How Do We Celebrate St. Patricks Day?

Published Mar 18, 2025, 6:59 PM

Why is St. Patricks on a Monday this year? Can't we make it a movable holiday?

Get your hairs together and we're gonna start to party.

Start. I'm ready to party the Elvis Duran after Party.

Top of the morning to yall.

Can we talk like this the entire podcast day? I dare you?


Can we talk like this talk podcast? That's my that's my Irish action.

That is awful.

That is awful.

I was never Scottie Bee. Can you do one?

I cannot. I'm not even gonna attempt it. It'll be so offensive.

No way.

My husband does a great one.

I know.

Yet it's like a Brooklyn that is true. That is true.

Can you do a bron Bronx accent?

Yeah, I talk like from the brook but Bronx and Brooklyn very close. Bronx, Brooklyn, State, Isley, Queens.

They're very similar, different dialects of the same, can you not?

Because little known fact, there's so many distinct dialects and accents around English, of course, so you can just swish them.

So it depends on what it is.


I usually my favorite accent is the Liverpool accent. I love the scouse sounds, so I love it. So's they call them scousers They've got I can't do it like that. It's Melsy from Spice Girls. That's her accent. So each Spice Girl, if you listen closely, they all have a different dialect because they all come from different places. So Sheldon's English is the Queen's English. That's his dialect. But like I don't always know. I'll have to say, Sheldon, I can tell they're from a different place, where are they from? Or I can all go, oh, they're from the same place, Like I get all excited, you know, I figure it out, but I ask a lot of questions.

That was in the northern part of England. Yeah, and I was trying to find something and the guy goes, well.

You take it down the road to the bottom. I have no idea what the guy was.

Sometimes it's very fast too. They speak so bous, like we're watching adolescents right now. And I don't watch it with any subtitles because I can understand mostly what they're saying with their accents. But I also live with the Brits, so if I have a question, I can just turn to him. But I think a lot of us on the show watch it with the subtitles.

It was the Oppenheimer guy that shows he's in.

Peaky Blind peak Blinder understand a damn favorite show, Peaky Blinders.

He's got the subtitles on right.

If he does.

There's no way. I have to figure out what they're saying a lot of times.

Like Spencer's very good. But Spencer's around Brits all the time, so he's pretty good at figuring it out. And I guess when you're around them enough. And I always know when Sheldon is talking to a brit on the phone because the slang comes out her accent. It's like you can tell that when I've just been hanging out with people from the Bronx, because all of a sudden, I'm talking like this non stop, Yo, come over here, blah blah blah. You always know when you're around your people.

Does does children have heard of people as tossas?

He's asa?

He never?

Really, you're a wanker, he's a wanker.

Wank is a bad one, right, Yeah, it's what's the equivalent of wanker here? Like?

Is it?


No, they don't say you're not.

What is their slang term for?

I don't know. I know, i'd have to ask you have to have one, I'd have to ask him. I'm google that it's funny because when he comes when he came here, he was taking it. I think I told the story. He was taking a test at school and he turned to the girl next to him and he asked for a rubber, to borrow a rubber because in England a rubber is an eraser, and she was like what, like she mortified?

You want me?

You want to borrow all?


And he's been an eraser but he call him rubbers. And Fanny's bad because Fanny's very bad. Fanny's your vagina.

Chuffed, chuffed me.

I think it means you're upset. I'm chuffed.

I thought that was a good thing.

Chuffed, I think isn't means you're upset.

I don't know.

This is a great adjective to use when you're feeling very happy.

About Oh is it.

Hy abby cheeky bomby with bombing your husband one?

You can call him.

He's in the middle of a house cell right hold on.

You got the number? Scary? Oh no, no, yeah, stupid.

Well I can't believe we're calling him live on the podcast.

Really happy? I didn't, I think?

So, wait, can't the Irish have their day?

We're going We're.

Turning the same thing. You can't lump everybody together.

Dodgy, dodgy. I think that's another one. Pisted piste is drunk. Yeah, okay, that much I know.

Knackered, is tired, is tired, all right.

At sleep Away Camp, we always had British counselors. We had no idea what they were saying.

Let me know what's.

Okay, I said, answer to the phone. It's Nate.

But I don't know if.

He's selling a big million dollar house right now?

It's big cheeky.

Are we all over celebrating St Patrick's Day? I mean, I was thinking about going to the parade and maybe doing some bar hopping, but I need someone to come with me.

To me, I don't want to.

Bars are going to be packed because of the weather.


When we first moved to this building, I was so excited because we walked out on Saint Patrick's Day and the parade was right there. I was right in the middle of it. It was amazing. Now I just want to get the hell away from it as fast as policy can. You even get there because you have to cross I'm going to go out of the park out the wrong way and go up the street. The wrong way. Yeah, yeah, I always go I'm not crossing Fifth Avenue to You think a parade would be a good thing until you have to get.

Past it, right, Yeah, it's so funny. We learned that about being down here. There's certain times we have to leave right away. We'll never get home.

Today, today, that day, one of them are leaving right away.

You're gonna go, I'm going home.

Come on, Nate, you live here now, I.

Really want to get Here's the thing with Saint Patrick's Day. If you start drinking it eleven.

Yeah, yeah, you're done by two.

Yeah, you're done by two, or you're really done.

You know, you're tanked, You're you're you're you're tired. I don't want to start my week off like that. Can this be a movable holiday? Can they just always have this on a Saturday? Like the Super Bowl? We just move everything to Saturday so everybody can enjoy it.

But Halloween? Can we just make Halloween on the last Saturday.

A lot of the towns do that, right, They they move the Saint Patrick's Day to the Saturday and the Sunday before and after the seventeenth, not to compete with like the big parade right. So, like, I know Morristown, New Jersey had THEIRS. I don't know if Staten Island had THEIRS yet. Yeah, right, of course, some of them started as much as two weeks ago. But I would rather that, you know, than to like just say, oh, here we are. It's it's Monday, Mark Monday and rainy Monday. Right. Yeah. I don't want to be that guy, but I will say that New York City does have the best celebration of all of them.

The best celebration is going to be in my bedroom winter. I'm just gonna get a big ball lucky charms of my underwear.

That's gotta be hanging out with club Bed and DJ Pillow.

Right in the mix. No, you could go to the Embassy Diner. It's all green. I could do that.

That was sat Patrick was there on Saturday night.

I couldn't believe it. Oh that's who that was. Yeah, that was Saint Patrick. You said, Scotty sent me a picture of this old guy.

Is this your new spot?

By the way, it is since the Plainview Diner closed. Now I go to Embassy and it's crazy, man. Every inch of that place is covered for whatever holiday. It is like it's completely green, right, awesome that and it's not and it's not like sloppily done.

It's very particulously classy.

Do bring your girlfriend with.

You last time around? Yeah, she really wanted to because they had bagpipers. NYPD Society was there this weekend and they were walking up and down the diner playing the bagpipes and the drums and everything. I love it. They make me cry. I don't know why, but I cry from bagpipes.

Yeah. Yeah, well it's that song they always play at the like some of these funeral Danny boy.

No, it's amazing grace. I mean they play amazing grace at funerals. For Pere.

I think they did that in Star Trek, the Wrath of I love that for Spock went Spock kicked the bucket. But what Yeah, you don't remember that. I never watched Star Trek, says seminal moment.

Promili in my life.

That was like the epitome of like Dorcas Melorcus. I would never watch Star Trek. Chips, yeah, Star Trek.



Scotty's choice in television.

He's a fan of TV from nineteen seventy three to about nineteen eighty.

Four, pretty much yeah. Yeah, I once Different Strokes went off the year I was done.

Yeah. Was it the very special episode with the bicycle.

The bike shop, Yeah, Gordon jump Yeah.


Nobody knows what we're talking about, so no go on with every special episodes.

Yeah, it was always there to be continued, to be continued.

Yeah, yeah.

I always remember the Brady Bunch one with the Spider, the.

Trip to Hawaii, and it was it was the tiki and then Greg was wearing it while he was going surfing, and every time something bad happened, like he wiped out that noise, it would go. But there was It wasn't just Greg. Every one of them had bad luck. The Spider was Peter, I think. But yeah, but and nobody could figure it out. And it was because they they took the tiki necklace.

That was one of the most iconic episodes of the.

Brady That was for the Brady Bunch. The Bicycle Man was for Different Strokes. Arnold and Dudley were at the bike store and molested them.

They were showing them naked cartoons. Oh yeah, Dudley came out of the bathroom all disoriented. I don't feel so good.

He didn't molest both of them. He just molested the one Arnold left.

Yes, Arnold was smart, he got out Dudley guy.

I have asked this question. The actor that played the child molester, he was a.

Big time actor.

Jump he was on w K Yes did that type cast him? So later on there's a movie like, Hey, we need a child lester, get that guy from Different Strokes.

And you've seen all these shows, yet you go into the back room with the barber and take your clothes off.

Yell, I'll take my chances your old man.

And you thought he would have learned his lesson from all those shows.

Well, you know because at the end of all those episodes, like one of the main actor would always come on and say, you know, you witnessed a blah blah blah this thing and if you need help you can call blah blah blah blah. Well they were like, yeah, Conrad Bain came on the end of that one.

Yeah, you guys remember the one that did it for me?

That was the house on the special.

I didn't know it was two points and it had a person dressed as a clown that raped one of the kids on the show. And I just I will always remember the bottom of the ladder, the clown mask laying there. I did not I did not sleep in my bed for almost nine months. We had so many issues in my house because of this. My mom was pregnant with my sister. She thought back then, the way to handle it was she took all the stuff out of my room, shoved it in a garbage bag, and she said, when you sleep in your room, you'll get all your stuff back. And I said, Ma, I want to sleep in the floor in your room. She said she didn't know what to do because my sister was about to be born, so she was like panicking. And back then, they didn't take us to see therapists or to.

Take you to the what you should have done?

What happened at birthday parties?

Daniel, And they didn't take us to those things.

Happen at birthday parties?

Well, I don't know, but she says, listen, you're fine now right. I go, Mom. I still don't like clowns. Ma, there's a problem.

Wasn't there an episode of Family Ties that dealt with drug abuse?

Yeah? It was her.

Her brother was Tom Hanks and oh no, that was an alcoholic. Yeah, he was an alcoholic. Tom Hanks on that show.

Okay, right, yeah, yeah.

I can't go into a bicycle shop to this day.

But seriously, those episodes scared mister one.

You remember the Punky the kid got stuck in the refrigerator because they were playing hide and seek and she almost died.

You remember that.

I know when my kids were little, I would say, don't make me Punky Brewster you and and and they're like, what are.

You talking about?

Because she got left in a parking lot. That's why she was an orphan. Her mom ditched her in a supermarket parking lot.

That's how it started.

How old was yeah, she.

Was a little Punky power.

I don't know, she was little.

Oh my god, we got.

It same birthday as me.

I love her? Are we done?

Happy? Saint Patrick a very special episode?

Where did this got St?

Patrick's stay sive? Then we ended up like with the bicycle man molesting kids in the shop.

I'm gonna go watch that episode now, by everybody.

Elvis ran after party and