taxidermy lots and lots of taxidermy. Graystown Manor was built in eighteen sixty five. At that time, the land around it was full of apple and pear orchards. A racehorse breeder named Curtis Root had the manner built for him and his family, and they also, of course raised their horses there. According to rumor, Curtis made a fortune selling mounts to the armies during the Civil War. He did business with both Confederate and Union leaders alike. He also owned a racetrack that was less than a mile from the house where he'd have his fastest horses compete. It's safe to assume that this attracted a less than savory crowd. In fact, rumor went that Curtis and his brothers were also involved in illegal gambling and alcohol operations. Curtis's bad reputation extended into his personal and family life. According to gossip, he was an unrepentant womanizer. This may be why the servants quarters at Greystone Manor reportedly had a slide lock installed on the inside. No one knows for shore when or why it was put in, but it was not standard in homes at the time. One theory was that this lock was the only way that female employees could sleep through the night with any kind of assurance that Curtis wouldn't harass them in their beds. Rumbling as that is, life at the manor took an even darker turn in the spring of eighteen eighty nine. The day after Valentine's Day, on February fifteenth, Curtis was in an accident while riding his horse Playboy. There are conflicting reports of what happened. One story says that he was trying to lead his mount past an oncoming horse team. However, the other team startled Playboy and he reared only to land on top of Curtis. Another version said it was a passing train, not a team of horses that scared Playboy. In this account, the horse was also hauling a vehicle called a cutter, which landed on them both. However it happened, Curtis walked away from the accident apparently unscathed. He didn't have any noticeable major injuries, and because he didn't get any medical treatment, he failed to realize that he was bleeding internally until it was too late. Two weeks later, on March first, he died in his bed at the age of seventy two years old. The funeral was held in the manor, and reportedly hundreds of people turned out to pay their respects afterward. His widow, Melissa, lived a little more than a decade before she passed away in nineteen oh one. She was eighty years old. According to the Haunting of Greystone Manner by Heather Rhys Madison, Melissa also died in her bed, and her cause of death was congestion of the lungs. They left their home to their youngest daughter, Flora. She in turn sold it to a dairy farming couple who lived in Greystone until their deaths. Afterward, their children, Mina and Mina's husband Dorson Rosman, lived there, but they never had children. Dorson ended up dying in the house, just as Mina's parents had, and for decades afterward, Mina tried to tend to the manor on her own. Unfortunately, as she got older and her health declined, it became clear that she wasn't up to the challenge. She never mowed the lawn, shoveled snow, or to the gardens. Her eyesight deteriorated until she went fully blind, and afterward she never bothered to turn the lights on, so it sat dark twenty four seven. Mina was reclusive and never left or had guests over, so for years there were no visible signs that the house was even occupied. Some neighbors believed it was abandoned, and the manner's deteriorating condition did nothing to deter that gossip. It said that Mina lived in absolute squalor. It was bad enough that supposedly a family of raccoons got into Greystone and stayed rather than find a way to get rid of them, Mina would let them sleep in her bed with her, or so the rumors went. Finally, her concerned family members helped Mina move into hospice. This was shortly before she died of natural causes in nineteen ninety eight. After she passed, the family sold the property to farmers who wanted to grow their crops on the surrounding land. But they weren't interested in the crumbling home itself. They ignored it while it fell even further into disrepair. In the early two thousands, new owners tried to renovate and repair Greystone, which proved to be a bigger challenge than they may have originally anticipated. See their repair crews kept quitting without notice. They said that too many eerie things happened while they were trying to do their work. According to the Haunting of Greystone Manner by Heather Madison, they'd begin their shifts while the house was empty. Then they'd hear voices and footsteps sprinting up and down the stairs. They also kept misplacing their tools, But these teams didn't think they were losing track of their equipment on their own. They thought some kind of spirit was moving things around, even more alarming, numerous workers also reportedly felt invisible hands pushing and shoving them while they were working. That's why when the house went up for sale in twenty seventeen, one of the most interested buyers w a psychic medium, a woman named Heather Rhys Madison. I mentioned her name before she literally wrote the book on Grace's tone manner, and she was very interested in learning more about the homes reported spiritual properties and the ghostly inhabitants. It was said to have she and her husband run about and breakfast out of the home, but they also let ghost hunters and spiritual seekers explore the manner and try to make contact with whatever specters may have dwelt in it. These spiritual investigations are still ongoing even to this day. Over the years, seekers have recorded numerous EVPs, especially of a spirit claiming to be Mina Rosman, the Red Close, who spent so many decades alone in the manor. She's said to be very active in the main parlor, where she answers whatever questions people dare to ask her. There are also several video recordings of balls of light or gray streaks in this parlor that are thought to be her spirit EVPs have also been captured outside in a spot where a blacksmith shop used to stand. Unfortunately, these recordings seem to be in an unidentified language, so it's impossible to say what the speaker was saying. But that's not the only spiritual activity outside of the house. There are frequent reported sightings of shadow people and a mysterious white mist that only appears at night. Visitors have also spotted an adult man in a white shirt with dark colored pants, and a young boy. Additionally, there are several photographs and video recordings of a woman's face peering out the house's windows, thought to be Mina. Curtis Root's bedroom, also known as the Green Room, may be one of the most spiritually active parts of the house. This was the room where he died after his horse riding accident, and many people believe that his spirit still lingers to this day. When guests stay in this room, they can often sense a presence the moment they walk in the door. It feels stern and masculine. According to Heather's book quote, it's like you have walked into your parents' room and you weren't allowed in there. You feel like you're going to get in trouble if they catch you. Some visitors are able to set their inhibitions aside and sleep there through the night, but it's not unusual for them to wake up and find that someone has yanked the blankets off the bed. Female guests also often feel someone groping them inappropriately while they're in the room, even when there's no one else to be seen. Particularly unlucky guests may find it difficult to get away from Curtis's spirit. According to rumor, after someone spends the night in the green room, his ghost will stalk them all through the house everywhere they go. There are similar, but milder reports from the main parlor and the Gold Room. Here too, guests often sense an unseen male energy, and invisible hands are said to inappropriately touch the women who pass through it. Some people even catch a whiff of Curtis's beloved cigars lingering in the air. The hallway landing may hold danger for visitors who often feel overwhelming sadness or hear the sounds of heavy, labored breathing. In her book The Haunting of Greystone, Manner, Heather also wrote that visitors often felt invisible hands shoving them at the top of the stairs, like the spirits wanted these visitors to take a bad fall. This is also where several psychics have reportedly seen some kind of dark, shadowy entity with red eyes. Some theorize the spirit might be older than the house itself, and when it's spotted, it's often staring into the Red Room. At one point in the house's history, the former servants quarters were converted into a children's bedroom, and the kids who stayed there claimed that they saw the spirit of a young boy and a so called crazy laughing lady. She terrorized them by chasing them toward the stage. Again. It was like the spirit wanted them to fall down them. It's unclear who the laughing lady or the boy were in life. Some rumors say that they were summoned from elsewhere during a seance that was held in Greystone in the eighteen hundreds, but there's no hard evidence of any kind of seance being held in the house during that time. The most disturbing accounts come from the Red Room and the basement. The Red Room was where Curtis's daughter Flora slept during her life, and the specter of a woman reportedly watches guests sleep sometimes sitting at the foot of their bed. This is said to be Flora's spirit. Often, the people in this room feel an overwhelming sense of sadness. Here, people have also interacted with a malicious entity that wraps its fingers around their throats and squeezes. These attacks often leave visitors with visible scratches and red marks on their necks. As for the basement, there are countless reports of invisible hands grabbed guests' ankles as they walk up or down the stairs. So many people have tripped over the years that the owners had to add risers to the staircase. According to the Greystone Bed and Breakfast website, Once a visitor makes it safely into the basement, they often see floating balls of light that are the size of a soccer ball, or a dark, shadowy figure that's apparently guarding a particular corner. Additionally, some guests believe that there's some kind of portal or vortex right behind the stairs. Some guests even hear voices calling their names, drawing them toward whatever lurks in that mysterious, unexplored space. Interestingly, dogs and other animals generally refuse to set foot in the basement, but there are stories of doglike noises from its depths, including terrified whimpers. On top of that, visitors often report cold spots, flickering lights, and electronic malfunctions all through the manner. Like in many haunted spaces, people at grace Stone hear voices in rooms that appear empty, or the sounds of furniture scraping across the floor. It's oddly common for one person in a large group to feel a sudden chill, even while everyone else in their party says the temperature is fine. On a lighter note, the manner may be home to a ghost cat. A spectral black feline is known to prowl from bedroom to bedroom. It might even hop into the beds to cuddle with friendly looking visitors. To dive even deeper into Greystone's rich but mysterious history, I am interviewing the woman herself, my dear friend, Heather Madison, that is coming up after the break. All right now, I am joined currently by one of my favorite psychic mediums. She does creep me out on occasion with her accuracy. I have to say, Uh, the one and only Heather Madison, thank you so much for joining us.
Hi. Yeah, thanks for having me.
I have to say, just kind of off the bat, or just right off the bat, that I'm very very particular about psychics and mediums that I work with, and there's just always been something about your energy to me that is just very comforting. And you're also I mean it when I like, your accuracy is next level and it's just something that is rarely, rarely seen. And there's a story I want to tell a little bit later about the donkeys. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. But I also feel like it's really kind of why you are at Graystone. I think you're meant to be there, and so can you just tell us, like how you ended up with Graystone? What the story is there?
Ah? Yeah, We my husband, Bob and I we had had met and I was living in the suburb of Buffalo in a busy neighborhood and he's from the country. We met and then we decided to get married. But he's from the country. He wanted something with some land, so we started house hunting and we weren't having a luck and I wanted something older. He wanted something with some land, but barns and outbuildings all that kind of stuff. So we gave up and I got rid of all the apps on my phone, and for some reason, for house hunting, you know, for some reason, this house kept popping up on my phone and saying, hey, we found a house for you, and I kept deleting it because I'm like, I'm We're going to wait a year, we'll look later. And finally I just said, you know what, let's look at this place. It just keeps popping up with a phone. Called my friend who's a real estate agent, and she took us out here to look at it, and we sort of ended up here by accident. The day we came to look at this house, we had two other ones to look at that day. And we walked in the door here and she a real estate agent. She goes, hey, just got a text from the listing and this house is no longer on the market, and we're like, okay, So we turned around left. I never got a chance to get a feel for this place. I didn't look at it. You know how, normally, when you go into any place, especially if your house hunting, you get a vibe of the place. You know, you walk around, you check faucets, all that kind of stuff. So anyway, my husband had gone in the basement. Bob went in the basement. He looked around and it was all new down there, new concrete. He liked the basement, but I never walked past the kitchen. I walked in the doors there, and then we turned around left to go look at the other two places. Then we looked at the other two places. We didn't like either one of those. We got home and Bob was like, hey, I really liked that first place we looked at, and he goes, we're just kidding around because he was going for VA loan and the house was done foreclosure. So those are two notorious government agencies that never, you know, will okay a house this old and it's from the eighteen thirties. So anyway, said it goes, I'm gonna put a bit on it. Maybe the people who bid on it bid low, so I'm just gonna put a bit on it. And we were just totally goofing around. We were not serious. I never looked at the place put a bid. In day, they called us and said, hey, you guys bought a house. We had no idea. I didn't even look at it.
Oh my goodness.
So we're like, hey, hey, we need to go back through it, we need to look at it, and they said, well you can't. You're under contract now because you're buying it. You can't go back through it until your final walk through. So months go by, you know, it takes forever close on a house. And I tell my friend, I'm like, hey, listen, I have to be there with you when you're the final inspection because we never got a chance to look at the upstairs. We weren't anywhere in this house. She goes, okay, and she forgot all about us telling her that, and she text me and goes, hey, the walk through went great. You guys are all set and we're like no. So I swear they were keeping me out of here because obvious the universe.
Needed to make sure that you could not change your mind.
Or yeah, oh for sure, because I would have walked in here and went, oh my god. You know, there's stuff in the basement, there's something going on up there's in the hallway.
So what is what's your first thought when you finally walk in and it's your house, Like, what is the first thing that hits you when you walk in.
The Funny thing was we were getting ready to close and the bank was like, hey, you guys had to pint paint that shed. For some reason. It was the only thing they asked us to do. There's a little weird old milk house, not the house. They just want us to paint the shed. And we're like, okay, because they're just I have no idea. It was just also odd. So we were there that day, and so we came in like the day before and Bobba take the pictures of the house. And he's a skeptic. He's ex military. He's really funny. He's the one who's always like, that's happening because it's humid outside. That's happening because of that. It's the wind, you know. He's the total debunker guy. Yeah. Yeah, but he always tries to be logical, you know. So he took pictures that day. His daughter was here and granddaughter that day. And get home that night and this is like the day before we're going to move in, and he's looking at pictures on the phone, going, hey, I think something's going on that house, and like, don' e in start, it's too late, like we're moving in tomorrow. He goes, no, no, no, no, he's going to see it. There's a woman in a window looking at us. You could see her face in the window, and this house is totally empty, there's nothing in here. And sure enough, you zoom in and you can see her face. There's like she's like peeking out of a curtain and you can see her silhouette. She's looking at his daughter sitting on the carriage step out front. The reason he was looking at his photos is because he also thought he saw a woman standing behind the house. Thought it was his daughter, went over to talk to her, and he had his head turned when he looked over, there was no one there, right, And he said, was she just standing? Well, you know his daughter, Karen? Was she just standing next to me? Because he was like talking to her, he could see her legs and feet the way he was like standing. He was like looking in the back window. I'm like, no, she's been up front the whole time. So he was the first one to sort of see it.
Wow, So right off the bat. Yeah, And how funny that it's him too, because he's the skeptic and he's the first one to notice something is something is a miss? Yeah, And they mess with him too, you know, he's had things thrown at him. He's had somebody climb into bed with him before met multiple times in our bed room in the back part of the house, which a previous owner also told us about. After we moved in, we met these people, you know, along the way, we got in contact with other previous owners to compare notes, basically because we wanted to know, Hey, did you have anything like this.
Happened when you lived here? And yeah, so so strange stuff that he picks up on. And the minute I moved the minute like we moved in, the day we moved in, we had a whole crew of people. You know, how they had is you have a million people coming in. My nephews were all here with their friends. We had you know, pizzas, probably thirty five forty people goofing around moving boxes and and so I wasn't able to focus on the house at all until the next morning. And that's when we knew something was weird because we were hearing talking. We heard what sounded like you know when you open a dresser drawer and it's empty and it makes that bumping sound that did you do sound? And it sounded like great above us and what we call the green room now and we we we're looking at each other, going, hey, did somebody stay overnight, Like maybe someone didn't want to drive all the way home, you know, maybe some much crashed upstairs. So we did have a lot of people and we go up there. Nobody's up there, but we were hearing footsteps, we were hearing talking. It was crazy. You could hear things sliding on the floor, sliding across the floor, although it's carpeted, but sounded like something was sliding across the wooden floor.
It must have been too, because it was empty for a while right before you purchased it. Or wasn't there someone like working on it before and they basically got run out of there, or you have to refresh my memory.
But yeah, yeah, we had the people who lived here before us. She was she worked for the government, and her job transferred her down to Virginia and so she could be closer to Washington, and so she was the one who really sort of saved the house. She did a lot of work on the house. She referbvershed quite a bit of it. But she was also a historian, so she knew to save certain things. And then she was transferred down and the house sat for probably four and a half years because they were trying to sell it that while they bought a new house down there, and they were trying to do upkeep on the house up here in New York and then also a new place down in Virginia, and there's just no way to do both. So she had to sort of let it go, went into foreclosure.
Yeah, I mean it's dreamy. When every time I see Greystone, I always like immediately head to Zillow and I'm like, I could buy an old Victorian in New York in the middle of nowhere. It's you know, it's quite a fine and you know, but there is so much activity. I've had a lot happen there. I've investigated it before, like, what what do you think people? Because I now now it's a bed and breakfast. You have people come in and out. If you're going to stay at Graystone, what can you expect to happen? Right?
I mean we are B and B, so we do we cater to all different kinds of people. We're on the Erie Canal, so we have people who ride their bikes along the canal route that goes into New York to Albany, and then we have people who stay for weddings, wedding guests and stuff like that. But then we allow you to paranormal investigate if you want. And you know, there's always a funny mix of people here. It's not always just paranormal people, but the people who aren't paranormal people will sometimes get messed with or they'll have experiences. We've had everything happen here from shadow people. People have had sleep paralysis in multiple rooms. We've had people actually scratched and touched. They're very interactive and they're practical jokers. So do they like to hide people's cell phones. They goof around with things, they move things. My sister along as she stayed here the one night in the morning, she we had teacups out and she went to drink tea to pull her teacup off of the saucer and she couldn't pull off. It was like stuck to the table. And she thought it was like pranking her, that we like stuck it to the table or something to be funny. And she said she literally couldn't lift it up. It was like stuck. And then she reached over and it was like loose like weird stuff. We have shadow people. We've had Oh my gosh, stuff outside because there's so many layers of history. Are you here?
There really is?
Yep. You've got the Native American barrel mounds out back that go back to ancient history, was an underground railroad site. There's quite a few things that went on here, lots of different layers.
It seems like, just having investigated it for multiple nights, it does seem like whoever is there seems very kind of attached to the land. And I remembered in particular, and I talked about it very early on in the episode that there was there seemed to be activity kind of around the cemetery or the graves, because there are graves. There's a cemetery on the property, and I know you've kind of cleaned it up since then, but I don't remember if there were even any names on these headstones. So it's very clearly some sort of cemetery. What's gone on with that? How do you think that influences the haunting exactly?
Well, we sort of saw that mystery and see you and Adam were here. Anyone who's seen the episode, there's a part where you're sitting up by the cemetery doing an Esti's method communicating the spear communication and you say that they're seventeen buried behind you. And as far as the graves go, we were told by the previous owner and also the man who owns the land, so the owners before them that there were graves on mark graves on the property, aside from the ones that we did find that we were sitting near. We were contacted back in July of last year, twenty twenty four by a historian and he just reached out and said, hey, you know, sort of been following your page. I see that you said they were on mark graves on the property. His historian group. It's a bunch of historians. They all sort of specialize in different types of history. The one is a Native American historian. They all do different things. He does map working and deeds and stuff, and he works for the cemetery systems out in Lancaster, New York and Wilson, York. So anyways, contacted me has said we were there in the nineteen nineties and we believe that you have an Erie Canal worker's encampment site on your property, and we think those graves are workers from the Erie Canal who dug the canal because our property is on the Erie Canal, and I'm like, really, he said, we'd like to come out and do some metal detect in we would like to look around. He dowses for graves. I don't know if you've ever seen anyone do that, but that's what he does for the cemetery. System of doing this for over thirty years, which you can do is you use dowsing rods where people use them for water for livver wells and water water witching. He uses them to find graves. And when he works for the cemeteries, what they'll do is like say they have to exhibit a body, He'll go over there with the dowsing rounds. It will pimpoint exactly where the person is and they know right where to dig. Or if they're opening up a new section of the cemetery, he'll dowse over there and make sure nobody's in there, because you know, sometimes cemetery are three hundred years old. You don't know there could be graves there that weren't marked. So he'll go and clean up, you know, clean that area and make sure there's no one there. So he walked through our property and right where we were sitting where you're doing that seys method. There's nine people buried there, and then next to it as you walk up into the area, there's another eight people, so the seventeen total, and they're all males.
So I'm actually psychic, is what it boils down to.
That's exactly, yeah, Because the funny thing was we here. I won't go out there at night. Remember I told you that that's the one area as soon as it's dark outside, Like you know, we have cats and I have to round them up at night, make sure they're in before it gets dark because we have owls and we have feodes and all kinds of other and our cats are jerks. You know, it's we'll get in the house. So if they're like not coming in and it's dark, I'm like, you guys are on your own. I'm not going back there to look for you.
It does have a vibe. It feels very heavy back there in that area, for sure, So I could I could definitely see that. I mean, it's funny because, like you were saying, there's so many layers to that property in particular, there's just so much to look at and explore. The house itself is you know, there's a lot of room that's very big, it's very beautiful. You've filled it with so many you know, gorgeous antiques and there's taxidermy and it's just really it's just decorated so well. The dollroom is my personal favorite. There is a room of dolls in Greystone, which I don't think I touched on in the history. Just really quickly, can we just talk about that real fast? What is the story with the dollroom.
So one of the graves and the property that belonged to the Root family. The Root family were the ones who lived here in the eighteen sixties, and they're the ones who had the racetrack and the racehorses and all that. There was a tombstone that's an hour ben and who's a little boy, probably four or four or five years old, other Root family, and we believe that that's who's in the dollroom the kids room. Now, the lady who lived here before me, she dug up that tombstone and had it in the living room is decoration. The whole time she lived here. She thought it was a racehorse grave. Turns out it's a little boy of the Root family, Benjamin Root and her son though used to complain when that was his, that was his bedroom, that there's a little boy in the closet who'd come out of the closets, sit on the bed and want to play all the time, and would talk to him, goof around. I've caught an insane EVP I play for you if you want, or he says, we've caught him talking in there, clearly like I've never heard EPs like we catch here. They're clear as a bell. And her son, when she was painting the downstairs living room, she was using Dutch Boy paint and the little drawing of the Dutch Boys on the can, and he walked over. He's probably aout five years old, and he walked over and pointed the can and said, oh, that's a little boy in my room. So we know what he looks like. It's not the Dutch Boy paint gang boy, but yeah, we think he's in there. He likes to mess around with the dolls. Things move around. We've had we've got the monkeys with the cymbals, and we have all kinds of stuff in there, ventraloquest dolls and things that have fallen. Things have moved like right in front of people, almost on cue. You can ask like, hey, can you make this move or this this doll blink and it'll blink. It's crazy.
Do you rent that room out? Do people stay in there? Do you rent that room?
We do well, especially a lot of the ghost hunting teams, like say you have a big group coming in, they'll request that room because it's so active. But we had a group of eight people. Its two paranormal groups that are friends, ones out of Canada, the other one is down to North Carolina and they meet up and explore places. And it was seven girls, one boy in this group and the one. The guy and one of the girls were staying in the kids room that's bunk beds in there, and he said he'd never seen anything like it. He was so freaked out. They were investigating. About four thirty in the morning, they decided to go to bed. He was in the top bunk. So he crawls into the top bunk in the kids room and he said, he's sitting there on his phone. Put his phone down because he thought he saw something moving at the foot of the bed. And this is on the top bunk. He said he saw fingers, black fingers curl up over the edge of the end of the footboard or the bunk bed, and then a head pop up like look at him, but it was all solid black like shadow. He said. He got so freaked out because it was solid. He said, it didn't look like a mist. It wasn't I think that he jumped, but it all of a sudden made him sick though. He said he jumped out of the bunk bed and ran to the bathroom and threw up like it made him sick of that drained his energy whatever it did. But people said they've seen a shadow figure up there in that hallway and that looks like a small child. Wow.
Now it seems like so the hauntings kind of run the gamut there. Just I feel like there's reports that go from you know, playful spirits to friendly spirits to ones that are more like aggressive like pushing and scratching. You know what, Why do you think there's such a difference in the activity.
I mean, we were told so, you know, as a psychic. When he first moved in here, I once I realized there really was stuff going on. I mean, as soon as I got in here and it was quiet and I could like feel the house, I was asking, who's here? And I had two spirits come right up to me. Curtis Route was the one. He's the man who died with a racehorse when he was crushed by the racehorse. And then Mliss the Route, his wife who actually died after him. She was older when she died, but she appears in Victorian dressed and she hangs around the hallway at the bottom of the stairs, almost like greeting people when they comment. And they they told me because I was asking them, like, well, why are you guys here, and they said, well, they're protectors. They protect the property in the land. They said it's a portal, and they said it's a crossing point. And they said there's been multiple, multiple deaths on the property. And what they'll do is they'll leave angelic guard and they'll leave spirit guides on property a land where there's been a lot of deaths. And there was a big massacre here. There's a Native American thing that happened here, that scortch Earth campaign where many Native Americans passed away. Again, there's you know the Barrel Liunes up back. But then also we had a lot of people die ne your canal workers because they lost thousands of people while they're digging the canal. As this people died, they just buried him on the property. So basically it's like living in a cemetery. And Chip picked up on it as well. Chip even said, he said, you're in the ground level like in the basement. He goes, you're you're in a burial site. He goes, you're in a graveyard, which totally validated what we were told. And and the other thing is that Curtis kept telling me, well, you know, because I was they seem they were friendly. He was friendlier than her. Melissa was a little more strict Victorian. But he kept saying, we want a family back in the house. I'm like, okay, I thought he meant because I come from a big family, a lot of siblings, is eight kids and family, and so does Bob. So we have like a lot of the you know things here as far as Thanksgiving, you know, Christmas, we'll have the parties here as you have the room. And that's what I thought he was talking about until my cousin reached out to me about two years after we moved in here and said, hey, just want to let you know, doing our ancestry, checking our family tree and We're actually blood related to the Root family, So Curtis Root is my cousin. We have the same it's like three times great grandfather Joshua Root, three boys. We're the josh Root junior line. These people here are the Thomas Root line. And the other boy was John Ruth. And the freaky thing is when Curtis was living, when he was alive, they all would have been first cousins. They all would have known each other.
Yeah, you were truly destined to be there, like I just I and I can feel it when I visit you there, like that's just that's your place, That's where you're supposed to be. So I just I find it to be so interesting. And so do you still do readings and stuff out of the house. I can't remember. I know you have a whole like room and stuff. I wasn't sure if you had people and like you that came in and you did readings for them and whatnot.
Yep, yep. I use this as my office. I do readings, and you know you have psychic parties. I'm a reiki master as well as to do riky healing.
Do you think that affects the energy and the house at all or well.
We found out that Melissa Root was also psychic and she used to do seances and things here. And then also so were the Kulvinberg family, who were the family in after the Roots, and they were the ones who brought up the dry cow's and all that. But they had Wuiji boards and they did all kinds of stuff. GasPort was a huge psychic center. It links to the Palmyra you know that whole movement, a spiritualist movement. I guess GasPort was a huge center for psychics way back in the eighteen hundreds.
That's so interesting. So that brings me to investigating with you and Paulmyra. I did a strange escape at the Polmyra Museum, which to this day is one of the most haunted places I've ever been, and I had you come along to help, and you had no idea where. Oh no, this wasn't even this, This was a Kindred Spirits. I take it back, Sorry, this Kindred later.
Yeah yeah, yeah, no.
Yeah, sorry. You did the event with me later, so you knew about that because you were advertised. But before that you came out for Kindred. I was getting my nights all mixed up. Everything just jumbles together. In my brain. But so you came out. And so the way we do psychic things on Kindred is we bring our psychics in cold, meaning they have no idea where they're going. Sometimes will blindfold them like there's no you know, they have no idea close enough where I think production or someone met you guys somewhere and led you over or drove you over. But the one thing that you do that I love is you'll start getting impressions, Like as soon as you know you're gonna come help, you'll start getting impressions and you start writing them down, sometimes like weeks in advance, like if you just know, like all right, I'm gonna be helping these guys, because we've brought you out a few times. And again it's completely cold. And so Heather shows up and she's got all of these notes and I wish we could go over all of them on these cases, but we never have time. But we're standing in one of like this one of the store or something next to the palm Ira. Well there's it's all part of the Palmyra Museum. You had written the most random thing on your paper. It was like you wrote you wrote donkeys, donkeys in the basement and I'm looking at your paper and I'm like, I say it. I'm like, Heather, donkeys, donkey's in the basement, Like you're like, I just write down whatever. And literally one of the people that we there was like, oh, yeah, they kept donkeys in the basement here downstairs, and they had a whole ramp out the back to bring and they would come work the canal. And I was just like, yeah, Illy s.
You know, make it weirder. They wrote donkeys the basement and they wrote Jenny's and I'm thinking and like and I had no clue that was a term for donkey. And then yeah, the person who worked there, because I said, they're showing me there's donkeys' amasement like now, and they said, oh yeah, look over this little they had the floor opened up with like glass and you look down into the basement. Remember we didn't go that was where the food was.
We didn't we didn't investigate that far. It was not like that was where we had our gear and stuff.
Yeah. Yeah, you just had like your your setup room, you know. And she goes, yeah, look over this banister, we have donkey like heads attached to like saw horses. To look like fake donkeys, but they had real donkeys. I'm like, what in that? I had no idea.
I had no idea either until I read it on your paper and I was like, what the hell? And what was weird? Is so funny is when I walked into that building, I remember thinking it smelled like a barn, Like it still smelled like a barn, and I was just like, this is weird. I smell like hay or something. But obviously donkeys have not been in that building for you know, one hundred years at us. Oh yeah, it was just so interesting that they just kept them. They had a little ramp and they had their stalls downstairs with hay and food, and they kept them down there at night, and then they brought them out to do their work during the day.
Yeah, that was bizarre. That was absolutely crazy.
I yeah, you do stuff like that all the time.
Keep you out a lot.
Poor husband, I would. I'm sure he's just like used to it. But do you know, I mean, you just just I'm gonna be honest, like sometimes some of the stuff you say, I just get genuine chills and I'll you know, I think one time you like offered to give me a reading and I was like, I'm good.
Because the way I do the way I do readings, though, is I you know, I like to do a lot of stands work. I'll hold items and I'll get information from those items, you know. But also I'll have you send a photo of like yourself, you know. And then I guess I like to have a focal point. I like to sort of focus, and then I don't question. I'll start hearing things around you, feeling things a medical and pass all right down, like you know, oh my back hurts, are this hurts? And then then I'll start to hear things and I'll just write messages down. So for the locations like that, when we were working on those episodes, a lot of times, you like, you wouldn't tell me at all where I'm going. You might tell Bob, but he doesn't tell me. I have no idea where I'm going. And I think the one I think, I said, hey, just send me a picture of just like a building, don't. I don't want to sign. I don't want to know where I'm going so I can recognize it. But just something like even a tree out in front of it, just how I can sort of focus on the area. You're in because I don't want any you know, idea of where I'm going, and then they'll start to all this information like almost like a location thing. Okay, well this is what happened in the area, so it's pretty weird. And then I just so I don't question it. That's why all the weird medical stuff was coming up on my notes as well, because they were like, oh yeah, there's some strange medical stuff there.
Yeah. Yeah, oh yeah, you honed in on the doctor's bag. So now I just I think you're truly gifted. I find it to be fascinating and again scary, But that being said, I just want people to know, Like, so people can stay at Graystone. I'm sure they can book you if they want to like contact you regarding Graystone or any of the other wonderful things that you do. Where should they go?
Yeah, you can just go to you know www dot you know, graystonemanner dot com. Everything's right on and that's the one main website. All of my like the psychic readings, all that stuff is on there because we have a lot of people who stay with us and then they want to have readings or they want to invest a panel, investigate so there's choices, you know, you know, you can just send me an email as well, Graystomanner Gmail dot com. Our phone numbers on there too, seven and six for six zero nine seven you can text that number two or just call and make appointments.
I think it's a really great place for people to investigate, and it's very comfortable and you're all very kind, and it's just it's a it's a beautiful location. So I do encourage people out there to visit Graystone or look it up. And I'm sure you can find Heather on the social media and watch the episodes of Kindred she has been on because she's lovely. I want to thank you for taking the time to chat with me today.
Absolutely so good to talk to you again. And yeah, I'll keep you updated on the graves out back because they want to zoom one this summer. They're going to take somebody up. Let's see, we'll see what they can find, which is terrifying because I don't know if it's gonna stir things up the.
Old house problems. Thanks Heather. It wasn't too long ago that Greystone Manner was bustling with life from one generation to the next. Farmers and entrepreneurs raised their families within the walls, while servants handled the housework. People laughed and loved one another, had the occasional affair, and went about their lives. Today, the Mannor's spirits still have plenty of stories to tell, and their echoes will resound throughout its halls for a long time to come. I Amy Bruney and This was Haunted Road. Haunted Road is a production of iHeartRadio and Grimm and Miles from Aaron Minky. Haunted Road is hosted and written by me Amy Bruney, with additional research by Cassandra de Alba. This show is edited and produced by supervising producer Rima el Kali, with executive producers Aaron Menke, Trevor Young, and Matt Frederick. Learn more about this show over at Grimandmild dot com. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.