Garrett is joined by iHeart employees and interns Rachel, Ben, and Dylan! Rachel talks about finding her photographs in expected places while Ben and Dylan talk interactions with Guy Fieri and their favorite moments at iHeart so far.
Put your hand us together and we're gonna start to party.
Start part.
I'm running a party, the Elvis Duran After Party. Well, friends, welcome to the Elvis Duran After Party Podcast. Now you might be wondering, I'm not seeing any video. I'm hearing different voices. Where's everybody. Well, let's equate it to the McAllister family leaving on family vacation. Everybody is packing thing, pizza is getting delivered. Joe Peshi's trying to rob the radio station right now as we speak, addressed as a cop. But I am here, Garrett holding it down. We have some of our friends. Our interns are lovely photographer extraordinaire that captures every moment except for this one right now because she's on our podcast. So let's introduce everybody. We'll start with Miss Rachel, not the Miss Rachel from Netflix, but hello, Rachel, how are you?
I'm good?
Thank you for doing this. I like, I'm like, Rachel. Please just I know you're working right now and you have to get Lady Gaga pictures done.
Please just give me a few.
So thank you.
Two days ago and we got Dylan, Hi, nice to reach Dylan, Welcome again and you know this is old hat for you guys and Ben, because you guys have your own little podcast there, which you know.
I gotta say, it's getting better and better each time I'm hearing it.
Thank you.
First one, first one stunk, I'll be honest, but you know what, the by the the one that you guys did in our green room kind of was a little wonky because it was set up. But still but welcome, Thanks, Welcome to the Welcome to the Big podcast.
I guess for your kind words about our podcast.
Well, you know, you know what I was thinking about that too, when we'll talk about it in a second. Because you guys are interns here and uh, but you guys, I assume have dreams and want to do more than just intern for the rest of your life.
You don't know that, right I started as an intern, right as did I.
Rachel I did the same thing as well. And so let's put it out there first, Ben Dillon, outside of just being interns, what would you like to do? Like everything stops right now, you can do your dream job. Someone says he here's all the money in the world. You get to do whatever you want as a job. What would that be?
So for me, I've always wanted to do social work.
I grew up around sports media business, so just in that media industry would be great. But if I can choose any job right now, it would be to do ww social media team or just any all.
Right, So when you say you guys say social media, When you say social work, I'm like, Wow, that is very nice of you to help out those in need. But no, you want to make memes of Cody Rhodes and but that's fine, that's great. I mean they're right up the block in Connecticut too, so you definitely don't want to do that.
So wwe, mister.
Ben direct movies?
What kind? This is your dream? You should know this already.
Well, I don't know if there's like I would want to try all different genres, but I think it would be like really fun to direct a comedy, like a classic comedy movie would be fun. But I don't know I'd want to try them all.
It is your dream cast in this comedy.
God, you're putting me on the spot right now.
Well, you know I want to Ben, I want to ask you something because you're wearing a hat right now and it's a very back in the day this used to be a very controversial hat.
It's ed Hardy, right, Yeah? Yeah? Did I met is ed Hardy back? Did I? I don't know. Are you trying to bring ed Hardy back?
I don't know, honestly. I think the design is fun and that's why I'm wearing it.
Did you buy it or did you thrift it?
Twas given to me.
It was given to as a gift too, all right, So I didn't know if you were trying to, because you are one of the more better dressed, eccentric dressers here at work, just in the entire building. So if there was a trend I was trying to, I didn't want to miss it.
That's why I wanted to.
It's pretty popular. If I would say so.
Would you say ed Hardy is it would be socially acceptable to wear ed Hardy again?
I would say so, because that's where Elvis's husband like when they first met, that's all he wore was ed Hardy.
Oh well, let's bring it back. It'll make Elvis feel reminiscent.
Reminiscent, all right. So let's turn to Rachel. So Rachel has been with us for how many years now? Rachel just with iHeart and general fourth that's crazy, right, I'm just about to hit twenty two and it's crazy. But so you started as an intern, when did you just become our official photographer of iHeartMedia, slash the Elvis durand show slash anything else involving in our show.
Well in twenty fifteen, that's when I started full time, climbed up the short ladder, and now I'm in charge.
So any photo that you see on social media online and anything pertaining to this building that we work in, or even our show in general, it comes from Rachel's lens. And the one thing I think we all should know, and you two guys, Ben Dylan, you should realize when you see a photo online, it just didn't appear, you know what I mean, Like it wasn't and then it doesn't automatically become yours. It doesn't become yours at all. But if you were to give show support, let's just say, I think the one thing that people that are in Rachel's field deserve is credit. So that's the one thing that if I could teach you guys anything, If you see a photo, someone took it. Who took that photo, especially in this building, most likely came from Rachel. So and if you're listening, to make sure if you see any of Rachel's photos, make sure her name's there and.
Make appreciate that.
I agree, give credit where credit is due. We got some other photographers in the building. We got Nick over at breakfast.
Clos No, you could seal all Nick's photos. It's fine, it's oh, you know what, I like Liam, give Liam credit.
Nick not so much. No, but but I I know that's.
Something you're very passionate about, and especially here and and you know what, if you guys are learning anything for your for your journal, if for your logs of internship today, to get back to your school about photo credit, because Rachel goes through it a.
Lot of you know what, what what would you.
Say, Rachel, was your craziest moment where you're just scrolling online and go, that's mine.
There's no credit.
There have been like what would you say?
Of course, but what would you say, is like the craziest photo that you thought like, wow, this is awesome and then you just see it randomly somewhere, you know, on a feed.
Honestly, today, Lady Gaga was on Last Culture Says recently and the episode just came out, So now the photo's up.
Well no, no, I know that, but the photos not yet. Not yet.
I'm sure you will buy the time this gets posted or I have a feeling later on today.
But that's it.
But I found yeah, outside of iHeart.
Artists have used my photos as their promo photo. So that could go on a billboard, right that could I've seen. Okay, here's one I went to see h.
Ryan Tedter from One Republic.
Yeah, and I want to say it was either all of the Jonah's brothers or one of them, uh speak downtown and a photo that I took of Ryan Tetter was in the program and I was not expecting to see that.
That's gonna I mean, it's gotta be cool.
But also like, hey, I didn't didn't let me check my spam see if they sent me an email to get any type of credit from there. All right, So as with our interns here as well today. Uh you know, I know you guys talk about this on the podcast, but at this moment in time up until today, what's that one memory you're going to take away from being here and building What core memories have you created for yourself that you know in ten years, you'll be like, oh man, that was such a fun spring semester.
Probably teaching Guy Fieri or Vana White a TikTok was just so random and weird.
That's the one thing too at this job where it's like people say it's like, oh, do you have any favorite celebrities that you ever met? And Rachel, I know you've probably met even more than I have, but that you all have that Mount Rushmore of like celebrities you would love to meet. Being here for as long as we have like that, Mount Rushmore has changed several times for me. So in moments like that are one of those like right now, put that on your Mount Rushmore. But guaranteed if you're here, you know, in three four years that will be like as cool as it is right now, it'll be back on the list.
Yeah, I am out so.
Vana White and Guy Fieri tiktoks.
Honestly, Dylan, come on.
You cannot use it. This is radio, this is the media industry. You cannot say, oh, SAME's eas No.
No, no, I'm not saying because I didn't have to help him learn tiktoks. For me, I got to bring Guy Ferry up in the elevator. So which wasn't.
You're telling me this whole building of superstars at Walking Guy Fieri is your core memory for both of you.
Honestly, I was pissed because I was away for that. Rachel and I wrote back there. I know it was a busy week. Tate McCray was here, Vana White was here, Jeff Probes was here, But the one that I called out for being sad to miss was Guy Fiery.
Well, I will too.
It was a core memory and you weren't even here.
I wouldn't say he is my favorite of the people that we have.
Well, that's what I'm asking. What's that question?
You didn't favorite said memory?
I said core memory? What's the core memory? Your almost your favorite core memory is your favorite memory?
M I beg to differ because to me that stands out because it was like random and funny, having to like teach Vana White, like what the TikTok sound was right? But like favorite person was probably Jeff Probes.
So all your memories have been in one week.
That was a busy week, kind of all off.
That I didn't Dylan, do not say Jeff Brow.
I'd be honest. I was not a Survivor fan.
So when they had Jeff Broks, I had to learn while mid interview, oh this is the guy from Survivor.
So that's on me.
That same day though, when we had Guy Fiery and just all those different people coming in, I got to meet Joe Hendry, who was the Teenag World Champion.
I'm a big wrestling fan.
So that was really cool, especially because like I I wanted to meet Guy Fiery.
Yeah, you're in this, we're in the studio that we're recording this right now, you're up on the TV and you were sweating.
Yeah, I saw you sweat.
Well a little bit, a little bit sweat, But uh no, that was like overall that day.
But honestly, I think the at least core memory wise, I think just the overall atmosphere of being in around all the great people here at iHeart. Like I remember I came in last week after just having a root canal done, and every single person checked in on me like, hey, how are you feeling, Like are you doing okay? So like having that is just been kind of like a good memory at least because I'm like, okay, I won't look back ten years ago like, oh my time there was terrible, like no, I will have a good memories.
At least I had no idea, no worry.
I don't like, I don't want to tell everyone.
Al you just said everybody. I'm like, you know, I didn't come up to you and say how you feel.
I had no idea to be fair, to be fair the only.
Way I kind of did you know?
Basically I knew, Rachel, did you know?
Holy shit, I gotta keep you in the loop. Are I gotta re you in? I feel so bad now.
I just love everyone, Like everyone checked in on me, and I'm sitting here and going, I know I didn't check in on you because I had no idea.
Now we're doing good. You know, the face isn't in pain anymore.
I'm not swollen up like it was before I had to get the root canal, So we're overall good. Hopefully that's the last of all the like issues like you've had, because I've had that the BEFOREVET.
Was the flu.
So I'm like, health hasn't just not been on my side the last month. So I'm just glad that we're doing okay now.
Well, at least you got all your core memories done last week with Guy Fieri and vent Or White.
See we're missing time. You know, it's kind of hard to get the you know, cure memories. But honestly, going back to giving Rachel credit, I will have to give her some photo credit after because you got me a photo with Joe Gatto earlier.
And now when you post this photo, let's just get this straight. You're gonna tag Joe and that's all well and good, but you have to tag right, so.
You gotta get the camera emoji to two dots, get the Instagram handle in there.
You got to give the credit.
All right, fair enough?
And what's your instagram so we can all make sure that you do do it and check in on you for your tooth.
Right, Sorry to cut you off. My Instagram is Dylan two two two one. Yes, I will make sure as long as I get Rachel's Instagram, I can give her some credit.
Even more credit if you put her name first before Joe Gado's.
You don't have to do that.
Give Rachel credit, though.
You gotta give Rachel credits, especially with the great camera quality, like I sincerely appreciate it.
See you guys were worried. You're like, we're gonna do this podcast? What are we going to talk about how long is it going to be? And you know what, we did it. We did it for a good thirteen minutes. It was pain it was painlins we can as well, you know, if we could bring this to at least fifteen, it would be more than most of the podcast that we normally do with everybody else. And you know what, not bad for the B Squad. And I'm a part of the B Squad too. I'm admitting it, like you know, I'm not gonna be like I'm on the I'm on the bench, you know, and to come out.
I think we did very well.
I agree. I think we did a good job.
I give it like a six out of ten.
You know what that that's exactly how I got through school. And you know what I did, I did all right, six out of ten. I'll take it that that only means that C plus is coming and C minus is coming very soon.
All right?
Are so guys, Rachel as well, thank you for for coming in and hanging I know you're very busy, and me it wasn't busy at all.
That's why I was here.
But thank you for listening, thank you for hanging out with us. And this is your after party podcast.
Ask for it by.
Name, and thank you for listening again and maybe people will be back tomorrow, but no, they're leaving, so again this might be us again. Guys, get ready for round two. Thank you finally and hopefully Guy FIEDI The Elvis
Dulana After Party